Andreas Pihlström, Suprb
Swiss design studio
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très beaux travauxWhy Sweden rules the web - Features, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for free. Tim Walker reports from the world's new digital capital
Ek acknowledges that, without the far-reaching effects of The Pirate Bay and its ilk, Spotify could never have come to fruition. "There is a big file-sharing community here in Sweden," he says. "It's how people want to consume content. They don't want to be illegal, but they want to have everything at their fingertips instantly, which is what The Pirate Bay facilitated. The best way to compete with that is to come up with a better product. Spotify exists because of piracy."
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for freeThinkGeek :: Squeez Bacon®
Mmmmm… Bacon
@CaliLewis - The moment I saw this I immediately thought of you and Neal - bacon lover's rejoice! [from]'s Ultra-Modern Underground Data Center - HotHardware
data centre as bomb shelter-come-DJ bar
Very Cool. I want this!
Underneath Stockholm, deep in the bedrock exists a data center better than any high tech lair Hollywood could probably dream up. Bahnhof, one of Sweden's largest ISP's has created a bunker of high tech goodness that is surely to astound.
these people need to start doing centers and offices in the U.S....Swedish subway system -
Fotos toll gestaleter schwedischen U-Bahnstationen
RT @petapixel: The Swedish subway system:
RT @catarino: Swedish subway system :|