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The Asylum - yasashii shagging

""Making notations for future generations," Merlin clarified and turned back to his sentence; …makes twice as much mess as the usual spell. Arthur scoffed. "No, Merlin," Arthur told him, reading over the remark, "That's just you." "Says you," Merlin muttered, thinking of socks on the floor and chairs strewn with sweaty, muddy shirts. Arthur plucked the pen from his hand then and wrote beneath Merlin's note: Do not believe this. Merlin is hopelessly messy. You should see his room. Merlin cried, "Hey!" and snatched back his pen. Arthur looked entirely too smug. And this was how it began."
Books are defaced. But it's all for a good cause. Really.
Arthur had written, 'I am the crown prince. You will not tell me what to do,' beneath Merlin's red underlines. Merlin wrote, 'It's my book.' Arthur followed up with, 'It's in my drawer,' to which Merlin retorted, 'Then write on your drawers.' In response to this Arthur drew a pair of women's underwear with an arrow pointing to them reading, 'Merlin's.' Merlin rolled his eyes and imagined that Arthur had probably been extremely proud of himself for that one. Merlin wrote, 'Spell for Turning Arthur into a Woman,' and then the incantation beneath. He should have seen it coming, Merlin decided, the next day when he saw that Arthur had crossed out Arthur, written Merlin above it and then followed up with 'NOT REQUIRED BECAUSE HE'S ALREADY ONE. '
Merlin's suspicions that his artwork was atrocious were confirmed when he found a note several days later, printed in pencil, beneath his diagram. It read: (1) Never draw again, unless this is illustrating some hellish creature in which case congratulations on effectively conveying the horror of its appearance. (2) If I find this book open and lying on your bed for all to see one more time I will put laxatives in your soup. (3) STOP WRITING IN THIS BOOK.
This is a very useful spell, Merlin wrote. He formed the letters carefully, small so he could write more later, if he needed to, and did not at all wonder if he was going to get in trouble or be cursed or something for writing in the margins of an ancient spell book.
Merlin and Arthur's relationship played out through Merlin's magic book. Rated:PG-13ish