Air France 447 - AFR447 - A detailed meteorological analysis - Satellite and weather data
for the data junkies - very nice seeming piece of work [h/t james fallows' blog]
V. dense and technical. The feedback from pilots and meteorologists is particularly interesting.Dust storm in Australia - The Big Picture -
Beautifully horrible images of the 2009 dust storm.
Beautiful photos of Australia's dust storm of 2009.
Amazing Picture Dust storm in Australia - I can assure you it was nasty out there! [from]
Valokuvia Australian punaisesta hiekkamyrskystä (syyskuu 2009).BlackBerry Storm review - Engadget
2013 e o Sol... Telegraph: NASA:
how will i find you again if the solar storm knocks out our internet? skies - The Big Picture -
Incredibly sweet storm photos from The Big Picture
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
In the past several months, powerful storms have wreaked havoc in many places, torrential rains in central Europe and parts of China, tornadoes in Australia, Montana and the American Midwest, and strong thunderstorms across the northeast. Now, as Tropical Storm Bonnie makes landfall in Florida and heads into the Gulf of Mexico, oil cleanup is being suspended, and the final "kill" operation is delayed for at least one more week. These storms have been destructive and deadly, but beautiful and awe-inspiring at the same time. Collected here are a handful of photographs of stormy skies, lightning strikes and storm damage from the past several months. (37 photos total)