Pages tagged television:

How Buildings Learn TV series

How Buildings Learn TV series
In 1997, the BBC aired a three-hour documentary based on Stewart Brand's book, How Buildings Learn. Brand has posted the whole program on Google Video in six 30-minute parts: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six.
Espoiler TV ::
Series de toda la vida, de ahora, de todas las cadenas, para bajarselas,subtitulos, etc,etc....
BBC - Archive Project - The Genesis of Doctor Who
documents interns, fotos...en què s'explica el procés de creació de la sèrie Dr. Who (ara molt popular)
"Explore the origins of a TV legend with this collection of documents and images. It's now the number one family favourite, but 'Doctor Who' had a difficult birth, emerging from the imagination of some of BBC Drama's top minds. Here, we tell the story of the creation of 'Doctor Who' from the very beginning, starting with a report on the possibility of making science fiction for television and leading up to the moment a new drama series is announced in the pages of 'Radio Times'."
Media Center: Cut the Cable For Good with Boxee and Apple TV
Every Episode of 'House' Ever |
Have you ever wanted to write award-winning television, don't own a computer, typewriter, or pen, and yet are somehow reading this? Well, you're in luck! Just follow this simple guide, selecting
opskrift på hvordan man skruer et afsnit af House MD sammen
Television: Build Your Own DTV Antenna
useful home-made DTV antenna
Surprising stories behind 20 Muppet characters -
Like a lot of people, I grew up on Sesame Street and the Muppets. But did you ever stop to wonder where they came from?
Some of the characters we know and love were recycled from other TV shows and commercials Jim Henson worked on, while others were invented by using whatever materials were around. Be prepared for a little nostalgia, and I hope I didn't leave out your favorite -- not all of the characters have interesting background stories (sorry, Big Bird).
Some of the characters we know and love were recycled from other TV shows and commercials Jim Henson worked on,
the sopranos, uncensored. on Vimeo
By He Jibo @ UIUC
every expletive from the entire series
27 minutes of expletives
27 mins of solid swearing. 2mins was enough for me.
Watch TV Online - Full Episodes
Watch TV online for free. Full episodes from ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Hulu, Megavideo, Youku.
Randomn3ss » The complete list of websites to stream full TV shows and movies from
Hulu: Get Hulu Content on Your TV without Hulu's Help
Why TV Lost
Now would be a good time to start any company that competes with TV networks. That's what a lot of Internet startups are, though they may not have had this as an explicit goal.
Check for Reruns for Any of Your Favorite Shows - RerunCheck
Check for Reruns for Any of Your Favorite Shows
Home | PBS Video
On PBS Video, award-winning national programming and locally produced shows are just a click away. Watch your favorite shows and catch the episodes you may have missed, all on your schedule. Click "Share" to send your favorites to friends and post to social networks, and purchase your own copy by clicking "Own It."
Full length PBS videos!
Flash version of Apples scrolling magic thingy.
Eye On Springfield
SurfTheChannel - Television
Can watch TV programmes for free
showRSS — all your tv shows, one feed, their torrent
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader
What's that? showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.
Brian Lynch: 30 ROCK is a rip-off of THE MUPPET SHOW!
Sorry, There's No Way To Save The TV Business
The cable companies will become dumb pipes, and they'll get disintermediated. The phone companies will remain dumb pipes. The wireless companies will become dumber pipes. The competition between the multiple dumb pipes will eventually, we pray, result in lower prices for consumers for the only thing we will really need: Ubiquitous high-speed Internet access. Live - Live Events, Breaking News, and the day's top stories from
<tweet> [t] <cnn> Watch it LIVE now: The Hearing on Sonia Sotomayor’s historical nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court #sotomayor
<tweet> [t] <cnn> Obama discusses the economy and global warming at the G8 Summit LIVE now
Watch @ryanblock live now on CNN [from] Live is THE destination for live streaming video of breaking news and the latest information on unfolding events, with anchored coverage of top news stories throughout the day. Watch live video streams with the most current updates on national and international news, as well as the economy, politics, health, sports, weather, entertainment, business and much more. Live takes you behind-the-scenes with celebrity interviews, brings you into the court room for exciting trials, and delivers live video feeds from major events like economic stimulus debates and decisions and the State of the Nation with John King at 12pm ET, including President Barack Obama's Address.
