Digital student |
for teaching? Blank electronic canva
interesting set of articles - maybe e-learning moving more mainstream?Obama Staff Arrives to White House Stuck in Dark Ages of Technology -
"The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. Laptops were scarce, assigned to only a few people in the West Wing. The team was left struggling to put closed captions on online videos."
"It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari" And the geeks shall inherit the Earth.
En arrivant à la Maison Blanche, l'équipe Obama, qui a mené la campagne la plus "2.0" de l'Histoire a découvert l'horreur d'une institution qui est resté à l'âge de pierre...The Evolution of Apple Design Between 1977-2008 | Webdesigner Depot
tools for science, math, languages, English
Great tools online tools in various subjects.Kevin Kelly -- The Technium
Annotated link
Kevin Kelly's visie op de verschuiving van eigendom van content naar toegang tot content
"Better than owning" - a world of subscriptions giving instant universal access (to content, at least)
Better than Owning
Better Than Owning Ownership is not as important as it once was. I use roads that I don't own. I have immediate access to 99% of the roads and highways of the world (with a few exceptions) because they are a public commons. We are all granted this street access via our payment of local taxes. For almost any purpose I can think of, the roads of the world serve me as if I owned them. Even better than if I owned them since I am not in charge of maintaining them. The bulk of public infrastructure offers the same "better than owning" benefits.
Future. Very very cool.A Review of the Best Robots of 2008 :: Singularity Hub
a lot of these i've seen before, but its pretty awe-inspiring to see them one after the comments have a bunch more!
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so.
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so. This review is heavily slanted to consumer robots and research robots. Perhaps in the future we can do a review of industrial robots. Given the sheer number of robots that are out there we know there will be several excellent robots that we have overlooked in this review. If you know of any really awesome robots or robot videos that we have missed please let us know and we will consider adding them to this post. So without further delay, lets take a look at some of the best robots and robot videos of 2008 (maybe some are from 2007 too), broken down by category: January 12th, 2009 | Published by Keith Kleiner in robotics
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so. (Singularity Hub)Web Quest Maker
web quests are Internet-based treasure hunts
servicio para hacer encuestas onlineOn Why I Don't Like Auto-Scaling in the Cloud - O'Reilly Broadcast
Dynamic scaling is better than auto scaling in the cloud - George Resse
Good rant about why auto-scaling is not dynamic scaling: two of the most widely cited advantages of the cloud. Not entirely convinced by the argument, though. I suspect governors can be used to manage scaling in a sensible way.
Sometimes traffic is truly unexpected. But not as often as you think. If you know you are getting coverage in some publication, marketing should have done an ROI projection on the campaign and be able to provide you with expected response rates. But you don't want it to auto-scale. Auto-scaling cannot differentiate between valid traffic and non-sense. You can. If your environment is experiencing a sudden, unexpected spike in activity, the appropriate approach is to have minimal auto-scaling with governors in place, receive a notification from your cloud infrastructure management tools, then determinate what the best way to respond is going forward. Here, the auto-scaling is simply a band-aid to enable a human to use dynamic scaling to define an appropriate, temporary capacity to support the unexpected change in demand. If you know you have a batch window from midnight to 3am, set your cloud infrastructure management tools to add capacity at 11:30 and throttle back at 3:30.
Makes good sense. I'd probably disagree on a few points if the cloud is owned/controlled by one's own organization.ASCII by Jason Scott / FUCK THE CLOUD
"So please, take my advice, as I go into other concentrated endeavors. Fuck the Cloud. Fuck it right in the ear. Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics. Maybe you’ll make out, maybe you won’t. But he ain’t necessarily going to be there tomorrow."
Centralization is not the future.
And even
Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics.
"By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that you have a local machine, a box running some OS, and a vital, distinct part of what you do and what you’re about or what you consider important to you is on other machines that you don’t run, don’t control, don’t buy, don’t administrate, and don’t really understand."2009 Horizon Report
This is always a good reference source for latest info on technology in higher education.Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
Free Private Journal and Diary service like blog but privateCover Your Tracks & Be Anonymous On The Net With JAP |
OS/2Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog
predictions about search engines and social networking sites
John Battelle's predictions for the coming year...
timeWorld Without Walls: Learning Well with Others | Edutopia
Google’s decision to discontinue development of Google Notebook had some users petitioning to save it, while Evernote is offering Google Notebook imports.
note-taking web sites
2009-01-27 by Guamenyo. Says Google.Com removing support for its Notebook. Author gives kudos to "Evernote", plus reviews several other analogues.Zappos Blogs: CEO and COO Blog: How Twitter Can Make You A Better (and Happier) Person
excellent post on power of twitter and transparencyDIY: How to write a book - Boing Boing
How to write a book notes by Steven JohnsonOfficial Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail
mail koji radi bez mreze, izdano od googla, vrlo pametno i korisno off line rjesenje! jos nije u upotrebi ali kad bude, tu ce se moci skinuti!
gmail offline!
Awesome. I hope they polish this one up ASAP.Google plans to make PCs history | Technology | The Observer
Go G Drive!
G Drive
Industry critics warn of danger in giving internet leader more control over users' private dataSome Things Need To Change
Journalists making themselves the story. That could stand to change. Not that i wish that stuff on anyone.
Yesterday as I was leaving the DLD Conference in Munich, Germany someone walked up to me and quite deliberately spat in my face. Before I even understood what was happening, he veered off into the crowd, just another dark head in a dark suit. People around me stared, then looked away and continued their conversation.
Comments are closed on this posHow Obama Will Use Web Technology
web 2.0 and collaborative communication
open-source democracy.
Obama nutzt die Onlinedienste von Google, Facebook etc auch als Präsident. Spannende Entwicklung, neben der bejahenden Tech-Sicht fehlt noch die kritischere Hinterfragung.You Need To See This Video (1981 TV Report On Birth Of Internet News)
“Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, turning on your home computer to see the day’s newspaper. Well, it’s not as far-fetched as it may seem.”
Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, turning on your home computer to see the day's newspaper. Well, it's not ...The End of Solitude -
816 discussion
ScienceDaily (Jan. 29, 2009) —Nerd Merit Badges
1.5", fully-embroidered, Velcro-backed. Attach to your jacket, your backpack, or the lid of your overclocked, battle-scarred laptop. Start a nerd sash!
So excited about this.Best 15 Ajax Based Start pages | TechCityInc
Oooh look- they're doing 3D. cool!GOOD » Superb Idea: Bike Lane That Travels With You»
this is so cute: a virtual bike lane (using lasers) that displays on the ground around the cyclist, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. I want to see one for pedestrians too : )
Awesome. Illuminate your own bike lane with Light lane.
The system projects a virtual bike lane (using lasers!) on the ground around the cyclists, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. And just in case you need to be convinced about the need for better cycle saftey, watch this video about the stupidest bike lane in America.
Bike light that creates a virtual bike laneThe Economics of Giving It Away -
In a battered economy, free goods and services online are more attractive than ever. So how can the suppliers make a business model out of nothing?
Free is not enough. It also has to be matched with Paid.YouTube - 1981 primitive Internet report on KRON
Turns out newspapers didn't know how to make money on the Web in 1981, either.
Local TV news report of an experiment by newspapers in delivering content by modem. File under foreshadowing.
Imagine if you will waking up in the morning and turning on your home computer to read the day's newspaper. Just imagine....
Long before anyone had heard of the Internet, early home computer users could read their morning newspapers online ... sort of. Steve Newman's 1981 story was broadcast on KRON San Francisco.
the future sure looks bright.
The San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner are made available online via CompuServe.
newspapers on computersHappy Birthday, Lifehacker: Our Best Posts from 2005 to 2009
companies world mapOfficial Google Blog: "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!
If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users.
Well that explains that...
"If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users. What happened? Very simply, human error" bit worrying reallyPrinting The NYT Costs Twice As Much As Sending Every Subscriber A Free Kindle
newsprint isn't just expensive and inefficient; it's laughably so.
I'm glad I'm not an old skool newspaper
The expense and waste of daily newspapers is probably one of the few things that make me froth with rage.
"Not that it's anything we think the New York Times Company should do, but we thought it was worth pointing out that it costs the Times about twice as much money to print and deliver the newspaper over a year as it would cost to send each of its subscribers a brand new Amazon Kindle instead."The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica
A veteran of a former turning of the e-book wheel looks at the past, present, and future of reading books on things that are not books.Buzz Marketing for Technology: C Level Tweeters
CEOs who use Twitter
C Level TweetersTop 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
According to Lovely, and education technology consultant and speaker at the FETC 2009 conference in Orlando, FL in January, it was the recognition of those needs that led her to develop a "top 10 list" of go-to technology tools to help inspire young students and empower under-funded teachers. "The important thing to remember here," she said, "is that this isn't about simply providing you with 10 links. It's much more important to ask, 'What are you going to do with these things? How are you going to use these tools?' That's why we're here," she said. "So I can show you not only what's out there but also how other educators are using these resources to teach their students right now."
February 2009 : THE JournalTelevision: Build Your Own DTV Antenna
useful home-made DTV antenna» The Evolution of Search ChunkIt!: TigerLogic ChunkIt!
Evolution of Search
A look at the History, Vision, Innovators, and Future of Information AccessibilityClive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."Singularity University
Preparing Humanity for Accelerating Technological Changes
La Universidad de la Singularidad:Silicon Valley, la cuna mundial de la alta tecnología, abrirá este verano la Universidad de la Singularidad, un centro académico único que, financiado entre otros por Google y la NASA, formará a los futuros líderes "para que identifiquen los grandes retos de la humanidad"
Preparing Humanity for accelerating technological change - Nasa & Google
"Singularity University, based on the NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley, is an interdisciplinary university whose mission is to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies (bio, nano, info, AI, etc.), and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges."The 15 Coolest Cases of Biomimicry
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Logistics Management Homepage
การขนส่ง อาชีพในอนาคต
ข้อมูลโลจิสติกส์The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica
Really nice discussion of the history of the ebook market.
A veteran of a former turning of the e-book wheel looks at the past, present, and future of reading books on things that are not books.TED: MIT Students Turn Internet Into a Sixth Human Sense -- Video | Epicenter from
In the tactile world, we use our five senses to take in information about our environment and respond to it, Maes explained. But a lot of the information that helps us understand and respond to the world doesn't come from these senses. Instead, it comes from computers and the internet. Maes' goal is to harness computers to feed us information in an organic fashion, like our existing senses. The prototype was built from an ordinary webcam and a battery-powered 3M projector, with an attached mirror -- all connected to an internet-enabled mobile phone. The setup, which costs less than $350, allows the user to project information from the phone onto any surface -- walls, the body of another person or even your hand.
Holy crap.
dude honestly insaneDigital Overload Is Frying Our Brains | Wired Science from
It's not a pretty picture: a never-ending stream of phone calls, e-mails, instant messages, text messages and tweets is part of an institutionalized culture of interruption, and makes it hard to concentrate and think creatively.
Studies show that information workers now switch tasks an average of every three minutes throughout the day. This degree of interruption is correlated with stress and frustration and lowered creativity.
"Paying attention isn't a simple act of self-discipline, but a cognitive ability with deep neurobiological roots — and this complex faculty, says Maggie Jackson, is being woefully undermined by how we're living. In Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age, Jackson explores the effects of "our high-speed, overloaded, split-focus and even cybercentric society" on attention. It's not a pretty picture: a never-ending stream of phone calls, e-mails, instant messages, text messages and tweets is part of an institutionalized culture of interruption, and makes it hard to concentrate and think creatively. Of course, every modern age is troubled by its new technologies. "The telegraph might have done just as much to the psyche [of] Victorians as the Blackberry does to us," said Jackson. "But at the same time, that doesn't mean that nothing has changed. The question is, how do we confront our own challenges?" talked to Jackson about attention and its loss."
The other important thing is to discuss interruption as an environmental question and collective social issue. In our country, stillness and reflection are not especially valued in the workplace. The image of success is the frenetic multitasker who doesn't have time and is constantly interrupted. By striving towards this model of inattention, we're doing ourselves a tremendous injustice.Death To The Embargo
We’ve never broken an embargo at TechCrunch. Not once. Today that ends. From now our new policy is to break every embargo. We’ll happily agree to whatever you ask of us, and then we’ll just do whatever we feel like right after that. We may break an embargo by one minute or three days. We’ll choose at random.
arrington on how they will no longer do embargos
strategy pr marketing trust50 Skills Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC - useful, random bitsSuper Teacher Tools
teaching software siteze's page :: want to try something hard? voice drawing....
Using openFrameworks?
... hosheez. An etch-a-sketch controlled by the *volume of your voice*.
Ze Frank has made a Flash-based drawing application that takes sound as its input.YouTube - Learn to Change, Change to Learn
Sure, the Twitter guys still have no idea how to make money off their fabulous invention. But for now they are living in a dreamworld of infinite possibilities, maybe the last one on Earth.Bill Gates unplugged | Video on
bill gates talks about world probems and how we can solve them
Via Timgo
Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them.Clive Thompson on How More Info Leads to Less Knowledge
What's going on? Normally, we expect society to progress, amassing deeper scientific understanding and basic facts every year. Knowledge only increases, right? Robert Proctor doesn't think so. A historian of science at Stanford, Proctor points out that when it comes to many contentious subjects, our usual relationship to information is reversed: Ignorance increases.
More accurate title: Robert Proctor on how lying asshats dilute the truth.Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Our Tech Trends reporter looks at the new gizmo Sony promises will revolutionize the way consumers become infuriated by goddamn blinking TV box things.
This is brilliant. I feel this way about the NAS I bought a while back. It works how you want, but only if you have a fucking PHD in small network attached devices.
This satirical video/bookmark that I came across on Delicious is absolutely hilarious and is an incredibly ingenius paradoy regarding these new gadgets that are released by these large corporations of high tech stuff just to make a buck!
So funny.Twitter Fast Growing Beyond Its Messaging Roots | Epicenter from
More Twitter news.
ny moisture sensor attached to a circuit board with an Ethernet port. You stick it in your plant's soil, and when the moisture levels drop below a certain level, your plant sends you a tweet begging to be watered.
Another cool Twitter use article. Quite clever, actually.
automate with twitter
"It's so simple and easy to access, people are thinking of more and more uses for the platform," says Dan Wasyluk, creator of the Twitter-based Snipt service. Wasyluk launched Snipt last week as a way to let programmers share short snippets of code over Twitter.TED Interview: Tribes Author Says People, Not Ads, Build Social Networks | Epicenter from
"The third idea, the one that I think is really available to a large number of people now without a lot of resources, is this idea of finding and connecting like-minded people and leading them to a place they want to go"
You can't have insiders unless you have outsiders. All tribes have outsiders. That's what makes them a tribe. If everyone is a member, it's not a tribe anymore.... So I don't think there's any problem at all for Apple with people saying they're elitist.
An interesting article on social networking and viral marketing concepts.Smarterware: Use your head (and great software)
blogs software
Gina Trapani's Blog
Gina Trapani's blog after lifehackerSteven Levy on the Burden of Twitter
I get this: "The more I upload the details of my existence, even in the form of random observations and casual location updates, the more I worry about giving away too much. It's one thing to share intimacies person-to-person. But with a community? Creepy."
Wired magazine article ... another in the line of stories about social media burnout and why/if it is really worthwhile.Bouncing Red Ball » 12 fantastic photos of factories in Japan
Xkcd o dlouhem rsa klici a jinem francouzskem...Kevin Kelly -- The Technium
How the Amish live against tide of technology.
Amish Hackers - Adopting Technology
For the sake of proof-of-concept, I'm glad the Amish exist. "Ivan is an Amish alpha-geek. He is always the first to try a new gadget or technique. He gets in his head that the new flowbitzmodulator would be really useful. He comes up with a justification of how it fits into the Amish orientation. So he goes to his bishop with this proposal: "I like to try this out." Bishop says to Ivan, "Okay Ivan, do whatever you want with this. But you have to be ready to give it up, if we decide it is not helping you or hurting others.""
Great article on the Amish community discernment process for adopting technology. Dispels a lot of myths, and gives a lot to think on.
Amish use the web at libraries (using but not owning). From cubicles in public libraries Amish sometimes set up a website for their business. So while Amish websites seem like a joke, there's quite a few of them. What about post-modern innovations like credit cards? A few Amish got them, presumably for their businesses at first. But over time the bishops noticed problems of overspending, and the resultant crippling interest rates. Farmers got into debt, which impacted not only them but the community since their families had to help them recover (that's what community and families are for). So, after a trial period, the elders ruled against credit cards. One Amish-man told me that the problem with phones, pagers, and PDAs (yes he knew about them) was that "you got messages rather than conversations." That's about as an accurate summation of our times as any. Henry, his long white beard contrasting with his young bright eyes told me, "If I had a TV, I'd watch it."
One Amish-man told me that the problem with phones, pagers, and PDAs (yes he knew about them) was that "you got messages rather than conversations." That's about as an accurate summation of our times as any.David Merrill demos Siftables, the smart blocks | Video on
7:09Inside the GPS Revolution: 10 Applications That Make the Most of Location
From the magazine
와이어드의 GPS기사
Inside the GPS revolution it's more than maps and driving directions: location-aware phones and apps now deliver the hidden information that lets users make connections and interact with the world in ways they never imagined. The future is here and it's in your pocket.YouTube Toolbox: 100+ Tools and Resources to Enhance Your Video Experience
ways to enhance our use of videos on you tubeWindows 7: The Complete Guide
shareI, Cringely
I, Cringely - Cringely on technology
Not afraid of provoking thoughts and idea !The iPhone Could Be The Ultimate Study Machine
article on using iphone to study
IPhone as a study toolTwitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts - - Business Technology Leadership
Twitter beginners need to understand the rules of etiquette for the service. So before you stick a foot measuring 140-characters-or-less in your mouth, check out our advice on how to follow and un-follow, share politely, direct message appropriately, and more.ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet -- TOC
Great site if you are looking for ideas on how to get started collaborating with another classroom
government site with ideas for online collaboration and international activities.
The Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration was developed to help teachers use the Internet to "reach out" globally. These materials were prepared as part of the Department of Education's International Education Initiative.1. The Retail DNA Test - 50 Best Inventions 2008 - TIME
23andMe, I know just three things about her: she's pregnant, she's married to Google's Sergey Brin, and she went to Yale. But after an hour chatting with her in the small office she shares with co-founder Linda Avey at 23andMe's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., I know some things no Internet search could reveal: coffee makes her giddy, she has a fondness for sequined shoes and fresh-baked
$399 saliva test that estimates your predisposition for more than 90 traits and conditions ranging from baldness to blindness. The 600,000 genetic markers that 23andMe identifies and interprets for each customer are "the digital manifestation of you Now personal genotyping is available to anyone who orders the service online and mails in a spit sample.
TIME30 Impressing 3D Portraits | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
Back in July we had an awesome post about 3d works, and today it came to my mind why we didn't have another post like that since then. Well, it's time for some awesome 3d pieces! Visiting the amazing CG Society site, I've ran into many impressing portraits, which I chose to featured here today. From fantasy portraits, to sci-fi, to just real people, these are stunning, and really amazing pieces. It totally makes me wanna do this! How about some 3D tuts? Anyone good out there willing to deliver us any sweet tuts? Hope to hear from you guys soon!! In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these!! Cheers. ;)
Jeez, several of these I'd have had no idea weren't photographs.Hula to High Tech: Hawaiian Students Re-Create History | Edutopia
Thousands of articles, videos, slide shows, expert interviews, blog entries, and other resources highlight success stories in K-12 education. Core concepts include integrated studies, project learning,technology integration, teacher development, social and emotional learning, and assessment.
Awesome school in Honolulu, Hawaii that utilizes technology for teaching purposes.The Death Of “Web 2.0″
The Death Of “Web 2.0″this is project management lingo
'Come to Beavis Meeting'? Hilarious.
Hilarious/scary (via Steve Portigal)Evolution and Facebook's "25 Random Things About Me" craze. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
an outline, with graphs, about the 25 random things that spread across facebook
It's all evolution...
25 Things, Analyzed as an Infectious DiseaseMimo Monitors - Welcome
USB monitor System
Want. Horrible website though.
Neat, but kind of small
710 Model (IN STOCK - SHIPPING NOW) price $129.99 + FREE SHIPPING! 7" screen : 800 x 480 pixels detachable stand allows portrait or landscape mode >> learn moreHow To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User.
How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power UserWhy Facebook Is for Old Fogies - TIME
The problem with programming is that most of the time the resulting code should boring and simple, not "clever"Got2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green
Presidend Obama used it to get elected. Dell will recruit new hires with it. Microsoft's new operating system borrows from it. No question, Facebook has friends in high places. Can CEO Mark Zuckerberg make those connections pay off?Life is tweet: How the Twitter family infiltrated our cultural world | Technology | The Observer
The hottest microblogging service, Twitter, is changing the way TV, literature and media operate.Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?”
In a nutshell, the findings were that “emerging computerized technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle aged and older adults,” and that “internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.” This is a long way of saying that being online helps keep those little gray cells busy. The level of brain activity was compared to that of reading a book. With internet usage, a significantly bigger piece of neural real estate lit up on the fMRI indicating that more parts of the brain were engaged.
Are our brains being rewired by using the Internet? The evidence tends to be pointing that way.Tech Central - Times Online - WBLG: Top 25 days in computing history
Top 25 days in computing historySiftables
The best way to describe Siftables might be "Blocks that can think." Visit the website to watch a TED presentation of these fantastic devices.
What are Siftables? Siftables are cookie-sized computers with motion sensing, neighbor detection, graphical display, and wireless communication. They act in concert to form a single interface: users physically manipulate them - piling, grouping, sorting - to interact with digital information and media. Siftables provides a new platform on which to implement tangible, visual and mobile applications.New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
"Now a new breed of technologies is taking shape that will extend the reach of search engines into the Web’s hidden corners. When that happens, it will do more than just improve the quality of search results — it may ultimately reshape the way many companies do business online."
Google now indexes a trillion web pages - but that's just a fraction of what's out there. So, what does it miss? is built for a static web...................Cynosura | Ray Glover's Weblog
Glover's Weblog
Nice design.
Beautiful website
Lovely!Giz Explains: Why More Megapixels Isn't Always More Better
Some good info on megapixels from Gizmodo
Why More Megapixels Isn't Always More Better
Explanation of why a digital camera with more megapixels isn't necessarily better.
Between all the new digital cameras pooped out b4 the upcoming PMA show & the crazy cameras buried inside cellphones @ MWC, it's a good time to see why more megapixels isn't necessarily better. So, the nutshell explanation of how a digital camera works is that light lands on a sensor, which converts the light into electrical charges. Depending on the camera, how the light reaches the sensor may seem different; digital SLRs house a complicated pentaprism & mirror system that swings out of the way, while the inside of a compact point & shoot is mechanically far simpler. The sensor fundamentals stay the same = where most of the MP machismo comes from. When U squeeze the shutter button, the sensor is exposed to light for however long you have the exposure time set for. Common metaphor » sensor works » like an array of buckets ( pixels) that collect light, & the amount collected is turned in2 an electrical charge, which is converted in2 data. 2 two major types of sensors, CCD & APS (CMOS).Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Found in space
Developer Blog
auf dieser flickr-group werden deine himmelsfotografien nach den abgebildeten sternbildern aufgelöst. kewl:)
The “blind astrometry server” is a program which monitors the Astrometry group on Flickr, looking for new photos of the night sky. It then analyzes each photo, and from the unique star positions shown it figures out what part of the sky was photographed and what interesting planets, galaxies or nebulae are contained within. Not only does the photographer get a high-quality description of what’s in their photo, but the main project gets a new image to add to its storehouse of knowledge.
Crowd-sourced sky cataloguing.15 Incredible Conceptual Designs You Wish Existed
Toast MessengerAmazon Exposes 1 Terabyte of Public Data to Developers - ReadWriteWeb
An Activity Pack is a set of educational resources focused on a theme and packaged in a widget-format that you can embed in your own class or social media web page. Each pack includes links to PBS web sites and a set of activities by grade level.
Explore educational resources and activities from PBS with our library of Activity Packs. Each one focuses on a curricular theme and includes links to great PBS resources and supplemental activities
Another widget source from PBS and Dr. Valenza.Giz Explains: Why Lenses Are the Real Key to Stunning Photos
Facebook legt uit waarom de verandering in de licentievoorwaarden voor nodig was. Deze wijziging veroorzaakte al snel een storm aan "Facebook OWNS YOUR DATA" reacties.
interesting perspective
"The country is famous for being ahead of its time when it comes to technology, and the iPhone just doesn't cut it. For example, Japanese handset users are extremely into video and photos — and the iPhone has neither a video camera nor multimedia text messaging. And a highlight feature many in Japan enjoy on their handset is a TV tuner" YEAH IT'S ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY
Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from Wired.com iPhone iphoneiphone iPhone iphoneiphoneThe Netbook Effect: How Cheap Little Laptops Hit the Big Time
Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop.
Get product reviews and news about digital cameras, computers, laptops, mp3 players, iPod, PDAs, phones, PCs, Macs and wireless from
Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop. In 2005, Jepsen, a pioneering LCD screen designer, was tapped to lead the development of the machine that would become known as One Laptop per Child. Nicholas Negroponte, the longtime MIT Media Lab visionary, launched the project hoping to create an inexpensive computer for children in developing countries. It would have Wi-Fi, a color screen, and a full keyboard—and sell for about $100. At that price, third-world governments could buy millions and hand them out freely in rural villages. Plus, it had to be small, incredibly rugged, and able to run on minimal power. "Half of the world's children have no regular access to electricity," Jepsen points out.The Demon-Haunted World
Matt Jones talk at Webstock. Superb!
Fabulous slideshare presentation by Matt Jones about city magic drawing connections between urbanisation and digitalisation.
so cool
It's about technology and the city. Or if you'd like, the city as technology. The car changed the development of the city irreversibly in the 20th century. I'd claim that mobiles will do the same in the 21st.
hackers are building sensors, bots and software into everything around them bottom-up, fast, cheap and out-of-control. They're creating environments that react, adapt and respond to us - and perhaps more importantly - each other: The Demon-Haunted World. Matt's session will be a whistlestop tour of those days of future past and pointers to some practical futures we can start building right now, together.
Matt Jones on "city magic"
"Archigram thought of behaviour as the raw material they were building with". They also used the term "social software" in 1972... motherfuck the fringe is hard to mine for valuables! :0Becta Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Intute abstract: Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Web sites about educational technologies and emerging trends.YouTube - Everything's amazing, nobody's happy
Visual Performance Research Lab Footage - hand gestures, tone of voice, facial/body expression
Conan hosts the comedian Louis CK who is talking of the spoiled generation worth watching!New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
An interesting look at the daunting task of connecting/mining the interwebs.
Search engines are starting to penetrate databases that are set up to respond to typed queries.
how to search databases, semantic sebState of the Art - Google Geniuses at Work on Free Goodies -
Google goodies
February 25, 2009 NYT column By DAVID POGUE offers a professional tour guide to help you find the lesser-known features of various Google apps.What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09 | Beyond the Beyond from
Very long transcript of Bruce Sterling's talk at Webstock but well worth the effort.
We've got a web built on top of a collapsed economy. THAT's the black hole at the center of the solar system now. There's gonna be a Transition Web. Your economic system collapses: Eastern Europe, Russia, the Transition Economy, that bracing experience is for everybody now. Except it's not Communism transitioning toward capitalism. It's the whole world into transition toward something we don't even have proper words for.Math Simulations
Scroll down to see the SS and the LAMicrosoft Office Labs vision 2019 (montage + video) - istartedsomething
A very very cool insight to the future, where Microsoft Surface pervades every aspect of everyone's lives.
Microsofts Zukunftsmusik
When Microsoft decides to imagine the future, it never fails to impress. Not only do you have some of the smartest people envisioning what’s possible, but they also invest so much into communicating these ideas through sights and sounds which the production value can be compared to most blockbuster sci-fi films.
マイクロソフトの考える2019。 UIでもビデオ的な。The Idiot’s Ultimate Guide To Building Your Own Computer |
MakeUseOf has teamed up with our very own Karl Gechlik at Ask The Admin to bring you nearly 50 pages full of screenshots, links to video demos and easy how-to instructions for every step involved. The result? The Idiot’s Guide To Building A PC.10 Features That Will Make Twitter Better
Twitter’s web interface is simple and intuitive but lacks a few features that can make it much better. In this article, you’ll read about 10 excellent user interface features that can enhance the Twitter web experience.
Very insightful list of things to add to Twitter'iTunes university' better than the real thing - science-in-society - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
Students that listened to podcasts of lectures got better exam results than those who attend in person, a study finds
students learning better through recorded lectures: things like being able to go back over a section you missed et cetera
New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Source: NewScientist Digest: Academic Impressions
"New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Podcasted lectures offer students the chance to replay difficult parts of a lecture and therefore take better notes, says Dani McKinney, a psychologist at the State University of New York in Fredonia, who led the study. ... McKinney want to now test how podcasts affect learning across an entire semester, rather than from just a single lecture. ... McKinney thinks these technologies can buttress traditional lectures, particularly for a generation that has grown up with the Internet. ... Darren Griffin, a geneticist and education researcher at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK, says podcast lectures are good for lecturers too. They free him up to spend precious class time interacting with his students, rather than just talking at them."
Researchers have found that students that listened to lectures on iTunes and did not attend class did better on the tests than students attending the lectures. It notes motivation as a caveat and may be reason behind the difference as motivatedConfessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes virus virusvirus
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One):Gallery - The next generation of mirrors - Image 1 - New Scientist
I don't know how he did it, but it's pretty cool.
Six monster mirrors.1901EasternTelegraph.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x971 pixels)
Global map of Eastern Telegraph Co. network in 1901
Undersea telegraph cables, 190121st Century Pedagogy | 21st Century Connections
Even if you have a 21st Century classroom (flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning - you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.
Learning management
"... communication skills. Marshalling and understanding the available evidence isn't useful unless you can effectively communicate your conclusions." "... team players. Virtually every project at Google is run by a small team. People need to work well together and perform up to the team's expectations. " will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.Engineers Rule -
Innovation at Honda is fueled by a focus on engineering and problem solving and the proper levels of insight to enable spending and experimentationThe IT Contract From Hell
I'm new to delicious and my new Android G1 so, this is the first thing I've bookmarked and haven't visited the site yet. I just wanted to try the bookmarking first.Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar - Great Alternatives to the Twitter Interface | LostInTechnology
tweetdeck twhirl alternative
Some tools to enhance your Twittering.
It's been probably a year since I typed I do use Twitter daily, just not the Twitter site. Sometimes, I use desktop-based applicationsHal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Google首席经济学家:I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. ... The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. I think statisticians are part of it, but it’s just a part. You also want to be able to visualize the data, communicate the data, and utilize it effectively.
The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian, professor of information sciences, business, and economics at the University of California at Berkeley, says it’s imperative for managers to gain a keener understanding of the potential for technology to reconfigure their industries. Varian, currently serving as Google's chief economist, compares the current period to previous times of industrialization when new technologies combined to create ever more complex and valuable systems—and thus reshaped the economy.The Technium: The Unabomber Was Right
I want to read this looks fascinating.
Ted Kaczynski, the convicted bomber who blew up dozens of technophilic professionals, was right about one thing: technology has its own agenda. The technium is not, as most people think, a series of individual artifacts and gadgets for sale. Rather, Kaczynski, speaking as the Unabomber, argued that technology is a dynamic holistic system. It is not mere hardware; rather it is more akin to an organism; it seeks and grabs resources for its own expansion; it transcends human actions and desires. I think Kaczynski was right about these claims. In his own words the Unabomber says: "The system does not and cannot exist to satisfy human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has to be modified to fit the needs of the system. This has nothing to do with the political or social ideology that may pretend to guide the technological system. It is the fault of technology, because the system is guided not by ideology but by technical necessity.”
The ultimate problem is that the paradise the Kaczynski is offering, the solution to civilization so to speak, is the tiny, smoky, dingy, smelly wooden prison cell that absolutely nobody else wants to dwell in. It is a paradise billions are fleeing from. Civilization has its problems but in almost every way it is better than the Unabomber’s shack.IBM to build brain-like computers
IBM has announced it will lead a US government-funded collaboration to make electronic circuits that mimic brains. Part of a field called "cognitive computing", the research will bring together neurobiologists, computer and materials scientists and psychologists. As a first step in its research the project has been granted $4.9m (£3.27m) from US defence agency Darpa.
"The key idea of cognitive computing is to engineer mind-like intelligent machines by reverse engineering the structure, dynamics, function and behaviour of the brain."
IBM has announced it will lead a US government-funded collaboration to make electronic circuits that mimic brains. Part of a field called "cognitive computing", the research will bring together neurobiologists, computer and materials scientists and psychologists. As a first step in its research the project has been granted $4.9m (£3.27m) from US defence agency Darpa.
IBM has announced it will lead a US government-funded collaboration to make electronic circuits that mimic brains.
IBM will join five US universities in an ambitious effort to integrate what is known from real biological systems with the results of supercomputer simulations of neurons. The team will then aim to produce for the first time an electronic system that behaves as the simulations do. The longer-term goal is to create a system with the level of complexity of a cat's brain.850+ Super Cool Tech Brushes for Photoshop | Naldz Graphics
tec brushesPasta&Vinegar » Blog Archive » Evolution of game controllers
"Everything is so amazing and nobody is happy." It is true. We take for granted the miracles we get from technology, and complain when the miracles aren't perfect. This comedian's routine on the Conan O'Brien show is funny, mocking our ingratitude. I post it here because the rant is a cartoon version of a more serious argument that we become blind to progress. Enjoy:
at The Technium
Posted by Supybot
comedian Louis C.K. on conan o'brian talking about how people take our amazing technology for granted.
"Everything is so amazing and nobody is happy." It is true. We take for granted the miracles we get from technology, and complain when the miracles aren't perfect. This comedian's routine on the Conan O'Brien show is funny, mocking our ingratitude. I post it here because the rant is a cartoon version of a more serious argument that we become blind to progress.
Fantastic 4 minute skit. And very, very true.
Wow. Yeah, y'know. That's true.Complete List of Google Earth Activities
HelpNarrow the View Biology 2 matches Environmental Science 11 matches Geography 9 matches Geoscience 22 matches 13 matches General/OtherProblem Set 5 matches Classroom Activity 8 matches Lab Activity 14 ...Eye Spy: Filmmaker Plans to Install Camera in His Eye Socket | Gadget Lab from
oh my god, okay, you have no idea how long I've dreamed of having this.
"Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around."
Filmaker with eye-embedded camera raises privacy concerns
Rob Spence looks you straight in the eye when he talks. So it's a little unnerving to imagine that soon one of his hazel-green eyes will have a tiny wirelesscooltoolsforschools » Collaborative Tools
Next time you order a new pair of skinny jeans from, you should know that you are helping welcome in the hive-mind robot overlords of retail. Warehouses run by
Boom. Now we begin. Watch the video.How to Keep Innovating - BusinessWeek
By this, I really mean two things: always be a beginner at something, and always be in love with what you are beginning.
a salient reminder: All of those
How to Keep Innovating - BusinessWeek
Always be bad at something you are passionate about.
Keeping innovative.
h was an Olympian. But on the other hand, some of my most valuable lessons were learned from a 14-year-old girl who, wAddonics' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible - Engadget
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter
USB converter to create a NAS network attached storage system.CustomGuide - Free Computer Training Quick References, Cheat Sheets
Free Computer Training Quick References, Cheat SheetsNASA - Do-It-Youself Podcast
All of the materials to create a podcast using NASA resources
images, audio to download and use to create student podcasts. Separated by grade levels, K-4, 5-8, 9-12.
Students can preview and download audio and video clips of astronauts performing work in space and on the ground. They can then use these clips to build their own podcast or similar audio/video project. Learning modules on the DIY Podcast page will be categorized by topic to assist students with creating projects about a subject of interest. Each subject module includes video and audio clips, images, helpful information and links to related resources.
Are you looking for a new approach to engage your students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast activity sets the stage for students to host a show that features astronauts training for missions, doing experiments in space or demonstrating equipment. We'll provide a set of audio and video clips along with photos and information about a space-related topic. You and your students may choose as many items as you want to include in your project and download them to your computer. Students may use the information we provide or conduct their own research to write a script for an audio or video productionHacking Education
I spent a lot of time on this blog in the past month exhorting everyone to give teaching tools to the neediest public schools. I did that because education is possibly the most important thing we can do for our... 30 Different Uses for RSS
the itunes one looks awesomexkcd - A Webcomic - I Know You're Listening
From xkcd.Ray Ozzie Wants to Push Microsoft Back Into Startup Mode
Must-read Wired article about the new Chief Software Architect of Microsoft - Ray Ozzie. Bill Gates him one of the top 5 programmers in the universe. That's a compliment!
This makes me want to dig up that "Ozzie is trying to build that thing he's been trying to build for the last 25 years; nobody cares, still" article.
Get Wired's take on technology business news and the Silicon Valley scene including IT, media, mobility, broadband, video, design, security, software, networking and internet startups on
Really interesting article about the issues facing Microsoft, Cloud Computing and other problems and possibilities for Microsoft.How To Kill The Music Industry | TorrentFreak
8 reasons why the music industry can't blame piracy alone for its decline in revenue.
During The Pirate Bay trial, the music industry placed the blame for the decline in their revenues squarely on the shoulders of file-sharers. Their logic is clearly flawed, but it could sway the verdict if no alternative explanation is presented. So, if piracy isn’t to blame, then what is *actually* killing the music industry?
Musikkbransjens motgang skyldes ikke bare piraterRSS Hits the Big Time (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought) RSS Hits the Big Time (Aaron Swartz's Raw
Via David: Obama segna un punto per la trasparenza. Il pacchetto stimulus richiede alle agenzie governative di produrre un feed con le elargizioni di denaro. Gov meshup, here we come.
The US Government are requiring agencies to publish funding information through RSS feeds. "For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription."
the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS: For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription.
"the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS:"
As chaunceyt pointed out, the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS
sweet sweet RSS nozzle
"For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription." --- Now, someone needs to figure out where each of these feeds is (will be?) published, and write an aggregator so that there's a one-stop-shopping end-point.
"[T]he new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS… The document is very clear that the items in the feed can’t simply be unstructured text, but have to be reusable data… Pretty amazing to see a government so tech-savvy."BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The slow death of handwriting
{no comment} slowdeathofhandwriting handwritinghandwriting
the art of handwriting is declining so fast that ordinary, joined-up script may become as hard to read as a medieval manuscript.Before and After: Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Cool Desktop setupAndreessen on Charlie Rose: “I Am Creating A Fund.” (Full Video)
Marc Andreessen discusses his new venture fund with Charlie Rose, as well as talking about why Twitter is a good thingExtinct ibex is resurrected by cloning - Telegraph
a real jurassic park would rule
"The Pyrenean ibex, a form of wild mountain goat, was officially declared extinct in 2000 when the last-known animal of its kind was found dead in northern Spain. Shortly before its death, scientists preserved skin samples of the goat, a subspecies of the Spanish ibex that live in mountain ranges across the country, in liquid nitrogen. ..." Dun dun dun.Brain Power Video -
Pessoas paralizadas conseguem se comunicar através de eletrodos conectados a um computador. Fantastico!
People who are completely paralyzed due to illness or trauma are getting help communicating with a new technology that connects their brains to a computer. Scott Pelley reports.xkcd - A Webcomic - Kindle
Amazon's Guide to the Galaxy.
Now this is original!8 Mobile Technologies to Watch in 2009, 2010 - ReadWriteWeb
Analyst firm Gartner has just released a report that highlights eight up-and-coming mobile technologies which they predict will impact the mobile industry over the course of the next ...ASCD SmartBrief | Sign Up
Articles and ed newsWhy Twitter Turned Down Facebook - Bits Blog -
Twitter will complement other forms of media, he said, the way that blogs and newspapers co-exist. “New media never kill old media,” he said. “It’s all part of an ecosystem.” Mr. Williams emphasized many times that, despite its buzz, Twitter is still a tiny, two-year-old company with just 25 employees. “It’s good that the expectations are high, but give us a minute,” he joked.
Throughout the talk, he mentioned several big projects that Twitter plans to tackle but hasn’t yet. One is moving its search function, which is hard to find, to the home page. Twitter also wants to make it easier for users to find their friends on the service, filter the people they follow and form groups so they can control which messages reach which of their followers.
potential merger of FB and twitter?Pattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense | Video on
Cool demo of sixth sense device at TED.
TED Talks This demo -- from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine "Minority Report" and then some.Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky
Society doesn’t need newspapers. What we need is journalism.
A good epitaph for the newspaper, by Clay Shirky. Now if only Elsevier would go bankrupt too.
Journalism has always been subsidized. Sometimes it's been Wal-Mart and the kid with the bike. Sometimes it's been Richard Mellon Scaife. Increasingly, it's you and me, donating our time. The list of models that are obviously working today, like Consumer Reports and NPR, like ProPublica and WikiLeaks, can't be expanded to cover any general case, but then nothing is going to cover the general case.
Oh, newspapers, please stick around. The revolution of the printing press was only, what, a few decades ago?Robots - The Big Picture -
check out pic #16... amazingHandbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
This Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (HETL) has been designed as a resource for educators planning to incorporate technologies in their teaching and learning activities.Why TV Lost
Now would be a good time to start any company that competes with TV networks. That's what a lot of Internet startups are, though they may not have had this as an explicit goal.Wolfram Blog : Wolfram|Alpha Is Coming!
via Nova Spivack: It doesn't simply return documents that (might) contain the answers, like Google does, and it isn't just a giant database of knowledge, like the Wikipedia. It doesn't simply parse natural language and then use that to retrieve documents, like Powerset, for example. Instead, Wolfram Alpha actually computes the answers to a wide range of questions -- like questions that have factual answers such as "What is the location of Timbuktu?" or "How many protons are in a hydrogen atom?," "What was the average rainfall in Boston last year?," "What is the 307th digit of Pi?," or "what would 80/20 vision look like?"
Wolfram Research introduces a search Old Growth Media And The Future Of News
Annotated link
There are dozens of interesting projects being spearheaded by very smart people, some of them nonprofits, some for-profit. But they are seedlings.
Johnson argues that journalism in the future will look a lot like how technology and politics are covered now because those two topics are the "old growth forests of the web", i.e. they've been covered long enough on the web that old media has had time to adjust, react, and in many cases, go out of business in the face of that coverage.
"That’s why the ecosystem of technology news is so crucial. It is the old-growth forest of the web. It is the sub-genre of news that has had the longest time to evolve. The Web doesn’t have some kind intrinsic aptitude for covering technology better than other fields. It just has an intrinsic tendency to cover technology first, because the first people that used the web were far more interested in technology than they were in, say, school board meetings or the NFL."15 free downloads to pep up your old PC
A collection of programs to "tune up" the old PC.
free downloads to pep up your PC
My PC needs this...or it will get booted for a mac!Death Switch
wow this is an interesting idea, albeit morbid.
A service that sends out messages after you're gone.
Sounds creepy, but it worth thinking about
Death Switch allows you to send out email messages, in the case of your demise. It repeatedly contacts you, and if you don't answer within a specified time window, it triggers the 'last message' to whoever you specify.In search of the click track « Music Machinery
Can Rhythmic Analysis Demonstrate the Use of Robotic Beats?
I’ve always been curious about which drummers use a click track and which don’t, so I thought it might be fun to try to build a click track detector using the Echo Nest remix SDK ( remix is a Python library that allows you to analyze and manipulate music). In my first attempt, I used remix to analyze a track and then I just printed out the duration of each beat in a song and used gnuplot to plot the data. The results weren’t so good - the plot was rather noisy. It turns out there’s quite a bit of variation from beat to beat. In my second attempt I averaged the beat durations over a short window, and the resulting plot was quite good.Guardian launches Open Platform service to make online content available free | Media |
Innovative method of 'regionalising' news stories
The future
Websites can now use The Guardian's huge store of articles and information to make new websitesPattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense | Video on
TED presentation - Social media in the real world - minority report like
This demo -- from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine "Minority Report" and then some.
TED Talks This demo -- from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine "Minority Report" and then some.
Wearable interface of the futureAardvark
I wonder if we missed the boat fighting it out over our similar ideas
social question answering, where you trade answering questions for answers to questions
good idear... then store that time-stamped content and make it searchable by anyone ... hate that term "crowdsourcing," must be a more elegant way to say this
A strange, but fascinating service. Kind of reminds me of the "Usenet Oracle":Wikipedia:The_Internet_Oracle, but over "IM":IM and without all the insane stories.Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon - Telegraph
NO WAY this is rad.
NASA, recession-style.indispensibletools / FrontPage
Indispensible ICT Tools for teachers The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.Wolfram Alpha Computes Answers To Factual Questions. This Is Going To Be Big.
Where Google is a system for FINDING things that we as a civilization collectively publish, Wolfram Alpha is for ANSWERING questions about what we as a civilization collectively know. It’s the next step in the distribution of knowledge and intelligence around the world — a new leap in the intelligence of our collective “Global Brain.” And like any big next-step, Wolfram Alpha works in a new way — it computes answers instead of just looking them up. Wolfram Alpha, at its heart is quite different from a brute force statistical search engine like Google. And it is not going to replace Google — it is not a general search engine: You would probably not use Wolfram Alpha to shop for a new car, find blog posts about a topic, or to choose a resort for your honeymoon. It is not a system that will understand the nuances of what you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway, for example — there is still no substitute for manual human-guided search for that. Where it appears to excel is whenSOL K-5 Technology Integration Resources
Resources for teaching elementary knowledge (kindergarten-5th grade).
Includes many subjects and links to others
comprehensive resourcesInforming Ourselves To Death
we have directed all of our energies and intelligence to inventing machinery that does nothing but increase the supply of information. As a consequence, our defenses against information glut have broken down; our information immune system is inoperable. We don't know how to filter it out; we don't know how to reduce it; we don't know to use it. We suffer from a kind of cultural AIDS.The Next Generation in Human Computer Interfaces - Awesome Videos | Singularity Hub
thanks roel!Ten Facebook Tips For Power Users - PC World
From I'm Not a Geek Blog dated ~ 23 Mar 2009
How to Tweet Your Way Out of a Job
A lucky job applicant tweeted the following: Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.This is the Microsoft I want to see » VentureBeat
Future Technology
People sometimes ask me why I dislike Microsoft. The answer is simple: I don’t -- I’ve just been disappointed with ...
Microsoft concept video.
Fantastic little video from Microsoft, showing how technology (mostly AR - augmented reality) might work in the future.PBX Hell: 50-Plus Hacks and Tips to Get to a Real Person at Any Corporation in 10 Seconds or Less - VoIP News
This will be helpful sometimeLaCie - LaCie iamaKey USB Flash Drive
Facebook's redesign, and why customer feedback shouldn't be the only driver of a product's development....
My former boss, Jim Fawcette, used to say that if you asked a group of Porsche owners what they wanted they’d tell you things like “smoother ride, more trunk space, more leg room, etc.” He’d then say “well, they just designed a Volvo.Microsoft Web Platform - Home
Microsoft Web Platform - HomeOfficial Google Blog: Here comes Google Voice
how to videos
[Official Google Blog]Being the Change » Blog Archive » The Open Company - Running your business as if it were an Open Source Project.
It used to be hard to imagine that anything serious could be build without the creation of large hierarchical organizations. But if one thing has really been shown in these recent years, it is that self-organizing groups in many cases can outperform traditional organizations. There is a lot of talk in the community about the various freedoms that open source confers. But beneath all this there is a titillating promise of an even more fundamental freedom. This is “the real freedom zero”Dealzmodo Hack: Making iTunes Work For You
Shows cities on a innovation scale from McKinsey. The dynamic graphic is particulary good in making a comparion between Europe and the rest of the world.
What Matters, a blog about topics of global importance, curated by McKinsey & Company and featuring essays by respected experts in a variety of disciplines, including biotechnology, climate change, credit crisis, energy, geopolitics, globalization, health care, innovation, the Internet and organization.Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist
"A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation's infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation."
A fierce solar storm could lead to a global disaster on an unprecedented scale – it's time to heed the warnings
Interesting article from New Science describing how a "coronal mass ejection" from the Sun could melt down the electrical power gird. ".... Over the last few decades, western civilisations have busily sown the seeds of their own destruction. Our modern way of life, with its reliance on technology, has unwittingly exposed us to an extraordinary danger: plasma balls spewed from the surface of the sun could wipe out our power grids, with catastrophic consequences..." The article does offer a solution: upgrade the ACE solar satellite, to detect an electro magnetic surge and provide power grid operators with about 15 minutes to shut down their systems. The article does not discuss another possible option: stop building centralized power sources that demand increasingly massive power grids. Instead, concentrate on meeting energy needs using localized sources of powerBBC NEWS | Technology | Social networks 'are new e-mail'
Social network usage has overtaken email. More and more people are using social networks to communicate with others rather than email. This trend is evolving and growing.
Accessibility HelpSkip to contentSkip to searchLow graphicsHelpAccess keys help Search term Explore the BBCBBC News Updated every minute of every day One-Minute World News News Front Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports %
over Facebook die email vervangt
"'You used to e-mail content to people and you had to choose who you wanted to e-mail it to and you didn't know if your friends even wanted to see it. Now you can put something out there and let people engage with it.' The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services is beginning to see activity feeds and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put."
Status updates on sites such as Facebook, Yammer, Twitter and Friendfeed are a new form of communication, the South by SouthWest Festival has heard. "We are all in the process of creating e-mail 2.0," David Sacks, founder of business social network Yammer said.Hacking Education (continued)
Hacking Education article part 2
Last fall I wrote a post on this blog titled Hacking Education. In it, I outlined my thoughts on why the education system (broadly speaking) is failing our society and why hacking it seems like both an important and profitable endeavor.
Big takeaways on changing education
talked about hacking education for six hours.
How education is changing. Annotated link
What will education be like in the (near) future? / Weekend / Reportage - The genius behind Google’s web browser
The genius behind Google's web browser
Chrome attracted more than 10 million users in its first 100 days. Although that’s an impressive number, it still only translates into about 1 per cent of browser usage online. It will be a while before it can compete with Firefox, Internet Explorer and others. In December last year, Google announced that Chrome was now out of its development, or Beta, phase and is ready to be shipped as a pre-installed browser on some PCs. This could rapidly increase the number of users. Moreover, the European Commission’s antitrust battle with Microsoft over, among other things, how its own browser, Internet Explorer, is integrated into its Windows operating system may give competitors a chance Legislation and market share aside, the technical challenge has been laid down. “Microsoft will have to build something better than V8,” Bak says. Most tech watchers doubt that they will manage to any time soon: in tests, V8 processes JavaScript 56 times faster than the most used version of Internet Explorer.YouTube - Did You Know
Today's consumer seems to have an insatiable appetite for information, but until recently making sense of all of that raw data was too daunting for most. Enter the new "visual scientists" who are turning bits and bytes of data -- once purely the domain of mathematicians and coders -- into stories for our digital age.
Short blog post offers several different examples, not all from news organizations.Nine great reasons why teachers should use Twitter | Laura Walker
What’s the point of Twitter? Why should educators get involved? What difference does using Twitter make? Remember, your experience on Twitter is only as high quality as the people who you follow and the information you share.How the iPhone 3.0 Will Create a New Mobile Economy
Further to what we were saying about iPhone apps.My Life With Cables - Abstract City Blog -
Enjoy Christoph Niemann's whimsical illustrations and observation in the New York Times piece from Abstract City Blog.Last-minute Conficker survival guide : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech Conficker tips
An article about Conficker virus.Wrong Tomorrow - pundits vs. time
nice idea (accountability? no!)
Holding the experts to account
matt simmons "We are three, six, maybe nine months away from an [oil] price shock." - 2009-03-26 268 days open barton biggs the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may rally between 30 percent and 50 percent from the 12-year low reached on March 9 - 2009-03-23 355 days open
Fantastic new site that lists and tracks predictions of the future made by public figures and purported experts.10 skills developers will need in the next five years | 10 Things |
If you’re a developer looking to get ahead in your field (or in some cases, to simply stay employed), this is not a good time to be complacent. Justin James lists the skills you’ll want to work on now to maximize your future job prospects.Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Who'd have thought it.. Google runs of thousands of 12-volt batteries :o) Each Google server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts. ... Most people buy computers one at a time, but Google thinks on a very different scale. The cores of the company's data centers are composed of standard 1AAA shipping containers packed with 1,160 servers each, with many containers in each data center.Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Google's big surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts.
Google muestra por primera vez sus servidores, de diseño propio.
I love the approach and the the fact it's unconventional and better - google servers revealedReduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Gadgets - Wired How-To Wiki
Tiene unos enlaces de herramientas o algo asi para los caneles de reciclaje
A h
in case you haven't seen it already.teachingwithted / FrontPage
I'm seriously tempted to do this to my unlocked iP 3g
Teach you how to jail break your iPhone...
QuickPwn 2.2.510 Annoying Habits of a Geeky Spouse | Geekdad from
Everyone has annoying habits, and a sizable part of every successful marriage is learning to live with those things each other does that annoy you. I think it's safe to
Using "frak," or Klingon, or both, instead of regular swear wordsComputer Program Self-Discovers Laws of Physics | Wired Science from
Inductive reasoning at it's finest.
In just over a day, a powerful computer program accomplished a feat that took physicists centuries to complete: extrapolating the laws of motion from a pendulum's swings. Developed by Cornell researchers, the program deduced the natural laws without a shred of knowledge about physics or geometry. The research is being heralded as a potential breakthrough for science in the Petabyte Age, where computers try to find regularities in massive datasets that are too big and complex for the human mind. (See Wired magazine's July 2008 cover story on "The End of Science.") "One of the biggest problems in science today is moving forward and finding the underlying principles in areas where there is lots and lots of data, but there's a theoretical gap. We don't know how things work," said Hod Lipson, the Cornell University computational researcher who co-wrote the program. "I think this is going to be an important tool." Condensing rules from raw data has long been considered the province of hu
“In just over a day, a powerful computer program accomplished a feat that took physicists centuries to complete: extrapolating the laws of motion from a pendulum's swings…”
In just over a day, a powerful computer program accomplished a feat that took physicists centuries to complete: extrapolating the laws of motion from a pendulum's swings. Developed by CornellGizmodo - How To: Remote Control Your Home Computer From Anywhere With VNC - Vnc guide
How To: Remote Control Your Home Computer From AnywhereBaker Tweet
you. HAVE. to be kidding me.
BakerTweet is a way for busy bakers to tell the world that something hot and fresh has just come out of the oven.
Tweeting when bread is fresh...
Saiba quando o pão está fresco pelo Twitter.The DaVinci Institute - The Future of Education by Thomas Frey
The pace of change is mandating that we produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human being. Current systems are preventing that from happening. Future education system will be unleashed with the advent of a standardized rapid courseware-builder and a single point global distribution system.Zoomorama - Tech Crunch Web Trends
Express Yourself in Pictures. Create, share, and zoom in complete freedom.
les 333 sites les plus influents....Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - Technotica-
April fool's joke, or Google's Next Big Thing? You decide.
(from Zac Malmquist) If any of you used Google on April 1, then you may have stumbled across this announcement from Google - Happy April Fools Day.
Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity
Google introduces first distributed intelligence entity. First thing it does, posts a wicked annoying blog. [from]
Google's April Fool's joke for 2009 - they launched an AI, which behaves exactly like a 12-year-old girl. Her homepage looks like a geocities page, and she's "enhanced" every google app with some hilarious features, including 3-D glasses for Chrome, and an autoreply feature for Gmail.Daring Fireball: Complex
John Gruber on #iphone [from]
"The problem is that while successful complex systems evolve from simple systems that work, not every simple system that works can support additional complexity. It’s not enough just to start simple, you have to start simple with a framework designed for future evolution and growth."
“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.”Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run | The Underwire from
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run
"My quest in life now is to surround myself with smart, innovative people," he says, "instead of the gangster types who have exploited artists over the years."Techy Tips for not so techy teachers - Google Docs
Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software that could be used to disrupt the system.
