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Can Virtual Assistants Make You More Productive? An Experiment, and a TimeSvr Review —

Why get one virtual assistant when you can get a team?
Virtual assistant team: I think the biggest benefits of TimeSvr versus a single assistant are 1) the quick turnaround, 2) the multiple aides working on multiple tasks at a time and 3) 24/7 access. Also, for TimeSvr specifically, the dashboard is awesome – having insight into what tasks are being done is great for people like me who have to know exactly what is going on all the time. The quality of work done, generally speaking, was better than my single virtual assistant. Will the quality hold up as the service scales? Time will tell. I was wrong about one thing: I thought this would be a more expensive option, but it turns out, depending on your needs, TimeSvr can be cheaper than a part time assistant, since it’s less than $15 a week.
“In this article, I discuss my experiences with a virtual assistant. I also review TimeSvr, a new service offering a a team of virtual assistants, and compare my single virtual assistant versus TimeSvr’s task based processing.”
heh; I didn't know there existed such a thing