Pages tagged time:

Procrastinating Again? How to Kick the Habit: Scientific American

"Procrastination carries a financial penalty, endangers health, harms relationships and ends careers. “Procrastination undermines well-being on a wide scale,” notes psychologist Timothy A. Pychyl, director of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa. Nevertheless, recent work hints at potential upsides to this otherwise bad habit: perpetual foot-draggers seem to benefit emotionally from their trademark tactics, which support the human inclination to avoid the disagreeable." - Scientific American
Almost everyone occasionally procrastinates, but a worrisome 15 to 20 percent of adults routinely put off activities that would be better accomplished right away.
Although biology is partly to blame for foot-dragging, anyone can learn to quit
Procrastination can also stem from anxiety, an offshoot of neuroticism. Procrastinators postpone getting started because of a fear of failure (I am so worried that I will bungle this assignment), the fear of ultimately making a mistake (I need to make sure the outcome will be perfect), and the fear of success (If I do well, people will expect more of me all the time. Therefore, I’ll put the assignment off until the last minute, do it poorly, and people won’t expect so much of me).
100 Blogs that Will Save You Time & Make You More Productive |
Facebook: 25 Things I Didn't Want to Know About You - TIME,8599,1877187,00.html
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've finally found something more stupid than Twitter.
timeEdition - time management
timeedition is targeted at all users in a computer workplace who value detailed documentation of their working hours, whether they use it for customer billing or for monitoring the duration of individual projects
Time tracking software
Software para registrar el tiempo que se dedica a cada tarea
Countdown (actually up) to the UNIX Epoch time being 1234567890!
Clock counting up to 1234567890 in Unix time.
Come join us to watch the countdown (actually up) to the UNIX Epoch time being 1234567890 live on the internets!
Only..................until the Epoch Time is 1234567890! (Friday, February 13th 2009, 23:31:30 UTC)
Autofocus System - Get Everything Done
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list.
All about time management and personal organisation
How to Save Your Newspaper - TIME,8599,1877191,00.html
Ja miksi?
when Web advertising declined in the fourth quarter of 2008, free felt like the future of journalism only in the sense that a steep cliff is the future for a herd of lemmings
1234567890 Day
It's time to party like it's 1234567890 – 'cause it is!
My Birthday but in Unix Time
Unix Timeが1234567890になるんだと。
Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : Cool Trick: Making Miniature Calendars
make mini-outlook calendars to drop in OOF messages for extra-long vacations
1. The Retail DNA Test - 50 Best Inventions 2008 - TIME,28804,1852747_1854493,00.html
23andMe, I know just three things about her: she's pregnant, she's married to Google's Sergey Brin, and she went to Yale. But after an hour chatting with her in the small office she shares with co-founder Linda Avey at 23andMe's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., I know some things no Internet search could reveal: coffee makes her giddy, she has a fondness for sequined shoes and fresh-baked
$399 saliva test that estimates your predisposition for more than 90 traits and conditions ranging from baldness to blindness. The 600,000 genetic markers that 23andMe identifies and interprets for each customer are "the digital manifestation of you Now personal genotyping is available to anyone who orders the service online and mails in a spit sample.
Why Facebook Is for Old Fogies - TIME,9171,1879169,00.html
Personal time management software -
Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,28757,1879276,00.html
Complete List - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,,1879276,00.html
25 mejores blogs de 2009
Welcome - Timer
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
JavaScript makes relative times compatible with caching - (37signals)
A pro-caching technique for presenting cachable relative times (e.g., "15 minutes ago")
I put together a new mini app for our new status site yesterday that needed exactly this technique. I wanted the content of the application to be entirely page cached, so it would withstand the onslaught if the terrible should happen and we need to redirect all trafic to the status site.
Tweet O'Clock - Find out when it's best to tweet someone!
another mashup for Twitter
Find out when it's best to tweet someone
Exporting the past into the future, or, “The Possibility Jelly lives on the hypersurface of the present” « Magical Nihilism
Context and scale, past and future.
Matt Jones's current thoughts on location-based services and the value of "nearish" over "here".
Matt Jones of dopplr de-bunks the b-chino'd hype surrounding in the moment location based apps. Love it.
Perhaps the idea of showing where you are exactly now isn't so good afterall - it's more relevant to talk about where I'll be soon so you can react to it accordingly.
Earlier Matt Jones posting, more mind-bending moments, particularly on the highly temporal value of high resolution location data.