Parece coisa de filme !Build Your Own Multitouch Surface Computer - Page 1 | Maximum PC
It all started while we were researching an article on future user interfaces. Touch interfaces are hardly futuristic at this point, but multi-touch hardware like the Microsoft Surface or the iPhone is just starting to become a big deal, and we decided to see what big things are going on in that field. What we found that surprised us the most wasn’t anything about the future of multitouch; it was about something that people are doing right now.Wired Campus: Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class -- via Twitter -
Example of in-class backchannel.
Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Pennsylvania State University at University Park, prefers to teach in classrooms with two screens — one to project his slides, and another to project a Twitter stream of notes from students. He knows he is inviting distraction — after all, he’s essentially asking students to pass notes during class. But he argues that the additional layer of communication will make for richer class discussions.
Heh. Had a chunk of my talk on Wed about why this was a bad idea. But part of how the prof is doing this makes quite a bit of sense and help alleviate my general concerns about this approach.
Twitter e lousa ao mesmo tempo? Até que ponto a inserção destas ferramentas torna o ensino mais produtivo?qw-cheatsheet-print-zoom.jpg (JPEG Image, 660x728 pixels)
just in case you happen to go back in time and want to be awesomeGet Rich Slow - TIME
Here are a few of their best stories—for the record:YouTube Is Doomed (GOOG)
"According to a report by Credit Suisse, YouTube is on track to lose roughly $470 million in 2009....YouTube will manage to rake in about $240 million in ad revenue in 2009, against operating costs of roughly $711 million."
One thing is clear: YouTube cannot maintain its current course and remain a going concern. Google can continue to fund the experiment for a period of time, but at some juncture, shareholders will ask hard questions about why Google is sacrificing half a billion dollars to support a project whose chances of providing a return, at any point, is dubious at best. Advertising cannot solve the problem, at least not in its current form, and not in the near term. With a diminishing field of options, a massive, growing, cost center, and an economy in recession, Google will need to make some hard decisions about the future viability and business model of its prodigal child.
YouTube on track to lose $470 million in 2009.
The economics are hard to overcome. Assuming YouTube delivers the 75 billion streams that Credit Suisse projects for 2009, and assuming YouTube manages to slot an ad for every stream (which is practically speaking, impossible, given the nature of much of their content), YouTube would have to achieve a $9.48 CPM for every video impression shown. Presumably, the videos YouTube is already monetizing represent the best content available, with diminishing returns as they reach deeper and deeper into a repository rife with copyright violation, the indecent, the uninteresting, and the unwatchable. Hulu claims to be charging a $30 CPM, of which roughly 70% goes to the copyright holder. Averages for other proprietary content hover around the $10 CPM mark. CPMs for user-generated content, assuming you can attract the advertisers, tend to be measured in fractions of a dollar.3DデスクトップBumpTop、ダウンロード提供開始
Windows PC向けに無償でダウンロード
物理シミューレータ使ってるのかな? こんなふうになると、デスクトップの使い方が変わるかな?もはやデスクトップ(机の上)ではないが。
結構前からデモは見てた。買い換えたら入れてみようなぁ~。Renny Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks | Video on
More social media resources from Mashable:
Mashable article by Jennifer Van Grove.
Status update'ens historie og lidt om hvad fremtiden kan byde påHow to Build a Spy Camera |
webcamGizmodo - NYU Student Conducts Most Adorable Robot Experiment Ever - Tweenbot
Best. Art. Evar.
The tweenbot, a cardboard-bodied, cheerful little bugger, is equipped with a flag stating its intended destination. Since it can only move forward, it depends on the kindness of strangers to guide it and remove obstacles.Wolfram|Alpha: Searching for Truth | h+ Magazine
And now, in 2009, a new kind of browser search engine called Wolfram|Alpha is about to appear. The other day I talked to Stephen on the phone for about two hours, and he demonstrated some of Wolfram|Alpha’s powers via a web-conferencing hook-up. In the following, I’ll be paraphrasing his words, based on my notes, my memory, and an audio recording of our conversation.
Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.”
"... Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.” ..." [Accessed Tuesday, 14th April, 2009]‘Hyperlocal’ Web Sites Deliver News Without Newspapers -
Placeblogger, a Bryght/Raincity Studios site, gets a mention at the beginning in a New York times article.
Just as some cities’ newspapers sputter, a handful of Web sites emerge to cull local content from government data, blogs and news media.
One hurdle is the need for reliable, quality content. The information on many of these sites can still appear woefully incomplete. Crime reports on EveryBlock, for example, are short on details of what happened. Links to professionally written news articles on are mixed with trivial and sometimes irrelevant blog posts. That raises the question of what these hyperlocal sites will do if newspapers, a main source of credible information, go out of business. “They rely on pulling data from other sources, so they really can’t function if news organizations disappear,” said Steve Outing, who writes about online media for Editor & Publisher Online. But many hyperlocal entrepreneurs say they are counting on a proliferation of blogs and small local journalism start-ups to keep providing content.When Sensors and Social Networks Mix - ReadWriteWeb
So you've gone back in time with just a gun, a few clips and your pants. What now? This is what. [Topatoco via Buzzfeed - Thanks Audrius!]
Just in case. :)
what happens when and what you need(ed) to know/discover when10 High Fliers on Twitter -
10 High people to follow on Twitter.
On the microblogging service, professors and administrators find work tips and new ways to monitor the world
Jeff Young
the famous profile of 10 academic twitterersAll Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Free whiteboard applications for teaching.
Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers. A variety of free, easy to use IWB resources, for teaching a variety of subjects. New resources added weekly.
interactive whiteboard lessons maths english science soseA way to link to a specific part of a youtube video
creates a link to a YouTube video where you set the start time.
Save YouTube video
youtubetime: YouTube-Videos mit eingestellter Startzeit weitergeben Mit youtubetime kann man YouTube-Videos mit voreingestellter Startzeit weitergeben. Dazu muss man nur den Link zum Video und die gewünschte Zeit angeben.Nine Reasons to Twitter in Schools
Why should educators get involved with Twitter? Here are nine reasons.
reasons to twitter in schoolPIN Crackers Nab Holy Grail of Bank Card Security | Threat Level from
movement in the banking security industry
Hackers are getting our bank security pin codes!
Hackers have crossed into new frontiers by devising sophisticated ways to steal large amounts of personal identification numbers, or PINs, protecting credit and debit cards, says an investigator. The attacks involve both unencrypted PINs and encrypted PINs that attackers have found a way to crack, according to an investigator behind a new report looking at the data breaches.
Some of the attacks involve grabbing unencrypted PINs, while they sit in memory on bank systems during the authorization process. But the most sophisticated attacks involve encrypted PINs. Sartin says the latter attacks involve a device called a hardware security module (HSM), a security appliance that sits on bank networks and on switches through which PIN numbers pass on their way from an ATM or retail cash register to the card issuer. The module is a tamper-resistant device that provides a secure environment for certain functions, such as encryption and decryption, to occur. According to the payment-card industry, or PCI, standards for credit card transaction security, PIN numbers are supposed to be encrypted in transit, which should theoretically protect them if someone intercepts the data. The problem, however, is that a PIN must pass through multiple HSMs across multiple bank networks en route to the customer's bank. These HSMs are configured and managed d
Yves & TWA (comments) say this article has some fact checking issues
According to the payment-card industry, or PCI, standards for credit card transaction security, PIN numbers are supposed to be encrypted in transit, which should theoretically protect them if someone intercepts the data. The problem, however, is that a PIN must pass through multiple HSMs across multiple bank networks en route to the customer's bank. These HSMs are configured and managed differently, some by contractors not directly related to the bank. At every switching point, the PIN must be decrypted, then re-encrypted with the proper key for the next leg in its journey, which is itself encrypted under a master key that is generally stored in the module or in the module's application programming interface, or API.Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars | Video on
About this talk Forget about the hybrid auto -- Shai Agassi says it's electric cars or bust if we want to impact emissions. His company, Better Place, has a radical plan to take entire countries oil-free by 2020. About Shai Agassi Shai Agassi wants to put you behind the wheel of an electric car -- but he doesn't want you to sacrifice convenience (or cash) to do it. Full bio and more links
Agassi's Agassi'sAgassi's electric-car Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars | Video on Agassi's Agassi'sAgassi's electric-car ted.comThe Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist
Leonardo Notarbartolo strolls into the prison visiting room trailing a guard as if the guy were his personal assistant. The other convicts in this eastern Belgian prison turn to look. Notarbartolo nods and smiles faintly, the laugh lines crinkling around his blue eyes. Though he's an inmate and wears the requisite white prisoner jacket, Notarbartolo radiates a sunny Italian charm. A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white soul patch drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
Pretty amazing account of a diamond heist in Antwerp. I imagine that various Hollywood types are scrabbling for the rights to produce "Notarbartolo's Five" even as I type this...
Leuk verhaal over grote 3Oceans 11" achtige kluisbraak in Antwerp Diamond CentreHow the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write -
Author Steven Johnson outlines a future with more books, more distractions -- and the end of reading alone
kindle ebook e-book
数图研究おそらくはそれさえも平凡な日々: Akamaiが想像以上に鬼畜だった件 in Akamai勉強会
ネントの裏企業Akamaiについて。世界のwebトラフィックの15%をさばく、ビジネス特許で独禁法回避、ISPにサーバ4万台、動的コンテンツキャッシュ->ユーザ行動監視。怖すぎwwwThe high costs of running YouTube. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
According a recent report by analysts at the financial-services company Credit Suisse, Google will lose $470 million on the video-sharing site this year alone. To put it another way, the Boston Globe, which is on track to lose $85 million in 2009, is five times more profitable—or, rather, less unprofitable—than YouTube. All so you can watch this helium-voiced oddball whenever you want.
Interesting article telling that not only the newspapers struggle, YouTube is suffocating as well under the enourmous costs of storing its content.
User-generated content may have changed the Internet, but sites like YouTube are suffocating under the costs of storing it.DIY High-Speed Book Scanner from Trash and Cheap Cameras
High-speed DIY book scanner64 Things Every Geek Should Know -
miscGoogle Labs
google labs experimentalsGoogle Analytics Blog: Web Analytics Tips & Tricks: Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
these forums so let us know what you think about the API there, and share your ideas and your applications with us. We look forward to seeing your creativity!
Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!64 Things Every Geek Should Know
pagina interesante sobre tecnologiaU.S. Soldiers' New Weapon: an iPod | Newsweek International Edition |
Tying the hands of a person who is speaking, the Arab proverb goes, is akin to "tying his tongue." Western soldiers in Iraq know how important gestures can be when communicating with locals. To close, open and close a fist means "light," but just opening a fist means "bomb." One soldier recently home from Iraq once tried to order an Iraqi man to lie down. To get his point across, the soldier had to demonstrate by stretching out in the dirt. Translation software could help, but what's the best way to make it available in the field?
iPod is becoming tool of choice for US Military
Apple’s New Weapon To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.
The US military has been looking for a device that is both versatile and easy to use to help its soldiers make sense of information they receive from satellites, drones, and ground sensors while in the field. The iPod Touch has become that new device. It's cheaper than the current devices distributed to soldiers and Apple has already done all of the necessary research and manufacturing for the devices. As the iPod Touch gains more functionality, it is hoped that soldiers will gradually be able to shed soem of their other devices and just carry the iPod.
To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.Bruce Perens - A Cyber-Attack on an American City
good content - horrible design makes me not want to read it
by Bruce PerensGet Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them
Saving the planet through sheer laziness.
sweet design11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road Trip
11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road TripWilliams and Stone: The Twitter Revolution -
This is a blog version of a book of mine first published in 1998. I am re-issuing it (two posts per week) unaltered on its 10th anniversary. Comments welcomed. ... The thesis of New Rules for the New Economy is that we are now living in an economy based on ideas and communication rather than energy and atoms. Further, this "new" economy has distinct laws or rules so it behaves differently than the previous industrial economy. To do well in the new regime, we need to grasp the new dynamics of information. I reduce the emerging principles to 10 guidelines, and suggest a few strategies for businesses based on each principle.
Kevin Kelly - Blog ver of book.堀江貴文 エンジニアは誇り高くあれ/Tech総研
また、正社員には福利厚生費などの負担や将来への責任が生じるから、派遣を使うという声も聞きます。だけど、それらを社員に与えるのは企業の責務じゃないですか。こんな当たり前のことを実現できないで利益を出そうとするのは、既に商売ではないと思う。そう言うと、「企業努力の末に高品質で安価な製品が提供されているんだ」と返されるかもしれないけれど、ならばその考えが間違っている。消費者におもねりすぎです。いいものはそれなりの値段がする。消費者は安くて品質のよいものを求めるけれど、それは当然だけれども、安易に応じて無理をするから企業がおかしくなっていく。企業の立場からは「安い商品を不当に求める世間が間違っている」とは言えないのもわかるけど、無理を続けた結果が、賞味期限切れの食品、各種のリコール、汚染米などの根になっているのだと感じます。Building 43
New community for internet geeks...
Check Out Building 43: A Place For People Fanatical About The Internet [from]
Robert Scoble's newest Internet tech websiteグーグル、自社設計のサーバを初公開--データセンターに見る効率化へのこだわり:スペシャルレポート - CNET Japan
Googleサーバで非常に驚くのは、サーバ1台1台が、それぞれ12Vのバッテリを備えていて、メイン電源に問題がある場合には電力を供給することだ。Googleはまた、2005年以来、同社のデータセンターが標準規格の運送用コンテナで構成されていることを初めて明らかにした。1つのコンテナには1160台のサーバが搭載され、その電力消費は250KWに達する。Making Teachers Nerdy
He's called it, but I'm sure many people are feeling the same. And furthermore, Twitter's so trendy right now it can't possibly last. The kids who join a niche precisely because it's a tiny, obscure little niche are going to be leaving Twitter in droves.
Author says "In the last six months, Twitter has gone nuclear. There are three reasons why and I explore them in this post. However, they also point to why Twitter is about to jump the shark and we should begin asking ourselves what's "the next big thing."...As I have written before, no community has ever had staying power. Twitter right now is poised to fall victim to the same trend. Let's take a look at three reasons why Twitter has witnessed incredible growth, all of which point to why the service is peaking right now."
Though Twitter itself may be a bubble soon to burst, I do not think microblogging is going anywhere.
As long as Twitter maintains a following I feel every business should join it and converse with their customersTwenty-Two Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
In addition to helping you climb the decision tree, Hunch asks you a bunch of questions about yourself to find out more about what you're like and what you like. Hunch creates a kind of "taste profile" of you and people like you, which combine with topic-specific questions to deliver a hunch just for you. Hunch!
A site that makes decisions for you.
Look. Decision-making is difficult, and decisions have to be made constantly. What should I be for Halloween? Do I need a Porsche? Does my hipster facial hair make me look stupid? Is Phoenix a good place to retire? Whom should I vote for? What toe ring should I buy?Demo: Stunning data visualization | Video on
About this talk JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the AlloSphere, a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data. Dive into the brain, feel electron spin, hear the music of the elements ... and detect previously unseen patterns that could lead to new discoveries. About JoAnn Kuchera-Morin Composer JoAnn Kuchera-Morin is the director of the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE) at UC Santa Barbara. Full bio and more links
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the AlloSphere, a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data. Dive into the brain, feel electron spin, hear the music of the elements ... and detect previously unseen patterns that could lead to new discoveries.
JoAnn Kucnera-Morin: Tour the AlloSphere, a stunning way to see scientific dataThe Future of Our Cities: Open, Crowdsourced, and Participatory - O'Reilly Radar
Let me know if you have no interest in the things I randomly send you - this made me think of your union rant plus your blog about shoes on wires :)
Prior to DIYcity, Geraci co-founded the hyperlocal news network Pattern Recognition
facial recognition Star Trek
Navigate video by facial recognition, demo'd on the original Star Trek
face mining - nice
Now that's a good use of facial recognition!The Making Of: PlayStation | Edge Online
What would you have printed?
The Espresso Book Machine can print any of 500,000 titles while you wait in 5 minutes
It's not elegant and it's not sexy – it looks like a large photocopier – but the Espresso Book Machine is being billed as the biggest change for the literary world since Gutenberg invented the printing press more than 500 years ago and made the mass production of books possible. Launching today at Blackwell's Charing Cross Road branch in London, the machine prints and binds books on demand in five minutes, while customers wait. Signalling the end, says Blackwell, to the frustration of being told by a bookseller that a title is out of print, or not in stock, the Espresso offers access to almost half a million books, from a facsimile of Lewis Carroll's original manuscript for Alice in Wonderland to Mrs Beeton's Book of Needlework. Blackwell hopes to increase this to over a million titles by the end of the summer – the equivalent of 23.6 miles of shelf space, or over 50 bookshops rolled into one.Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -
an article about graduate education in US
End the University as We Know It
I don't agree with all of his solutions, but I do agree that higher education, like much of our society, is too much about producing a product rather than about helping individuals learn, change and grow.
From New York Times
GRADUATE education is the Detroit of higher learning. Most graduate programs in American universities produce a product for which there is no market (candidates for teaching positions that do not exist) and develop skills for which there is diminishing demand (research in subfields within subfields and publication in journals read by no one other than a few like-minded colleagues), all at a rapidly rising cost (sometimes well over $100,000 in student loans).
The emphasis on narrow scholarship also encourages an educational system that has become a process of cloning. Faculty members cultivate those students whose futures they envision as identical to their own pasts, even though their tenures will stand in the way of these students having futures as full professors.
Higher education is structured in a way that encourages insular departments and hyper-specializationBootstrapping Technology For Eight Bucks a Day
Not sure I'm the target audience for this, but the article does mention *many* interesting companies that I should probably be checking out
Brilliant!100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Webdesigner Depot (excellent collection!)
Concept designers are also referred to as visual futurists. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to createTop 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
Dix outils Web 2.0 pour l'éducation des jeunesCool Cat Teacher Blog: 122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites
122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites Sunday, April 26, 2009 These are my favorite apps, software, and sites for managing my life, home, classroom, and more. Hope you enjoy and hope you share yours in the comments.
WOW - Great resourceThe Manuals - Free Manuals Online
5.770.000 Free Manuals !
The Manuals - Free Manuals Online
motore di ricerca per trovare in rete manuali scaricabili gratuitamente60% of Twitter Users Quit Within the First Month
ok, I figured this out. And I can do it from inside Safari
maybe it's because they're "doing it wrong" and not creating a network that is worthwhile to them.
We’re hearing some pretty amazing statistics about Twitter these days: growth from February 2008 to February 2009 was reportedly 1382%, with the incline increasing yet further in recent months. But like many social networks, it seems many people lose steam with the service. Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. As discussed in the comments, Nielsen is only able to measure return visits to how many people set up a desktop application like TweetDeck and continue to Tweet, but never return to
Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. And in the 12 months pre-Oprah, retention rates were even lower: only 30% returned the next month. Thats good news, to some degree: retention rates have increased over time.
We’re hearing some pretty amazing statistics about Twitter (Twitter reviews) these days: growth from February 2008 to February 2009 was reportedly 1382%, with the incline increasing yet further in recent months. But like many social networks, it seems many people lose steam with the service. Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. And in the 12 months “pre-Oprah”, retention rates were even lower: only 30% returned the next month. That’s good news, to some degree: retention rates have increased over time.Learn how to make a screenshot /
Great explanation for taking a screenshot of the computer screen.There's Twitter the company, and twitter the medium | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Interesting article. There's Twitter the company, and twitter the medium.
RT @LeoLaporte People love [..] Twitter, he said. "But what they ignore is that there’s a dark side to all of that [from]
Last year, Leo Laporte became a Twitter quitter. The host of one of Silicon Valley’s most popular podcasts was none too excited that of all the names in the world, the burgeoning message service had picked one that hit piercingly close to home. The online broadcasting network that Laporte owns and runs a short walk from his house in Petaluma is called, after his company’s flagship show, “This Week in Tech.”
About twitter as a company and as a social network
too much power in Twitter's hands?An invention that could change the internet for ever - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Wolfram Alpha,Virtual Field Trips | SimpleK12
Virtual Field Trips
Listing of Virtual Field Trips by Subject
This site has a list of links to virtual field trips put up by SimpleK12Why text messages are limited to 160 characters | Technology | Los Angeles Times
As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters.
Los Angeles Times article about the history of SMS text messaging
Alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper. As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters. That became Hillebrand's magic number -- and set the standard for one of today's most popular forms of digital communication: text messaging. "This is perfectly sufficient," he recalled thinking during that epiphany of 1985, when he was 45 years old. "Perfectly sufficient." The communications researcher and a dozen others had been laying out the plans to standardize a technology that would allow cellphones to transmit and display text messages. Because of tight bandwidth constraints of the wireless networks at the time -- which were mostly used for car phones -- each message would have to be as short as possible. Before his typewriter
aditya: Why 160 characters for an SMS? —
Quá! Eu sabia que tinha que ter um alemão entediado envolvido...Office of the Privacy Commisioner - Deep Packet Inspection
Whilst technically possible for sometime now, the use and ethics of DPI needs careful consideration.
Canada has been investigating several complaints involving ISP use of deep packet inspection technology.Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter
Great blog for teachers -- and a great post.
RT @mashable: Reading: "Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter" -- Includes resources for teachers too! [from]20 Facebook desktop apps to try | Webware - CNET
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but the social network itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best desktop applications. The newbies: AIR apps Seesmic for Facebook An Adobe AIR app, Seesmic for Facebook (news) uses Facebook Connect to let you update your status and view friend status updates without surfing to the Facebook site. It's in beta testing, but it works as advertised: updating status is quick and easy, and whenever a friend updates their own status, it's there for me to see. It's a little buggy, but it was just released. TweetDeck TweetDeck is one of the most popular Twitter desktop clients, and now the app's developers are vying for Facebook dominance too. The upcoming version of TweetDe
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but Facebook itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best apps.Eric Schmidt Tells Charlie Rose Google Is “Unlikely” To Buy Twitter And Wants To Turn Phones Into TVs
Charlie Rose interviews Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google.
There are roughly a billion more mobile phones coming online in the next three to three and a half years, that extra billion voices are voices we have never heard in languages we don’t speak. We have no idea what they’re going to tell us, but they’re going to be heard.
Via Michal's blogFive Technologies Tim O'Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 - ReadWriteWeb
at ReadWriteWeb — all I can say is <i>thank frickin' goodness "Twitter" was not on the list</i>
It's time for the Web to get smarter, O'Reilly said. Having just become a grandfather, he drew a parallel between the evolution of the web and human development. The early days of search engines were like a child just putting things in its mouth, wondering what they are. Now the web is starting to use all of its senses together to do do something with the information it has access too. Here's where he's seeing that happen.Schneier on Security: Privacy in the Age of Persistence
"Cardinal Richelieu famously said: 'If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.' When all your words and actions can be saved for later examination, different rules have to apply."
Schneier says privacy is quickly disappearing and we're ignoring it. It's like pollution at the beginning of the century: we're ignoring it now because it's small but soon we'll realize it was a big problem that should have been nipped in the bud. Also, if every conversation is recorded we have to change our standards accordingly; eg: how information is considered in a court.
"Society works precisely because conversation is ephemeral; because people forget, and because people don't have to justify every word they utter. ... Privacy isn't just about having something to hide; it's a basic right that has enormous value to democracy, liberty, and our humanity. ... Just as we look back at the beginning of the previous century and shake our heads at how people could ignore the pollution they caused, future generations will look back at us – living in the early decades of the information age – and judge our solutions to the proliferation of data. We must, all of us together, start discussing this major societal change and what it means. And we must work out a way to create a future that our grandchildren will be proud of."
Beautiful essay by Bruce Schneier on the challenges of our time due to data collection, the "pollution" of the information age. Tweeted by Thomas Kriese.
"Cardinal Richelieu famously said: "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." When all your words and actions can be saved for later examination, different rules have to apply." This is especially important for those who say that they have nothing to hide. That misses the point.
Welcome to the future, where everything about you is saved. A future where your actions are recorded, your movements are tracked, and your conversations are no longer ephemeral. A future brought to you not by some 1984-like dystopia, but by the natural tendencies of computers to produce data. Data is the pollution of the information age. It's a natural byproduct of every computer-mediated interaction. It stays around forever, unless it's disposed of. It is valuable when reused, but it must be done carefully. Otherwise, its after effects are toxic. And just as 100 years ago people ignored pollution in our rush to build the Industrial Age, today we're ignoring data in our rush to build the Information Age. Increasingly, you leave a trail of digital footprints throughout your - Who Watches the Watchman?
Let’s say you own a big building full of valuable stuff. How do you make sure that the night watchman patrolling your factory floor or museum galleries after closing time actually makes his rounds? How do you know he’s inspecting every hallway, floor, and stairwell in the facility? How do you know he (or she) is not just spending every night sleeping at his desk? An elegant solution, designed and patented in 1901 by the German engineer A.A. Newman, is called the “watchclock”. It’s an ingenious mechanical device, slung over the shoulder like a canteen and powered by a simple wind-up spring mechanism. It precisely tracks and records a night watchman’s position in both space and time for the duration of every evening. It also generates a detailed, permanent, and verifiable record of each night’s patrol.
"But the watchclock is another kind of interaction design, one whose function corrals the user into a single, linear, constrained sort of behavior. The night watchman has a fundamental social constraint — the desire to not get fired from their job. This constraint allows the watchclock patrol system to work so effectively (some would say insidiously) as an interaction design instrument of control."
"How do you make sure that the night watchman patrolling your factory floor or museum galleries...actually makes his rounds? How do you know he’s inspecting every hallway, floor & stairwell? How do you know he is not just spending every night sleeping at his desk? If you’re a technology designer, you might suggest using surveillance cameras or even GPS to track his location each night, right? But let’s make this interesting...go...back...[to]1900. What could you possibly do in 1900 to be absolutely sure a night watchman was making his full patrol? An elegant solution, designed and patented in 1901 by the German engineer A.A. Newman, is called the “watchclock”. It’s an ingenious mechanical device, slung over the shoulder like a canteen and powered by a simple wind-up spring mechanism. It precisely tracks and records a night watchman’s position in both space and time for the duration of every evening. It also generates a detailed, permanent & verifiable record of each night’s patrol."
Let’s say you own a big building full of valuable stuff. How do you make sure that the night watchman patrolling your factory floor or museum galleries after closing time actually makes his rounds? How do you know he’s inspecting every hallway, floor, and stairwell in the facility? How do you know he (or she) is not just spending every night sleeping at his desk?Rest in Peace, RSS
Interesting perspective on RSS feeds and the future of information gathering.BBC NEWS | Technology | Social networks 'are new e-mail'
Heads up email marketers-the kiddies are abandoning inboxes for FB messages. Adapt strategy or die. RT @felfoldi [from]
Twitterの標準化についての議論。 - WARNING: A long, rambly exploration of the state...
JG: "Big picture essay by Steven Frank on the state of UI metaphors:"
discussion on the difficulties of changing the concept of the desktop metaphor, from Scott
"Every geek I know shares, to some degree, the notion that the “desktop” metaphor for computers is outdated. What nobody seems to have a solid opinion on is what would take its place."100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Young Entrepreneurs | Select Courses
freakonomicsinteractions magazine
I’m a science fiction writer, and as I became more familiar with design, it struck me that the futuristic objects and services within science fiction are quite badly designed.
Design Fiction
Bruce Sterling
Many science fiction writers, believe it or not, were capable of understanding Wittgenstein. User experience design, however, was far beyond them. It was also beyond Wittgenstein, because there are things we might imagine and speak about that we do pass over in silence because we are writing in books.Henry Porter: Google is just an amoral menace | Comment is free | The Observer
Article about Google monopoly of the Web
One of the chief casualties of the web revolution is the newspaper business, which now finds itself laden with debt (not Google's fault) and having to give its content free to the search engine in order to survive. Newspapers can of course remove their content but then their own advertising revenues and profiles decline. In effect they are being held captive and tormented by their executioner, who has the gall to insist that the relationship is mutually beneficial. Were newspapers to combine to take on Google they would be almost certainly in breach of competition law.
"the destructive, anti-civic forces of the internet. " "newspapers are the only means of holding local hospitals, schools, councils and the police to account, and on a national level they are absolutely essential for the good functioning of democracy."
The ever-growing empire produces nothing but seems determined to control everythingJorge Colombo | iSketches
Images finger-drawn on an iPhone, using the Brushes applicationTechnology Review: Blogs: Jason Pontin's blog: How to Save Media
While the details are still debated, the broad outlines of tomorrow's media are becoming clearer. Consumers must pay for more of what they read; publishers and the media buyers who purchase advertising must be given technologies that will make online display ads more competitive with the keyword ads that search firms sell. Some of the things that must be done cannot be done by the media itself; it won't be easy, and it might not happen, but it can be done.
By the publisher of Technology Review If media companies can't earn money, and everyone is a journalist, it follows that "amateurs" (Shirky) and "sources" (Winer) will be part of a "decentralized" media (Winer), whose stories will be distributed by "excitable 14-year-olds" (Shirky). This is all folly and ignorance. Shirky, Winer, and other evangelists know nothing about the business of media. Below is my prescription for saving magazines and newspapers.
If media companies can't earn money, and everyone is a journalist, it follows that "amateurs" (Shirky) and "sources" (Winer) will be part of a "decentralized" media (Winer), whose stories will be distributed by "excitable 14-year-olds" (Shirky). This is all folly and ignorance. Shirky, Winer, and other evangelists know nothing about the business of media.Artificial Intelligence Cracks 4,000-Year-Old Mystery | Wired Science from
holy shit
Information about artifical itelligence
read laterSuggestions for - 'Must Watch Google Tech Talks' : programming
"Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed."
Super High Speed Broadband @ $20 a home ... Ummm... I'm IN!! {after a yr with xplornet...i'd even pay the $80 gladly!} [from]
They pay $60 for 160 Mpbs, I pay $30 for 128 Kbps.
If you get excited about the prospect of really, really fast broadband Internet service, here’s a statistic that will make heart race. Or your blood boil. Or both. Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed.
Conexión a Internet en Japón. Al día de hoy, 20 dólares al mes por 160 mb de banda ancha
Broadband already has the highest profit margins of any product cable companies offer. Like any profit-maximizing business would do, they set prices in relation to other providers and market demand rather than based on costs.Home ::
Ich möchte Teil einer Jugendbewegung sein. - Clean Up and Revive Your Bloated, Sluggish Mac - Mac OS X
A good list of Mac performance tips
I think you should do this.Introduction to Wolfram|Alpha by Stephen Wolfram
Super search engine to be launched 18 May 2009
Stephen Wolfram è quello che ha inventato Mathematica. Adesso lancia una specie di "Google della conoscenza", una riga in cui puoi accedere alla conoscenza e inserirla in calcoli. Sono le cose che mi rendono orgoglioso della specie umana.100 Incredibly Inspiring Blog Posts for Educators - Learn-gasm
Multi-Touch G² is a Multi-Touch solution that can be easily applied to any LCD or Plasma monitors. With our software platform support, you can showcase your products and services with Multi-Touch on a large screen. WAUW
V-ati cumpara ca alternativa pentru un display multitouch? [from]Lifehacker - Six Best Exercise Planning and Tracking Tools - Exercise
Technology and exercise make an excellent pair; you can now track, plan, and graph your workouts more easily than ever. We're here to take a look at six of the most popular tools for the job. Photo by andronicusmax. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite exercise tracking or planning tool. You responded and we rounded up the top six—six on account of a three-way tie. The following contenders represent the most popular tools among Lifehacker readers for tracking, measuring, and quantifying their exercise endeavors. When the item in question is a physical item, such as the Nike+ running system, the operating system listed corresponds to the supported operating system for the accompanying tracking software. Gyminee (Web Based, Basic Account: Free/Pro Account: $45 per year) Gyminee is web-based fitness tool with an enormous amount of features. Not only can you track your fitness goals like pounds lost, changes in resting heart rate, and all other manner of common fitnessHacking Education | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
It has been two months since we hosted a great group of academics, entrepreneurs, educators, and administrators at our Union Square Sessions Event, Hacking Education. Fred posted his initial thoughts immediately after the event and in a great example of peer production, Alex Krupp curated the Twitter stream that captured the thoughts of folks inside and outside of the event. I finally found some quality time to spend with the transcript that is now online, and thought I would try to expand on Fred's initial thoughts and develop a couple of the key themes that came out of the conversation. Before diving in, however, I'd like to make a pitch for the transcript. It is not perfect (imagine trying to record 40 high powered people all talking at once), but it is readable and full of lots of insights. I would encourage anyone who is interested in the impact of technology on education to plow through it. I have tried to pull some of the highlights here, but there is no way that even this over
There was broad consensus that the internet is enabling substantial changes in the way we learn and teach. It has always been possible to learn outside of a school setting. The ubiquitous connectivity and very low cost of content production and distribution seems to enable the unbundling of key components of education.
Summary of a meeting on how technology could "reinvent" education. Topics include open courseware, game curriculum, reducing marginal cost of education to zero if viewed as an information good, etc. Tiny gem is Danah Boyd's comments which explain why the OLPC project has run into problems overseas.Charlie's Diary: LOGIN 2009 keynote: gaming in the world of 2030
Charlie Stross waxes on the future of gaming from the perspectives of technological progress, social change, and you. "I don't want to predict what we end up with in 2020 in terms of raw processing power; I'm chicken, and besides, I'm not a semiconductor designer. But while I'd be surprised if we didn't get an order of magnitude more performance out of our CPUs between now and then — maybe two — and an order of magnitude lower power consumption — I don't expect to see the performance improvements of the 1990s or early 2000s ever again. The steep part of the sigmoid growth curve is already behind us. Now that I've depressed you, let's look away from the hardware for a minute... Let's consider the consequences of ubiquitous terabit per second wireless data. The quiet game-changing process underneath the radar is going to be the collision between the development of new user interfaces and the build-out of wireless technologies."
Charles Stross predicts the future of technology and gamingCory Doctorow: We must ensure ISPs don't stop the next Google getting out of the garage | Technology |
Technology |
If politicians want to effect economic recovery, national competitiveness, good public health and high civic engagement, they have a duty to keep the internet free and open. But politicians around the world seem willing to sacrifice their national interest to keep a few powerful phone and telcoms companies happy. this is like the phone company putting you on hold when your ring your local pizzeria, with a message inviting you to press one to be immediately connected to Domino's, its "preferred pizza partner".
Metering usage discourages experimentation. If you don't know whether your next click will cost you 10p or £2, you will become very conservative about your clicks. Just look at the old AOL, which charged by the minute for access...... Digital rights, digital wrongs index
Doctorow says the EU Telecoms reform package paves the way for ISPs and quangoes to block or slow access to websites and services on an arbitrary basis. Here's me thinking that one of the new rules is for authorities to set quality levels as as to promote net neutrality
Cory Doctorow: Allowing ISPs to have too much would drastically hinder the chances of fresh new startups developing into major businesses – as happened with Google9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better Together | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better thinking » 75+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70+ videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom use.Is Google Rewiring Our Brains?
interesting title
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? [from]
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains, very interesting, [from]
Gord Hotchkiss: Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?” / Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? searchengineland [from]The Evolution of Cell Phone Design Between 1983-2009 | Webdesigner Depot
Cell Phone design 1983 to 2009
Cell phones have evolved immensely since 1983, both in design and function. From the Motorola DynaTAC, that power symbol that Michael Douglas wielded soThe Sizzling Sound of Music - O'Reilly Radar
RT @timoreilly: Post by @dalepd about how people are actually starting to prefer the sound of Mp3 [from]
students increasingly prefering the sound of MP3 over higher quality music:Free online OCR
I have used it and it works. Limit to ten pages per hour, each 2 MB or less.Internet generation leave parents behind | Media | The Guardian
This expensive private report is summarised in this Guardian article which monitors changes in childrens behaviour in terms of reading and the internest
Artikel uit The Guardian over de internetgeneratie en hun ouders
Internet generation leave parents behind • Change in communication creating divide, says study • Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
UK stats anmd trends presentd by the Guardian.
According to research children cram in nearly six hours of screen time per day
The report is based on an annual survey, now into its 15th year, of 1,800 children at 92 schools across the country. "This year has seen a major boost to the intensity and the independence with which children approach online activities," the report says. Annotated link such thing as "deleted" on the Internet : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech
photos stay on facebook for weeksTracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network
This report documents the GhostNet - a suspected cyber espionage network of over 1,295 infected computers in 103 countries, 30% of which are high-value targets, including ministries of foreign affairs, embassies, international organizations, news media, and NGOs. The capabilities of GhostNet are far-reaching. The report reveals that Tibetan computer systems were compromised giving attackers access to potentially sensitive information, including documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama. The report presents evidence showing that numerous computer systems were compromised in ways that circumstantially point to China as the culprit. But the report is careful not to draw conclusions about the exact motivation or the identity of the attacker(s), or how to accurately characterize this network of infections as a whole. The report argues that attribution can be obscured. The report concludes that who is in control of GhostNet is less important than the opportunity for generating st
This report documents the GhostNet - a suspected cyber espionage network of over 1,295 infected computers in 103 countries, 30% of which are high-value targets, including ministries of foreign affairs, embassies, international organizations, news media, and NGOs. The capabilities of GhostNet are far-reaching. The report reveals that Tibetan computer systems were compromised giving attackers access to potentially sensitive information, including documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama. The report presents evidence showing that numerous computer systems were compromised in ways that circumstantially point to China as the culprit. But the report is careful not to draw conclusions about the exact motivation or the identity of the attacker(s), or how to accurately characterize this network of infections as a whole. The report argues that attribution can be obscured.Lifehacker - 10 Killer DIY Projects for Your Extra Day Off - DIY
Check out projects,especially hard drive cleanout and bottle lightsBBC NEWS | Technology | Stephen Fry: The internet and Me
>> And the press are already struggling enough - God knows they've already lost their grip on news to some extent. If they lose their grip on comment and gossip and being a free PR machine as well, they're really in trouble. <<
Stephen Fry speaks to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
As is usually the case with Our Lord Stephen Fry - ne'er was a truer word spoke about that place we spend our days and nights - the internet
Stephen Fry on living with the internet, and enjoying it.
Stephen Fry - wit, writer, raconteur, actor and quiz show host - is also a self-confessed dweeb and meistergeek. As he confesses "If I added up all the hours I've sat watching a progress bar fill up, I could live another life." His feed on the social networking site Twitter is one of the most popular in the world. He spoke to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
Self-confessed technology geek Stephen Fry tells BBC Radio 4's Analysis programme why the world wide web is a wondrous thing.Server Fault
stackoverflow, but for sysadmin
A system administration Q&A community created by the same guy as Stack Overflow (Jeff Atwood).
Social site for Sys Admins to ask questions
Server Fault is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for system administrators and IT professionals – regardless of platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.digitalresearchtools / FrontPage
tools to help scholars do research more effectively
Great resource for finding digital research tools.
from N. Cook
Digital Research tools for students to use
Electronic resources, search
Digital Research Tools (DiRT) This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.Geospatial Revolution Project | A Public Media Project
nging the way we think, behave, and interact.
Something I learned about at the WPSU luncheon yesterday
mappingBloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally, Andrew Churches
evolution of taxonomy with specific applications: Twitter, bookmarking, etc. explainedFreshBrain
games for fw student life
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. Providing the latest tools in technology, and a social interactive networking environment, has enabled teens to explore, create, and share with others. A result of pulling these two key online arenas together into one solution has enabled FreshBrain to attract teens comfortable with technology and communicating online. Creations from FreshBrain users range from music videos to logo designs.
An awesome resource for how-tos in technology and exploration online. It is geared towards teens, but why can't teachers use it for quick lessons for themselves or their class?
Technology for students
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. In addition, FreshBrain provides teens with tools and training in the latest technologies to complete these projects.Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'About Google Wave
one of the most popular bookmarks... new search engine
More information about Wolfram Alpha the search engine. Video of the launch presentation included.
Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new
Screenshot und Video zu Wolfram Alpha.BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
Articolo in inglese della BBC, paragone con Google
Researchers claim that a new web tool - Wolfram Alpha - could be as important as Google.
This free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. Like interacting with an expert, it will understand what you're talking about, do the computation, and then present you with the results. This technique has long been the holy grail of computer scientists who aim to allow people to interact with computers in an instinctive way.The Fight over the Google of All Libraries: A FAQ | Epicenter
There are more orphans than in a Dickens novel. Google won’t say how many there are. But UC Berkeley Professor Pamela Samuelson estimates that 70 percent of books that are still in copyright have rights holders that can’t be found. Copyright infringement can be expensive – up to $150,000 per violation. So if you scan an old book and start selling copies of it, or displaying chunks of it on the web, and the orphan’s father shows up one day waving a paternity test in your direction, you could face a mean copyright infringement suit. Unless you are Google: Since all U.S. book copyright holders are now plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Google gets liability protection from authors who abandoned their books by not registering in its books database. If they show up later, all they can do is collect a little cash, change their book price or ask Google to stop selling the book.
So in partnership with major university libraries, Google began scanning and digitizing millions of books in 2002, from ones like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales that are no longer copyrighted to the Harry Potter series to books whose authors and publishers cannot be located. The idea is simple, and audacious. Make the library of all libraries by converting every book ever published into an e-book that can be indexed, searched, read — and sold — online.
"The Google Book Search Settlement has been much in the news recently, with the Internet Archive, Philip K. Dick’s heirs, consumer groups and Microsoft registering their objections to the search giant’s agreement with authors and publishers. And now Justice Department anti-trust lawyers are meeting with Google about the settlement, raising the possibility of a full-blown anti-trust court showdown between the government and the world’s biggest search and advertising company."
Wired article about Google archiving books.What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English
Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.Lifehacker - Five Best Netbooks - NetBooks
Lifehacker's top 5 Netbooks.On the Street and On Facebook: The Homeless Stay Wired -
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses.
huge huge resource here
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses
Mr. Pitts Lacks a Mailing Address But He's Got a Computer and a Web Forum
Add Pentium processors, external storage drives and 17" screens to the gear list of the newly homeless. The Wall Street Journal reports.plagium (beta)::: plagiarism tracker & checker ::: home
Identificador de plágio.Amusing Ourselves to Death by Stuart McMillen - cartoon Recombinant Records
Orwell v. Huxley
Or both right or both wrong.
Le pire étant de se rendre compte qu'ils ont tous deux raison...
huxley 2 orwell 1Google Waves Goodbye to E - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character. There are few effective ways to communicate within small groups, whether co-workers, friends, or family. Most of us use e-mail, just addressing a new message to a bunch of people. This starts a thread, which eventually gets twisted and fragmented into side conversations and becomes more and more confusing. The more-organized among us use tools like IM or IRC chat rooms, wikis, group blogs or web apps built for threaded communications, such as FriendFeed.
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character.Twitter on Paper
the only question is which tweet to pick!
Love it
puts tweets on paper and mails them to you for free.7 Technologies Shaping the Future of Social Media
New technologies in store for us over the next 10 years that will make our social (media) lives easierHow One Teacher Uses Twitter in the Classroom
Twitter would make an ideal backchannel discussion technology.開発チームが明かす、Google Waveの実装概要 - @IT
Waveはリアルタイム/同期通信だけか? まず、「リアルタイム」という点。ミリ秒単位の遅延しか感じられないチャットやゲームをHTMLページで行うというデモンストレーションに驚かされたために、レポート記事ではこの点を強調しすぎたようだ。Waveが「リアルタイム通信、同期通信だけのもの」という印象を受けた人もいた。それは誤解 Waveではメール同様の非同期通信も可能だ。つまり、あなたが新規にWaveを作り、誰かに宛てたWave(メッセージ)を書けば、それはまずサーバに送られる。受信側(Wave参加者)は、その時点でオンラインでもオフラインでも構わない。オンラインであれば、すぐにそのWaveを開いて読むことができるが、オフラインであれば、メールのインボックスのように(おそらく最終更新時刻の時間順で)、自分が関与しているWave一覧が表示
レポート記事(【詳報】Google Waveとは何なのか?)への反響を見ると、さまざまな疑問を感じている人がいる。そこでここでは、直接Waveのプロジェクトリーダーに話を聞いたり、別セッションで開発チームが行った説明、およびオンラインドキュメントから読み取れたことなど、いくつか追加情報をまとめたい。Dweeber
Welcome to Dweeber, a social website that connects youth and helps them get homework done faster by working with their school friends online. was created by SmartWired, a group dedicated to helping young people understand their strengths and talents, and work together more effectively with parents, mentors, and each other. SmartWired has been working with audiences around the world since 2003 to help them reach (and exceed) their potential.
Social network that visualizes communicators on little screens?
Social networking for students to discuss homework, and help each other.
Great site that allows students to collaborate in studying and project completion.
Dweeber is website for kids to write their homeworks.
social networking site for student homework collaboration. Dweeber enables students to solve problems together, participate in virtual study sessions, and communicate with friends around schoolwork in a number of ways. The collaborative whiteboard can be used to solve math and science problems or to create joint drawings and diagrams. Dweeber allows students to create a SMART profile and discover how they learn best and then apply this knowledge to improve their schoolwork and ultimately their self esteem. It is targeted towards students aged 13 and up, and is free to use.How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME
It used to be that you compulsively checked your BlackBerry to see if anything new had happened in your personal life or career: e-mail from the boss, a reply from last night's date. Now you're compulsively checking your BlackBerry for news from other people's lives. And because, on Twitter at least, some of those people happen to be celebrities, the Twitter platform is likely to expand that strangely delusional relationship that we have to fame.
as millions of devotees have discovered, Twitter turns out to have unsuspected depth Yes, the breakfast-status updates turned out to be more interesting than we thought. But the key development with Twitter is how we've jury-rigged the system to do things that its creators never dreamed of.
Once just a fad, Twitter is developing into a powerful form of communication. What its growth says about us — and the future of American innovationDigibarn: Xerox Star 8010 Interfaces, high quality polaroids (1981)
RT @jamespage: So you think there's been progress in GUIs since 1981 [from]
Fotos do OS Xerox Star 8010
Digibarn: Xerox Star 8010 Interfaces, high quality polaroids (1981)
Amazing resource of Xerox GUIHow Twitter Will Change the Way We Live -- Printout -- TIME
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live
Fantastic article by Steven Johnson on
6/05/09Glympse - Share Your Where
Glympse - Share Your Where -
Share Your Where
socialnetworking location gps technology mobile tech web2.0
easy way to find myself in strnge cities
this bookmark brought from the different place.Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman
Mind you, there are still some Java issues.FairSpin
news polarity aggregator
FairSpin lets you see all the top political news from left to right. Click on titles to read stories, decide for yourself if they are biased, then vote your mind. Every vote makes FairSpin more accurate and useful.The Simple Dollar » Amazon’s 25 Software Bestsellers - And Their Free Equivalents
top 25 softwares
Great site with free software alternatives
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.Landmark study: DRM truly does make pirates out of us all - Ars Technica
DRM has affected how people use their content beyond simply protecting IP; restricts what would otherwise be considered fair use.
[ars technica]
A UK researcher has spent years interviewing people about whether DRM has affected their ability to use content in ways ordinarily protected by the law. Surprise! It has, even leading one sight-impaired woman to piracy.
End users are allowed to time-shift programs, but Jill Johnstone of the National Consumer Council notes that "the way DRM is being used is causing serious problems for consumers, including unreasonable limitations on the use of digital products and infringement of consumer rights. "Mapping the Current Web Transition - ReadWriteWeb
A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact ...
"A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact web technology ventures. "Useful, but too long" was a recurring comment. So, here is a one-year update, much shorter. And hopefully a bit clearer, seeing as we are further into this transition."
Closed social-network sites cannot survive in their current form, and yet they are so dominant today. So the transition to open and pervasive will be a big and messy fight... which will be great fun for journalists to cover! - is this another way of saying there will be one big network? Advertising: Advertisers will adopt a barbell approach: CPM for branding, and CPA for direct-revenue generation (as soon as publishers figure out how to make money selling CPA). CPC will still be dominated by Google but will become less dominant as CPA gains traction. Google will play in CPA and CPM but won't dominate as it does in CPC. Publishers will sideline CPA because nobody will be able to compete with the CPC price set by Google
(no description)Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration
Overview of online applications for collaboration, digital storytelling, publishing content online. Good overview for introductory PD
Overview of online applications for collaboration, digital storytelling, publishing content online. Good overview for introductory PD e47d8fdcc9d782571e47c33375a65419Why can't we concentrate? | Salon Books
090608Testing Google Wave: This Thing is Tidal
Mashable's review of Google Wave.
Mashable got their hands on an account for the demo version of Google Wave, and this in-depth review gives it an early thumbs up: "It’s already got certain aspects, like navigation, absolutely right. With some great 3rd party apps and greater customization, Google Wave could actually match its hype."Dual Perspectives Article
The future of social business: It's all about dis(x2)intermediation. [from]
talks about the social networking phenomenon mentions an interesting new google program coming about soon
walls come tumbling down - how to take social networking to the next level
Google wave- how it will let you build the next facebook, twitter, whatever...A Brief History Of Social Media
Social media isn't really new. While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for
Actually kicks some serious ass. Starts with phone phreaking.My Launch Page | myWebspiration
"Micro-blogging service Twitter remains the preserve of a few, despite the hype surrounding it."
"Twitter is a broadcast medium rather than an intimate conversation with friends." - Bill Heil Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content, a Harvard study of 300,000 users found. "This implies that Twitter's resembles more of a one-way, one-to-many publishing service more than a two-way, peer-to-peer communication network..." Nielsen Online figures show that visitors to the site increased by 1,382%, from 475,000 to seven million, between February 2008 and February 2009. It is thought to have grown beyond 10 million in the past 4 months. By comparison, Facebook - one of the most popular social networking sites by number of visitors - has 200 million active users and grew by 228% during the same period. Nielsen firm found that more than 60% of US Twitter users failed to return the following month. Conclusions: - Twitter is an open micro-blogging platform - It's growing fast but not sticky - RTS does not revolve around Twitter
study claims twitter is really more of a broadcast medium
stats from the nielsen og harvard studies show median post per person 1 and less than 10% active users...
On a typical online social network, he said, the top 10% of users accounted for 30% of all production.Eighteen Challenges in Contemporary Literature | Beyond The Beyond
well, this got me worked up, didn't it now?
1. Literature is language-based and national; contemporary society is globalizing and polyglot.
Thoughtful listing of key issues affecting the production and consumption of 'literature'
terrifying and exciting and wowCan Computer Nerds Save Journalism? - TIME
A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive.
Journalism schools aren\'t just incorporating computer skills into their curriculums -- they\'re recruiting techies with full-ride scholarships
Journaliste, changez de pratique, sinon direction Pôle emploi
"A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive." - To answer the question in the headline - "No." No one group of journalists/computer geeks are going to "save" journalism.
A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive. And the first batch of them has just emerged from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom | Online Colleges
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool. Make sure you don’t get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool.
Make sure you don't get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.Singularity Hub
really good stories about the future. unique content
This may be a source (past, present, and future) of good material to challenge the assertions of what it means to be human.
Blog about singularity, nanotech, AI and all that good sf stuff.Seavus DropMind | Powerful, highly-interactive and unique online mind mapping tool
Powerful, highly-interactive and unique online mind mapping tool
Seavus DropMind is online mind mapping tool with unique four sphere map layout. Create original mind maps and deliver superior and stylish presentations with the next-generation Microsoft Silverlight.Academic Vocabulary Games
Use these PowerPoint games and the game cards to provide students an opportunity to practice and review new vocabulary.
jeopardy templates
A bunch of PowerPoint templates (Jeopardy, Millionaire, Wheel of Fortune)The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide - ReadWriteWeb
Liked:The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide.. [from]
Recently, business information solutions provider LexisNexis released the results of a study that examined how technology was used in the American workplace. The focus of the study was ...
The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So WideSecurity Fix - Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension
firefox; beware of security update
see comments
"I'm here to report a small side effect from installing this service pack that I was not aware of until just a few days ago: Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is difficult -- if not dangerous -- to remove, once installed., which lists various aspects of Windows that are, well, annoying, says "this update adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC." I'm not sure I'd put things in quite such dire terms, but I'm fairly confident that a decent number of Firefox for Windows users are rabidly anti-Internet Explorer, and would take umbrage at the very notion of Redmond monkeying with the browser in any way. Big deal, you say? I can just uninstall the add-on via Firefox's handy Add-ons interface, right? Not so fast. The trouble is, Microsoft has disabled the "uninstall" button on the extension."
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension [from]
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension A routine security update for a Microsoft Windows component installed on tens of millions of computers has quietly installed an extra add-on for an untold number of users surfing the Web with Mozilla's Firefox Web browser.Mobile phones: Sensors and sensitivity | The Economist
2009-06-04 IF YOUR mobile phone could talk, it could reveal a great deal. Obviously it would know many of your innermost secrets, being privy to your calls and text messages, and possibly your e-mail and diary, too. It also knows where you have been, how you get to work, where you like to go for lunch, what time you got home, and where you like to go at the weekend. Now imagine being able to aggregate this sort of information from large numbers of phones. It would be possible to determine and analyse how people move around cities, how social groups interact, how quickly traffic is moving and even how diseases might spread. The world’s 4 billion mobile phones could be turned into sensors on a global data-collection network.
"Data collection: Mobile phones provide new ways to gather information, both manually and automatically, over wide areas."
"As a first step, Sense plans to collect positional information from a control group of infected patients being treated at Helen Joseph Hospital in Johannesburg who would have to volunteer to participate in the scheme. Dr Pentland and his colleagues will then be able to determine which neighbourhoods these patients frequent, and their commuting patterns between them. They hope this will then enable them to work out the characteristics of typical TB patients, so that they can then spot potentially infected people in the wider population. How public-health officials will use this information has yet to be decided: people who are thought to be infected could be contacted by text message and asked to visit a doctor, for example."
"Sense plans to collect positional information from a control group of infected patients. [They] will then be able to determine which neighbourhoods these patients frequent, and their commuting patterns between them. They hope this will then enable them to work out the characteristics of typical TB patients, so that they can then spot potentially infected people in the wider population."
Data collection: Mobile phones provide new ways to gather information, both manually and automatically, over wide areas
F YOUR mobile phone could talk, it could reveal a great deal. Obviously it would know many of your innermost secrets, being privy to your calls and text messages, and possibly your e-mail and diary, too. It also knows where you have been, how you get to work, where you like to go for lunch, what time you got home, and where you like to go at the weekend. Now imagine being able to aggregate this sort of information from large numbers of phones. It would be possible to determine and analyse how people move around cities, how social groups interact, how quickly traffic is moving and even how diseases might spread. The world’s 4 billion mobile phones could be turned into sensors on a global data-collection network.Opera Unite
Nouveau service du navigateur Internet Opera pour partager facilement des données comme on le fait actuellement sur le web en passant par des services tiers ou en configurant différents serveurs. Pour l'instant, on peut partager des documents, des photos, des notes ou encore de la musique en streaming. On peut également faire un salon de chat privé ou même publier un site Internet. De l'extérieur, chaque service peut être accédé publiquement à partir de n'importe quel navigateur ou avec une protection par mot de passe. Pour les développeurs, il est possible de créer ses propres services de partage pour Opera et on a donc avec Opera Unite une solution intéressante pour partager rapidement des données.
Welcome to Opera Unite
Opera’s big announcement: a developer preview (“labs release”) of their new web-server-in-your-browser feature, Unite. Includes an Opera-hosted proxy to help break through your firewall. The web server can be customised using server-side JavaScript running in an Opera Widget.Lifehacker - Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs - Lifehacker add-on packs
It used to be a pain to hunt down your favorite extensions every time you reinstall Firefox. Mozilla's recently launched Collections make it easy, so we've assembled a few easy-to-install collections of our favorite Firefox helpers.
A must have list of Firefox Add-On Packs - wow Lifehacker great post! Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
"The key force behind this is the next generation, the Millennials, who elected Obama in America and may oust Ahmadinejad in Iran. They want freedom; they are sick of lies; they enjoy life and know hope."
Is twitter the only network to survive in Iran?
The Revolution Will Be Twittered
It's increasingly clear that Ahmadinejad and the old guard mullahs were caught off-guard by this technology and how it helped galvanize the opposition movement in the last few weeks.
