Android Proxy App
"This is an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone. " Not a true "tethering" app, claims the author (Graham Stewart), because it doesn't have access to low-level packet APIs for a NAT connection.
an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone.
Android application for limited tethering to the phone's internet connection. The app can act as a SOCKS proxy or forward an individual port.Here's how to get tethering on any iPhone right now, no jailbreak, for free | 9 to 5 Mac
Here's how to get tethering on any iPhone right now, no jailbreak, for free
Instructions on hacking an iPhone 3G with a custom carrier settings file to enable tethered data access without carrier authorization.Enable tethering shortcut found - iPhone 3.0 is Live! | 9 to 5 Mac
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUEEnable tethering on iPhone 3.0 - Too easy... (WORLDWIDE carriers) | richardlai's Xanga Site - Weblog
C can get dial up functionality at last[iPhone]ソフトバンクでテザリングを有効にする - tAkatronix’s GEEEK notes
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
iPhone Tool Installer
iPhone OS 3.0 Tethering Settings via Mail or iPhone direct download...
iPhone Tethering
hugs å sette opp mms med rette instillinger etterpå - ref bokmerke netcom mms
iphone-notes sends the mobileconfig necessary for tethering via e-mail directly to your iPhone. Most carriers supported, custom settings also - Mobileconfigs für dein iPhone |
the easiest way to enable iPhone Tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhoneEnable tethering in iPhone 3.0 - UPDATE
Sorry, AT&T, but you can't hide tethering from the very folks who taught you, long ago, what it meant to truly tether. First, ...
Mac Teathering
Sorry, AT&T, but you can’t hide tethering from the very folks who taught you, long ago, what it meant to truly tether. First, download this carrier update and then type this into Terminal. defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE Finally, start up iTunes and option-click the Restore button and select the ipcc file in the disk image. Once the update is complete you’ll see Internet Tethering under your network settings. Easy peasy. from MacMegaSite UPDATE - Just go here with your iPhone browser. This enables tethering and if you reboot you can get MMS. MMS is still wonky on AT&T, though.How To Activate Internet Tethering Now On iPhone OS 3.0 : iSmashPhone
Step-by-step instructionsThe Simple, Secret iPhone Tethering Fix | TechWatch | Fast Company
iPhone tetheringTutorial: How to Tether on an iPhone 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2
iphone tetheringHow to tether your iPhone running OS 3.0 without jailbreaking, for free
ere always carrier/country specific and required a bit more command line tampering than the common man could stomach. Now an automated solution has come to our attention that just works, is global, and doesn't require a jailbreak. Essentially, you use your iPhone to browse to a site that you've never heard of (, download a file that promises to reconfigure your local carrier profile, and then switch on tethering as you would had you tithed a monthly tethering fee to your carrier. We've confirmed that it works on T-Mobile NL and on O2 UK. There
tetheringiPhone 3G / OS 3.0で脱獄なし・iTunesも使わずテザリングを有効にする方法
dna1tropI have Tethering and MMS on my iPhone -- and Yes, I'm on AT&T - Aaron Krill
4. Save the file after you make the edit, then start the PmConnectionManager process back up. start PmConnectionManager Now /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should contain a “1″ instead of “0″. Previously, the ip_forward setting would always read/reset itself to “0″, making tethering very disruptive. With this method, that value will stay at “1″. 5. Setup a NAT rule in iptables by running /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE 6. Finally, add the command in step 5 to a start-up script in /etc/event.d. Using nano as the text editor, you would run nano -w /etc/event.d/ipforward Then copy/paste the lines below into the file start on stopped finish stop on runlevel[!2] console none pre-start script /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE end script