Pages tagged tag:

Tags | Overview

Tagging-System für Mac OSX. Kann neben Files auch direkt in Anwendungen Tags vergeben und auch danach suchen. Interface wie Quicksilver mit Spotlight-Integration.
$29 app some people are excited about...
Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud - NETTUTS
Lunar Frog Software - Custom Software Development and Consulting
File Tagging Program
Allows you to tag files and search for files in your computer with shortcuts similar to delicious
Free file and document tagging application for Windows
tag files file tagging labels
TaggedFrog allows you to organize your files, documents and Web links. Just add objects to the library and tag them with any keywords. That’s it. You can forget the file name or where the file is located, but don't worry - the tags will find the file for you.
Tag Clouds - Styling and Adding Sort Options | Css Globe
The Tippopotamus: MediaMonkey scripts to make your mp3 tags consistent
I hate it when tags don't match up. For example, depending on where your tag data has come from you could end up with a host of different artist names: * Guns and Roses * Guns n Roses * Guns N Roses * Guns 'n' Roses * Guns 'n Roses * gunsnroses * GnR * GnFR There are a plethora of different things that can be wrong with tags - missing track numbers, no album art, volumes and disc numbers - the list goes on. These bother me, but may not irk you. If you are like me, correcting this sort of mess is something that would require a lot of manual tagging work, since finding the files is difficult and correcting them is a labourious process. Or so I thought. MediaMonkey comes with a few built-in functions and scripts that can help you to tame your mp3 collection. However, the real power comes in the scripts nice people have written to solve tagging problems. Here follows a synopsis of what I have found useful… 1. Built-in MediaMonkey Features Firstly, you
Building a Tag-Cloud Using the Google Web Toolkit - Nettuts+
A while back, I read a tutorial by Dan Wellman, which described the steps required to produce a neat Tag-Cloud. Dan's example largely relied on the jQuery framework to request data and construct the user interface elements. I decided to write his tutorial all over again with the two exceptions of using GWT instead of jQuery, and a different method of choosing font size variations. In case you don't know what Tag-Clouds are and what purpose they serve, briefly, a Tag-Cloud is a form of visualizing the difference in importance or activeness of some predefined categories based on how large they appear in the cloud. Tag Cloud We are going to use the latest version of GWT (currently 1.5) and work with MySQL and PHP as our back-end to request the JSON data. Similar to Dan's tutorial, I too, assume that you already are familiar with inserting into a database. The PHP code in this article will merely cover how to query data from the database and send back the result in JSON format. You shoul
Lifehacker - Six Best MP3 Tagging Tools - ID3 Tag Editors
A well tagged MP3 collection makes everything from organization to playback easier.
Music Artist Cloud for coldplay
Find music bands similar to coldplay including youtube music videos with this mashup by visualizing music band tag clouds.
Find an artist, and in its cloud, find similar artists
grammy awardrtist winning a
If you're looking for some new tunes, Music Artist Cloud creates recommendation clouds of new artists based on the music you already enjoy.
Django snippets: Smart {% if %} template tag
While retaining current Django functionality, it also handles equality, greater than and less than operators.
A replacement if tag for django that does what if tags should.
Home - Common Tag
"Common Tag is an open tagging format developed to make content more connected, discoverable and engaging. Unlike free-text tags, Common Tags are references to unique, well-defined concepts, complete with metadata and their own URLs. With Common Tag, site owners can more easily create topic hubs, cross-promote their content, and enrich their pages with free data, images and widgets."
Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds
Tweet 3D: View hot Twitter topics in 3D
WP Cumulus & Twitter
Twitter Tag Clouds
MetatOGGer Automatically Identifies, Tags Your MP3s and More - MP3 Tagging - Lifehacker — your music recognition robot
AudioTag scans your files or YouTube video and returns a list of matches. :: Manage your music with ID3 tag editors
ZURB JavaScript Annotation Plugin - ZURB Playground -
www: theoriginofthetag
would be a pretty harmless easter egg
Where did the <blink> tag come from? This article explains how and why the tag originated.