As the regime shut down other forms of communication, Twitter survived. With some remarkable results. Those rooftop chants that were becoming deafening in Tehran? A few hours ago, this concept of resistance was spread by a twitter message. Here's the Twitter from a Moussavi supporter: ALL internet & mobile networks are cut. We ask everyone in Tehran to go onto their rooftops and shout ALAHO AKBAR in protest #IranElection That a new information technology could be improvised for this purpose so swiftly is a sign of the times. It reveals in Iran what the Obama campaign revealed in the United States. You cannot stop people any longer. You cannot control them any longer. They can bypass your established media; they can broadcast to one another; they can organize as never before.CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we’ll have the first working prototypes in our office.
Wouldn't mind one of these. I wonder what the interaction would feel like, though. *Only* on-screen keyboard...?! Hm... Plus, I love the name of the inventors: "Fusion Garage"! And their slogan: "What if the browser could boot without an OS?"
We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the ...Geekなぺーじ : みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamai
Akamaiについて全般的な話。おもしろい。有名どころ・ユーザが多いサービス=トラフィックが多いってことでよく知られる企業が多く利用しているのね。 細かいことだけど「(インターネットは)冗長性を実現するために信頼性を犠牲にしています。」がちょっと気になった。その後に書いてある速度の話は信頼性に分類されるのかな。
computer simulation software
Great website for showing GTT conceptsBBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
A look at Wolfram Alpha.
WolframAlpha launches 15 May. natural language
A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public.
<blockquote>A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public. Wolfram Alpha is the brainchild of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram. The free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. The "computational knowledge engine", as the technology is known, will be available to the public from the middle of May this year. </blockquote>Screenshot Tour: A First Look at Google Voice
kaputte Dateinen zum bestellen, wenn einmal die Arbeit nicht zum Termin fertig ist.
Step 1: After purchasing a file, rename the file e.g. Mike_Final-Paper. Step 2: Email the file to your professor along with your "here's my assignment" email. Step 3: It will take your professor several hours if not days to notice your file is "unfortunately" corrupted. Use the time this website just bought you wisely and finish that paper!!!25 ways to teach with Twitter by Sonja Cole
25 ways to teach with Twitter by Sonja ColePeople who sign up for Twitter, post once, then never return. - By John Swansburg and Jeremy Singer-Vine - Slate Magazine
- By John Swansburg and Jeremy Singer-Vine - Slate Magazine
hat 10 percent of the service's users account for more than 90 percent of tweets. The study dove
At their best they resemble found art, an index of first lines of poems that have yet to be written: mundial marching backwards toward the source of the four winds 9:45 AM Jul 17, 2007 stonelove27 I am standing behind my nose... 11:59 AM Sep 5, 2007 ladydrea Marcus Aurelius! You are loved! (I'm typing now...) 10:53 AM Jun 7, 2008 newdayrising sold your soul to Jesus for a carton of yoghurt. He doesn't even like yoghurt that much. 12:48 PM Mar 31, 2008 boustanyn Getting ready for the third phase of life on this earth.... 12:51 PM Nov 17, 2008 bkennedy weeping gently 2:47 PM Mar 30, 2007 In at least one instance, two orphan tweets appear to have been in conversation. marcbresseel getting ready for cannes - printing latest briefing - I hate folding my shirts 8:36 AM Jun 14, 2008 Kolcott @Marcbresseel You fold your shirts? 9:13 AM Jul 10, 2008 A lone call followed by a lone response; a social network of two.
Which got us to thinking—there must be a legion of Twitterers out there who sign up, tweet once, and never return. In the spirit of the great blog One Post Wonder, "a collection of blogs that have one post," we set out to find these orphaned tweets. Different people obviously have different tweet metabolisms, but we decided that any account that's been dormant for at least six months is fair game. We found several thousand of them.YouTube - The Twitter Experiment - UT Dallas
"Every digitized packet of online data is deconstructed, examined for keywords and reconstructed within milliseconds."
more on Deep packet
Deep packet inspection
How it's done.
The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet, allowing it to examine the content of individual online communications on a massive scale.
Les autorités iraniennes disposent de grande capacités de surveillance sur Internet (technologies Siemens + Nokia), expliquant pourquoi elles n'ont pas "coupé" le réseau...100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter Research | Select Courses
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter ResearchWordle Ideas
Wordle IdeasResearch Online
mobile learning in higher ed; U of Wollongong, Australia; ebook
This online book describes a study, funded by Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), that involved teachers in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong implementing innovative teaching approaches to support mobile learning. Palm Smartphone and Apple iPod technologies were used by undergraduate and postgraduate students to assist their learning across a range of curriculum areas. The book outlines authentic activities, assessment strategies, and professional learning approaches that teachers across the higher education sector can easily adapt and implement within their own discipline areas. It is fully downloadable from this site either as individual chapters or as the whole book in pdf form.
KSIĄżka i mlearningu
mobile learning
New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media from Teaching Degree.orgISTE’s NECC09 Blog | Celebrating 30 Years of Ed Tech Vision
The biggest back channel for the upcomming ISTE NECC conference. Definitely watch this and join the twitterverse
iste blogFree Technology for Teachers: 30+ Alternatives to YouTube
increibleTop 10 Technology Tips for New Teachers -
Being a first year teacher can be overwhelming to say the least. There is new curriculum to learn, unfamiliar school policies, classroom management challenges, and new teammates. Technology can help to ease some of these first year growing pains.
nice article with tips for any teacher
Visit to create an account. Visit to find other educators that teach in the same content area(s). Be100 Open Technology Courses You Should Have Taken in College | Online
Listado de cursos on-line de tecnología. Muchos del MIT
technology courses for college
Cursos del MIT amb materials | Twitter FollowFridays
Twitter FollowFridays
twitter aggregator about endorsements25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites |
Excellent resource especially for Homeschoolers
Muchas direcciones para famosos viajes virtuales a museos, ciudades, etc...Lifehacker - Optimize Your New HDTV - Tweaks
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
A few pointers to other valuable links.Tweetboard - True Twitter Conversation
Tweetboard - True Twitter Conversation
You can integrate this into your website. Turns tweets into conversations.
Tweetboard is a fun and engaging micro-forum type application for your website. It pulls your Twitter stream in near real-time (max 1 min delay), reformatting tweets into threaded conversations with unlimited nesting. Conversations that spun off the original conversation are also threaded in-line, giving your site visitors full perspective of what's being discussed.
like a forum that you can embed on any page.Use Hulu, Pandora, or the BBC iPlayer from any country - Download Squad
using foxyproxy torFinding Utility in the Jumble of Tweeted Thoughts -
But taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood.
How Twitter as a Hive Mind and information sharing technology is useful for everyone. How Twitter is more than just narcissistic microblogging.
Collectively, Twitter’s messages are a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and revealing public opinion.
Taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood. By tapping into the world’s collective brain...Animated Engines
Opis działania różnych silnikówBBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Giving up my iPod for a Walkman
A 13-year-old tries out a Walkman for a week.
via Cedric, hilarious! I remember my sister's first Walkman back in 1982 and mine in 1984.
"It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape. That was not the only naive mistake that I made; I mistook the metal/normal switch on the Walkman for a genre-specific equaliser, but later I discovered that it was in fact used to switch between two different types of cassette."
It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape. That was not the only naive mistake that I made; I mistook the metal/normal switch on the Walkman for a genre-specific equaliser, but later I discovered that it was in fact used to switch between two different types of cassette.
Awesome review of an original Sony Walkman by a 13 year old kid.
A kid who's never used a Walkman takes one for a spin.
This one's all over teh internets today. I guess I'm not the only 30/40something parent having these conversations with their kids when they pull out the walkman / rotary phone / record player / original Game Boy / other outdated technology from the last 30 years.Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
Why are the self-interested motives of powerful companies being elevated to a philosophical principle? Gladwell owns Anderson by using an example from Anderson's own book.35 Awesome Augmented Reality Examples on BannerBlog News
2007年のSIGGRAPHで、アメリカ・カーネギメロン大学のJames HaysとAlexei A. Efrosが発表した、画像内に映り込んだ所望のオブジェクトを排除し、違和感の無い画像を生成するシーン補完技術。Web上の画像から対象となる画像の類似画像を検索し、その画像で隠蔽領域を完全に置き換えることで違和感の無い補完画像を生成するというもの。出来上がった画像に違和感を感じない。恐ろしい…
普通に凄いMichael Nielsen » Is scientific publishing about to be disrupted?
When incremental change doesn't cut it. "It’s true that stupidity and malevolence do sometimes play a role in the disruption of industries. But in the first part of this essay I’ll argue that even smart and good organizations can fail in the face of disruptive change, and that there are common underlying structural reasons why that’s the case. That’s a much scarier story.""The problem is that your newspaper has an organizational architecture which is, to use the physicists’ phrase, a local optimum. Relatively small changes to that architecture - like firing your photographers - don’t make your situation better, they make it worse.""The only way to get from one organizational architecture to the other is to make drastic, painful changes."An early sign of impending disruption is when there’s a sudden flourishing of startup organizations serving an overlapping customer need...organizational architecture is radically different..."
about scientific publishing disruption, and disruption in general
Scientific publishers should be terrified that some of the world’s best scientists, people at or near their research peak, people whose time is at a premium, are spending hundreds of hours each year creating original research content for their blogs, content that in many cases would be difficult or impossible to publish in a conventional journal. What we’re seeing here is a spectacular expansion in the range of the blog medium. By comparison, the journals are standing still.
The answer is "Yes".Cool Search Engines That Are Not Google | Epicenter |
How do you find a new search engine if all you know is Google? Typing search engine into the usual box might lead you to Microsoft's newly launched Bing,Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
Discussion of the migration of myspace users to facebook, explores the way class, race, and social lines are distributed across social networking sites
fascinating look at social networks and class structure
social networking
"...increasingly, we're seeing people with similar levels of access engage in fundamentally different ways. And we're seeing a social media landscape where participation 'choice' leads to a digital reproduction of social divisions."Sputnik Observatory For the Study of Contemporary Culture
May be the ultimate weekend killer. ContemporaryCulture
prettymuch anything jonathan harris touches is pretty interesting.100 Helpful Websites for New Teachers | Teaching
You’ve been preparing for teaching for years, and now you finally get your chance to have a class of your own. With so much to learn as you get started, it can be overwhelming keeping it all straight. The following websites are loaded with helpful information that new teachers will appreciate.Welcome - ISTEvision
ISTE vision for videos from NECC
videos from ISTEStephen Hawking: "Humans Have Entered a New Stage of Evolution"
Although It has taken homo sapiens several million years to evolve from the apes, the useful information in our DNA, has probably changed by only a few million bits. So the rate of biological evolution in humans, Stephen Hawking points...
But we are now entering a new phase, of what Hawking calls "self designed evolution," in which we will be able to change and improve our DNA.The Setup
What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews. What do people use to get the job done?programming | Quotes Archive
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.How To Communicate Securely in Repressive Environments « iRevolution
Dopo l'Iran. Come usare Internet per comunicare.Tech Is Too Cheap to Meter: It's Time to Manage for Abundance, Not Scarcity
link to audio book. "All this was possible because Alan Kay, an engineer at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s, understood what Moore's law was doing to the cost of computing. He decided to do what writer George Gilder calls "wasting transistors." Rather than reserve computing power for core information processing, Kay used outrageous amounts of it for frivolous stuff like drawing cartoons on the screen." - "By 1970s IT standards, Kay had "wasted" computing power. ... This is the power of waste. When scarce resources become abundant, smart people treat them differently.
Chris Andersons neues Buch "Free" kostet 27 Dollar - wenn man es im Buchladen kauft. Wer sich jedoch die Audiobuch-Version herunterladen möchte, bekommt sie geschenkt, ganz im Sinne des Buchtitels - "Kostenlos: Die Zukunft eines radikalen Preises".Students: Free Apps To Help You Excel at School [Mac only]
Has practice applicationFacebook Users Are Getting Older. Much Older.
So what? I thought ... smart older people have to learn about this social networking stuff somewhere ... so why not on the world's biggest social app, Facebook.
Analytics company iStrategyLabs has examined the demographics stats from FacebookFacebook's Social Ads platform, and they've reached some very interestingPlaying History
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.100 Best Blogs for School Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
seznam (kategorie např: nástroje a technologie, obecné blogy, projekty a nápady, tématické: čtení)Skype an Author Into Your Library or Classroom - Skype An Author Network
Wouldn't it be great to invite authors into your classroom or library to video chat with students before, during, and/or after you've read their books? We are growing a list of authors who want to make that connection with you. See the alphabetical list in the scrolling author box on the left. Read on to find out just how easy it is!
Authors to Skype into classrooms and library100 Essential Skills for Geeks | GeekDad |
science technology
Memristors... The 6th missing basic electronic factor..
Bio computersIPhone Apps to Bring Some Order to Your Life -
to do lists and biz apps - great listGoogle's Microsoft Moment - Anil Dash
Anil Dash has an excellent piece about Google, about the potential differences in how the company (or those with in the company) see themselves and how those outside see the company. This is not one of those "Google is really evil" posts, but more a thoughtful commentary about how a now huge company can avoid becoming like every other huge tech company.
RT @timoreilly RT @anildash:Google has reached its "Microsoft moment" and is the last to realize: Interesting stuff [from]Twitter is not for teens, Morgan Stanley told by 15-year-old expert | Business |
adolescentes sobre consumo de mídia
The US investment bank's European media analysts asked Matthew Robson, an intern from a London school, to write a report on teenagers' likes and dislikes, which made the Financial Times' front page today. His report, that dismissed Twitter and described online advertising as pointless, proved to be "one of the clearest and most thought-provoking insights we have seen – so we published it", said Edward Hill-Wood, executive director of Morgan Stanley's European media
A Hidim turns a torrent into a regular PNG image
Torrent into PNG
Are you one of those people who has always wanted to hide a torrent inside an image? Wait no longer, with it takes just one click to convert a torrent into an image file, with the option to decode it later on.Gov 2.0 Summit - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC
Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, September 09 - 10, 2009, Washington, DC10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports -
The most dreaded word in school reading for students: book reports. Teachers assign them, viewing them as a necessary component of assessing reading comprehension. Book reports can be a contributing factor to ‘readicide’. “Read-i-cide n: The systematic killing of the love of reading, often exacerbated by the inane, mind-numbing practices found in schools.” So, how can we as teachers continue to monitor our students understanding of reading material without killing the love of reading? Enter technology. Technology can help bring some excitement and creativity to the traditional book report while still displaying students understanding of reading.SOS Classroom
Great resources for grades K-8
These resources have been collected by students, parents, and educators and organized by students in a USC writing course.
SOS Classroom offers a directory of free online educational resources for K-8 Language Arts and Math. These sites are submitted by parents and teachers, and they are all reviewed and organized by members of the SOS Classroom team.Kibardindesign
Cool clock idea.
มายด์ ดรีม คล๊อก วู้วว
buy this clockTeaching with Technology / Index
An large directory of online software and services useful for teaching. Catagorized by function. The site is also a wiki so it can be improved by many persons.Collapse in illegal sharing and boom in streaming brings music to executives' ears | Music | The Guardian
Annotated link
Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
Collapse in illegal sharing and boom in streaming brings music to executives' ears
"Music fan Dominique Wakefield, 24, said she had stopped downloading music because of concern that it would infect her computer. "I didn't even realise it was illegal for a long time, until I heard that the government were trying to stop it. That did put me off, but one of the big reasons I stopped doing it was because I would get viruses, more pop ups on my computer."
• Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
"Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change" Shows that Morgan Stanley intern was a bit wrong. about filesharing Not as wrong as the dullards elsewhere at Morgan Stanley who are apparently amazed by his ability to write down common knowledge.グーグルの最新のデータセンターは非常識なほど進化している - Blog on Publickey
それは「月を追いかける(follow the moon)データセンター」というコンセプトです。 夜間は外気温も低く、また電気料金も安くなっています。そこで、世界中のデータセンターのうち、夜になっている地域のデータセンターだけを稼働させれば、低い外気温を活用でき、しかも夜間の安い電気料金を利用できます。これはクラウド技術者のあいだで議論されている構想ですが、グローバルにデータセンターを展開し、その負荷をダイナミックに切り替えられるグーグルであればそれを実現可能かもしれない、とこの記事「Google's Chiller-less Data Center 」では解説されています。
[cloud]Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
"Publishers and other content providers make a grave error when they ensure that legitimately purchasing their products involves more hassle and uncertainty than simply pirating them." - one of the comments. Very true.
"This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. [...] apparently the publisher changed its mind about offering an electronic edition, and apparently Amazon, whose business lives and dies by publisher happiness, caved. It electronically deleted all books by this author from people’s Kindles and credited their accounts for the price. " Allein die Tatsache, dass sich Leute so eine Ausgeburt an DRM-Geschwülsten zulegen, bei der deren Anbieter sogar noch retroaktiv Zugriff auf den vermeintlich eigenen Buchbestand hat... unglaublich.
it’s like Barnes & Noble sneaking into our homes in the middle of the night, taking some books that we’ve been reading off our nightstands, and leaving us a check on the coffee table. You want to know the best part? The juicy, plump, dripping irony? The author who was the victim of this Big Brotherish plot was none other than George Orwell. And the books were “1984” and “Animal Farm.”
Amazon removed purchased e-books from Kindles when a publisher had second thoughts about online distribution.
amazon smáznul z kindle čtečky lidem zakoupené kopie orwella, protože podle nakladatele byly neautorizované, sice jim poslal peéíz ena účet, ale udělal to bez ptaní, druhej den prostě knížku ve čtečce neměli
Already, we’ve learned that they’re not really like books, in that once we’re finished reading them, we can’t resell or even donate them. But now we learn that all sales may not even be final.Tom Wujec on 3 ways the brain creates meaning | Video on
ความรู้Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him -
It could go down as the biggest mobile event in history
Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson," a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as "volcanic."
Well written article... seems Social Networking has REALLY come of age. it was TMZ and Twitter that turned to for the "scoop." Just natural evolution of how things work these days. The loss of Michael Jackson is like the loss of Princess Diana, it seems we lost 2 super gems, and got a lesson about the loss (and mauling) of innocence as well as the seductive destructive aspect of acumulating fame and riches. sad sad sad.Techy Tips for not so techy teachers
Computer Hardware Chart: Hard Drives, Ports, Processor Card Slots, Processor Card Sockets, etc.
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1440x2040 Pixel)Google's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business
Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave.
"A cursory viewing could leave you with the impression that Wave is a replacement for email and chat. [But ...] In truth, Wave is an ambitious, brand-new infrastructure for communication in general. [...] Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be. Google says that they’re open-sourcing 'the lion’s share' of the code that makes Wave services work, and they’re keeping no secrets about its standards. [...] Some of the real fire of the Google Wave demo video [...] comes at the end. A guy is sharing a Wave with someone and having a live text conversation. A robot is automatically translating all of the text so that the English speaker and the French-speaker are seeing their own native languages. And the translation is happening while they type."The Codeless Website: Four Awesome Tools for Creating Cool, No-Tech Sites
codeless web site design links27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
The purpose of this project is to provide a computer simulation of the onboard guidance computers used in the Apollo Program's lunar missions, and to generally allow you to learn about these guidance computers.
Virtual AGC is a computer model of the AGC. It does not try to mimic the superficial behavioral characteristics of the AGC, but rather to model the AGC's inner workings. The result is a computer model of the AGC which is itself capable of executing the original Apollo software on (for example) a desktop PC. In computer terms, Virtual AGC is an emulator.My Thoughts on NoSQL - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
Over the past few years, relational databases have fallen out of favor for a number of influential people in our industry. I'd like to weigh in on that, but before doing so, I'd like to give my executive summary of the events leading up to this movement
Tokyo Cabinet
Обзор нескольких опенсурсных нереляционных БД.
Thoughts on NoSQL, Tokyo Cabinet, CouchDB, Redis, and Cassandra.Bits Of Destruction Hit the Book Publishing Business: Part 1
Author: 10% (This in fact ranges between 8% and 15%, depending on the author's clout -- e.g. Stephen King does better than most. If the author has an agent, the agent's cut comes out of this. It is indeed tough for new authors.) Publisher: 30% (This ranges between 25% and 32%, again depending on the author's clout -- e.g. their percentage is less with Stephen King because the risk is lower too. Note: this is their net revenue, after deducting author royalties and printer fees.) Printer: 10% Distributor: 10% Retailer: 40%VLC 1.0 Records Video from DVDs - DVD - Lifehacker
While the down economy continues to hurt funding to our schools, more and more teachers are looking to web-based services to help educate their students. Whether it's through ...How to Troubleshoot a Flaky Internet Connection - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
HOW TO Troubleshoot a Flaky internet connection100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About | GeekDad |
#12 Laserdisc: the LP of DVD.
From GeekDad |
memories of times past t hough much of this we still know around here
"GeekDad Parents, Kids and the Stuff We Obsess About 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About * By Nathan Barry Email Author * July 22, 2009 | * 8:00 am | * Categories: Armchair Geek * There are some things in this world that will never be forgotten, this week’s 40th anniversary of the moon landing for one. But Moore’s Law and our ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better widgets and thingamabobs will always ensure that some of the technology we grew up with will not be passed down the line to the next generation of geeks. That is, of course, unless we tell them all about the good old days of modems and typewriters, slide rules and encyclopedias …"
There are some things in this world that will never be forgotten, this week’s 40th anniversary of the moon landing for one. But Moore’s Law and our ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better widgets and thingamabobs will always ensure that some of the technology we grew up with will not be passed down the line to the next generation of geeks.5 TED Talks on Science That Will Blow Your Mind
Some of the most entertaining, informative and mind-blowing science videos on the web come from the TED conference. Here are five.
Some of the most entertaining, informative and mind-blowing science videos on the web come from the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference. Here are five.
Some of the most entertaining, informative and mind-blowing science videos on the web come from TED – the Technology, Entertainment, Design conference. Challenged to give the “talk of their lives,” the world’s top scientists and science communicators have been dazzling audiences – many of whom are thought leaders, trend-setters and entertainers – for years now. Most of the best talks are now freely available on the internet, but sifting through hundreds of video clips to find the real gems can be hard going.BBC NEWS | Technology | Artificial brain '10 years away'
BBC NEWS | Technology | Artificial brain '10 years away' [from]
a newly invented technology for an artificial brain will be available in the market 10 years away.
Blue Brain project says within 10 years we can have a fully functional replica of the human brain.
Content Type: text/htmlALA | AASL Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning Award
American Association of School LibrarianThe Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real - Anil Dash
Pushbutton is a name for what I believe will be an upgrade for the web, where any site or application can deliver realtime messages to a web-scale audience, using free and open technologies at low cost and without relying on any single company like Twitter or Facebook. The pieces of this platform have just come together to enable a whole set of new features and applications that would have been nearly impossible for an average web developer to build in the past. July 24 2009
Anil Dash of Six Apart weaves together several ideas, some very old, some relatively new, and spins a story of the web to come. This is a great read, rich with informative links. Web developers should read it twice and argue about for hours.Tonchidot Madness: The Video
augmented reality
"Social Augmented Reality Mobile Location-based Service: “Sekai Camera” (World Camera)."
Google could and probably will develop a website (a-la AdWords) where every business in the planet will be able to geo-tag their shop, service etc… for free. But the trick is that you could tag not only your business name, but also place ads. And of course Google will charge for this service… In Enkin’s video demonstration, we see an example with a hospital and a subway station geo-tagged and visible live through augmented reality. Now replace this with a restaurant or a shop. This shop pays Google to advertise so below their business name, the tag would also display for example a promotion for an article. Just imagine the potential! This concept has the potential of becoming something similar to what adwords is to Google: a drastic profit machine! On top of that, Google could license the service to TomTom or other GPS manufacturers, so in your car you will actually see in real-time the directions and tags through a live video, instead of the boring 3D-graphics we all know.Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom | Edutopia
Specific examples of how student produced podcasts enhance knowledge and communication skills.
good links to other sites - take a deeper look here
Edutopia article on podcasting105 Examples of Clean and Minimal Twitter Apps | SingleFunction
Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking [Advertising] : Amnesty International has instal.. [from]
who said the poster was dead?Behold! My Mac mini media center
After I bought the Mac mini from my dad (the switcher), I hooked it up to my old, standard-definition TV. The Mac mini Media Center -- M³C for short -- was born.
"First, let me start by saying that my entertainment setup isn't exactly complicated. I don't have a fancy surround sound system, and I don't have a Blu-Ray or other high-definition DVD player. In fact -- as I mentioned before -- my goal was simplifying my television setup to eliminate a lot of the extras that I really don't need. That said, the M³C consists of four major components...."
"First, let me start by saying that my entertainment setup isn't exactly complicated. I don't have a fancy surround sound system, and I don't have a Blu-Ray or other high-definition DVD player. In fact -- as I mentioned before -- my goal was simplifying my television setup to eliminate a lot of the extras that I really don't need. That said, the M³C consists of four major components...."Bacterial computers can crack mathematical problems | Science |
Computers are evolving – literally. While the tech world argues netbooks vs notebooks, synthetic biologists are leaving traditional computers behind altogether. A team of US scientists have engineered bacteria that could solve complex mathematical problems faster than anything made from silicon.
Content Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
RT @zaibatsu: Bacterial computers can crack mathematical problems fast than most computers [from]
Bacteria Computer! Wa-ow!The Technium: Was Moore's Law Inevitable?
Moore's Law is one of the few Moira threads we've teased out in our short history in the technium. There must be others. Most of the technium's predetermined developments remain hidden, not yet uncovered, by tools not yet invented. But we've learned to look for them. Searching, we can see similar laws peeking out now. These "laws" are reflexes of the technium that kick in regardless of the social climate. They too will spawn progress, and inspire new powers and new desires as they unroll in ordered sequence. Perhaps these self-governing dynamics will appear in genetics, or in pharmaceuticals, or in cognition. Once a dynamic like Moore's Law is launched and made visible, the fuels of finance, competition, and markets will push the law to its limits and keep it riding along that curve until it has consumed its physical potential.iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » 20 iTunes Feeds for the 2.0 Teacher
Some useful iTunes podcasts for Educators...Twitter is for old people, work experience whiz-kid tells bankers - Times Online
very cool story
Very relevant to sourcing and creating any type of media for YP. It gives me insight into what my (and other) children are on.Top 7 Places to Watch Great Minds in Action
The First 10 Free Apps to Install on a New Windows PC'Teach Naked' Effort Strips Computers From Classrooms - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Good arguments against PPT
jose bowen suggests teachers teach naked, without computers, so that students are engaged in the discussion and not passively taking in powerpoint slides.
59 percent of students in a new survey reported that at least half of their lectures were boring, and that PowerPoint was one of the dullest methods they saw.
a dean at Southern Methodist University is proudly removing computers from lecture halls. José A. Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, has challenged his colleagues to "teach naked"—by which he means, sans machines.The News About the Internet - The New York Review of Books
Sur les relations entre les médias, le journalisme et les bloggeurs influents.
The News About the Internet By Michael Massing Books, blogs, Web sites, and essays discussed in this article: Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press by Eric Boehlert Free Press, 280 pp., $26.00 And Then There's This: How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture by Bill Wasik Viking, 202 pp., $25.95
This image of the Internet as parasite has some foundation. Without the vital news-gathering performed by established institutions, many Web sites would sputter and die. In their sweep and scorn, however, such statements seem as outdated as they are defensive. Over the past few months alone, a remarkable amount of original, exciting, and creative (if also chaotic and maddening) material has appeared on the Internet. The practice of journalism, far from being leeched by the Web, is being reinvented there, with a variety of fascinating experiments in the gathering, presentation, and delivery of news. And unless the editors and executives at our top papers begin to take note, they will hasten their own demise.
Long survey of the pressures the internet is placing on traditional mediaHow big is the internet? | Latest news |
Nice visualization of population and percentage of those who are online
If you spent just one minute reading every website in existence, you’d be kept busy for 31,000 years. Without any sleep.Daring Fireball: Microsoft's Long, Slow Decline
“People who love computers overwhelmingly prefer to use a Mac today. Microsoft’s core problem is that they have lost the hearts of computer enthusiasts.”Kindle and the future of reading : The New Yorker
by Nicholson Baker
ANNALS OF READING about the Kindle 2. The writer ordered the Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could he not? Everybody was saying that the new Kindle was terribly important. Writing and publishing, wrote Steven Johnson in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, would never be the same. In <i>Newsweek…The Ultimate Guide To Speeding Up Firefox 3.5
I like Firefox but it’s not as fast as it used to be. This is a comprehensive, safe guide to optimizing Firefox 3.5 for speedy browsing. For each suggestion,9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
City Tour and Tip Jar Look Cool.Presentation Zen: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?
interesting, useful tips on presenting
Sharing: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?: People often ask if technical or scien.. [from]
People often ask if technical or science-related presentations can be as compelling as presentations covering other less technical topics.
"Failure to spend the [presentation] time wisely and well, failure to educate, entertain, elucidate, enlighten, and most important of all, failure to maintain attention and interest should be punishable by stoning. There is no excuse for tedium."The app economy | Technology | The Guardian
discussion of AppStores in the Guardian
Planet of the Apps. "Some 65,000 apps are currently available for Apple's iPhones from the corporation's App Store, which marked its first anniversary earlier this summer. But in that year, the apps industry has grown exponentially – the total number of Apple's App Store downloads recently passed the 1.5bn mark. The App Store's success is reportedly a surprise to Apple, but presumably an even bigger and nastier one to competitors such as Research in Motion (who make BlackBerrys) and Nokia (the world's biggest mobile phone maker). The App Store's staggering success has led nearly every maker of a smartphone operating system to mimic Apple's business model: make it very easy for smartphone users to buy or freely download software created by from third-party developers."I Quit The iPhone
apple & att block google voice on iphone... assholes. 7/09
"What finally put me over the edge? It wasn't the routinely dropped calls, something you can only truly understand once you have owned an iPhone (and which drove my friend Om Malik to bail). I've lived with that for two years. It's not the lack of AT&T coverage at home. I've lived with that for two years, too. It certainly isn't the lack of a physical keyboard, that has never bothered me. No, what finally put me over the edge is the Google Voice debacle.... So I have to choose between the iPhone and Google Voice. It's not an easy decision. Except, it sort of is. Google isn't forcing the decision on me, Apple and AT&T are. So I choose to work with the company that isn't forcing me to do things their way. And in this case, that's Google."
I have loved the iPhone, but now I am quitting the iPhone. This is not an easy decision.
number portability? -- really??? : ) (DelTweet)Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Resources for Creating and Hosting Podcasts
recursos de podcast per fer i penjar
Resources reviewsTechnology Review: Blogs: TR Editors' blog: Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at SIGGRAPH
Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at SIGGRAPHThe Matrix, but with money: the world of high-speed trading - Ars Technica
The Matrix, but with money
Supercomputers pitted against one another in a high-stakes battle of attack and counterattack over a global network where predatory algorithms trawl the information stream, competing every millisecond to gain an informational advantage over rivals. It sounds like Hollywood fiction, but it's just an average trading day on the stock market.Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
wow, that's sad. "Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one."
Really? Not only censoring the dictionary, but requiring a rating of 17+: Apple AppStore Fail!
"Apple censored an English dictionary. A dictionary. A reference book. For words contained in all reasonable dictionaries. For words contained in dictionaries that are used every day in elementary school libraries and classrooms. [...] The list of omitted words includes some which have utterly non-objectionable senses: ass, snatch, pussy, cock, and even screw. (Ass and cock appear throughout the King James Bible.) Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one. Apple requires you to be 17 years or older to purchase a censored dictionary that omits half the words Steve Jobs uses every day." | You have got to be shitting me.
Stop doing this Apple!
Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
Almost makes me want to reconcider getting an iPhone. Almost. (@via samin)50 Excellent Open Courses for Techie Librarians | Best Colleges Online
Best Colleges Online
"Techie librarians have lots of great resources available to them online, and open courses are some of the best tools for your professional development."Kindle and the future of reading : The New Yorker
ANNALS OF READING about the Kindle 2. The writer ordered the Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could he not? Everybody was saying that the new Kindle was terribly important. Writing and publishing, wrote Steven Johnson in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, would never be the same. In <i>Newsweek…
Can the Kindle really improve on the book?
The Kindle vs. the book by Nicholson Baker
Via ...? Nicholson Baker gives the Kindle 2 a test drive, compares it to printed books and the iPhone, and gives us a history of how the Kindle came to be.Bokode: Imperceptible Visual Tags for Camera Based Interaction from a Distance
Could it be the next RFID+AR mashup? I can see it in pointer apps, tag a space etc.
"Current optical tags, such as barcodes, must be read within a short range and the codes occupy valuable physical space on products. We present a new low-cost optical design so that the tags can be shrunk to 3mm visible diameter, and unmodified ordinary cameras several meters away can be set up to decode the identity plus the relative distance and angle. The design exploits the bokeh effect of ordinary cameras lenses, which maps rays exiting from an out of focus scene point into a disk like blur on the camera sensor. This bokeh-code or Bokode is a barcode design with a simple lenslet over the pattern. We show that an off-the-shelf camera can capture Bokode features of 2.5 microns from a distance of over 4 meters." Annotated link Web Tools
Classroom Web Tools is a collection of nine years research into Internet resources to assist in the learning process, not only in the classroom but also at home. Sites have been selected on the basis of quality, reliability, interactivity, ease of use and, of course, free of charge. New tech tools and features are e-published to Havre Public School Teachers as they become available. This site lists the teacher tech tool publications for the last eight years. Suggestions of web site resources are always welcome!10 low-cost, high-value Web 2.0 strategies | 10 Things |
Some tips on Web 2.0 strategies
Here’s our list of top 10 Web-oriented tools, technologies, and ideas that promise to deliver the most value at the lowest cost.
Polly Schneider Traylor pulls together a very nice summary list of quick and inexpensive ways to leverage the power of 2.0The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit
article on lockpicker Marc Weber Tobias
Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters. The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit - (via @BlackHatEvents) [from]
Pretty discouraging article about the efficacy of locks beyond keeping honest people honest.TED | Translations | Talks in Portuguese (Brazil)
ted palestras videos portuguese informação technology inspiration
As palestras desta página foram traduzidas por voluntários que fazem parte de um Projeto de Tradução Aberta da TED. A sua contribuição generosa nos ajudou a difundir idéias a nível global, através de uma seleção de palestras que está sempre recebendo adições. Você não vê a sua palestra favorita aqui? Você pode traduzí-la para nós!
ue fazem parte de um Projeto de Tradução Aberta da TED. A sua contrib16 Apps That Make Sharing Large Files A Snap
Buying second-hand products is always green, but it’s easy to be discouraged by the stories of broken laptops from eBay or Craigslist. To quell these fears, here is a 10-step checklist on how to find a used laptop that isn’t just a high-tech lemon.Mourning the Death of Handwriting - TIME
Via ... someone's Twitter feed. The history of handwriting and the death of it. Does it matter that we are no longer tested for penmanship?
Don't blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
Don\'t blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
People born after 1980 tend to have a distinctive style of handwriting: a little bit sloppy, a little bit childish and almost never in cursive.How I Learned To Quit The iPhone And Love Google Voice
A pretty compelling article from someone who gave up the iPhone. Sounds like Google Voice is a better solution: You can have all your phones ring simultaneously. Does that work with landlines too? Screw having multiple numbers!
At the end of July I declared my intention to quit the iPhone and AT&T, port my mobile phone number to Google Voice and use any mobile device that I pleased (or lots of them at once) in the future. Like others, I will no longer blindly follow all things Apple. Today I’m pleased to report a status update on those efforts: complete. I am no longer a member of the Cult of iPhone. Porting my phone number to Google Voice was a three day process, which I was pre-warned about. The mobile carriers in the U.S. have made the porting process between them fairly easy, and it occurs over a couple of hours. But they are in no hurry to help customers move their phone numbers to Google Voice, and so it took a few extra days. Also, I’m one of the first people to port their phone number to Google Voice, and there are always a few hiccups when you’re a guinea pig.What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way - Anil Dash
"And a weekend-scale implementation on a personal site usually translates roughly into a 90-day implementation cycle in a business context, which is a reasonably approachable project size."
Google Wave is an impressive set of technologies, the kind of stunningly slick application that literally makes developers stand up and cheer. I've played with the Google Wave test sandbox a bit, and while it's definitely too complex to live up to the "this will replace email!" hype that greeted its launch, it certainly has some cool features. So the big question is whether Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Anil thinks Google Wave is too big a step to catch on with developers. What about with users?
The big question is whether Google Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way from @anildash: My first impressions: [from]Evolution's third replicator: Genes, memes, and now what? - life - 31 July 2009 - New Scientist
!! digital information을 세번쩨 replicator로 규정. 그런데 그것이 copy,mutation,natural selection을 모두 충족하는가? 글쓴이에 의하면 현재의 컴퓨터들은 웹 상에서, 인간의 통제를 벗어나 스스로 복제하고, 정보를 수집하며, 편집하고, 뭐..그런말을 하는데.. / / mutation은 없고 summary만 있을뿐 아닌가? 그리고 natural selection은 혹시 virus에 의한것을 말하는가? 그렇다면 너무 유치하고.. 검색순위 상단에 오르는 것을 말한다면 그것은 인간에 의한것인데?
There's a new type of evolution going on and it may not be to our liking, says Susan Blackmore
Memes are a new kind of information - behaviours rather than DNA - copied by a new kind of machinery - brains rather than chemicals inside cells. This is a new evolutionary process because all of the three critical stages - copying, varying and selection - are done by those brains. So does the same apply to new technology?Google
the next generation of Google Search
Run tests on google for changes and results
novo googleGizmodo - Giz Explains: How to Choose the Right Graphics Card - Graphics Cards
Whether you're buying a new computer, building your own or upgrading an old one, the process of choosing a new graphics card can be daunting. Integrated graphics solutions—the kind that come standard with many PCs—have trouble playing games from three years ago, let alone today, and will put you at a disadvantage when future technologies like GPGPU computing, which essentially uses your graphics card as an additional processor, finally take hold. On top of all this, we're in the middle of a price dip—it's objectively a great time to buy. (Assuming you're settled on a desktop. Ahem.) The point is, you'll want to make the right choice. But how?
There are plenty of great graphics cards out there, no matter what you're looking for. Thing is, the odds are seemingly stacked against you ever finding the right one. It doesn't have to be that hard.
"You're looking for a card that is a) an option on whatever system you're buying and b) can handle the game well—at a high resolution and high texture quality—which, generally speaking, is a comfortable 60 frames per second." Great overview. I didn't know that 60 fps was considered a minimum these days.Web 2.0 Guru - Web 2.0 Resources
Table of Contents WEB 2.0 RESOURCES FOR 21st CENTURY INSTRUCTION NEW! - View all resources on your mobile phone - Animation Assessment and Evaluation Blogging Charts and Spreadsheets Collaboration Communication Conversion Tools Celebration of Success - Award and Certificate Makers Desktop Publishing Dictionaries/Glossaries/Data Digital Storytelling Disposable Email Accounts for Site Registration Ebooks or Audio Books Games for Education Virtual Games in Education Global Connections in the Classroom Keyboarding Mobile Tools Multimedia Networking and Online Communities Note Taking, Concept Mapping and Flow Chart Tools Online Interactive Classroom Environments Personalized Web Browser Pages Podcasting Polls/Surveys Presentations Professional Networks Research RSS Aggregators Search Engines Social Bookmarking Storage - online storage and for files Studying and Help Text <>Speech The "Tubes" Virtual Field Trips Virtual Worlds in Education Vodcasting - Video Broadca
A collection of web 2.0 tools for 21st Century classrooms.
A GREAT resource of 2.0 websites, tools, etc. grouped by categories ****10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets
Did you know that your tweets have an expiration date on them? While they never really disappear from your own Twitter stream, they become unsearchable in only a ...
" At first, Twitter held onto your tweets for around a month, but as the service grew more popular, this "date limit" has dramatically shortened. According to Twitter's search documentation, the current date limit on the search index is "around 1.5 weeks but is dynamic and subject to shrink as the number of tweets per day continues to grow."Learn Emacs in Ten Years — Edward O’Connor
Somebody emailed me the other day, asking about how to go about learning Emacs. This is my (edited and rearranged) reply. I know you’re something of an emacs wizard, so I thought I might as well ask you: how should I learn emacs? … I’ve used emacs for several years now but have not added very much emacs skill to my repertoire. Well, the short answer is, you should learn Emacs by using it for about a decade. That’s a pretty lame non-answer, so let me try to elaborate.50 Fun iPhone Apps to Get Kids Reading and Learning
Do you own an iPhone? Do you also have toddlers or kids who are about to enter school? Put the iPhone and the kids together with some of the apps listed below to keep the kids busy as they prepare themselves for school.Gartner Hype Cycle 2009: Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down
Trends and twitter decline
Gartner is a key authority on technology in industy. I actually disagree with their evaluation
Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down
Here we go again with Web 2.0Wikispaces for Web 2.0
Chris O'Neal's wiki on all sorts of web tools
from Chris: tools (incl Wikis, blogs, maps, and how-to tutorials)
Look into Voice Threads
Chris & Karen's workshop wiki.
Resources for educator's interested in Web 2.0
Chris O'Neals's wiki for web 2.0 tools.Wikipedia enters a new chapter | Technology | The Guardian
The online encyclopedia is about to hit 3m articles in English – but growth is stalling as 'inclusionists' and 'deletionists' fight for control
more on Wikipedia
The online encyclopedia is about to hit 3m articles in English ... Even when compressed, the files stretched to an enormous 8 terabytes ... when the group fed the data into their 60-machine computing cluster, they got some surprising results ... Chi's team discovered that the way the site operated had changed significantly from the early days, when it ran an open-door policy that allowed in anyone ... Today a stable group of high-level editors has become increasingly responsible for controlling the encyclopedia, while casual contributors and editors are falling away100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About | GeekDad |
For display during Teen Tech Week
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know Existed [from]The New York Times envisions version 2.0 of the newspaper » Nieman Journalism Lab
Series: The New York Times R&D Lab The New York Times envisions version 2.0 of the newspaper By Zachary M. Seward / May 11 / 9 a.m. The New York Times Co.’s research and development group has some of the best views in their midtown skyscraper — 24 floors above the newsrooms, higher even than the executives’ suites. Developers in the core R&D group — with titles like “lead creative technologist” and, my favorite, “futurist-in-residence” — are charged by the brass 14 floors below them with anticipating how news will next be consumed.50 Free Windows Software Alternatives
Looking for free Windows software alternatives? Microsoft Windows bundles a number of software applications in order to provide a basic experience, such as Internet Explorer, Wordpad, and others. In this article, we wil be listing replacements for basic Windows software and utilities. If you have a suggestion, feel free to list it in the comments.Welcome to the Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre
Training resources for various PD
Training resurces
Training resources for teachers using new technologies
Technology Centre for Professional Training and information.
Joint venture between DET and Mac Uni. Professional learning courses, PD wikis
Joint venture between DEt and Mac Uni professional learning courses,PD Wikis
main site for MACICT learning centre
This is the joint centre with Macquarie univerity and DET where you can go for professional learning.
This is the joint venture between Macquarie University and the DET where you can go for professional learning. I did a course here.
This is from the course I attended at Macquarie Uni on Web 2 stuff.
everything and anything ICTThe 35 Best iPhone Apps Of The Year (So Far)
This guest post was written by Alex Ahlund, founder of AppVee. AppVee has been doing in-depth reviews of applications since the launch ...The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous.
brain research and new social media
by Emily Yoffe. Summary of research by Jaak Panskeep and Kent Berridge into our desire for additional information. Speculates this desire is akin to addiction systems. "How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous."
"The dopamine system does not have satiety built into it," Berridge explains. "And under certain conditions it can lead us to irrational wants, excessive wants we'd be better off without." So we find ourselves letting one Google search lead to another, while often feeling the information is not vital and knowing we should stop. "As long as you sit there, the consumption renews the appetite," he explains. Actually all our electronic communication devices—e-mail, Facebook feeds, texts, Twitter—are feeding the same drive as our searches. Since we're restless, easily bored creatures, our gadgets give us in abundance qualities the seeking/wanting system finds particularly exciting. Novelty is one. Panksepp says the dopamine system is activated by finding something unexpected or by the anticipation of something new. If the rewards come unpredictably—as e-mail, texts, updates do—we get even more carried away. No wonder we call it a "CrackBerry."New battery could change world, one house at a time
A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode is outlined by US researchers.
A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode has been outlined by US researchers. Bokodes, as they are known, can hold thousands of times more information than their striped cousins and can be read by a standard mobile phone camera.
bocode project from MIT media lab. small code visible to cameras, but not human eye. Different info from different directions.TeachPaperless: Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
Technology is not a monolith. Technology doesn’t tell you what to do and it doesn’t force you to behave in ways you’d rather not. Technology -- particularly social technology -- is whatever you make it. Use what you want, leave the rest. Mash it up, alter it to fit your needs, customize it, and own it. If you can’t do that with your technology, then you are using the wrong technology.
Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education | Fast Company
Fast Company Magazine
"The Internet disrupts any industry whose core product can be reduced to ones and zeros," says Jose Ferreira, founder and CEO of education startup Knewton. Education, he says, "is the biggest virgin forest out there." Ferreira is among a loose-knit band of education 2.0 architects sharpening their saws for that forest. Their first foray was at MIT in 2001, when the school agreed to put coursework online for free. [agreed ?The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
Well worth the read [from]
If humans are seeking machines, we've now created the perfect machines to allow us to seek endlessly. This perhaps should make us cautious.
Seeking. You can't stop doing it. Sometimes it feels as if the basic drives for food, sex, and sleep have been overridden by a new need for endless nuggets of electronic information. We are so insatiably curious that we gather data even if it gets us in trGone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear? | Vanish |
On a case study, and investigators discussings the difficulties
How modern information gathering technology complicates the lives of those who want to start a new life.
The urge to disappear, to shed one’s identity and reemerge in another, surely must be as old as human society. It’s a fantasy that can flicker tantalizingly on the horizon at moments of crisis or grow into a persistent daydream that accompanies life’s daily burdens. A fight with your spouse leaves you momentarily despondent, perhaps, or a longtime relationship feels dead on its feet. Your mortgage payment becomes suddenly unmanageable, or a pile of debts gradually rises above your head. Maybe you simply awaken one day unable to shake your disappointment over a choice you could have made or a better life you might have had. And then the thought occurs to you: What if I could drop everything, abandon my life’s baggage, and start over as someone else?
a plan to escape
For Matthew Alan Sheppard, all of the anxiety, deception, and delusion converged in one moment on a crisp winter weekend in February 2008.Directory: 100 technology experts on Twitter | Between the Lines |
Larry Dignan, Sam Diaz and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.
One the most important — and most difficult — things to do when you first start using Twitter is to develop a good list of people to follow. You can check your friends’ lists of followers, watch for interesting people that come up in @replies, and look for personalities and brands who promote their Twitter addresses. But, it can take several months to build up a good list. For technology professionals, I’m going to give you a big head start.BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The problem with PowerPoint
Ok, the evils of powerpoint are getting attention in the news. But why does Delicious recommend that I tag this "humour"?
good advice for powerpoint presentations100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, andMichael Pritchard turns filthy water drinkable | Video on
One of the most revolutionary (and simple) inventions EVER in our history. He launched this only a few months ago, but you can be SURE that this will change the world dramatically.
Sistema que permite filtrar agua, eliminando bacterias y virus. Filtro de 20 nanometros.
I plan to use this video to inspire my students to be problem solvers. Prelude to the "We Can Change the World Challenge," maybe?BBC NEWS | Technology | Mobile phones get cyborg vision
Endless possibilities for bleeding edge digital travel guides.
a view of the world tagged with rich, location-relevant information whilst your gaze flickers here and there. But now this Augmented Reality (AR), as it is known, is materialising in the real world. Mobile phone operators, at least, are hoping it will be the next big thing as programmers learn to corral all the bells and whistles of smart phones - GPS, video, accelerometers - into "killer applications". For the first time such AR is available for handsets.
"Via the video function of a mobile phone's camera it is now possible to combine a regular pictorial view with added data from the internet just as the fictional Terminator was able to overlay its view of the world with vital information about its surroundings."Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom - Bits Blog -
A recent 93-page report on online education, conducted by SRI International for the Department of Education, has a starchy academic title, but a most intriguing conclusion: “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”
Provocative article
Une étude montre que des élèves de 12 ans obtiennent de meilleures performance avec l'apprentissage en ligne qu'en classe.5 Terrific Ted Talks on Future Technologies
A sampling of how technology might influence the future.
ow? Those are questions that some of the most inventive and outrageous thinkers around have been addressing at the yearly TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference. TED presenters have been wowing audiences with their future-tech ideas for a long time, and many of these talks are freely available on the web. But it can be a daunting task working out what to watch. So here’s a taster-menu of five great TED talks on how technology might influence the future. Rather than describe the latest in consumer tech, they take on the much harder task of predicting how technology will change our lives in profound ways. I’ve used a few simple rules in selecting the talks: - Was I hooked within the first few seconds? - Was the technology potentially life-changing? - Was I inspired and challenged?iPods, First Sale, President Obama, and the Queen of England | Electronic Frontier Foundation
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so? You know your copyright laws are broken when there is no easy answer to this question.
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so?
iPods, First Sale, President Obama, and the Queen of England | Electronic Frontier Foundation
RT @nitot: Obama a acheté de la musique et donné un iPod à la reine d'angleterre. C'est un pirate ! [from]
Obama's "hip" gift to the Queen raises some interesting questions and points to a need for more discussion on the topic of what's really copyright infringement.
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so? You know your copyright laws are broken when there is no easy answer to this question.Exclusive: First Look at Blue Spruce, IBM's Next Generation Browser Platform - ReadWriteWeb
IBM's browser as platform project
He replied that customers have been consistently telling them for 1-1.5 years now that they don't want to do installs anymore. Their customers want the rich experience that desktop apps have traditionally provided, but they want to have it in the browser. Collaboration and sharing data is also a trend that IBM is tapping into with Blue Spruce.
Interesting piece about what IBM's Emerging Technology team is up to.
ReadWriteWeb was given an exclusive first look at Blue Spruce.Plugging In $40 Computers - Bits Blog -
Animated Battles
201 activity
history-civil war blog
Dr. Fifer's latest blog posting about technology to be used in teaching of the Civil War. "....encourage you to make a $25 donation to the company and purchase a copy of the CD. As part of the CD, you get all of the material available via the website, plus additional materials and a special Teacher’s Edition of the animations....."
Blogs, links, and other activities for elementary and secondary students.
Great blog with lots of resources about teaching the Civil War using technology tools. Uses lots of videos and Google Earth.Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO - O'Reilly Radar
Reading: Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO [feedly] [from]
@timoreilly makes an excellent case for "Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO": [from]
"The news has now been leaked that President Obama intends to nominate Aneesh Chopra as the nation's first Chief Technology Officer."Apple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store
Obvious Apple is Obvious: Google Voice rejected for App Store; follows Apple pulling voice-enabled Google apps. [from]
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they “duplicate features that come with the iPhone”. Now comes even worse news: we’ve learned that Apple has blocked Google’s official Google Voice application itself from the App Store. In other words, Google Voice — one of the best things to happen to telephony services in a very long time — will have no presence at all on the App Store.
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they ...50 Ways To Create Digital Stories With Students | The Edublogger
A good summary of digital storytelling
Creating stories using web tools is fun and engaging for student while also teaching them new skills. Best of all you can embed them in blog posts to grab readers; including something a bit different makes reading posts more interesting.Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the Rise
see Gartner group figure 2009
Annotated link
By 2020 (or perhaps earlier), I suspect augmented reality may be as unremarkable on mobile devices as (say) always-connected e-mail is in 2009. Or for all I know, it may be yet another flash in the pan. This is why I'm glad I'm not a 'futurologist'.
Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the RiseExpand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
iPhone Development
Expand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration
Even if you’re an experienced Web developer, your next project doesn’t have to be a website. Sometimes doing something outside of the usual Web developer’s box is more fun and can even be educational. We’ll try here to give you some inspiration on what to do on your next rainy day. You can learn a lot by doing something other than building or designing a website. And if you stick with techniques that you can learn in a couple hours, you won’t burden yourself either.Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
A nice roundup of what people are attempting to do with simple mobile camera phones by mashing-up available information around them.Bacon: the Other White Heat | Popular Science
bacon welders
Thanks EMone
@ryanbaldwin that was just amazing! Breakfast will never be the same again! [via tonyarkles] [from]
Amazing. Prosciutto as a thermal lance.xkcd - A Webcomic - Tech Support Cheat Sheet
The next step after, "have you tried turning it off and on again?"
It's funny because it's true... :-)
It's true, this really is how I do tech support for friends and family...High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation | Hizook
Videos of the Ishikawa Komuro Lab's high-speed robot hand performing impressive acts of dexterity and skillful manipulation. However, the video being passed around is slight on details. Meanwhile, their video presentation at ICRA 2009 (which took place in May in Kobe, Japan) has an informative narration and demonstrates additional capabilities. I have included this video below, which shows the manipulator dribbling a ping-pong ball, spinning a pen, throwing a ball, tying knots, grasping a grain of rice with tweezers, and tossing / re-grasping a cellphone!
High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation
A High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation.
The tweezer grasp is great.The Boy Who Heard Too Much : Rolling Stone
Blind kid & genius phone hacker100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers - Classroom 2.0
Technology helpFree Kids Games, Coloring & Jigsaw Puzzles for Children
PreK-Kindergarten reading and math games
Tell Laura about this site good primaryLicensed Memory in Windows Vista
Though machines with 4GB are not yet the typical purchase for home or business use, they are readily available from major manufacturers and it won’t be long before they are the typical purchase. But there are problems. You don’t have to stand for long in a computer shop to hear a sales assistant talk of 4GB as some sort of limit for 32-bit operating systems, and it won’t be long before this sales patter develops into outright promotion of 64-bit Windows as the only way to get past this limit. Some sense of this can be seen already in manufacturers’ advertising materials, as in the following fine print from Dell:
You probably already know this, but this page describes PAE and how a 32-bit OS can use more than 4GB of RAM (and already does - see Windows Server editions).Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
We don’t have Craigslist around here, and looking at it makes me wonder that it works at all. But sometimes the sheer density of information can make the battle worth it. As does a lack of marketing blindness: How many times did marketing or ‚developing a business‘ actually improve products or the companies making them? From the POV of the user/customer, that is.
I Thought this was a very interesting read - the tragedy of craigslist
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.
The axioms of this worldview are easy to state. "People are good and trustworthy and generally just concerned with getting through the day," Newmark says. If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.
Craig Newmark says that craigslist works because people are good, and he has stuck to this point of view without wavering. Whether you accept it as true will depend on your standard of goodness.
despite the initial focus on the irrelevant topic of CL's design, and the typical annoying writing, the article becomes quite good later: "These are technically sophisticated people who take pride in their work, and when we knock them down they don't just decide to go find something else to do. You could say we are breeding the perfect spammer."
"Craig Newmark seems to have discovered a new way to run a business. He suspects that it may be the right way to run the world."The Internet is about to change « blog maverick
WebHooks or PubSubHubBub are designed to simplify and optimize the web.YouTube - Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad
Demo of an incredible vector drawing application written by Ivan Sutherland in 1963.
can't be as good as everything
Developed in 1963, decades ahead of its time. Fascinating.
Ivan SutherlandClive Thompson on the New Literacy
interesting study on how tech effects reading
Bases on a Stanford study there is evidence students are writing more than ever and they want to have an audience and purpose. Annotated link
fascinating take on the ongoing trends in literacy. Study by Stanford concludes that today's youth are MORE proficient in writing because they've lived a life of writing for an audience. "We think of writing as either good or bad. What today's young people know is that knowing who you're writing for and why you're writing might be the most crucial factor of all."