101 Muppets of Sesame Street | National Post
How many do you recognize?
A digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s.
free vintage ad video archive!
canal deciencia y tecnologia
Zinc: Unlimited Internet Video on Demand |
Zinc™ software delivers Internet and downloaded video in an easy to navigate graphical interface. Zinc is designed to be driven with a remote control and displayed on a TV so it is a pleasure to use from the couch. With Zinc you can: * Watch video from the virtually unlimited sources of Internet video content. * Keep track of your favorites and easily see what's new. * Watch video content stored locally on your computer. * Navigate easily with a remote control from the comfort of your couch.
Zinc™ organizes and delivers the best of internet video- we call it an Internet Video Browser. It’s easy to use, and offers fast access to prime time TV episodes, movies from streaming services like Netflix, and web-only content. Connect your computer to your HDTV, and unleash the full power of Zinc. * Top internet video sites are available on a single screen- find something to watch in moments. * There are tens of thousands of programs and movies, all just a click or two away. * Specially styled for display on the Big Screen; bring online video to the living room.
Unlimited Internet Video on Demand
TV Show Web Designs: Trends and Examples | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
diseños web TV shows
25 Places to Watch the Fall TV Season Online
Explore Adviews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials
Nice vintage ads.
Thousands of television commercials created or collected by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) advertising agency, dated 1950s - 1980s.
Have fun watching all of the old commercials we grew up with. Remember how much you begged for that Snowcone Machine? Your mother said it was dumb, watch the commercial again, I think she was right!
The Best Guides to Watching TV Online
This brand-new site wants to be “the ultimate programming guide for Internet television.” (It also
'Reading Rainbow' Reaches Its Final Chapter
Series coming to an end. Children no longer presumed literate.
26 years! Wow! Not as long as Sesame Street, but WOW!
For 26 years, Reading Rainbow host LeVar Burton shepherded kids through the exciting world of books. The show, which fostered a love of reading, was the third longest-running program in PBS history, outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
I recommend this article for those of you who grew up with Reading Rainbow and who value children's literature.
After 26 years, the beloved children's show hosted by LeVar Burton will disappear from the airwaves. Today, educational funding favors programs that teach kids how to read, rather than why to read.
Even if you can't remember a specific Reading Rainbow episode, chances are, the theme song is still lodged somewhere in your head: Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high, Take a look, it's in a book — Reading Rainbow ... Remember now? Reading Rainbow comes to the end of its 26-year run on Friday; it has won more than two-dozen Emmys, and is the third longest-running children's show in PBS history — outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers.
"Research has directed programming toward phonics and reading fundamentals as the front line of the literacy fight. Reading Rainbow occupied a more luxurious space — the show operated on the assumption that kids already had basic reading skills and instead focused on fostering a love of books."
"Grant says that PBS, CPB and the Department of Education put significant funding toward programming that would teach kids how to read — but that's not what Reading Rainbow was trying to do."
Top Sites to Watch TV Channels Online | Sneer Well
sites to watch tv
online streaming television channels
The Wire Bible
This is quite a treat. Someone got ahold of some scripts from The Wire and posted them online.
original pitch doc in the middle of the page
Televidente 2.0
Presente y futuro de la oferta de television a traves de y el telefono movil
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil
La televisión e internet con el paso de los años. Origen y contenido de ambos y su relación con el tiempo.
Analisis sobre las diferentes ventajas y avances en el mundo de las tecnologias multimedia, movil y television
indices de tv y telefonia movil 2006
The cocktail analysiss, informe de diciembre del 2006 sobre la TV através de Internet y el teléfono móvil
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil.Diciembre 2006
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil
101 Muppets of Sesame Street | National Post
| National Post
I Love Local Commercials - Sponsored by MicroBilt Corporation
Clicker - What's On Online
tv content aggregator
Clicker, a comprehensive video search engine for television content on the web.
Henry Jenkins: In a Social Networking World, What's the Future of TV?
