ウェブデザイナーの作業を助ける12のオンラインツール | コリス
12 tools for web designers
ウェブデザイナーの作業を助ける12のオンラインツールウェブデザインのレイアウトに役立つ11サイト | DesignWalker
web layout
Provides a good summary of the latest layout tips
フッターをブラウザの最下部、もしくはコンテンツの最下部に表示させるCSSのテクニック、 各カラムのボックスの高さを合わせてくれるスクリプト35 Free High-Quality E-Commerce Templates | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
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項目確認用に。トータル1000種類以上、XHTML/CSSのフリーのテンプレート配布サイト集 | コリス
Smashing Magazineのエントリーから、XHTML/CSSのフリーのテンプレートを配布しているサイトを紹介します。 100 FreeWeb屋のためのVim設定・Tipsまとめ 1/2 - ナレッジエース
30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download
finde ich super, sowas kann man immer gebrauchen. Außerdem macht Photoshoppen immer wieder viel Spaß.LegiStyles™
Stiles for NetNewsWire, very beautyfull
If you’re in to this sort of thing: “Much attention has been paid to the design and typography of the styles to improve legibility and readability, and to enhance the overall reading experience.”
netnewswire rss styles layouts css von kai heuser heuserkampfVintage and Blues WordPress Themes | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Themes molones vintage y azul, con "banner superior" y publi
t may not be resold, sublicensed, reJeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template
JeopardyLabs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint. The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is a piece of cake. Just use our simple editor to get your game up and running.
Jeopardy Labs lets you build a Jeopardy game board without the use of Power Point! All that you have to do to start is enter a password so that others can’t edit your game. Then it is as simple as titling it, typing in categories and then entering questions and answers.Agregado Lifestream Theme for Wordpress Released | Darren Hoyt Dot Com
This free WP theme beats most Premium Themes hands-downLabels in an instant with autofillPDF-Labels 1.0
includes CD labels
Easily print out mailing labels or business cards.Compositio: Clean, Beautiful and Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a little bit prettier.How to Create Your First Joomla Template - NETTUTS
Tuts+ Tutorials & Resources Psd.tuts+ Photoshop & Graphics Net.tuts+ Web Design & Development Vector.tuts+ Vectors & Illustration Audio.tuts+ Music & Sound Ae.tuts+ AfterEffects & Motion Envato Marketplaces FlashDen Flash Marketplace ThemeForest Web & CMS Themes GraphicRiver Graphics, Vectors & Icons VideoHive Motion Graphics & Projects AudioJungle Loops & Effects Envato Sites FreelanceSw Freelance Jobs & Community Rockable Books & How-To Creattica Design Community FaveUp Design Inspiration AppStorm Mac Apps Envato About Us More Coming Soon! * Home * Tutorials * Articles * Freebies * Videos * About * Subscribe By * RSS | * Email | * Other RSS * Home \ * Tutorials * \ Other * \ How to Create Your Fi
In this tutorial , you will learn about the basics of a Joomla template, and create one from scratch. We will quickly go through installing a local server and Joomla itself, and then create a basic functioning template.
Paso a paso y con WAMPBuilding HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template » DivitoDesign
エエ感じ!20 More free PSD templates to use and learn from | Best Design Options
20 More free PSD templates to use and learn from101 High Quality CSS And XHTML Free Templates And Layouts: Part 1 | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Templates para NesletterDownload "Imprezz", A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
In this post we release Imprezz – a simple and beautiful 3-column-theme, a free WordPress theme designed by Gopal Raju from ProductiveDreams for Smashing Magazine and its readers. The theme can be used in various setting for various purposes - in magazine-blogs, but also in corporate and private blogs. The theme supports WordPress 2.7.1 and works well with the zdcomments widget (which is used to display the top commenters). The package also include the PSD-source file of the logo.30 Creative Examples of the Hand Drawn Style in Web Designs
cool hand drawn
In this collection, you will be able to find some of the best designs that have hand drawn, sketched elements infused into them for your inspiration.Introducing JSON Template
This could be it: declarative, no control flow, not another programming language masquerading as a template language, small, nice JSON synergy. To be checked out.これぞ完璧企画書――「1枚企画書」パターン実例3題
本連載では、竹島愼一郎氏が提唱するインパクト抜群の「1枚企画書」をPowerPointで作る手順を全5回で紹介します。社会人になったらWordやExcelだけでなくPowerPointも使いこなせなくては、社内や取引先でのプレゼンに勝ち抜けません。しかし、ただ単に企画書をPowerPointで再現しただけでは、印象に残るプレゼンにはほど遠く、居眠りを誘う会議になってしまうことでしょう。 「1枚企画書」の最終回として、本書が出版に至った企画書の実例を含む、「プレゼン力の高い企画書」を3種類ご紹介します。実際の成功事例を踏まえてPowerPointをフル活用すれば、皆さんの仕事もきっと成功に近づくはずです。Create a Rails Template and Build an App in Seconds
Create a Rails Template and Build an App in Seconds
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templates for rails applications40 Excellent Free WordPress Themes
In this collection, you’ll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
WordPress - the popular open source publishing platform - allows you to easily customize your installation with WordPress themes. In this collection, you'll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.16 Very Useful Smarty Scripting Tips and Techniques to Make Templates Smarter
プレゼンテーションのデザインパターン35 Beautiful Commercial And Free Joomla Templates | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Joomla is one of the most powerful, robust and feature-rich content management systems out there. Besides being open-source, Joomla is capable of some really stunning41 Great Looking Free WordPress Themes | Wordpress
u quickly build a TwitterAuth app for depl
Twitter Demo AppRails Boost: Rails Template Generator
Quickly and easily generate Rails 2.3 templates to get your app up, fucking fast.
