Pages tagged tagcloud:

Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud - NETTUTS

Panurgisme ailé ? Regardez le nuage de tags des "biographies" de ceux qui vous suivent sur Twitter.
Tag Clouds - Styling and Adding Sort Options | Css Globe
Genera un núvol de Tags de Twitter a partir de la paraula que busques
Cloud-based Twitter search engine The interface is simple 'search' and 'exclude' and you type in as appropriate. That then results in a tag cloud (presented on a size basis) with other terms, which link you directly into an advanced search over at Twitter. Good if you're not sure of what you want to find I suppose, and need some keyword ideas to help.
Twitter search engine.
Building a Tag-Cloud Using the Google Web Toolkit - Nettuts+
A while back, I read a tutorial by Dan Wellman, which described the steps required to produce a neat Tag-Cloud. Dan's example largely relied on the jQuery framework to request data and construct the user interface elements. I decided to write his tutorial all over again with the two exceptions of using GWT instead of jQuery, and a different method of choosing font size variations. In case you don't know what Tag-Clouds are and what purpose they serve, briefly, a Tag-Cloud is a form of visualizing the difference in importance or activeness of some predefined categories based on how large they appear in the cloud. Tag Cloud We are going to use the latest version of GWT (currently 1.5) and work with MySQL and PHP as our back-end to request the JSON data. Similar to Dan's tutorial, I too, assume that you already are familiar with inserting into a database. The PHP code in this article will merely cover how to query data from the database and send back the result in JSON format. You shoul
Music Artist Cloud for coldplay
Find music bands similar to coldplay including youtube music videos with this mashup by visualizing music band tag clouds.
Find an artist, and in its cloud, find similar artists
grammy awardrtist winning a
If you're looking for some new tunes, Music Artist Cloud creates recommendation clouds of new artists based on the music you already enjoy.
Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds
Tweet 3D: View hot Twitter topics in 3D
WP Cumulus & Twitter
Twitter Tag Clouds
8 jQuery and Ajax based tag clouds for web developer
8 plugins baseados em jQuery e Ajax para criação de nuvem de tags
A really useful Wordle trick
Using a tilde to use phrases in Wordle
A really useful blog post about Wordle. Specifically, how to include phrases word clouds, as well as just clouds.
If you look at the above word cloud, you can see that there are three other phrases/collocations included in Sylvie’s word cloud: “Lesson plans”, “Body language”, and “Young learners”. Sylvie showed me that the answer lies with the tilde sign (~). Whenever you are pasting text into the “Paste in a bunch of text” window, insert that character between any words that you want to keep together:
Annotated link
WordItOut - Transform your text into word clouds!
"Simply enter some text and create your word cloud!: Customise many settings * Share your word cloud (or keep it secret!) * Embed it on your own website"
word clouds
Tagxedo - Tag Cloud with Styles
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurence within the body of text.
Silverlight powered, doesn't work with Safari (use FF). Alternative to Wordle.
Tagxedo - Creator
Like it better than the other non wordle
WordCloud creator - very nice
[delicious] – Rob Angeles (robangeles)
crea "cloud" partendo da un vocabolo
Twitter cloud trending - very very powerful
Create elegant "word clouds" from a database search
Dynamic, configurable twitter based tag clouds