"As the news media focused on Jay Leno's relocation into a regular five night a week prime time spot, the veteran Tonight Show host expressed growing confusion about the state of his medium. He told The Los Angeles Times, "I don't know what TV is anymore." "
Great Henry Jenkins piece on post-TV
Some call this a "post-network" era and are suggesting that it constitutes a change as dramatic as the shift from broadcasting to cable. Yet, actually, television may be in the hands of a different kind of network -- Facebook or Twitter rather than ABC or Fox.
Is television the stuff we watch on our TVs? My local cable company allows me to watch grainy YouTube videos on my big screen television and allows me to download movies directly from Netflix or Amazon to watch on demand. And of course, I can play Wii games through my television set. But is any of that television?
Toekomst van televisie, interessante voorbeelden
What Tina Fey Wants: About Us:
Tina Fey has rules. They’ve guided the 38-year-old writer-comedian through marriage, motherhood, and a career that went into hyperdrive this fall, when her Sarah Palin impression convulsed the nation, boosting the ratings of both <i>Saturday Night Live</i> and her own NBC show, <i>30 Rock.</i> The author reports on how a tweezer, cream rinse, a diet, and a Teutonic will transformed a mousy brain into a brainy glamour-puss.
Maureen Dowd and Tina Fey
TV Shows, TV Trivia, TV Quotes, TV Episodes and more - TVLoop
The TVLoop™ online community is the largest online community of passionate TV fans with over 16 million registered members across and the top 5 social networking sites including Facebook and MySpace. The TVLoop community enables members to connect with other passionate fans, discuss their favorite shows, play social games, and watch their favorite episodes and clips. The TVLoop community is owned and operated by Watercooler, Inc.
yay tvloop!
Cable Freedom, Aided by a Mouse -
Fun bit of work by Mr. Bilton. The writer details his technological method of disconnecting from cable's grasp.
A computer, with software upgrades and a wireless keyboard and mouse, can replace cable service.
e to be honest, this isn’t as e
solving a future problem
8 Companies That Are Reinventing TV Online
Mashable takes its pick of companies that are going to take TV in to the online future
Zviewer™ - Internet Video Browser for the Big Screen | ZeeVee, Inc.
Zviewer™ is the first video browser that puts a simple point and click user interface for video that lives anywhere on the web on on your PC. In addition to simplifying how you find content, Zviewer lets you personalize your experience. Once you choose the shows that you like, Zviewer automatically keeps them updated as new content is published.
Hulu, a Victim of Its Own Success? | Epicenter |
Hulu, the online TV service launched two years ago by Fox and NBC, has enjoyed incredible success with viewers — too much, it may turn out. Two weeks
this explains the "dumb logic" by old farts at hulu ... a little. this will go on for a while until they realize this is not 1999 any more. until then - i'm not into sunny myself, but ... i became so spoiled by on-line TV ... i'd simply stop watching lost if it wasn't available on-line. real life IS more fun pipl!
Interesting read about the adversarial relationship between cable and the internet. Hulu is forced to cut down programming, since it conflicts with the cable companies´ interests.
Frank Rose nails it. A lot of people who are torrent users (who, of course, I, ahem, ahem, ahem, know none of these, ahem, people, ahem, forgive me, gotta frog in my throat) would give up torrent use if they could steadily rely on an instant (non-skipping damn it!) all-access commercial-laden on-demand access to any television show or movie they ever wanted to see. It's where the future lies, but the studios do not want to go there ...
BBC - Archive - Tomorrow's World
"How television tried to predict the future of science"
How television tried to predict the future of science. I can't believe this has not been promoted more.
From a time before we started dumbing down science for the masses...
Classic UK TV
BitTorrent: FeedMyTorrents Offers TV Torrent Feeds without Duplicates
Web site FeedMyTorrents publishes RSS feeds of torrents for popular TV shows. Just subscribe to your favorite show and let your BitTorrent client automatically download new episodes as soon as they're available.