Our world may be a giant hologram - space - 15 January 2009 - New Scientist
According to Hogan, a physicist at Fermilab, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time." If this doesn't blow your socks off, then Hogan has an even bigger shock in store: "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."
"GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into 'grains', just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in."
Downloads: ManicTime Tracks Your Work Day
Windows only: ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports. If you were intrigued by previously reviewed RescueTime but were turned off by the idea of uploading all your data to the RescueTime servers, ManicTime offers a very similar set of tools but stores your data locally.
Monitorowanie ile czasu spędzamy nad czym przy komputerze
ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports.
Flickr Clock
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Flickr Clock
An experimental Flickr timeline showing recent videos.
Is time an illusion? - physics-math - 19 January 2008 - New Scientist
Time Management in the Age of Social Media - BusinessWeek
David Allen talks about ways you can make Facebook and Twitter work for you on the job
Top 10 Time-Lapse Videos Show Nature at Work | Wired Science from
The world is filled with sluggish spectacles. Watching them would be painful were it not for time-lapse photography, which can make those long stories short and remarkably entertaining. When a
via delicious home
Short time lapse for science concepts
The Simple Dollar » Most Time Management Is Rubbish. Here Are Ten Things That Work for Me.
Here’s the problem with productivity tips, though. Most of them don’t work. Some are simply inefficient. Others are only efficient in certain situations. Still others only work well for people with certain mindsets. I’ve tried many, many productivity ideas, yet I keep coming back to the same handful in the end. These tips work for me.
Online Stopwatch - Chronometer
Chron Me es un cronómetro online simple y minimalista, que hace lo que promete: medir tu tiempo. Con un solo botón se lo inicia y se lo pausa de así desearlo, y con otro se lo puede resetear para comenzar a tomar el tiempo desde cero. Cada vez que lo pausan y reanudan, Chron Me lo deja asentado, y luego estos datos pueden ser exportados en formato csv. También tiene una versión mini, que solo tiene comenzar/ pausar/ reanudar y es más pequeña, y también hay un widget que pueden ponerle a sus blogs.
Chron Me es un cronómetro online simple y minimalista, que hace lo que promete: medir tu tiempo. Con un solo botón se lo inicia y se lo pausa de así desearlo, y con otro se lo puede resetear para comenzar a tomar el tiempo desde cero. Cada vez que lo pausan y reanudan, Chron Me lo deja asentado, y luego estos datos pueden ser exportados en formato csv.
è un vero e proprio cronometro di precisione online.
با قابلیت اضافه کردن به سایت و وبلاگ
15 Awesome Time Management Tools and Apps - Dumb Little Man
qw-cheatsheet-print-zoom.jpg (JPEG Image, 660x728 pixels)
just in case you happen to go back in time and want to be awesome
Get Rich Slow - TIME,9171,1890387-1,00.html
Surprise: there's never been a better moment to bootstrap your own Internet business. All you need is a laptop, a broadband connection and a great idea. Inside the new start-up boom
Gizmodo - Time Travel Cheat Sheet - Time travel cheat sheet
So you've gone back in time with just a gun, a few clips and your pants. What now? This is what. [Topatoco via Buzzfeed - Thanks Audrius!]
Just in case. :)
what happens when and what you need(ed) to know/discover when
Inside the precision hack « Music Machinery
The hackers knocked Rain down the list for moot! ...But it's still a sick hack.:B
In "the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts ... we find a Message embedded in the results ... Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. ... At the core of the hack is the work of a dozen or so, backed by an army of a thousand who downloaded and ran the autovoters and also backed by an untold number of others that unwittingly fell prey to the spam url autovoters. So why do they do it? Why do they write code, build complex applications, publish graphs - why do they organize a team that is more effective than most startup companies? Says Zombocom: “For the lulz”."
Anon hacks Time's 100 Poll so hard
There’s a scene toward the end of the book Contact by Carl Sagan, where the protagonist Ellie Arroway finds a Message embedded deep in the digits of PI. The Message is perhaps an artifact of an extremely advanced intelligence that apparently manipulated one of the fundamental constants of the universe as a testament to their power as they wove space and time. I’m reminded of this scene by the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts. Just as Ellie found a Message embedded in PI, we find a Message embedded in the results of this poll. Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. kg9kl At 4AM this mor
A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video
creates a link to a YouTube video where you set the start time.
