Pages tagged supply:

Newegg - Power Supply Calculator

เว็บคำนวน Power Supply อีกแห่ง
Work out the PSU you need when building your pC
Calcular a potência da fonte, para as peças que deseja utilizar.
The PSU Wattage we recommend only gives you a general idea on what to consider while selecting a power supply. PCI cards, External devices, USB and Firewire devices, Cooling fans and other components may need more power.
The 6 Most Important Factors when Choosing a Power Supply | Hardware Revolution
* The more heat, the faster the fan will have to run to dissipate it. The faster the fan, the noisier it will be. So, high efficiency = less noise basically. * Electricity bill. You have to pay for that wasted power , even if you’re not really using it ;) You’re basically aiming for the highest % that you can get. 80% is decent, while 85% and higher is better.
When you have to pick a new power supply, you have six main factors to consider: * Maximum power output, in Watts (W) * Maximum current output, mainly on the 12V line(s), in Amps (A) * Power efficiency, in % * Brand/Series * Number and type of connections * Price
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