Pages tagged stevejobs:

Hypercritical - Ars Technica

Good article on being hypercritical.
Knowing what's wrong is a prerequisite for fixing it. That may sound trite, but...
As far back as I can remember, I was told I would grow up to be an artist. By age six, my obsessively detailed renderings of Mechagodzilla, et al. were already drawing attention from adults. By the time I was eight years old, my parents had been persuaded by teachers and friends to enroll me in private art lessons. I recall the informal "admissions test" with my first art instructor. A scale model of a bull was placed in front of me on a table and I was asked to draw it. The plastic bull was a faithful reproduction, full of muscles and knobby joints. It was an ugly, forlorn thing, far removed from my normal subject matter. After a few minutes, the resulting drawing was roughly in proportion, the details were well represented, and the perspective was pretty close. I was in. Thus began eight years of regular art instruction. I progressed from pencils and pastels to watercolors and acrylics, and finally to oils. The content was mostly classical: lots of still lifes and landscapes. Meanw
Interesting piece, via S.teave
John Siracusa on the role criticism plays in design.
Steve Jobs on why Apple doesn’t do market research - Bokardo
Social Web Design by Joshua Porter
Make the very best products. Business will follow.
Steve Jobs: The man who polished Apple - Times Online
apple stevejobs biography jobs mac
For five years the owner of the Jackling House in Woodside, California, has been trying to knock it down. He hates the place, calling it “one of the biggest abominations of a house I’ve ever seen”. He hates it so much, he has abandoned it to live a few miles away in Palo Alto. Pictures of the interior show a ghostly, decaying mansion. The owner can’t knock it down because of protests from conservationists. But a deal has been done. He will spend $600,000 to have it taken down and will have it rebuilt elsewhere — not a big victory by his standards, but a satisfying one. He has been having a hard time lately.
My own view is that a Jobsless Apple will seek a merger with Google. The two companies are rapidly converging... There is Apple’s iPhone and there is Google’s Android, not a phone in itself, but an operating system that can be used by other companies. Google also produce a web browser called Chrome, which competes with Apple’s Safari. And, most importantly, Google is working on a computer operating system, also called Chrome, which may well be a very serious competitor for Mac OS X... The point is that both companies are aiming to seize dominance of the world market from Microsoft... The loss of Jobs’s genius for products would mean Google’s innovation and Apple’s design and market sense would be a very good fit, although antitrust regulators might disagree.
"Apple Inc is worth around $140 billion. But is it worth anything without Jobs? It is a company formed around his personality and inspiration. It is also the most watched, envied, admired and adored company in the world."
The decade of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple - Nov. 5, 2009
mit keynote-cartoon kombinieren
Apple COO Tim Cook could be in line to replace Steve Jobs - Nov. 10, 2008
"This is really bad," Cook told the group. "Someone should be in China driving this." Thirty minutes into that meeting Cook looked at Sabih Khan, a key operations executive, and abruptly asked, without a trace of emotion, "Why are you still here?" Khan, who remains one of Cook's top lieutenants to this day, immediately stood up, drove to San Francisco International Airport, and, without a change of clothes, booked a flight to China with no return date, according to people familiar with the episode. The story is vintage Cook: demanding and unemotional."
Why are you still here?
One day back then, he convened a meeting with his team, and the discussion turned to a particular problem in Asia. "This is really bad," Cook told the group. "Someone should be in China driving this." Thirty minutes into that meeting Cook looked at Sabih Khan, a key operations executive, and abruptly asked, without a trace of emotion, "Why are you still here?" Khan, who remains one of Cook's top lieutenants to this day, immediately stood up, drove to San Francisco International Airport, and, without a change of clothes, booked a flight to China with no return date, according to people familiar with the episode. The story is vintage Cook: demanding and unemotional.
Kuo Design | Steve Jobs on Magazine Covers
Site com todas as capas de revistas que Steve Jobs já figurou. Muito bacana.
The Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs presentation techniques
Ryan Grim: Read the Never-Before-Published Letter From LSD-Inventor Albert Hofmann to Apple CEO Steve Jobs
Hofmann penned a never-before-disclosed letter in 2007 to Jobs at the behest of his friend Rick Doblin, who runs an organization dedicated to studying the medical and psychiatric benefits of psychedelic drugs.
Jobs, Hoffman, LSD
Apple - QuickTime - Apple Special Event January 2010
01/27/10 iPad Announcement video
Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveil the revolutionary new iPad. See the video-on-demand event right here, exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4.
Desde Yerba Buena Center
Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs (Update 2) | Epicenter |
About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.
"No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5."
After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town
I efterdyningarna till Apples lansering av Ipad har det blåst upp till rejält ordkrig mellan Adobe och Apple. Diskussionerna gäller flash-teknikens förträfflighet. Eller avsaknad därav.
I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Insanely Great | PBS
What if Steve Jobs ran a car company?
steve jobs in the auto industry
The idea of Steve Jobs running a car company
What if Steve Jobs ran one of the three auto makers? Will the Stevian way continue to shine and would he make the Apple-like revolution in a decade from now again?
Thoughts on Flash
Steve Jobs announcement about why Apple doesn't support Flash
速報:スティーブ・ジョブズ インタビュー@ D8
How Steve Jobs beats presentation panic | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
presentation tips
“Our networks in here are always unpredictable, so...I have no idea what we're going to find,” he said. “They are slow today.” What Jobs did next, according to Carmine Gallo, author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, was vintage Jobs (and a model for how presenters should deal with stage crises): He did not panic. He did not look hot under the collar of his trademark turtleneck. His hours of practice and intimate knowledge of every inch of every slide made him comfortable enough so that he could jump around to another part of the presentation (in this case, to look at photos).
Steve Jobs Offers World 'Freedom From Porn' - Apple - Gawker
"I didn't plan to pick a fight with Steve Jobs last night. It just sort of happened: An iPad advertisement ticked me off; I sent the Apple CEO an angry email; he told me about "freedom from porn." [...] The electronic debate proceeded from there." Gawker journalist Ryan Tate accidentally gets into an e-mail debate with Steve Jobs. Fascinating stuff.
Petits échanges de mails entre Steve Jobs et un journaliste de Gizmodo au sujet des choix de Apple (en)
Rare is the CEO who will spar one-on-one with customers and bloggers like this. Jobs deserves big credit for breaking the mold of the typical American executive, and not just because his company makes such hugely superior products: Jobs not only built and then rebuilt his company around some very strong opinions about digital life, but he's willing to defend them in public. Vigorously. Bluntly. At two in the morning on a weekend. As much as Jobs and his actions anger me, and as harsh as I was to him, I came away from the exchange impressed with his willingness to engage. Apple has never tried to argue that cross-compiled Flash wears batteries down any more quickly than other Objective C code, and in fact approved more than two dozen such apps before changing its policies.
"What have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?"
"Rare is the CEO who will spar one-on-one with customers and bloggers like this. Jobs deserves big credit for breaking the mold of the typical American executive, and not just because his company makes such hugely superior products: Jobs not only built and then rebuilt his company around some very strong opinions about digital life, but he's willing to defend them in public. Vigorously. Bluntly. At two in the morning on a weekend."
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget
Steve Jobs and the Apple team deliver the goods, once again.
Annotated link
By Joshua Topolsky posted Jun 7th 2010 12:25PM