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Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes « Derren Brown Blog
Cover the basics of speed reading fast!
This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the “PX Project”. The below was written several years ago, so it’s worded like Ivy-Leaguer pompous-ass prose, but the results are substantial. In fact, while on an airplane in China two weeks ago, I helped Glenn McElhose increase his reading speed 34% in less than 5 minutes. I have never seen the method fail. Here’s how it works…Repeat "A-E-I-O-U" to Read Faster - Reading - Lifehacker
Explain how to read books quickly.7 Keys to Reading Faster | Think Simple Now » 7 Keys to Reading Faster
7 Keys to Reading Faster | Think Simple Now » 7 Keys to Reading Faster
Candidly written lifestyle blog on finding clarity, motivation, creativity and personal happiness. The writing blends abstract spirituality and practical personal productivity.Top 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off - Reading - Lifehacker
Top 10 ferramentas para uma melhor leitura, Online and Off
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