Giz Explains: Why the Windows 7 Taskbar Beats Mac OS X's Dock
The challenge of learning a totally new Windows behavior is the cost of getting this huge step forward in UI. The superbar makes Windows way more conducive to running tons of applications, since it's actually possible to find apps and precisely the window you want in a second, no matter how bad the shitstorm on your desktop is. In this sense, it's a better application manager than the Dock, from which, generally speaking, you can't do much more than jump to open applications or close them.
If the Windows 7 Taskbar is a sign of things to come, Microsoft might be dangerously close to building the first operating system since MS-DOS 6 that doesn't make me want to punch my computer screen. I'm still not convinced that Windows 7 won't be a colossal screw-up (these are, after all, the folks who brought you the Red Ring of Death, the new crappy XBox Live user interface, and Windows Vista), but at least it looks like they managed to get *something* right.