feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
RSS filter.
Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
"Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds..."
Keep your feeds squeaky cleanSeth's Blog: Email campaign case studies (one good, one bad)
Examples of how and how not to conduct email campaigns.How I make 15K a month at AdSense - Black Hat Forum
Recently I made a post on BHW with this adsense screenshot and lots of people wanted to know how it's done. here's how it's done: I start with keyword lists from adsenseheaven dot com which guesstimates the most expensive keywords to bid on in the PPC AdWords side of the Google ad world. I generally ignore the top 1000, as they are very competitive and saturated. I am not concerned with the top payouts. I store this data every month in a mySQL database with the previous months data, and over time I am able to see which phrases are consistently in the lists and unlikely to disappear. I call them long term performers. I cross check each phrase with the number of pages currently indexed in google, to see how much competition there is for a each key phrase. It's usually easier to land a top 10 first page SERP position if there is less competition for the phrase. I also cross check each phrase with google trends data which has an RSS feed which is also collected and stored in aCan Twitter Survive What is About to Happen to It? | Twine
twitter tool
I am worried about Twitter. I love it the way it is today. But it's about to change big time, and I wonder whether it can survive the transition. Twitter …scr.im « Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam.
Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share on the web, in Twitter, forums, Craigslist, anywhere
A quick easy way to share your email address online without fear of spambots.
Protect your email address. Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam. Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share on the web, in Twitter, forums, Craigslist, anywhere (why?) Email: http://scr.im/ ← pick your URL Optional, either leave blank for a random one, or chose your own memorable scr.im URL!10 Things to Check Before Using a CAPTCHA
An ongoing project illustrating the titles of emails found in your spam/junk box.
Spam Visualized - funny stuff
ilustrações de spam An ongoing project illustrating the titles of emails found in your spam/junk box.TwitChuck - Seriously taking on Twitter spam
Per veure qui et segueix.
TwitChuck - Seriously taking on Twitter spamTweet Blocker - Cleaning up the Twitterverse
Herramienta para poder detectar qué followers pueden ser spam
Use TweetBlocker to remove spam from your account. Developer API available.
Cleaning up the TwitterverseTwitBlock - ridding the Twitterverse of spam
Block spam followers, bots etc
Cómo deshacerse de la publicidad basura y los seguidores fantasma en Twitter
Will arte followers for spam and let you analyze and determine to block or not.
Scans for Twitter spam
Find out how many of your followers are junk and block
bulk blocking and spam filter tool for TwitterMailTo Encoder | Prevent Spam by encoding your email address
Prevent spambots from getting your email, encode all the email addresses you publish on your site! Enter the address you want to encode, then put the code we provide in the source code where the address should appear and...VOILA!
Prevent spambots from getting your email, encode all the email addresses you publish on your site!
If you’ve encountered a situation where you leave your email address on a public website and start getting spam starting next day, then you are not alone. Mailto Encoder is a site which helps to prevent this by encoding your email address with javascript in a way that makes it unreadable to any spam bot spider or email extractor.TxtNinja.com - Hide email, text or domain from search engines
Hide email, text or domain from search engines by turning your text into an image
Hide email, text or domain from search engines
Genera rápidamente una imagen a partir de un texto. Sobre todo para disimular direcciones de correo electrónico.
Hide email, text or domain from search engines - Convert texts to images
İnternete gireceğiniz metinlerin ziyaretçiler tarafından okunabilir, ancak arama böcekleri tarafından indekslenemez olmasını istiyorsanız, bunun en kolay yolu şüphesiz yazıları resme çevirmek. TxtNinja adlı servis de tam olarak bu işe yarıyor. Girdiğiniz metni tek tıkla GIF formatında bir resme çeviren TxtNinja, 6 farklı font ve değişik boyutlar ile renkler ile yazıyı istediğiniz gibi ayarlamanızı sağlıyor.
텍스트를 쓰면 이미지로 바꾸어주는 서비스
elps you convert convert text into picture so that it can escape the eyes of annoying spam bots or other bots like those of search engines. Nice thing about this tool is that it allows you to customize the font type, color, size and background color of the text when it is converted into an image. Plus it also hosts the image on its servers and gives you the link.10 People You Won’t See on Twitter Anymore
new twitter rules
Finally Twitter is cracking down - what you won't get away with anymore... http://ow.ly/pcxj [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/3966587512]
Twitter new Terms of Service will ban these types - spammers etc
A nice round up of the annoying users on twitter that (if new rules are to be believed) we won't see anymore.スパムメールから収集したテキスト装飾 : はぐれプログラマ清純派
Mail data design
スパムメールに使われているテキスト装飾まとめdelicious blog » How SPEAR Identifies Domain Experts within Delicious
analyzing user behavior to find experts
SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like Delicious.