This is a neat service centered around the new rails template feature.
Generate a "one-liner" that will build and configure a boot strapped Rails app! Requires Rails 2.3+Client Templating with jQuery - Rick Strahl's Web Log
Howto use templating with Jquery.
Client templating in Javascript can be a great tool to reduce the amount of code you have to write to create markup content on the client. There are a number of different ways that templating can be accomplished from a purely manual approach.25+ Magento Templates For Your E-Commerce Business | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Tolle Templates für die frei eCommerce Lösung Magento. Unbedingt ansehen
Magento is a popular open source e-commerce software platform that has a modular architecture and is extremely flexible. It comes with a number of online shop maintenance capabilities. It is also simple to configure and easy to customize. And despite the fact that it was launched just last year, it has been gaining more and more popularity among Web designers and e-business owners. Magento has a ton of credentials in its pocket from some very big e-solution players. Magento Enterprise Edition, a commercial version aimed at larger companies, was launched just a month ago. The CMS includes such advanced features as marketing, promotional and SEO tools; analytics and reporting; mobile commerce; catalog-management tools. And Magento users have the freedom to customize their store with new themes, templates and plug-ins. Below you’ll find a showcase of excellent Magento templates for your e-commerce business. Hopefully, these templates and resources will serve you either as an inspiration
25+ Magento Templates For Your E-Commerce BusinessCustom Fields Hacks For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress
Custom fields
hacks100 Amazing Free Wordpress Themes for 2009 | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine's latest list, some *great* themesDjango tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering | Holovaty.com
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering
It's a clever solution because you end up defining what doesn't get cached instead of what does get cached.Theme Frameworks « WordPress Codex
A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags).css-template-layout - Google Code
css-template-layout -
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification. Options include the ability to select the CSS parsed, as well as an optional prefix to use for the CSS rules. Specifying a prefix allows style rules that are interoperable with a possible future browser implementations.
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification.
avaScript (jQuery) implementation of the CSS Template Layout ModuleHuge Collecton of T-Shirt Design Mockup Templates
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Huge Collecton of T-Shirt Design Mockup Templates200+ Massive Free Drupal Theme Compilation | tripwire magazine
It's been a while since tripwire magazine back in Frebruary provided two large collections of Drupal Themes (120 Free Essential Drupal 6.x Themes, 70 very useful Drupal 6.x Themes). Drupal is still very popular and one of the major free CMS Players bDjango snippets: Smart {% if %} template tag
While retaining current Django functionality, it also handles equality, greater than and less than operators.
A replacement if tag for django that does what if tags should.zef[a]media » Free UX Templates
The templates are derived from the User Experience toolkit I designed for the DUX team at Provoke. So we’ve given you the basic tools - it’s now up to you to do the magic with the actual user experience.
By Zef Fugaz. [November 21st, 2008]35 Excellent Websites for Downloading Free CSS Template | Desizn Tech
Along with Apple’s official release of the new iPhone 3.0 software came a number of new graphic elements. We’ve been holding off updating the Photoshop file until we could properly implement the additions. We built it using vectors, so it’s all still fully editable. Apple’s SDK is amazing, but when we need to mock up something quickly for a pitch we turn to this. Some of the changes and additions in the 3.0 PSD include: • Map and map elements including curl • Copy and paste elements • Timeline bar editor • Horizontal iPhone • Horizontal Panels bars and keyboards
iPhone graphic assetsWordpress Plugin Templates « Fire Studios
s have become my new addiction in the WP environment, thus I've noticed that I'm using the same few beginning steps every time. This led me to create a template file so that I just open, edit, and continue on my merry way of coding my plugin. I'm posting these templates for free use no matter what you're working on. I'll even be a nice guy and let you repost them as your own.
wordpressのプラグインを作成するテンプレート。Free CSS Templates
Free templates? I'll believe it when I download a few of them...50 Free High-Quality and “New” (X)HTML/CSS Templates | Noupe
Make your own laminated magnets of UI elements for putting together and markering with text. Obviously isn't faster than just hand-drawing, but certainly looks more polished, ...and would be fun.Free Typographic XHTML/CSS-Layouts For Your Designs | CSS, Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Just the thing for quick site knock-ups.
