Body of Evidence by The Dala
Very hilarious and has the whole team in it too, which is awesome. Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Implied Sulu/CHekov, implied Scotty/right hand
“Women love the captain,” Chekov declares, tugging on one brown curl. Sulu and Uhura appear relieved that he has prevented any more references to Scotty’s lonely stay on Delta Vega, and Spock sympathizes. “Even I know this, back at school. He would have no time! Dr. McCoy is his best friend, not boyfriend.” Sulu cocks his head, his face slowly split by a grin. “Care to make a wager on that?”
We've read this, but I wanted to bookmark it anyway <3
“Where has the captain gone?” Chekov glances around, brow furrowed. While he seeks intellectual approval from Spock, he looks up to Kirk as some kind of elder brother whose varied qualities and habits are worthy of emulation. Spock considers this to be an unhealthy fixation, although Uhura says it’s only harmless hero worship – until Kirk’s tutelage leads to Chekov picking up some alien sexually transmitted infection, anyway.
The one where the crew bets on whether or not Bones and Kirk are doing it.
Uhura loses a bet. And there's sex in the captain's chair.
OMG THE CHAIRSEX IS HERE! Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, implied Sulu/Chekov, implied Scotty/right hand.
Kirk and Bones find out that the Bridge is betting on whether they're together. They (Jim) decide to have fun with it.taraljc: Ad Astra
"When you were a child," Sarek finally said, looking older than Spock had ever seen him, "you would disappear into the mountains for days. It would worry your mother. When you returned, I would punish you, and you always endured it. But it did not prevent you from returning to the mountains."
Spock had no opportunity to address Nyota in private until 16.8 hours after their return to San Francisco.
If he were to die in this attempt, there would be no other opportunity to reassure her as to the depth of his affection for her, and that her actions had neither been unwise, nor unwelcome. Therefore, he could not remain silent.
"To the stars." The beauty and difficulty and solidity of Spock and Uhura's relationship, post-movie. Leaves me smiling. [lj]
more Uhura/Spock. *loves*
But the last thought he'd had before the world around him exploded with light was that he promised to return to her. He wished to keep his promise.
Both pre- and post-movie; Spock and Uhura's relationship sparks, develops. Really nice.
long, thoughtful, and thorough telling of the growth Spock and Uhura's relationship from Spock's perspective, during and following the events of the movie. rich with detail about things previously only hinted at; this is precisely how I imagine them to be.
A sort of missing scenes fic for the movie with Spock and Uhura - very nice, and has both of them acting like intelligent grownups - win!
missing scenestaraljc: A Thousand Words for Snow
mucking about with language
Linguists have been trying to explain for over a century—ever since a cultural anthropologist first published with the intent to connect differences in culture with differences in language by examining the roots—that the Inuit people of North America do not in fact have an inordinately large number of words for frozen precipitation.
Vulcans have no word for "lover".
she hopes he can taste what she can never find words to say.
A delightful poetic story dealing with linguistics. This is actually Spock/Uhura, but it souldn't bother anyone.
With every touch of her hands to his face, her fingers tracing the curve of his cheek and jaw, she draws a map of the uncharted lands between them so he might find a home in the circle of her arms.
There are no words for this. It cannot be contained by ink on paper or sounds carried by the wind.
There are at least five different words Uhura has identified in both Modern Vulcan written and spoken language for spouse (bond-mate, joined-but-chaste, joined-but-parted, joined-never-parted, parent-of-my-offspring), and four for friend (companion, secret-keeper, friendship-like-kinship, and friendship-closer-than-kinship). There are Old High Vulcan endearments (half-of-my-heart/soul/being) that she has never heard spoken—and most likely never will, the embracing of the teachings of Surak changing the language of Vulcan even as it changed her people. But there is no word for someone with whom one has an intimate, physical relationship outside of her aspect and her eyes
Elementary logic leads to an obvious conclusion.
In which Spock and Uhura trade logic and poetry
Pre-movie fic, Spock runs into Uhura in a bookstore. Cute and fun.
spock observes stuf, uhura checks mates him and he misses his bus stop. impeccably hot.
Summary: Elementary logic leads to an obvious conclusion.
Title: in her aspect and her eyes Author: Livia Fandom: Star Trek 2009 Characters: Spock, Uhura Rating: G Word count: 2100 Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. Summary: Elementary logic leads to an obvious conclusion.
Elementary logic leads to an obvious conclusion. Smart and witty dialogue, excellent characterizations.
He was struck with a sudden, illogical awareness of the fact that he was standing in a dead-end aisle, with no available avenue of retreat, and moreover that he would be trapped here until Lieutenant Uhura chose to stand aside and allow him to pass.
Elementary logic leads to an obvious conclusion. Spock/Uhura
The layout of the Old Downtown bookstore recommended to Spock by Admiral Hernandez was highly inefficient.
Uhura and Spock meet cute in a bookstore, and Uhura wows Spock with her awesomeness, OF COURSE.