Save YouTube video
youtubetime: YouTube-Videos mit eingestellter Startzeit weitergeben Mit youtubetime kann man YouTube-Videos mit voreingestellter Startzeit weitergeben. Dazu muss man nur den Link zum Video und die gewünschte Zeit angeben. - A Disciplined Way To Deal With Email
A Disciplined Way To Deal With Email
What's Next - 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now - TIME,28757,1884779,00.html
The global economy is being remade before our eyes. Here's what's on the horizon...
The global economy is being remade before our eyes. Here's what's on the horizon
Revista Time lista 10 idéias que estão mudando o mundo tipo agora.
Talking Points Memo - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,28804,1879276_1879279,00.html
Dead At Your Age – Deaths of interesting people at your age
Congratulations! You've just outlived some interesting people. Tell us your date of birth, and we'll tell you who they were.
moot wins, Time Inc. loses « Music Machinery
A team of pranksters found a way to control the Time top 100 influential people list... I guess this demonstrates that they are in-fact "influential"...
programming hacking
Timer Stopwatch - Online Timer - Online Stopwatch
Our online timer stopwatch lets Internet users time a test, class, meeting, speech, contest, auction, experiment, phone call, game, etc. The best virtual timer stopwatch on the web in our opinion :-)
Rules for Time Travelers | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
This is pretty awesome. It's a plain-English explanation of what rules should have to apply to any literary use of time travel, given what we know about space-time. "Time travel isn’t magic; it may or may not be allowed by the laws of physics — we don’t know them well enough to be sure — but we do know enough to say that if time travel were possible, certain rules would have to be obeyed." I was, of course, reading these rules and thinking of LOST, which, by my count, seems to play by all the rules expect maybe number three (but, in their defense, if you don't have some visual cue to the audience that time travel just happened, how would they ever know? I understand that it would happen in the real world, but you kind of need the flashing light as a storytelling device). Great read.
0. There are no paradoxes. 1. Traveling into the future is easy. 2. Traveling into the past is hard — but maybe not impossible. 3. Traveling through time is like traveling through space. 4. Things that travel together, age together. 5. Black holes are not time machines. 6. If something happened, it happened. 7. There is no meta-time. 8. You can’t travel back to before the time machine was built. 9. Unless you go to a parallel universe. 10. And even then, your old universe is still there.
Like Rule 0.
I love how smart everyone wants to act in the comments.
20 Things You Didn't Know About... Time | Cosmology | DISCOVER Magazine
Dark Roasted Blend: Extraordinary Clocks and Watches
I'm not much of a clock/watch guy, but these are really nice &gt; Extraordinary Clocks and Watches [from]
10 Ways to Turn Google Calendar into an Effective Time Management & Productivity Tool
formation for the bot to put your event on it (I didn’t do that but that’s up to y
Thymer - Super easy Planning, Task and Project Management
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning. For individuals, teams and small businesses.
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning.
Sign up for the beta. Why? Oh . . . just sign up. Be a productivity geek like me. (Except . . . be productive.)
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME,8599,1902604,00.html
It used to be that you compulsively checked your BlackBerry to see if anything new had happened in your personal life or career: e-mail from the boss, a reply from last night's date. Now you're compulsively checking your BlackBerry for news from other people's lives. And because, on Twitter at least, some of those people happen to be celebrities, the Twitter platform is likely to expand that strangely delusional relationship that we have to fame.
as millions of devotees have discovered, Twitter turns out to have unsuspected depth Yes, the breakfast-status updates turned out to be more interesting than we thought. But the key development with Twitter is how we've jury-rigged the system to do things that its creators never dreamed of.
Once just a fad, Twitter is developing into a powerful form of communication. What its growth says about us — and the future of American innovation
Paul Irish » jQuery idleTimer plugin
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live -- Printout -- TIME,8816,1902604,00.html
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live
Fantastic article by Steven Johnson on
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME,8599,1902604-1,00.html
Twitter makes the cover of TIME Magazine. - Manage your web time
Popups must be allowed for options 2 and 3
Sítio para controlar o tempo de uso na internet...
Manage your time on the web
The Future of Twitter - 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business - TIME,28804,1901188_1901207,00.html
While there may be commercial value for using Twitter to communicate with customers, the danger is that the Twitter community could turn against a marketer viewed as being too crass by being relentlessly self-promoting.