In May we announced the Typographic Layout Design Contest that aimed to collect beautiful typographic (X)HTML CSS-based layouts created by the design community and release them
Possible Blog Theme
http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/07/08/free-typographic-xhtmlcss-layouts-for-your-designs/Ready for use: CSS3 Template Layout | Fyrdility
I’m happy to announce the latest project I’ve been working on: A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module. For those of you unfamiliar with this specification, it provides a relatively easy way to make a table-like layout using CSS. Until recently it was known as the “CSS Advanced Layout Module”. The spec is still a “working draft”, so it can still change significantly. But while that status hasn’t stopped browsers from implementing other CSS3 modules, so far none have tried implementing this one. Inspired by Eric Meyer’s Call for a layout system as well as his suggestion that many CSS features can be made to work using JavaScript, I went to work. Why wait for browsers to implement something when we can have JavaScript take care of it today? The advantages to using this system include: * Source independence, so there’s lots of possibilities with the same markup * All the benefits of a table-like design without the drawbacks * Instant overvie
CSS3 Template Layout
A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module.In choosing a CMS: 40+ Great CMS Theming Tutorials | Noupe
The completely naked theme for WordPress20 Kick-Ass Wordpress Theme Frameworks For Rapid Theme Development - Codefusion Lab
Excellent resource for creating portfolio webpages using WordPress
http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/07/30/free-portfolio-wordpress-theme-creative-by-nature/36 Beautiful and “NEW” Free Wordpress Themes | Dzine Blog
Nuevos templates para WPDelliStore: A Free Professional CSS/XHTML/PSD-Template | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
This template is a full px-based, cross-browser-compliant (X)HTML/CSS-template. It consists of 4 custom pages; the PSD-source is included in the release package. You may modify this template for a e-commerce web site, restaurant, pool and spa web-sites and other caters, ventures and facilities
Over the last months we’ve heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high
Ideal para tienda, spa,...Persona Format - Fluid Project Wiki
Хороший шаблон для составления персонажей.
About personas名刺を自作したい方の為のフリーの名刺テンプレートやツールいろいろ - かちびと.net
無料で名刺を作れるツールやテンプレートをご紹介します。Leo on the Loose: DIY: FREE printable Mini File Folder & Labels
See other templates at end of contentDisplay Thumbnails For Related Posts in Wordpress | Build Internet!
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'image48 Trendy And Fresh Web Interfaces From Deviantart: August 2009 | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
For nice website design20 Very Clever Logo Designs | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
I thought that some logo design inspiration was in order, as we haven’t posted anything along the logo lines in a while. I have made a compilation of 20 extremely clever logos. The trick is to look into the logos and see what they are based on, then try and work out what the hidden message is. An example would be the Amazon logo. Many people think the arrow underneath it is a smiley face, when infact it is pointing from the a to the z.20 free Wordpress themes with premium-like functionalities | Design Reviver
Wordpress is all over the place nowadays, with an endless number of free themes published every day by web designers. Some even took it a step further and published some premium Wordpress themes that you can buy on their websites or marketplaces. What we have for you is even better, a great collection of free Wordpress themes with functionalities just as good as the ones premium themes have.Dessine moi un objet » Blog Archive » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock
Wow cool!
soporte hecho de cartulina para iphone o itouch20 Professional Web Admin Templates on ThemeForest | Web Resources | WebAppers
20 Professional Web Admin Templates on ThemeForest - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Esto es demasiado!!!!Mockapp download page « MockApp
Powerpoint and keynote templates for designing an iPhone interface
iPhone アプリのモックアップを作るための Keynote/PowerPoint 用のデータ14 Superb Portfolio and Photoblog Wordpress Themes (Free) | The Photo Argus | A Photographers Resource
Here are 14 portfolio and photoblog wordpress themes you can use to show off your latest images. These themes are all very professional and dont distract from
ポートフォリオに使う、フリーテンプレート。My Aha! moments in Drupal theming | Lullabot
Nice summary of tricky, "if you don't get it, you don't get it" Drupal customization optionsWordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a Plugin | Trevor Davis
#contactForm ol.forms .inputerror { border: 1px solid #0000FF; }
handy contact form
There are lots of WordPress plugins for contact forms, but wouldn’t it be nice to have more control over the markup? In this tutorial, I am going to show how to use a custom page template to create a contact form in WordPress without a plugin. '
WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a PluginStacey, Simplified portfolios
"Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site. No database setup or installation files, simply drop the application on a server and it runs. Your content is managed by creating folders and editing text files. No login screens, no ‘cms’."