Topless Robot - The Muppet Show's 10 Weirdest Moments
Documento sin título
tv en Internet, el canal de la ciencia y la innovación
El canal de la ciencia y la innovación
Tele online que empieza ahora con contenidos de ciencia y tecnología
Why Neoconservative Pundits Love Jon Stewart -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
"Conservatives like Stewart because he's providing them a platform to reach an audience that usually tunes them out. And they often find that Stewart takes them more seriously than right-wing political hosts, who are often just using them to validate their broad positions, do. Stewart will poke fun, but he offers a good-faith debate on powder kegs — torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, health care — that explode on other networks. Stewart's interview of Cliff May — a crackling, lengthy debate about where to draw the line between freedom and security — produced one of the most clarifying discussions about torture on television. 'Literally, this is the best conversation I've had on this subject anywhere,' May told Stewart."
A look on why conservatives like to go on Jon's show
8/9/09 at 9:10 PM
John Bolton, William Kristol, and others explain why 'The Daily Show' is the best place to get their views heard.
"Conservatives like Stewart because he's providing them a platform to reach an audience that usually tunes them out. And they often find that Stewart takes them more seriously than right-wing political hosts, who are often just using them to validate their broad positions, do. Stewart will poke fun, but he offers a good-faith debate on powder kegs — torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, health care — that explode on other networks...Since the beginning of the Obama administration, Stewart has interviewed more conservative pundits than liberal ones. It may be because it's simply easier to tangle with an ideological adversary than to needle a compatriot...When he's interviewing a liberal politician or pundit, he comes from a weaker position. His offensive instincts are blurred — notwithstanding his on-air indictment of Jim Cramer — and occasionally he fawns."
SeeSaw - If you love TV
TV On Demand - Apprentice, Bleak House, Mitchell and Webb, etc
How Can I Ditch Cable and Watch My TV Shows and Movies Online? - Streaming Television - Lifehacker
(Gawker.TV is the all-video site of our bl
Dear Lifehacker, I'd love to get rid of cable and stream all my favorite TV shows right from the internet. What do I need to know before I take the plunge? Signed, Ready to Cut the Coaxial Photo by sociotard. Join the club! Some of us at Lifehacker HQ have already left or are ready to leave the cable company for 24/7 live TV streaming, too. We get this question all the time, and we've examined ditching the monthly bill in favor of watching programs online occasionally in the past, and we've also looked at ways to get your TV fix with apps like Boxee and Hulu, plus there are cool set-top devices like Roku and TiVo, but this is a good opportunity to get exhaustive. There are so many great options for catching a show here or there, but can you rely on them to replicate the cable TV experience? Well, yes and no. If you're going to unplug from the cable company, prepare to exercise some patience when it comes to watching your favorite shows as soon as they air—it can take anywhere from
Nightline Face-Off - ABC News
All my friends and family, please watch this whole program. I would very much appreciate it. It will take some time, but worth it.
The Nightline Face-Off tackles hot topics and debates issues like the existence of God, Satan and the influence of porn in the U.S., and adultery.
David Mamet's Master Class Memo to the Writers of The Unit | Movieline
Hack Attack: Six Ways to Catch Your Favorite TV Shows
The Tudors On Showtime - Receive email and wireless updates
only movie info not very historical
just about T.V. show
A good source of information if you are a visual learner to view the interpretations of actors about the topic.
Pop-culture! (But does give character summary -- reliable?)
Looked to "Hollywood".... not sure if the information was true by glancing
Don't know if it is very factual. Have never watched the show.
Info may not be entirely correct
enjoyed reading the character descriptions
I have watched this on TV. I thought this website was eye catching.
gave detailed info of each character
some facts are dramatized
This site is related to the television show, and uses a wiki reference.
Not a great source for an academic paper.
has good info but it is based on a movie
Cnn Hologram: How the CNN Holographic Interview System Works
Vizrt and SportVu
Artículo que explica las claves que hicieron posible la retransmisión holográfica durante las elecciones a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.
tvt: CNN's hologram effect used 35 HD Cameras, 20 computers Each camera filmed at different angles to transmit correspondent Jessica Yellin from Chicago to New York. /// CNN's holographic election coverage is fancy pantsy, but how did they manage to send 3D 360 degree footage of virtual correspondent Jessica Yellin from Chicago all the way to the station's election center in NY? On the subject's side: • 35 HD cameras pointed at the subject in a ring • Different cameras shoot at different angles (like the matrix), to transmit the entire body image • The cameras are hooked up to the cameras in home base in NY, synchronizing the angles so perspective is right • Twenty "computers" are crunching this data in order to make it usable Wolf Blitzer really loves it (or loves Jessica Yellin): "It's still Jessica Yellin and you look like Jessica Yellin and we know you are Jessica Yellin. I think a lot of people are nervous out there. All right, Jessica. You were a terrific hologram."