Effective Strategy To Estimate Time For Your Design Projects | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great article on how to accurately budget for freelance web projects
How many times have you been completely confused at how that 'small' project turned into such a big one costing double and taking three times
The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years: Mr. Luce's mag does satanism, porn, crack, Pokemon, and more! - Reason Magazine
They forgot the 2 Aug 82 "Scarlet H" Herpes cover (but, then, Reason would, wouldn't it?),16641,19820802,00.html
From William Randolph Hearst's ginned up hysterical stories about marijuana to the "10-cent plague" comic book scare of the 1950s to The New York Times warning of "cocaine-crazed Negroes" raping white women across the Southern countryside, the media has always whipped up anxiety and increased readership via thinly sourced exposes of the next great threat to the American way of life.
As a service to future historians of the long, slow death of the newsweekly, Reason offers this Top 10 list of the most horrifying, silly, irresponsible, or downright ridiculous Time cover panics from the past 40 years.
" publication has done a better (by which we mean worse) job of scaring the crap out of post-baby boomer America than Time.." 10. June 19, 1972: The Occult Revival \ 9. April 5, 1976: The Porno Plague \ 8. August 6, 1984: The Population Curse \ 7. September 15, 1986: Drugs: The Enemy Within \ 6. May 7, 1990: Dirty Words \ 5. May 13, 1991: Crack Kids \ 4. July 3, 1995: Cyberporn: On a Screen Near You \ 3. Nov 22, 1999: Pokemon! \ 2. March 19, 2001: The Columbine Effect \ 1. June 7, 2004: Overcoming Obesity in America \
How To Estimate Time For A Project
Está criando um site? Então aprenda a organizar o seu tempo.
Good reference
Why are There 60 Minutes in an Hour? | Scienceray
Porqué hay 60 minutos en una hora.
Estimating time for Web Projects more accurately: Part 1 | Web Project and Website Management advice | Web Project Management Addict | thesambarnes
letters to the future
Time Wastes Too Fast - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
artists illustrations from a visit to Monticello
an important piece on Thomas Jefferson
a visit to Thomas Jefferson's residence
One artist blogs about the impact visiting Monticello had on her and her impressions of Jefferson.
Mud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.
Tips on using python's datetime module
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do.
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do. I have come to adopt some extra usage guidelines in order to preserve my sanity:
Important timezone brokenness in Python. PHP5's DateTime continues to be my gold standard for timezone wrangling.
Tips on using python's datetime module
Philip Zimbardo prescribes a healthy take on time | Video on
Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says happiness and success are rooted in a trait most of us disregard: the way we orient toward the past, present and future. He suggests we calibrate our outlook on time as a first step to improving our lives.
iClockr - Because it is your time
Cool clock idea.
มายด์ ดรีม คล๊อก วู้วว
buy this clock
Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule
Interesting thoughts on why simple meetings blow the entire day's schedule for a programmer (via Justin Miller)
When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.
If you can't actually avoid meetings, then at least try to schedule them so you can maximise your productivity. Rings true...
Paul Graham pitches 'flow' from a different perspective.
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
PrettyTime - Timestamp format for Java | OcpSoft
"PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. "
PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It’s simple, get started “right now!”
Relative time output like "3 minutes ago"
Take 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track - Time management - Lifehacker
Practice daily.
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.
Achron - Time Travel is Coming
time travel RPG game? this is very interesting
World's first meta-time strategy game
Hazardous Software's Achron, meta-time strategy game: a real-time strategy game with freeform time travel, where players and units can jump to and play at different times simultaneously and independently.
time travel game
the world's first meta-time strategy game, a real-time strategy game where players and units can jump to and play at different times simultaneously and independently
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic -
Interactive Report which allows to filter by Age Group, Employment Status.
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic -
A really cool graph.
The American Time Use Survey asks thousands of American residents to recall every minute of a day. Here is how people over age 15 spent their time in 2008.
Mourning the Death of Handwriting - TIME,9171,1912419,00.html
Via ... someone's Twitter feed. The history of handwriting and the death of it. Does it matter that we are no longer tested for penmanship?
Don't blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
Don\'t blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
People born after 1980 tend to have a distinctive style of handwriting: a little bit sloppy, a little bit childish and almost never in cursive.
50 Amazing Ramen Noodle Recipes
WTH not. Should make for some fun trail food.
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic -
super-interesting viz
jquery.timepickr was created in a attempt to make the process of inputing time in a form as easy and natural as possible.
Not perfect, but an interesting time picker implementation.
A time selector with a very ergonomic UI -- pick hour, minute in 15 minute increments, then am/pm.
jquery time picker
Visualizing up to ten dimensions - Boing Boing
Bowloftoast sez, "This is a short animation that takes the viewer through a progressive description of all (and all possible) dimensions, up to and including the 10th. It is an elegant introduction to the fundamentals of string theory and a mind-blowing toe-dip into the pool of the metaphysical."