for indexhibit
Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site.Free PSD Twitter Background Template | Fuel Your Creativity
Diseños para websiWebSkel: The Ultimate Website Skeleton! Uncompress and Code.
iWebSkel: The Ultimate Website Skeleton! By Federico Maggi http://iwebskel.com
iWebSkel is the ultimate ready to use kit for website design. It features only the latest version essential components to start developing quickly using XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. Elegantly packed together.Building a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009 | drupal.org
DrupalCampLA.com was built on Drupal 6 using core & contributed modules to handle event registration, sponsorship management, featured speakers, user bio's, and session proposals.
handling of sponsorship pages example.MockApp
keynote/ppt template for mocking up an iphone appデザインの参考にもなるWordPressのテーマ30選 -2009年2月 | コリス
これはすばらしいうえぶでざいんHow to Code a Clean Portfolio Design (Plus Free Five-Page Template)
How to Code a Clean Portfolio Design (Plus Free Five-Page Template) - http://designm.ag/tutorials/psd-to-html-clean-folio/
Webpage design for Adobe Photoshop portfolio
ChocoTemplates - http://chocotemplates.com/Dr Nic ’s Install any HTML theme/template into your Rails app
et me know if anyone else thinks this is usefu
So I’ve started to try and make any “HTML Template” into a “Ruby on Rails Template” with the helper app install_theme.
Nifty tool to convert a vanilla HTML/CSS layout into the views and static assets needed by a Rails app.Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
Twig, a secure template language for #php from the creator of symfonyTemplating Engines in PHP - Fabien Potencier
The blog of Fabien Potencier about web technology and the symfony framework
Krótka recenzja najpopularniejszych silników do generowania szablonow HTMLowych
So, you think PHP is a templating engine? So did I... for a very long time. But recently, I changed my mind. Even if PHP can be used as a templating engine, the syntax is just plain ugly as a template language.sendcube email marketing: Get All Free: View Our Free Templates
Шаблоны футболокCreate a Clean Business Web Template Design in Photoshop
informações sobre a estrutura para gerar um tema para wordpress25 Slick PSD Website Templates Free for Download | Web Resources | WebAppers
50 themes Joomla โคตรงาม
hongkiat.com: joomla templatesメルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選―メールマーケティング特集(10) | Web担当者Forum
メルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選Basic Maths
From the creator of Subtraction.com (and Design Director at NYTimes Online)
A wordpress Theme for sale designed by Khoi Vinh & Allan Cole. I want it.
Really nice product site for a WordPress theme. Theme is half decent too
Basic Maths, a tight WordPress theme by Khoi Vinh and Allan Cole.Free “Site Under Construction” Template
Free “Site Under Construction” Template - http://www.ourtuts.com/free-site-under-construction-template/5 Essential Document Templates for Freelance Designers - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Design webpage
5 Essential Document Templates for Freelance Designers - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee MunroeAndroid GUI PSD | Android interface elements in PSD
Android interface elements in PSDAdvanced Power Tips For WordPress Template Developers - Smashing Magazine
This article takes power tips to the next level, expanding on some of the topics in the first article, and introducing more advanced techniques and methods for customizing not only the front end, but the content management (or back end) experience.
n July, “Power Tips for WordPress Template Developers” presented 8 basic techniques for adding popular features to the front end of a WordPress-powered website. The premise was that WordPress ha
Advanced Power Tips For WordPress Template Developers10 Templates that Solve Problems for Web Developers - Nettuts+
Les Plus Du Web développeurs
Cîteva idei cu care vă puteți îmbunătăți viziunea asupra web design-ului
WordPress Wiki Theme
10 plantillas que te solucionan problemas como desarrollador web.