"A major problem of the Internet today is that finding high quality information is not easy nor fast. The steady increase of spam and junk content on the Web further complicates this challenge. Another related issue is that finding knowledgeable and trustworthy users on social platforms like Delicious is much more difficult than it should be. Wouldn’t it be nice if Delicious recommended “good” users with similar interests? Or wouldn’t it be helpful if you could get a selection of great websites on jewelry or mortgage without being overwhelmed by spam? To tackle this problem, we created the SPEAR algorithm. SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like Delicious. A great benefit of SPEAR is that it returns two very useful sets of results: first, a list of users ranked by their expertise; and second, a list of websites ranked by their quality."
good, but missing essential parts for recommendations for educational system.
SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like DeliciousJohn Resig - Google Groups is Dead
This post isn't so much about the usefulness of mailing lists as a discussion medium, it's the complete failure of Google Groups as an adequate purveyor of public discussion software. For the jQuery project we're already in the process of moving the full discussion area to a forum that we control. We should have it set up, and everything moved over, within the next month or two. There is one area in which Google Groups continues to shine: Private, or restricted, mailing list discussions. However any attempts at using it for a public discussion medium are completely futile. The primary problem with Google Groups boils down to a systemic failure to contain and manage spam. Only a bottom-up overhaul of the Google Groups system would be able to fix the problems that every Google Group faces.How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession
facebook users, beware
Interesting article on the spamming economics of Facebook and social media, straight from the horses mouth
Last night we wrote about the lead generation scams within social gaming networks. This is a guest post by Dennis Yu, the CEO ...
How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s ConfessionTidyTweet.com - Filter your embedded Twitter feed and block Twitter spam
Forma de crear presentaciones y comunicarse con una comunidad virtual
The smarter way to filter out the spam and clutter you don’t want!
TidyTweet helps keep your Twitter feed free from inappropriate language, users, and content. Keep an eye on your conversations 24/7 and decide for yourself what stays and what goes.How Do You Keep Your Email Address Private? - Email - Lifehacker
Tijdelijk email adressen maken
keeping your email address private
useful list of privacy features of several email services.
Reader Jonathan sent us this snazzy graph he made comparing different disposable email services, which got us wondering: What do you use to keep your primary email address out of the public (and spammer's) eye?Thomas Landauer: Preventing Spam in Form Submissions without Using a CAPTCHA
A smart method to prevent spam in form submissions without using a CAPTCHAPHP hide_email()
A PHP function to protect the E-mail address you publish on your website against bots or spiders
permite ocultar las direcciones de correo en un página, util para evitar el spam
A PHP function to protect the E-mail address you publish on your website against bots or spiders that index or harvest E-mail addresses for sending you spam. It uses a substitution cipher with a different key for every page load. Look at the generated XHTML in the example while pressing the browsers "reload" button to see this in effect.Five Free Temporary Email Services To Avoid Spam | MakeUseOf.com
The internet is filled with junk. One of the most common pieces of junk is spam. Many of us are bombarded with spam every day and hate it. Although there are a
Five Free Temporary Email Services To Avoid Spam | MakeUseOf.comDispostable - Disposable email!
Create a disposable, throwaway email address. If they force you to provide one for some service you may or may not want, give them one of theseBBC NEWS | Technology | Study shows how spammers cash in
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study. ... "After 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted," wrote the researchers. -- And still they found it would have been worth it.
Spammers see a 1 in 12,500,000 response rate and still profit. How the hell do you fight that? http://is.gd/6VoG [from http://twitter.com/inxilpro/statuses/1000550716]
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study.
negocio spam
"Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send [...] the researchers estimate that the controllers of the vast system are netting about $7,000 (£4,430) a day or more than $2m (£1.28m) per year. While this was a good return, said the researchers, it did suggest that spammers were not making the vast sums of money that some people have predicted in the past."
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they sendはてなブックマークのやりすぎちゃったかもしれないSEO - ぼくはまちちゃん!(Hatena)
良いクローキング?De nieuwe wetgeving rond e-mailcommunicatie - Frankwatching
Het zat er al een tijdje aan te komen maar op 1 juli is het zover. Op die datum wordt namelijk de nieuwe wetgeving rondom e-mailcommunicatie effectief. In dit artikel zetten we op een rij wat dit voor jouw organisatie betekent en wat je moet doen om aan deze wetgeving te voldoen.Fight with Spam: 15+ Free Captcha Solutions
A 'Captcha' is a challenge-response test most often placed within web forms to determine whether the user is human or a spam bot.Top 15 Wordpress Plugins to Make Your Blog Secure | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
@snipeyhead Tynt, "It’s a bunch of user-hostile SEO bullshit." http://bit.ly/9dsFbP - If Apture avoids stories like this, should do ok. – Ben Shive (BenSS) http://twitter.com/BenSS/statuses/17430682535
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text
I found Wired Science doing this bullshit just now, when saving a bookmark to an article there. Very disappointing, guys.
Tynt is a service that automatically forces a link reference into your clipboard when you copy text from web sites using them. Worth blocking.
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text.
of where to find and how to edit your hosts file on Mac OS X or WindowThink Vitamin » Fail Safe Email Delivery for Web Apps
ay actually exists, and all you have to do is use a service that already has all of this in place and follow their instructions. When it comes to sending transactional email from your web app, there are a few services popping up lately, but I’ll just explain h