How to Live Without the Clock
Full List - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,29569,1918031,00.html
good list
The Biocentric Universe Theory: Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself | Cosmology | DISCOVER Magazine
A great article. Every thing is perception. i beleive in it
Review of Biocentrism in the Discover magazine
The farther we peer into space, the more we realize that the nature of the universe cannot be understood fully by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.
The Best in the Online World - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,28757,1918031,00.html
Beyond space and time: Fractals, hyperspace and more - New Scientist
multiple dimensions 10D
The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.
like the ten dimensions video...but words!
Thinking about dimensions other than the three we're used to can rattle one's mind. That's why it's usually left to stoned conversationalists and theoretical physicists. To help the rest of us navigate flatland, fractal landscapes, and hyperspace, New Scientist put together a concise and fun tour titled "Beyond Space and Time."
We don't have any trouble coping with three dimensions – or four at a pinch. The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.
Flickr - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,28804,1918031_1918016,00.html
the best websites of 2008
Best Websites 2009 - TIME
Current Local Time | Local Time, Weather and Travel Information provided by
Local Time, Weather and Travel Information
How To Find Time For… Everything! « Smashing Magazine
This is full of sense. Re-read this!
view this site
Time for everything
Five Best Time-Tracking Applications - Time management - Lifehacker
On-line organizer
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite time-tracking tool, and now we're back with the five most popular time-tracking applications to help you track the time you spend on projects and tasks of every size.
PhotoLapse Makes Time-Lapse Movie Creation a Snap - Time Lapse - Lifehacker
stop animation
dy/dan » Blog Archive » What I Would Do With This: Groceries
"The express lane isn't faster. The manager backed me up on this one. You attract more people holding fewer total items, but as the data shows above, when you add one person to the line, you're adding 48 extra seconds to the line length (that's "tender time" added to "other time") without even considering the items in her cart. Meanwhile, an extra item only costs you an extra 2.8 seconds. Therefore, you'd rather add 17 more items to the line than one extra person! I can't believe I'm dropping exclamation points in an essay on grocery shopping but that's how this stuff makes me feel."
less helpful
All other things being equal, which lane is the fastest?
Engineering Code: Time Management
Viszonylag hosszú, de remek videó sok-sok GTD tippel.
"The talk on Time management, however, is a more pragmatic talk and talks about techniques to manage time better. Again, the underlying principle in Randy’s talk is to maximize life and fun. "
Work Less, Get More Done: Analytics For Maximizing Productivity: MicroISV on a Shoestring
I have come to the conclusion, over the last three years, that working hard is overrated. This is an idea I have been kicking around for a while, but it was thrown into sharp relief by a blog post entitled The Only Alternative Is To Work Harder, by a gentleman named Paras Chapra over at Wingify. Paras and I have corresponded over email a few times, so I say as one analytics junkie to another: the notion that working longer hours is correlated to better business results is a pernicious social pathology.
Powers of 10: Time Scales in User Experience (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
From 0.1 seconds to 10 years or more, user interface design has many different timeframes, and each has its own particular usability issues.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
people can make rough decisions about a Web page's visual appeal after being exposed to it for as little as 50 ms, which is 1/20 of a second
tidsstudie over brug af website, 1 sek, 1 min. 10 min. osv.
focus booster live - the pomodoro technique
Whether you need a timer to keep you on task or to remind you to occasionally get off task and emerge from your office, FocusBoosterLive can help ensure the hours don't slip away
The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity - pmarca Archive
"use the back of the 3x5 card as your Anti-Todo List. "
productivity tools: Let's start with a bang: don't keep a schedule.- "By not keeping a schedule, I mean: refuse to commit to meetings, appointments, or activities at any set time in any future day. As a result, you can always work on whatever is most important or most interesting, at any time." Each night before you go to bed, prepare a 3x5 index card with a short list of 3 to 5 things that you will do the next day. And then, the next day, do those things. ...Then, throughout the rest of the day, use the back of the 3x5 card as your Anti-Todo List. This isn't a real list. And the name is tongue firmly in cheek. What you do is this: every time you do something -- anything -- useful during the day, write it down in your Anti-Todo List on the card." This is obviously suited to the practices of the advanced learner.