We live in a web centric world right now, and if you haven't already, you'll most likely be facing website related dilemma(s). For example, maybe you need anグーペ - 飲食店向け簡単ホームページ作成サービス
pageboy&co の飲食店サイト作成サービス10 Templates that Solve Problems for Web Developers - Nettuts+
Websites!Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories - PowerPoint Templates Backgrounds
Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories
Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories - PowerPoint Templates Backgrounds - http://www.indezine.com/powerpoint/templates/categories/index.htmliPhone GUI PSD 3.0 | Teehan+Lax
photoshop GUI template for iphone11 interesting PHP Template Engines
create your own iphone icons with omnigraffleAsk reddit: What LaTeX resume template do you use? : programming
2009年総まとめシリーズ デザインのアイデアやコーディングの参考に
え!?こんなにレベルの高いテーマが無料で使えるの!?と思ってしまうほど、年々レベルが上がっていく無料で使えるWordPressテーマ。 2009年、総まとめシリーズです。今回は無料で使えるWordPressのテーマを100種類とおもったら、少し多めに集めてしまいました。 ダウンロードしてそのまま使用するだけでなく、デザインのアイデアやコーディングの参考などにも使えそうですね。MOONGIFT: » OpenOffice.org/Excel用ガントチャートテンプレート「Gantt Chart for OpenOffice Calc」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
使えるかな?一度、簡易スケジュール用ツールでも作ってみようかな。いまあるツール類は帯に短したすきに長しなんだよね。Creating a Time Saving CSS Template » Arbenting Freebies - The Product of Being Creative
I am not talking about a full framework necessarily, just a simple stylesheet template that you can open up and immediately dive into. That way when you have an idea for a project and are ready to get started, you have most of the busy work built so you get right into the heart of it. So below I have not only prepared some notes on the process, but also walk you through setting up a basic CSS stylesheet template of your own.
Creating a Time Saving CSS Template60 Great Wordpress Themes | AREA 1
フォトブログを簡単に始める事が出来るwordpress無料テンプレートOne Page Résumé Site | CSS-Tricks
Sometimes you have a nice concept for a design in your mind, but you don’t know where to start; or sometimes you are just not aware of the right size for the design to implement. That’s where templates come handy. I have collected some very useful templates with proper guidelines, sizes and resolutions for design projects like business cards, letterheads, vinyl designs, brochures etc. I believe that these will prove to be a great time-saver for many of you guys. Most of these are in PSD or AI format, and are easily editable. Hope you find them useful.Wordpress Theme Development Checklist » DivitoDesign
แยกเพจออกมาอีกหน้าทำยังไง สอนทำใน วพ
# <?php # /* # Template Name: Community News # */ # ?>
a nice tutorial on how to use different templates for different pages in WordPress
Make different page templates while using Wordpress.MOONGIFT: » 複雑なWebサイトデザインを容易に実現するテンプレート「YAML」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moongift.jp%2F2009%2F01%2Fyaml
> カラムの高さを統一したり、ページの最下部にフッターを表示するものなど、役立ちそうなものがたくさんある。さらにWebアプリケーションとして提供されているビルダーを使って、自分だけのデザインを生成することもできるようになっている。
Yet Another Multicolumn Layout50+ Most Wanted Blogger Templates | Graphics
freebies, downloads5 Examples of Beautiful Resume/CV Templates | Nettuts+
Awesome Resume/CV Templates!!!!How To Design a Clean and Professional Resume / CV Website | Voosh Themes
Earlier in the week I released a new HTML template called Jamba which is a single page resume and CV template. In this post I'd like to show you how I designed the template in Photoshop (check out the Jamba features page and the live demo). Befo
How to design a resume. (for future referrence)
Earlier in the week I released a new HTML template called Jamba which is a single page resume and CV template. In this post I’d like to show you how I designed the template in Photoshop (check out the Jamba features page and the live demo). Before we get started though, let’s quickly cover what needs to be included in an online resume and CV design. There are a number of details that are obviously required such as your name, contact details (email and contact number), and ideally a warm and friendly photo of yourself. It’s also important to include other key areas such as the work experience you have, your academic background, any specific skills you’ve developed, and details of any other related achievements. You may want to include other things as well, but most resumes and CVs will include these sorts of details. Given that potential employers are likely to be very busy they’ll probably only have time to scan the page – so, to avoid irritating them, it’s important that the essentProfessionally designed PowerPoint templates - PowerPoint - Microsoft Office Online
PowerPointのテンプレ集.要2007らしい.40 Single Page Mini Templates
Simple, modern, well documentated mini templates for online resumes, business cards and under construction pages.25 Best Websites For Downloading Free Html/CSS Templates | SaveDelete
Today is this post I am gonna share 25 Best Websites through which you can download free beautiful HTML / CSS Templates. These templates can make your life960 Grid System | 12-column Grid
grid systemFree Dark and Clean WordPress Theme: Designpile - Smashing Magazine
Today we are making a HTML5 web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery,
Here we are using the new version of HTML - the fundamental language of the web, to make a web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery with the scrollTo plug-in.「5枚プレゼン」のレイアウトを理解する
一番上で企画内容を展望する「トップ型」、トップとボトムの使い分け、トップとボトムのタイトルの入れ方、 “導線”の作り方と「20%ルール」、20%をホワイトスペースにする、レイアウトの違いとメリハリ、「囲む」と「流れ」のデザイン * 流れ(展開)をきれいに見せる * 「囲む」と「流れ」の表現法30 Latest High-Quality Free (X)HTML/CSS Templates Must See Now
