Pages tagged task:

Dead simple task scheduling in Rails - Intridea Company Blog

Rufus scheduler
TaskFive | Home
Pretty todo list generator
WebWorkerDaily » Archive Getting Things Done with Gmail Tasks «
Colabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe apps
Fat Free CRM - Ruby On Rails-based open source CRM platform
Five Best Windows Task Manager Alternatives - Task manager - Lifehacker
o its name by not only allowing you to explore system processes, but which applications autorun on startup, system add-ons, drivers, services, and more. It doesn't have the most elegant interface we've seen so far, but it does pack in an enormous amount of information and fun
Producteev Home
"Producteev is a web-based task management application that helps people -- whether they are located in the same office or in multiple time zones -- work together more effectively and efficiently. You can connect with your colleagues, track the progress of projects in real time, manage your to-do lists, manage workflow, assign tasks, collaborate, share files, centralize multiple project information into one customizable, personal ,Dashboard and put the web’s best social networking applications to work for you."
looks interesting. check it out
Producteev is a new generation Task Management web application that drastically simplifies the way you work with your team.
Task Rise
CodeProject: Task Manager Extension 2.0. Free source code and programming help
Task Manager Extension. This is a Windows Task Manager (NT/2000/XP/2003) plug-in. It adds lots of useful features to the standard Task Manager. It can show process modules, memory map, used handles, open files, file properties and a lot of other info!
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! It is very useful in many situations.
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info!
Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
manual for defining web services to run - schedule tells when to run which URLs and how often to do it
Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hours
ToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。