Pages tagged spencer_ryan:

fics_by_maple: Like Vines and Noodle Salad | Jon/Brendon | NC-17 | by maple_mahogany

Jon inherits his grandmother's home after her death. Sometimes falling in love is the easy part – it's everything else that's difficult.
God, I am so glad the rest of the world seems to have caught on to this Jon/Brendon thing.
Jon inherits his grandmother's home after her death. Sometimes falling in love is the easy part – it's everything else that's difficult.... Brendon was falling apart underneath him and Jon had to decide whether he was going to put him back together or finish unraveling him.
Brendon was falling apart underneath him and Jon had to decide whether he was going to put him back together or finish unraveling him.
ignipes: Panic fic: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Ryan/Spencer)
There's a masquerade ball at the castle.
10,439 words. Cinderella AU in which Ryan is an orphan taken in by the Smiths. An orphan who is very excited about going to the royal ball, until he discovers he has nothing to wear. LOVE THIS. It's funny and sweet and not really romantic at all, especially for a Cinderella story, but it's awesome! Bonus: Prince Jon and Brendon the fairy godmother. And the limericks. \o/
A Cinderella story. Ryan is in love with Prince Jon, but his real Prince Charming may be a little closer to home than he was expecting.
There's a masquerade ball at the castle. 10k.
A Cinderella story. Ryan/Spencer. PG-13. 10,500 words.
a cinderella story
Once upon a time there was a beautiful young man who lived in a village by the castle. He was tall and elegant and well-dressed when he could afford to be, which wasn't often because he had lost both parents to fever at a very young age. He was taken in by another family who, alas, treated him very poorly— "Hey! We do not!" —and often forced the young man to perform hard labor while they lounged about in indolence. They gave him a room— "Yeah, my room."
"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Brendon said, in the same tone of voice Mrs. Smith had used that day she'd sat Ryan and Spencer down and told them where babies came from. "Enthusiasm can make up for a lack of skill a lot of the time—" "No," Ryan said quickly. "No demonstration." Brendon dropped his hand and sighed. "Pure as the driven snow. It's kind of cute, you know. And just because the opportunity has never presented itself—" "The opportunity has presented itself plenty of times," Ryan said. He began fussing angrily with his cravat.
There's a masquerade ball at the castle. prince jonathan, ryan as cinderella, spencer as his adopted brother, brendon the fairy
ignipes: PatD Fic: It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Buried Alive (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
"I'll turn into Batman," Spencer says. "You can turn into Robin." "Okay," Ryan says agreeably. Wearing ridiculous outfits and living in a secret lair full of gadgets and fighting crime alongside Spencer doesn't sound like such a bad life, even though Ryan's pretty sure they would suck at fighting crime. Well, he would suck, because he's about as intimidating as a limp noodle, but Spencer would probably kick ass as a masked vigilante. There are unfortunate victims all across the country who have learned the hard way what befalls those who try to steal caffeinated beverages and coveted salty snack foods from the Panic bus. But still. It would be cool. As long as Spencer was there with him.
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman. **"Why don't I have a pool boy?" Spencer never bothers with hello. "I should have a pool boy to make sure there are no dead birds in my pool when I get home." "I'm coming over, but I'm not going to be your pool boy," Ryan says. "I hope you have food." And Spencer says, "I have a chlorinated dead bird. How hungry are you?"
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman.
zarah5v2: Fic: Still Motion
In which, Ryan discovers that Spencer can hold him down now; so very naturally them, with an emphasis on the aspects of "dynamic" between them that I am most fond of. Well-chosen glimpses and a fabulous friend/relationship.
Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand.
"Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand." 5,000 words
Ryan’s attention is drawn back to Spencer – not that it ever really went away, given how Spencer’s weight is pressing him down, or with the tight grip Spencer’s fingers have around Ryan’s wrists, fuck—Ryan’s attention is drawn back to Spencer when Spencer leans down, head tilted. There are hardly more than two inches between their mouths. “You lost,” Spencer says. “You suck,” Ryan replies. Spencer laughs and rolls off him. It takes a few seconds before Ryan’s chest feels normal again.
They didn’t draw the blinds last night, so the morning sun is filtering into the room, throwing an odd pattern on the carpet. Spencer is still asleep, plastered to Ryan’s back, one leg between both of Ryan’s. It’s hot, and somewhat itchy, and the bed is too small for two people. Ryan shifts back against Spencer’s chest, closes his eyes and decides to go back to sleep.
>> Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand. << Ryan/Spencer NC-17, warning for mild D/s themes
He’s watching Ryan’s face intently, eyes focused as he applies a hint of pressure, not much, just enough for Ryan to know Spencer is there, to remind him he’s trapped with both hands pinned against the carpet and Spencer’s forearm keeping him in place.
Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand. It’s a realization Ryan thinks he could have lived without, and happily, at that. Unfortunately, it’s also a realization that’s rather difficult to push aside with Spencer hovering above him, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he keeps Ryan trapped against the floor. “My choice.” “Fuck you,” Ryan says uselessly. “Dude, not right here. Think of Brendon’s innocent baby ears.” Jon’s tone is mild. He sets the remote control aside to reach for a handful of chips while Brendon gives him a lazy finger. “’m older than Spencer, so shut up, Jon Walker.” “Make me,” Jon says.