<<I think we're in the midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we haven't seen since Greek civilization"...For Lunsford, technology isn't killing our ability to write. It's reviving it—& pushing our literacy in bold new directions...The fact that students today almost always write for an audience gives them a different sense of what constitutes good writing. In interviews, they defined good prose as something that had an effect on the world. For them, writing is about persuading & organizing & debating, even if it's over something as quotidian as what movie to go see. The Stanford students were almost always less enthusiastic about their in-class writing because it had no audience but the professor: It didn't serve any purpose other than to get them a grade. As for those texting short-forms & smileys defiling serious academic writing? Another myth. When Lunsford examined the work of first-year students, she didn't find a single example of texting speak in an academic paper.>>14 Alternative Browsers That Are Not Internet Explorer 6
Here are 14 fantastic alternative web browsers that are not Internet Explorer 6.
Känner du till alla på den här listan?Teachers Love SMART Boards - Your Home for Everything SMARTBoard
smart activities, see jeopardy
resource for teachers who use smartboards
Ben Hazzard recommendationWho Said a Yacht has to Look Like a boat? - Design Magazine -
This is such an awesome concept. Now I just need to get rich. Magazine...
عکس های یک کشتی تفریحی زیبا
too bizarre for meYouTube - Kutiman-Thru-you - 01 - Mother of All Funk Chords
Melding/remix of music/YouTube vids. (Discussion starter - copyright)
Esse é o primeiro vídeo, de um total de 08 (junho de 2009), deste artista israelense (?) que mistura vídeos de pessoas tocando instrumentos para fazer remixes audio&visuais.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Awesome mashup, created entirely from YouTube clips.Pitchfork: Articles: The Social History of the MP3
Via First look at Nokia RX-51 aka Nokia N900
Nokia N900
Please note - This article is nothing but our first impressions of the device and some musings about what's going to happen. The N900 itself has reached the stage when most of its elements are operable, so we decided we could publish this lowdown. 550! half it guys... or better quarter it.
I was ready to give up on Nokia (and their Symbian-based phones) and go for an Android phone next time.. but now I see that the HTC Hero won't have a keyboard, and now I get a look at this amazing Linux based Nokia, and well, maybe I might be able to salvage my relationship with Nokia after all.The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Entire markets have been transformed by products that trade power or fidelity for low price, flexibility, and convenience.
But the experience taught Kaplan and Braunstein a lesson: Customers would sacrifice lots of quality for a cheap, convenient device. To keep the price down, Pure Digital had made significant trade-offs. It used inexpensive lenses and other components and limited the number of image-processing chips. The pictures were OK but not great. Yet Pure Digital sold 3 million cameras anyway.
The low end has never been riding higher.Back to School: Top 10 iPhone Apps for Students
It's time to head back to school, so here's a list of 10 iPhone apps that will make your life much easier on campus this year.How Facebook Can Ruin Your Friendships -
Although it's annoying when people tell you how you should act online, this article does have some good points. Esp. liked the "Facebook needs to have an eyeball roll function"
WSJ article.Home
tech videos from the 80s and early 90s
Watch The History Of Computers
The History of ComputersEric Giler demos wireless electricity | Video on
ไฟฟ้า ไร้สาย
Eric Giler wants to untangle our wired lives with cable-free electric power. Here, he covers what this sci-fi tech offers, and demos MIT's breakthrough version, WiTricity -- a near-to-market invention that may soon recharge your cell phone, car, pacemaker.
Looking under my desk at all the bloody cables, this is definitely something that I am waiting for. Let's hope it comes to the Mac devices before it comes to those sucky PCs
TED Talks Eric Giler wants to untangle our wired lives with cable-free electric power. Here, he covers what this sci-fi tech offers, and demos MIT's breakthrough version, WiTricity -- a near-to-market invention that may soon recharge your cell phone, car, pacemaker.
adieu fils et prisesThe Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Suggests that high production values, high quality products are not where the mainstream market is. Looks at digital video cameras, legal services, health care, and Web content. Made me think about legal publishing, where increased costs are justified by "value added" content, which gets very little use. At some point the "good enough" plateau will be reached so that lawyers and librarians will not continue to pay for improvements that go beyond what is valued.
Interesting article on how goods are increasingly becoming just good enough as opposed to high quality
Interesting article but sorely mistaken about the novelty of 'good enough'. This is an old phychological framework.
After some trial and error, Pure Digital released what it called the Flip Ultra in 2007. The stripped-down camcorder had lots of downsides. It captured relatively low-quality 640 x 480 footage at a time when Sony, Panasonic, and Canon were launching camcorders capable of recording in 1080 hi-def. It had a minuscule viewing screen, no color-adjustment features, and only the most rudimentary controls. It didn't even have an optical zoom. But it was small (slightly bigger than a pack of smokes), inexpensive ($150, compared with $800 for a midpriced Sony), and so simple to operate—from recording to uploading—that pretty much anyone could figure it out in roughly 6.7 seconds.Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
general excellen
powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction -
Lists website resources that can be used to meet different multiple intelligence profilesWikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text | Wired Science |
Instead of just a "Citation Needed", we'll now have various shades to give us hints as to the reliability of information.
Starting this fall, you’ll have a new reason to trust the information you find on Wikipedia: An optional feature called “WikiTrust” will color code every word of the encyclopedia based on the reliability of its author and the length of time it has persisted on the page. More than 60 million people visit the free, open-access encyclopedia each month, searching for knowledge on 12 million pages in 260 languages. But despite its popularity, Wikipedia has long suffered criticism from those who say it’s not reliable. Because anyone with an internet connection can contribute, the site is subject to vandalism, bias and misinformation. And edits are anonymous, so there’s no easy way to separate credible information from fake content created by vandals.
This idea (and the tool for its implementation) has been around for a while. Now it seems that wikipedia is going to implement it. Interesting debate here about the nature of truth: truth by consensus, or, the loudest voices win. Has it ever been any other way? Annotated link Spectrum: Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens
Conventional contact lenses are polymers formed in specific shapes to correct faulty vision. To turn such a lens into a functional system, we integrate control circuits, communication circuits, and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components. Those components will eventually include hundreds of LEDs, which will form images in front of the eye, such as words, charts, and photographs. Much of the hardware is semitransparent so that wearers can navigate their surroundings without crashing into them or becoming disoriented. In all likelihood, a separate, portable device will relay displayable information to the lens’s control circuit, which will operate the optoelectronics in the lens.SimsBlog: Top 10 Lies Newspaper Execs are Telling Themselves
Great (intelligent) rant on the future of news (via @foraggio)
Among the good points made in this (long) post: "As more journalists are laid-off, the more potential expert bloggers there are..." (originally observed by @JustinNXT).
Top 10 lies Newspaper Execs are Telling Themselves from @Judy_Sims:In flight - The Big Picture -
Wu Zhongyuan
Amazing high resolution flight pictures
Just beautiful pictures.100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
Good for learners
Herramientas muy útiles para la docencia.SchoolNotes 2.0
Muy completo
The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.
"The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business."
heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.Google's Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Geoffrey Nunberg
also check out the link to google's mis-scannings..
August 31, 2009 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that points out some endemic errors with the digitized book quality including grossly erroneous dates. Also points out the problem of monopoly.Andy Kessler: Why AT&T Killed Google Voice -
In The Wall Street Journal, Andy Kessler writes that AT&T is dying and dragging down the rest of us by overcharging us for voice calls and stifling innovation in a mobile data market critical to the U.S. economy.
It wouldn't be so bad if we were just overpaying for our mobile plans. Americans are used to that—see mail, milk and medicine. But it's inexcusable that new, feature-rich and productive applications like Google Voice are being held back, just to prop up AT&T while we wait for it to transition away from its legacy of voice communications. How many productive apps beyond Google Voice are waiting in the wings? The FCC better not treat AT&T and Verizon like Citigroup, GM and the Post Office. Cellphone operators aren't too big to fail. Rather, the telecom sector is too important to be allowed to hold back the rest of us.
With Google Voice, you have one Google phone number that callers use to reach you, and you pick up whichever phone—office, home or cellular—rings. You can screen calls, listen in before answering, record calls, read transcripts of your voicemails, and do free conference calls. Domestic calls and texting are free, and international calls to Europe are two cents a minute. In other words, a unified voice system, something a real phone company should have offered years ago.BBC NEWS | Technology | Video appears in paper magazines
Just like the daily prophet? Video appears in magazines in NY and LA. Love to see that!
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries
RT @timbuckteeth: Video adverts appear in paper based magazines - indeed interesting [from]
Daily Prophet (like Harry Potter) video
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries. The chip technology used to store the video - described as similar to that used in singing greeting cards - is activated when the page is turned.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries.
"The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries."Open-source camera could revolutionize photography
Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an open-source digital camera, which will give programmers around the world the chance to create software that will teach cameras new tricks.Not every cloud has a silver lining: Cory Doctorow | Technology | The Guardian
There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you
_"...the main attraction of the cloud to investors and entrepreneurs is the idea of making money from you, on a recurring, perpetual basis, for something you currently get for a flat rate or for free without having to give up the money or privacy..."_ - no kidding, "Sherlock":people/Cory_Doctorow? Took you long enough to figure out...
"There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you"
Cory Doctorow: There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you50 things that are being killed by the internet - Telegraph
The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread.
u.a.: 13) memory 14) dead time22 Facebook Funded Startups to Watch
Good reading, follow up on it!Home - U Tech Tips
A wiki of software for educators by educators
place for software recommendations for educators.The future of libraries, with or without books -
exciting times!
Authors, publishing houses, librarians and Web sites continue to fight Google's efforts to digitize the world's books and create the world's largest library online. Meanwhile, many real-world libraries are moving forward with the assumption that physical books will play a much-diminished or potentially nonexistent role in their efforts to educate the public. Some books will still be around, they say, although many of those will be digital. But the goal of the library remains the same: To be a free place where people can access and share information.
I think this article poses a good question: what will libraries, the long held havens of literacy, look like in the coming age? This has a profound impact on new literacies in that libraries now have to adapt more quickly to up and coming technologies. So, very soon all a person will ever have to do is log onto their computer and they might very well have access to every book ever written.
The future of libraries, with or without books
By some accounts, the library system is undergoing a complete transformation that goes far beyond image changes.The bar for success in our industry is too low - (37signals)
"This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion."
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion.
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success.Gizmodo's Essential iPhone Apps: Fall 2009 - iPhone Apps - Gizmodo
app'sBlooms Taxonomy Tutorial FLASH - CCCS Faculty Wiki
Tutorial FLASH - CCCS Faculty Wiki
A site explaining Bloom's taxonomy with tutorials.The Most Interesting New Tech Startup of 2009 - Anil Dash
The USA as the most interesting tech startup of '09, Anil Dash style.
was at 16 min in video... really interesting interview from US gov CIO/Wired
Ireland needs to reward govt APIs.
I think the most promising new startup of 2009 is one of the least likely: The executive branch of the federal government of the United States.
Each site has remarkably consistent branding elements, leading to a predictable and trustworthy sense of place when you visit the sites. There is clear attention to design, both from the cosmetic elements of these pages, and from the thoughtfulness of the information architecture on each site. (The clear, focused promotional areas on each homepage feel just like the "Sign up now!" links on the site of most Web 2.0 companies.) And increasingly, these services are being accompanied by new APIs and data sources that can be used by others to build interesting applications.12 useful sites to Store Your Files Online
12 useful sites to Store Your Files OnlineComputer Repair Flowcharts
Many DC area consultants use flowcharts and work flows in their jobs. If you’re interested in following the diagnostic process of computer repair specialists, take a look at these flowcharts by Morris Rosenthal. They illustrate many of my thought processes when fixing a computer problem.Back to School: 10 Terrific Web Apps for Teachers
From keeping track of grades to sharing lesson plans, from helping students collaborate to communicating with parents, teachers now have a host of web-based tools at their disposal to help them stay organized and make their jobs easier.
Web apps are helping teachers to save time and focus less on administrative tasks and more on teaching students. Here are 10 terrific apps that make the grade.50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
OpenCalais는 첨보는데, 벤치마킹해봐야징~
whichThe Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful
Infographic: Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
Visualisation of distraction in the digital age. All far too true!
Excellent carto :-)
herrlich - kann ich voll bestätigen (via to Buy Software Online for a Discount - Find the Lowest Price with a Little Research
Illustrated instructions for setting up a LAMP server using ubuntu.Pictured: The incredible light graffiti created as a host of light sources shine straight onto the camera lens | Mail Online
light graffiti
magpie. magpie.Google - Internet Stats
This Google resource brings together the latest industry facts and insights together in one place. These have been collected from a number of third party vendors covering a range of topics from macroscopic economic and media trends to how consumer behaviour and technology are changing over time.How the Web OS has begun to reshape IT and business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Where is da Blank Applciation?
Dion Hinchcliffe on leveraging the convergence of IT and the next generation of the Web.
These days in the halls of IT departments around the world there is a growing realization that the next wave of outsourcing, things like cloud computing and crowdsourcing, are going to require responses that will forever change the trajectory of their current relationship with the business, or finally cause them to be relegated as a primarily administrative, keep-the-lights-on function.Teenager invents £23 solar panel that could be solution to developing world's energy needs..made from human hair | Mail Online
"A new type of solar panel using human hair could provide the world with cheap, green electricity, believes its teenage inventor."
A new type of solar panel using human hair could provide the world with cheap, green electricity, believes its teenage inventor. Milan Karki, 18, believes he has found the solution to the developing world's energy needs.If you know nothing about HTML, this is where you start - www ...
HTML Goodies TutorialsWorkAwesome
Reference Sheets for multiple purposes - wiki markup, Firewall ports, ...Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
An astoundingly, uncannily accurate description of how IT professionals think
Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn't directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.
On managaging geeks and IT departments. This should be mandatory reading for every manager.
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store (
I like the lean mean incarnation of Facebook lots. I don't really get into all the applications within FB anyway so this is much easier to pop in and check out what's going on and pop out.
Posted by SupybotThe powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
Another pellet, please
Ever find yourself sitting down at the computer just for a second to find out what other movie you saw that actress in, only to look up and realize the search has led to an hour of Googling? Thank dopamine. Our internal sense of time is believed to be controlled by the dopamine system.
p. 2 is the fun bit.
How the internet impacts our thinkingTeaching with
Smartboard tutorial I think
Great video blogs on how to better use the SMARTBoard. Lots of lesson ideas and much more - explore!
This Video Podcast explores SMARTBoard teaching techniques to 6-12 Math Teachers. Each episode lasts from 10-20 minutes. Our emphasis and purpose is to create lessons that are engaging for students. The lessons we will present will focus on getting students up to the smartboard and out of their desks. We will be covering template lessons that the viewer will be able to download off our website. Although we will be focusing on Math topics, most lessons can be applied to any subject.
A blog of ideas for using the smartboard5 Sites To Learn How To Repair Your Own Computer
Blog of Liz Davis author of 21st Century Technology ToolsThe Medium - Facebook Exodus -
Why some Facebook members are moving on.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold. Facebook, the online social grid, could not command loyalty forever. If you ask around, as I did, you’ll find quitters. One person shut down her account because she disliked how nosy it made her. Another thought the scene had turned desperate. A third feared stalkers. A fourth believed his privacy was compromised. A fifth disappeared without a word.Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
Periodically, bring a few key IT brains to the boardroom to observe the problems of the organization at large, even about things outside of the IT world, if only to make use of their exquisitely refined BS detectors. A good IT pro is trained in how to accomplish work; their skills are not necessarily limited to computing. In fact, the best business decision-makers I know are IT people who aren't even managers.
Awesome article that gives anybody (managers out there???!!!) some mega-insight into the psychology of a geek.How Your Library May Not Be Using Twitter But Should | kellydallen
I've been doing some workshops recently on social networking (especially Twitter) for our library system and thought I would collect some of this information here because I usually can't cover everything I would like and it may also be useful informConfessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment -- A Syllabus
Transmedia storytelling Henry Jenkins
lots of interesting looking links and articlesTop 10 Gadgets for Social Media Addicts
우리나라 사람은 우리나라가 IT분야 최고라고 생각하고 생각한다.Prof. Hacker | Tips & Tutorials for higher ed: productivity & pedagogy in a digital age.
" ProfHacker delivers tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education, Monday through Friday.Teaching and technology ~ presentations and resources for educators
Textos y presentaciones educativos sobre tecnología
During the last six or so years I have created a number of 'how-to' documents and presentations for a variety of web based and related technologies. They are available from the various workshop web pages however I thought it might prove helpful to link to all the documents from a single page. Some of my workshop participants have referred to these documents as 'cheat sheets'.Materials (Google Teacher Academy Resources)
This is an amazing collection of Google "cheat sheets" and resources for all Google tools!
Provided By Google Certified Teachers
Sheets to explain how to use every Google tool in the classroom from Google Teacher Academy
cribsheets for Google appsMore Robots - The Big Picture -
As you shove your way through the crowd in a baseball stadium, the lenses of your digital glasses display the names, hometowns and favorite hobbies of the
Annotated link
“Augmented reality,” where data from the network overlays your view of the real world. Your phone’s screen shows the real world overlaid with additional information such as the location of subway entrances, the price of houses, or Twitter messages that have been posted nearby. And publishers, moviemakers and toymakers have embraced a version of the technology to enhance their products and advertising campaigns.
As you shove your way through the crowd in a baseball stadium, the lenses of your digital glasses display the names, hometowns and favorite hobbies of the strangers surrounding you. Then you claim a seat and fix your attention on the batter, and his player statistics pop up in a transparent box in the corner of your field of vision.First & 20
A collection of iPhone home screens
collection of iphone home screens100 Best Blogs for Tech-Savvy Teachers - Online Courses
these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves
While there are still some educators who dispute the importance of technology in the classroom, there is no dispute over the fact that technology is here to stay in schools. Whether you are one of those tech-savvy teachers who can’t get enough of technology news and ideas or you are a teacher just learning to embrace technology in the classroom, these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves.YouTube - Did You Know 4.0
Wissenswerte Zahlen in Beziehung zwischen Offline-Medien und dem Internet.
This is another official update to the original "Shift Happens" video. This completely new Fall 2009 version includes facts and stats focusing on t...TED Blog: Wireless electricity demo: Eric Giler on
Seriously - the most AWESOME SHIT EVER! Wireless Power Motha Fucker!
Eric Giler wants to untangle our wired lives with cable-free electric power. Here, he covers what this sci-fi tech offers, and demos MIT's breakthrough version, WiTricity -- a near-to-market invention that may soon recharge your cell phone, car, pacemaker.*Actually Useful* Windows Keyboard Shortcuts - including new Windows 7 tricks. : technology
some may interpret it as
atajos de teclado de windowsReadWriteWeb's Top 5 Web Trends of 2009
Last week we ran a series of posts outlining the 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single presentation.
The 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.
ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web in 2009. <a href="">Structured Data</a>, <a href="">Real-Time Web</a>, <a href="">Personalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile Web / Augmented Reality</a>, <a href="">Internet of Things</a>
Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.The Dirty Little Secret About the "Wisdom of the Crowds" - There is No Crowd
Small Groups, Big Impact Attempts to Address the Issue
A small crowd is still a crowd.
The findings showed that a small group of users accounted for a large number of ratings. In other words, as many have already begun to suspect, small but powerful groups can easily distort what the "crowd" really thinks, leading online reviews to often end up appearing extremely positive or extremely
Noticias de última generación.
news from research universitiesPost-Medium Publishing
An excellent analysis of whether people actually pay for content -- a point I've made before. And colleagues look at me like I'm crazy.
"In fact consumers never really were paying for content, and publishers weren't really selling it either."
"Almost every form of publishing has been organized as if the medium was what they were selling, and the content was irrelevant. Book publishers, for example, set prices based on the cost of producing and distributing books. They treat the words printed in the book the same way a textile manufacturer treats the patterns printed on its fabrics. Economically, the print media are in the business of marking up paper. We can all imagine an old-style editor getting a scoop and saying "this will sell a lot of papers!" Cross out that final S and you're describing their business model. The reason they make less money now is that people don't need as much paper. "
When you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably looking at a winner. And when you see something that's merely reacting to new technology in an attempt to preserve some existing source of revenue, you're probably looking at a loser.
What about iTunes? Doesn't that show people will pay for content? Well, not really. iTunes is more of a tollbooth than a store. Apple controls the default path onto the iPod. They offer a convenient list of songs, and whenever you choose one they ding your credit card for a small amount, just below the threshold of attention. Basically, iTunes makes money by taxing people, not selling them stuff. You can only do that if you own the channel, and even then you don't make much from it, because a toll has to be ignorable to work. Once a toll becomes painful, people start to find ways around it, and that's pretty easy with digital content...What happens to publishing if you can't sell content? You have two choices: give it away and make money from it indirectly, or find ways to embody it in things people will pay for. The first is probably the future of most current media. Give music away and make money from concerts and t-shirtsSafeShare.TV - distraction free videos
strips Youtube
Safe way to show YouTube videos. It takes out other videos and comments
YouTube videos without many of the problems.
Remove inappropriate elements from YouTube videos making them safe for classroom viewingA library without the books - The Boston Globe
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. ... We’re not discouraging students from reading. We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center,’’ though that is only one of the names in contention for the new space. In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine. And to replace those old pulpy devices that have transmitted information since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400s, they have spent $10,000 to buy 18 electronic readers made by and Sony.
There are rolling hills and ivy-covered brick buildings. There are small classrooms, high-tech labs, and well-manicured fields. There’s even a clock tower with a massive bell that rings for special events.
Cushing Academy has all the hallmarks of a New England prep school, with one exception. This year, after having amassed a collection of more than 20,000 books, officials at the pristine campus about 90 minutes west of Boston have decided the 144-year-old school no longer needs a traditional library.
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. “ We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center" . In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine.
Welcome to the library. Say goodbye to the books
Makes sense to me. Its the content not the transmission medium.The Web At A New Crossroads
"And for the time, it fit the write-print/publish model many people had become familiar with thanks to Microsoft Word and other text editors — and which was in turn rewarded by Google’s link-based approach to search."
This real-time web is not mature yet, since the platforms that sequester all of our activities today are proprietary ones like Facebook and Twitter. These are convenient, to be sure, but of limited utility to users with cross-site ambitions, who require interoperability. While “brand-mediated” profiles and relationships may not seem completely odious on the surface, there are four major drawbacks to keep in mind:Google This: 5 Reasons to Switch to Bing
"Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing."
Here's an article about Google's Microsoft competitor, It argues that bing may be better...
Bing() is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s() 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter()-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.
Article from Mashable - Travel INsight, Cashback, Visual Search, Bing Tweets, Enhanced Tweets
Interesting read, although I usually end up feeling let down by Microsoft.
Visual results, travel results
Bing (Bing) is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s (Google) 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Microsoft has been pumping an endless supply of dollars into its marketing and advertising initiatives around Bing, and the strategy is clearly paying off. Hype aside, Bing happens to be a very viable search alternative to Google, and offers several incentives that Google can’t compete with at the moment. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Google Wave encompasses and extends XMPP thus it accommodates many forms desirable client-server content - text, pictures, video, streaming, and so on. It also supports different types of conversations: presence, notifications, subscriptions, back-and-forth--these are all modeled by XMPP. And it supports a wide variety of communication TYPES as well: video, audio, text, and so on.Gamasutra - News - GDC Austin: An Inside Look At The Universe Of Warcraft
am on the ga
Thursday morning's GDC Austin keynote was met with a large crowd as Blizzard Entertainment's J. Allen Brack and Frank Pearce took the stage to offer a detailed look into the inner workings of the genre-dominating World of Warcraft.Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine
The point of the system, he explains, was to guarantee an automatic Soviet response to an American nuclear strike. Even if the US crippled the USSR with a surprise attack, the Soviets could still hit back. It wouldn't matter if the US blew up the Kremlin, took out the defense ministry, severed the communications network, and killed everyone with stars on their shoulders. Ground-based sensors would detect that a devastating blow had been struck and a counterattack would be launched. The technical name was Perimeter, but some called it Mertvaya Ruka, or Dead Hand.
Yarynich is talking about Russia's doomsday machine. That's right, an actual doomsday device—a real, functioning version of the ultimate weapon, always presumed to exist only as a fantasy of apocalypse-obsessed science fiction writers and paranoid über-hawks. The thing that historian Lewis Mumford called "the central symbol of this scientifically organized nightmare of mass extermination." Turns out Yarynich, a 30-year veteran of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces and Soviet General Staff, helped build one.
The silence can be attributed partly to fears that the US would figure out how to disable the system. But the principal reason is more complicated and surprising. According to both Yarynich and Zheleznyakov, Perimeter was never meant as a traditional doomsday machine. The Soviets had taken game theory one step further than Kubrick, Szilard, and everyone else: They built a system to deter themselves.Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things
The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web.
This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web
2009년 인터넷 트렌드 - 사물의 인터넷Apps Status Dashboard
Need to check this out
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.A Virtual Revolution Is Brewing for Colleges -
Students starting school this year may be part of the last generation for which "going to college" means packing up, getting a dorm room and listening to tenured professors. Undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering. Colleges, like newspapers, will be torn apart by new ways of sharing information enabled by the Internet. The business model that sustained private U.S. colleges cannot survive.
This article proposes that many traditional universities are going to change as online, cheap education gets better and better.Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいコンピューターサイエンスの教科書
全部読みたいFull Circle Associates » How I use social media
More goodness from Nancy White, who is probably one of the most adept users of social media out there. "When the door to connection is open, watch who walks through and follow them, not those who stand at the doorway and naysay! And I'm not just talking about social media early adopters. I'm talking about people passionate about getting something done." That shouldn't (I would say) be taken as an endorsement of a non-critical stance. But if someone naysays, they ought to at least have ventured into the technology (and its community) to have some grounds for their criticism. Nancy White, Full Circle Associates, August 5, 2009.
Annotated link
"My practices have been radically changed and shaped - yes, even transformed - by social software."
Erfahrungsbericht zum Einsatz von Social Media
How Nancy White uses social media14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills | News | TechRadar UK
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skillsDark Roasted Blend: Spectacular Steampunk Art Update, Part 2
This page contains web-based projects created by students at the University of Richmond in partial fulfillment of the requirements for teacher licensure in the state of Virginia. For more than 12 years we have been creating, revising and maintaining these materials as educational resources for teachers across the United States and the world. On this page you will find links to WebQuests and WebUnits. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. A WebUnit is a series of topical pages written specifically for elementary age students. Each title is followed by the date of the project's creation or significant revision. They are categorized by subject and grade level.
From the University of Richmond.Wiki-Teacher
A community of educators striving to gather the collective intelligence of teachers to improve student achievement. Here you'll find lesson plans, complete units, presentations, how-to videos, etc.
Clark County School District website. Lesson plans, videos, etc.
Wiki-Teacher is a forum for teachers to share their collective intelligence through their resources, insights, and practices.
tdiir82Home | Moses Znaimer's ideaCity09: Ideas Change the World
Talks and keynotesGeneration www.Y: Washington Middle School | Edutopia
Teachers using tech video
Week 4Top 10 Ways to Get More From a Cameraphone - Cameraphone - Lifehacker
The best camera, the saying goes, is the one you have with you. Whether that's an impressive iPhone 3GS or a $20-with-2-year-plan flip model, you can pull off great shots and make life easier with these cameraphone tactics.Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Google Wave
If you're not one of the 100,000 lucky users who gets an invitation to Google Wave today, don't fret. You can check out Google Wave right here.
Google Wave First LookHow Google Wave could transform journalism | Technology | Los Angeles Times
"here's a list of a few wild ideas we had for using Wave."
For the last two months, while we've been testing the Google Wave developer preview, we have been talking amongst ourselves about how this thing could change (or add to) what we do. So, here's a list of a few wild ideas we had for using Wave."Perform OCR with Google Docs - Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
ing example, Google Docs successfully extracted all the text from a scanned book page
Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
Uses the Open Source Tesseract OCR engine ( )
Google Docs can now perform OCR on digital images. You can upload an image containing typewritten or printed text (like a fax document or a scanned newspaper clipping) to your Google Docs account and it will turn that image into editable text.An Introduction to Google Wave - Google Wave: Up and Running - O'Reilly Media
This article provides a general overview of Google Wave that should serve to familiarize you with this new and exciting platform. Keep in mind that Google Wave represents a dynamic technology that has not matured yet, so the look and feel may change in the coming months (maybe even in the coming days!).
Listen Print Subscribe to Newsletters ShareThis Web Development > Excerpts > An Introduction to Google Wave - Google Wave: Up and Running by Andrés Ferraté This article provides a general overview of Google Wave that should serve to familiarize you with this new and exciting platform. Keep in mind that Google Wave represents a dynamic technology that has not matured yet, so the look and feel may change in the coming months (maybe even in the coming days!).TIP » TIP Sheets
tips sheets on a variety of applications including Audacity, Discovery Education Streaming and Voicethread....
Tip sheets for a variety of programs...Moodle, Google Earth, PBworks (was PBwiki), VoiceThreadHadoopで、かんたん分散処理 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
Interview from Guardian G2, Feb 2009. "People have been bamboozled with the technology for too long," he says. "The real questions are, 'What are your goals, and how can you use technology to achieve them?' "Organisations can build very quickly, if they do the messaging right. They need to be able to answer the question, 'What can someone do for me today?'
"People have been bamboozled with the technology for too long," he says. "The real questions are, 'What are your goals, and how can you use technology to achieve them?' Our biggest sales pitch is that we couple the services along with the technology. A lot of our competition just sells technology, and the types of organisation and causes that we like to work with, if I go in and sell them really powerful technology, it doesn't do them any good, because they don't have the wherewithal to make sense of it."
Newest addition to my fantasy dinner party guestlist: Thomas Gensemer. [from]
Thomas Gensemer Mastermind of the Democratic campaignOfficial Google Blog: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA
Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA - [from]
Found this: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA: Shared by cec Wholly geek batman ... [from]
"In this way, reCAPTCHA’s unique technology improves the process that converts scanned images into plain text, known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This technology also powers large scale text scanning projects like Google Books and Google News Archive Search. Having the text version of documents is important because plain text can be searched, easily rendered on mobile devices and displayed to visually impaired users. So we'll be applying the technology within Google not only to increase fraud and spam protection for Google products but also to improve our books and newspaper scanning process. That's why we're excited to welcome the reCAPTCHA team to Google, and we're committed to delivering the same high level of performance that websites using reCAPTCHA have come to expect. Improving the availability and accessibility of all the information on the Internet is really important to us, so we're looking forward to advancing this technology with the reCAPTCHA team."
I know I'm late to the game commenting on this one, but damn this kind of thing pisses me off. Can't we have just one thing that is cool on the internet without it getting acquired by Google or Yahoo? I'm not as anti-google as most, but all of a sudden reCAPTCHA feels exploitative. Brewster Kahle, where is the alternative for
Reading: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA [from]
Google acquire reCAPTCHA - teaching computers to read - [from]
Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, a company that provides CAPTCHAs to help protect more than 100,000 websites from spam and fraud.Tech Investor News - Always Updating Technology Financial News
Twitter Feeds Need to Update
100 Twitter Feeds To Make You a Better Teacher - Online Courses
100 twitter feeds to make you a better teacherThe Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2009 | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
A list of new (and some not so new) web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom. It's amazing how the list just keeps growing.
w web tool that very,very easily lets you create a simple online invitaThe Myth of Crowdsourcing -
"What really happens in crowdsourcing as it is practiced in wide variety of contexts, from Wikipedia to open source to scientific research, is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution."
Does crowdsourcing exist as it is popularly conceived? Yes, it does, but it doesn't have anything to do with innovation. Jigsaw, the community-created database of 16 million business contacts, is crowdsourcing. Tens of thousands of people have added business contacts to Jigsaw's database so they can earn points and get access to business contacts entered by others. Jigsaw sells this data to companies, generating millions in revenue. Jigsaw is the only true crowdsourced business I know of. The other businesses mentioned in the crowdsourcing category, Innocentive, Threadless, Spreadshirt, iStockPhoto, are really versions of Wikipedia, that is, aggregations of the inventions of individual virtuosos. Other large projects, like Linux, Apache ( APA - news - people ) and GIMP, are virtuoso creations around which consortiums of experts have gathered.
What really happens in crowdsourcing as it is practiced in wide variety of contexts, from Wikipedia to open source to scientific research, is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution.
great article that most crowdsourcing is about broadcasting to people with training. however, this is challenged by pitting 100 semitrained folk against individual virtuosos. the 100 semitrained folk win.
"... in the popular press, and in the minds of millions of people, the word crowdsourcing has created an illusion that there is a crowd that solves problems better than individuals. ... There is no crowd in crowdsourcing. There are only virtuosos, usually uniquely talented, highly trained people who have worked for decades in a field. Frequently, these innovators have been funded through failure after failure. From their fervent brains spring new ideas. The crowd has nothing to do with it. The crowd solves nothing, creates nothing. What really happens in crowdsourcing ... is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution." Author: Dan Woods,, Sept. 29, 2009.Adobe Labs - Adobe Flash Professional CS5: Applications for iPhone
ついにこの日が来たか・・・The History of Web Browsers
From the first web browser in 1991 to the present day - one for the geeks!10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skills | News | TechRadar UK
10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skillsThis Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
eine Software, die nur durch eine Textbeschreibung komplette Bilder malen kann. What. The. Fuck?
Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
Blends photos in an intelligent way from a sketch
According to authors, their software can take any rough sketch, with the shape of each element labeled with its name, find images corresponding to each drawn element, judge which are a better match to the shapes, and then seamlessly merge it all into one single image. PhotoSketch's blending algorithm analyzes each of these images, compares them with each other, and decides which are better for the blending process. It automatically traces and places them into a single photograph, matching the scene, and adding shadows. Of course, the results are less than perfect, but they are good enough:Twitter Data Analysis: An Investor’s Perspective
RT @rgbroitman: Some good Twitter stats here: [from]
From TechCrunch: Robert Moore - CEO and Co-Founder of RJmetrics provides highlights on Twitter usage.Mark Zuckerberg: The evolution of a remarkable CEO | VentureBeat
Mark Zuckerberg
Priscilla ChanPhotoSketch: Internet Image Montage on Vimeo
We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. The composed picture is generated by seamlessly stitching several photographs in agreement with the sketch and text labels; these are found by searching the Internet. Although online image search generates many inappropriate results, our system is able to automatically select suitable photographs to generate a high quality composition, using a filtering scheme to exclude undesirable images. We also provide a novel image blending algorithm to allow seamless image composition. Each blending result is given a numeric score, allowing us to find an optimal combination of discovered images. Experimental results show the method is very successful; we also evaluate our system using the results from two user studies.
スケッチを描くとそれにあう画像を検索してくれるツールPhotoshop CS5なんて目じゃなくね?落書きからそれっぽい写真を合成する『Photosketch』がやばすぎる件・・・ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
おぉ・・・っ!Giz Explains: Why You Can't Get Decent Earphones for Less Than $100 - Earbuds - Gizmodo
$27 jvc earbuds great sound Without Cable or Satellite TV Is Easier Than You Think - Htpc - Gizmodo
Learn anything with flashcards at Create and study flashcards and share them with your friends and classmates.
login required
BrainFlips | Home of the world's smartest flashcards20 Free Web Apps to Use in the Classroom
20 Free Web Apps to Use in the Classroom [from]
Teachers who are looking to transform their classroom with new technology can find many free resources online. Many of these resources are web-based and do not require any download. This list provides 20 free web apps that work particularly well in the classroom:
via @tomwhitby @tomsheppDED318Fall09
Sync up with the new generation of connected learners. The Digital Generation Project presents video portraits of the lives of young students from around the country who are using digital media to learn, communicate, and socialize in new and exciting ways.
Click here to get into course DED318Ideas to Inspire
Lots of practical ways to use twitter in the classroom immediately
Ideas for interactive and engaging lesson activities in a range of curriculum areas. Contributed by teachers from all around the world.YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads
Our present is a lot better than the future they imagine
This montage of AT&T ads came from a 1993 Newsweek CD-ROM, when Newsweek thought that one day, magazines would be sent to you in CD-ROM form, sponsored with ads. It's an interesting view of the future.Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools
This is a site that is pro cell phone use.
Vicki Davis makes a strong, logical case for cell phone uses in schools.
10 Reasons Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In SchoolsHand Book : Educating the Net Generation : The University of Melbourne
The publication Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of Findings for Practice and Policy is now available to download. The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings.
The publication Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of Findings for Practice and Policy is now available to download. The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings.
The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings. # Cover, acknowledgments, table of contents # Executive Summary # Section 1: Brief Project Outline # Section 2: Background Literature # Section 3: Investigating the Net Generation # Section 4: Implementing Emerging Technologies # Section 5: Guidelines for Practice # Section 6: Guidelines for Policy
The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings. A PDF version of the entire Handbook or individual sections can be - We find torrents. For you. | 1,496,473 torrents: games, music, movies, books, apps - download for free! - biggest torrent search engine - games, music, movies, books for download.
Este sitio es para descargar torrents, no promovemos la pirateria, solo el uso de software necesarioThe Wearable Internet Will Blow Mobile Phones Away
Earlier this year at the TED conference, Pattie Maes from the MIT Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces Group showcased a wearable computing system that allows users to display and interact with the Web on any surface - including the human body. The video shows the system's main developer, Pranav Mistry, taking photographs with his hand, summoning up Amazon review data onto the cover of a physical book, displaying information about a person he's just met on their tee-shirt, and calling someone by inputting a phone number onto the palm of his hand.
10 years off... Look out mobile phones, because in a decade's time wearable systems may be the primary means of accessing the Web "The current system, albeit relatively clunky, could be purchased for as little as $350. Essentially it is made up of a webcam, a battery-powered 3M projector, mirror, phone and colored finger caps. But in 10 years - according to Maes, the period of time when this type of system might be fully developed - it could be one device and as small as a watch. Or indeed maybe even a brain implant."Ten Teen Entrepreneurs To Watch
Ten Teen Entrepreneurs To WatchThe End of the Email Era -
E-mail is dead. Long live e-mail.
Someone faxed this to me. I made photocopies and sent it to several friends via USPS: "Email, stuck in the era of attachments, seems boring compared to services like Google Wave..."
Why Email No Longer Rules…Lane
Course managment systems each contain their own inherent pedagogy, and for most systems these pedagogies are traditional in nature. As with all technologies, the design of the product is a result of its perceived use. Today’s enterprise–scale systems were created to manage traditional teaching tasks as if they were business processes. They were originally designed to focus on instructor efficiency for administrative functions such as grade posting, test creation, and enrollment management. Pedagogical considerations were thus either not considered, or were considered to be embodied in such managerial tasks.
Interesting article re. PLE/VLE debate
Course management systems, like any other technology, have an inherent purpose implied in their design, and therefore a built–in pedagogy. Although these pedagogies are based on instructivist principles, today’s large CMSs have many features suitable for applying more constructivist pedagogies. Yet few faculty use these features, or even adapt their CMS very much, despite the several customization options. This is because most college instructors do not work or play much on the Web, and thus utilize Web–based systems primarily at their basic level. The defaults of the CMS therefore tend to determine the way Web–novice faculty teach online, encouraging methods based on posting of material and engendering usage that focuses on administrative tasks. A solution to this underutilization of the CMS is to focus on pedagogy for Web–novice faculty and allow a choice of CMS.
Impact of VLEs etc on pedagogy
How default settings in Blackboard can influence how newbies teach online
She argues that Content management Systems (CMSs) "are not pedagogically neutral shells for course content." Indeed, "a CMS may not only influence, but control, instructional approaches." And "Few instructors are consciously aware that CMS design is influencing their pedagogy." This is a good paper, well-argued, and I agree with the conclusion.
LMS and learningTeaching College Math » Blog Archive » Technology Skills We Should Be Teaching in College
A list of the tech skills that students should learn before they leave college. Ideally, these are skills that would be integrated throughout K-12 and college curricula (USA). Interesting
A blog that attempts to lists the current technology skills that should be taught in College. Food for thought!20 Fantastic Free iPhone Apps for Parents
Great apps for iPhone toting parents
Here is a list of 20 awesome, free iPhone apps for parents that won’t necessarily make you a better parent, but can make your life a little easier.いよいよ実世界にタッチするiPhoneアプリまとめ - A Successful Failure
本エントリではiPhoneアプリケーションのうち、特に実世界とのインタラクションを有するものについて紹介する。地図と連動して単純に現在位置から最寄りの施設やその施設のクーポン、イベント等を検索して提示するようなアプリ、単に音声を録音したり、音声コマンドを認識して動作するアプリは多く存在するが、本エントリでは扱わない。ここではiPhoneに搭載されているセンサを一工夫して実世界を認識し新たなサービスを提供するアプリに限って紹介したい(中には既存の携帯電話向けアプリに同様のアプリが存在するものもある)。通常のアプリとは一味違うアイデアがキラリと光る。カテゴリとしては、拡張現実(Augmented Reality)、コンテキスト・アウェアネス(Context Awareness)、位置依存サービス(Location Dependent Services)などが該当するだろう。
重畳50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-gasm
UnresolvableApple Learning Interchange - iPod touch. Touching student lives in the classroom.
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students. This exhibit is a collection of stories by some educators who have joined together to share in this vision. Using the techniques here, they have aimed to model these techniques to show what is possible. Please enjoy the exhibit and put it to good use. Together we can make mobile learning come to life and change the world of education one pocket and set of earbuds at a time!
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creativel
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students.
iPod usesThe Fun Theory: Volkswagen Masters the Viral Video
Could it be? A viral video that actually works? Hard to tell actually. The experiments are cool and people are watching, but the numbers on ROI? The world may never know…
"The Fun Theory" a series of experiments, can being fun can improve people’s behavior? - these are pretty cool.... [from]
Videos "the fun theory" Stiegen mit Tönen, the World's deepest bin100 years of Big Content fearing technology—in its own words - Ars Technica
It's almost a truism in the tech world that copyright owners reflexively oppose new inventions that do (or might) disrupt existing business models. But how many techies actually know what rightsholders have said and written for the last hundred years on the subject?A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay |
A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay
A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay - [from]
Terrible. Possibly related to the previously mentioned hardware difficulties, I found stability to be a real issue with Windows 7. Crashes were frequent, including Blue Screens of Death. Error messages were cryptic and meaningless to me – see below.
LMAO!!! Un unboxing de "Windows7" muy divertido :-)
"Very difficult. The install for Windows 7 comes on four floppy disks, and as my laptop doesn’t have a floppy drive, I was worried I’d have to travel 10 years into the past to find a computer that did. Fortunately, my local Best Buy was offering a USB floppy drive for $80, which, not withstanding certain recent software purchases, struck me as the greatest ripoff the world has ever seen. I’d advise anyone wanting to install Windows 7 on their own machine should make sure their hardware can support it."50 Must-Listen-to Lectures for Tech Lovers | Online
Writing and reading — from newspapers to novels, academic reports to gossip magazines — are migrating ever faster to digital screens, like laptops, Kindles and cellphones.
Is there a difference in the way the brain takes in or absorbs information when it is presented electronically versus on paper? Does the reading experience change, from retention to comprehension, depending on the medium?Map of the Day - National Geographic Magazine
Annotated link
Wiki on using iPods in the classroom.Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan |
The Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan works very differently to conventional fans. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it 15 times, producing an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. With no blades or grill, it’s safe, easy to clean and doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting.
ventilador sem abas!Reading Logs : Reading, Vocabulary & Spelling Simplified
On-line reading log
Reading Logs is a great way to organize student reading, spelling, and vocabulary practice. Learning material can be uploaded by teachers to be accessed by students online. Teachers can upload reading lists and reading goals for their class. These can be weekly or monthly goals and can be set up to track the number of minutes or the number of books read. Online competitions can be setup by the teacher (example: first student to read a certain number of minutes). Teachers can quickly post a vocabulary list where students can look up words with the online dictionary and add definitions to the cards. The cards can be studied online or downloaded as a pdf to print out. With the listen and spell system, teachers can upload spelling lists for students to practice. Students click on a button to listen to the spelling word and practice spelling it. They receive immediate feedback from the program. Reading Logs tracks students reading logs and updates teachers with progress.5 Ways Social Media is Changing Our Daily Lives
for presentationThe Fun Theory
The Fun Theory This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or something entirely different, just so long as it’s change for the better.KODAK: K-12 Solutions - Lesson Plans
using photos in the classroom
A little-known aspect of Kodak's website offers lesson plans for every grade level in twelve subject areas. The lesson plans are organized by grade level and subject area. These are not skeleton lesson plans, the Kodak lesson plans have very detailed directions for classroom implementation. All of the lesson plans include the use of photographs and or cameras.The Kodak Lesson Plans provide good ideas for integrating art and photography into just about any subject area.
good ideas for integrating art and photography into just about any subject area
Lessons for using digital cameras and digital photography in class with students.YouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero. Welcome to the New Net | Epicenter |
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior.
Youtube's bandwidth bill may be almost zero because it connects directly with the ISPs through it's Dark Fiber.
"YouTube’s low or nonexistent bandwidth bill points to a very important shift in the structure of the 30 websites serving up 30 percent of net traffic, either from their own sets of pipes or from data centers around the world that connect much closer to your computer — and for much cheaper — than ever before."
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior. In fact, with YouTube’s help, Google is now responsible for at least 6 percent of the internet’s traffic, and likely more — and may not be paying an ISP at all to serve up all that content and attached ads. Credit Suisse made headlines this summer when it estimated that YouTube was binging on bandwidth, losing Google a half a billion dollars in 2009 as it streams 75 billion videos. But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs.
"But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs"Create Web 2.0 Flashcards in a Flash!
I must admit I have a bit of an aversion to drill-type activities, but I realize there are times that students need to practice and memorize certain concepts in order to succeed. Certainly we all know that studying makes for more successful learners. Abraham Lincoln clearly knew the value of studying when he said, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.” I doubt that Abraham could have imagined the neat Web 2.0 flashcard-type applications that our students can now use to help them with their studies.
various free websites for flash cards and quiz reviews
ArticleKnow Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365
quantifying and optimizing all facets of life Buchheit: Applied Philosophy, a.k.a. "Hacking"
To discover great hacks, we must always be searching for the true nature of our reality
An interesting perspective on hacking and systems, particularly relevant to the Saving GameHow To Build A WiFi Home Surveillance System With Your PC
Not quite what I was expecting, but simple enough.ISTE | NETS for Teachers
National Educational Technology Standarts
This site is awesome, it even gives the teacher the standards. This site would be useful for the teacher due to the fact it is easy to log on to, very easy to navigate and it provides tons of useful information.New camera promises to capture your whole life - tech - 16 October 2009 - New Scientist
Interesting gadget but I don't want to buy it by $800.
powerful tool in combination with social networking
The ViconRevue was originally developed as the SenseCam by Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, for researchers studying Alzheimer's and other dementias. Studies showed that reviewing the events of the day using SenseCam photos could help some people improve long-term recall.
This article talks about enabling "lifeloggers" who attempt to electronically record as much of their life as possible. This reminds me a lot about Chris Pirillo and the camera he has setup, but also the lightening round we just had about 3D google mapping using cameras.
"Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory."
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm.
Capture it all automatically
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm. Originally invented to help jog the memories of people with Alzheimer's disease, it might one day be used by consumers to create "lifelogs" that archive their entire lives. Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory.Free Technology for Teachers: 35+ Educational Games and Games Resources is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About.Cloud computing: Clash of the clouds | The Economist
Windows 7 release -- Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft in the future of OSes.
The launch of Windows 7 marks the end of an era in computing—and the beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others
Briefing from The Economist (17 October 2009)How The iPhone Is Blowing Everyone Else Away (In Charts)
Utvalg grafer som viser hvordan iPhone har fungert som lokomotiv for mobilt internett. Grafene er hentet fra Morgen Stanley analytiker Mary Meekers årlige internettanalyse
The chart overlays the first 20 quarters of user growth for each product. Only eight quarters after launch, the iPhone and iPod Touch has more than twice as many users (57 million) as imode (25 million), five times as many as Netscape (11 million), and eight times as many as AOL (7 million) at a comparable points in their histories.
t AT&Ts monthly fees. Taken together, the adoption of the iPhone and iPod Touch is outstripping the early adoption the desktop Internet, as represented by AOL and Netscape in Meekers chart below. It is also outstripping the early growth of NTT Docomos imode, which was the most successful example of the first generation of mobile Web adoption in Japan.
The first one above shows the growth of data traffic on AT&T’s mobile network. It is 50 times higher than it was just three years ago. I added two arrows to show when the first iPhone launched in June, 2007 and the iPhone 3G in July 2008. AT&T saw massive pops in data usage following those two launches as consumers discovered the unadulterated mobile Web for the first time. And it is not just the iPhone. With the ubiquity of WiFi, the iPod Touch offers pretty much the same experience without AT&T’s monthly fees. Taken together, the adoption of the iPhone and iPod Touch is outstripping the early adoption the desktop Internet, as represented by AOL and Netscape in Meeker’s chart below. It is also outstripping the early growth of NTT Docomo’s imode, which was the most successful example of the first generation of mobile Web adoption in Japan.The World of Tomorrow (If The Internet Disappeared Today) |
E se a internet desaparecesse hoje?
Love #19
Loved it... Really funny!
e se internet non ci fosse...
AhahahahahahahahahaApple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.
apple's new 'touch mouse', sounds great, but what about the tactile responses our fingers like to receive: [from]
apple going back to no-wheel mouse: [from]
checking out Apple Magic Mouse and we think it is a pretty cool mouse (even though it sounds like a Disney creature) [from]
I like it! Check out the new "magic mouse" from Apple... [from]
By New Technologies That Will Change Everything - PC World
3D TV, HTML5, video over Wi-Fi, superfast USB, and mobile "augmented reality" will emerge as breakthrough technologies in the next few years. Here's a preview of what they do and how they work.
5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything [from]
I believe USB 3.0, AR, and HTML 5A people's history of the internet: from Arpanet in 1969 to today | Technology |
500 Internal Server ErrorNook, eBook Reader, eBook Device - Barnes & Noble
s WiFi a j touch displejomAlex Payne — Mending The Bitter Absence of Reasoned Technical Discussion
The next time you’re thinking about engaging in a technical discussion, run through these questions before you hit the “post” button: 1. Are you responding to facts? With facts? 2. Have you read any primary source materials on the issue you’re discussing? 3. Do you have any first-hand experience with the technologies or ideas involved? 4. Do you have any first-hand experience with those technologies operating at the scale being discussed? 5. Have you contacted the individuals involved in the discussion for further information before making assumptions about their findings? 6. Are you falsely comparing technologies or ideas as if there was a zero-sum competition between them? 7. Are you addressing your peers with respect, courtesy, and humility? 8. Are you sure that what you’re posting is the best way to promote your self, product, project, or idea? Does it demonstrate you at your best?
Don’t waste your life screaming into the void. Make things, measure them, have reasonable and respectful conversations about them, improve them, and teach others how to do the same.
"...why is something you can measure controversial? Are we not engineers?"A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School
Several presentations on Slideshare including one by Diig. And Sacha Chua writing on slides w inkscapeInternet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe - Telegraph
Proposed by Rob Pommer on in 2007, this states: “A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”
The internet has matured into a world of its own, and like the real world, it obeys certain immutable laws. Here are 10 of the most important.100 Blogs Every New Teacher Should Read | Online Schools
"次期GFSが実装するマルチマスター構成は、Amazon DynamoやWindows Azureのキー・バリュー型データストア「Azure Storage」が採用済み。Amazon Dynamoはコンシステントハッシングというマルチマスター構成を採用し、Azure Storageはピア・ツー・ピア技術の基盤である「分散ハッシュテーブル」というマルチマスター構成を採用する。 Amazon DynamoやAzure Storageは、データの主たる保存先をサーバーの物理メモリーとすることで、システムの応答性を向上するというアプローチを採用している。これまで、「データの永続化」とはハードディスクにデータを保存することを指していた。しかし十分な数の複製を複数のサーバーに作成すれば、保存先がメモリーでもデータの永続化が図れるというのが、Amazon DynamoやAzure Storageの発想だ。"
やっぱりGoogleすげーや。How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade -
Palantir Technologies has designed what many intelligence analysts say is the most effective tool to date to investigate terrorist networks. The software's main advance is a user-friendly search tool that can scan multiple data sources at once, something previous search tools couldn't do.
Palantir Technologies has designed what many intelligence analysts say is the most effective tool to date to investigate terrorist networks.100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges
# Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. # Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. # Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. # Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. # "We're starting to make signifigant money off of Youtube", content will move towards more video. # "Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results."
Previsões sobre o futuro próximo da Internet.
* Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. * Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. * Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. * Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. * "We can index real-time info now - but how do we rank it?"ThisIsLike.Com - The Associative Knowledge Network.
explore the world through associative thinkingHasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7 - Ars Technica
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter -
More tools to help you find followers on Twitter
twitter help find people to follow who to twitter_help
useHow-to: recycle your old gadgets
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many?
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many? Funny story!McKinsey: What Matters: Using technology to improve workforce collaboration
Good article of collaboration
by James Manyika, Kara Sprague and Lareina Yee: Knowledge workers fuel innovation and growth, yet the nature of knowledge work remains poorly understood—as do the ways to improve its effectiveness. The heart of what knowledge workers do on the job is collaborate, which in the broadest terms means they interact to solve problems, serve customers, engage with partners, and nurture new ideas. Technology and workflow processes support knowledge worker success and are increasingly sources of comparative differentiation. Those able to use new technologies to reshape how they work are finding significant productivity gains. This article shares our research on how technology can improve the quality and output of knowledge workers.
Using technology to improve workforce collaborationCosmoLearning | Computer Science Documentaries
Looks good.15 Free Guides That Really Teach You USEFUL Stuff
Mostly Internet or tech-related free publications from
Think of this as your personal help desk for all of the things you always wanted to do with your laptop.Scholar Spot - Free Educational Videos, Ebooks, Podcasts
Free videos from Bob Marley to Albert Einstein on topics from Arts and Archaeology to Quantum Physics and Zoology
Coming soon a free university. We are currently in development enter your email address below to be notified when we enter open beta.Open Thinking Wiki
digital storytelling resources
digital sorytelling resources
Brilliant list of resources about digital storytellingMichael Nielsen » The Google Technology Stack
Interesting set of links and posts describing the technologies Google builds its software on, and how they work together.
The Google Technology Stack … or as I would put it: An Introduction to MapReduce, Data Mining and PageRank
A great in-depth treament of the engine that powers Google
Part of what makes Google such an amazing engine of innovation is their internal technology stack: a set of powerful proprietary technologies that makes it easy for Google developers to generate and process enormous quantities of data. According to a senior Microsoft developer who moved to Google, Googlers work and think at a higher level of abstraction than do developers at many other companies, including Microsoft: “Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the if statement” (Credit: Joel Spolsky). This series of posts describes some of the technologies that make this high level of abstraction possible.The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
speculation, but interestingIllegal downloaders 'spend the most on music', says poll - Crime, UK - The Independent
People who illegally download music from the internet also spend more money on music than anyone else, according to a new study. The survey, published today, found that those who admit illegally downloading music spent an average of £77 a year on music – £33 more than those who claim that they never download music dishonestly. The findings suggest that plans by the Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, to crack down on illegal downloaders by threatening to cut their internet connections with a "three strikes and you're out" rule could harm the music industry by punishing its core customers.Social networks and kids: How young is too young? -
How young is too young for kids to be on facebook - the minimum age is 13 - but they have no way to verify how old kids who sign up actually are
Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools. Annotated link
Researchers say a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up. Some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains.7 Surprising Kick-Ass Things You Can Do with Google Sketchup | Maximum PC
SketchUp is surprisingly cool .. here's some tips to give you an idea of it's power50 Educational Apps for the iPod Touch | U Tech Tips
I have been getting a lot of questions about the Apps we have on our iPod Touches at school, so here you are:Apple - iPhone - Apps for Students
iPhone has apps to help with every subject. If you’re headed to Chemistry, Periodic gives you a complete, pocket-size reference to the periodic table of elements that you can organize by name, atomic number, chemical series, symbol, or phase. Bring the New Oxford American Dictionary to English class, and you’ll never be at a loss for words. Or download Grafly and impress your math class with amazing 2D and 3D interactive graphs of equations you can view from any angle.