The techniques that follow work together as an integrated set for me, but they probably won't for you. Maybe you'll get one or two ideas -- probably out of the ideas I stole from other people. If so, I have succeeded.
Fix Your Timestep! « Gaffer on Games
Triptico | Timer
Scroll Clock
Clock composed of scrollbars = fun
nice java script hack
Social Media Time Management | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Monday Master Class: How to Schedule Your Writing Like a Professional Writer
Professional writers spend most days of their adult lives writing. For those among them who specialize on long form non-fiction, their writing is not that different from the types of research papers that plague college students. Assuming that these writers do not want to spend most of the days of their adult lives hating what they are doing, it stands to reason that, over time, they have figured the least painful possible way to schedule a large amount of writing.
I wonder if same can be applied to coding?
Project GRE²AT: Photo Tour
scientific road trip with kids, amazing, time dilation, Project GRE²AT: Photo Tour [from]
"Does gravity really alter time and can this weird phenomenon be detected with a family road trip experiment?" -- via Jed Parsons
"we were able to detect and measure the effects of relativistic time dilation compared to atomic clocks we left at home." [via kenglass]
n September 2005 (for the 50th anniversary of the atomic clock and 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity) we took several cesium clocks on a road trip to Mt Rainier; a family science experiment unlike anything you've seen before. By keeping the clocks at altitude for a weekend we were able to detect and measure the effects of relativistic time dilation compared to atomic clocks we left at home. The amazing thing is that the experiment worked! The predicted and measured effect was just over 20 nanoseconds.
Experimentally proving relativity by taking atomic clocks up higher in elevation (to increase speed due to Earth's spin being different). A family vacation with three kids.
Social Media Time Management: 9 Guiding Principles | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
This is the last in our series on Social Media Time Management, but you’ll really find that these are less ideas about managing just social media and more ideas for managing online life in general. It’s a balancing act. And ultimately, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Good article on time management/social media focus.
Specifying Performance - Unweary
Great essay describing the perception of software performance and the various time ranges that matter. Good content and great source of references to other source material on the topic.
Designing and Engineering Time
When you need to choose which part of your application to focus on speeding up, understanding where and why users will perceive performance problems is key. You can't and shouldn't optimize everything. Remember, perception is reality. No mater what your metrics say, if the user thinks your application is slow, it is.
"Failing to specify reasonable performance requirements makes it very difficult to verify that your software is actually meeting your users' performance expectations." … with a good overview of Seow's timings.
very useful thoughts on setting performance expectations.
Threads Tweets into conversations
Waiting for it to come up again...
RT @problogger Trying ThreadedTweets - Real-time Threaded Tweeting - [from]
YouTube - The Known Universe by AMNH
Watch an incredible travel to the end of the universe and back.
r|t, simulation, univers, -th|l, [4], ****, ººººº.
Similar to Powers of 10, but a little more detailed
Video visualization of the universe
Back To Work: Making Time for the MITs (Most Important Things)
Here’s an exercise I use to place the appropriate (and timely!) attention on what I consider to be the MIT's—the Most Important Things.Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours.Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card.Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day.Review it occasionally.At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?"Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
* Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours. * Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card. * Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day. * Review it occasionally. * At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?" * Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
How long have you been tweeting? Find out the age of your Twitter account.
"On The Shortness Of Life"
Seneca, a Spanish-born philosopher of Rome who lived in the first century A.D., was one of the prominent sages of the Stoic school. He's chiefly remembered today for his Moral Essays, a collection of twelve articles on various ethical themes. "On The Shortness Of Life" is an essay addressed to a friend, and it is excerpted and condensed here from Moses Hadas' fine work, The Stoic Philosophy Of Seneca.
Concrete Goals Tracker 2010 Updates
Track your time on the computer with FruitfulTime ProductivityMeter Personal Edition
Timeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Evolution explained
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms.
Annotated link
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms. There are problems with each of these methods. The fossil record is like a movie with most of the frames cut out. Because it is so incomplete, it can be difficult to establish exactly when particular evolutionary changes happened
Meet-O-Matic: The World's Simplest Meeting Scheduler
1. Select possible dates, press 'Book now!' Next: 2. Email participants
I am seriously thinking of using this for scheduling meetings among memebers of the committees that I am in. Take a tour so you can see how easy it is to propose a meeting time and receive attendees' availablity responses.
