Pages tagged supernatural:

oxoniensis: Supernatural fic: if we keep living this fast, no one will have time to die

all over the USA. wincest. first time, slowly
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill.
5,512 words. "First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting"
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill. He remembers, details clear years later. When everything else is a blur. The warmth of Dean's flank and the moment he discovered Dean was beautiful.
First time, falling in love with side helping of monsters.
First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting
Sometimes things just happen, a natural progression of events, and even if Sam didn't see it happening this way in advance, when he looks back, he sees it was obvious. He understands now, that everything he's said and done and every look he's given Dean has been leading here.
Happy Ending
Second one
"You know, people write slash fanfic about the Bible too."
"You know, people write slash fanfic about the Bible too." "Go to sleep, Sam."
Post Monster at the End of the Book, Sam's still hip deep in fanfic.
Sam and Dean read fanfic about themselves... snerk.
"And then the fanfic? That's gonna be, like, the Book of Mormon."
bishop's house of horrors - Big Bang Fic: Stranger Than Fiction Master Post (Sam/Dean, NC-17)
Set immediately post-The Monster at the End of This Book. Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. What he discovers is a sick fascination with fanfiction, more about gay sex than he ever wanted to know, and an even deeper obsession with understanding why people write this stuff. Meanwhile, they're hunting a mysterious monster that takes the form of a person's truest love to kill them slowly, the lines between fanfiction and reality are starting to break down, and they still have to stop Lilith and save the world.
Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. (Sam/Dean)
Big Bang wonderful wonderful about Dean dealing with the fact there's fanfic about them. "Dealing"
50,500 words. Set immediately post-The Monster at the End of This Book. Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. What he discovers is a sick fascination with fanfiction, more about gay sex than he ever wanted to know, and an even deeper obsession with understanding why people write this stuff. Meanwhile, they're hunting a mysterious monster that takes the form of a person's truest love to kill them slowly, the lines between fanfiction and reality are starting to break down, and they still have to stop Lilith and save the world. [ my concerns about this premise are unfounded; this is oh so well done ]
Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. What he discovers is a sick fascination with fanfiction, more about gay sex than he ever wanted to know, and an even deeper obsession with understanding why people write this stuff. Meanwhile, they're hunting a mysterious monster that takes the form of a person's truest love to kill them slowly, the lines between fanfiction and reality are starting to break down, and they still have to stop Lilith and save the world.
Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. Not Crack.
Dean can't stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. What he discovers is a sick fascination with fanfiction, more about gay sex than he ever wanted to know, and an even deeper obsession with understanding why people write this stuff. Meanwhile, they're hunting a mysterious monster that takes the form of a person's truest love to kill them slowly, the lines between fanfiction and reality are starting to break down, and they still have to stop Lilith and save the world. [Set immediately post-The Monster at the End of This Book.]
oxoniensis: Star Trek fic: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
oxoniensis's Star Trek crossover story.
(or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
Crazy random crossover fic ftw! Featuring Star Trek: Reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter (but that last one is kind of a stretch)
Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa.
Jim's been taking fencing lessons from Sulu for over a month when Arthur Pendragon comes on board.
self-explanatory! (guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter)
or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise
Title: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,169 words Beta: Thanks to the wonderful [info]littledrop for encouraging and being my Trek expert. Notes: For [info]such_heights and [info]undeny, even though I abused their prompts horribly.
need $ to build an ark - white face paint and glass boxes and devil wind
Dean gets hit with a curse, and can't talk
Dean gets hit with a curse, and can't talk. **Mute!Dean is pretty awesome, and I love how even though Dean can't talk, he's still completely *Dean*.
They're twenty miles out of town when Sam turns down the tape and asks if they can stop for some frozen custard and Dean doesn't answer him.
Dean get cursed into being mute. 10K Really brings out the love between those two! Great fic.
Dean is suddenly whammied with a silencing hex.
dean losses his voice. curse.
Dean is suddenly unable to speak, for no reason he and Sam can see; but his voice comes through clearly in this little gem of a tale, with fantastic brotherly bickering, a couple of terrific OCs, and excellent Sam POV. Plus a truly exquisite ending.
Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Mute!Dean crack.
Wondermark » Archive » #566; Supernatural Collective Nouns.