Download iPhone applications made for students. Available now on iTunes.Social Isolation and New Technology | Pew Internet & American Life Project
This Pew Internet Personal Networks and Community survey finds that Americans are not as isolated as has been previously reported. People’s use of the mobile phone and the internet is associated with larger and more diverse discussion networks. And, when we examine people’s full personal network – their strong and weak ties – internet use in general and use of social networking services such as Facebook in particular are associated with more diverse social networks.
his report adds new insights to an ongoing debate about the extent of social isolation in America. A widely-reported 2006 study argued that since 1985 Americans have become more socially isolated, the size of their discussion networks has declined, and the diversity of those people with whom they discuss important matters has decreased. In particular, the study found that Americans have fewer close ties to those from their neighborhoods and from voluntary associations. Sociologists Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew Brashears suggest that new technologies, such as the internet and mobile phone, may play a role in advancing this trend. Specifically, they argue that the type of social ties supported by these technologies are relatively weak and geographically dispersed, not the strong, often
An interesting report on the changing landscape of social connections.
Can we get on Pew's press release list so we don't have to read about their studies in NY times?Google Dashboard: Now You Know What Google Knows About You
How much does Google know about you? [from]
There’s no two ways about it: if you use a lot of Google services, then Google knows a lot about you. Google has received a solid amount of criticism because of this, and they’ve decided to alleviate the issue by launching Privacy Dashboard; a one-stop-shop with all the information that Google knows about you and your online habits collected in one place. Dashboard covers more than 20 products and services, including GmailGmailGmail, Calendar, Docs, Web History, OrkutOrkutOrkut, YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, PicasaPicasaPicasa, Talk, Reader, Alerts, Latitude and others. It’s quite a scary list; personally, I’m using all of these, and I was quite interested to see what exactly I’ve told GoogleGoogleGoogle about myself without even knowing.
There's no two ways about it: if you use a lot of Google services, then Google knows a lot about you. Google has received a solid amount of criticism because ofFun Facts " Shortest English sentence using all the letters of the alphabet
Shortest sentence
shortest sentence using all letters in alphabetSMART Board Resources / FrontPage
Wiki of interactive whiteboard links
SMART Board Resources
Great smartboard resources--including Magnetic BoardDownload Videos to Enrich the Learning Experience | Edutopia
How teachers can bring the best of YouTube to your students. by Jennifer Hillner
You tube download rules
using youtube videos in the classroom野心作Google Waveの壮大なビジョン. 新しいWebには新しいコミュニケーションプラットホームを
最初のフェーズは、Googleが作った製品としてのGoogle WaveがWebアプリケーションとして一般に公開される。第二フェーズのGoogle Waveはプラットホームだ。上で述べたように、一般のデベロッパが参加して何かを作っていく。そして第三フェーズでは、Google Waveはプロトコルだ。すなわち、Webコミュニケーションのための開発プラットホームになる(実装は自由で多様化)。Inside Twitter HQ | Technology | The Guardian
Life at Twitter
But behind the calm, every-office exterior, lies the astonishing truth: the staff here are holding up the systems behind the world's hottest internet startup. They are responsible for a sprawling website on which 35 million people from all over the world fire out vast numbers of messages every second. This isn't just any normal office. This is Twitter.DMLcentral is the online presence for the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub located at the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute and hosted at the UC Irvine campus. We think digital media practices are fundamentally reshaping society in far-reaching ways, especially in how people all around the world are learning and connecting with one another.
"Digital Media and Learning"
digital media and learning: the power of participation
oday, at the forum on Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age, being hosted by the Sesame Workshop at Google headquarters, we are announcing the launch of a major new research initiative in digital media and learning (DML) and its associated website. Based at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in Irvine, California, the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning Initiative. The Research Hub, for which I serve as Executive Director and Mimi Ito the Research Director, intersects work promoting and networking collaborative efforts to understand and assess the participatory ways in which digital media are transforming youth learning practices and lifelong learning opportunities.…
This site is about collaboration, conversation and exploration in Digital Media and Learning. Join the conversation.YouTube HTML5 Viewer - NeoSmart Technologies
Convert YouTube to HTML5 and then MP4.
adobeを捨てるための第一歩Social Media in Learning examples
muitos sites social
UK site
Specific examples of how web 2.0 tools can be used for learning - compiled from the comments of the contributors to 'Top Tools for Learning'
100+ ways to use social media for learningWeb 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List Fall
web2.0 sites collectionFacebook Game Scams Appear on Phone Bills - TIME
Annotated link
He is interested in George Dyson's comment "What if the price of machines that think is people who don't?" He is looking at how the modification of our cognitive structures is a process that eventually blends machines and humans in a deeper way, more than any human-computer interface could possibly achieve. He's also fascinated in an idea presented a decade ago by Danny Hillis: "In the long run, the Internet will arrive at a much richer infrastructure, in which ideas can potentially evolve outside of human minds."Cloud Computing in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
A 3 minute introduction to the basics of cloud computing
Commoncraft video on cloud computingEyeWriter Initiative
The EyeWriter is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people, who are suffering from ALS, with creative technologies. It is a low-cost eye-tracking apparatus & custom software that allows graffiti writers and artists with paralysis resulting from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to draw using only their eyes.
The EyeWriter project is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people, who are suffering from ALS, with creative technologies.
Tetraplégicos também podem participar da arte urbana grafitando com os olhos.Kindle for PC
kindle の本をPCで読めるTeachers Love SMART Boards: SMARTBoards and Halloween Resources
***resource page - lots of links
Halloween games for smartboard
SMARTBoards and Halloween ResourcesUnmasking the Digital Truth / FrontPage
Wiki with info about - why schools block sites and supporting facts
Alternatives to school systems who are blocking so much Web20TopTen for Young Learners - All the Best!
Permite grabar voces y sonidos
Blog con ejemplos muy claros de lo que es cada una de las 10 herramientas de las que hablan.
TopBBC NEWS | Africa | Malawi windmill boy with big fans
William Kamkwamba educated himself in his local library
RT @GREENTOWNREV: One of the best examples of the spirit of the #ENTREPRENEUR. What an inspiration! [from]Security: Lessons Learned from a Hacked Gmail Account
As Larry Page astutely observes: "There is a pattern in companies, even in technological companies, that the people who do the work -- the engineers, the programmers, the foot soldiers if you will -- typically get rolled over by the management ... you end up kind of demoralized. You want to have a culture where the people who are doing the work, the scientists and the engineers, are empowered. And that they are managed by people who deeply understand what they are doing."
"Don't settle"
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link these games to a website or blog
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link , Pop Up , Embedded Game , HTML codes will be provided for all these 3 ways so that you can simply copy and paste the codes into your HTML pages.You must not embed more than one game on the same page (if you use Embedded Game) Most of the games are simple logic games, basic mathematics games, and spelling games like hangman. Novel Games also offers Sudoku and Mahjongg games.
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link Pop Up Embedded Gamemichamps delicious
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michampsHow to promote a new small business website | Small Business Trends
This article outlines how to promote and market a newly launched small-business website, in 3 months.
针对小企业的优化推广Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Home - Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
wiki for web 2.0 educatorsThe History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Die Internetgeschichte BEBILDERT.
gesamtentwicklung, sehr gute zahlen, erste social media erwähnung, blogs, webseiten etc.
Wirklich guter Überblick über die Geschichte des InternetCan this Video get Teachers Started? | Future of Education
Interesting comment discussion about my Brave New World Wide Web Video
A Brave New World World Wide Web; Education Blog; Can this video get teachers started?How Search Engines Work - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
How search engines work, including the difference between crawler-based search engines and human-powered directories. Explanation of what a spider is and how it crawls web pages.Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on
TED video of gesture cyborg accessory
TED Talks At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he'll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibilities to all.
Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he'll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibilities to all.
Pranav Mistry demos tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data, including a paper laptopJane's E-Learning Pick of the Day: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009: The Final List
Top Tools 2009Physical Storage vs. Digital Storage | The Mozy Blog
Physical and digital storageLarge Hadron Collider ready to restart - The Big Picture -
C'est toujours impressionnant.
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston GlobeAlgae and Light Help Injured Mice Walk Again | Magazine
Amazing.SPDY (Chromium Developer Documentation)
Home of the Chromium Open Source Project
A new protocol designed to provide better performance than http
A new experimental protocol to improve HTTP.Workshop Handouts
Texas Computer Education Asso 2009 Convention & Exposition...many, many handouts all varied topics
rec. web20classroom; credit original sourceShapeways | Stainless Steel Gallery
Shapeways - 3d printing in metal for everbody #industrialisierung 2.0 [from]
3d printing
Stainless Steel Gallery 3d printing20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs for Teachers, Students, and e-Learners | Online Schools and Degree Programs
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs | - Online Education
Look through and choose some blogs to follow
20 oktatási technológiákkal foglalkozó blog ajánlója. Nem néztem végig mindet még, és nem is iratkoztam fel rájuk.Folding Plug System
Todo sobre Google
This Google Site hosts training and implementation resources for using Google applications in schools.
Google Bootcamp for teachers
This hands-on workshop will focus on all the free applications from Google that support teaching and learning. Click on the links below to explore the applications we will learn in this workshop.
Explaining Google resources and their application in schoolseLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time » Google Wave in education
In the past year, researchers have developed technology that makes it possible to use thoughts to operate a computer, maneuver a wheelchair or even use Twitter — all without lifting a finger. But as neural devices become more complicated — and go wireless — some scientists say the risks of “brain hacking” should be taken seriously.
scientists say the risks of “brain hacking” should be taken seriously.
you know...we really should call it 'Ghost-hacking'...
RT @wiredscience: The next target for hackers could be your brain. [from]
Computer security for prosthetics [from]How to Learn About Everything
Weird. This was my advice to undergrads, although not in science...
Approach to getting broad understanding of topics you don't understand that well
Blog post/article on how to set your self up to be able to improve your learning ability.
yeah, amen in so many ways. It's harder and takes longer (the biggest problem), but immersion (in combination with good memory) is by far the only way to learn things. It's how I learnt to spell (and that's now slipping: the other aphorism is "use it or lose it")
Note that the title above isn’t “how to learn everything”, but “how to learn about everything”. The distinction I have in mind is between knowing the inside of a topic in deep detail — many facts and problem-solving skills — and knowing the structure and context of a topic: essential facts, what problems can be solved by the skilled, and how the topic fits with others. This knowledge isn’t superficial in a survey-course sense: It is about both deep structure and practical applications. Knowing about, in this sense, is crucial to understanding a new problem and what must be learned in more depth in order to solve it. The cross-disciplinary reach of nanotechnology almost demands this as a condition of competence.WakeMate
studies your wrist movements to wake you at the optimal time for non-grogginess
Data at work
잠 잘 깨워주는 기계! 신기하군
Tired of feeling tired? Get the WakeMate, the cell phone accessory wristband that lets you sleep less and feel better! See how it works:ISTE | NETS for Administrators 2009
Administrators play a pivotal role in determining how well technology is used in our schools. The NETS for Administrators enable us to define what administrators need to know and be able to do in order to discharge their responsibility as leaders in the effective use of technology in our schools.The dark side of the internet | Technology | The Guardian
26 Nov 09: new article which gives idea of the scale of the Deep Web and how much of it is actually searched...!
ut Rajaraman knows different. "I think it's a very small fraction of the deep web which search engines are bringing to the surface. I don't know, to be honest, what fraction. No one has a really good estimate of how big the deep web is. Five hundred times as big as the surface web is the only estimate I know."
om hippy bible the WhRadio Shack Catalogs
An Archive of 1939 to 2005 Radio Shack Catalogs. Flip-through every page, of every Radio Shack Catalog.
Archive of old Radio Shack catalogs
archive of catalogs
This website is dedicated to America's technology store... RadioShack. For over 65 years, RadioShack produced an outstanding catalog, surpassing the catalog of all rival electronics and technology companies. Through the years, this catalog expanded to contain a mix of hi-fidelity stereos, amplifiers, radios, phonographs, speakers, TVs, CBs, communication equipment, computers, electronic components, antennas, electronic test equipment, educational kits, toys, gadgets, batteries, and more. Products from the RadioShack catalog were purchased by the everyday consumer, hobbyist, and professional. At this website you will be able to view these old Radio Shack catalogs...year by by page. What's unique about this website is that the catalogs are presented as a VIRTUAL catalog, in a "page-flipping" format. This gives you the experience of paging-through an actual Radio Shack catalog.Why E-Books Look So Ugly | Gadget Lab |
As books make the leap from cellulose and ink to electronic pages, some editors worry that too much is being lost in translation. Typography, layout, illustrations and carefully thought-out covers are all being reduced to a uniform, black-on-gray template that looks the same whether you’re reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies or the Federalist Papers.State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -
Twitter, in other words, is precisely what you want it to be. It can be a business tool, a teenage time-killer, a research assistant, a news source — whatever. There are no rules, or at least none that apply equally well to everyone. In fact, Mr. Williams said that a huge chunk of Twitter lore, etiquette and even terminology has sprouted up from Twitter users without any input from the company. For example, the people came up with the term “tweets” (what everyone calls the messages). The crowd began referring to fellow Twitterers by name like this: @pogue. Soon, that notation became a standard shorthand that the Twitter software now recognizes. The masses also came up with conventions like “RT,” meaning re-tweet — you’re passing along what someone else said on Twitter.
Notes on how to find people and things on twitterWant 50Mbps Internet in your town? Threaten to roll out your own - Ars Technica
ISPs may not act for years on local complaints about slow Internet—but when a town rolls out its own solution, it's amazing how fast the incumbents can deploy fiber, cut prices, and run to the legislature.
"ISPs may not act for years on local complaints about slow Internet—but when a town rolls out its own solution, it's amazing how fast the incumbents can deploy fiber, cut prices, and run to the legislature."
Leet, leet, leet. Would have been awesome if they could prevail against TDS.
Minnesota town wants fast fiber broadband to the curb. Cable internet monopoly refuses. Town passes a referendum funding construction of a municipally owned network. Cable company sues town frivolously in order to delay construction of said network, and installs its own first. What a crock of monopolistic bull. This kind of crap is why we don't have fiber to the door.
Regional telco TDS Telecommunications last week issued a press release announcing a major milestone for the company: 50Mbps service over fiber optic cable to residents of Monticello, Minnesota. The Minneapolis suburb became one of the few non-FiOS communities in the country to experience full fiber-to-the-home deployment, and subscribers will all receive a free upgrade from 25Mbps service to the new 50Mbps tierE3T
Engage, Expand and Encompass through Technology. Macomb ISD's Universal Design for Learning Initiative
webpageGoogle Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave, found via Church Tech Matters. Search Cheat Sheet This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search. Keywords about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occur
Google Wave Cheat SheetGoogle Wave’s Little Secret: It Already Works On The iPhone
but without the Safari wrapper which allows
Hey Rob, Not sure if this is something you or your listeners might be interested in, but here's a link on how to run Google Wave on the iPhone, although it doesn't technically support mobile safari. Keep up the good work Renzo
Google Wave, the search giant's latest experiment in post-email communications, is hardly out the gate, with some of the first 100,000 private beta ...apophenia: I want my cyborg life
My colleagues aren't that much older than me but they come from a different set of traditions. They aren't used to speaking to a room full of blue-glow faces. And they think it's utterly fascinating that I poll my twitterverse about constructs of fairness while hearing a speaker talk about game theory. Am I learning what the speaker wants me to learn? Perhaps not. But I am learning and thinking and engaging. I'm 31 years old. I've been online since I was a teen. I've grown up with this medium and I embrace each new device that brings me closer to being a cyborg. I want information at my fingertips now and always. There's no doubt that I'm not mainstream. But I also feel really badly for the info-driven teens and college students out there being told that learning can only happen when they pay attention to an audio-driven lecture in a classroom setting. I read books during my classroom (blatantly not paying attention).
None of my colleagues brings a laptop. I do. And occasionally my interns do (although they often feel like they're misbehaving when they do so they often don't... I'm more stubborn than they are). My colleagues interrupt the talk with questions. (One admits that he asks questions because he's more interested in talking to the speaker than listening... he also asks questions to stay awake.) I find the interruptions to the speaker to be weirdly inappropriate. I much much prefer to ask questions to Twitter, Wikipedia, and IRC/IM. Let the speaker do her/his thing... let me talk with the audience who is present and those who are not but might have thoughtful feedback. When I'm inspired, I ask questions. When I'm not, I zone out, computer or not.
"danah boyd is a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society. She recently completed her PhD in the School of Information at the University of California-Berkeley."
What will it take for us to see technology as a tool for information enhancement? At the very least, how can we embrace those who learn best when they have an outlet for their questions and thoughts? How I long for being connected to be an acceptable part of engagement.
Danah Boyd on the discussion of using a notebook in a conference (or lecture)
"I desperately, desperately want my colleagues to be on IM or IRC or some channel of real-time conversation during meetings. While I will fully admit that there are times when the only thing I have to contribute to such dialogue is snark, there are many more times when I really want clarifications, a quick question answered, or the ability to ask someone in the room to put the mic closer to the speaker without interrupting the speaker in the process. I have become a "bad student." I can no longer wander an art museum without asking a bazillion questions that the docent doesn't know or won't answer or desperately wanting access to information that goes beyond what's on the brochure (like did you know that Rafael died from having too much sex!?!?!). I can't pay attention in a lecture without looking up relevant content. And, in my world, every meeting and talk is enhanced through a backchannel of communication."
Danah blogs about who "began his question by highlight that, unlike most of the audience who seemed more invested in the internet than scholarly conversations, HE had been paying attention. It's not very often that I feel like I've been publicly bitchslapped but boy did that sting. .... Of course, I haven't become that much of an adult because here I am blogging the details of said encounter. There's no doubt that I barely understood what the speaker was talking about. But during the talk, I had looked up six different concepts he had introduced (thank you Wikipedia), scanned two of the speakers' papers to try to grok what on earth he was talking about, and used Babelfish to translate the Italian conversations taking place on Twitter and FriendFeed in attempt to understand what was being said. Of course, I had also looked up half the people in the room (including the condescending man next to me) and posted a tweet of my own.
Had multiple conversations about iPhones / laptops in meetings last week. Agree that it's helpful to be connected during a meeting / presentation, but I wonder sometimes if we could cut meeting time in half if everyone was paying attention for the entire thing. Half of the onus is on the presenters IMHO: get better at presentations.The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Learning & Education
Nearly six years ago, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released its signature toolkit, the MILE Guide for 21st Century Skills: Milestones for Improving Learning and Education. Today, this toolkit has been revised and updated to reflect new realities and the P21 Framework for Education.
Includes: The MILE Guide Self-Assessment Tool, Implementation Guiding Recommendations, and P21 Framework Definitions (... that spell out expectations for 21st century student outcomes and the necessary support systems at the state and local levels).
2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving LearningGartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012
Gartner, Inc. has identified the top 10 consumer mobile applications for 2012. Gartner listed applications based on their impact on consumers and industry players, considering revenue, loyalty, business model, consumer value and estimated market penetration.
Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012
No. 1: Money Transfer No. 2: Location-Based Services No. 3: Mobile Search No. 4: Mobile Browsing No. 5: Mobile Health Monitoring No. 6: Mobile Payment No. 7: Near Field Communication Services No. 8: Mobile Advertising No. 9: Mobile Instant Messaging No. 10: Mobile MusicRoyal Society
3.5 centuries of science in an interactive timeline
A brit tudományos akadémia 2010-ben ünnepli alapításának 350. évfordulóját, ebből az alkalomból egy időszalagon elhelyezve számos történelmi jelentőségű publikációját hozta nyilvánosságra. - *
Interactive Science TimeLine10 Digital Writing Opportunities You Probably Know and 10 You Probably Don't |
To enable the citizen masher to do their wizardry, the administration will be opening up a veritable candy store of goodies: Semantic Web, RDF, Linked Data, SPARQL, RDFa, SIOC, ATOM, RESTful APIs, JSON, Widgets, Wikis, XForms, P2P Networks. Wow. They only forgot the lions and tigers and bears oh my… This is an unbelievable stack of technology. I didn’t think the government even knew what an RSS feed was :)BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates
RT @tweetmeme BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - Interesting. [from]
RT @yonitdm: BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - (via @mashable) [from]
One of Twitter'sTwitter strongest features is the @reply, where you can direct a message to someone else on Twitter by typing @ and then their username.
more evidence of facebook copying twitter
RT @mashable: Considering what this means for Twitter: "BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates" [from]10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
10 web trends to watch in 2010
Soon, our whereabouts may optionally be appended to every Tweet, blog comment, photo or video we post.
So many of these were in my list....Google Code Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google
Today, as part of our efforts to make the web faster, we are announcing Google Public DNS, a new experimental public DNS resolver.
I'm in two minds about whether to use them or not. But it's good that there's a DNS provider I can fall back on if my ISP's DNS goes tits up that isn't sodding OpenDNS.
Google何でもやるなー. すごい.6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( ) [from]Top Digital Trends For 2010
Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists.TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports - TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports
TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports. Perfect for charging any USB powered device.
Our custom TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports.SchoolWAX TV
Concerned with what you might find on other media sharing sites? SchoolWAX TV was designed with schools, students, teachers, and parents in mind. You will only find educator approved videos on SchoolWAX TV so everyone can learn in a safe and comfortable environment. SchoolWAX TV is the perfect resource for students who are working on their homework or just need a little extra help on any given subject. Teachers can use the animations and videos to capture their students’ attention and enrich classroom lessons! Watch, share, and upload.
SchoolWAX TV was designed with schools, students, teachers, and parents in mind. You will only find educator approved videos on SchoolWAX TV so everyone can learn in a safe and comfortable environment. SchoolWAX TV is the perfect resource for students who are working on their homework or just need a little extra help on any given subject. Teachers can use the animations and videos to capture their students’ attention and enrich classroom lessons!
Great videos site for students and teachers. Good ideas for projects!
online video sharing site designed for school use
videos that teach students, parents and even teachers
great! videos on it5 Ways Social Media Will Change Recorded History
5 Ways Social Media Will Change Recorded History - Mashable
Society didn’t take away the privacy of individuals. We gave it away
pt viralTop 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.
From iPods to noise-canceling headphones, from digital cameras to GPS trackers, they take up space, can consume electricity and distract us from actually enjoying the trip. Gadgets also tend to be expensive, small and easy-to-lose. But gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.10 things you should know about moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 | 10 Things |
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity!
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity! Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up-to-date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to useLearning Tools
Exhaustive directory of all kinds of tools that can be used in teaching/learning contexts - from authoring to microblogging
web based learning tools (similar to 21 things) - great resource!
Directory of Learning Tools Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Excellent technology in ed siteHow To Clean Your Filthy Gadgets - How to clean your gadgets - Gizmodo
A picture is worth a thousand words.No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture. Find out what businesses are nearby.Just point your phone at a store. This is just the beginning - it's not quite perfect yet.Works well for some things, but not for all. Your pictures, your control.Turn on 'visual search history' to view or share your pictures at any time. Turn it off to discard them once the search is done.
"Use pictures to search the web."BBC News - Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust. A survey of 3,001 children aged nine to 16 found that 24% had their own blog and 82% sent text messages at least once a month. In addition 73% used instant messaging services to chat online with friends. However, 77% still put real pen to paper to write notes in class or do their school homework. Of the children who neither blogged nor used social network sites, 47% rated their writing as "good" or "very good", while 61% of the bloggers and 56% of the social networkers said the same. "Our research suggests a strong correlation between kids using technology and wider patterns of reading and writing," Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust, told BBC News. "Engagement with online technology drives their enthusiasm for writing short stories, letters, song lyrics or diaries." Mr Douglas dismissed criticisms about the inf
Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust.How Amazon's remote deletion of e-books from the Kindle paves the way for book-banning's digital future. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Imagine a world in which all copies of once-censored books like Candide, The Call of the Wild, and Ulysses had been permanently destroyed at the time of the censoring and could not be studied or enjoyed after subsequent decision-makers lifted the ban.
Kindle owners awoke to discover that Amazon had reached into their devices & remotely removed copies of George Orwell's 1984 & Animal Farm. Amazon explained that the books had been mistakenly published, & it gave customers a full refund. It turns out that Orwell wasn't the first author to get flushed down the Kindle's memory hole. In June, fans of Ayn Rand suffered the same fate—Amazon removed Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, & The Virtue of Selfishness, with an explanation that it had "recently discovered a problem" with the titles. & some customers have complained of the same experience with Harry Potter books. Amazon says the Kindle versions of all these books were illegal. Someone uploaded bootlegged copies using the Kindle Store's self-publishing system, & Amazon was only trying to look after publishers' intellectual property. The Orwell incident was too rich with irony to escape criticism, however. Amazon was forced to promise that it will no longer delete its customers' books.
Kindle Issues - Censoring, Monitoring, etc.School Library Journal’s 10 Best Digital Resources for 2009 - 6/1/2009 - School Library Journal
Our second annual “best of” list looks at products reviewed between June 2008 and the present. The past year saw many excellent and innovative projects—and narrowing them down to a top-10 list wasn’t easy. As we prepare for the next school year—or as public libraries develop the budget for a new fiscal year—these are the products for children and teens you sh...
includes subscription stuff as well as free
many resources for use in school libraries, some of which I've never heard.Social Web’s Big Question: Federate or Aggregate? - GigaOM
was kommt nach dem web 2.0? #geekstuff [from]
A Power “communicator” will allow you to send information to all your friends across networks with the ease of sending an email. “This is just like Meebo,” Vachani insisted, where they log in to and constantly interact with the service. It doesn’t use any APIs, and all the magic happens using this technology developed by the company. Vachani called it “intelligent proxy.” I have asked for more details to understand how exactly it works.
The big question facing the social web depends on the direction it needs to take. A sharp increase in the number of web services and social networks has many of us yearning for a single sign-on, which has led to the idea of “federation.”
as well as other web services. It is not the first startup of its kind. Several others — MyLifeBrand
A sharp increase in the number of web services and social networks has many of us yearning for a single sign-on, which has led to the idea of “federation.” On the flip side, we also want one place to manage our diverse web services in one place — in other words, aggregation.Half an Hour: What Not To Build
Some interesting views on trends in technology
Things not to build: New social networks, Operating Systems, and Java apps.
Hea lugemine, võiks ju võtta kui ennustust, kuhu veeb liigubThe 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian
100 เว็บที่ควรเข้าDean Kamen's Water Purifier - Biography of Dean Kamen - Esquire
Igy kell kutatást csinálni a mai világban.
your arm. Together, the sling and the shot could save millions of lives. That's why he spent $50 million of his own money developing theGiz Explains: What Everyone Should Know About Cameras - Camera guide - Gizmodo
Úžasné způsoby jak skládat origami.How the iPhone Could Reboot Education | Gadget Lab |
Recommended by PT
Abilene Christian University, Texas, has just finished its first year of a pilot program, in which 1,000 freshman students were given iPhones - they like the results so far.The Ninth Annual Year in Ideas - Magazine -
Once again, The Times Magazine looks back on the past year from our favored perch: ideas. Like a magpie building its nest, we have hunted eclectically, though not without discrimination, for noteworthy notions of 2009 — the twigs and sticks and shiny paper scraps of human ingenuity, which, when collected and woven together, form a sort of cognitive shelter, in which the curious mind can incubate, hatch and feather. Unlike birds, we can also alphabetize. And so we hereby present, from A to Z, the most clever, important, silly and just plain weird innovations we carried back from all corners of the thinking world. To offer a nonalphabetical option for navigating the entries, this year we have attached tags to each item indicating subject matter. We hope you enjoy.
Die Ideen des Jahres 2009 aus den Bereichen, Kunst, Business, Kultur, Design, Gesundheit, Wissenschaft, Politik, Sport und Technologie, ausgesucht von der New York TimesTen must-have Google Chrome extensions
extensõesDigital Youth Project: If you care about kids and want to understand how they use technology and why, this is a must-read - Boing Boing
The conclusions are sane, compassionate, and compelling: in a nutshell, the "serious" stuff we all hope kids will do online (researching papers and so on) are only possible within a framework of "hanging out, messing around and geeking out." That is to say, all the "time-wasting" social stuff kids do online are key to their explorations and education online.
"hanging out, messing around and geeking out."
Comment from Cory Doctorow on the Digital Youth Project, publishing results of the ethnographic study of kids use on Internet.Five Technologies That Will Keep Shaping the Web in 2010
Worth reading from A-Z.
Once again, The Times Magazine looks back on the past year from our favored perch: ideas.
las mejores ideas de '09 ordenadas alfabéticamente por NYTimespodcastingforbeginners - home
From the Larry Anderson presentation on podcasting at NECC June 2009
Wiki introducing podcasting
how to podcasting
podcasting wiki for beginnersCable Freedom, Aided by a Mouse -
Fun bit of work by Mr. Bilton. The writer details his technological method of disconnecting from cable's grasp.
A computer, with software upgrades and a wireless keyboard and mouse, can replace cable service.
e to be honest, this isn’t as e
solving a future problem8 Companies That Are Reinventing TV Online
Mashable takes its pick of companies that are going to take TV in to the online futureChromium Blog: Technically speaking, what makes Google Chrome fast?
We've often been asked what makes Google Chrome so fast -- from its snappy start-up time and fast page-loading, to the ability to run complex web applications quickly. To walk through some of the thought processes and technical decisions involved in making Google Chrome a fast browser, we've put together three technical interviews on DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings. In a future post, we'll also cover other important areas like WebKit and UI responsiveness.
Spoiler alert: DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings
Chrome does indeed has a fast.Rethinking artificial intelligence
Broad-based MIT project aims to reinvent AI for a new era. By going back and fixing mistakes, researchers hope to produce ‘co-processors’ for the human mind.
Proyecto del MIT que busca rescatar algunas investigaciones en inteligencia artificial de hace 50 años, para conformar nuevo proyecot MMP
"This time, they are determined to get it right — and, with the advantages of hindsight, experience, the rapid growth of new technologies and insights from the new field of computational neuroscience, they think they have a good shot at it."io9 - Two Augmented Reality Technologies That Are About To Change The World - Augmented Reality
Here you can see a demo of design software called ARToolWorks which was posted on Gizmodo earlier this week. ARToolWorks is a mobile phone application that allows you to design 3D objects that pop up out of scenes you view through your mobile's camera. So instead of a map over the city of Amsterdam, you might see giant robots trashing it or psychedelic flowers growing out of a hash bar.
Augmented reality is a technology futurists and scifi authors like Vernor Vinge have been talking about for decades. Now the tech has matured and is entering the market. Two videos of new products show you the near future.
Now our technology can actually do this, using smart phones as a crude mobile interface. In these demo videos below, we're getting a first glimpse of what happens when the internet comes out of the box and into the real world.
iphone+andriod+ARInteract: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights
Very cool xray like looking map of flight lines
Flight patterns information visualization for the US in a 24 hour period. Where the flights are going and what their altitude is (altitude is mapped with color, darker is higher, lighter is lower)
Map showing bright spots at airports 8/12/08
Google Maps parnership
Looks like connecting neurons in the brain..5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms
5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms -
Since the proliferation of the Internet, instant messaging (IMing from here on in) has become a very popular means of communicating on the Web. Even with the rapid growth of Twitter, many people still communicate using IM. Now, there is no shortage of IM protocols out there; these include ICQ, AIM, GTalkGtalkGtalk, Yahoo, and FacebookFacebookFacebook, to name a few. IM aggregators aim to solve the mess of having all these programs open at once. Here is where it gets complicated. Depending on whether you’re on the web, Windows, Mac, or a mobile device, there are a number of aggregators from which to choose. To help you figure things out, here are five great instant messenger aggregators for multiple platforms.
Just what the title says. Mashable does it again.Morgan Stanley - Institutional Services
More detail on Mobile than the Oct 09 Internet Report.
Our global technology and telecom analysts set out to do a deep dive into the rapidly changing mobile Internet market. We wanted to create a data-rich, theme-based framework for thinking about how the market may develop. We intend to expand and edit the framework as the market evolves. A lot has changed since we published “The Internet Report” in 1995 on the web. We decided to create The Mobile Internet Report largely in PowerPoint and publish it on the web, expecting that bits and pieces of it will be cut / pasted / redistributed and debated / dismissed / lauded. Our goal is to get our thoughts and data into the conversation about what may be the biggest technology trend ever, one that may help make us all more informed in ways that are unique to the web circa 2009, and beyond.
The Mobile Internet Report December 2009The Simple Dollar » Seven Ways I Use Evernote to Improve My Finances
Over the past several months, I’ve gradually come to use Evernote for all kinds of tasks, from managing my writing to jotting down grocery ideas to drafting articles. It’s free and it’s become my single most used application on every computer I use – my Mac (where I do most of my work), my laptop (remember the frugal laptop? I’m still using it!), and even my iPod Touch, which is constantly in my pocket. A big nod to Manny, a long-time Simple Dollar reader who introduced me to Evernote (see comment #5 on that thread).virtualft
This has the largest collection of virtual field trips I have ever found. They look pretty fun^_^
tons of virtual field trips
ideals of courtly love, the writing process
Lots to choose from here including several zoosNo More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -
Winds of change: Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.
Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website | Technology |
RT @mikecane: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
RT @suryasnair: RT @JesseNewhart: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
Sono decisamente sopra la media (165)Evalutech
keyword searchable database
Southern Regional Education BoardWikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” - Two Exceptional Resources
resources and guide to educating with web 2.0
info. on online tools
How to change your wiki
Wikis for Everyone
Wiki resources for educatorsLife Recorders May Be This Century’s Wrist Watch
TechCrunch blogs about "life recorders". I want one ASAP and have since Wired wrote up Microsoft's SenseCam research. [from]
In fact I’ve already spoken with one startup that has been working on a device like this for over a year now, and may go to market with it in 2010.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows the 46 stages of Twitter
From sceptic to Twitter junky in 46 steps
1. Hear the word Twitter. Scoff. 2. Hear it again from someone else. Scoff again. 3. Hear about famous celebrity who is apparently "On Twitter." Scoff, but make mental note to check it out. 4. Log into Facebook to comfort self. 5. Sign up for Twitter. 6. Give up because it seems dumb. 7. Loudly criticize others on Twitter. 8. Follow @johncmayer, @aplusk, @rainnwilson, @wilw, @mrskutcher, @oprah, and one other person you actually know. 9. Post tweet that is a variant of: "Trying out this Twitter thing." 10. Attempt to dig a little deeper into Twitter. 11. Notice rampant usage...
The 46 Stages of Twitter
"36. Alienate actual people in your life in an attempt to impress ones you don't know."City Brights: Howard Rheingold : Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it)
why twitter - one of the best articles to explain why
Twittermania is definitely sliding down the backlash slope of the hype cycle. It's not just the predictable wave of naysaying after the predictable waves of sliced-breadism and bandwagon-chasing. We're beginning to see some data. Nielsen, the same people who do TV ratings, recently noted that more than 60% of new Twitter users fail to return the following month.
When I recently participated in a live discussion onstage, we projected in real time the tweets that included a hashtag for the event, an act that blended the people in the audience together with the people on the panel in a much more interactive way than standard Q&A sessions at the end of the panel. After years as a public speaker and panelist, I found it fascinating and useful to have a window on what my previously silent audience was thinking while I was talking. You have to be sure enough about what you are saying onstage to keep from being distracted or thrown by the realtime feedback. Backchannel twitterers have been to virtually mob speakers they felt were wasting their attention.
Excellent post on social media literacy using Twitter as the key example. It is not about the tools, it is about an online culture. This article attempts to identify characteristics of this culture. For example; "Twitter is not a community, but it's an ecology in which communities can emerge...It is a platform for mass collaboration. To oversimplify, I think successful use of Twitter means knowing how to tune the network of people you follow, and how to feed the network of people who follow you."The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery - Microsoft Research
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery Presenting the first broad look at the rapidly emerging field of data-intensive science
In The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, the collection of essays expands on the vision of pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray for a new, fourth paradigm of discovery based on data-intensive science and offers insights into how it can be fully realized.
Free eBook of essays on "Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery" : "Increasingly, scientific breakthroughs will be powered by advanced computing capabilities that help researchers manipulate and explore massive datasets."Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones -
Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations. Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter. some officials to conclude that militant groups trained and funded by Iran were regularly intercepting feeds. A Reaper costs between $10 million and $12 million each and is faster and better armed than the Predator
Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter.
Militants in Iraq have used inexpensive, off-the-shelf software to intercept video feeds from Predator drones.
US Aircrafts hacked by Insurgents from IraqOfficial Google Blog: Power to the people
Google states its mission for introducing the power meter and the reasoning behind it. By making information accessible and available to everyone, they try to save the environment. They also state actions taken to arouse attention for that subject and their activities to promote it. They make suggestions for policies and point out costumer tools they develop.
Feb 2009. - Google describes technology to monitor energy use
Google’s mission is to "organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful," and we believe consumers have a right to detailed information about their home electricity use.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to providing consumers with detailed energy information. And it will take the combined efforts of federal and state governments, utilities, device manufacturers, and software engineers to empower consumers to use electricity more wisely by giving them access to energy information.Official Google Blog: The meaning of open
As Google product managers, you are building something that will outlast all of us, and none of us can imagine all the ways Google will grow and touch people's lives. In that way, we are like our colleague Vint Cerf, who didn't know exactly how many networks would want to be part of this "Internet" so he set the default to open. Vint certainly got it right. I believe we will too.
Google ManifestoLearn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem | Magazine
Jim Rossignol on the villains lair (nice HL2 and Shadow of the Colossus refs)
Game developers are unconstrained in their designs for the enemy. Such designers will be punished with poor sales, not death in the gulag, if their designs for the overlord are unpopular. They could go anywhere with the homes of evildoers: halls of electric fluorescence, palaces carved from corduroy, suburban back yards.Free Technology for Teachers: 15 TED Talks for Teachers to Watch Before 2010
re a
How to Follow A LOT of People on Twitter and Still be Engaging using TweetDeck
However…. one of the tools that has helped me incredibly to manage the task is TweetDeck. TweetDeck has a lot of great tools designed to help Twitter users with a variety of tasks - some of which are simply indispensable to those trying to connect with large numbers of people.
One of the most common questions that I'm asked by fellow Twitter users is how I manage the large number of people that I follow and am followed by on100 Different Evernote Uses - Andrew Maxwell | Web designer, developer in Portland Oregon
You always wondered and now you know.
Sasha Frere-Jones (via Kottke): people who are just back from a really awesome run, people who are involved with “computers,” DJs, DJs at the airport, DJs who are drunk, people who don’t have anyone’s email address, people who are mad at televisionLifehacker - How Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Gets Things Done - Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak uses Eudora!Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOM
Compare the recent sale of Friendster for a reported $26.4 million with Facebook’s projected 2010 revenues, of $1 billion, and we have a stark reminder of how the inability to scale can kill a startup. “All they had to do was keep the damned servers up and running,” Matt Cohler, a former Facebook executive and general partner at Benchmark Capital, says in Adam L. Peneberg’s book “Viral Loop,” but Friendster failed to scale and the cost was enormous.
Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOMApple Tablet To Redefine Newspapers, Textbooks and Magazines - Apple tablet books - Gizmodo
Steve Jobs said people don't read any more. But Apple is in talks with several media companies rooted in print, negotiating content for a "new device." And they're not just going for e-books and mags. They're aiming to redefine print.Official Google Blog: The 2008 Founders' Letter
from the Official Google Blog – a history lesson for us all
Today, almost a third of all Google searches in Japan are coming from mobile devices — a leading indicator of where the rest of the world will soon be.
Compare "State of Google" addresses since 2004.
5/07/2009 12:11:00 PM Posted by Sergey Brin, Co-founder
Kunagi tulevikus on seda kirja ilmselt päris huvitav lugeda :)
e tells us some things to expect in the next. Computers will be 100 times faster still and storage will be 100 times cheaper. Many of the problems that we call artificial intelligence today will become accepted as standard computational capabilities, including image processing, speThe top 100 tech media companies | Tech Media Invest 100 | The Guardian
The 100 companies below have been picked for their innovation and creativity over the past year in areas as diverse as mobile applications, racing games and music recognition. We list the top 10 and then&From Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiterašeGoogle’s Chiller-less Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
The climate in Belgium will support free cooling almost year-round, according to Google engineers, with temperatures rising above the acceptable range for free cooling about seven days per year on average. The average temperature in Brussels during summer reaches 66 to 71 degrees, while Google maintains its data centers at temperatures above 80 degrees.
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center
"Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems, a strategy that will improve its energy efficiency while making local weather forecasting a larger factor in its data center management. [..]So what happens if the weather gets hot? On those days, Google says it will turn off equipment as needed in Belgium and shift computing load to other data centers. This approach is made possible by the scope of the company’s global network of data centers, which provide the ability to shift an entire data center’s workload to other facilities. [..]The ability to seamlessly shift workloads between data centers also creates intriguing long-term energy management possibilities, including a “follow the moon” strategy which takes advantage of lower costs for power and cooling during overnight hours. In this scenario, virtualized workloads are shifted across data centers in different time zones to capture savings from off-peak utility rates."
マトリックスみたいだ!Education Innovation: New Classroom Rules
Offline classroom compared to an online classroomScratch | Gallery | UFEdTech
scratch projects from EME 4401- all projects labeled with WendyDG10 Awesome Uses of Augmented Reality Marketing
usos practicos de la realidad aumentada100 Featured Learning Professionals Online
selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
RT @c4lpt 100 Featured Learning Professionals Online #edchat #education [from]
100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
Here is a selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the worldxkcd - A Webcomic - Game Theory
love - the only winning move is to not play... no wait... dammit
Schöne Wargames-Hommage.
love: the only winning move is not to play
Game theory AI. love.
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.How to Change the World: Ten Tiny Apps That I'm Thankful For
Cool Apps to do quick things on the Internet
"This is Thanksgiving, so I’d like to show some gratitude for ten tiny apps that I use almost every day. If you’re a writer, blogger, speaker, or entrepreneur who uses a Macintosh, please give them a look because they will make you more productive."New Google Music Service Launch Imminent
Articolo su TechCrunch. Sembra che Google sia in procinto di lanciare un servizio di streaming gratuito(?) on demand per la musica, un jukebox musicale integrato nel motore di ricerca.
TechCrunch: New Google Music Service Launch Imminent |Well, since it's imminent;Hope there's a Wave for that [from]
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio. We’re still gathering details, but our understanding is the service will be very different to the Google China music download service that they launched in 2008. That service, which is only available in China, allows users to search for music and download it for free. This new service will be available for at least U.S. users, our sources confirm, although it isn’t clear if it’s a download or streaming service, or both. Google already has a decent (if little used) music search engine that can be accessed by simply typing “music:” before a query. But songs are not available for streaming or download from those searches.
Google will soon launch a music service, weve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google plans to launch a music service - first few reports surface circa Oct 2009
google audio!! [from]Review of 2009: 100 great articles
100 nettilähdettä sosiaalisen median opetuskäytöstä vuodelta 2009
"Review of 2009: 100 great resources At the end of 2008 I produced my review of the year by listing 100 resources I enjoyed during the year. This proved quite popular, so I have done it again this year. I have selected 100 resources - articles postings, PDFs, presentations, videos etc - about (workplace and academic) learning, tools or technologies that I found of interest or practical use or made me think! The 100 resources are listed below, chronologically by the month in which they appeared. "
Jane Knight's elearning review5 Sickening Habits of Mainstream Websites
So true! Especially #5.. I hate that! :O
Oh man I TOTALLY agree with #1 - I hate being forced to click for multiple page articles like that - what a waste of my time. I live in a rural area and don't have the fastest internet - waiting for each new page to load makes me more and more frustrated and less and less likely to finish the article. At the very least, offer a "view on one page" option like some sites do. On some sites, I've used the print version to view articles on one page and not interrupt my reading, but not all sites work that way, either. Please - just stop with the gratuitous multiple pages people!
I understand the marketing incentives for all of these tactics, but I have to admit that they are something that must drive non-marketers crazy.
Websites have some impractical, clunky designs. Let's aim for streamlining designs to facilitate easier web browsing and better information layout. I hate seeing poor website design. It tastes like farts. Farts, farts, farts, farts, farts!14 iPhone Apps With Push Notification for Productivity
Charleston resident Kelli Davis was in for a surprise when her daughter brought home some routine paperwork at the start of school this fall. Davis signed the form and then handed it to her daughter for the eighth-grader's signature.Pulse Laser: “Preparing Us For AR”: the value of illustrating of future technologies
'Dead Space has no game HUD; rather, the HUD is projected into the environment of the game as a manifestation of the UI of the hero’s protective suit. It means the environment can be designed as a realistic, functional spaceship, and then all the elements necessary for a game - readouts, inventories, not to mention guidelines as to what doors are locked or unlocked - can be manifested as overlay. It’s a striking way to place all the game’s UI into the world, but it’s also a great interpretation of what futuristic, AR user interfaces might be a bit like.'
good egs of AR
Some nice augmented reality demos.Digital Domain - What Carriers Aren’t Eager to Tell You About Texting -
this article is my initial article; laying out
A better description might be “cost carriers very, very, very little to transmit.” A text message initially travels wirelessly from a handset to the closest base-station tower and is then transferred through wired links to the digital pipes of the telephone network, and then, near its destination, converted back into a wireless signal to traverse the final leg, from tower to handset. The decision could not have come from a dearth of business: the 2.5 trillion sent messages this year, the estimate of the Gartner Group, is up 32 percent from 2007. Gartner expects 3.3 trillion messages to be sent in 2009.
"text messages are not just tiny; they are also free riders, tucked into what’s called a control channel, space reserved for operation of the wireless network. That’s why a message is so limited in length: it must not exceed the length of the message used for internal communication between tower and handset to set up a call. The channel uses space whether or not a text message is inserted."
The public assumes that wireless carriers’ costs are far higher than they actually are, and profit margins are concealed by a heavy curtain.
TEXT messaging is a wonderful business to be in: about 2.5 trillion messages will have been sent from cellphones worldwide this year. The public assumes that the wireless carriers’ costs are far higher than they actually are, and profit margins are concealed by a heavy curtain.2010: My Fifth Annual List Of The Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day
read thisGoogle Technology RoundTable: Map Reduce
Matt is also the author ofBehind the scenes at Netflix -
Fascinating photo slideshow of one the Netflix distribution centers, where the snazzy online service meets labor intensive bricks-and-mortar.Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010
If you're a Web designer, expect your CSS colors & your untagged/unmanaged images to look darker on Snow Leopard than on previous versions of the Mac OS. You'll also see less of a visible color shift when going from Photoshop to Flash or other unmanaged environments (e.g. Internet Explorer).DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms
"Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software."
Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software. This short article provides descriptions and links to some of the best Freeware and Open Source programs for the K-12 Educator.
supposedly free software
Variety of free tools for all levels.Single Google Query uses 1000 Machines in 0.2 seconds
How Google Works
'...while both [Google] search queries and processing power have gone up by a factor of 1000, latency has gone down from around 1000ms to 200ms. Crawler updates now take minutes compared to months in 1999.'Are You a 'Digital Native?' | Newsweek Tech and Business |
Are you a digital native?
article about iBrain book - changes in brain due to technology
leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?
Technology Use and Our BrainsEducation News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
triky pro vyhledávání, využívání aplikací (kalendář, dokument, books atd.), speciální aplikace pro vzdělávání
From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time.
Google Apps für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
"From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time."Science News / Florence Nightingale: The Passionate Statistician
How Florence Nightingale used statistics and good visualization to persuade the queen of England to improve the military medical service.
passion, persistence, for the least, but combined with competency and intelligence10-things-not-to-buy-in-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Interesting, I wonder if these predictions will come true?
10 yrs. ago, most homes relied on dial-up connections to get to the web and iPods, cool flat-screen televisions and the Nintendo Wii didn't exist.Part I — Hot Startups to Watch in 2010
Everything you love about the web, now on a phone. Introducing the new Mobile with Google.
google phoneTen things every journalist should know in 2010 | Editors' Blog
This is an update on a post I wrote at the beginning of last year - Ten things every journalist should know in 2009. I still stand by all those points I made
Kompakte Liste für alle Onlinepublizierer gefunden bei: Gerhard Rettenegger Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
based on some recent neuroscience studies
memory_brainOf course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“, which relates to “the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information in short-term memory.”
Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from]
Of course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“ [...]
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber: Of course, it’s not that simple; but i.. [from]
True or Not? Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from] - Blogs for Teachers and Students
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. "
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs. "
Free blogs for students; can be set up by classroom teachers; no e-mail address required for students. is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog.Parrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch
I want one, badly!
Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touchUse Better Tools to Be a Better Student in 2010 - Note Taking - Lifehacker
Interesting article
using tech for schoolWhy Twitter Will Endure -
Really liked this. There's a lot more going than most realize.
"Not that long ago, I was at a conference at Yale and looked at the sea of open laptops in the seats in front of me. So why wasn’t my laptop open? Because I follow people on Twitter who serve as my Web-crawling proxies, each of them tweeting links that I could examine and read on a Blackberry. Regardless of where I am, I surf far less than I used to."
Like many newbies on Twitter, I vastly overestimated the importance of broadcasting on Twitter and after a while, I realized that I was not Moses and neither Twitter nor its users were wondering what I thought. Nearly a year in, I’ve come to understand that the real value of the service is listening to a wired collective voice.
I can remember when I first thought seriously about Twitter. Last March, I was at the SXSW conference, a conclave in Austin, Tex., where technology, media and music are mashed up and re-imagined, and, not so coincidentally, where Twitter first rolled out in 2007. As someone who was oversubscribed on Facebook, overwhelmed by the computer-generated RSS feeds of news that came flying at me, and swamped by incoming e-mail messages, the last thing I wanted was one more Web-borne intrusion into my life.
article on twitter
So you’re drowning in a sea of information. Perhaps the answer is more information.BBC - Archive - Tomorrow's World
"How television tried to predict the future of science"
How television tried to predict the future of science. I can't believe this has not been promoted more.
From a time before we started dumbing down science for the masses...
Classic UK TVNikon D3 Cut In Half « Tokyobling’s Blog
I visited the Tokyo Eco Products convention the other day (2008/12/12) to be exact and naturally I headed straight for the Nikon booth where my gaze immediately fell upon this beauty: a Nikon D3 cut in half for all of our camera porn pleasures! For a technophile camera lover as myself, I was for once happy to be a foreigner in Japan: the staff politely ignored my feeble attempts to take a decent photo through the counter glass. I felt slightly incestous: a Nikon D60 photographing a crippled D3. Behold all the beauty that is Nikon technology! And pray that you never see anything like this again.
"I visited the Tokyo Eco Products convention the other day (2008/12/12) to be exact and naturally I headed straight for the Nikon booth where my gaze immediately fell upon this beauty: a Nikon D3 cut in half! .... I felt slightly incestous: a Nikon D60 photographing a crippled D3. Behold all the beauty that is Nikon technology! And pray that you never see anything like this again."Blio eReader
The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics.
Books, the way they were intended. Highlighting, underlining, and annotating help emphasize information in your mind. insert text, drawing, voice, image or video notes directly into your content. read-aloud featureLessons Learned: What does a startup CTO actually do?
i wish i knew ;) - added by harper reed's google reader5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
Are we really still at a point in time where we need to be convinced of this? I hope not!
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What's in it for you as an instructor, and what's in it for your students?
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
Annotated link Ways Educators Are Embracing Social Technology
Skype, Phones, Twitter
See how Skype, Twitter and Mobile / Cell Phones are used for student learning.
wellicht interessant voor jouw werkveld?Ed Pilkington meets Ray Kurzweil, the man who predicts future | Technology | The Guardian
The head of Google's new university, Ray Kurzweil believes the advance of technology will solve the energy crisis, upgrade the human genome and even lead to everlasting life - no wonder he is so optimistic
In the land of Kurzweil, the possibility of reprogramming the body is not a dry academic theory, it is a blueprint for how to lead your life.Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee - The
Hochinteressante Einblicke in Facebook.
Interview, mostly about privacy, with an anonymous Facebook employee: Worth reading. (via @johnbattelle on FB) – Tim O'Reilly (timoreilly)
Cyfweliad dienw gyda boi yn gweithio i Facebook. Son am HyperPHPWhy I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable - The Oatmeal
'1. Set a duration of how long you think it should take to solve a problem; 2. A language is a language is a language; 3. Don't over-"design pattern" applications; 4. Always backup your code; 5. You are not the best at programming. Live with it; 6. Learn to learn more; 7. Change is constant; 8. Support Junior; 9. Simplify the algorithm; 10. Document your code; 11. Test, Test, Test; 12. Celebrate every success; 13. Have Code Reviews Frequently; 14. Reminisce about your code; 15. Humor is necessary; 16. Beware the know-it-all, possessive coder, and the inexperienced coder; 17. No project is ever simple; 18. Never take anything for granted; 19. Software is never finished; 20. Patience is definitely a virtue'
Une vingtaine de conseils d'un routard avec 20 ans d'expérience au sujet de la programmation.Computer Data Storage Through the Ages -- From Punch Cards to Blu-Ray | Maximum PC
Good visual/info on history of computer storage.
Far from comprehensive, but entertaining.The World Question Center 2010
How does the Internet change the way we think?
each year this site asks major thinkers to answer a question, here, "How is the Internet changing your way of thinking?" A great question with lots of respondents' short essays--enough to keep me reading for a week.
HOW IS THE INTERNET CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK?The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s -
My daughter’s worldview and life will be shaped in very deliberate ways by technologies like the Kindle and the new magical high-tech gadgets coming out this year — Google’s Nexus One phone and Apple’s impending tablet among them. She’ll know nothing other than a world with digital books, Skype video chats with faraway relatives, and toddler-friendly video games on the iPhone. She’ll see the world a lot differently from her parents.
“People two, three or four years apart are having completely different experiences with technology,” said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. “College students scratch their heads at what their high school siblings are doing, and they scratch their heads at their younger siblings. It has sped up generational differences.”Seven things you need to know about augmented reality | Media |
Good survey (08.01.10) on the next new trend in phone apps from Mercedes Bunz
증강현실 앱들
Smartphones are bringing the once-SF concept of augmented reality into the everyday world20 Real-World Uses for Google Wave | Mac|Life
From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which ...
It is interesting to look back at the various ways that technology has been advertised to consumers over the past several decades. It is particularly interesting to look back at these advertisements when the featured products have been made obsolete. From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which are no longer in production.
12 dead technology ads: [from]
If you just went by the advertising, you would've thought Betamax would be around forever:The Future Now: Sixth Sense Technology May Change How We Look at the World Forever
This is pretty amazing.
Sixth Sense Technology May Change How We Look at the World ForeverBBC NEWS | Technology | 'Carbon cost' of Google revealed
US physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2. However, these figures were disputed by Google, who say a typical search produced only 0.2g of carbon dioxide.
intereante BBC y Google
A typical Google search produces between 0.2g and 7g of carbon dioxide.
Dr Wissner-Gross's study claims that two Google searches on a desktop computer produces 14g of CO2, which is the roughly the equivalent of boiling an electric kettle.
Research by a Harvard University physicist has sparked debate about the environmental cost of Google searches.
Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2.
think about it next time you search on google!
Two searches on a desktop computer produce 14g of CO2, equivalent to boiling an electric kettle.Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker
great security tips for travlers
Ed. note: On Tuesday, Google responded to cyber attacks aimed at Chinese human-rights activists by ending search-result censorship in China. An anonymous reader with experience living where privacy isn't respected writes in with tips for keeping your data safe in these situations.digitalteachingtools » home
This is a great list maintained in a wiki, so it grows and morphs as users contribute/remove links.