Very simple meeting scheduler (free)
MakeSomeTime - Free Online Time Tracking and Invoicing
Easy Online Time Tracking & Invoicing MakeSomeTime helps you keep track of your time & invoices like a pro. Sign Up Now. It's Free! * Simple Time Tracking Tracking time has never been easier. Keep your times organised by clients, projects and tasks. * Beautiful Interface Super easy and simple User Interface. No clutter. Just what you need to get your work done. * Report Things Generate detailed reports which can be included in invoices & reports. * Invoicing Integrated invoicing just to save you the hassle of doing it yourself. * Integration Paid plans allow integration of 3rd party sites. For example importing projects from Basecamp. * On the iPhone No install required, just load MakeSomeTime in your iPhone's browser and enjoy it "on-the-go". Start Tracking Your Time Latest Blog Update Service Update 10th Feb 2010 Another small update today. This time to the Projects page. Not on
Why I do Time Tracking | Swaroop C H - India, Technology, Life Skills
Article about Time Tracking in order to be productive at work, etc. Very nice.
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
AWESOME clock!
To use the jDigiClock plugin, include the jQuery library, the jDigiClock source file and jDigiClock core stylesheet file inside the <head> tag of your HTML document
What Is Time? One Physicist Hunts for the Ultimate Theory | Wired Science |
Sean Carroll
A cool look at why we view the world we do and why certain actions can't be reversed.
Downloads: TimeEdition is a Simple and Stylish Time Tracker
an easy looking time tracking program
Time tracking application TimeEdition tracks your time in a dead-simple and attractive interface that saves your progress to Google Calendar for accessible-from-anywhere results.
Geological_time_spiral.png (PNG Image, 1617x1454 pixels)
visual spiral timeline of earth
Skill activities links list. Sorted by skill.
This website provides links to interactive websites where students can go to work on their math skills. You can pick from topics like money, addition, and measurements.
PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying one
KEO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its name is supposed to represent the three most frequently used sounds common to the most widely spoken languages today, k, e and o... The satellite has enough capacity to carry a four-page message from each of the more than six billion inhabitants on the planet... KEO will also carry a diamond that encases a drop of human blood chosen at random and samples of air, sea water and earth.[3] The DNA of the human genome will be engraved on one of the faces. .. The messages and library will be encoded in glass-made radiation-resistant DVDs. Symbolic instructions in several formats will show the future finders how to build a DVD reader.
KEO is the name of a proposed space time capsule which will be launched in 2010 or 2011[1] carrying messages from the citizens of present Earth to humanity 50,000 years from now, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere.
Running A Software Business On 5 Hours A Week: MicroISV on a Shoestring - Find the Sleeping Schedule of anyone !
Hvis du har lyst til at finde ud af hvornår folk på Twitter sover: Godnat. - Find the Sleeping Schedule of anyone !: Find the #sleep schedule of anyone with http://www.slee...
young me now me photo contest ::
Repeating Calendar / blog / ui.timepickr.js: An experimental jQuery plugin
h nicer look and feel though, nice job. permalink Josh Nathanson ~ October 8, 2008 at 12:56 p.m. Nice work...even though its still in experimental, its looking great so far. I want to find a project to use this on! permalink Ryan Coughlin ~ October 8,
Javascript time (not date) input widget.
A jQuery time picker, similar to an idea I was playing around with a wee while ago.
"I have seen a bunch of JavaScript "time" pickers, but they seem to always stick to the same approach"
Obama: The College Years - Photo Essays - TIME,29307,1866765_1815160,00.html
In 1980, when Obama was a freshman at Occidental College in Los Angeles, he was approached by an aspiring photographer named Lisa Jack, who asked him if he would be willing to pose for some black and white photographs that she could use in her portfolio.
Tilt-shift Video: Amazing Tilt-Shift Time-Lapse Videos Make Lilliputians of Us All
Amazing Tilt-Shift Time-Lapse Videos Make Lilliputians of Us All #videos
Tilt-Shift - Video
John Resig - Picking Time
It's not often that new user interface conventions are born - or popularized. Even less so within the realm of web development. I'd argue that Sparklines and Lightbox are two of the best examples of UI conventions that were popularized on the web.
Old School Clock with CSS3 and jQuery
programações legais
Time Zones
Timezones made usable (by @amyhoy and @thomasfuchs)
Amy Hoy & Thomas Fuchs created another beautiful Javascript/HTML5 website that's earned a place on my bookmark bar.
Nice visualization of timezones.
A nice way to present international timezones.
Never warp your brain with that time zone math again.
