25 Font-tastic Type Resources for Web Designers | Build Internet!
Great Typographic Start!45 Amazing Type Faces - Typographic Portraits | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
FonteA 20 Minute Intro to Typography Basics - Psdtuts+
Typography plays a big role in graphic design and can be one of the hardest things to get right. My aim here is to introduce some of the basics and the most
TypographyTypeInspire | A Gallery of Excellent Typography in Web and Graphic Design
webdesignerdepot.com: typography in motion
TYPE - EXAMPLES typography in motion http://vimeo.com/68745660+ Really awesome Typography Showcases | tripwire magazine
Really awesome Typography Showcases | tripwire magazine
really interesting ways to use type33 Epic Works of Typography Art | Web Design Ledger
33 exemples of typography as illustration.Abduzeedo's Text Effect Tutorials | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Yesterday talking with a friend of mine, I sent him the link for one of our Abduzeedo photoshop text tutorials. He told me he had never seen that tutorial before, and that made me realize that since we've got so many great posts, sometimes the older tutorTheDieline.com: Top 15 Fonts for Packaging Design
TheDieline.com: Package Design: Top 15 Fonts for Packaging Design
15 Fontes para embalagens... (in)felizmente pagas!
Over the last several years I've been using many different fonts when designing brand identities and packaging. I like to think of fonts as having their own personality - just like people. Fonts can be brash, silly, elegant, refined, cool, delicate, straightforward, austere, lush or honest. Good use of typography goes a long way, and your choice of fonts will have a significant impact on getting the product/brand's message across appropriately. I've thought about what fonts I've used more than once and why I like them. Out of the countless fonts I've used, here are 15 of my favorites (in no particular order). Enjoy!10 Amazing Free Fonts for Designers
10 Amazing Free Fonts for Designerstypo/graphic posters
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typo/graphic posters is a directory of typographic and graphic posters. a passionate project focused on the graphic design community.10 Additional Typography Mistakes
Fontes Free
Free Fonts35 forcefully fresh, finely-tuned, fiercely fascinating FONTS just for you…FREE - FrancescoMugnai.com
I have a soft spot for good quality typography. It is just nice and inpireing to look at I think. Adding typography art to desktop wallpapers seams to be quite common and it gives us a good oppertunity to have a source of typography inspiration iAsk H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts
font moods
best practices for combining fonts15 Excellent Free Fonts for Graphic Designer :: koikoikoi.com - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials
Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials50 Stunning Typography Wallpapers For Inspiration - Noupe
Des wallpapers vraiment top http://bit.ly/addaya (via @datwimz & @nicolas_gall)
50 Stunning Typography Wallpapers For Inspirationtypo/graphic posters
Muy buenos posters con tipografía
Cartells tipogràfics40 Beautiful Free Fonts For Creating Attractive Typography Headlines | Creative Nerds
Fonts for Typography Designs http://bit.ly/dCJz2w (via @NaldzGraphics @AEXTnet) – Suzanne Preate (_PixelPixie_) http://twitter.com/_PixelPixie_/statuses/13482648899Resources | Type Directors Club
type font for bag*
We are an international organization for all people who are devoted to excellence in typography, both in print and on screentypographia . sandro lopes designer
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Typo Blog
Blog sobre tipografia e design editorial35 Examples of Using Typography in Web Design
typography on website
A collection of sites that use type on the web very well.PilotHandwriting.com
Turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends! Transforma tu letra a mano en una digital y envía e-mails manuscritos a tus amigos!Code Free Font | Fontfabric™
Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.
Franco-Provencal, Fre
Description: Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.