An excellent set of resources about Digital Teaching Tools. There is also a section for Web 2.0 tools as well.
digital teaching tools
Your keys to improved instruction.Dyson、“羽根がないのに風が出る”扇風機を発表 - ITmedia News
Dyson、“羽根がないのに風が出る”扇風機を発表 DysonのAir Multiplier扇風機は従来の扇風機のような羽根はなく、流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを増幅する。 2009年10月13日 16時47分 更新 Dysonは10月12日、「羽根のない扇風機」を発表した。 ah_dyson1.jpgah_dyson2.jpg 羽根のない扇風機 同社の「Dyson Air Multiplier」は従来の扇風機とは違って羽根がなく、土台に輪を乗せたような形になっている。 従来の扇風機は、羽根が空気を切ってしまい、空気の流れが不均衡になる点が問題だった。Dysonの技術は流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを15倍に増幅し、毎秒119ガロンの空気をスムーズに流すという。
"この扇風機は土台の部分に組み込まれたモーターを使って空気を吸い込み、その空気を飛行機の翼のような傾斜がついた輪から送り出す。空気が輪から出るときに、その気流に周囲の空気が引き込まれて、空気の流れが増幅され、空気が一定して途切れなく流れる。"On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life - This is so Meta
Moving non time critical emails to Google Wave resulted in a smoother line of communication and the ability to return to conversations.
Some interesting nuggets in here.
On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life Japanese geeks you should follow on Twitter |
Via @kotarok
30 Japanese geeks you should follow on Twitter13 Simplest Free Web Tools That Are Absolutely Useful - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
13 Simplest Free Web Tools That Are Absolutely Useful @ SmashingApps -
Useful web resources for design or organization
site cheio de novidades para webmasters.. cool stuff
Artikel van 19 maart 2009cooltoolsforschools » Tools at a glance
Index of Cool Tools included in this site and the categories under which they are listed.
tools for teachersTop 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over another.HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
Let me start by saying that I like newspapers. And let me say further that, no matter how much I like them, they just might not have a future.The Internet chews up media and spits them out again. Sometimes they get more robust. Sometimes they get more profitable. Sometimes they die.
Media-Morphosis: How the Internet Will Devour, Transform, or Destroy Your Favorite Medium
the future of media, opera, poetry, cory doctorow of boing-boingWelcome to Boxee!
watch the internet from your tv
THIS THIS IS AWESOME I NEEEEEEEDDDDDDOn gospel, Abba and the death of the record: an audience with Brian Eno | Interview | Music | The Observer
He's been a Roxy original, the inventor of 'ambient', Bowie's muse, the brain in Talking Heads and U2's 'fifth man'. Now Eno tells us where he's heading next. From the GuardianUK.
He's been a Roxy original, the inventor of 'ambient', Bowie's muse, the brain in Talking Heads and U2's 'fifth man'. Now Eno tells us where he's heading next by Paul Morley in The Observer, Sunday 17 January 2010
"If you grow up in a very strong religion like Catholicism you certainly cultivate in yourself a certain taste for the intensity of ideas. You expect to be engaged with ideas strongly whether you are for or against them. If you are part of a religion that very strongly insists that you believe then to decide not to do that is quite a big hurdle to jump over. You never forget the thought process you went through. It becomes part of your whole intellectual picture."
think records were just a little bubble through time and those who made a living from them for a while were lucky.
"The record age was just a blip. It was a bit like if you had a source of whale blubber in the 1840s and it could be used as fuel. Before gas came along, if you traded in whale blubber, you were the richest man on Earth. Then gas came along and you'd be stuck with your whale blubber. Sorry mate – history's moving along. Recorded music equals whale blubber. Eventually, something else will replace it."
He talks smack about Steve Reich, explains how rejecting music you don't like is as important as embracing music you do like, and endorses irregularity and unpredictability in synth interfaces. Best quote: "There is no reason why anyone should have made so much money from selling records except that everything was right for this period of time. I always knew it would run out sooner or later. It couldn't last, and now it's running out. I don't particularly care that it is and like the way things are going. The record age was just a blip. It was a bit like if you had a source of whale blubber in the 1840s and it could be used as fuel. Before gas came along, if you traded in whale blubber, you were the richest man on Earth. Then gas came along and you'd be stuck with your whale blubber. Sorry mate – history's moving along. Recorded music equals whale blubber. Eventually, something else will replace it."
"If you think of the mid- to late-50s when all of this started to happen for me, the experience of listening to sound was so different from now. Stereo didn't exist. If you listened to music outside of church, apart from live music, which was very rare, it was through tiny speakers. It was a nice experience but a very small experience." ... "I think records were just a little bubble through time and those who made a living from them for a while were lucky. There is no reason why anyone should have made so much money from selling records except that everything was right for this period of time. ... The record age was just a blip. It was a bit like if you had a source of whale blubber in the 1840s and it could be used as fuel. Before gas came along, if you traded in whale blubber, you were the richest man on Earth. Then gas came along and you'd be stuck with your whale blubber. Sorry mate – history's moving along. Recorded music equals whale blubber."Case-Mate: I Make My Case
beautiful iPhone cases100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu
100 Web 2.0 Tools
It is easy to collaborate with your colleagues around you. What about other people in your PLN? Can you collaborate with 50, 100, 1000 people? "Collaborate", "Collaborative", "Collaboration" were the most frequent words I heard last year and I believe it will be more important and popular in this new decade. Here is my first 20 web tools to enhance collaboration among us!Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
A new MacGyver-esque cellphone hack could bring cheap, on-the-spot disease detection to even the most remote villages on the planet. Using only an LED, plastic light filter and some wires, scientists at UCLA have modded a cellphone into a portable blood tester capable of detecting HIV, malaria and other illnesses.
UCLA scientists combine hacked cell phone and machine vision to do on the spot blood-disease testing - [from]
Mobile phone modified with lens and coherent light source to detect diseases e.g. HIV in blood
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing NationsThe 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now -
In December, Facebook made a series of bold and controversial changes regarding the nature of its users' privacy on the social networking site. The company once known for protecting privacy to the point of exclusivity (it began its days as a network for college kids only - no one else even had access), now seemingly wants to compete with more open social networks like the microblogging media darling Twitter.Virtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.The Apple Tablet Interface Must Be Like This - apple tablet - Gizmodo
Some people want the Apple Tablet to run Mac OS X's user interface. Others think its UI will be something exotic. Both camps are wrong: The iPhone started a UI revolution, and the tablet is just step two. Here's why.
Interesting guess at how the Apple tablet UI might be designed.BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Magnetic electricity' discovered
monopoles gather to form a "magnetic current" like electricity. The phenomenon, dubbed "magnetricity", could be used in magnetic storage or in computing. Magnetic monopoles were first predicted to exist over a century ago, as a perfect analogue to electric charges. Although there are protons and electrons with net positive and negative electric charges, there were no particles in existence which carry magnetic charges. Rather, every magnet has a "north" and "south" pole. //"particles" which carry an overall magnetic charge. But they exist only in the spin ice crystals.
Researchers have discovered a magnetic equivalent to electricity: single magnetic charges that can behave and interact like electrical ones. The work is the first to make use of the magnetic monopoles that exist in special crystals known as spin ice.
Apparently magnets with only one pole exist
"Researchers have discovered a magnetic equivalent to electricity: single magnetic charges that can behave and interact like electrical ones."
'Magnetic electricity' discovered
Researchers have discovered a magnetic equivalent to electricity: single magnetic charges that can behave and interact like electrical ones.
nanotechnology has helped discover magnetricity, particles that carry magnetic chargesTransparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'
check this out
Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminium' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.
Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world's most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminum' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusionHomebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires | Gadget Lab |
Homebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires
8-bit computer made by handGizmodo - Why We Need Audiophiles - Audiophiles
This is Michael Fremer. He's listening to "Avalon" by Roxy Music on his $350,000 stereo system. It sounds excellent. He's a bit crazy, but if you love music, you need him.ブライアン・イーノへの特別インタビュー - Time Out Tokyo
音楽が事実上無料になったことで、コピーできない部分に価値が置かれるようになったことだ。例えばパフォーマンスに関して言えば、ここ数年においておそらく今までにないほどイギリスではライブパフォーマンスが盛んになっていて、バンドはパフォーマンスを真剣に受け止めている。彼らはパフォーマンスのプロモーションをするためにレコードを作るんだ。私たちの時代は、レコードのプロモーションをするためにパフォーマンスをしたものだった。再びパフォーマンスが活性化して注目すべきものになり、全てのレベルにおいて重要になった。Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks
Every year schools around the world spend thousands of dollars on textbooks that are often outdated by the end of their first year in the classroom. Ebooks, many of them free, can represent huge savings for schools over purchasing textbooks. Here are seven places that you can find free ebooks.
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks Annotated link
Free Technology for Teachers: lists 7 places to find free ebooks for downloading.100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers: Annotated link
Random Thoughts and Articles
Web and IPhone apps
Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers:
100 tools for teachersProgramming Humor
Error messages written in Japanese Haiku. Aren't these better than "your computer has performed an illegal operation"?
Windows NT crashed. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your screams.
A crash reducesWhat the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
rIf Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online -
Teens and media use.National Lab Day
Share your ideas for transforming learning through the Digital Media and Learning Competition in coordination with National Lab Day — where designers, entrepreneurs and educators compete to create 21st century learning labs — digital media experiences that help young people learn, play, tinker, participate and grow through hands on work
hands on learning ideas/projects
matches students with professionalsTechland - Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -
"Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -"
Tech, Games, Comics, Movies. We Promise Not to Tell.Daring Fireball: The Tablet
Here’s the thimbleful of information I have heard regarding The Tablet (none of which has changed in six months): The Tablet project is real, it has you-know-who’s considerable undivided attention, and everyone working on it has dropped off the map. I don’t know anyone who works at Apple who doubts these things; nor do I know anyone at Apple who knows a whit more. I don’t know anyone who’s seen the hardware or the software, nor even anyone who knows someone else who has seen the hardware or software.
oeh what does this thingy do?
la cabina de mandos del Atlantis
The space shuttle cockpit
Switch-and-knob-tasticApple - iPad - The best way to experience the web, email, & photos
Google has added a new twist to its popular 3D map tool, Google Earth, offering millions of users the chance to visit a virtual ancient Rome. ... This is another step in creating a virtual time machine.8 Things That Suck About the iPad - apple ipad - Gizmodo
My favorite: The Name iPad - Get ready for Maxi pad jokes, and lots of 'em!Digital Directors Guild
designed to help teachers develop digital storytelling projects for their classrooms.Welcome to the K-State College of Education
KSU College of Education Main Page
K-State COE main webpageKansas State University
Kansas State University Main Site
K-State home webpageNiwradSoft » Seven Remix XP
מדריך: XP ישן במראה חדש
Large format eReader not released 10 Top New Web Services of 2008 and Their 2009 Forecast
2008 has been both an exciting year and a very trying year for the world of Web innovation. When the year kicked off, we were still in the middle of Web 2.0 fever. We were just two months removed from Microsoft having invested $240 million in Facebook at a stratospheric $15 billion. In the first week of January, Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang made his first appearance at CES and promised the company was "ready and excited". By mid-month, Pownce launched to the public to offer an alternative to Twitter. And by the end of January, Twitter crashed hard - for the first time.
You'll note two major themes regarding hot services in 2008: RSS and friends. Finding out what your friends were reading and sharing were key facets of most of the new products that gained my attention this year. Toluu, developed by Caleb Elston, offers a site where you can upload the OPML file of feeds you read, mark your favorites, and see how compatible you are with other users of the site, helping find new feeds, and new people. Over time, the service enabled me to see new blogs my friends were subscribing to, and you could even notify Twitter if you had added a new blog to your reading list.twitterでずっと仲良くしていた人がbotだった - Cheshire Life
まさか自分のfollowingの中にも…ザワザワ。Teleportation Milestone Achieved | LiveScience
Real World Science News
"if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understands quantum mechanics." Or sometimes he is cited thusly: "I think I can safely say that nobody understand quantum mechanics."
Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving theBBC NEWS | Technology | Apps 'to be as big as internet'
Mobile Apps 'to be as big as internet' - BBC [from]
No foolin, huh? ("peaking at 10 million apps in 2020")engagethem / FrontPage
Wiki w/resources to engage students in the classroom.
It's certainly a challenge to engage today's students. Learning theory shows that one of the keys to successful learning is engagement. Using Philip Schlechty's "Qualities the Affect Engagement" as a framework, Tony Vincent outlines 21 technology tools, strategies, and tips educators can use to increase authentic engagement. Learn ways to motivate learners using online tools that are freely available. Examples include polling students, illustrating concepts with crazy cartoons, creating jazzy slide shows, and touring some of the newest coolest sites the web has to offer.K-12 Student Center - UEN
Utah Education Network's well-designed teacher resource siteHow to catch an iPhone thief: Busting an iPhone thief
This is an amazing story!
How soon until someone gets murdered when attempting to retrieve a stolen iPhone? Let it go.
MobileMe + Google + Google Maps + AT&T + White Pages + (+ un ladro più stupido della media + una coscienziosa parente del ladro) = ladro di iPhone messo con le spalle al muro.In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | Magazine
Hardware is becoming much more like software.
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This is the headquarters of Local Motors, the first open source car company to reach production. Step inside and the office reveals itself as a mind-blowing example of the power of micro-factories.
“In the age of democratized industry, every garage is a potential micro-factory, every citizen a potential micro-entrepreneur 1) INVENT dream up your own. Pro tip: Check the PTO first 2) DESIGN Use free tools like Blender or Google’s SketchUp to create a 3-D digital model of your invention. Or download someone else’s design and incorporate your groundbreaking tweaks. 3) PROTOTYPE desktop 3-D printers like MakerBot are available for under $1,000. Just upload a file and watch the machine render your vision in layered ABS plastic. 4) MANUFACTURE The garage is fine for limited production, to go big, global — outsource. Factories in China are standing by; sites like can help you find the right partner. 5) SELL Market your product directly to customers via an online store like SparkFun — or set up your own ecommerce outfit through a company like Yahoo or Web Studio. Then haul your golden goose to Maker Faire and become the poster child for the DIY industrial revolution.”
Chris Andersen's latest book outline [from] - I need to talk to you about computers. I’ve been...
Excellent post on Old World computing vs New World computing. Love it.
Personal computing — having a computer in your house (or your pocket) — as a whole is young. As we know it today, it’s less than a half-century old. It’s younger than TV, younger than radio, younger than cars and airplanes, younger than quite a few living people in fact.Student Online Publishing
This website provides links to articles and other websites related to student online publishing.Fraser Speirs - Blog - Future Shock
I'll have more to say on the iPad later but one can't help being struck by the volume and vehemence of apparently technologically sophisticated people inveighing against the iPad. Some are trying to dismiss these ravings by comparing them to certain comments made after the launch of the iPod in 2001: "No wireless. Les space than a Nomad. Lame.". I fear this January-26th thinking misses the point. What you're seeing in the industry's reaction to the iPad is nothing less than future shock.
I'm often saddened by the infantilising effect of high technology on adults. From being in control of their world, they're thrust back to a childish, mediaeval world in which gremlins appear to torment them and disappear at will and against which magic, spells, and the local witch doctor are their only refuges. With the iPhone OS as incarnated in the iPad, Apple proposes to do something about this, and I mean really do something about it instead of just talking about doing something about it, and the world is going mental.
"Secretly, I suspect, we technologists quite liked the idea that Normals would be dependent on us for our technological shamanism. ... "The Real Work is not formatting the margins, installing the printer driver, uploading the document, finishing the PowerPoint slides, running the software update or reinstalling the OS. "The Real Work is teaching the child, healing the patient, selling the house, logging the road defects, fixing the car at the roadside, capturing the table's order, designing the house and organising the party. "Think of the millions of hours of human effort spent on preventing and recovering from the problems caused by completely open computer systems. ... "If the iPad and its successor devices free these people to focus on what they do best, it will dramatically change people's perceptions of computing from something to fear to something to engage enthusiastically with."Ask H&FJ | Hoefler & Frere-Jones
On embroidery / cross-stitch patterns as input for digital designers, and oh yeah, coincidentally, the death of the pixel. Duh. I love this man.
On the Death and 441-Year Life of the Pixel blog image text The struggle to adequately render letterforms on a pixel grid is a familiar one, and an ancient one as well: this bitmap alphabet is from La Vera Perfettione del Disegno di varie sorte di ricami, an embroidery guide by Giovanni Ostaus published in 1567.
The struggle to adequately render letterforms on a pixel grid is a familiar one, and an ancient one as well: this bitmap alphabet is from La Vera Perfettione del Disegno di varie sorte di ricami, an embroidery guide by Giovanni Ostaus published in 1567.Home | Element Four
Condenses pure drinking water from air, just like the water traps in Dune.
Tapping an unlimited source of fresh water The Element Four WaterMill provides fresh, potable water from an unlimited source: the air. It's the sustainable, elegantly designed solution to providing fresh water for your family, and the world.
A household device that pulls fresh, potable water from the air. If this is for real, it's incredible.
product called watermill turns air moisture into drinkable waterMinyanLand - Main
peterturtle, turtle try at home
A virtual town where you play games and make friends, while learning about earning, saving, spending and giving. You start out with $50,000 in MinyanMoney and a Condo worth $50,000. You can spend your money, invest your money, and earn more MinyanMoney by playing games or doing real-life chores your parents assign you.
MinyanLand is a virtual community designed to engage kids and families in games and interaction that are entertaining and educational. Appropriate for 3-8. Accessible to deaf students.
Virtual world for learning about economics and finances.Alex Payne — On the iPad
28 Jan 2010. "The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine."
The thing that bothers me most about the iPad is this: if I had an iPad rather than a real computer as a kid, I’d never be a programmer today. I’d never have had the ability to run whatever stupid, potentially harmful, hugely educational programs I could download or write.
For years, me and thousands of other techies have been wondering what comes after the Personal Computer as we’ve known it. Yesterday, in Apple’s iPad, we caught a glimpse. If I had to pick one predominant emotion in reaction, it would be “disturbed”. The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine. As Tim Bray and Peter Kirn have pointed out, it’s a device that does little to enable creativity. As just one component of several in a person’s digital life, perhaps that’s acceptable. It seems clear, though, that the ambitions for the iPad are far greater than being a full-color Kindle. The tragedy of the iPad is that it truly seems to offer a better model of computing for many people – perhaps the majority of people. Gone are the confusing concepts and metaphors of the last thirty years of computing. Gone is the ability to endlessly tweak and twiddle towards no particular gain. The iPad is simple, straightforward, maintenance-fTop News - iPods help ESL students achieve success
about ipod and apple. 310110
news article
As school leaders ponder the implications of new technologies for their classrooms, one dedicated New Jersey educator has turned theory into practice, using the iPod to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) students. During an International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) webinar titled "iPods as Teaching Tools for Language Learners," Grace Poli, media specialist at Jose Marti Middle School in Union City, N.J., and an Apple distinguished educator, discussed how the iPod is transforming learning in her school.
iPods are no longer simply used for listening to your favorite songs. Providing "anytime, anywhere learning", iPods can accommodate different learning styles with children learning English. You can even use songs for grammar exercises and figurative language activities.
IPOD to help ESL student learn English
This site is for the ESL population. It is an article discussing how Ipods can be used to teach ESL students English. Plus it includes links to other sites that could be of interest to the topic. Music is important in almost all cultures. It can be used to reach students in understanding meanings of words that otherwise might have been difficult to explain. Not just music can be downloaded to Ipods but audio stories too. This device can be used in the classroom as a personal guide to the English language. Teachers can pick particular songs to demonstrate grammar or vocabulary. The student will be motivated to learn because this technique makes it about them.The Millions: Confessions of a Book Pirate
Book piracy may explode soon, now that books are becoming widely available in electronic form. Here's an interview with a fellow who already trades extensively in pirated e-Books.
stealing books the electronic way
Great piece on bank pirating, with a huge discussion thread. Also, great stuff on this ebook / print book marketing plan: How about doing what Manning Publications did with a recent purchase; add a unique ‘code sheet’ in the book, ask for 3 random entries from it and, if not previously used, allow the person who bought the hard copy to download a *personalised* (ie their email address is embedded in various places throughout) electronic copy. Most books that I want to read in an electronic form I’ve already bought the dead tree version of! All credit to Baen and their authors though. Fantastic library, bought many more books they’ve published as a result."
"Who are the people downloading these books? How are they doing it and where is it happening? And, perhaps most critical for the publishing industry, why are people deciding to download books and why now? I decided to find out, and after a few hours of searching ... I found, on an online forum focused on sharing books via BitTorrent, someone willing to talk. He lives in the Midwest, he’s in his mid-30s and is a computer programmer by trade. By some measures, he’s the publishing industry’s ideal customer, an avid reader who buys dozens of books a year and enthusiastically recommends his favorites to friends. But he’s also uploaded hundreds of books to file sharing sites and he’s downloaded thousands. We discussed his file sharing activity over the course of a weekend, via email, and in his answers lie a critical challenge facing the publishing industry: how to quash the emerging piracy threat without alienating their most enthusiastic customers."
1) With digital copies, what is “stolen” is not as clear as with physical copies. With physical copies, you can assign a cost to the physical product, and each unit costs x dollars to create. Therefore, if the product is stolen, it is easy to say that an object was stolen that was worth x dollars. With digital copies, it is more difficult to assign cost. The initial file costs x dollars to create, but you can make a million copies of that file for no cost. Therefore, it is hard to assign a specific value to a digital copy of a work except as it relates to lost sales.
Hmmm, I never considered myself a pirate. I just thought I was reading. The people who lock ideas away behind hard-to-use uneeded "technologies" seem to be some kind of bad-guys though.
I found, on an online forum focused on sharing books via BitTorrent, someone willing to talk. He lives in the Midwest, he’s in his mid-30s and is a computer programmer by trade. By some measures, he’s the publishing industry’s ideal customer, an avid reader who buys dozens of books a year and enthusiastically recommends his favorites to friends. But he’s also uploaded hundreds of books to file sharing sites and he’s downloaded thousands. We discussed his file sharing activity over the course of a weekend, via email, and in his answers lie a critical challenge facing the publishing industry: how to quash the emerging piracy threat without alienating their most enthusiastic customers. As is typical of anonymous online communities, he has a peculiar handle: “The Real Caterpillar.”15 Must-Have Web Apps for Students | Digitizd
items to keep up with on an as needed basisKOL - Kids Online, AOL Web Site for Kids
The Aol search engine for kids is a dream come true for teachers and parents. It is completly safe for chiildren to use. It offers children many things including homwork help!
Play online at this Web site for kids with games, music, cartoons, books, movies, animals and celebrities. The Internet has never been so much fun!
Search Engine- childrenApple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
The AppWall
TechCeunchFree eBooks for iPhone, Blackberry or Palm Pre - Kobo
Free eBooks for iPhone, Blackberry or Palm Pre
jm: ebook store alternative with available reader apps for many devices
Free eBooks, thousands of bestsellers for $9.99, millions of free classic books, news and magazines, new york times best sellers, globe and mail bestsellers, ereading anytime, anyplace, online and on your mobile phone.12-words-you-can-never-say-in-the-office.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
It's not an intranet, it's a VPN. It's not an extranet, it's a VPN. Hahahaha, I remember PointCast! (But push is back, at least on certain mobile devices that don't let you run background processes ...)
This list is useful for 20-somethings, too. Now when the senior person in the office uses one of these terms, you'll know what he's talking about.
i'm gonna use these as much as possible from now Books | Why can't we concentrate?
Article on challenges of living/working in a world that is full of distractions and the impact that this has on us as individuals - both in terms of productivity and sense of well being
Review of Gallagher's 'Rapt'
April 2009: Twitter and e-mail aren't making us stupider, but they are making us more distracted. A new book [Winifred Gallagher's "Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life"] explains why learning to focus is the key to living better.
Twitter and e-mail aren't making us stupider, but they are making us more distracted. A new book explains why learning to focus is the key to living better. By Laura MillerFrom Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics | Maximum PC
Podcasting 1 - What is a podcast?
Resource for tutorials and information about the educational whats, whys and hows of podcasting
Podcasting guide
Resource guide for podcastingSpray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything
Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products.
h-hoooooly shit??? (This is either awesome or going to kill a bunch of people before they go, Oh, hidden health risks. BUT MAN IF THIS ARTICLE WERE RIGHT THIS'D SO SO INCREDIBLE, and even with the health risks, there are loads of things you could use it for anyway. *_*
"Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products." Sounds too good to be true.Typewriter: Minimal Text Editor [Freeware] — You 2.0
Savner du skrivemaskinen, og den manglende muligheten til å rette feil når du skriver? Prøv Typewriter: [from]Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on
SixthSense technology | Video on TED.comThe State of the Internet
Focus, Feb. 2, 2010.
The State of the Internet
visualization of stats rec by Kathy Schrock
Using data from the Pew Research Center, Technorati, and other organizations, Focus has produced an infographic about Internet use and Internet access in 2009.Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds - Kaiser Family Foundation
This national survey of children about their media use was released at an event in Washington, D.C. featuring the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. A webcast is available.
The report about childrens and youngsters use of mediaFRONTLINE: digital nation: watch the full program | PBS
M.I.T. students are among the world's smartest and most wired. They constantly multitask with their tech tools.
Digital Nation | Life on the virtual frontier. A documentary from PBSGmail: Tips
The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortiums Horizon Project, a qualitative research project established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years. The 2010 Horizon Report is the seventh in the series and is produced as part of an ongoing collaboration between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an EDUCAUSE program.
Horizon Report, six emerging technologies or practices are described that are likely to enter mainstream use on campuses within three adoption horizons spread over the next one to five years.foliotek::Home
$1600Op-Ed Contributor - Microsoft’s Creative Destruction -
via +
"Some people take joy in Microsoft’s struggles, as the popular view in recent years paints the company as an unrepentant intentional monopolist. Good riddance if it fails. But those of us who worked there know it differently. At worst, you can say it’s a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist. It employs thousands of the smartest, most capable engineers in the world. More than any other firm, it made using computers both ubiquitous and affordable. Microsoft’s Windows operating system and Office applications suite still utterly rule their markets."
AS they marvel at Apple’s new iPad tablet computer, the technorati seem to be focusing on where this leaves Amazon’s popular e-book business. But the much more important question is why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, no longer brings us the future, whether it’s tablet computers like the iPad, e-books like Amazon’s Kindle, smartphones like the BlackBerry and iPhone, search engines like Google, digital music systems like iPod and iTunes or popular Web services like Facebook and Twitter.
Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation.
Microsoft no longer brings us the future.
By DICK BRASS Published: February 4, 2010 Why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, has failed to bring us the future.wow2.JPG (image)
LOL RT @Retweetist: wow2.JPG (image) [from]
via someone on twitter I think. Very amusing.
داستان را همه شما مي دانيد. يك ميليونر آفريقايي هست كه مي خواهد ثروت خود را ....
There's a lot of scammers out there so you gotta appreciate the nice ones.creatingaPLN » home
Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network
Herramientas para la creación de un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje. PLE.
Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech)
Wiki site with information on how to create and build your own Personal Learning NetworkI Can’t Believe Some People Are Still Saying Twitter Isn’t A News Source
If I didn’t hear about something important happening by watching my Twitter stream, it’s the first place I go to get an idea of what’s going on. Years ago I would have turned to the cable news channels, now it’s Twitter. It’s not just the speed of early reports either. Twitter also serves up a constant stream of updates as situations progress. The facts seem to be irrefutable. But some people disagree, as they wrote in comments to my Mumbai post. You should also read TomsTechBlog, who argues that it’s irresponsible to think of Twitter as a news source. The reason? The facts are often wrong. This is the same argument that mainstream journalists used against blogs when they rose to fill a void in the news over the last few years. Yet even the NY Times admitted years ago that blogs were an important news source when disaster struck: “For vivid reporting from the enormous zone of tsunami disaster, it was hard to beat the blogs.” But blogs are nothing compared to Twitter, which lets any
Tech Crunch post about use of Twitter in Mumbai
Interesting view. I'm still on the fence.
Twitter is emerging as a major force in breaking news.
Microblogging and news reporting...
people (who need it) point to this as major validationWhy we've reached the end of the camera megapixel race - Ars Technica
Olympus Imaging's Akira Watanabe says 12 megapixels is enough for most users. Ars thinks he's on to something.
Why we've reached the end of the camera megapixel raceWelcome to Knowledge Forum
Recomendado DPyV
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together.
Knowledge Forum is a collaborate space to work and build on ideas and information. It is based on over 15 years of research at the University of Toronto Cognitive Science Department.Open Mobile Consortium
The Open Mobile Consortium aims to: * Implement joint mobile solutions in the field. * Maximize interoperability and data-sharing capabilities between our technologies. * Streamline development, deployment, and use of open source mobile technologies.
odk and dimagi
open source applications for social changeRed Laser - The First Accurate iPhone Barcode Scanner - Hits The App Store : iSmashPhone
There already are a few barcode related applications in the app store, but they all have one thing in common - they don't really work. Red Laser, which has just hit the iTunes App Store, is the ultimate iPhone barcode scanner, which works just like one of those red-laser scanners at the checkout (hence the name.)
barcode scannerState of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -
No e-mail message, phone call or Web site could have achieved the same effect.... Most people are supportive and happy to help you out. There is, however, such a thing as Twitter snobbery. Twitter, in other words, is precisely what you want it to be.YouTube - PTAM + AR on an iPhone 3G Online Manners Matter | Edutopia
on e-mail netiquette and much more
From email to social networking to classroom blogs, today's students are online, both in and out of school -- a lot. EdutopiaBuilding my own Solar Panel | OliNo
Diskussionerna om flash vs. html5 fortsätter.
ITD 110
FLASH MOBILEIPhone Apps to Bring Some Order to Your Life -
Beitrag aus der NYT über iPhone-AppsOfficial Google Docs Blog: Drawing on your creativity in Docs
RT @courosa: RT @mslinch: Just when you thought Google Docs couldn't get any cooler: [from]
Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun
I'm excited to tell you about Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun. It's easy to create drawings using lines, free hand scribbles, text labels and a large choice of shapes that you can move, resize, rotate and adjust. Group, order, align and distribute and other features are available when you select objects you've drawn. You can also customize a range of shape properties, from line widths to fill color, and from arrowheads to font size, and much more. If you change your mind, there is undo and redo. You can collaborate with a friend or colleague on a drawing, or work alone, just as you can in Google Docs today.
Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas
Google-dokumenttien piirtotyökalu.ゲームとかアートの話 - SLN:blog*
ゲーム アート iPhone
かなり参考になる。 最初の<The Unfinished Swan>が特にすごい。How Social Gaming is Improving Education
RT @thomasjhardy: How Social Gaming is Improving Education - [from]
How Social Gaming is Improving Education
Enter social video games as a solution — immersive environments that simulate real-world problems. Today, technologically eager schools are replacing textbook learning with social video games, and improving learning outcomes in the process. Here’s how they’re doing it.Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet - HTML5 - Gizmodo
We're TPUTH. Tech and design news. Socially curated. Machine processed. Hand polished. No bullshit.
Kinda offputting -- check this later to decide whether or not to ditch.How to Do Everything in Google Buzz (Including Turn It Off) | Work Smart | Fast Company
Good utility post from Gina
Here's how to customize and use Buzz--or opt out of its inbox-cluttering updates completely.suicaは実はたまに落ちている - 紅茶屋くいっぱのあれこれ日記
で、お聞きしたのが分散自立システム。 スイカのサーバーって単純に二重化とかしているんじゃないんですって。 えっと、俺人に説明するのがへたくそなので、また下手な喩え方をしちゃうけど、俺の理解ではDNSみたいのにちかいかも。 マスターがあるP2Pとか? マスターノードみたいのがあって、駅ノードがあって、クライアント(改札機)があって、クライアントでチェックを行うと。多分無ければセンターにいくんだろうね。 プルとプッシュのタイミングが結構工夫されてるのかもしれない。 こっから先は多分だけど、駅ノードのレベルで横の連携があるので、マスターは最悪3日ぐらい停止していても実際に影響はなかなか出ないのかな。 もしこれが、センター問い合わせ系だったらもっとお金が掛かった上に、安定性がなかったことだろうとのこと。 やっぱり、これはちょっとしたインターネットの世界ですよ。うん。
suicaのサーバーはみんなの知らないところで、実はたまに落ちているそうだ。 だがシステムが止まることはない、計算上センターは3日ぐらいは止まっていても大丈夫だそうだ。 だからサーバーが落ちたなどとニュース沙汰になることは殆ど無い。Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students.Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? What are the educational consequences of having students read less on the printed page and more on the Web?
Pro and con essays
A blog discussion about books in school libraries re Cushing Academy.
at this point, the real question is, don't school libraries need more consistent federal funding so they exist period
By reconceptualizing our library, our teachers and students now have better access to vast digital resources for research and learning. But they need more help from librarians to navigate these resources, so we have also increased our library staff by 25 percent.
article do school libraries need books?reddit all -- customizable front page of the internet and epic waster of time
Adura TechnologiesWebsites 'must be saved for history' | Technology | The Observer
25 January 2009 The British Library's head says that deleting websites will make job of historians harder. Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned.
web sites are vanishing at faster rate and efforts must be made to prevent this phenomenon in order to keep today's digital web resources for future generation.
The article examines the notion of archiving exisiting websites on the internet for the fear of loosing not only content, but part of our history. With so many online sites, especially in the age of user generated websites, blogs, forums, the question is which sites should be archived, and how do we decide?
Lynn Brindley
Il responsabile della British Library afferma che la cancellazione dei siti renderà il lavoro degli storici più duro
Seems like we're becoming alert to the fact that the web contains stuff that needs to be saved. Good!
Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned. Just as families store digital photos on computers which might never be passed on to their descendants, so Britain's cultural heritage is at risk as the internet evolves and technologies become obsolete, says Lynne Brindley, the library's chief executive.BBC NEWS | Technology | 40 years of Unix
Bericht im CNN iReport
Two MIT students have photographed the earth from 18 miles in space on a $148 budget using components available off-the-shelf, including a helium-filled latex balloon and $50 GPS-equipped camera-cell phone....
Interesting article about MIT studentsBlaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps | Video on
"Okay, I'm hanging up now."
La réalité augmenté en live depuis la carte, ça arrache quand on monte au ciel. Enjoy.
Microsoft Bingmap "Photosynth"
TED Talks In a demo that drew gasps at TED2010, Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos new augmented-reality mapping technology from Microsoft.
Great new features on the Bing Maps tool: #ted [from]Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
The first time I entered ChatRoulette—a new website that brings you face-to-face, via webcam, with an endless stream of random strangers all over the world—I was primed for a full-on Walt Whitman experience: an ecstatic surrender to the miraculous variety and abundance of humankind. The site was only a few months old, but its population was beginning to explode in a way that suggested serious viral potential: 300 users in December had grown to 10,000 by the beginning of February. Although big media outlets had yet to cover it, smallish blogs were full of huzzahs. The blog Asylum called ChatRoulette its favorite site since YouTube; another, The Frisky, called it “the Holy Grail of all Internet fun.” Everyone seemed to agree that it was intensely addictive—one of those gloriously simple ideas that manages to harness the crazy power of the Internet in a potentially revolutionary way.
I found myself fantasizing about a curated version of ChatRoulette—powered maybe by Google’s massive server farms—that would allow users to set all kinds of filters: age, interest, language, location. One afternoon I might choose to be thrown randomly into a pool of English-speaking thirtysomething non-masturbators who like to read poetry. Another night I might want to talk to Jets fans. Another night I might want to just strip away all the filters and see what happens. The site could even keep stats, like YouTube, so you could see the most popular chatters in any given demographic. I could get very happily addicted to a site like that. Read more: Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
"Eventually, I realized that clicking “next” was not so much a rejection as it was pure curiosity, like riding a train past an apartment building at night, looking briefly into as many lit windows as possible."The Future of User Interfaces
for schools
The National WWII Museum presents this website with information, lessons, and actiities about the science an technology of World War II. You can use this site to to provide your students the opportunity to broaden their understanding of WWII history.Smithsonian Education - Podcasting with Your Students
Presents podcasting as inquiry-based, learner-centerd education
GOOD PODCAST DEFINITIONInhabitat » Carbon Negative Hemp Walls are 7x Stronger than Concrete
August 24, 2009 Hemcrete®: Carbon Negative Hemp Walls13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology | Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan
Liste d'outils gratuits pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque "LibrarianInBlack" propose une liste de 147 outils gratuits utiles pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque : "13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology".
Below you will see my 13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology. These are my favorite options for libraries to use as alternatives to the expensive paid services and software that we use now, usually because our pare
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Great list of FREE technology tools!The Wired Tablet App: A Video Demonstration | Epicenter |
Amazon Filler Item Finder. Find Cheap Filler Items for FREE ShippingApple: Secrecy Does Not Scale - Anil Dash
The element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price.
Apple is justifiably revered in the worlds of technology and culture for creating one of the most powerful brands in the world based on the combination of some key elements: Great user experience and design, and an extraordinary secrecy punctuated by surprising reveals.
But the element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price. Apple must transform itself and leave its history of secrecy behind, not just to continue being innovative and to protect the fundamentals of its business, but because the cost of keeping these secrets has become morally and ethically untenable.Understanding Students Who Were 'Born Digital' :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
It would also help if institutions stopped relying on old, useless systems. ::coughwebctcoughgroupwisecough::
Inside Higher Ed article looking at the subject of the digital native. The student who is "born digital" and technologically engaging these students in the classroom.Kidscribe!
Resource for various online publishing websites
Links for students to publish their writing onlineWill Microblogging at Work Make You More Productive? - Bits Blog -
On Tuesday, The Times published an article I wrote about Twitter and Yammer, two microblogging services that let users blast short messages to a group of virtual followers. Twitter has gotten a lot of buzz since it was created in 2006. Yammer is new on the scene, just six weeks old, with a different goal: to be Twitter for businesses. Yammer was created for employees of Geni, a family tree Web site. When they discovered how useful it was for them, David Sacks, the founder of Geni, decided to spin Yammer off into its own company with $1 million of Geni’s venture funding. Mr. Sacks, a PayPal co-founder, now runs both start-ups and is raising a new round of funding for Yammer. On Twitter, people write about the important and the mundane, like, “At school and debating whether I should have more coffee.” With a workplace focus, Yammer will not deal in such trivialities, Mr. Sacks said. “People don’t want to hear from their friends five times a day about what they’re doing. But they do wan
Yammer, similar to Twitter, asks, "What are you working on?" Can this be helpful for work?
"E-mail no longer serves its proper purpose, which is to request an active response... All the rest of the stuff that clogs in-boxes — mass e-mails sharing a link to an article, for example, or notifications of company events — makes e-mail less efficient." —, October 21, 2008
Describes the successes of Yammer: the Twitter for work.30 Useful (and Unknown) Web Apps You Need to Bookmark | Maximum PC
500 Internal Server ErrorOfficial Google Blog: The intelligent cloud
"Thus, computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it."
Computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it.Inspiration Software, Inc.
Your school has to have the software Kidspiration
web site on different sites for children and activities.
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Make graphic organizers
Software application from Inspiration that provides a webbing tool with reading capabilities.Facebook
New Facebook Friend Lists filters in the design update will be interesting; [from]
nueva pagina de inicio de facebook [from]
In the new Facebook design, there are highlights and filters, and people will be 'thinking' instead of 'doing' things: [from]
Here's an example of the new Facebook homepage. [from]Mobile Browser Battlemodo: Which Phones Deliver The Real Web
Excellent overview of Mobile Browsers and comparison - c. late 2008. Safari, Android, IE, Opera Mini, etc
smartphone browsers review
We tested every browser only using the full—not mobile—versions of selected sitesHow To: Sync an iPhone with Multiple Computers
Up-to-DateIn the World of Facebook - The New York Review of Books
Great article on facebook past, present and future.
Great overview of Facebook and MySpace. Interesting how the US military bans MySpace (where enlisted men hang out) but is OK with Facebook (officer country online)The eco machine that can magic water out of thin air | Environment | The Observer
Household machine to draw water out of the air
The solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air. ... Their creation, the WaterMill, uses the electricity of about three light bulbs to condense moisture from the air and purify it into clean drinking water.
thanks to a firm of eco-inventors from Canada who claim to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air.
Canadian firm of eco-inventors claims to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortagesMaking Stopmotion Movies
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
Excellent in-depth look at how Google's constantly-improving algorithms make it superior.Lifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
Could be good for H?Jesse Schell’s mindblowing talk on the future of games (DICE 2010) « fox @ fury
Great video talking about "gaming" invading every day life and blurring the lines with realityBloom Energy | Be the solution
Bloom Energy is changing the way the world generates and consumes energy. Our unique on-site power generation systems utilize an innovative new fuel cell technology with roots in NASA's Mars program. Derived from a common sand-like powder, and leveraging breakthrough advances in materials science, our technology is able to produce clean, reliable, affordable power,... practically anywhere,... from a wide range of renewable or traditional fuels. Our Energy Servers™ are among the most efficient energy generators on the planet; providing for significantly reduced electricity costs and dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions. By generating power on-site, where it is consumed, Bloom Energy offers increased electrical reliability and improved energy security, providing a clear path to energy independence.
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Localized energy "servers" for your home.Triumph of the Cyborg Composer | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. | Miller-McCune Online Magazine
This site has tips on how to make book reports more fun for students.How to make a Voicethread - home
Wiki with tutorials on how to make a voicethread and different educational examplesJaeger
Volume 14, Number 5 - 4 May 2009; Contents: Introduction; What is the cloud? Who uses the cloud? Where is the cloud? What rules govern the cloud? Conclusion: Clouds without borders?
FirstMonday - Peer Reviewed Journal
Article from First Monday 14 (5) (4 May 2009)
Geography, Economics, Environment, and Jurisdiction in Cloud Computing.
read this! Cloud computingTechnology is Heroin - What To Fix
"What is the semantic web, you wonder? Don't worry, you're not alone. The term "semantic web," or "Web 3.0" as some folks have started calling it, means different things to different people. In this post, we'll clarify what it is and why we think it will play an important role in the world of marketing. Two technologies in particular (natural-language search and content enhancement) promise to bring companies much closer to their customers and deliver to consumers more relevant content than ever before."
Die Bedeutung vom semantischen Web für modernes Marketing: Natural Language Search und Content EnhancementExclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything — “Samsung SF-755p printer,” “Ed Hardy MySpace layouts,” or maybe even “capital Burkina Faso,” which just happens to share its name with this conference room. Udi Manber, Google’s head of search since 2006, leads the proceedings. One by one, potential modifications are introduced, along with the results of months of testing in vari
Filosofisk (?) artikel om googles algoritmer
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anythingMan appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant -
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. Via <a href="">Edney</a>
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. "The patient is fine," said Dr. Gero Hutter of Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin in Germany. "Today, two years after his transplantation, he is still without any signs of HIV disease and without antiretroviral medication." The case was first reported in November, and the new report is the first official publication of the case in a medical journal. Hutter and a team of medical professionals performed the stem cell transplant on the patient, an American living in Germany, to treat the man's leukemia, not the HIV itself.How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagementweb20-21stcentury-tools - home
A great collection of Web2.0 tools, focused on educators, but a valuable resource list for anyone interested in Social Media10 Best Free Online Fax Services
There is no need to purchase an expensive fax machine or tie up your phone line when you can fax online for no charge. Save having to run to the local store or copy center when you fax documents for free from home.Knowledge Innovation For Technology In Education
creating databasesThe Brads – a comic about web design » The Brads – Why DRM Doesn’t Work
The Brads – a comic about web design »
DRM doesn't work
The Brads – a comic about web design » history of media technology scares, from the printing press to Facebook. - By Vaughan Bell - Slate Magazine
"In 1936, the music magazine the Gramophone reported that children had "developed the habit of dividing attention between the humdrum preparation of their school assignments and the compelling excitement of the loudspeaker" and described how the radio programs were disturbing the balance of their excitable minds."
Slate Magazine
A useful historical look at the anxiety of technology and information overload.
This article from the Slate looks at a "history of media technology scares, from the printing press to Facebook." It gives a fine perspective on how whilst the technology evolves, the essence of prophets of doom railing against the technology remain basically the same.Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Facts and figures on the Blogosphere
Planning to use this on Jim Mora - National Radio , 3rd March , 2010The Kidlink Project
Comunitat educativa virtual gratuïta i sense publicitat per a treballar col·laborativament amb altres professors i alumnes de tot el món. Entorn segur, projectes en diferents idiomes, ...
Project Site
kids drawing interactionBooks in the Age of the iPad
"The Books We Make embrace their physicality"
"As the publishing industry wobbles and Kindle sales jump, book romanticists cry themselves to sleep. But really, what are we shedding tears over?"
Very reasonable, and well said. I agree with his recommendations and conclusions.
Scanned, read in detail later.Search the PopSci Archives | Popular Science
Popular Science archives.
"We've partnered with Google to offer our entire 137-year archive for free browsing. "Most Innovative Companies | The Fast Company Blog | Fast Company
Even in these tough times, surprising and extraordinary efforts are under way in businesses across the globe. From politics to technology, energy, and transportation; from marketing to retail, health care, and design, each company on the following pages illustrates the power and potential of innovative ideas and creative execution.On MicroSD Problems « bunnie's blog
"Effectively, Kingston is just a channel trader and is probably seen by SanDisk/Toshiba as a demand buffer for their production output. I also wouldn’t be surprised if SanDisk/Toshiba was selling Kingston “A-” grade parts, i.e., parts with slightly more defective sectors, but otherwise perfectly serviceable. As a result, Kingston plays a significant and important role in stabilizing microSD card prices and improving fab margins, but at some risk to their own brand image."
Apparently Kensington releases SD cards produced on "Ghost Shifts", with sub-standard materials.Ten emerging Enterprise 2.0 technologies to watch | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Some interesting BPM aspects to this: #5 is "enterprise platforms gaining a social layer", which is what I've been seeing (and presenting on) happening in BPMS for a couple of years. Also, #8, "enterprise social media workflow" is an opportunity for current BPMS vendors to get into the social space, or social media vendors to get into the BPM space.Open Source Open World
Open source is a concept of free sharing of technical information that has been around for much longer than most of us would imagine. When we think of open source today, we usually think of software. As wonderful and widely used as open source software is, according to Linus Torvalds, "the future is open source everything." From foods and beverages to scientific and health research studies and advanced technological innovations, the world has turned to open source.
really informativeWhy Warren Buffett is investing in electric car company BYD - Apr. 13, 2009
Wang about the company name. It's been reported that BYD stands for "Build your dreams,"
Warren Buffett is predicting all cars will be electric by 2030. He has invested substantially in Build Your Dreams. BYD has started with deployment of hybrids in China, and plans to come into the U.S. with the totally electric BYD e6.
The company itself is frugal. Until recently, executives always flew coach. ... This attention to costs is one reason that BYD has made money consistently even as it has expanded into new businesses. Each of BYD's business units - batteries, mobile-phone components, and autos - was profitable in 2008, albeit on a small scale. Overall, net profits were around $187 million. BYD, which is traded on the Hong Kong exchange, has a market value of about $3.8 billion. That's less than Ford (F, Fortune 500) ($7 billion at the beginning of April), but more than General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) ($1.3 billion). Near the end of our conversation, I ask Wang about the company name. It's been reported that BYD stands for "Build your dreams," but he says he added that as the company motto only later. Others say that as Motorola, Apple, and Berkshire Hathaway have made their way to Shenzhen, the name has taken on yet another meaning: Bring your dollars
A history and analysis of electric car company BYD and how it will compete with bigger carmakers.
edan in China, topping well-known brands like the Volkswagen Jetta and Toyota (TM) Corolla. BYD has also begun selling a plug-in electric car with a backup gasoline engine, a move putting it ahead of GM, Nissan, and Toyota. BYD's plug-in, called the F3DM (for "dual mode"), goes farther on a single charge - 62 miles - than other electric vehicles and sells for about $22,000, less than the plug-in Prius and much-hyped Chevy Volt are expected to cost when they hit the market in late 2010. Put simply, this little-known upstart has accelerated ahead of its much bigger rivals in the race to build an affordable electric car. Today BYD employs 130,000 people in 11 factories, eight in China and one each in India, Hungary, and RomaniWhen using open source makes you an enemy of the state | Technology |
Jeg har altid gerne villet være pirat.
The US copyright lobby has long argued against open source software - now Indonesia's in the firing line for encouraging the idea in government departmentsSchool used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
The laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines. If true, these allegations are about as creepy as they come. I don't know about you, but I often have the laptop in the room while I'm getting dressed, having private discussions with my family, and so on. The idea that a school district would not only spy on its students' clickstreams and emails (bad enough), but also use these machines as AV bugs is purely horrifying.
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
if you borrow a laptop from your school or government, double check they're not spying on you. Scary post from Boing Boing about how one school in Philadelphia has been turning on the students' web cameras remotely to monitor "student behaviour". via stephen downes.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. Creepy!
See also /. discussion's Courier 'digital journal': exclusive pictures and details (update: video!) -- Engadget
the inner planner in me gets such a rush from this
RT @javiercelaya: Primeras imágenes de la tableta de MS
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed. That's a lot smaller than we expected -- this new picture really puts it into perspective -- and the internals apparently reflect that emphasis on mobility: rather than Windows 7, we're told the Courier is built on Tegra 2 and runs on the same OS as the Zune HD, Pink, and Windows Mobile 7 Series, which we're taking to mean Windows CE 6.
Exclusive pictures and details (update: video!)
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed.
Tegra 2Best Of 2008: Most Popular Linux Downloads of 2008
Along with Windows and Mac downloads, this year was chock-full of free software for Linux users. Read on to see what our readers were eager to grab and install on their free desktops.Teacher Training Videos created by Russell Stannard
Web 2.0 opetusvideoita opettajille
sosiaalisen median ym videoita
Ohjeita opettajille eri verkkotyökalujen käyttöön (Moodlesta Twitteriin, Second Lifeen jne.).
Hyviä ohjeistuksia eri työkalujen käyttöön opettajille.The High Priests of IT — And the Heretics - Now, New, Next -
please visit his profile page at Monitor Talent
Received this link a week ago, and still I'm sending it to ppl... it's an AWESOME read. [from]Top 50 Education Technology Blogs
I’m not a psychologist, nor am I a parent, so let me start by saying she might be right that these sites are harmful in some cognitive way. But I think she’s wrong to assume social networking is devoid of a “cohesive narrative and long-term significance.” I can see where she’s coming from, but like a lot of people who don’t actually use these sites, she’s missing a fundamental shift from Web 1.0 chat room days to Web 2.0 social networks: Real identity.
Interesting discussion of social networking
Why social networking is good for kidsDark Roasted Blend: Vending Machines Craze in Japan
Bosley's recommendations (for coffee!) from Tokyo
Vending machines in Japan are as commonplace as temples, bicycles, and karaoke booths. It's not uncommon to see a street lined with a dozen or more machines selling products ranging from cold and hot drinks to flowers or rice. And almost none of these vending machines are vandalized or non-functional. According to the Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, Japan has one vending machine for every 23 people.HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu - Download Squad
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu
Does HP step on Microsoft's toes? "HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu" [from]I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Insanely Great | PBS
What if Steve Jobs ran a car company?
steve jobs in the auto industry
The idea of Steve Jobs running a car company
What if Steve Jobs ran one of the three auto makers? Will the Stevian way continue to shine and would he make the Apple-like revolution in a decade from now again?OS X Snow Leopard vs. Windows 7 | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Microsoft announced it will be releasing a new edition of its operating software, called Windows 7, while Apple is working on its new OS X Snow Leopard. How will they stack up against each other?Central Alberta Regional Consortium
Lesson ideas for grades one to eight
CARC - Gives examples of how to use technology in a SS classroom
Resources: Infusion of Technology into Social Studies
Critical Challenges for grades 1-6
websites for Hotlist
Critical Challenges and technology links for the classroom.
Infusion of Technology into Social Studies
Integrating technology into the Social Studies classroom
a list of critical challenges for each grade
Critical challenge ideasBBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet
RT @estima7: BBC가 선정한 인터넷TOP 100 미국중심이지만 분류를 잘해놨네요. 세력분포를 이해할 수 있어 좋음!Five PC power myths debunked |Sustainable IT | Ted Samson | InfoWorld
Don't let misinformation prevent you from cashing in on PC power management
Turning off PCs during periods of inactivity can save companies a substantial sum. In fact, Energy Star estimates organizations can save from $25 to $75 per PC per year with PC power management. Those savings can add up quickly. According to a recent report by Forrester titled "How Much Money Are Your Idle PCs Wasting?" PC power management is helping General Electric and Dell boast savings of $2.5 million and $1.8 million per year, respectively. That also results in a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. So why is there hesitancy at some organizations to implement PC power management, given that the payback is easy to calculate? Perhaps some companies are being swayed by myths about PC power management. Forrester outlines five such myths in its report.Schneier on Security: The Future of Ephemeral Conversation
We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later. Oliver North learned this, way back in 1987, when messages he thought he had deleted were saved by the White House PROFS system, and then subpoenaed in the Iran-Contra affair. Bill Gates learned this in 1998 when his conversational e-mails were provided to opposing counsel as part of the antitrust litigation discovery process. Mark Foley learned this in 2006 when his instant messages were saved and made public by the underage men he talked to. Paris Hilton learned this in 2005 when her cell phone account was hacked, and Sarah Palin learned it earlier this year when her Yahoo e-mail account was hacked. ... Ephemeral conversation is dying. Cardinal Richelieu:If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged."
"Conversation used to be ephemeral. Whether face-to-face or by phone, we could be reasonably sure that what we said disappeared as soon as we said it. Organized crime bosses worried about phone taps and room bugs, but that was the exception. Privacy was just assumed. This has changed. We chat in e-mail, over SMS and IM, and on social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, and LiveJournal. We blog and we Twitter. These conversations -- with friends, lovers, colleagues, members of our cabinet -- are not ephemeral; they leave their own electronic trails. We know this intellectually, but we haven't truly internalized it. We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later."
When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record.
"When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record."
But as technology makes our conversations less ephemeral, we need laws to step in and safeguard ephemeral conversation.
"The younger generation chats digitally, and the older generation treats those chats as written correspondence. ... until we have a Presidential election where both candidates have a complete history on social networking sites from before they were teenagers -- we aren't fully an information age society." (via Oblinks)Interactive Teaching & Learning
"Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are being urged by experts to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed."The State of the Web - Winter 2009
Funny IllustrationCloud computing and the return of the platform wars | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Using Twitter for activism
20-page downloadable activist's intro
Guía para hacer activismo en Twitter. Documento en iglés en formato PDF.Schneier on Security: Software Problems with a Breath Alcohol Detector
Draeger, the manufacturer maintained that the system was perfect, and that revealing the source code would be damaging to its business. They were right about the second part, of course, because it turned out that the code was terrible.
A small note on how important it is to have access to the software we use in the the judicial system
"Draeger, the manufacturer maintained that the system was perfect, and that revealing the source code would be damaging to its business. They were right about the second part, of course, because it turned out that the code was terrible."
People surely are going to sue for thisThe Technium: The World Without Technology
The problem with this line of questioning is that technology predated our humanness. Many other animals used tools millions of years before humans. Chimpanzees made (and of course still make) hunting tools from thin sticks to extract termites from mounds, or slam rocks to break nuts. Even termites themselves construct vast towering shells of mud for their homes. Ants herd aphids and farm fungi in gardens. Birds weave elaborate twiggy fabrics for their nests. The strategy of bending the environment to use as if it were part of your body is a billion year old trick at least.
Kevin Kelly on technology-and-humanity's coevolution. "Our genes have co-evolved with our inventions. In the past 10,000 years alone, in fact, our genes have evolved 100 times faster than the average rate for the previous 6 million years. This should not be a surprise. In the same period we domesticated the dog (all those breeds) from wolves, and cows and corn and more from their unrecognizable ancestors. We, too, have been domesticated. We have domesticated ourselves. Our teeth continue to shrink, our muscles thin out, our hair disappear, our molecular digestion adjust to new foods. Technology has domesticated us. As fast as we remake our tools, we remake ourselves. We are co-evolving with our technology, so that we have become deeply co-dependent on it. Sapiens can no longer survive biologically without some kind of tools. Nor can our humanity continue without the technium. In a world without technology, we would not be living, and we would not be human."
the evolution of humans is the evolution of our abilities to analyze and abstract patterns. Languagem, the ultimate pattern abstraction, was crucial to this. (math is just rigorously formal language)
Life before language and before technology
We are co-evolving with our technology, so that we have become deeply co-dependent on it. Sapiens can no longer survive biologically without some kind of tools. Nor can our humanity continue without the technium. In a world without technology, we would not be living, and we would not be humanYouTube - Shouting in the Datacenter
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: Category: Science & Technology Tags: analytics dtrace fishworks sun shouting disks microsystems solaris opensolaris zfs storage 7000 7110 7210 7310 7410
"Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency"
Effect of shouting on hard drive performance
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: http://blogs...