1. Where The Hell Is Matt? (2008) - The Top 10 Everything of 2008 - TIME,30583,1855948_1864281,00.html
Article Tools Print Email Reprints Related AddThis RSS Yahoo! Buzz Matt Harding is a 32-year-old videogame designer who quit his job in 2003 to travel around Asia. Along the way, he recorded and posted a short video of himself doing an elbow-intensive jig in Hanoi.
Daylight Hours Explorer
sunlight hours,
flash animation
The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME,8599,1894028,00.html
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
The Big Bang Was an Explosion OF Space, Not IN Space
At no point was matter spewing forth from anything. Space and time itself was being created first. Ordinary matter (atoms, molecules etc) was created out of tiny imbalances of energy left over from the inflationary period.
The Big Bang was not an explosion of matter into space, rather it was an explosion of space ITSELF, and since space and time are interconnected, we really have to say it was an explosion of space AND time, or space-time.
STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine | Mail Online
Making Time to Make: The Job You Think You Have | 43 Folders
Thing is: if the amount of time you devote to lite correspondence with individual people exceeds the amount of time you spend on making things, then you may be in a different line of work than you’d originally thought you were. my sense is that western culture would be a damn sight poorer today if John Lennon had been forced to carry a goddamn BlackBerry.
What is it that you really do? What’s the last thing you made that really excited you? Where are you and your work in all that “communication?”
Part 2 of Merlin Mann's "Making Time to Make." Yeah, I've read it all kinds of out of order (3-1-2), but they're gems of writing and advice for personal productivity. The best part of this one? "The power of connecting with people in an authentic way (no, not in that cheesy, half-assed, internet “friends” way) falls apart at the point where its resource consumption curtails your ability to keep making new stuff. It’s a twisted paradox, for sure. But, in essence, it’d be a little like the Beatles skipping the writing and recording of Rubber Soul in order to catch up on 1964’s fan mail."
If you’re a publisher, journalist, author, blogger, musician, artist, designer, cartoonist, or any other sort of person whose job it is to connect with people by communicating ideas, it’s natural and wholesome for people who are interested in what you do (and many of whom are certainly makers-of-stuff in their own right) to develop a relationship with your work and to want a way to participate in it, add to it, and build upon it.
, it’d probably be a lot of fun for the makers to do. But, is this a sane, scalable, and sustainable way to do your work? I’d say no. No, it is not.
my sense is that western culture would be a damn sight poorer today if John Lennon had been forced to carry a goddamn BlackBerry.
Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget - AJAX, JSON and XML Consulting and Training by Andrew M. Andrews III (SM)
Obesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog -
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese population
Marxio Timer - powerfull computer timer, countdown clock, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch, freeware
powerfull computer timer, countdown clock, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch
A Swiss Army knife-like portable multifunction timer — Counting hours doesn't make sense
A great blog post advocating results and 'amount of energy expended' rather than hours put into, work.
High-Speed Cameras Reveal the World Inside Time | Gadget Lab |
<< previous image | next image >> A hummingbird's neck is structured like a bucket
High-Speed Cameras Reveal the World Inside Time - (via @stii) [from]
Wow. The world sure is neat.
Person of the Year 2008 - TIME
events of 2008, People Who Mattered etc
No surprise here.
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
against you.
During a conference call with the executive committee of a nonprofit board on which I sit, I decided to send an email to a client. I know, I know. You'd think I'd have learned. Last week I wrote about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving. Multitasking is dangerous. And so I proposed a way to stop.
MySQL Format Date | date_format Tool
How The World Spends Its Time Online
Millions of people across the world are constantly connected by the internet. Here’s a look at what everybody’s doing when they’re in front of their computer screen.
Which country leads the pack for social networking? How do people spend their time online? It's all here.
How The World Spends Its Time Online (infographics) via @Larryferlazzo
Full List - Best Blogs of 2010 - TIME,29569,1999770,00.html
Website Response Times (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response... 1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless... 10 seconds keeps the user's attention... After 10 seconds, they start thinking about other things..."
Свежий Alertbox от Jakob Nielsen’а. В общем, ничего нового, люди все еще не любят ждать, тем более ждать пока, загрузиться какой-то там сайт.
Website Response Times
Slow page rendering today is typically caused by server delays or overly fancy page widgets, not by big images. Users still hate slow sites and don't hesitate telling us.
0.1 sec 1 sec and 10 sec rules
How to Lose Time and Money
Full List - The 50 Worst Inventions - TIME,29569,1991915,00.html
As 50 piores invenções pela revista Time.