Pages tagged tdd:

googlemock - Google Code

Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes.
Google C++ Mocking Framework
Nome do Jogo » Blog Archive » Shoulda for RSpec is Remarkable!
converts shoulda macros to rspec
remarkable - gem with shoulda macros ported to rspec
InfoQ: JavaScript Test Driven Development with JsUnit and JSMock
at InfoQ
This article is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. We'll add features to a running example by iteratively following a simple principle: write a unit test, make it pass. Each test will serve as a quality feedback loop, creating both a safety net and an executable form of documentation for anyone who wants to change the production code. By starting each feature with a simple failing test we ensure that all features are tested. We avoid the cost of rewriting code to test it later. This is particularly valuable given the fact that JavaScript developers have so much rope to hang themselves with - consider how much global mutable state there is between the DOM API and the language itself.
to be tested
tuto java tutorials..
This article is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. We'll add features to a running example by iteratively following a simple principle: write a unit test, make it pass. Each test will serve as a quality feedback loop, creating both a safety net and an executable form of documentation for anyone who wants to change the production code.
InfoQ: Recommended TDD Tutorials
Recommended TDD Tutorials
Recently, Dave Nicolette consolidated a list of recommended TDD tutorials from a discussion on the Extreme Programming group. Here is a sneak peak at the consolidated list with categorization for quickly getting started with Test Driven Development.
Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest
I vaguely remember wanting to monitor changes to the filesystem. Here's a Ruby gem that uses Leopard's FSEvent.
Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest autotestZenTest’s autotest is great, but it has one drawback: In order to detect whether you have modified a file, it relies on filesystem polling. In other words it constantly traverses the filesyst... はてなブックマーク - Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ruby, testing, mac fseventでwatch
“Enter the autotest-fsevent gem. It teaches autotest to use FSEvent instead of filesystem polling…”
Situated Geekery » Blog Archive » How TDD and Pairing Increase Production
I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like some of these folks try too hard to soft-sell the excellent way presented by test-driven development (TDD) and pair programming (PP). A lot of alleged agilists make this argument: you see, by PP’ing and TDDing, you will greatly increase your quality, so even though your productivity goes down, you get the coolest glow by knowing in your heart of hearts that you are a good citizen of the coding world. I call bullshit. Not only is it not true that you can trade internal quality for more features, it’s actually the exact opposite case: the more productivity you seek, the higher you should raise your standard of internal quality. That’s right, that’s what GeePaw says. If you want more production, look first to raising your internal quality. So, how can such things be? 1. Because internal quality and external quality are not the same things. 2. Because the biggest single determinant in today’s production is the quality of yesterday’s product
Towards a Way of Excellence
Sometimes I feel like some of these folks try too hard to soft-sell the excellent way presented by test-driven development (TDD) and pair programming (PP). A lot of alleged agilists make this argument: you see, by PP’ing and TDDing, you will greatly increase your quality, so even though your productivity goes down, you get the coolest glow by knowing in your heart of hearts that you are a good citizen of the coding world. I call bullshit.
ongoing · Test-Driven Heresy
article on test-driven development
As a profession, we do a lot more software maintenance than we do greenfield development. And it’s at the maintenance end where TDD really pays off. I’m starting to see l
Writing Great Unit Tests: Best and Worst Practises « Steve Sanderson’s blog
Article about TDD methodology and practices.
Cucumber: More Advanced | Engine Yard Blog
Some slick, advanced features for Cucumber.
In this post, I’ll take a deeper dive and talk about a few more advanced Cucumber topics: project structures, multiple language support, scenario tables, free-form stories, tags, hooks and backgrounds.
