WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users.
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader user
Pesquisa recente feita pela WebAIM com usuários de leitores de telaWhat Alabamians and Iranians Have in Common
A global perspective on Americans’ religiosity offers a few surprises
Great charts.
"A global perspective on Americans’ religiosity offers a few surprises"Seth's Blog: Five tips for better online surveys
Findings from the A LIST APART Survey, 2008
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going?
Findings from one of the best non-profit web think-tanks - Stats on working in the web industry.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel. The more things change For 2008, instead of a downloadable (PDF) white paper, we decided to present our findings on the web. Which meant, in addition to compiling and analyzing data and
nice html + css version of graphs.
Some people care about the actual survey, me? I stare at how the tables were structured.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel.Internet generation leave parents behind | Media | The Guardian
This expensive private report is summarised in this Guardian article which monitors changes in childrens behaviour in terms of reading and the internest
Artikel uit The Guardian over de internetgeneratie en hun ouders
Internet generation leave parents behind • Change in communication creating divide, says study • Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
UK stats anmd trends presentd by the Guardian.
According to research children cram in nearly six hours of screen time per day
The report is based on an annual survey, now into its 15th year, of 1,800 children at 92 schools across the country. "This year has seen a major boost to the intensity and the independence with which children approach online activities," the report says. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guardian.co.uk%2Fmedia%2F2009%2Fjan%2F19%2Finternet-generation-parentsIntroduction to Google Forms | Matt Silverman
A brief tutorial on creating a Google form.. As recommended by Will Richardson, this is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to organize, collect, and analyze data -- turning the data into information
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For those how make websites.
“la encuesta de la gente que hace sitios” que, con más de 30.000 encuestados
Interesting survey about developers in 2008Obsurvey
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Create surveys to take online with anonomous feedbackPlease Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
from Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
what is a browser ? - street survey
50 random people in NY don't know the difference between a browser and Google.
read it
The vast majority of people have no clue what a web browser is. (Ergo, the vast majority of people are quite stupid? I'm tempted to say yes.)Twitterumfrage
So sieht sie aus, die deutsche Twittergemeinde… Jung (32 Jahre), männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche und jeder Vierte ist Führungskraft oder Unternehmer/in. Und die meisten (83%) schreiben hauptsächlich auf deutsch. Frauen, so könnte man sagen, verstecken sich eher und wählen Fantasienamen. Bemerkenswert: Deutsche Twitternde haben mehr Follower als sie selber followen, klingt komisch, ist aber so.
So sieht sie aus, die deutsche Twittergemeinde… Jung (32 Jahre), männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche und jeder Vierte ist Führungskraft oder Unternehmer/in. Und die meisten (83%) schreiben hauptsächlich auf deutsch. Frauen, so könnte man sagen, verstecken sich eher und wählen Fantasienamen. Bemerkenswert: Deutsche Twitternde haben mehr Follower als sie selber followen, klingt komisch, ist aber so.
Analyse der Twitter-Nutzer
was sind das für Leute, die deutschen Twitternden? Ich habe 2.800 Twitternde im März 2009 danach gefragt, wie, wo und warum sie Twitter nutzen. Hier das Ergebnis.
Hier sind die Ergebnisse der Twitterumfrage vom März 2009. Zusammengefasst: Die Nutzer sind im Schnitt 32 Jahre, männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche." (N=2.800)TinyPetition - Create a petition today!
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tool to start apetition on twitter.6 Great Twitter Quiz and Polling Apps - ReadWriteStart
Dana Oshiro, 1 Oct 2009. "a list of 6 services you can use to get the answers you need from your Twitter friends and followers."Get a free poll for your website - Vorbeo.com
Vorbeo is a free service for creating polls for your blog or website. To use Vorbeo just type your question, enter your answer choices, select a background color, and specify the width of your polling widget. Then copy the embed code provided by Vorbeo and paste it into the html editor of your blog or website. Applications for Education Simple polls like those possible with Vorbeo can be useful for collecting informal feedback from your students. I like to run polls on my course blog about a week before a test. I use these polls to gauge how my students are feeling about the course content and what we may need to spend more time studying.Twitter and Status Updating, Fall 2009 | Pew Internet & American Life Project
Encuesta Pew 2009.
the median age for Facebook is now 33, up from 26 in May 2008
stats for people using twitter facebook among adults
newest numbers. Annes summary: The median age for a Twitter user is 31. MySpace = 26. Facebook = 33. LinkedIn = 39. http://bit.ly/PIPtw (only American users)
Great info on average age of users per channel.WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey Results
In October 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users. This was a follow-up survey to a previous survey. We received 665 valid responses to the screen reader user survey.A List Apart: Articles: Findings from the Web Design Survey, 2008
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent. Last year, 30,055 of you did just that, taking time out of your busy day to answer the sometimes detailed and often thought-provoking questions in the second A List Apart Survey.
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it's up to each of us to stand up and repre
"This year’s findings paint a clearer picture of the distinctions between full-time and freelance web professionals: how you work, what you earn, and what you love about the job. "Urtak
Find Out What People Think. Urtak lets you make smart, sticky polls where participants can ask and answer questions. With Urtak you can: * Make unlimited free polls. * Embed polls everywhere. * Analyze results in real time.
Make unlimited free polls. Embed the poll anywhere! Analyze results in real time.The State of Web Development 2010 | Web Directions
Welcome to this detailed report from our second “State of Web Development” survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis of all the responses to over 50 questions covering technologies, techniques, philosophies and practices that today’s web professionals employ.
Welcome to this detailed report from our second State of Web Development survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis
What technologies are web developers using in 2010?
Detailed report about web development based on interviews with developersColor Survey Results « xkcd
Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men: Penis Gay WTF Dunno Baige I … that’s not my typo in #5—the only actual color in the list really is a misspelling of “beige”.
Awesome. I have printed out the results on 24 inch roll paper
XKCD Color Survey results http://bit.ly/dA5feVYes, No, Maybe? Conduct Opinion Polls Over Email using Gmail
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