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don't believe anything the usb hub tells you - FIC: To the Best of my Recollection [ ST:XI | Kirk/Spock | R | ~3400 words ]

Summary: He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.
He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.
The next time one of these memories erupts from its hiding place is months later, aboard the Enterprise, in the middle of a mildly heated argument with Spock. He's mildly heated and arguing, Spock is being an impeccably logical douchebag and he may be correct, but that doesn't mean he's *right*. Jim could tell him to back down, that's an order, but he can't let go of his desire to convince Spock that he's wrong.
kirk doesn't want what spock prime left in his head. spock takes it away-- but some things are just meant to be. incredibly beautiful piece of fic.
He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply. Spock feels the effects of Spock Prime's mind-meld.
"God. Just... we're sleeping together," he blurts out. Spock actually blinks. "Lieutenant Uhura would be surprised to hear that." He appears to give the matter a little thought. "Perhaps not entirely surprised." "No! I mean the other you, and the other me from his timeline. Wait. What?"
The first one happens three weeks later, when Kirk is still back at the academy, packing up his dead roommate's belongings. He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.