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency - it increases when you shout at the disks...
stephdau: Okay, if not fake, this is scary AND amazing for hardware geeks: ♻ @xutopia: Who knew? Don't shout at your hard disks: Media Leads the Future of Technology — HBS Working Knowledge
Without a doubt we are in the middle of a game change....finding simplicity in the massive complex, finding personal utility in the aggregation of information.
A dashboard concept is very important as the key to innovation, said Decker. "Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. "But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve.
Internet-connected televisions, social media, and the power of simplicity were all cited as launch pads for future innovation in technology
"Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve."PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying oneWelcome to
Official Homepage of the FCC National Broadband Plan
Cidadania na InternetTwitter Blog: @anywhere
Our open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because we’ve created something incredibly simple. Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of javascript.
Worth keeping an eye on
Embeded Twitter....what else is this?
RT @anywhere: Announcing our @ platform! #sxsw
Twitter @anywhere : #fbA List Apart: Articles: Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web
"The bickering is getting old. Here’s what we can do."
"Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web" /by @danielmall via @russmaxdesign #webstandards #flashPublishing: The Revolutionary Future - The New York Review of Books
Kirjojen ja julkaisemisen tulevaisuus
Espresso Book Machine
"The transition within the book publishing industry from physical inventory stored in a warehouse and trucked to retailers to digital files stored in cyberspace and delivered almost anywhere on earth as quickly and cheaply as e-mail is now underway and irreversible. This historic shift will radically transform worldwide book publishing, the cultures it affects and on which it depends."
Without the contents of our libraries—our collective backlist, our cultural memory—our civilization would collapse.
About the future of books
New technologies, however, do not await permission. They are, to use Schumpeter's overused term, disruptive, as nonnegotiable as earthquakes.BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Simulated brain closer to thought
A detailed simulation of a small region of a brain built molecule by molecule has been constructed and has recreated experimental results from real brains. "It starts to learn things and starts to remember things. We can actually see when it retrieves a memory, and where they retrieved it from because we can trace back every activity of every molecule, every cell, every connection and see how the memory was formed."
A detailed simulation of a small region of a brain built molecule by molecule has been constructed and has recreated experimental results from real brains.
It's a matter of if society wants this. If they want it in 10 years, they'll have it in 10 years.
advancesFifteen Classic PC Design Mistakes | Technologizer
In the personal computer’s long and varied history, some computers have been decidedly less perfect than others. Many early PCs shipped with major design flaws that either sunk platforms outright or considerably slowed down their adoption by the public. Decades later, we can still learn from these multi-million dollar mistakes.Andy Beckett: The forgotten story of Chile's 'socialist internet' | Technology | The Guardian
"When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer"
When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer. (See also: )Irish student hoaxes world's media with fake quote by AP: Yahoo! Tech
When Dublin university student Shane Fitzgerald posted a poetic but phony quote on Wikipedia, he said he was testing how our globalized, increasingly Internet-dependent media was upholding accuracy and accountability in an age of instant news. His report card: Wikipedia passed. Journalism flunked.
Media lifted quote off of Wikipedia about recently deceased composer which was posted by a student to see where it would appear.
Depressing. "The sociology major's made-up quote — which he added to the Wikipedia page of Maurice Jarre hours after the French composer's death March 28 — flew straight on to dozens of U.S. blogs and newspaper Web sites in Britain, Australia and India."Story Starters for Grades 1-4 |
Helps students think of cool fun new story subjectsHow I made over $2 million with this blog (Scripting News)
If I had any advice to offer it's this -- get in the habit of communicating directly with the people you want to influence. Don't charge them to read it and don't let others interfere with your communication.
advertising communication effect finances money community blogging interesting technology business marketing culture web
On Twitter early this morning I said something provocative. "I've made over $2 million from my blog and Dan thinks blogs can't make money. He needs to get out of the box more often." Permalink to this paragraph I was referring to Dan Lyons, who had written a piece in Newsweek that said among other things: "While blogs can do many wonderful things, making huge amounts of money isn't one of them." Permalink to this paragraph I agree. Blogs don't make money. But people with blogs can.
radical thinking from Dave Winer on blogging with a real personal voiceObama Raised Half a Billion Online | 44 |
all the figures behind obama's social networks and their achievements
Article on Obama's strategy for raising money via online, tms, email, etc.Facebook offers up users as marketing tool | Business |
He added the company has been experimenting with analysis of user sentiment, tracking the mood of its audience through what they are doing online. Such information is potentially very interesting to large brands, which are always seeking to measure what their customers think about their own or competitors' products. Facebook's advertising technology already allows advertisers to choose which sort of customer will see their display adverts when they log on to the site. Advertisers can choose from such categories as where the user is located and their age and gender, based upon what the user has uploaded on to Facebook – which is adding about 450,000 new users a day.
An article from February
RT @alexiskold: RT @zaibatsu Facebook aims to market its user database to businesses [from]
aditya: @artagnon Here you go:
כתבה העוסקת בכוונתו של פייסבוק להשתמש בבנק נתוני הגולשים שלו לצורך מסחריKaragos is bloggin'
WHiChiCreative (Big Bang) | Submitted by: Eric E.
By using a Google Streetview-like camera, a system with six lenses, not as a photo but as a video camera, an all-encompassing picture is captured.Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit15 Real-World Applications of Genetic Algorithms
Some of the most useful applications of genetic algorithms in the real to use Glogster
PDF at
written tutorial for students (with some images)
This is a simple how to tutorial tip sheet for students to use when setting up an account on It was developed to work specifically on a project with a group of 7th grade students, but can be adapted to any grade level. Education project handout worksheet How to middle school glog glogster
password inputVideo: Hacker war drives San Francisco cloning RFID passports - Engadget
Hacker war drives San Francisco cloning #RFID passports Reality by Frantz Lasorne » Yanko Design
Kid = Never ending Demand For NEW Toys! This equation holds true in all homes, however designer Frantz Lasorne has an excellent project for us that gives a second lease of life to the existing toy collection. Called Augmented Reality, the project combines the joys of virtual reality, imagination and tangible toys. Using Augmented Reality Tangible User Interface (AR TUI) via head-mounted glasses, loads of imagination and old toys, a new environment is created that allows a child to live his fantasies.The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations : NPR
Old professionsMainland China service availability
A list of Google services availability in Mainland China.
Regularly updated page showing which Google services are still available in mainland China.
list of google services available in mainland china
Availability of Google Services in mainland ChinaTemple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds | Video on
"I get satisfaction out of seeing stuff that makes real change in the real world. We need a lot more of that and a lot less abstract stuff."
TED Talks Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.
Temple Grandin's remarkable TED talk just posted (must see): – Michael Shermer (michaelshermer)
an autistic lady talks about her expereincesResearch Tools
Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a meaningful way. The Big6 and WebQuest are two frameworks you can use in research. In addition, students need to know whether or not the information is reliable, how to cite resources, and understand copyright. The following guides and activities are designed to help teachers and students examine Websites and their content.14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite - Telegraph
Interesting story about a kid getting hit my a meteor.
You can't make this up.
"I am really keen on science and my teachers discovered that the fragment is really magnetic," said Gerrit.
Gerrit Blank, 14, was on his way to school when he saw "ball of light" heading straight towards him from the sky. A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained.
14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite [from]
A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained. Scientists are now studying the pea-sized meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen, Germany.Reid Hoffman Tells Charlie Rose: “Every Individual Is Now An Entrepreneur.”
interview with linked founding ceo
Full text transcript plus link to video.
RT @jonathanfields: LinkedIn founder says, "every individual is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not" [from]
Reid Hoffman is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. He worked at Paypal, founded LinkedIn, and invested in dozens more. Last night, he appeared on Charlie Rose (full interview embedded above, full transcript below), where he talks about the rise of social networking in general, and LinkedIn’s success in particular (it is adding one million professionals every 17 days and is emerging as a “low cost provider of really good hiring services”).NEW! Arduino Duemilanove
> アメリカ人は、互いに異質でバラバラのやつらが、まとまればまとまるほど賢く強くなってゆき、日本人は、個々人は優れている均質なやつらが、集まれば集まるほどアホになり弱くなってゆく。Ning Exposed - Tech Company Ning Scams its Clients | Charting Stocks
Clients of Ning are outraged [Link disabled by Ning] over a decision that Ning made public last week. The software maker sent out an email to all of its clients, those who have created a social network on Ning, stating that they would email all members of all websites who use the Ning software to promote the newly designed Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True | Epicenter
Your Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True
by Eliot Van Buskirk // Generally I stay away from Wired, which often has published technological fantasies and hype that have been downright silly -- and very misleading
Your Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True [from]Cnn Hologram: How the CNN Holographic Interview System Works
Vizrt and SportVu
Artículo que explica las claves que hicieron posible la retransmisión holográfica durante las elecciones a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.
tvt: CNN's hologram effect used 35 HD Cameras, 20 computers Each camera filmed at different angles to transmit correspondent Jessica Yellin from Chicago to New York. /// CNN's holographic election coverage is fancy pantsy, but how did they manage to send 3D 360 degree footage of virtual correspondent Jessica Yellin from Chicago all the way to the station's election center in NY? On the subject's side: • 35 HD cameras pointed at the subject in a ring • Different cameras shoot at different angles (like the matrix), to transmit the entire body image • The cameras are hooked up to the cameras in home base in NY, synchronizing the angles so perspective is right • Twenty "computers" are crunching this data in order to make it usable Wolf Blitzer really loves it (or loves Jessica Yellin): "It's still Jessica Yellin and you look like Jessica Yellin and we know you are Jessica Yellin. I think a lot of people are nervous out there. All right, Jessica. You were a terrific hologram."Liquid Wood Is Plastic of Tomorrow, Say Scientists | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 18.01.2009
Norbert Eisenreich, a senior researcher and deputy of directors at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfinztal, Germany, said his team of scientists have come up with a substance that could replace plastic: Arboform -- basically, liquid wood.Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners | Webware100 - CNET
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners - [from]
All the Webware 100 winners in one place. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware100.「ビートルズ名曲冒頭の音の謎」を数学者が解明 | WIRED VISION
「解析の結果、このコードには、プロデューサーのジョージ・マーティンが演奏したと思われる5つのピアノ音が含まれていることが判明した。」Beyond the 10 blue links: how search engines are getting smarter | News | TechRadar UK
How search engines are getting smarter Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving : TechRadar UK
Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolvingMIT Energy Storage Discovery Could Lead to ‘Unlimited’ Solar Power : CleanTechnica
alta modalitate de a capta puterea soarelui
Daniel Nocera
Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have discovered a new way of storing energy from sunlight that could lead to ‘unlimited’ solar power. The process, loosely based on plant photosynthesis, uses solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. When needed, the gases can then be re-combined in a fuel cell, creating carbon-free electricity whether the sun is shining or not.
Interesting. I hate to be cynical, but I wonder if it will take off?The State of the Internet Operating System - O'Reilly Radar
good read
Great article on the present and future trends of computing technologies and horizons.Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » Participatory Media Literacy: Why it matters
Media literacy, Michael Wesch
Dr Michael Wesch at Kansas State University (history of 2.0)
"If print culture shaped the environment in which the Enlightenment blossomed and set the scene for the Industrial Revolution, participatory media might similarly shape the cognitive and social environments in which twenty first century life will take place (a shift in the way our culture operates)."
so, digital literacy is a literacy of using text (incl. visuals) for creating and nurturing dynamic fields and chain reactions of participation "Ultimately, participatory media literacy is as much about a literacy of *participation* as it is a literacy of media.The Four Pillars of an Open Civic System - O'Reilly Radar
Oivaltava artikkeli siitä, kenen kaikkien välillä ja mihin suuntaan datan tulee liikkua (hallinto-kansalaiset) (kansalaiset-hallinto) (hallinto-hallinto) ja (kansalaiset-kansalaiset) What we really want (or what I really want anyway) is not simply government transparency, but an open civic system - a civic system that operates, and flourishes, as a fully open system, for whatever level we happen to be talking about - federal, state, city, neighborhood, whatever. And transparency is a big part of that open civic system, but it is still only one part. In fact there are four parts to a functioning open civic system. These are:
Citizen to Citizen (C2C). Okay so now we have both open G2C and C2G data flows going, and that's great - huge amplification of civic activity, great realization of efficiency with regards to interaction between government and people. But there are all sorts of ways to improve civic life that don't really need to involve the government at all - what about those things? That's where Citizen to Citizen, or C2C, data flows come in. C2C is the citizens' brigade of data flow - it's the people doing it for themselves, whatever "it" happens to be. Clever Commute, in New Jersey, is one example of a great C2C data flow.
By John Geraci
Comments on Open Government (eGov in the UK)The web designers' guide to cloud hosting | News | TechRadar UK
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting All you need to know about developing and hosting in the cloud
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us?
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us? Cloud computing runs on virtual servers. Rather than being a single physical box, a virtual server runs as part of a physical box. This type of virtualisation is nothing new and has long been a cost-effective entry-level solution. Virtual machines on the cloud run on clusters of servers. Again, this is nothing new: most medium-to-large server set-ups involve clustering.TG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.Inhabitat » The EcoDrain Cuts Water Heater Use by 40%
A hot shower is relaxing, but is also a huge waste of energy: we heat our water with massive amounts of natural gas, oil or electricity, then transport the heated water to our tubs for a few seconds of sudsing, before washing it down the drain full of raw, wasted heat and energy! What if we could recapture this untapped source of wasted energy by transferring the heat from that shower waste-water to cold incoming water? The EcoDrain, a simple heat exchange unit, does just that, saving water heater use by up to 40%.Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper | The Social - CNET News
In a unique marketing campaign to target the Internet era, BK is asking "What would you do for a free whopper?" In this case, delete 10 Facebook friends and receive a coupon. Your future ex-friends receive notification that you sacrificed them for a Whopper.
Burger King's innovative strategy to leverage Facebook for Social Media Marketing. A Facebook App that generates a coupon for free Burger King Whopper, when someone with FB profile deletes 10 friends from their profile...
Ouch...Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web
Twitter has around 30m users
Topsy is a search engine that has a fundamentally new way of finding good results: Twitter users.
New search engine Topsy, which has been in stealth development for three years, launches, well, now. Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined ...
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web [from]
" Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined relevance based on how well a web page matched the query. Then came Google, which views the web as a network of documents. Today, all search engines analyze linking behavior around the web. When a web page is linked to a lot, it’s given more influence than other pages competing for attention around the same topics/keywords. Jeff Jarvis summed it all up nicely in 2005 “In this new world, links are currency. Links grant authority. Links build branding. Links equal value.” There’s lots more to it, but the notion that links create value is what drives Internet search. "The New York Times > Science > Image > A Chain Reaction of Proliferation
This time-line gives a summary of the transfers of nuclear technology and secrets. It starts with the United States in 1945 and moves through USSR (1949), UK & Canada (1952), France (1960) and on to present date 'aspirants'. The New York Times > Science > Image
via @ghensel on twitterニテンイチリュウ : yellowBird : VR Video
そのムービーをドラッグした瞬間。Google StreetViewよろしく「ムービーのまま」周りを見渡すことができます。
モーションvrMusic and Computers, Table of Contents
Free online book with great explanations of some very sophisticated concepts in the world of digital audio.
Music and Computers
nice intro to computer music and audioWhy I won't buy an iPad (and think you shouldn't, either) - Boing Boing
i think the cory doctorow argument against the iPad is perhaps the dumbest thing I've read in years. – chris dixon (cdixon)
Point. As pretty and shiny as it is, I'll probably end up with a Kohjinsha
Annotated link
RT @cdixon: i think the cory doctorow argument against the iPad is perhaps the dumbest thing I've read in years.
via the Tablet Will Change the World | Magazine
'타블렛이 어떻게 세상을 바꿀 것인가'(Wired) 잡지 사놓고 우물쭈물하고 있는 사이 그 기사가 온라인에 올라와버렸다. 뭐하러 책을 돈주고 샀는지 ㅠ.ㅠ; – Jungwook Lim (estima7)
iPad - Wired article on (proposed) future of computing.Fast Food Apple Pies and Why Netbooks Suck — The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
When people buy a netbook, they’re often not buying their primary machine. It’s a second computer, a backup device that people take when their real machine – which is often a laptop computer that isn’t much larger or more expensive – seems like too much to carry. It’s a luxury that people might ditch if the current economic situation continues or worsens and as the differences between laptops and netbooks vanish. Netbooks, as a blend of the worst of both mobile and laptop worlds, will be a transitional technology; at best, they’ll enjoy a brief heyday similar to that of the fax machine.
Why netbooks suck: [from]
Looks at how netbooks fit between SmartPhones and laptops, but do neither really well.micRo Desktop CNC - micRo
As low as $1k, still out of my hobby budget.The Great Brazilian Sat-Hack Crackdown
GReader: The Great Brazilian Sat-Hack Crackdown [feedly] [from]
Much of this country's geography is remote, and beyond the reach of cellphone coverage, making American satellites an ideal, if illegal, communications option.
An article on how Brazilian satellite hackers use high-performance antennas and homebrew gear to turn U.S. Navy satellites into their personal CB radios.
Brazilian satellite hackers use high-performance antennas and homebrew gear to turn U.S. Navy satellites into their personal CB radios.Do We Need a New Internet? -
There is a growing belief among engineers and security experts that Internet security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over. What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a “gated community” where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety.
Problems with privacy are making experts to think about a new inertenet. Question to the class: Is it possible?
"there is a growing belief among engineers and security experts that Internet security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over.""A more secure network is one that would almost certainly offer less anonymity and privacy."
"What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a “gated community” where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety. Today that is already the case for many corporate and government Internet users. As a new and more secure network becomes widely adopted, the current Internet might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace. You would enter at your own risk and keep an eye over your shoulder while you were there"Do We Need a New Internet? -
Do We Need a New Internet?
Do We Need a New Internet? via NYT [from]Finally, A Practical Use for Second Life - ReadWriteWeb
e benefits to working with data in this way don't really need to be touted too much - many businesses already perform data visualization, often using expensive software and powerful computers to do so. What makes what Green Phosphor does so interesting is not that they've come up with a way to visualize data - it's that they've come up with a way to leverage the platforms of virtual worlds to do so.
Second Life and real world data coming togetherMan lives with female robot | The Sun |News
SHE is the perfect wife, with the body of a Page 3 pin-up and housekeeping skills that put TV's Kim and Aggie to shame. Her name is Aiko, she can even read a map, and will never, ever, nag. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't she fellas? And she is. Aiko is actually a robot, a fantasy brought to life by inventor Le Trung.
mr universe would understand
SHE is the perfect wife, with the body of a Page 3 pin-up and housekeeping skills that put TV’s Kim and Aggie to shame.
I guess the motivation is questionable. However, it shows that robotic companions are not so far out in the future. And the more human those robotic companions can behave and communicate, the more intuitive the human-robot interaction will be, thus eliminating the need for extensive training or manual reading and giving a broader public access to such anthropomorphic computing interfaces.
speaks 13,000 sentencesBest Of 2008: Best New and Improved Software of 2008
"Which new or improved app impressed you the most in 2008? Firefox 3 Google Chrome iPhone 2.0 iPhone 2.0 Jailbreak Google Android Digsby XBMC and forks Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid Ibex and Hardy Heron) Gmail Labs, Gadgets, and Themes Rockbox / iPod Linux"10 cool things to do with your old laptop | News | TechRadar UK
10 cool things to do with your old laptop Turn it into a home server, a wireless bridge and more : TechRadar UK
. It can bring improved usability to games consoles in your living room, or even be used to enhance other PCs that you or your family use. Whatever the case, there's no need to get rid of your old laptop just yet.Coding Horror: The iPhone Software Revolution
"I truly feel that the iPhone is a key inflection point in software development. We will look back on this as the time when "software" stopped being something that geeks buy (or worse, bootleg), and started being something that everyone buys, every day. You'd have to be a jaded developer indeed not to find something magical and transformative in this formula, and although others will clearly follow, the iPhone is leading the way."
There's always been a weird tension in Apple's computer designs, because they attempt to control every nuance of the entire experience from end to end. For the best Appletm experience, you run custom Appletm applications on artfully designed Appletm hardware dongles. That's fundamentally at odds with the classic hacker mentality that birthed the general purpose computer. You can see it in the wild west, anything goes Linux ecosystem. You can even see it in the Wintel axis of evil, where a million motley mixtures of hardware, software, and operating system variants are allowed to bloom, like little beige stickered flowers, for a price. But a cell phone? It's a closed ecosystem, by definition, running on a proprietary network. By a status quo of incompetent megacorporations who wouldn't know user friendliness or good design if it ran up behind them and bit them in the rear end of their expensive, tailored suits. All those things that bugged me about Apple's computers are utter non-issue
para la nota del "ifone" :PFive Best Windows 7 Tweaking Applications - Tweaks - Lifehacker
Check out these five applications that tweak Windows 7 and customize it to your heart's content.Best Writing Advice for Engineers I've Ever Seen. Period.: Home
State your message in one sentence. That is your title. Write one paragraph justifying the message. That is your abstract. Circle each phrase in the abstract that needs clarification or more context. Write a paragraph or two for each such phrase. That is the body of your report. Identify each sentence in the body that needs clarification and write a paragraph or two in the appendix. Include your contact information for readers who require further detail.
NOT JUST ENGINEERSHyperlinking the Real World (Redux) - ReadWriteWeb
Reading: Hyperlinking the Real World [from]
Retweeting @Hirkani: Ljubljana on Read Write Web: [from]
a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world
European researchers working on the MOBVIS project have developed a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world. Intéressant en situation de mobilité, notamment pour les piétons.
Ooooh that's how I wish my world could be! Change the Game is the premiere online destination for men's fashion, sports, autos, gear, entertainment and more
A news outlet for technology, sports, and entertainment.Free Technology for Teachers: Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers
publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools. Accessible from YuDu or DocStoc.
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools.Interactive Physics - Home
RT @vendeesign: Voila pourquoi je veux un Mac : [from]
Cute MAC animation
Posted by MacRohardBBC NEWS | Technology | Google unveils 'smarter search'
Google unveils new search tools [from]
Google unveils 'smarter search'
BBC News, (13 May 2009)Arizona K-12 Center 2009
Arizona K-12 Center Website for Teacher Professional Development
Technology ideas
Lots of good tech info10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
10 Simple Google Search Tricks /via @DesignerDepotYouTube - Samsung SSD Awesomeness
ssdごいっすStats: Old Media’s Decline, New Media’s Ascent
Quick: what was the most widely-used form of media in 2008? If you guessed Internet news sites, blogs, or social networks, you’d be way off. Network TV news
While old media is still on top, the trends in the survey, which has been conducted each of the last three years, point to a familiar story: media consumption habits are quickly changing.Ruby 1.9 compatibility: a three step ladder to bliss [Article] « elc technologies
During the last year I've ported a number of gems and Rails apps to Ruby 1.9. I feel it's important we as a community get the transition from 1.8 done and over with as soon as possible so we can get back to doing real work. I suspect that many of you have installed a Ruby 1.9 and that it lingers somewhere on your harddrive without much use. Maybe you're even one of those performance trolls, childishly happy reading articles like The Great Ruby Shootout and then goes back to coding in yesterdays Ruby like it's '99. ;)BlackBerry Storm review - Engadget
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do LinuxGoogle Apps For Education
great site full of resources to help you decide if google apps is right for your school
Cloud Computing through Google Docs.
RETOOLING THE CLASSROOM: NEW APPROACHES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Bridging the Gap Connecting education with how young people use digital technology in their personal livesTV Library 0.1: Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix! | Jake Marsh Is Awesome. OMFG.
Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix!
:Google Japan Blog: 絵文字のユニコード符号化: 符号化提案用のオープンソースデータ
Audio and Video Answers for your Digital LifestyleGeeks Guide to Travel Planning - Wired How-To Wiki
Did you ever stop to think how silly and also how dangerous it is to live our lives with absolutely no monitoring of our body’s medical status? Years from now people will look back and find it unbelievable that heart attacks, strokes, hormone imbalances, sugar levels, and hundreds of other bodily vital signs and malfunctions were not being continuously anticipated and monitored by medical implants. We can call this concept body 2.0, or the networked body, and we need it now! usb_finger Above: concept illustration from yankodesign The trio of biomedicine, technology, and wireless communication are in the midst of a merger that will easily bring continuous, 24×7 monitoring of several crucial bodily functions in the years ahead. Unfortunately, as is often the case with medical products, the needed innovations are either already developed or will be soon, but some of the best commercial products won’t make it to the market until years of testing have proven their safety. In the futu10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% of twitter users = 90% of traffic. [from]Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators -- Score
excellent resources for teachers
Support site for presentation
Didn't see this one, but looks interesting.Create cool applications! |
There are many DIY websites that offer free video tutorials. And then there are those that impart online computer lessons via video instructions. The one apparent improvement that video instructions have over the text and graphic tutorials is that you have a view of what's actually been done on the screen. With text, it's easy to get lost in the language. So, if you like to learn about computers or if you just love an obscure geeky tip 'n trick, check out these twelve free video tutorial sites. It could be an education.
"12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills"10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
I’m always amazed that more people don’t know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are 10 of my favorites.
10 Simple Google Search TricksLCD or Plasma HDTVs: Which to Choose? - Yahoo! Shopping
LCD or Plasma HDTVs: Which to Choose?Daring Fireball: The iPad
"The iPad becomes the app you’re using. That’s part of the magic. The hardware is so understated - it’s just a screen, really - and because you manipulate objects and interface elements so smoothly and directly on the screen, the fact that you’re using an iPad falls away. You’re using the app, whatever it may be, and while you’re doing so, the iPad is that app. Switch to another app and the iPad becomes that app. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is."
A must review by a definite iPad fan. The notes on syncing are a good wake-up call to Apple thoughSay Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can -
Security concerns and record-keeping laws mean that Barack Obama is unlikely to become the first e-mailing president.
Obama may need to give up his BlackBerry to become president.
"For years, like legions of other professionals, Mr. Obama has been all but addicted to his BlackBerry. The device has rarely been far from his side — on most days, it was fastened to his belt — to provide a singular conduit to the outside world as the bubble around him grew tighter and tighter throughout his campaign."
Given how important it is for him to get unfiltered information from as many sources as possible, he will miss the freedom of emailMacintosh: 25 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
25 godina GUI interfejsa
The Macintosh was introduced January 24, 1984. In fact, the Mac was originally manufactured in the Fremont, California building that now houses Nielsen Norman Group.... Summary: Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency.
"Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency. " Nielsen kommenterer hva Mac har betydd for utviklingen av GUI, og hvor iPhone bør ta oss nå.
He points to "usability" as the great triumph of the Mac. Not only is the platform more successful than ever, but the computing world wouldn't even resemble the one we know without it.Top 10 disappointing technologies - News - PC Authority
Pretty much every new product gets hyped as a potentially disruptive technology these days, and usually nobody outside of the company's marketing department actually believes it.
RT @GuyKawasaki: Top 10 disappointing technologies. >> This wkend primed me for their take on Ubuntu. [from]
adopters to hold off on upgrading until developer
RT @Farrhad: RT @Iconic88 Top 10 disappointing technologies [from]
- News - PC AuthorityEssential tips to get the best from iTunes | News | TechRadar UK
For example, a playlist where the genre is blues and also rock, plus bit rate is greater than 128. And, best of all, if you check Live updating, the Smart Playlist will watch the library and automatically add any new files that meet the criteria you have set up.Turn your iPod touch into a free phone | News | TechRadar UK
ion of microphoShaping a Culture of Conversation: The Discussion Board and Beyond | Academic Commons
I have been using this technology since 1995 and for the first time have really realized what it is that I have been working toward. I have always used a descriptive rubric to evaluate participation in the DF and that has helped somewhat in creating a learning community. But, now with Gallagher's "tools", the 5 Eyes, the legs, the social voice, I can really help students participate to regularly create the kind of community that has from time to time evolved serendipitously. For me, the social versus the solo voice has been the biggest challenge, but with the languaging Gallagher has shared, I am enthusiastic about my ability to raise the level of meaningful discourse a notch or two! I teach in a graduate program in Nursing, and one of the areas of my teaching is Nursing Education.
" The answers to question 13 on survey 1, for instance, revealed--quite frighteningly, actually--that these students saw themselves as passive, solitary, joyless toilers in a middle world devoid of intellectual community. "YouTube - CNN Hologram TV First
ps: todos los bookmarks agregados el 13 de marzo en la mañana son del grupo de Camila Boudez
CNN Hologram
During the American election Jessica Yellin was recorded as a hologram and beamed into the studio
Hologram :)
A reporter enters a newsroom, virtually ...Hard Drive Data Recovery - Hard Drive Recovery Software - How to Fix a Hard Drive - Popular Mechanics
If the components in your drive are still functioning, you can recover the data yourself. If there's mechanical damage, send it to the pros. PM's complete guide to getting your files back.PERCONA PERFORMANCE CONFERENCE 2009 SCHEDULE :: PERCONA
These are all mysql oriented, but it sure seems like there are some fantastic principles to be pulling from here. Ex "covering indexes; orders-of-magnitude improvements." Or one on optimizing disk i/o.
Slides from a great variety of sessions @ Percona Performance Conference 2009 (April)
slides of the conference are available onlinyThe Semantic Web in Action: Scientific American
Skeptics said the Semantic Web would be too difficult for people to understand or exploit. Not so. The enabling technologies have come of age. A vibrant community of early adopters has agreed on standards that have steadily made the Semantic Web practical to use.
L. Feigenbaum et all. : The Semantic Web in Action - in: Scientific American [from]
This article (originally published in December 2007 and re-featured in January 2009) reviews progress towards the idea of a "Semantic Web: a highly interconnected network of data that could be easily accessed and understood by any desktop or handheld machine." Accompanied by a glossary and related articles and links. From Scientific American.New staff find White House in tech Dark Ages - Washington Post-
'It's kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,' an Obama aide says
If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past.
"If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past."
"Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts." I guess at least they didn't remove all the Ws from the keyboards.
If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past. Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts. What does that mean in 21st-century terms? No Facebook to communicate with supporters. No outside e-mail log-ins. No instant messaging. Hard adjustments for a staff that helped sweep Obama to power through, among other things, relentless online social networking. "It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said of his new digs.
Nice to see the White House is just like any other bloody office I've worked in then!This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo
New iPhone 4G?! RT @abitofcode: Visit gizmodo while it's still there ;)
Mmmm. Someone in Redwood City is in troublllllle .....Cool: The Complete Animated History of the Internet
The complete, comprehensive history of the Internet from 1957 to 2009, in just 8 minutes.classroomtweets » Why Twitter
Another overview on why you should use twitter to establish a PLN.
Discussion of with video of why twitter10 Things Teachers Should Know to Get Started with Twitter - Arizona K-12 Center Blog
great how to
Tony Vincent
RT @aliyares: If you know a non-Twittering educator, send them here: #NECC09 @johnstonsarah [from]
10 Things Teachers Should Know To Get Started With Twitter RT @phaoloo #teachers (via @TrendTracker) [from]Dark Roasted Blend: Most Powerful Supercomputers: Brains and Beauty
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." - Popular Mechanics (1949)Palm Pre review
3-part review; diminutive qwerty a la blackberry; 3.1" screen; Linux OS; good software; overall cool phone; external keyboard? GPS w/ respectable nav software but no landscape mode nor car mount;
the new Palm-Pre came out recently and people everywhere want to get this hot new phone. Some even say it is supposed to be the "Iphone-killer"
We're in the 5th day of Pre ownership in our household and I found this excellent all-around review that is required reading for Pre owners on Engadget.
Epic-length, wonderfully detailed review of the Pre by Joshua Topolsky, including substantial looks at all of the Pre’s major built-in app…OMG! Did Google Earth find Atlantis? | The Social - CNET News
Google Earth 5.0 finds AtlantisVideo: History of the Internet - ReadWriteWeb
"If you've ever wondered how the Internet was born, but can't be bothered reading a whole book on the subject, check out this short animated documentary from Milah Bilgil. Entitled History of the internet, it does a great job explaining time-sharing, file-sharing, arpanet and internet. "Henge Docks
Very cool. Bonus: would require purchase of new unibody mac RT @bluxte: Very clever dock station for MacBooks. *want* -- Docking station for Macbooks. That would be ridiculously handy for my Macbook-to-HDTV setup.
"Henge Docks has created the first truly comprehensive docking station solution for Apple’s line of notebook computers. This means you can quickly, easily and cleanly incorporate your MacBook computer into a desktop setup or your home theater system, so you get the best features of a laptop, desktop and media center PC all from one computer. Henge Docks patent-pending design doesn’t require any hardware, software or settings changes to your computer. In fact, every current MacBook is compatible with our system, right from the factory."
super cool21 Things for the 21st Century Educator - Home
Another 21 things site based on NETS. Good resources and ideas
Excellent site for 21st century contentBBC NEWS | Technology | Study shows how spammers cash in
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study. ... "After 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted," wrote the researchers. -- And still they found it would have been worth it.
Spammers see a 1 in 12,500,000 response rate and still profit. How the hell do you fight that? [from]
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study.
negocio spam
"Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send [...] the researchers estimate that the controllers of the vast system are netting about $7,000 (£4,430) a day or more than $2m (£1.28m) per year. While this was a good return, said the researchers, it did suggest that spammers were not making the vast sums of money that some people have predicted in the past."
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send“The Cloud Is The New Dotcom” (Video Highlights)
Imagine everyone having the same level of intelligence. What would set us apart then?The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
hahahahahaNew guidelines for Fair Use! - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
More media literacy良いデザインを決定するのはデータなのか、それとも… - Keep Crazy;shi3zの日記
ときどき、「技術的に素人の方が技術者にない斬新な発想がでる」という発言を見ることがあるが、それはハッキリした間違いである。 むしろ素人の方が表面的な制約を「技術の制約」と捉えやすく、技術者の方が表面的な制約を「技術で簡単に乗り越えることが出来る」と看破しやすい。 技術的な素人が技術の発展に役立つ場面は、その素人の言った何気ない言葉を優れた技術者が咀嚼して技術的なジャンプをした場合である。
「世界で最もユーザーインターフェースデザインの研究に費用を投じている会社を知ってますか?ノキアとマイクロソフトです。もちろんその結果は、ごらんの有様ですよ」 それでも一般ユーザの反応というのは、重要だと思う。 ゲームの神と崇められる宮本茂さえもユーザビリティテストの結果に血相を変えて仕様を変更することは沢山あったらしい。
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These Top 10 Online Video Converters can help to convert videos from your favorite video websites to your desired format to Run on your PC, Mobile or an iPod. 1. - 2. ZamZar: 3. REMOVED (adult site now) : 4. All2Convert 5. Tubefish 6. Movavi 7. VideoCodeZone 8. Media Converter 9. Vconvert 10. Convert TubeEnemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint -
“When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,” General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter. “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” General McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. “Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.”
Commanders say that behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making. Not least, it ties up junior officers — referred to as PowerPoint Rangers — in the daily preparation of slides, be it for a Joint Staff meeting in Washington or for a platoon leader’s pre-mission combat briefing in a remote pocket of Afghanistan. Commanders say that the slides impart less information than a five-page paper can hold, and that they relieve the briefer of the need to polish writing to convey an analytic, persuasive point. Imagine lawyers presenting arguments before the Supreme Court in slides instead of legal briefs.
Great article about misuse of powerpoint!
“PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps, the Joint Forces commander
bullets create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control...not to mention the huge waste of time in creating the things in the first placePhotosynth Blog
incroyable images 3d photos en cascades
Millions of Photos, Billions of FLOPs Here are the key stats from Photosynth's first year. They're accurate to within a few percent, with the exception of the FLOPs number which is only accurate to an order of magnitude. 422,508 synths created 15,880,950 photos synthed and uploaded 15,541,978,306 3D points in all point clouds combined (15.6 billion) 26,445,915,945,733,700 number of floating point operations performed in all computations (26 quadrillion) 8,979,357,357 peak simultaneous FLOPs of all computations (8.9 GigaFLOPs) 472,000 peak synths viewed per dayThe iPad, the Kindle, and the future of books : The New Yorker
Bookstores, particularly independent bookstores, help resist this trend by championing authors the employees believe in. "In a bookstore, there’s a serendipitous element involved in browsing," Jonathan Burnham, the senior vice-president and publisher of HarperCollins, says. "Independent bookstores are like a community center. We walk in and know the people who work there and like to hear their reading recommendations." ... "If you want to make the right decision for the future, fear is not a very good consultant," ... Assked to describe her foremost concern, Carolyn Reidy, of Simon & Schuster, said, "In the digital world, it is possible for authors to publish without publishers. It is therefore incumbent on us to prove our worth to authors every day."
Ken Auletta.... good article on publishers, ebooks, Amazon and Apple. Good statistics.
Publish or PerishUse Google To Hack Into A Secrect World - Borntechie
intitle:Live View / AXIS
?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park
“?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park“MediaShift . Building the Ideal Community Information Hub | PBS
Mark Glaser provides eight tips on how to create a community hub for local information that aggregates it all in one online source. His tips include cracking open government data and access and bringing stake-holders together for face-to-face discussion.
Breaking News Site Info
Great outline of an approach to public information and community hubs; picks up from the Power of Information Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
A social web application based around the collective prediction of future events. It is based on the concept that ‘many heads are better than one’ (also known as collective intelligence, collective reasoning, group wisdom, etc)
Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
If you have an opinion on news or world events or if you think you can predict the future, then Nostradamical will help you publish your predictions. is a prediction market, blog and game that is run by you, the people. Anyone can sign up and publish predictions. Got an opinion on world affairs? Think you can predict the future? At Nostradamical people are sharing opinions and trying to guess what will happen next - from technology ideas, to celebrity gossip to politics and world events. It's easy, fun and a great way to publish your opinions!
Essentially Nostradamical is a fun approach to a serious topic: The ability of ‘the crowd’ to predict events with better overall success than ‘the individual’.The real reason why Steve Jobs hates Flash - Charlie's Diary
There is a lot to take note of in here, though the timescale is probably more alarmist than realistic.
I'm not convinced there's anywhere near enough bandwidth just for everyone to have wireless internet now, let alone using it for all your data. No chance.
This is why there's a stench of panic hanging over silicon valley. this is why Apple have turned into paranoid security Nazis, why HP have just ditched Microsoft from a forthcoming major platform and splurged a billion-plus on buying up a near-failure; it's why everyone is terrified of Google: The PC revolution is almost coming to an end, and everyone's trying to work out a strategy for surviving the aftermath.
“Let's peer five years into the future... LTE will be here. WiMax will be here.” Pretty sure I heard that six years ago.Dark Roasted Blend: Monstrous Aviation, Part 2 - Huge Helicopters
Mil V-12, oy!
Awesome helicopters
Fotografías y textos de los helicópteros más grandes del mundo.Brain-Twitter project offers hope to paralyzed patients -
Adam Wilson posted on twitter "SPELLING WITH MY BRAIN." No keyboards, just a red cap fitted with electrodes that monitor brain activity, hooked up to a computer flashing letters on a screen. Wilson sent the messages by concentrating on the letters he wanted to "type," then focusing on the word "twit" at the bottom of the screen to post the message.
Adam Wilson posted two messages on Twitter on April 15. The first one, "GO BADGERS," might have been sent by any University of Wisconsin-Madison student cheering for the school team.
RT @andrea_r @sherina: WOW. <= Twitter direct from the brain, right here in my hometown! (Telepathy, here we come!) [from]
Brain-Twitter project offers hope to paralyzed patients: (via my Dad) [from]
RT @sherina: WOW. { AMAZING } [from]Peter Schwartz: Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0
Article arguing that generic social networking such as Facebook will not last. Don't have enough information to decide whether he is right or not but worth reading
Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0 - The Huffington Post
Peter Schwartz has worked for Microsoft, lectured in political philosophy and is the Founder and President of an online legal publishing and database. This article is an interesting discussion of the pros and cons of Facebook and the interconnectivity these online applications allow.
Peter Schwartz explores the 'death' of Web 2.0 and how social networking is replacing the basis for business models. Schwartz also examines the decline of banner ads and the increase of advertising on Facebook and the revenue it generates. Ultimately the main focus of the article is on Facebook rather than online advertising.
The Huffington Post's Peter Schwartz claims that Web 2.0 is dead. Looking at Facebook, he asks if its business model is in trouble, and considers the risk that users will grow tired of the site.
Annotated link
Reflexiones sobre Web 2.0Home - Technology Training
directions3-D Printing Hits Rock-bottom Prices With Homemade Ceramics Mix
"Normally these supplies cost $30 to $50 a pound. Our materials cost less than a dollar a pound," said Ganter. He said he wants to distribute the free recipes in order to democratize 3-D printing and expand the range of printable objects.
A new, not-so-secret recipe uses artist-grade ceramics powder for 3-D printing. Ceramics objects can now be printed for about three percent the cost of commercial printing mixes.AWS "sucks the air out of the room." Cuts EC2 costs by 50% [Article] « elc technologies
Good discussion of the advantages and trade-offs10 Twitteriffic tools -
circa March 2009
tips for twitterWhy Apple is great at interfaces when others are not | TechRadar Team | TechRadar UK
It's all right here: "Rather than survey a bunch of users on every decision, the Mac team decided each issue among themselves, invariably going for the option that might amuse a user the most, that would give a user the most pleasure, and therefore imbue the Mac with personality."
How something as simple as a shaking password box helps technology have a personality.Time to Leave the Laptop Behind -
Annotated link
For years, mobile workers have been ditching their desktop computers for laptops that they can take wherever they go. Now road warriors are starting to realize that they can get even more portability -- and lots of computing punch -- from smart phones.
Article from the Wall Street journalSTEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine | Mail Online
list of things you can't afford to cheap out on, because doing so will bite you in the ass later. Still, since we like you, we're also sharing how to save a bit of money in the process, so the whole not-cheaping-out thing doesn't hurt as much.Gizmodo's Essential iPad Apps - Best ipad apps - Gizmodo
The iPad App Store is open! Here are the best of the apps so far—the ones you'll actually want when you finally get your iPad.The unrecognizable Internet of 1996. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
It's 1996, and you're bored. What do you do? If you're one of the lucky people with an AOL account, you probably do the same thing you'd do in 2009: Go online. Crank up your modem, wait 20 seconds as you log in, and there you are—"Welcome." You check your mail, then spend a few minutes chatting with your AOL buddies about which of you has the funniest screen name (you win, pimpodayear94).Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard
Google wants more small businesses to claim their listing profiles on Google Local (which is basically listings that pop up in Google Maps and local search results). To entice them, starting tomorrow it will give local businesses in the real world with physical addresses a free dashboard akin to what Websites get for free with Google Analytics (see screenshot above). Except that it will show stats such as how many times their business comes up as a search result, how often people click through, as well as how many times people generate driving directions to their business son Google Maps and where those people come from.
Google veut inciter les entreprises à prendre en charge leurs listings de recherche dans Google Maps et les autres services géolocalisés, via le lancement d'un nouveau produit, Google Local Business center. Pas encore d'intégration avec Google Adwords mais c'est surement la prochaine étape : "The other benefit to Google is that the more that small businesses can measure the impact of search, the more likely they will be to buy search ads. The dashboard shows the top search queries that result in a business’ listing showing up. The next obvious step is to start buying those keywords or optimize a business’ site to make sure they are on the page. "
Green markers that show how many clicks for Driving Directs happened in this area. Free analytic program from Google
use for each biz idea. helps with search google
GReader share: Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard [from]BBC NEWS | Technology | UK government backs open source
Licences for the use of open source software are generally free of charge and embrace open standards, and the code that powers the programs can be modified without fear of trampling on intellectual property or copyright.
The UK government says it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services.
The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. The shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.60+ Open Courseware Collections to Help You Be a Better Teacher | Smart ...
My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?
And that's where we get stuck. We get stuck because we believe that the rules of our ecosystem are permanent and transferable. In fact, they are almost always temporary and rarely transferable. My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?インターネットの歴史--50の主要な出来事(第1章):特集 - CNET Japan
インターネットの基礎となっているテクノロジのルーツから、インターネットの爆発的普及を促したウェブの特性、その途上甘んじて受けてきた訴訟、さらにはネット普及の結果として企業がこうむった被害に至るまで、インターネット全体の歴史を掘り起こしてみることにした。TG Daily - Throw your hard drive away, Google's Gdrive arriving in 2009
Google Drive, or Gdrive as it is better known, has to be the most anticipated Google product so far. When it arrives, Gdrive will likely cause a major paradigm shift in how we use computers and bring Google one step closer to dethroning Windows on your desktop.
Apple has promised similar desktop, mobile and web file syncing between Macs, PCs and iPhones via a MobileMe cloud service, but the feature was delayed due to ongoing MobileMe difficulties - even though Apple built it into its desktop. Called "Back to my Mac," this OS X Leopard feature pairs with MobileMe online storage to let you search, access and edit files stored on a remote Mac. Besides such offerings from industry heavy-weighs, there are similar free or low-priced online storage services from others that let you do more or less the same.
Do we really want to store private data with a third party, even if it is Google?Watch Tv Online on Your Computer With SatelliteDirect AND GET 3,500 HD Channels
I would really recommend this for anyone.
WOW this Gr8 am getting this
Am canceling my Cable and buying this for only $49
Just bought Satellite Direct Awesome program took me like 5 min to set it up and am enjoying 3500 channels in HDMap of all Google data center locations | Royal Pingdom
how many data centers does Google use, and where are theyTwitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
Twitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
There is no denying that Twitter mania has taken over the world. Currently the fastest social network in existence, Twitter serves a valuable communication tool for a lot of its users.Facebook and CNN: The Power of the Social Web Revealed - ReadWriteWeb
commentary on case study cnn and facebook
A look at the use of Facebook Connect for CNN and the Obama inaugurationあらゆるものを変える可能性のある知っておくべき15個の最新テクノロジー - GIGAZINE
Oferece-nos uma variedade de vídeos sobre diferentes ferramentas e tem por objectivo simplificar a tecnologia, tornando-a acessível a todos.
Welcome to Tech Training Wheels, the one-stop place to train you in a variety of technology needs. We offer clear and concise tutorial videos about many different applications. Our goal is to simplify technology using step-by-step videos and screencasts to guide users of all levels. From the most advanced user to the beginner, we have trainings for everyone.
resource to support tech trainingDiscovery Education: Home
Discovery Education: Home
Explore Web 2.0 tech tools and trends for teachers for 2010 – presentation tools, video tools, mobile tools, community tools, and related links.
WEB 20.10 As our students become entrenched in tech and all things online, how can we keep up? Simple new tools make it easier than ever to plug in. From blogs and wikis to incredible presentation tools, nothing is too cool for school. This mashup of online apps will have you talking tech in no time. Presentation tools, video tools, mobile tools, community tools, related links. Parent corner, home resources, lesson plans.In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | Magazine
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This is the headquarters of Local Motors, the first open source car company to reach production. Step inside and the office reveals itself as a mind-blowing example of the power of micro-factories.
open source10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
A bold social media marketing experiment on the Mars brand's home page prompted a lively debate at the fourth annual Social Media Conference
But just two days after its launch, Skittles was forced to rethink its social media strategy after users deluged the site with inane and often profane "tweets," the messages sent by Twitter users. The Twitter feed, once prominently displayed as the home page, is now harder to find—just a small link in the corner of the screen.
Skittles decided on March 2nd that it would transfer its original homepage into it's Twitter page. This huge change shows how powerful social media has become in today's world of marketing. It is not only Skittles that is putting much of their marketing efforts into social, but thousands of other powerhouse companies are doing the same.What iPads Did To My Family - Chuck's Blog
Apparently they all ditched their other computers within a day. willnotgetanipadwillnotgetinanipod
y wife asserted her rightful place in the hierarchy later that evening, and took it upstairs to the bedroom to relax while watching TV. Tap, tap, tap. Occasionally, she showed me something interesting she found online. And smiling.
l the PCs and laptops are basically not being used. All the Macs are not being used. All have been powered off. Everyone in the family is waiting for their turn at theAmazing Web 2 Projects.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Web 2.0 PDF Book
Note: Free eBook Edited by Terry Freedman. * 87 projects. * 10 further resources. * 52 applications. * 94 contributors. * The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. * The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. * How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... * ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. * What were the learning outcomes?How Tech Start-ups Like Foursquare and Meetup Are Trying to Overthrow Old Media and Build a Better New York -- New York Magazine
Tweet Tweet Boom Boom A new generation of tech entrepreneurs in the city is trying to overthrow old media and build a better New York—with the help of their iPhones. Are they dreaming? Definitely. But in a good way
Dina Kaplan '93 mentioned in later part of the article
Mentions Dina Kaplan '93
looks like it's worth a skim
Go to a party for an “old” media company, and there can often seem to be a cloud of doom hanging over the proceedings. It can seem like half the guests have been laid off and the other half fear they still could be. The talk is of cutbacks and making do with less and paradigm shifts whose conclusions are, inevitably, the death of the industry.Make the Most of Your Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 - Dual Monitors - Lifehacker
More and more educators and students are using Prezi in the classroom. We want to capture the ideas and experiences of our educational community by sharing, adding, and cataloging great prezis used for educating around the world.Not Exactly Rocket Science : Carbon nanotechnology in an 17th century Damascus sword
An article which analyses the Damascus blade, known for being supernaturaly strong, using scientific method.
Marianne Reibold
swords damascus steelWhy Stallman is wrong when he calls cloud computing stupid
ust as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenseless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software." The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman id
"The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman identifies are very real, but the solution that he prescribes seems grossly myopic and counterintuitive. ... Stallman correctly recognizes those problems, but his belief that the problems are intractable is simply wrong. The open source software movement has found productive ways to address the same kind of problems on the desktop, and I'm confident that reasonable solutions can be found to bring the same level of freedom to the cloud. The challenges posed by new computing paradigms will require the open source software community to evolve and adapt, not collectively stick its head in the sand. "
Great article on the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing.Demo: FireFox 3.5 Treats Videos Like Web Pages. Why Can’t Flash Do That?
#swear #superlative.
Mais uma notícia sobre HTML 5....
Very cool demo of new HTML-5 video.
This has amazing implications for product placement in the future – the product can be customized to the individual.Andreas Gefeller - Supervisions - Works since 2005
The artistic work of Andreas Gefeller comprises the series
crazy pics from above
Foto dall'alto di stanze e luoghiHow Hard Could It Be?: My Style of Servant Leadership-joel spolsky-leadership
Don't bother me, because I'm in the middle of my most important task as CEO -- hanging window blinds.
Our company was built on the idea of hiring smart and productive people and then clearing the decks.ClioWeb Blog Archive » Assigning Wikipedia in a US History Survey
fact-only writing vs analytical writing
As some of you might guess, I get mixed reactions whenever I reveal that I use Wikipedia in my history classes. And not just for reading
s some of you might guess, I get mixed reactions whenever I reveal that I use Wikipedia in my history classes. And not just for reading; I actually assign my students to research and write an article for Wikipedia. And it has consistently been one of my most successful assignments. It shows students the difference between fact-only writing and analytical writing, it provides an introduction to research methods, and it gives them more insight into the working of Wikipedia, so they understand why they should or shouldn’t use it for various situations.Should Obama Control the Internet? | Mother Jones
The Cybersecurity Act gives the president the ability to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any "critical" information network "in the interest of national security." does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency-- left to the president. grants the Secretary of Commerce "access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access." This means... can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws. The bill could undermine the Electronic Communications Privacy Act enacted in the mid '80s, requires law enforcement seek a warrant before tapping in to data transmissions between computers. might violate the Constitutional protection against searches without cause. Once information is accessed, it can be used for whatever purpose, no matter the original reason for accessing something
from the page: "The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (PDF) gives the president the ability to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any "critical" information network "in the interest of national security." The bill does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency. That definition would be left to the president... It also grants the Secretary of Commerce "access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access." ... When one person can access all information on a network, "it makes it more vulnerable to intruders," Granick says... "Once information is accessed, it can be used for whatever purpose, no matter the original reason for accessing something... Who's interested in this [bill]? Law enforcement and people in the security industry who want to ensure more government dollars go to them...""
Will Obama Shut the Internet Down. [from]techntuit / FrontPage
How to improve activities on line
Web 2.0 developed curriculum via wiki. A teacher share site.
You've arrived at a site where the most complete and current source of information about the Literacy 2.0 will be created. This site will provide a unified gateway to Web 2.0 resources as they are created through participating members of The Summer Institute of Technology.Finding Utility in the Jumble of Tweeted Thoughts -
An emerging field called collective intelligence could create an Orwellian future on a level Big Brother could only dream of.
The success of Google, along with the rapid spread of the wireless Internet and sensors — like location trackers in cellphones and GPS units in cars — has touched off a race to cash in on collective intelligence technologies.
collective intelligence
“The new information tools symbolized by the Internet are radically changing the possibility of how we can organize large-scale human efforts,” said Thomas W. Malone, director of the M.I.T. Center for Collective Intelligence. “For most of human history, people have lived in small tribes where everything they did was known by everyone they knew,” Dr. Malone said. “In some sense we’re becoming a global village. Privacy may turn out to have become an anomaly.”New British search engine 'could be as important as Google ...
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it "could be as important as Google". London-born scientist Stephen Wolfram says that his company, Wolfram Research, is preparing to unveil the system in two months' time. Known as Wolfram Alpha, the site is an attempt to address some of the deficiencies of current web search by understanding people's questions and answering them directly. According to its creator, the system understands questions that users input and then calculates the answers based on its extensive mathematical and scientific engine.
cool new search engine
A semantic search (Web 3.0) tool being pioneered in Britain. Good background information on personalities in this industry.
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested ith+ Magazine Spring 2009 Issue
't stop there. We thought,
10:19AM "Now here's a class that we think will be really interesting -- medical devices." Scott's showing off a blood pressure reader that interfaces with the iPhone -- wild.
Great live reporting of iPhone3, coming to consumers in June; avail to Devs nowTwitter sucks, so change your friends. — Steve Lawson: Bass 2.0 — the soundtrack to the day you wish you’d had
Thorough article that deals with the criticisms of Twitter.
Twitter sucks, so change your friends
Twitter sucks, so change your friends. ? Steve Lawson: Bass 2.0 ? the soundtrack to the day you wish you?d had
There are three broad themes coming out in the Twitter critique: * That it’s full of trivial rubbish * That’s it’s reality TV without pictures * That is for narcissists and fosters mental ill-health (WTF??) To which I, not surprisingly, say ‘Bollocks’.ここ20年間のウェブまわりの技術をまとめた図*二十歳街道まっしぐら
ウェブ開発者にとって欠かせない技術をまとめた1枚の画像です。 約20年前から現在までの流れが一望できます。 クライアント・サーバに分けて図で表しています。Google Abandons Standards, Forks OpenID — The NeoSmart Files
Google Abandons Standards, Forks OpenID
well they're not Microsoft but well on their way
Connecting Ideas
"memcachedの特徴は、データをキャッシュするメモリーとして、通常のPCサーバーの物理メモリーを利用すること。大容量データを複数のPCサーバーのメモリーに分散しておくために、「キー・バリュー型データストア」と呼ぶ方法を採用している。データをいったん非正規化し、「キー」とそれに対応する「値(バリュー)」にしてから保存する。データをキーと値の組み合わせにすることで、複数のサーバーに分散しておける。"Palin E-Mail Hacker Says It Was Easy | Threat Level from
Palin E-Mail Hacker Says It Was Easy
Email hacking is taken too far.
Palins e-mail was hacked into not with expert knowledge of computer systems, but rather a well thought out trick to recover her account password. This just goes to show information is power. People can find personal information on many other people in the world. If this information gets into the wrong hands, there are ways to it may be used against you.