模板デザイナーのための素材サイト13選 | CREAMU
デザインに使える素材を探している。 そんなときにおすすめなのが、『13 Most Desirable Collection Of Free Resources For Every Designer』。デザイナーのための素材サイト13選だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。「iPhoneテンプレートfor MT」を公開いたします。|iPhone|東京Webデザイナー日記リターンズ|crema design
「Best of CSS Design 2008」からいくつかピックアップしての紹介。20 Beautiful Minimalist WordPress Themes
Minimalism in web design seems to be the new trend lately, and WordPress is the perfect candidate to put simplicity to good use. You'll find 20 minimal WordPress themes here.Joomla Template Builder
Permite crear plantillas de joomla - herramienta en linea30+ Free High Quality Gadget PSD Files | Naldz Graphics
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Sammlung von PSD Templates, die einige aktuelle Elektronikgeräte darstelleniPad Templates and Stencils - Emily Chang – Designer
list of stencilsSketchbooks of a Web Developer | LOOKS GOOD Design Magazine
te by Nathan Smith
设计好东西The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREE | Noupe
The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREEHTML Email Newsletter Toolbox – Tutorials, Templates and Inspiration - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Trucos y plantillas para enviar emails en htmlPHP Template Inheritance
MOONGIFT: » 今時のWebサイトを構築するのに便利そうなCSSフレームワーク「Malo」:オープンソースを毎日紹介Instant Blueprint - Create a web project framework in seconds.
using Jeremy McAnally's rails generator or the template feature that made it into rails core
template is able to generate a clean rails app which is basically bort (Or exactly bort. Or very similar to bort. Or similar to a bort lookalike. Or… I guess I leave this debate up to ruby lawyers, bort experts, rg zealots etc.) Anyway, it doesn’t really matter as rg was not invented to compete with bort - bort is merely used as an example because it’s probably the most popular Rails skeleton app nowadays - rg is far more general than that: an easy, concise, Rubyish way to describe your Rails app (including plugins, vendored gems, lib files, initializers and whatnot) in a very straightforward way.Top 10 Html/CSS Web Templates Of March 2010 For Free Download
クールなウェブテンプレートがまとめられた記事。XHTML + CSSでコーディングされたファイルがダウンロードできるほか、いくつかの作例は元となったPSDも配布されています。サイト制作をする上での素体として使うのに役立つほか、ウェブデザイン・レイアウトの参考にもなります。今進行中の案件で、早速アイデアを拝借しました。デザイナー同士はこうしてTipsを共有しないとね。34 Various Templates And PSDs To Ease Daily Workflow | Graphic and Web Design Blog
includes browser chrome and elements, iphone, dvds, cds, business cards, twitter, t-shirts, skateboards, more
In this article you will find templates for web designers and templates for average photoshop users as well. You can exploit, customize and improve those designs easily to suit your specific needs. Templates can help you when you don’t really know how to start your design or don’t know the exact size of, for example, business card. Templates can be useful to show off your DVD, T-shirt etc design very fast – take advantages of already premade templates and files you can find freely over the Internet! In this article you will find templates for web designers and templates for average photoshop users as well. You can exploit, customize and improve those designs easily to suit your specific needs.
Photoshop TemplatesCreating a Triptych in Lightroom
3 photos side by side60 Web Design Photoshop Layout Tutorials From 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Preview-web-design-layout-tutorials-from-2010 copyWant to get some new web designing skills right now? Ever wondered how latest trends in web design are actually created and want to discover it?
60 Web Design Photoshop Layout Tutorials From 2010[CSS]クロスブラウザ対応のフリーのナビゲーション集 -Styled Menu | コリス
コードも使用画像もフリーでダウンロードできるナビゲーションメニューいろいろ。Black Magic: A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a...12 Elegant, Free & High Quality HTML5+CSS3 Templates | DevSnippets
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If yo
JeffCroft15 Useful CSS3 and HTML5 Templates and Frameworks - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Speckyboy Design Magazine50+ High-Quality Free PSD Web Templates » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory
50 template en PSD
ar trebui sa le download-ezi si sa vezi ce poti folosi!How to Create Your First Joomla Template - NETTUTS
Need a Joomla Template? This will help in Creating your First Joomla Template!Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts and Tools - Speckyboy Design Magazine
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#Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts & Tools http://j.mp/dBwpAS /by @Speckyboy
Links to the GUI kit,lots of stencils and a standard icon pack33 Excellent Business Card Templates for Your Own Use | Vandelay Design Blog
We love minimalism in web design, we really really do. There is something pure about stripping out all of the unnecessary elements from a design and only being100 Fresh And Free xHTML Templates Of Year 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
You will find here just really new templates, mostly created in this year 2010 to ensure quality and templates being trendy!Create Your Own WordPress Theme from an HTML Template
Webシステムの管理画面に使えそうなテンプレートの紹介。Cocoia Blog » iPhone / iPad icon PSD template
Creating a Firefox extension can be difficult if you don’t know the files involved and how to structure your extension folder. Fear not — I have created a very basic Firefox extension template file/folder structure for you to get your first plugin going.