Angel of Death Ep 1 "Edge" starring Zoe Bell | Crackle
Most awesome ACTION web series ever! Zoe is a pro stunt woman, doubled for Uma in Kill Bill, starred in Grindhouse: Death Proof. Now kicks ass amazingly in this web series that could have been a feature film, it's so good!
SlateV | Arts and Life | How I Ran an Ad on Fox News
A real-life case of using Google as an ad broker.
RT @BBHLabs: How to run a TV ad, reaching 1.3m viewers, for only $1300, using new Google TV Ads - (via @paryshnikov) – Ben Shaw (BenShaw)
LCD or Plasma HDTVs: Which to Choose? - Yahoo! Shopping
LCD or Plasma HDTVs: Which to Choose?
Watch TV Online - Ultimate Guide To Watching Free TV Shows, Live Events & Full Episodes Online
Ditch cable. Ditch satellite. Watch what you want, when you want. Watch TV online. With our economy in freefall, everyone is looking for ways to cut
Remembering Gene - Roger Ebert's Journal
Gene died ten years ago on February 20, 1999. He is in my mind almost every day. I don't want to rehearse the old stories about how we had a love/hate relationship, and how we dealt with television, and how we were both so scared the first time we went on Johnny Carson that, backstage, we couldn't think of the name of a single movie, although that story is absolutely true. Those stories have been told. I want to write about our friendship. The public image was that we were in a state of permanent feud, but nothing we felt had anything to do with image. We both knew the buttons to push on the other one, and we both made little effort to hide our feelings, warm or cold. In 1977 we were on a talk show with Buddy Rogers, once Mary Pickford's husband, and he said, "You guys have a sibling rivalry, but you both think you're the older brother."
Gene Siskel and I were like tuning forks. Strike one, and the other would pick up the same frequency. When we were in a group together, we were always intensely aware of one another. Sometimes this took the form of camaraderie, sometimes shared opinions, sometimes hostility. But we were aware. If something happened that we both thought was funny but weren't supposed to, God help us if one caught the other's eye. We almost always thought the same things were funny. That may be the best sign of intellectual communion.
Roger remembers Gene Siskel; a moving article.
What Happy People Don’t Do -
They enjoy TV, but watch it a lot less!
Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers — but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.
via Lifehacker. "But the researchers could not tell whether unhappy people watch more television or whether being glued to the set is what makes people unhappy."
‘Mad Men’ Q&A: 'I'm fascinated that people get so much out of it' - Season Pass on
All of this is just saying that the gender roles were both an intellectual and personal interest of mine because the ideals about - I'm a human being and I've been poured into this body, so who am I? Am I really wired differently? Why do I have such different expectations for my life than a woman has? Why should I? Why should I have a different expectation? I shouldn’t. I feel like we're back in college and we could have a rap session about this. You know, are you born this way? Is it nature/nurture?...
Long interview with Matthew Weiner of Mad Men; lots of new details about how he shapes the series
A Q&A with the creator of Mad Men: "What I’ve tried to do is have some honesty about it, show the jobs that they were in and show my world, which is white. It’s the story of the show. And these people are not glorified but (I’ve tried to) show the parallel universe of it all. And the idea of following one of those characters home is a possibility. I’ve slowly been trying to integrate these worlds together the way it actually happened. There’s no enmity. There’s no blatant racism. You never hear anybody say anything about black people that’s like Jim Crow or anything. It’s New York City. But it was segregated and it was two parallel universes and rather than do the television thing of “Hey they’re best buddies”... Don is a fair person but "Everybody's good buddies and here's my black friend" was not the world of the '60s."