A racket of banshees. A congress of ghosts... (h/t TNH)
A vexation of zombies.
sam_storyteller: The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels
Title: The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels Rating: PG-13 (language) Fandom: Supernatural (Spoilers through the premiere of S5) Summary: Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much. Mild Dean/Castiel. Notes: BETA CREDIT to [info]51stcenturyfox and [info - personal] girlpearl, who rock. I suppose this is something of an AU. It'll probably be jossed by Thursday anyway. But it was fun to examine the concept of how an angel might cope with human life. Also, yes, I know the commandments are out of order. Cope. [info]sadcypress has podficc'd "The Ten Commandments Don't Apply To Angels", and you can find the recording for download here. It's a great emotive reading and the audio is very clear, so I hope you enjoy it and let her know how she did!
A run through of the ten commandments after Castiel's fallen... or how cas learns to be human, and learns about his and his bodies wants
Man, how did I not bookmark this before? I love fic that deals with Castiel learning to be human, but it's sometimes hard to pull it off -- this fic does it perfectly.
How the commandments apply to Castiel after he falls. Nice concept, neatly executed.
Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much.
Summary: Dean keeps insisting Castiel do things that humans do; sometimes Castiel is grateful for this, and sometimes...not so much. Mild Dean/Castiel.
"Were you praying?" Sam asks him. "Yes," Castiel says. "I pray too," Sam says. Sam Winchester did unspeakable things to and with a demon. He has killed. He is unholy in every possible sense of the word. And yet...he is not damned. Perhaps there is hope for Castiel too. Dean just snorts at them from the table where he's cleaning his gun. "God-botherers," he says, shaking his head.
rei_c: Entangled Alliances | pre-Sam/Dean | R | 22,500 words
In a world where Hunters and Witches have formed an alliance to protect humans from Rogues, Dean Winchester is a Master Hunter. The last of a long line of Hunters, Dean is on the trail of Azazel, one of the most powerful Rogues that has ever existed. Knowing that he can't Hunt the Rogue alone, Dean visits the city of Nouvelle Orleans and the High Witch who holds it. She offers him her heir, Samuel, and the two leave. In their search for Azazel, they find secrets buried beneath secrets and a stunning revelation that could change the entire world.
"In a world where Hunters and Witches have formed an alliance to protect humans from Rogues, Dean Winchester is a Master Hunter. The last of a long line of Hunters, Dean is on the trail of Azazel, one of the most powerful Rogues that has ever existed. Knowing that he can't Hunt the Rogue alone, Dean visits the city of Nouvelle Orleans and the High Witch who holds it. She offers him her heir, Samuel, and the two leave. In their search for Azazel, they find secrets buried beneath secrets and a stunning revelation that could change the entire world."
In which Dean is a Master Hunter, Sam is the Witch assigned to be his partner, and Azazel is causing trouble for them both.
In a world where Hunters and Witches have formed an alliance to protect humans from Rogues, Dean Winchester is a Master Hunter. The last of a long line of Hunters, Dean is on the trail of Azazel, one of the most powerful Rogues that has ever existed. Knowing that he can't Hunt the Rogue alone, Dean visits the city of Nouvelle Orleans and the High Witch who holds it. She offers him her heir, Samuel, and the two leave. In their search for Azazel, they find secrets buried beneath secrets and a stunning revelation that could change the entire world. 22,5K Excellent and believable universe, great writing.
Summary: In a world where Hunters and Witches have formed an alliance to protect humans from Rogues, Dean Winchester is a Master Hunter. The last of a long line of Hunters, Dean is on the trail of Azazel, one of the most powerful Rogues that has ever existed. Knowing that he can't Hunt the Rogue alone, Dean visits the city of Nouvelle Orleans and the High Witch who holds it. She offers him her heir, Samuel, and the two leave. In their search for Azazel, they find secrets buried beneath secrets and a stunning revelation that could change the entire world. **||** [22.500 words]
lazy_daze: SPN AU fic; Sam/Dean; Supercross
Set in a world where competitive team stunt biking shows – explosive entertainment performances full of tricks, talent, fireworks and music – dominate the world of freestyle motocross biking, this story follows Sam and Dean Winchester as they deal with their lives, bikes, flips, tricks – and love. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
SPN AU where Sam and Dean are part of a motocross team. Things start to fall apart when Dean realizes his feelings for Sam aren't standard.
Awesome AU with Sam and Dean as the top riders on their GMFX team, the Winchester's Hunters.
lazy-daze's 2010 Big Bang awesome motocross fic
SAM/DEAN. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other.
