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Seth's Blog: Sprint!

Seth's Blog: Sprint!
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Sprint! /Seth's Blog/ - The best way to overcome your fear of creativity, brainstorming, intelligent risk ... [from]
seth godin
"Hurry, we need to write a new script for our commercial... we have fifteen minutes."
Sprinting can be helpful, but its not sustainable.
How to get a lot done (both in terms of quantity and quality) in a relative short amount of time. Not something you can do all the time, but a good idea to do periodically.
You can't sprint every day but it's probably a good idea to regularly.
Palm Pre - How to Guide to Enable Tethering!
4. Save the file after you make the edit, then start the PmConnectionManager process back up. start PmConnectionManager Now /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should contain a “1″ instead of “0″. Previously, the ip_forward setting would always read/reset itself to “0″, making tethering very disruptive. With this method, that value will stay at “1″. 5. Setup a NAT rule in iptables by running /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE 6. Finally, add the command in step 5 to a start-up script in /etc/event.d. Using nano as the text editor, you would run nano -w /etc/event.d/ipforward Then copy/paste the lines below into the file start on stopped finish stop on runlevel[!2] console none pre-start script /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE end script