Just what I need61 High Quality And Free xHTML Templates Part 2: Year 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
This is part 2 of really fresh and high quality XHTML templates free for you to download, study and get inspired - all in the same time![CSS]全幅960+10pxをベースに汎用的に展開するグリッドシステム | コリス
全幅960+10pxをベースうつくしす30+ WordPress Theme Releases for May 2009 - WPZOOM
Theme Releases for May 2009 - WPZOOM
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Awesome Wordpress Themes from May 2009
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WORDPRESS THEMES - Free Premium Wordpress Themes with High-Quality Screenshots are available for DOWNLOAD.
A jobb, szebb themek középkategóriája. Van jópár összegyűjtve.mixi Engineers’ Blog » 100行のCプログラムでWebチャットを実装する方法
Tokyo CabinetThe Form Letter Machine - Mouser - Software - DonationCoder.com
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SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itlobotoME - Brainiac
cutesy notepads for making listsDownload free CSS templates - CssTemplatesFree.net
RT @ppixels: Useful: 10 Free Printable Web Design Wireframing Templates http://j.mp/cT1ruS
Výběr10+ Free HTML5-CSS3 Website Templates (To Start Designing For Tomorrow)
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
If you didn't already, it is a good idea to warm your hands on HTML5 and CSS3 as they offer so much. Here are 10+ free HTML5-CSS3 website templates to help you get inspired and started:How To Spot A Sketchy Client (Plus A Contract Template) - Smashing Magazine
The question arose on a blog about how to screen a client. Perhaps talking about it in terms of how to spot a sketchy client would be a bit much, but like any freelancer, I need to dump my anxieties on those who sign my paychecks. From corporate clients to the single-owner businesses, clients are our lifeblood… and they can be a cruel, cruel mistress. No wonder we drink.HTML5 Starter Pack – a sick freebie - Sickdesigner
Normally, I'm a big adept of not using templates for presets for pretty much anything I do. But, I must admit, there are tasks that are so trivial, so mundane
HTML5 layout/template/starter50 Red Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
Magento, an open source e-commerce web application, is often a good choice for an e-commerce website. The system is quite powerful and the community around thejQuery Templates and Data Linking (and Microsoft contributing to jQuery) - ScottGu's Blog
jQuery Templates and Data Linking60+ Excellent Premium-Like Free WordPress Themes | One Stop Design Resources
Now in its fourth iteration, this version of the template has been completely redesigned from the ground up. Based on iOS4, it includes all the elements you need to design proof-of-concepts or production ready assets. Previous versions of this file we’re riddled with issues like blurry edged buttons and incorrect “bevels”. These issues have been addressed as best they can using Photoshop’s shape layers and layer styles. If you’re modifying any of the vector elements be sure the shapes are sitting on full pixels or your assets will begin to look blurry.Getting Started with Tumblr & Custom Theme Design
コーディング10 Best PSD Web Templates Of May 2010 For Free Download
10 Best PSD Web Templates Of May 2010 For Free Download " ResourcesCocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file
For reference.
Photoshop template for designing icons suitable for iPhone, iPad and the iTunes Store.
Cocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file【HTML5】新規でサイトを作るのに使えそうなの一式。Ver 1|CSS HappyLife
HMTL5になった事で、html5doctor.com のリセットスタイル(v1.4.1)を使っています。 また、フォントサイズは、YUIのv2.8.1を使っております。
HTML5入門セット。HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu | Sickdesigner.com
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu | Sickdesigner.com - http://sickdesigner.com/resources/HTML5-starter-pack/index.htmlFree Professional PSD Template: BlueMasters - Smashing Magazine
In this post we release a yet another freebie: BlueMasters, a free PSD template, designed by Wendell Fernandes and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers. As...Complete Collection of Blank T-Shirt Mockup Templates - Speckyboy Design Magazine
In this post you will find a complete collection of templates and mockups that would make a perfect frame for your creative t-shirt designs. The templates5 Fantastic Notebooks and Sketchbooks for Designers | Design Shack
I've been a huge fan of Moleskins for quite some time now
This article will briefly examine 5 physical notebooks that are perfectly suited for a number of designer workflows.The Complete Web Design Style Series (700 Designs in 14 Categories) - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Over the past year or so we have periodically published web design collections and inspirational showcases from the most popular and important design categories. In total there are 14 different and varied categories or styles and within each category there are 50 carefully chosen web designs (that is a total of 700 web designs). We have called this ‘complete’ inspirational collection the Web Design Style Series. In total the entire collection has had just over 5,000 Delicious saves, and as such this post was created. Due to its popularity we felt it may be useful to have a central hub for the entire collection and make it easier for you to find the inspiration you are looking for quickly and painlessly. The Web Design Style Series includes the following design categories: Blogs, Ecommerce, Personal Portfolios, Web Design Agencies & Companies, Magazine & Newspaper, Web Application, Dark, Minimal, Illustrative, Vintage & Retro, Typography, Large Background, Bright & Colorful and, finalHTML5で構築されたテンプレート・フレームワークいろいろ | DesignWalker
Of all the man-made development today, the web is indeed one of the most influential technology that has been created. Currently, most business organization turn to web development in either advertising or developing the company.. In this stage, web designers and developers play an important role in providing the company an effective web design to take control of the progress of the project. We now bring you 50 Corporate Website Examples that you can look into for future projects that may involve corporate web designs. The collection has been made to provide inspiration to web designers in the proper approach in designing web sites on the same project in the future. Come and browse through this collection and let the inspiration get you!!!
Of all the man-made development today, the web is indeed one of the most influential technology that has been created. Currently, most business organization turn to web development in either advertising or developing the company.. In this stage, web designers and developers play an important role in providing the company an effective web design to take control of the progress of the project. We now bring you 50 Corporate Website Examples that you can look into for future projects that may involve corporate web designs. The collection has been made to provide inspiration to web designers in the proper approach in designing web sites on the same project in the future. Come and browse through this collection and let the inspiration get you!!! You may want to take a look at the following related articles: • 45+ Inspiring Examples of Vintage in Web Design • 30 Beautiful and Illustrative Website Footers • 40+ Examples of Horizontal Scrolling Websites • 44 Examples of Nature Inspired WeThe State of CSS3 in Email Templates | Nettuts+
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes - CSS3 in
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes – CSS3 in email lives. Ok, so I’m sorry if I made you drop your toast, there. I know you’re thinking, “But… It’s still largely experimental… In the browser, to boot!” Yes, CSS3 support is even more fickle amongst a swag of email clients that can’t even get CSS2 right. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too soon to touch any of it. In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples. So, brush off your toast and let’s get down to business.
In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples.
CSS3 no e-mail marketing345 Free PowerPoint templates, themes and backgrounds
For as long as I can remember I’ve been using Elliot Jay Stocks’ Starkers theme as a clean slate for all of my WordPress endeavours. Starkers is a godsend to designers like me who would have otherwise spent hours stripping back the code of the default WordPress theme in order to create a starting point for any new designs. Starkers is a bare bones WordPress theme created to act as a starting point for the theme designer… Free of all style, presentational elements, and non-semantic markup, Starkers is the perfect ‘blank slate’ for your projects, as it’s a stripped-back version of the ‘Default’ theme that ships with WordPress. Elliot Jay Stocks, Starkers So when word hit regarding HTML5, it certainly got people talking and got me thinking about an idea for my next side project. Call me experimental or maybe just impatient, but I figured why not transform Starkers into an HTML5 theme that others could use right now? And so “Starkers HTML5” was born.
Naked HTML 5 theme for wordpress !10 Tips for Designing HTML Emails | Design Shack
eThe Basics for Email Template Design - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag
The Basics for Email Template Design - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag - http://designm.ag/resources/the-basics-for-email-template-design/
Designing Email templates has proven to be a tricky thing. Between the many possible variables with different email clients and an effective message that communicates with the end user, email has basic elements that must be followed for success. Below I have outlined the difference and strategies of design and functionality. Enjoy! Design: I always encourage simplicity with design. You must consider how your template is going to be given to your end user. Chances are these days that your end user will be quickly reading their emails on their phones while in the car, in the middle of working, or while there are screaming kids in the background. Because of this, you must make your design sell in a matter of seconds. Below are great and effective examples of email templates:SuperStretch! – A Vertically Fluid Layout Using CSS | Devon Web Design and Development - MightyMeta
A vertically fluid layout using CSS.
It results in a layout that stretches both horizontally and vertically to the browser viewport. It includes a vertical navigation bar where button heights also stretch. It works in FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, and IE 6-8 ++++Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
paginas muuyyyyy chulassssGet Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Not Using jQuery JavaScript Templates? You’re Really Missing Out. - Rey Bango
Sure, why not? i can post to blogger with googlecl..