Exploding Software-Engineering Myths - Microsoft Research
Benefits of automated functional testing (was: Why unit testing is a waste of time) » SDK
do you get the application up and running on your development environment. If you’re lucky, there’ll be some up-to-date instructions for getting it to kind of start up. Then you’ll get one of the other developers to show you how to run a few
My top 7 RSpec best practices | Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home
use RSpec in all my projects. It’s really hard to overemphasize how helpful it is and how much easier becomes your life if you have good specs coverage. But its outstanding flexibility enables many ways to make your specs awful: horribly slow, over-bloated, even non-readable sometimes. I do not want to teach you BDD and RSpec here, but instead I will give you some ideas how to improve your specs quality and increase efficiency of your BDD workflow.
Best practices in rspec
Integration Testing Your ASP.NET MVC Application « Steve Sanderson’s blog
Automated Testing Using Zend Framework, Part 1 | A.J. Brown's Blog
NHibernate Unit Testing
How to unit test NHibernate code using an in memory SQL Lite database.
: base(typeof(Blog).Assembly)
Unit Testing NHibernate from Ayende
Relevance Blog : Blue Ridge 1.0: JavaScript Unit Testing for Rails. Scandalous!
And be sure to check out the snippets as well. Type it, des, bef, or aft, and then press the tab key to expand into full it blocks, describe blocks, etc.
(My) RSpec best practices and tips | EggsOnBread
Best practices and tips for Ruby RSpec
"After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!"
How to write more readable rspec tests
After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!
Johannes Link: MockMe for JavaScript
JS UnitTest Mockup
Second Aspect: While using mockito in Java after many years of being a passionate EasyMock advocate, I have learned that Mockito's way to handle verification of calls after the fact - instead of specifying expectations before - suits my style of test-driven development best. Thus, strictly speaking MockMe should be more of a spying framework than a mocking framework.
There are a couple of mock frameworks for JavaScript but none really did what I needed. So I took my testing problems, some inspiration from mockito and a few days off to write MockMe.
Think Mockito for Javascript
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Thoughts on Developer Testing
Excellent overview article on the goals of testing and various alternative testing strategies
some software is internal and not mission critical. In that
A post about testing, full of "from the field" advices. Number one: if it hurts you're doing it wrong. Jay describes a situation where common test patterns or tools are applied without a conscious decision like a big design up-front. Contextualize is again the keyword. There was a time I did the same: I thought mock-all development was the way to go and I started mocking all collaborators to discover interfaces. Which is of course not bad at all! The problem is if you decide that is the only approach possible for the entire application. Test maintenance is going to eat 100% of your time.
:jasonrudolph => :blog » Testing Anti-Patterns: How to Fail With 100% Test Coverage
Lots of great anti-patterns. I especially like The Ugly Mirror
Jason Rudolph - Programmer, consultant, speaker, and author specializing in Ruby, Rails, Groovy, and Grails
From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software
On Excessive Unit Testing and excessive design
From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software Wanted: Business Analyst (Agile) at redbox (Oakbrook Terrace, IL). See this and other great job listings on the jobs page. Here’s a brief conversation between Jeff and I which I transcribed from... はてなブックマーク - From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann testing, good
Joel Spolsky blog
How do we write test automation for ASP.NET? - Asp.Net QA Team
Test automation for ASP.NET
Testing Rails with Rack::Test - Ruby on Rails » Blog Archive » The cost of (not) testing software
"Essentially, it is in your best interest, as a developer, as a team, to encourage lots and lots of tests lower in the stacks shown here. It starts with comprehensive, checked in unit tests. It continues with having a strong, repeatable testing discipline (for which I recommend test automation)."
As a long-time automation-engineer/test-focused guy I've pondered the great existential question of "how much testing" is enough for awhile. More recently, I've started focusing on the cost of not testing a product.
"The majority of our projects use Mocha, which does the job just fine".
Testing tools used at Thoughtbot
Test driven ruby on rails tutorial
Viele nette Test-Frameworks für Ruby.
It's OK Not to Write Unit Tests - cashto's blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
a great pragmatic look at the value of unit tests in context of total time allocated to project, risk management, acceptance and functional testing. some common issues with unit testing illuminated. a great read.