Pages tagged tablet:

Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book

"Until now, all netbooks were engineered the same way: Power-hungry Intel Atom, ugly case, and outdated 90's OS. Our goal: To achieve a breakthrough in both architecture and design. The result: a revolutionary device that works as both a netbook and a standalone tablet thanks to a detachable keyboard and a 3D touchscreen user interface."
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
TOUCH BOOK | GALLERY | BUZZ | PRE-ORDER Touch Book Netbook reloaded. The world's first netbook with a detachable keyboard. 10 to 15 hours of battery life*. Touchscreen with 3D user interface. Internal USB slots. The innovation is under way at Demo 09. Watch the video Detach, revert, flip, hold, carry. On your lap, on the fridge, on your sofa, in a plane, on the wall. What will you do with yours? Starting at $299. First batch will be limited. Reserve now! OPEN SOURCE | PRESS | CONTACT | ABOUT US
Das sieht nach einem ziemlich genialen Device aus und auch noch Open Source!
great netbook + tablet with 10-15 hr battery life
CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we’ll have the first working prototypes in our office.
Wouldn't mind one of these. I wonder what the interaction would feel like, though. *Only* on-screen keyboard...?! Hm... Plus, I love the name of the inventors: "Fusion Garage"! And their slogan: "What if the browser could boot without an OS?"
We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the ...
Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet - Microsoft courier tablet - Gizmodo
First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet
Esittelyvideon perusteella tuo virtuaalimoleskin vaikuttaa lupaavalta. Erittäin lupaavalta.
Courier -Microsoft's Tablet
To watch the video, you'll first need to install the flash player.
It feels like the whole world is holding its breath for the Apple tablet. But maybe we've all been dreaming about the wrong device. This is Courier, Microsoft's astonishing take on the tablet.
Apple Tablet To Redefine Newspapers, Textbooks and Magazines - Apple tablet books - Gizmodo
Steve Jobs said people don't read any more. But Apple is in talks with several media companies rooted in print, negotiating content for a "new device." And they're not just going for e-books and mags. They're aiming to redefine print.
Inklet Trackpad Tablet
Inklet allows your trackpad to emulate a pen tablet. When you're using a Pogo Sketch, the trackpad even becomes pressure sensitive.
Trackpad tablet for MacBook
Draw on your MacBook Pro trackpad
35 Tutorials and Guides for Working With Wacom Tablets | Vandelay Design Blog
Digital Magazines: Bonnier Mag+ Prototype | Bonnier AB
Great prototype of a magazine reading device
Great concept that importantly focusses on the needs of the user and their experience...
This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazines on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future, presented by our design partners at BERG.
The Apple Tablet Interface Must Be Like This - apple tablet - Gizmodo
Some people want the Apple Tablet to run Mac OS X's user interface. Others think its UI will be something exotic. Both camps are wrong: The iPhone started a UI revolution, and the tablet is just step two. Here's why.
Interesting guess at how the Apple tablet UI might be designed.
Daring Fireball: The Tablet
Here’s the thimbleful of information I have heard regarding The Tablet (none of which has changed in six months): The Tablet project is real, it has you-know-who’s considerable undivided attention, and everyone working on it has dropped off the map. I don’t know anyone who works at Apple who doubts these things; nor do I know anyone at Apple who knows a whit more. I don’t know anyone who’s seen the hardware or the software, nor even anyone who knows someone else who has seen the hardware or software.
Apple - iPad - The best way to experience the web, email, & photos
8 Things That Suck About the iPad - apple ipad - Gizmodo
My favorite: The Name iPad - Get ready for Maxi pad jokes, and lots of 'em!
Apple - QuickTime - Apple Special Event January 2010
01/27/10 iPad Announcement video
Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveil the revolutionary new iPad. See the video-on-demand event right here, exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4.
Desde Yerba Buena Center
The Wired Tablet App: A Video Demonstration | Epicenter |
Microsoft's Courier 'digital journal': exclusive pictures and details (update: video!) -- Engadget
the inner planner in me gets such a rush from this
RT @javiercelaya: Primeras imágenes de la tableta de MS
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed. That's a lot smaller than we expected -- this new picture really puts it into perspective -- and the internals apparently reflect that emphasis on mobility: rather than Windows 7, we're told the Courier is built on Tegra 2 and runs on the same OS as the Zune HD, Pink, and Windows Mobile 7 Series, which we're taking to mean Windows CE 6.
Exclusive pictures and details (update: video!)
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed.
Tegra 2
How the Tablet Will Change the World | Magazine
'타블렛이 어떻게 세상을 바꿀 것인가'(Wired) 잡지 사놓고 우물쭈물하고 있는 사이 그 기사가 온라인에 올라와버렸다. 뭐하러 책을 돈주고 샀는지 ㅠ.ㅠ; – Jungwook Lim (estima7)
iPad - Wired article on (proposed) future of computing.
Touch Book: Tablet netbook with ARM CPU, 10+ hour battery, detachable screen
perhaps the cool features, tiny weight, and super long battery life will be enough to win people over. If the company could eventually lop $100 off each model, though, this thing might h
I think I might be in love... [from]
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.