Pages tagged team:

How P2 Changed Automattic — Matt Mullenweg

web layout/feel for ideacus... I mostly like how the top makes you feel like it's a totally different page...
A post about and video showing the Twitter-like collaborative WordPress Theme P2.
P2 - twitter-like realtime-editable theme for wordpress
A intruiging blog theme for wordpress. Allows you to blog in real-time. Need to take a closer look at this
Jere, oliks tää P2 se teema jota sä näytit mulle aikasemmin? Aika lupaava mikrobloggaus-intranet-härveli ton videon perusteella...
이거 뭔가요?
A List Apart: Articles: Managing Werewolves
y or may not want to reveal themselves as the Seer, a.k.a. Werewolf Enemy Number One). It’s not much to
We kill the quiet ones cause they aren't helping.
This was an amusing, insightful... overall a good read.
sga_flashfic: .-.- --- -. -. . .-.- - .. --- -. by Mad Maudlin (Wish Fulfillment challenge)
Awesome Atlantis fanfic.
Gen, in which Rodney is left temporarily blind and deaf by an accident on a mission; his friends watch out for him. John & Rodney focused, but I like Radek in this, too.
Rodney didn't know what hit him, literally. One minute they were trying to flush some looters armed with suspiciously Genii-looking firearms from the ruins of an Ancient lab, and Teyla was covering for him while he ran for a pillar with a better firing position, and something went pop--! And the next minute he was blind.
An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.
some alien tech they encounter leaves Rodney blind and death for a while until they figure out how to solve it
Summary: An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.
Professional Team Management Tips For Creative Folks | How-To | Smashing Magazine - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.
Building Startup Sales Teams: Tips For Founders
Manage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project management
Sriram Krishnan Stuff I've learned at Microsoft
Coming up on five years (and many teams) at Microsoft, there are a few things I’ve picked up along the way that I definitely didn’t know about when I left college. Call them core values, things I’ve learned, lessons learned, things I scream at my friends to do more of, whatever - they’ve served me well. Some of these are Microsoft-specific but most will apply to any team/corporate environment. Some of these are tricky - they can get you fired (or worse) if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Producteev Home
"Producteev is a web-based task management application that helps people -- whether they are located in the same office or in multiple time zones -- work together more effectively and efficiently. You can connect with your colleagues, track the progress of projects in real time, manage your to-do lists, manage workflow, assign tasks, collaborate, share files, centralize multiple project information into one customizable, personal ,Dashboard and put the web’s best social networking applications to work for you."
looks interesting. check it out
Producteev is a new generation Task Management web application that drastically simplifies the way you work with your team.
Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team | Video on
“Meet the Team” Pages: Examples and Trends - Smashing Magazine
In any industry where the people behind a company are as important as the company itself, you're likely to find a kind of expanded about page that includes
Be a CSS Team Player: CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development
Keep your sanity while creating and maintaining CSS in a team environment
by @emilylewis
MF Bliki: TeamRoom
Agilists favor a open team room as it promotes lots of informal and deep communication between people on the team.
Team room is great but open space isn't, and you readit carefully you'll find the reason in the text: "(..) It isn't comparable to an open-plan office where everyone is doing something different".
Thoughts about how to create and organize a team room
common thing you find in agile projects is that the development team sits in a single open team room