Rating: NC-17 Word count: ~51,500 Summary: Set in a world where competitive team stunt biking shows – explosive entertainment performances full of tricks, talent, fireworks and music – dominate the world of freestyle motocross biking, this story follows Sam and Dean Winchester as they deal with their lives, bikes, flips, tricks – and love. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
Motorcross AU. Sam and Dean have grown up in the competitive motorcross world. Nice balance of the UST and the it's-incest!tension and the details of the competitions and sporting world. Love the way that the Winchester Hunter 'family' is developed too.
The One where Sam and Dean are Stunt Bikers
It's like the world always stops for a moment, at the peak of a backflip; all there is is Dean, his body, and his bike. Time slows to a syrupy crawl, and he's caught suspended, upside down, the perfect synergy of his bike and body working to get him to this point. The slice of world he sees through his helmet in these moments is a snapshot of wonderful chaos – the lights and the vibrant colored stadium flipped above him and the blackness of the night sky below. He feels utterly weightless, the bike that normally anchors him as light as cardboard between his legs – gravity and speed and the G-force of the spin all cancel each other out for this perfect, single breathless moment.
lazy_daze: SPN AU fic; Sam/Dean; Supercross
Set in a world where competitive team stunt biking shows – explosive entertainment performances full of tricks, talent, fireworks and music – dominate the world of freestyle motocross biking, this story follows Sam and Dean Winchester as they deal with their lives, bikes, flips, tricks – and love. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
SPN AU where Sam and Dean are part of a motocross team. Things start to fall apart when Dean realizes his feelings for Sam aren't standard.
Awesome AU with Sam and Dean as the top riders on their GMFX team, the Winchester's Hunters.
lazy-daze's 2010 Big Bang awesome motocross fic
SAM/DEAN. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other.
Rating: NC-17 Word count: ~51,500 Summary: Set in a world where competitive team stunt biking shows – explosive entertainment performances full of tricks, talent, fireworks and music – dominate the world of freestyle motocross biking, this story follows Sam and Dean Winchester as they deal with their lives, bikes, flips, tricks – and love. Orphaned as kids when their father crash-lands a double backflip attempt, Sam and Dean grow up as part of his stunt team Winchester's Hunters; adopted by the group as family and rising to be the best two riders on the team, they grow up in this isolated world, where there is nothing more important in the boys' lives than biking and each other. Two things loom on the horizon to threaten Dean's perfect little world: the new stunt team rising on the scene threatening his team's chances at the ultimate competition; and the strange new crippling tension between him and his brother that threatens to change – or even ruin – everything he holds dear.
Motorcross AU. Sam and Dean have grown up in the competitive motorcross world. Nice balance of the UST and the it's-incest!tension and the details of the competitions and sporting world. Love the way that the Winchester Hunter 'family' is developed too.
The One where Sam and Dean are Stunt Bikers
It's like the world always stops for a moment, at the peak of a backflip; all there is is Dean, his body, and his bike. Time slows to a syrupy crawl, and he's caught suspended, upside down, the perfect synergy of his bike and body working to get him to this point. The slice of world he sees through his helmet in these moments is a snapshot of wonderful chaos – the lights and the vibrant colored stadium flipped above him and the blackness of the night sky below. He feels utterly weightless, the bike that normally anchors him as light as cardboard between his legs – gravity and speed and the G-force of the spin all cancel each other out for this perfect, single breathless moment.
tuesdayfic | Supernatural: The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester
angel married....accidentally.  ha
Summary: Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. Word Count: 11,101 words
The one where Dean and Castiel have accidentally started a marriage/courtship ritual.
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
as only afterward, when Sam was rubbing feeling back into his wrists and Dean was hanging up from his anonymous 911 call that Castiel said, "The next time you summon me by name, I expect to fuck you," like someone else might say, "The next time we throw a party, you're bringing the beer." "Really?" Sam said. "You guys can't wait until you're alone to have these little talks?"
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. [BWEEEEE!!!]
"Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this." EEEE! ^___^ <33333 Excerpt: "It was only afterward, when Sam was rubbing feeling back into his wrists and Dean was hanging up from his anonymous 911 call that Castiel said, 'The next time you summon me by name, I expect to fuck you,' like someone else might say, 'The next time we throw a party, you're bringing the beer.' 'Really? Sam said. 'You guys can't wait until you're alone to have these little talks?'" (Marking)