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Today we are excited to announce an important step toward greater openness through Facebook Platform. For the first time, we're opening the core Facebook product experience -- the stream -- with the new Facebook Open Stream API. The home page design centralizes the stream of information that tells you what's going on right now in the world around you. With the Facebook Open Stream API users will be able to use applications to read and interact with their stream, anywhere. As a Facebook developer you'll also be able to access the stories you've published into the stream and display them in your application, whether it's on a mobile device, Web site or desktop, for users however you choose. To enable developers to access the stream, we've built the Facebook Open Stream API in part using the emerging Activity Streams standard. Over the last several months, we've been collaborating with the community, hosting meetups at Facebook headquarters, and speaking at industry events about Activit
Facebook just opened up 200 million activity streams to developers: Kudos on activity stream standards support. [from]
RT @iCreate_JB: RT Announcing The Facebook Open Stream API (via @facebook) - OMG this sounds like awesomeness! [from]
Facebook Dev News: The Facebook Open Stream API: Today we are excited to announce an unpreced.. [from]
The Facebook Open Stream API
Open APIUsing the Open Stream API - Facebook Developers Wiki
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A great rebranding of what was already a good service. Appears that they're now making a small profit as well. Good to hear.Live Streaming Video API
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Design your Pages Create beautiful custom pages for your online TV show without any extra clutter or advertisements. Moderated Viewer Questions Run professionally managed live shows. Separated host and moderator screens allow for efficient handling of live viewer questions. Social Stream Let your show go viral. Our Twitter and Facebook integration leverages the power of your audiences social networks. Choice of Video Service We don't tie you to a single video streaming service. Use multiple services and still keep your archive in one place.Zviewer™ - Internet Video Browser for the Big Screen | ZeeVee, Inc.
Zviewer™ is the first video browser that puts a simple point and click user interface for video that lives anywhere on the web on on your PC. In addition to simplifying how you find content, Zviewer lets you personalize your experience. Once you choose the shows that you like, Zviewer automatically keeps them updated as new content is published.xmoovStream
The xmoovStream Server (formerly known as xmoov-php) is a centralized http streaming server written in PHP. It sits between your files and the world giving you control over many aspects of how your content is accessed. You can manage different kinds of content from different urls under a single installation.
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„ ist das Web-TV der dctp GmbH, Düsseldorf. Das Internetangebot ergänzt die auf den TV-Sendern RTL, SAT.1 und VOX ausgestrahlten dctp-Programme. In einem aktuellen Live-Stream und dem Themenpark mit verschiedenen Themenschleifen findet der User jeweils bis zu zwölf Filme zu den unterschiedlichsten Schwerpunkten. Themen, die sich nicht täglich ändern, doch Antworten auf und Denkanstöße zu aktuellen Ereignissen und Fragen von dauernder Bedeutung geben.“
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"Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking."
Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking.
"A stream. A real time, flowing, dynamic stream of information — that we as users and participants can dip in and out of and whether we participate in them or simply observe we are are a part of this flow." / "Overload isnt a problem anymore since we have no choice but to acknowledge that we cant wade through all this information. This isnt an inbox we have to empty, or a page we have to get to the bottom of — its a flow of data that we can dip into at will but we cant attempt to gain an all encompassing view of it. "
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