Linux上的Textmatepysmell - Google Code
python completion for IDE including Emacs
python autocomplete for vimzen-coding - Project Hosting on Google Code
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins for TextMate and NetBeans. They are using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
textmate plugins for zen coding
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.The Art of zen-coding: Bringing Snippets to a New Level - Monday By Noon
It doesn’t stop there. zen-coding has included an even more elaborate set of possibilities on top of valid CSS selectors.
I've rigged up some similar snippets that make my workflow in TextMate irreplaceable. Might have to install these snippets to get a broader range though.TextMate Screencasts for Rubyists
Inspiration - Color Theme Generator (via @rob_rix) – Joe Ricioppo (joericioppo) TextMate bundles/plugins to boost your Ruby on Rails development productivity | Adventures In Coding
Here are ten of my favourite bundles and plugins available to TextMate that will save you time and effort while working with Ruby on Rails.