Pages tagged timferriss:

Jedi Mind Tricks: How to Get $250,000 of Advertising for $10,000

nt”. 3. Ask for a discount for paying upfront vs. net-30 or ask for the standard 2% discount for paying net-10 instead of net-30. This can often be negotiated with
Negotiation Skills
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Be Jason Bourne: Multiple Passports, Swiss Banking, and Crossing Borders
Really interesting article
The blog of a guy learning to survive in an uncertain world future. Interesting reading.
Stoicism 101: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs
On The Shortness of Life: An Introduction to Seneca
life philosophy
Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything | Video on
How to Build a High-Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself
Video of Tim Ferriss of Four Hour Workweek fame discussing how he built tests and changes his blog to grow readership. 50 minutes
blogs, blogging
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
hahah dude thats why kevin rose designed something and tim goes on tv for fun
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes
Vibram Five Fingers Shoes: The Barefoot Alternative
"At the very least, you get to wear some goofy shoes that encourage you to wiggle your toes."
Pavel: 80/20 Powerlifting and How to Add 110+ Pounds to Your Lifts
weightlifting program
Faleev’s secret of success is so simple, it is easy to ignore: practice nothing but the powerlifts and compete regularly.
The Big Question: Are You Better Than Yesterday?
The Big Question: Are You Better Than Yesterday?
For fitness, improving your career and other big, difficult goals, think not about getting closer each day to the goal, think about doing better in your efforts toward that goal than yesterday: "was today better than yesterday?"
The secret is to focus on making whatever it is you’re trying to improve and make better today than it was yesterday.
Start-up Strategy: To Change the Game, Change the Economics of How It’s Played
Alan was co-founder of Fast Company magazine and former editorial director of the Harvard Business Review. More specifically related to this post, Alan developed a very interesting habit more than 20 years ago, when he began to carry a supply of 3 x 5 index cards wherever life took him. He wrote down and collected the lessons and insights he gleaned from his experiences travelling the world and in his interactions with people ranging from CEOs and spiritual leaders to basketball coaches, novelists, and stars from dozens of other worlds… His new book, Rules of Thumb, is a collection of 52 truths he’s culled from these notes specifically related to winning in business. I asked him if I could have an exclusive excerpt, and he graciously agreed.
Think outside the box. Do it different than its being done.
Start-up Strategy
RULE #24 – If you want to change the game, change the economics of how the game is played.
Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi on Blogging Techniques and Self-Publishing vs. Big Publishers
Tim and Kevin on Vimeo
How Tim Ferriss, author of the 4 Hour Work Week, used Google Ad Words to decide on a title.
Tim and Kevin meet up/hang out & talk their talk, take 1. Interesting stuff - let's push em to do more!
Fascinating talk by the two funniest and most adventurous millionaires out there about the "behind the scenes" of some of their stories :)
Tim and Kevin talk about naming products/companies. Great story about how Tim tested how many people picked up books placed in different locations in Borders. Also talk about advising/etc. "remove dominant stuff from the front page, have one big image drive people to one signup button" that resulted in a 19% increase
Tim and Kevin meet up/hang out & talk their talk, take 1. Interesting stuff - let's push em to do more! Think the show is now temporarily being called Randomness.
Talk about startups
Exclusive First Look: SU.PR - Stumble Upon’s New Traffic Builder
Hello @twfeed. This @tferriss post & my comment in it explain why we need support in #TwitterFeed [from]
Tim Ferriss, who worked on
Rethinking the Office - Dutch Design (Plus: Pics of My Home Office) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
Wish could try some of this at work, not really room though.
I want a writing space like this. Free of all visual distractions. While it would be impossible for my entire office to operate like this, managing legal documents, my creative endeavors could certainly be fruitful in this environment. I love it Mr. Ferriss.
Interpolis - unconventional but damn effective. (photo: jsigharas) Through simple redesign of workspaces, Interpolis of Holland increased productivity 20%, and ...
I limit misbehavior by limiting options. Notice that I have no shelves. This discourages accumulating papers and encourages both elimination and immediate digital note-taking. When in doubt, I take a digital photograph of documents (I prefer this to a scanner, which consumes real estate).
hanks to a sophisticated office structure, the headquarters of Interpolis insurance in the Dutch town of Tilburg has freed up 51 percent of their working areas, cut 33 percent of construction and equipment costs, and reduced office usage expenses by 21 percent.