Pages tagged terms:

Seed The Web Tips Blog: My Twittonary – Every Twitter Term and Tool I Can Find

Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net (after being disappointed with – they can use my list below if they give credit!). I am sure many new tools are still being developed and I may have missed many that will be in Warren and Deb’s handbook (feel free to comment on the post if you know of any I missed- I am sure there's more! ) I colored coded my list by: Terms ( orange ), shorthands ( green ) and tools ( purple ) all in alphabetical order.
Twitter is a micro-blogging application that allows you to send updates (aka “tweets”) to the Twitter website and your twitter friends, similar to the Facebook status (with a limit of 140 character input). You can find and interact with people with similar interests. You can follow them, and others can follow you. It’s an instant-messaging-meets-social-media-networking tool. Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net.
Recently I've been very intrigued with twitter. It has been my source of interaction for the most part - I work on the computer day and night (ya I know I should get out more!). And I also use my iPhone to tweet while watching television. For those who don’t know, Twitter is a micro-blogging application that allows you to send updates (aka “tweets”) to the Twitter website and your twitter friends, similar to the Facebook status (with a limit of 140 character input). You can find and interact with people with similar interests. You can follow them, and others can follow you. It’s an instant-messaging-meets-social-media-networking tool.
twitter dictionary
Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net (after being disappointed with – they can use my list below if they give credit!). I am sure many new tools are still being developed and I may have missed many that will be in Warren and Deb’s handbook (feel free to comment on the post if you know of any I missed- I am sure there's more! )
Aviary - Terms
How to do T&Cs
The bullet points on the side, which summarize the agreement are a great idea!
My classmate Noah passed along this terms of service agreement. It has two columns: legal English on the left, plain English summary on the right.
Terms of service formatted for maximum readability.
Awesome TOS? I like the summary.
Términos de servicio con una versión resumida legible.
Social Studies Essential Terms
Good to remember