Pages tagged theft:

The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist

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How To Build a Theft-Proof iPhone : iSmashPhone
for less than the $99 per year that Apple's mobileme service costs
The Best Place To Hide Money: Conversation With A Burglar - Blog
"If I can't find money and valuables in the normal places I usually find them, I would continue to tear the house apart until I found something," which is why the post advises that, in addition to your hiding spots, it's best to leave some money out in obvious places if, say, you're heading on a vacation and are concerned about would-be thieves. This can not only save your other stash of money, but may actually keep the burglar from destroying your place as he looks for where you have hidden your money. If they believe they may have found the cash that you have in the house, they are much less likely to keep looking (remember, they want to get out asap). In the end, if you hide all your money well, you may win a moral victory in not letting the burglar find the money, but you'll likely have much more damage done to your place that will end up costing you more in the long run.
Top 10 Tactics for Protecting Your Stuff - Theft - Lifehacker
10 Consejos para proteger sus pertenencias :-P
New algorithm guesses SSNs using date and place of birth - Ars Technica
Given these numbers, the authors estimate that even a moderate-sized botnet of 10,000 machines could successfully obtain identity verifications for younger residents of West Virginia at a rate of 47 a minute.
Two researchers have found that a pair of antifraud methods intended to increase the chances of detecting bogus social security numbers has actually allowed the statistical reconstruction of the number using information that many people place on social networking sites.
Lifehacker - Prey Phones Home to Help You Recover Your Stolen Laptop - Security
check on this around October 09 to see if any progress has been made
Your laptop is missing. You're completely out of luck, right? Not if your laptop can phone home. Prey is a cross-platform security application that sends home pictures and location data when your laptop goes missing. When your laptop goes missing Prey scans for open WiFi connections. When it can connect, either via WiFi or a hard line it will send you a report including the status of the computer, which programs are running, the active connections, a run down of the network location, a screenshot of the desktop, and if your laptop has an integrated webcam you'll even get a picture of the
FRBB: Identity Theft
TidBITS Safe Computing: What I Learned from Having My Laptop Stolen
anti theft, etc
Someday, somewhere, somehow your computer will be gone. It will be stolen, or the hard drive will self-destruct, or it will be hit by a meteor. While the latter would at least provide you with an excellent story, assuming you weren't using it at the time, having your laptop stolen, as mine was recently, just plain sucks. However, I did manage to learn a few things in the wake of disaster, and wanted to take the opportunity to share them with you here.
Three things are lost with a computer's theft: hardware, data, and privacy. I'll let others deal with the emotional aspects of loss, and instead focus on the practical ones.
Comment protéger son macbook en cas de vol