Tinyarro.ws - Shortest URLs on Earth
tinyarro.ws: shortest urls in the WORLD. LINKS WILL NEVER BE THE FRICKEN' SAME! (isn't it silly the things we come up w/? (h/t @elCatch22)u.nu :: the shortest urls. period.
a url shortener on THE shortest domain nameTiny Code: New additions: Movitz Lisp, Ocaml Mindstorm
小さい処理系のまとめ, lisp, scheme, forthなどなどWelcome to Tiny Core Linux
"tinyrb is the smallest Ruby VM to date. It won't run all your Ruby code, but it's fast and fun to play with."
wee ruby VM in early development
smallest Ruby VM to date. It won't run all your Ruby code, but it's fast and fun to play with.