"hacker" said it was easy. Haha.The Scannable World, Part 3: Barcode Scanning In The Real World - ReadWriteWeb
This is the third part in a multi-part series about integrating the internet with the real world through barcode scanning technology. -=- Written by Sarah Perez / September 26, 2008 6:43 AM
blog post on readwriteweb blog about integrating real world with internetSeth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet ageBBC NEWS | Technology | Online time 'is good for teens'
News article Nov 2008. Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed. The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time.BBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists
"BBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists"
Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. The researchers constructed a bacterium's "genetic software" and transplanted it into a host cell. The resulting microbe then looked and behaved like the species "dictated" by the synthetic DNA. The advance, published in Science, has been hailed as a scientific landmark, but critics say there are dangers posed by synthetic organisms. Some also suggest that the potential benefits of the technology have been over-stated. But the researchers hope eventually to design bacterial cells that will produce medicines and fuels and even absorb greenhouse gases. The team was led by Dr Craig Venter of the J Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) in Maryland and California.Apple Says iPhone Jailbreaking is Illegal | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation, says Apple in comments filed with the Copyright Office as part of the 2009 DMCA triennial rulemaking. This marks the first formal public statement by Apple about its lega...
Fud!16 Tips to Become an INSTANT iPhone OS 3.0 Power-User | Mac|Life
Salesforce - incredible efficiency! and other metrics
all of runs on only about 1,000 servers. And that is mirrored, so it is really only 500Mesmerizing Monday: 10 Hypnotic Gadgets You Just Can't Stop Looking At
waterfall printer, cloud, nautilus sink, rotopault, flying fish airship, book scanner, drinking bird, jellyfishTechnology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? - ReadWriteWeb
RT @draenews: Del Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? - ReadWriteWeb:
RT: thanks @sarahintampa Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? [from]
the balancing act of using technology so much and missing the real life moments.Internet Evolution - Cory Doctorow - Don't Judge New Media by Old Rules
hat tip to Delaney Cunningham. Great article touching on medium influences message--new media means new type of stories. Worthwhile--not just rant. But there's another reason that these new media tell stories in different ways from their old media predecessors: They're telling different stories. TV sitcoms, novels, feature films, and other traditional forms are cages as well as frames. The reason that every sitcom lasts 22 minutes is that no one tries to make sitcoms about stories that take five minutes to tell. The reason movies last 90 minutes is that no one tries to make feature films about subjects that take 30 seconds to elucidate -- or 30 days.
heretoforeEverything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors | News | TechRadar UK
The title says it all - "Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors". It would be handy to know which LCD's use which display technology, though I imagine that would be a massive list.Recycling by mail | Yahoo! Green
It's increasingly the case that a PC is the hub of all our home entertainment, spelling the end of hi-fis, DVD players and the like. You don't want your merry watching and listening to be undermined by a noise like a bumblebee orgy inside a tin bath. Fortunately, an enormous third-party market has sprung upOpera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
Opera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
"Flash is most popular in China" - um, duh; "only 50 percent of sites that display a badge touting validation are actually valid"Top 15 things you should never do on Facebook | News | TechRadar UK
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Awesome new URL shortener, allows you to set a password question to gain access to the long URL, perfect for fact tests
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特許庁ホームページ / 特許庁では、論文、マニュアル、カタログ、webページ等の非特許文献に記載された、開発されて間もない新しい技術等を技術分野(テーマ)ごとに収集した標準技術集を作成し、特許審査に活用するとともに出願人の事前調査に役立てていただけるよう外部公表しています。
標準技術集作成テーマ一覧SOMEWHAT FRANK : Web/Tech, Social Media & Marketing Conferences
eventsDigg This: Tea Is the New Coffee | Epicenter from
Tea is Booming in Silicon Valley
...say interweb chieftains
High tech hipsters, including Kevin Rose and Timothy Ferriss, love expensive teas.AirStrip Technologies > Home
The use of technology for healthcareCould your social networks spill your secrets? - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
The Google team's paper (Under)mining privacy in social networks (pdf) will be presented at the Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2009 meeting in May. Tom Simonite, online technology - Hackers Crack Into Texas Road Sign, Warn of Zombies Ahead - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
One of my all time favourite hacks... this has become such an iconic figure
if not for our future career aspirations, this is totally something we would try.
I love dork humor.
This is funny. Now it won't happen again. Pitty. Sorry for the news source, i know they aren't the best. Hey it is still a funny articleOpen Source Hardware Hackers Start P2P Bank | Gadget Lab from
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above.
an open source peer to peer bank, good coverage of their start
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above.Why does HDR bring out the best/worst in you as a Photographer? | Layers Magazine
good video w/ tan le of emotiv and a live demonstration of the epoc
Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, gives a live demo of a mind control device that uses a person's thoughts to input computer commands.EG is the celebration of the American entertainment industry. Since 1984, Richard Saul Wurman has created extraordinary gatherings about learning and understanding. EG is a rich extension of these ideas - a conference that explores the attitude of understanding in music, film, television, radio, technology, advertising, gaming, interactivity and the web - The Entertainment Gathering
Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, gives a live demo of a mind control device that uses a person's thoughts to input computer commands.DaVinci (Microsoft Surface Physics Illustrator) on Vimeo
Looks pretty responsive and very fun.
multi touch table met echte physics werkingChris Harrison - Pseudo-3D Video Conferencing with a Generic Webcam
Conferenze 3d con webcamTen beautiful computers | Boing Boing Gadgets
They ended their lives as museum pieces, aquariums, couches, and even at the bottom of the sea. But these are the ones that stay with us.
I. Am. So. Old.Nuts: Twitter Inventor About To Launch His Next Project, Code-named Squirrel
Almost immediately following Twitter coming back from a planned downtime this afternoon, co-founder and current Chairman Jack Dorsey sent out a tweet letting ...
May 8, 2009 | TechCrunch | by MG Siegler
What's Next: Twitter Inventor Launching His Next Project, Squirrel. [from]
It’s a service that allows anyone with an iPhone to become a merchant. Just like the wireless credit card swipers you see at certain shops and restaurants, you can carry around your iPhone and take payments. Apparently, the idea is that this will allow any individual to take credit card payments on a mobile device, kind of like what PayPal does for the web.
Transaction function tied to iPhone - gets power from the swipe!
RT @TLW3: Nuts: Twitter Inventor About To Launch His Next Project, Code ... [from]Annotating and sharing links with your students using Diigo
Technology and Education Box of Tricks
a librarian's point of view on annotating web resources using Diigo. Great food for thought Annotated link inside the Windows 7 Public Beta: an in-depth tour: Page 1
Let's just cut to the chase here: Windows 7 is built on top of Windows Vista. It doesn't roll back the major changes that Vista made; it doesn't reduce system requirements
Interesting article on thevarious major changes in the Windows 7 UI. I have to agree that most of it is for the better.Twittersexuality / Violet Blue: A Twitter Sex Guide
I am so glad to exist in a time where someone thought that the world needed a Twitter Sex Guide. And then wrote it. ...
Some links NSFW
sacar ideas para articulosSid Meier's Civilization - Official Site
Civ V announced for Sept 2010 (when for mac? ipad?) Note: site nav is all flash, so no good on ipad.Lego Safe is ultra secure -
the cutting edge of Lego safe technology...Interactive Tools
SMARTBoard products. Site provides other resources concerning the SMARTBoard
Intereactive Tool research site.links50+ Semantic Web Pros to Follow on Twitter - ReadWriteWeb
seems i'm one of the 50+ semantic web pros to follow: - hello new followers... [from]Simple elixir called a 'miracle liquid' - Los Angeles Times
Electrolyzed water yields two compounds as a degreaser and sanitizer
Sounds like the old "Saturday Night Live" gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it's starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job. The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current. Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water -- hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso -- the miracle liquid.mendelson_div_conq
there is talk about the media world, as well as the open source world. And how businesses should "defeat" the masses. Timing, product features, and the skillful use of network effects across market segments [benefits of a business]. This is a very "odd" study
How can a business compete with a free product? It’s not easy, and it’s more than just a theoretical question. U.S. newspapers are finding it difficult to compete with free news and the commentary of bloggers and other internet sources. And in the software world, the rise of open source products, which are available for free on the internet, is reshaping the technology industry.
Ultimately, from the point of view of the buyer, free products provide an important benefit. “Even if consumers do not end up adopting the free product, it can act as a credible threat to the commercial firm, forcing it to both lower prices and invest more in product innovation,”
Businesses Can Win the Competition Against Open-Source TechnologyStudyCell Home
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use these links for task 30 & 31Jeff Bezos at Wired Disruptive by Design conference - O'Reilly Radar
We've co-evolved with our tools for thousands of years," he says, explaining how ease of Kindle buying changes behavior. "Reading is an important enough activity that it deserves a purpose-built device....It's a myth that multi-purpose devices are always better.... I like my phone... I like my swiss army knife too, but I'm also happy to have a set of steak knives." "I get grumpy now when I have to read a physical book....The physical book has had a great 500 year run, but it's time to change." "If you're an incumbent in any industry, and rapid change is underway, you're uncomfortable, even if long term it's going to be good." "We've made many errors. People over-focus on errors of commission. Companies over-emphasize how expensive failure's going to be. Failure's not that expensive....The big cost that most companies incur are much harder to notice, and those are errors of Omission."
"At the end of the day, you don't end your strategy because other people don't understand it. Not if you have conviction." This and other quotes from Jeff Bezos, collected by Tim O'Reilly at Wired's 2009 Disruptive by Design conference.
Business wisdom from Jeff Bezos.
Jeff Bezos is very quotable. Listeing to Steve Levy interview him at the Wired Disruptive by Design event in New York, I was furiously taking notes. Here are the quotes I managed to capture.
"There are a few prerequisites to inventing.... You have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to think long term. You have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time. If you can't do those three things, you need to limit yourself to sustaining innovation.... You typically don't get misunderstood for sustaining innovation."
notes on innovation and entrpreneurs
"There are a few prerequisites to inventing.... You have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to think long term. You have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time. If you can't do those three things, you need to limit yourself to sustaining innovation.... You typically don't get misunderstood for sustaining innovation." "At the end of the day, you don't end your strategy because other people don't understand it. Not if you have conviction." [via:]
Bezos: "One of the differences between founder/entrepreneurs and financial managers is that founder/entrepreneurs are stubborn about the vision of the business, and keep working the details. The trick to being an entrepreneur is to know when to be stubborn and when to be flexible. The trick for me is to be stubborn about the big things."AP: The Modern Newsroom Looks Like a Little RSS Reader - ReadWriteWeb
RWW Network ReadWriteWeb ReadWriteTalk Last100 AltSearchEngines Jobs About Subscribe Contact Advertise RSS RWW Daily by Email RSS RWW Weekly Wrap-up Home Products Trends Company Index Predictions Best of RWW Archives Enterprise AP: The Modern Newsroom Looks Like a Little RSS Reader Written by Marshall Kirkpatrick / September 29, 2008 10:43 AM / 4 Comments « Prior Post Next Post » The 20th century news and stock ticker used to be one of the most archetypal images of newsrooms all around the world. It was timely and exciting, if a bit impersonal, for editors to watch the wires for breaking news from the big news syndicates and select stories to run in the local paper. That ticker doesn't print everything out any more, though, and a constant stream of news is something that millions of consumers now see for themselves inside their RSS feed readers. How are newspapers adapting to digital syndication? Today the Associated Press announced that more than 500 newspapers are using thei
Interesting short piece on new search, delivery, and syndication tool to help fuel AP stories in local papers.Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
notes for using cell, data, internet, chat, when traveling abroad
NYT one bests the local SIM card solution I used in Italy with Skype In/Out workaround. [from]Larry Augustin's Weblog: Commercial Open Source in Europe Verses the US
Commercial Open Source in Europe Versus the US
We just finished the first Europe Open Source Think Tank (OSTT). Andrew Aitken of Olliance and Alexandre Zapolsky of Linagora hosted a fantastic event. I highly recommend it to anyone who can attend. During the course of the two days...Better Learning With Sites and Sound :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
Even as many instructors embrace digital tools in the classroom, some are pushing the technology envelope with more complex tools for teaching or interacting with students. New research suggests the promise of such approaches.Chrome antics: did Google reverse-engineer Windows?: Page 1
Chrome process model
pending sect. 2 & 35 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
Are you using Google Desktop? This handy download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets.
This download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google GadgetsIn Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers : NPR
Text and audio versions of story
All Things Considered, March 2, 2009 · Teachers know the blank stare. It can be hard to know what students are absorbing in class. Well, technology to the rescue. More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads — often called clickers — that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers - all things consideredTechnology Review: $100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software.
"What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
$100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software. "What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."The Wallet : Some New Tools for Investing Nerds
People are starting to think more about saving–and investing–than spending, which is perhaps the sole upside to the market turmoil. Being an investing geek has become much more socially acceptable, and companies are taking notice. In the last few weeks, several start-ups and familiar names have added, changed or completely revamped their online investing offerings. There are so many nest-egg incubators out there that we haven’t even had a chance to dive fully into them all. Here’s what’s new: - Investment research firm Morningstar has relaunched its home page with more analytic content upfront. Fund fanatics will relish the new reports (still in beta) that allow you to research past fund performance and what their stakes are. It’s charts all over the place, but much more engaging than a prospectus. Besides monitoring your own investments, you can also share your portfolio with other users and get a star rating.
social-networking sites for investing
Just in time for the recession, some new tools for monitoring your portfolio online. Here's a quick guide.
People are starting to think more about savingand investingthan spending, which is perhaps the sole upside to the market turmoil. Being an investing geek has become much more socially acceptable, and companies are taking notice.If All Movies Had Cell Phones - CollegeHumor video
Now you know why "No country for old men" was set in the past...Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free | News | TechRadar UK
Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free Fantastic free programs, online services, and more : TechRadar UKJohn Gruber on waferbaby
Interesting to see what other people use, and how they use it...
Una entrevista a John Gruber donde cuenta las apps que usa.
JOhn Gruber's setup21 Cool and Unusual USB Powered Devices » The Hottest Gadgets
Reading: The Future of Touch [from]
The Future of Touch: [from]
chinese: 触摸未来
The future is bright...Marissa Mayer on the future of Google | News | TechRadar UK
Marissa Mayer on the future of Google | TechRadar UK
Maye [...] believes that personalisation – "What can we understand about the user and how can we tailor the results to them?" – will be an important part of search. Search engines will be better because they'll understand more about the user. "Maybe the search engine of the future will know where you're located," Mayer suggests. "Maybe they'll know what you know already, or what you learned earlier today. Or maybe they'll fully understand your preferences because you've chosen to share that information with us. We aren't sure which personal signals will be most valuable, but we're investing in research and experimentation on personalised search now because we think this will be very important later."
As the self-proclaimed search addict points out, there's still a lot of opportunity for innovation, change and progress in search. Although typically tight-lipped about future products, she does hint at the direction Google is going to take. "We think it's really important to move beyond just keywords and allow people to ask questions, and maybe access things more easily from their mobile phone," she says. "We're also looking at how to weave new media into it and how we can bring books, videos and news right into the search experience. And then there are various pieces of personalisation."
Pretty much every product that Google works on has to go through gatekeeper Marissa Mayer, who decides whether it's ready to be released or needs more work. She even approves every single Google Doodle that adorns the search giant's homepages around the world. From being hired as the first female engineer nine and a half years ago to becoming one of the key decision makers at Google, she's come a long way.
"I look for the insight and innovation that's baked into the idea," Mayer explains. "I also look at the overall energy and strength of the team that's presenting it. Then I develop an overall sense of confidence that it's both a good product idea and that we have a good team who are interested in moving it forward. If those two things come into alignment, it's going to be a successful product."
It's really important to move beyond just keywords"
"She's absolutely devoted to the needs of the 'end user' and often uses her mom as a reference point to check whether an idea is simple enough. But what other criteria does she take into account when she decides whether a product is a goer? "I look for the insight and innovation that's baked into the idea," Mayer explains. "I also look at the overall energy and strength of the team that's presenting it. Then I develop an overall sense of confidence that it's both a good product idea and that we have a good team who are interested in moving it forward. If those two things come into alignment, it's going to be a successful product."
[TechRadar]YouTube - 1964 Antique MODEM Live Demo
This is one of t he oldest modems I've ever seen. Approximately 45 years old! and this actually works. And "we're on the net with a 1964 300 baud accoustic modem!"
1964 Livermore Labs Model A acoustic modem. Still works. 300 baud.
1964 antique modem (live demo)
Circa 1964 Livermore Data Systems "Model A" Acoustic Coupler Modem, live demonstration.
In one word: AWESOME!Google Layoffs - 10,000 Workers Affected
Note, you don’t want to hire most of those laid off. Most permanent Googlers were “managing” projects (e.g, taking 4 day weekends and showing up to work only to eat the free food and showed up barely to 1 or 2 meetings per week). The temps that were there for more than a year learned the same laziness and worthless work ethic. If you’re looking for people with no real experience and who think it’s okay to steal a tray of bottle water provided by the company for everyone to drink… then go ahead and hire a Googler. Otherwise, be really careful and interview really in-depth about what they can and cannot do (and verify it).
Google has been quietly laying off staff and up to 10,000 jobs could be on the chopping block according to sources. Since August, hundreds of employees have been laid off and there are reports that about 500 of them were recruiters for Google. By law, Google is required to report layoffs publicly and with the SEC however, Google has managed to get around the legal requirement. In fact, one of the ways Google was able to meet Wall Street’s Q3 earnings expectations was by trimming “operational” expenses. Google reports to the SEC that it has 20,123 employees but in reality it has 30,000. Why the discrepancy? Google classifies 10,000 of the employees as temporary operational expenses or “workers”. Google co-founder Sergey Brin said, “There is no question that the number (of workers) is too high”. There is no question the economic downturn is hitting Google hard and with the slowdown in online advertising, their troubles are just beginning.
Google has been quietly laying off staff and up to 10,000 jobs could be on the chopping block according to sources.Techlearning > > The New Rules of Copyright > October 15, 2008
Copyright discussion for educators on TechLearning
A review of the online copyright from Ahrash Bissell, head of Creative Commons ccLearn division.3D: Giz Explains 3D Technologies
RT @draenews: Del What is Biotechnology?:
Something on bio, im even in the academy!Sandi's Web 2.0 class
Includes training materials created by CCSDBBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Alien life 'may exist among us'
Our planet may harbour forms of "weird life" unrelated to life as we know it.
When will the BBC get better quality science journos Alien Life my arse - [from]
new forms of life on earth, from earth or arrived to it. How to look for them. Definition of life (self sustained and capable of darwinian evolution?). Did life hartch on earth from scratch more than once?Multimedia overview - Administrator's Plus PDA Module
A site about PDAs from EDUC-W 200
pre-lecture activity #4, administrators can have access to PDA's
PDA video
Information about PDA systems avaliable for - misc - Macroanonymous Is The New Microfamous
Interview with 4chan's creator
An Interview With The Founder of 4chan
moot of 4chan
I like to think that I've grown as a person, but at the same time I think a little piece of me continues to die every year.
interesting interview with moot of 4chan
Moot interview
Rex Sorgatz' website, feeding on internet culture.Education Week: March 26, 2009
Education Week posts Technology Counts 2009: Breaking Away From Tradition [from]Welcome to Digital Documentaries
Digital Documentaries is a professional development program that helps teachers inspire their students to write and learn about local history and their community. Students research, direct, and produce their own video examining local issues or historical events while meeting social studies and language arts requirements for grades 5-12.
Great info explaining elements of a documentary.Skin Deep Usability « Momentum
"The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it’s just so…Microsofty.'"
Basking in the glow from our brand-new tabletop touch screen computer, we are greeted with…. not a glossy “welcome” montage, but a standard, legal disclaimer that asks if we accept the terms & conditions.
On using a Microsoft Surface for the first time.
this guy thinks the way I do
On setting up a new Microsoft Surface touch-screen, "no keyboard or mouse" computer, and discovering (among other issues, like where the power cord goes, or what color 'rhodamine' is), that one 'undocumented feature' is that a keyboard and mouse are required to boot the thing: "The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it's just so...Microsofty.'"
Gordon Miller går gjennom den frustrerende opplevelsen det er å sette opp Microsoft Surface.Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone #feedly [from]
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone Great spoof on the Twitter founder interview. [from]
Parody of her interview of the founders of Twitter
This is how I describe *any* new technology to folks - like a new version of the telephone
parody of Maureen Dowd's Twitter interview - great!
"I sat down with Mr. Bell, 39, and his assistant Thomas Watson, 22, and asked them to explain why they shouldn't be condemned to a slow, painful death. ME: The telephone seems like letter-writing without the paper and pen. Is there any message that can't wait for a passenger pigeon? BELL: Possibly the message I'd like to deliver to you right now. ME: Did you know you were designing a toy for bored housewives and the indolent rich? BELL: Actually, I was trying to help deaf people."
"ME: I would rather be flayed alive and gradually guillotined than use a telephone."Inhabitat » Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
It'll be interesting to see how practical this turns out to be.
Charting the future of cell phone technology, Kyocera recently unveiled a kinetic energy-powered phone that is capable of folding up like a wallet.
Inhabitat »
A Green Design Blog, Sustainable Design Blog, Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Fuck the iPhone, I want one of these.staple / unstaple
A tool that forces people to commit a crime if they want to prove an archive contains stolen content. Turning the DMCA against those who try to use it. Cute in a contrarian activist sort of way.
staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing.
[...]It has been suggested that this scenario occurs if Alice is a content producer/owner, Bob is a content piracy group, and Charlie is a user unconcerned about copyright infringement. Taking their last example: Alice could pretend to have brute-forced the key k rather than recovered from B and r, no? And is all-or-nothing so hard to do? what about making c=k xor H(Ek(m)) | Ek(m) ? You need the full data to compute the hash on the encrypted message to recover the key and decrypt the message. And you can throw away part of the key also in this scheme UPDATE: hum actually it appears that it's precisely what he's doing :-)
all or nothing cryptographic transform
"staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing. staple can also be asked to do something slightly strange: in the process of executing the All-or-nothing transform, a random key is used for encryption of the data - staple can be instructed to throw away part of that key. (The only argument staple takes is the number of key bytes to throw away; only 0, 2, and 4 are accepted currently.)"10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of | News | TechRadar UK
10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of Must-have new apps on show at DEMO 09 day two : TechRadar UK
Some very cool apps hereWindows in 1983
great for presentations
Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70 videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom usStreaming: Monty Python Puts Free Videos Online, Sells 23,000% More DVDs
Like it says in the title.
Monty Python started a YouTube channel with tons of their sketches streaming for free. They included links to their DVDs at Amazon. The result was a whopping 23,000% increase in sales.Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine
Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains
The book excerpt: the ShallowsYour Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price -
Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored. The resulting distractions can have deadly consequences, as when cellphone-wielding drivers and train engineers cause wrecks. And for millions of people like Mr. Campbell, these urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep thought, interrupting work and family life.
Scientists say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information from e-mail and other interruptions.Does the Internet Make You Smarter? -
We are now witnessing the rapid stress of older institutions accompanied by the slow and fitful development of cultural alternatives. Just as required education was a response to print, using the Internet well will require new cultural institutions as well, not just new technologies. It is tempting to want PatientsLikeMe without the dumb videos, just as we might want scientific journals without the erotic novels, but that's not how media works. Increased freedom to create means increased freedom to create throwaway material, as well as freedom to indulge in the experimentation that eventually makes the good new stuff possible. There is no easy way to get through a media revolution of this magnitude; the task before us now is to experiment with new ways of using a medium that is social, ubiquitous and cheap, a medium that changes the landscape by distributing freedom of the press and freedom of assembly as widely as freedom of speech.
So... does the internet make us smarter? your email address says about your computer skills - The Oatmeal
and not just because I was a gmail early adopterHackFwd
experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks
We're experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks. We’re a pre-seed investment company designed to enable great people to launch great ideas. Our start-up and support process accelerates the route to beta, profitability, and success.
check this out. Cool infographic thing pdf.
"We're experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks. We’re a pre-seed investment company designed to enable great people to launch great ideas. Our start-up and support process accelerates the route to beta, profitability, and success."
"We're experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks. We’re a pre-seed investment company designed to enable great people to launch great ideas. Our start-up and support process accelerates the route to beta, profitability, and success.
“We're experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks. We’re a pre-seed investment company designed to enable great people to launch great ideas. Our start-up and support process accelerates the route to beta, profitability, and success.”Collection of Free Programming and Technology Related Books
This post contains the list of sites offering Programming, Information Technology and Computer books which are provided by Publishers and Authors legally and free. You can bookmark this post for future use.Tools for the 21st Century Teacher
RT @draenews: Del Tools for the 21st Century Teacher: Google Blog: Our new search index: Caffeine
Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.
RT @ALA_TechSource: Google's new search engine, Caffeine, provides 50% fresher results. Underkoffler points to the future of UI | Video on
人機介面 三度空間
The future of #UI presented by John Underkoffler #tedtalk
Minority Report science adviser and inventor John Underkoffler demos g-speak -- the real-life version of the film's eye-popping, tai chi-meets-cyberspace computer interface. Is this how tomorrow's computers will be controlled?BBC News - In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
buen gráfico con supercomputadoras y su distribución por país
The biannual Top 500 supercomputer list has been released. Use this graphic to explore the world's fastest number crunchers or find out more about alternative supercomputer powers . Annotated link
RT @dreig: interesante infografía: Supercomputadoras en el mundo:
In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers50 Ways to Anchor Technology (Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow)
lots of great tech ideas for the classroom
Using free websites as learning and teaching tools
"50 Ways to Anchor Technology Using Free Websites as Learning12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American
Eventi che cambieranno il mondo
This Web-only article is a special rich-media presentation of the feature, " 12 Events That Will Change Everything ," which appears in the June 2010 issue of Scientific American . The presentation was created by Zemi Media . Find all our other interactive offerings here .Op-Ed Contributor - Mind Over Mass Media -
Mind Over Mass Media
Steven Pinker - Accomplished people don’t bulk up their brains with intellectual calisthenics; they immerse themselves in their fields. Novelists read lots of novels, scientists read lots of science.
Mind Over Mass Media | Twitter, e-mail and PowerPoint are far from making us stupid — they are keeping us smart.
The effects of consuming electronic media are also likely to be far more limited than the panic implies. Media critics write as if the brain takes on the qualities of whatever it consumes, the informational equivalent of “you are what you eat.”
RT @kenanmalik: The Internet does not make you stupid any more than an encyclopaedia makes you smart: - Lego Hello World
So maybe it isn't as fast as a LaserJet, but still probably one of the coolest printers out there.
Impressora feita com peças de Lego
Suggested Language (we have set your preference to this): English (UK)
Impressora de Lego com cenário embutido. Via @rodrigoscama
Working printer made from Legos and felt-tip markers. I love the little Lego men. YouTube video.
Now this is how a dot matrix printer should be!
Cool plotter made entirely from Lego, but without using Mindstorms.
A printer made from Lego
Lego Printer... SO GOOD (from Adam)
すごいRest in Peas: The Unrecognized Death of Speech Recognition - robertfortner's posterous
The accuracy of computer speech recognition flat-lined in 2001, before reaching human levels. The funding plug was pulled, but no funeral, no text-to-speech eulogy followed. Words never meant very much to computers—which made them ten times more error-prone than humans. Humans expected that computer understanding of language would lead to artificially intelligent machines, inevitably and quickly. But the mispredicted words of speech recognition have rewritten that narrative. We just haven’t recognized it yet. In 2001 recognition accuracy topped out at 80%, far short of HAL-like levels of comprehension. Adding data or computing power made no difference. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University checked again in 2006 and found the situation unchanged. With human discrimination as high as 98%, the unclosed gap left little basis for conversation.
In passing, interesting-looking thing about why computers can't understand language.
link to scientific article which shows low accuracy of 2006 products
Speech recognition flatlined at 80% accuracy in 2001, and you'd be forgiven for concluding it will never get better: – iconmaster (iconmaster)
The accuracy of computer speech recognition flat-lined in 2001, before reaching human levels. The funding plug was pulled, but no funeral, no text-to-speech eulogy followed. Words never meant very much to computers—which made them ten times more error-prone than humans. Humans expected that computer understanding of language would lead to artificially intelligent machines, inevitably and quickly. But the mispredicted words of speech recognition have rewritten that narrative. We just haven’t recognized it yet.Techi - Fresh daily technology news
INFOGRAPHIC - #SocialMedia Demographics: Who's Using Which Sites? it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal
Ein Comic on The Oatmeal10 Things You Need To Know About Today’s Facebook Privacy Changes
On facebook privacy, from May 26, 2010.
Facebook changes 05/10Free online Music Creator -'s Roc
"Use Aviary's music creator to simulate dozens of musical instruments including piano, guitars and drums. Create music loops and patterns for use in Aviary's audio editor (Myna) or as ring tones. "
Use Aviary's music creator to simulate dozens of musical instruments including piano, guitars and drums. Create music loops and patterns for use in Aviary's audio editor (Myna) or as ring tones.
Great layout
Create your own original songs for videos, podcasts, and other uses.
Last week Aviary introduced a new service designed to complement their Myna sound mixing service. The new service is called Roc and it does rock. Using Roc you can create your own music loops or samples. After you've created your music samples you can download them, reuse them in Myna, or embed them into your blog. Below you will find a brief tutorial on how to create sound loops using Aviary Roc. Google Apps for Education users, remember that Aviary's services can be incorporated into your account through the Google Apps Marketplace. This means that teachers and students can save their Aviary creations in their Google Accounts. Below is a tutorial on how to add Aviary to your Google Apps for Education services (note: you have to be the administrator of your organization's Google Apps for Education account to make this happen). Applications for Education The combination of Aviary's Myna and Roc services could be a great way for your students to create their own audio tracWhy I Returned My iPad - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
Peter Bregman returns iPad for boredom, spending time w/8YO daughter, laughing, talking, letting minds just wander.
come on bro, contain yourself
Sappy with good points about getting away from being connected 100% of the time "Why I returned my iPad" from HBR: – Akash Pathak (apathak)
blog about boundary blurring!
Being bored is a precious thing, a state of mind we should pursue. Once boredom sets in, our minds begin to wander, looking for something exciting, something interesting to land on. And that's where creativity arises. My best ideas come to me when I am unproductive. When I am running but not listening to my iPod. When I am sitting, doing nothing, waiting for someone. When I am lying in bed as my mind wanders before falling to sleep. These "wasted" moments, moments not filled with anything in particular, are vital.USB Typewriter
Nostalgisch! een USB tikmachine voor ong 500 $ die je met je computer kunt verbinden via @cclark2What Will You Learn this Summer? 35 Professional Development Resources | Teacher Reboot Camp
In spite of all the answers the internet has given us, its full potential to transform our lives remains the great unknown. Here are the nine key steps to understanding the most powerful tool of our age – and where it's taking usIn the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday -
“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology,” says Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor and businessman who is the Singularity’s most ubiquitous spokesman and boasts that he intends to live for hundreds of years and resurrect the dead, including his own father. “That is what it means to be human — to extend who we are.” But, of course, one person’s utopia is another person’s dystopia.
NYT article about the singularity movement
ON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen. While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system.
At that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past. Some of Silicon Valley’s smartest and wealthiest people have embraced the Singularity. They believe that technology may be the only way to solve the world’s ills, while also allowing people to seize control of the evolutionary process.
While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system. The BrinBot was hardly something out of “Star Trek.” It had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state.Resolving the iPhone resolution | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Is the new iPhone resolution so high that the human eye cannot detect the pixels?
" 12 inches from the eye, Jobs claims, the pixels on the new iPhone are so small that they exceed your eye’s ability to detect them."100 Great Tech Talks for Educators | Best Colleges Online
"If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology."
POST - 100 Great Tech Talks for #Educators - - Learn about making #technology work in #education and more in these talks9 Essential Tips To Speed Up Windows 7 | How-To
9 Essential Tips To Speed Up Windows 7: The Microsoft Windows 7 operating system has been designed for delivering ... Helper
HTML Helper -
tutorial lessons
20 HTML tutorialsHow Steve Jobs beats presentation panic | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
presentation tips
“Our networks in here are always unpredictable, so...I have no idea what we're going to find,” he said. “They are slow today.” What Jobs did next, according to Carmine Gallo, author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, was vintage Jobs (and a model for how presenters should deal with stage crises): He did not panic. He did not look hot under the collar of his trademark turtleneck. His hours of practice and intimate knowledge of every inch of every slide made him comfortable enough so that he could jump around to another part of the presentation (in this case, to look at photos).SeaMicro drops an atom bomb on the server industry | VentureBeat
Coming out of stealth, SeaMicro is dispelling the Silicon Valley myth that you can’t innovate in hardware anymore. The startup is announcing today it has created a server with 512 Intel Atom chips that gets supercomputer performance but uses 75 percent less power and space than current servers.
New 512-core servers
(private) cloud in a box?
@LarsBoeNielsen speaking of going crazy, check out this Server V.Next? and yes, i want the new XBox!Differentiate-with-Technology - home
Discusses how to differentiate using Web 2.0 technology.
RT @celfoster: Awesome RT @SuzanneWhisler: Great resource! RT @shannonmmiller Differentiate-with-Technology Wiki – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
differentiate with technologyMagazine Preview - Smarter Than You Think - I.B.M.'s Supercomputer to Challenge 'Jeopardy!' Champions -
For the last three years, I.B.M. scientists have been developing what they expect will be the world’s most advanced “question answering” machine, able to understand a question posed in everyday human elocution — “natural language,” as computer scientists call it — and respond with a precise, factual answer. In other words, it must do more than what search engines like Google and Bing do, which is merely point to a document where you might find the answer. It has to pluck out the correct answer itself.
long, but very interesting read on IBM's "answering machine": - big data, parallel queries, etc... aka, google. – Ilya Grigorik (igrigorik) Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs | Maximum PC
Some of the terms sound impressive, but almost all of this is unnecessary puffery and jargon that confuses not only consumers but the pros, as well.
Breaking the myths of TVs and why they are in place.Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: AI That Picks Stocks Better Than the Pros
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
academic study claims to use text in news to automate trading and beat Wall Street. Tested on 5 weeks + bizarre informative features --> sounds fishy
The ability to predict the stock market is, as any Wall Street quantitative trader (or quant) will tell you, a license to print money. So it should be of no small interest to anyone who likes money that a new system that works in a radically different way than previous automated trading schemes appears to be able to beat Wall Street's best quantitative mutual funds at their own game.
It's called the Arizona Financial Text system, or AZFinText, and it works by ingesting large quantities of financial news stories (in initial tests, from Yahoo Finance) along with minute-by-minute stock price data, and then using the former to figure out how to predict the latter. Then it buys, or shorts, every stock it believes will move more than 1% of its current price in the next 20 minutes - and it never holds a stock for longer.How To Put Facebook On A Privacy Lockdown
If you're going to use Facebook, you should definitely know how to keep your information private.
Myspace is a social media site that is operated and drunk driving charge possessed. The positioning ended up being started by simply Mark Zuckerberg any time he or she had been the basic university student at Harvard as well as grew swiftly to incorporate hundreds of millions involving people
But if you're going to use Facebook, you should definitely know how to keep your information private.
Worried about Facebook privacy but still want to keep your account? A visual guide to how to lock it down.
You'll never quit. So protect yourself.
How To Set Your Privacy settings in Facebook - FB really, really made it hard to impossible.... ¦僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
もうそのネタだけで記事1本いけるよ。我々は新しいもの買うとまるでそれを持ってることが勝ち組の証でもあるかのように人に見せびらかす生き物なのだ。なぜ? 僕はiPad作ったわけでもない。ただ買っただけなのに)
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
その通り。悪いのは自分。これは自分の問題なのだ。そばにあると、つい使わずにいられない。しかも不幸なことに、あれはいつもそばにいる。だから返した。/退屈な時間から創造性は生まれる。納得。EduDemic » The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Social Media
a flipbook that briefly describes a variety of social media 'outlets' (no mention of Delicious)
Describes a book as well as listing some other ideas.
RT @edudemic: From Twitter to Diigo to Glogster and beyond...The Ultimate Teacher's Guide To Social Media helps everyone! ...Hacker Monthly
The Print Magazine of Hacker News
All being well, I should be an advertiser in the 2nd issue of Hacker Monthly: (an awesome new geek magazine) – Peter Çoopèr (peterc) Jobs Offers World 'Freedom From Porn' - Apple - Gawker
"I didn't plan to pick a fight with Steve Jobs last night. It just sort of happened: An iPad advertisement ticked me off; I sent the Apple CEO an angry email; he told me about "freedom from porn." [...] The electronic debate proceeded from there." Gawker journalist Ryan Tate accidentally gets into an e-mail debate with Steve Jobs. Fascinating stuff.
Petits échanges de mails entre Steve Jobs et un journaliste de Gizmodo au sujet des choix de Apple (en)
Rare is the CEO who will spar one-on-one with customers and bloggers like this. Jobs deserves big credit for breaking the mold of the typical American executive, and not just because his company makes such hugely superior products: Jobs not only built and then rebuilt his company around some very strong opinions about digital life, but he's willing to defend them in public. Vigorously. Bluntly. At two in the morning on a weekend. As much as Jobs and his actions anger me, and as harsh as I was to him, I came away from the exchange impressed with his willingness to engage. Apple has never tried to argue that cross-compiled Flash wears batteries down any more quickly than other Objective C code, and in fact approved more than two dozen such apps before changing its policies.
"What have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?"
"Rare is the CEO who will spar one-on-one with customers and bloggers like this. Jobs deserves big credit for breaking the mold of the typical American executive, and not just because his company makes such hugely superior products: Jobs not only built and then rebuilt his company around some very strong opinions about digital life, but he's willing to defend them in public. Vigorously. Bluntly. At two in the morning on a weekend."The Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]
RT @draenews: Del The Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]:
not bad
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet() and all its information for years to come. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the semantic web, what it is and why it matters to all kinds of Internet users, we highly recommend checking out this documentary below.
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet (Internet) and all its information for years to come.
Video sobre la Web SemánticaAndrey Ternovskiy’s Web site, Chatroulette : The New Yorker
LETTER FROM MOSCOW about Chatroulette. Andrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he created the Web site Chatroulette. The most reliable version, however, centers on a shop called Russian Souvenirs, where Ternovskiy started working in 2008, selling Soviet paraphernalia…
ndrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he cr
perfil do criador do chat rouletteExamples of Student Innovation - home
This is a Wiki of student examples from all over the United States. Great ideas!
Student Innovation exemplar wiki
RT @gcouros: Share great work of your students! Examples of Student Innovation - home:
As educators focusing on 21st Century Learning, it is important that we are able to share examples of powerful student work that we can share with educators around the world. It is important that we have this opportunity to not only talk about how we can empower students, but as examples of how this has ALREADY affected student learning. The Motivation? This wiki was inspired (as many things are) by a student that did a phenomenal job on discussing her PLN that was shared numerous times on Twitter
This goes directly to our CIDC goal of improving writing. Many of these student blogs in the first section are great, easy examples of what a blog can be used for.
Ideas to move from tech to teachPoynter Online - Digital Journalist Survival Guide: A Glossary of Tech Terms You Should Know
This glossary defines terms related to web standards, programming, online tools.
A very handy explanation from Poynter Online of abbreviations and jargon you may find occasionally confoundingHow to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks
As the title says...
suggested iphone apps for studentsHigh Scalability - High Scalability - How will memristors change everything?
the first cyborg is now the first infected cyborg. TOI esque headline on BBC [from]Most Creative People In Business 2010 | Fast Company
I like @fastcompany's Top 100 Creative People in Business list, though I wish it was easier to navigate
businessEasy Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
A slideshare presentation about simple and effective tools to use for the classroom.
slideshow showing 20 tools for teachersOfficial Google Blog: Announcing Google TV: TV meets web. Web meets TV.
Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.
If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. *Nielsen, Three Screen Report, Fourth Quarter 2009ISTE Learning
RT @mcarls: RT .@smack3131: RT .@kylepace: ISTE's new professional development site - #iste10
What Is ISTE Learning?ISTE Learning is an anytime, anywhere online community for professional development where educators can sample free concepts, buy cool resources and exchange creative ideas. This space provides relevant learning experiences in multiple formats to strengthen the teaching experience and grow digital literacy.VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use #voicethread in education: #austl
RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @tenteacher: Great resource! RT @nharm 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
100 ways to use voicethread in education:
This can be used within the writing process in all aspects especially for your student publications.
voicethread it a great collaborative tool with slideshow and video capabilitiesHow to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late: Andy Grove - Bloomberg
The scaling process is no longer happening in the U.S. And as long as that’s the case, plowing capital into young companies that build their factories elsewhere will continue to yield a bad return in terms of American jobs.
Andy Grove writes interesting/controversial piece arguing for protectionism and other techniques to generate American jobs.
Fantastic piece from the former CEO of Intel on the problems with focusing on profit-margins over jobs. The possible decline of Silicon Valley looks rather similar to the collapse of manufacturing that the UK went through in the late-70s and 80s. The challenge for us is to work out how to recover from that problem.
How it works nowadays: successful companies rarely make what they create.
Startups are a wonderful thing, but they cannot by themselves increase tech employment. Equally important is what comes after that mythical moment of creation in the garage, as technology goes from prototype to mass production. This is the phase where companies scale up. They work out design details, figure out how to make things affordably, build factories, and hire people by the thousands. Scaling is hard work but necessary to make innovation matter. The scaling process is no longer happening in the U.S. And as long as that’s the case, plowing capital into young companies that build their factories elsewhere will continue to yield a bad return in terms of American jobs.
Today, manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is about 166,000 -- lower than it was before the first personal computer, the MITS Altair 2800, was assembled in 1975. Meanwhile, a very effective computer-manufacturing industry has emerged in Asia, employing about 1.5 million workers -- factory employees, engineers and managers. The largest of these companies is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn. The company has grown at an astounding rate, first in Taiwan and later in China. Its revenue last year was $62 billion, larger than Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp., Dell Inc. or Intel. Foxconn employs more than 800,000 people, more than the combined worldwide head count of Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard Co., Intel and Sony Corp.
Die langweiligen Industrie-Jobs sind doch gar nicht so doof.Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world | Video on
Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world.
TED Talks Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world.
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world - Clay Shirky /cc @feedly
"Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world."
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world | Video on Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology | Edutopia
Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology - Differentiated Instruction - – nancyrubin (nancyrubin)
To challenge and support each child at his or her own level, the educators of Forest Lake Elementary deploy a powerful array of digital-technology tools. Discover what your school can learn.
Personalize learning via technology-Edutopia
This article discusses integrating technology into the classroom. As schools become more diverse it becomes more important to diversify and personalize lessons. Rubenstein (2010) discusses a South Carolina elementary school that uses a wide array of technology tools. Although having the gadgets available is the first step, using them effectively to create lessons that are productive and engage the students is critically important. Rubenstein (2010) offers 10 tips from Forest Lake's teachers on how to achieve this goal.Daring Fireball: Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks
@snipeyhead Tynt, "It’s a bunch of user-hostile SEO bullshit." - If Apture avoids stories like this, should do ok. – Ben Shive (BenSS)
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text
I found Wired Science doing this bullshit just now, when saving a bookmark to an article there. Very disappointing, guys.
Tynt is a service that automatically forces a link reference into your clipboard when you copy text from web sites using them. Worth blocking.
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text.
of where to find and how to edit your hosts file on Mac OS X or WindowHow to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025)
Before signing on, please ensure you have received your RealIdentity card from local authorities. Signing on to the internet without identifying yourself has been ruled illegal in the Stop Anonymity Act of 2012, and you need to be sure to associate your comments, emails, posts and more with your real name. Setting up your RealIdentity is easy, as your computer (MacOS 15 or ChromeOS7 and higher) will automatically connect to your near-by card, verifying it with your biometric data. Do not put on shades, veils, contact lenses, and please shave before the biometric scan starts; it is advised to not perform biometric authentication after a long night of drinking.Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian
A few weeks ago, an Illinois judge rejected a motion to dismiss an eavesdropping charge against Christopher Drew, who recorded his own arrest for selling one-dollar artwork on the streets of Chicago. Although the misdemeanor charges of not having a peddler's license and peddling in a prohibited area were dropped, Drew is being prosecuted for illegal recording, a Class I felony punishable by 4 to 15 years in prison.
In response to a flood of Facebook and YouTube videos that depict police abuse, a new trend in law enforcement is gaining popularity. In at least three states, it is now illegal to record any on-duty police officer.
In response to a flood of Facebook and YouTube videos that depict police abuse, a new trend in law enforcement is gaining popularity. In at least three states, it is now illegal to record any on-duty police officer. Even if the encounter involves you and may be necessary to your defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists. The legal justification for arresting the "shooter" rests on existing wiretapping or eavesdropping laws, with statutes against obstructing law enforcement sometimes cited. Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maryland are among the 12 states in which all parties must consent for a recording to be legal unless, as with TV news crews, it is obvious to all that recording is underway. Since the police do not consent, the camera-wielder can be arrested.サイトを公開する際に最低限抑えておきたい Apache の設定 | バシャログ。
httpd.conf view source print? 01 # 持続的接続を有効化 02 KeepAlive On 03 # IE は除外 04 SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ 05 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ 06 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 07 # HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 08 ServerTokens Prod 09 # エラーページの表示を抑制 10 ServerSignature Off 11 # TRACE メソッドを無効化 12 TraceEnable Off php.ini view source print? 1 ; HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 2 expose_php = OffDoes the Internet Make You Dumber? -
picture emerging from the research is deeply troubling, at least to anyone who values the depth, rather than just the velocity, of human thought. People who read text studded with links, the studies show, comprehend less than those who read traditional linear text. People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner.sigilt - Favorite Web 2.0 Tools
Winter 2010 Newsletter a list of our members favorite Web 2.0 Tools
web 2.o sites
This is a great list of Web 2.0 tools compiled by teachers #chickenweb20tools – Mary Beth Hertz (mbteach)
Web tools- Sent by Carol Tinney LPSFree Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atençãoFree Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atençãoSteve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget
Steve Jobs and the Apple team deliver the goods, once again.
Annotated link
By Joshua Topolsky posted Jun 7th 2010 12:25PMApple's iPhone 4: Thoroughly Reviewed - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News
Conclusion: People are seriously overreacting to an issue that affects ALL mobile phones. The antenna design IS an improvement, even over the previous iPhone model. The signal strength bar visualization unfortunately exaggerates the signal loss, and that part can definitely be corrected with Apple's upcoming patch.
depending how you hold the phone. Squeezing it really tightly, you can drop as much as 24 dB. Holding it naturally, I measure
Via to Kan-ed!
Kan-ed is a program created by the Kansas Legislature and administered through the Kansas Board of Regents. The purpose of the program is to expand the collaboration capabilities of Kan-ed's member institutions, specifically K-12 schools, higher education, libraries and hospitals. Kan-ed Mission: Kan-ed will be the leader in facilitating statewide technology solutions for Higher Education Institutions, Hospitals, K-12 Schools, and Libraries. Kan-ed will provide resources that enable its members to collaborate, educate and enhance their information delivery services to ensure our members become part of the global technology environment.
user name ksucoe subscription coeksu password ksucoeFree Technology for Teachers: Seven Videos All Educators Should Watch
Seven Videos All Educators Should Watch: via @addthis
Good intros to PDGodBlock - Protect your children
GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely.
Sad that its come to this.Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff –
Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff –
Nice collection of web sites for creating timelines for use by students and teachers.
Top 10 Sites for Creating
Top 10 Sites for Creating Timelines by David KapulerYouTube - The latest version of the LittleDog Robot
RT @catenary: Amazing agile little robot:
Cool dog like robot that walks on all fours, very cool.
This is awesome, but the problem remains that it reminds me that Skynet is possible. educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. – baldy7 (baldy7)
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives.
"It's time to start living in 21st century reality: a reality that is both on- and offline. Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet's transformative potential opens up..."
There's no denying the differences between life online and off. In our online lives we shake off the limitations of our physical selves, perhaps even our names and consciences, too. What remains are the fundamentals: human beings, human conversations, human communities. To say that "reality" includes only offline beings, offline conversations and offline communities is to say that face-to-face matters more than human-to-human.
What if we stopped all the hand wringing and really honored our online lives? #wrbm #life_online
RT @MichaelSurtees: RT @Malbonnington: 2 sides to a story: The bliss found in switching off:; & the joys of being onl ...10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
via jared / ida
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."Bad Connection: Inside the iPhone Network Meltdown | Magazine
For iPhone fans, it really was too good to be true. A pair of Apple executives had just described the latest model of the iPhone — the 3GS — onstage at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2009. The audience loved it. The 3GS was twice as fast as its predecessor, it included a camera that shot video, and the updated iPhone operating system enabled multimedia messaging and tethering — the ability to use the phone as a modem. Just one problem: While many customers in Europe and Asia could enjoy all those features, AT&T, the iPhone’s sole US carrier, wouldn’t allow video messaging or tethering at launch. In other words, the most advanced features wouldn’t be available to AT&T customers. article on how bad AT&T and Apple's relationship is.
For iPhone fans, it really was too good to be true. A pair of Apple executives had just described the latest model of the iPhone — the 3GS — onstage at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2009. The audience loved it. The 3GS was twice as fast as its predecessor, it included a camera that shot video, and the updated iPhone operating system enabled multimedia messaging and tethering — the ability to use the phone as a modem. Just one problem: While many customers in Europe and Asia could enjoy all those features, AT&T, the iPhone’s sole US carrier, wouldn’t allow video messaging or tethering at launch. In other words, the most advanced features wouldn’t be available to AT&T customers. What’s more, some current iPhone users who wanted to upgrade wouldn’t get the subsidies that new customers enjoyed. Incensed iPhone fanatics vented their fury on Twitter. “AT&T has been one disappointment after another.” “Is AT&T trying to squeeze more money from us poor suckers?” And they
well of course right? duh! apple's smart and strongwilled but created genius products people kill for and at & T is a large telco trying to be innovative and it's hard and there are lot of personalities. mwahahha! "Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that helps you save energy and money. Using energy information provided by utility smart meters and energy monitoring devices, Google PowerMeter enables you to view your home's energy consumption from anywhere online. Find out what people are saying about Google PowerMeter. " of course at & T executives wouldn't be into jobs. he's blunt and they fire people like that at their organization for "causing conflict" it's like setting little gifted kids loose in a military school.
In a fate that will soon befall the rest of the wireless carriers, AT&T has become a mere toll-taker on the digital highway, an operator of dumb pipes that cost a fortune to maintain but garner no credit for innovation or customer service.First look at “revolutionary” social news iPad app: Flipboard — Scobleizer
Flipboard -
We have seen news viewers just like NewsGator, Yahoo Reader, or even, even, more recent people for apple company ipad such as Heart beat, yet you’ve not witnessed one particular this way.
There is the envy you feel for.. there is the envy you get when.. then, there is the envy you feel when you see what loos to be the ipad's killer app, the thing which will turn it from a .. into a ..
f u don't have ipad,try RT @scobleizer First look at “revolutionary” social news iPad app: Flipboard Don’t Need a Degree: 15 College Dropouts Who Made It Big
@yuifu my wallet cried when i bought this, but i'm happy :) – nick abel (516eltonXB7Z6Q) content in ISTE 2010 | Diigo - Groups
links from ISTE 2010
Twitter and backchanneling sessions only capture information for finite periods of time. This site will be used to store all of the great links and resources discovered through ISTE 2010 (Jun 27-30, 2010).Exclusive: Motorola Droid X preview -- Engadget
@Urvaksh Awesome, tho other than that I don't yet see why Engadget says it makes Incredible "look like a bench warmer."
Looking at @engadget 's Motorola Droid X gallery ( The thing looks HUGE - short of the Symbol devices, it sets a record.Secure Passwords - Explained by Common Craft - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
Explaining the necessity of having a secure password.
Explained by Common CraftA guide to 3D display technology: its principles, methods, and dangers
A primer in case you’re not familiar with how 3D works in general.
Even if it feels silly, just indulge me here: close just your right eye. Now just your left. Now your right. It’s like in Wayne’s World: camera one, camera two. You must have noticed that things change position a bit. This, of course, is because your eyes are a few inches apart; this is called the “interocular distance” and it varies from person to person. Note also that when you look at something close, objects appear in double in the background. Look at the corner of the screen. See how the chair or window back there is doubled? It’s because you’re actually rotating your eyes so they both point directly at what you’re focusing on. This is called “convergence,” and it creates a sort of X, the center of the X being what’s being focused on. You’ve probably seen a diagram like this one before:
some info around the 3d tech currently
Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in the house is going to be 3D-capable in a year or so, even if you opt not to display any 3D content on it. Those of you who choose that path may stop reading now, and come back a little later when you change your mind. Because if you have kids or enjoy movies and games, there will be a point where you’re convinced, perhaps by a single standout piece of media, that 3D is worth it at least some of the time.Google Apps Education Training Center
Teacher resources for using Google Apps.NIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Take or create an online course, includes ePorfoliosHow I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The Guardian
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The GuardianJulian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks | Video on
why we need a place for whistle blowers
Disagree with the comments that this is manipulative and only out to make money. If being for profit was an issue we wouldn't be able to trust anything in most books, journals or papers.Learn It In 5 - Home
Learn it in 5 is a powerful library of how-to videos, produced by technology teachers, for the purpose of helping teachers and students create classroom strategies for today's 21st century's digital classroom. These step-by-step how-to videos walk teachers through Web 2.0 technology, demonstrating how to use Web 2.0 applications like blogs, social networks, podcasts, interactive videos, wikis, slidesharing and much more.Google Apps Education Training Center
Tutoriais sobre as aplicações da GoogleNIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Online, apparently free, resource for e-learningHow I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The Guardian
Privacy advocates fear that Foursquare, along with other geolocation apps such as Gowalla and Google Latitude, are vulnerable to "data scraping", namely, the sophisticated trawling and monitoring of user activity in an effort to build a rich database of personal information. The big worry, say critics, is who might get to make use of this information.
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalkerTan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves | Video on
Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves
Tan Le's astonishing new computer interface reads its user's brainwaves, making it possible to control virtual objects, and even physical electronics, with mere thoughts (and a little concentration). She demos the headset, and talks about its far-reaching applications.
The early stages of neural HCI.The Acceleration of Addictiveness
People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet. It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work. We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working.
Paul Graham.
"Most people I know have problems with Internet addiction. We're all trying to figure out our own customs for getting free of it. That's why I don't have an iPhone, for example; the last thing I want is for the Internet to follow me out into the world. [5] My latest trick is taking long hikes. I used to think running was a better form of exercise than hiking because it took less time. Now the slowness of hiking seems an advantage, because the longer I spend on the trail, the longer I have to think without interruption."
"The world is more addictive than it was 40 years ago." "Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US... You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly." "We'll increasingly be defined by what we say no to."
as the world becomes more addictive, the two senses in which one can live a normal life will be driven ever further apart. One sense of "normal" is statistically normal: what everyone else does. The other is the sense we mean when we talk about the normal operating range of a piece of machinery: what works best. These two senses are already quite far apart. Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US. That phenomenon is only going to become more pronounced. You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly.
You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly. » new developments in AI
While strong AI still lies safely beyond the Maes-Garreau horizon1 (a vanishing point, perpetually fifty years ahead) a host of important new developments in weak AI are poised to be commercialized in the next few years. But because these developments are a paradoxical mix of intelligence and stupidity, they defy simple forecasts, they resist hype. They are not unambiguously better, cheaper, or faster. They are something new. What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
New Developments in Artificial Intelligence: Man vs. Google #AI $$
What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
Impressive essay on artificial intelligence.17 Best Free Online Fax Services
-17 Best Free Online Fax Services
17 Best Free Online Fax Services - » new developments in AI
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
While strong AI still lies safely beyond the Maes-Garreau horizon1 (a vanishing point, perpetually fifty years ahead) a host of important new developments in weak AI are poised to be commercialized in the next few years. But because these developments are a paradoxical mix of intelligence and stupidity, they defy simple forecasts, they resist hype. They are not unambiguously better, cheaper, or faster. They are something new. What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
New Developments in Artificial Intelligence: Man vs. Google #AI $$
What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?