A cross between Boggle and Tetris
gameGet Smart English 2
Copacabana school site. Also contains resources for other subject areas.
These pages contain links to suitable activities to support
This site contains an amazing collection of English-related web resources sorted into the following categories: Stories/Poems/Rhymes, Reading, Writing, Keyboard Skills, & Grammar/Punctuation/Vocabulary.
This site contains an amazing collection of English-related web resources sorted into the following categories: Stories/Poems/Rhymes, Reading, Writing, Keyboard Skills, & Grammar/Puctuation/Vocabulary.
Collection of links to interacitve web activities that can be used with IWBVocab Quiz Maker | Scholastic Word Wizard |
quiz maker
allows you to input words, then shows dictionary definitions, and allows you to choose appropriate one
A simple, but useful application - develop students understanding of vocabulary and grammar. It allows a teacher to generate a "mini-quiz" for any level.
Word Wizard Quiz Maker allows teacher to generate a "mini-quiz" for any grade level.Reading Logs : Reading, Vocabulary & Spelling Simplified
On-line reading log
Reading Logs is a great way to organize student reading, spelling, and vocabulary practice. Learning material can be uploaded by teachers to be accessed by students online. Teachers can upload reading lists and reading goals for their class. These can be weekly or monthly goals and can be set up to track the number of minutes or the number of books read. Online competitions can be setup by the teacher (example: first student to read a certain number of minutes). Teachers can quickly post a vocabulary list where students can look up words with the online dictionary and add definitions to the cards. The cards can be studied online or downloaded as a pdf to print out. With the listen and spell system, teachers can upload spelling lists for students to practice. Students click on a button to listen to the spelling word and practice spelling it. They receive immediate feedback from the program. Reading Logs tracks students reading logs and updates teachers with progress.Learn To Fucking Spell | I Am Paddy
A bit liberal with the profanity, but nevertheless an excellent piece by Paddy Donnelly on the infuriating experience of reading misspelled writing. He's right, of course: if you want anyone to take you seriously you had better learn to spell correctly.
no, really.10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling - The Oatmeal
@ The OatmealPre-Grade Your Paper: Free Online Grammar Checker and More | a.k.a. Paper Grader
a website that you can check your spelling and grammar.
check for plagiarism