- easy website thumbnails
PageGlimpse Blog Read our blog to find more about the interesting things happening right now, from the words of our developers
What is PageGlimpse? PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page. The thumbnails can be virtually used in any kind of applications that require the display of website screenshots: web sites, windows/linux/mac applications, iPhone/mobile utilities, browser plugins, etc. Including web site thumbnails in your application will dramatically improve the user experience. The service is easy to use, fast and reliable, no restriction on thumbnail sizes or number of hits. Click here to see how it works. PageGlimpse Blog Read our blog to find more about the interesting things happening right now, from the words of our developers
PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page. The thumbnails can be virtually used in any kind of applications that require the display of website screenshots: web sites, windows/linux/mac applications, iPhone/mobile utilities, browser plugins, etc.
PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page.Thumbnail In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
There are numerous ways to use thumbnail in a web design to make it really be prominent, especially on the Blog Articles, Design Galleries, SideBars, and Footers or in the Comments as an Avatar. Some of the examples below we’ve together the best looking thumbnail designs and compiled them all into a massive list for you guys.
Web Design and Graphic Design BlogDisplay Thumbnails For Related Posts in Wordpress | Build Internet!
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'imageFunction Web Design & Development Blog - » Beautiful Post Thumbnails: Top Examples & Best Practices
Beautiful Post ThumbnailsAutomatic Wordpress Thumbnail Without Custom Field | Pro Blog Design
Automatic Wordpress Thumbnail Without Custom Field
Criar fazer miniatura thumbnail automaticamente sem precisar de campo personalizado custom field [EXCELENTE]
This post will show you how to make your theme generates thumbnail automatically based on your post’s first image.ThumbView - See DDS, PCX, PNG, and TGA thumbnails in Explorer (+16 other image formats)
ThumbView enables image thumbnails and tooltips in MS-Windows Explorer for filetypes that are not natively supported. It started with PCX, TGA, DDS and PNG images, but now ThumbView supports an amazing 19 image types - directly inside any Explorer window! See the features page for illustrations. This image software is completely free (open source) so go directly to the download area and enjoy windows as an image gallery! Supported filetypes: .cut, .dcx, .dds, .mdl, .mng, .pcd, .pcx, .pic, .pix, .png, .pnm/.pbm/.pgm/.ppm, .psd/.pdd, .psp, .pxr, .sgi/.rgb, .tga/.vda/.icb/.vst, .tif/.tiff, .wal, .xpm.
Allows you to see thumbnails for all picture formats in Windows
You may have noticed that windows only supports thumbnail icon previews for a handful of image formats. Free utility Thumbview adds in over a dozen more to make sure you can preview all your images. It's annoying to look at a directory of image thumbnails and have some be proper thumbnails, while others are just icons of whatever program they are associated with. Thumbview adds support for 19 image formats, including PNG, PSD, TFF, and more. According to the documentation on the Thumbview site, it's light on system resources and only springs into action when rendering a new batch of thumbnails. On our test machine it was quick and seemed no slower or faster than Windows typically is when re-filling thumbnails. For an alternative application, check out previously mentioned Xentient Thumbnails.Using The New Post Thumbnail Feature In WordPress 2.9 › Kremalicious
WordPress 2.9 added a new feature which allows you to assign an image to an article to make it the post image like it’s often used in magazine style themes. This new feature along with a new template tag makes all the custom field hacks usually used for this functionality in the past obsolete. So [...]
if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
<?php the_post_thumbnail(array( 200,200 ), array( 'class' => 'alignleft' )); ?>Everything you need to know about WordPress 2.9’s post image feature
Everything about new thumbnail feature in Wordpress 2.9
Finalmente Wordpress ha le thumbnails incorporate
An in-depth look at how the post image feature in WordPress 2.9 can be used from the perspective of both end users and developers.
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ); else echo '<img src="default-image.png" alt="Example Image" title="Example" />'; ?>Thumboo! Free Website Thumbnails and PHP Script to Generate Web Screenshots
Tool to generate website thumbnails. Includes an API.
Free Website Thumbnails and PHP Script to Generate Web Screenshots