Pages tagged starkers:

Starkers HTML5 « Nathan Staines

For as long as I can remember I’ve been using Elliot Jay Stocks’ Starkers theme as a clean slate for all of my WordPress endeavours. Starkers is a godsend to designers like me who would have otherwise spent hours stripping back the code of the default WordPress theme in order to create a starting point for any new designs. Starkers is a bare bones WordPress theme created to act as a starting point for the theme designer… Free of all style, presentational elements, and non-semantic markup, Starkers is the perfect ‘blank slate’ for your projects, as it’s a stripped-back version of the ‘Default’ theme that ships with WordPress. Elliot Jay Stocks, Starkers So when word hit regarding HTML5, it certainly got people talking and got me thinking about an idea for my next side project. Call me experimental or maybe just impatient, but I figured why not transform Starkers into an HTML5 theme that others could use right now? And so “Starkers HTML5” was born.
Naked HTML 5 theme for wordpress !
Starkers: The completely naked theme for WordPress
Un thème Wordpress nu sans aucune mise en forme. un bon départ pour faire son propre thème