Long interview with the creator of Mad Men - but too many spoilers to read now.
long interview with Matthew Weiner of Mad Men; lots of new details about how he shapes the series
As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On | Magazine |
Mega matéria na Wired
Awesome article in Wired "As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On" via @dougmeacham - Watch TV and Movies Online
Will You See All The HDTV Resolution You Expected? 125 2008 Model Test Results- HD GURU Exclusive » HDGURU.Com
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Written and produced by Gary Merson, the nation's leading expert on high definition television, provides everything you need to know about HDTV including news, reviews, the best viewing distance, choosing the right hdtv, learning how to connect. Learn more about high definition broadcasts, cable, satellite, Blu-ray, HD DVD and all the new technologies.
Google TV
So does this mean I can ditch my Windows Media Center? Please tell me it means I can ditch my Windows Media Center.
Truthful TV Title Cards — Glark
If television were honest...
Very succinct, very clever. I don't really get The Amazing Race one though.
Seinfeld Sounds and Sound Bites
Still funny
Watch CNN Live
Here is a quick tip send in by Alex who is a regular reader and commenter here at Ghacks. If you want to watch CNN live and all other methods and applications
url available to watch cnn on windows media player
How to Stream Internet TV to your HDTV - Stream Cable TV from the Web - Popular Mechanics
I, Cringely » Blog Archive » The Future of Internet TV (in America) - Cringely on technology
As I’ve written over and over, Apple is moving slowly and steadily toward becoming primarily a content provider. Microsoft is trying to do the same but without Apple’s discipline. Apple is putting in place all the pieces it needs to make a run at dominating the future of TV, but they know it takes time to get all those bits where they need to be. What’s needed are devices and services and bandwidth at a given price point where it all works smoothly not just from a technical but also from a commercial standpoint. Apple is there right now when it comes to downloading and selling or renting, but not for streaming or commercials — the numbers aren’t right yet, nor is the mix of devices. But the time is coming soon when it will be right, certainly in no more than two years and maybe less.
This column has a global audience so sometimes I have to defend my tendency to see things from an American perspective. But I’m not sure there even IS a defense for this particular item so I’ll just jump into it, because I think even readers from Kazahkstan and Kuwait (my two big K’s) may ultimately find it interesting. It’s about Apple and Hulu and the direction Internet TV is going in the United States.
Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer: The Extended Daily Show Interview | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central
Stewart takes financial news analysts and reporters on for knowing about the financial crisis and not reporting on it, for financial news being in bed with that sector of the economy. "Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time. So, here now, is the exclusive, uncensored, complete three-part interview."
Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart went toe-to-toe last night. It was just like Ali-Foreman, only with more head trauma. But you didn't see everything. Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time.
Full Length TV Episodes, Latest Movies, TV Schedule and More -
Full Length TV Episodes, Latest Movies, TV Schedule and More Stream TV and movies from outside the US.
Unanswered Lost Questions - CollegeHumor video
Google TV
Designing websites for Google TV
Money quote: "The absence of any mention of copyright law in Glee illustrates a painful tension in American culture. While copyright holders assert that copyright violators are “stealing” their “property,” people everywhere are remixing and recreating artistic works for the very same reasons the Glee kids do — to learn about themselves, to become better musicians, to build relationships with friends, and to pay homage to the artists who came before them."
"The fictional high school chorus at the center of Fox’s Glee has a huge problem — nearly a million dollars in potential legal liability. For a show that regularly tackles thorny issues like teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse, it’s surprising that a million dollars worth of lawbreaking would go unmentioned." This is a very interesting look at the frequency with which this show (that I have never seen) addresses copyright issues without actually addressing copyright issues. And it's dead-on about the potential for a television show or other media of this popularity to effect social change in the realm of copyright perception.
Glee Club apparent disregard for copyright
Copyright: The Elephant in the Middle of the Glee Club
LOL: The Reoccurring Prop Newspaper | /Film
Everybody on TV has been reading the same newspaper for years.
Os personagens de TV só leem notícia velha: Observação muito sagaz :P
diario falso que aparece en un montón de series y películas
Official Google Blog: Announcing Google TV: TV meets web. Web meets TV.
Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.
If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. *Nielsen, Three Screen Report, Fourth Quarter 2009