Twittering Tips for Beginners - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Can't escape from new technology
As a tech columnist, I’m supposed to be on top of what’s new in tech, but there’s just too much, too fast; it’s like drinking from a fire hose. I can only imagine how hopeless a task it must be for everyone else. But one thing’s for sure: The whole thing would be a lot more palatable if somebody would explain the basics. Something like this.
twitter article
twitterting tips10+ Ways To Protect Images From Being Stolen
function.apply and .call control the scope of the this keyword
Function.apply and Function.callResume: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
mostly applicable to any sort of writing携帯サイトを作る際に読んでおきたいサイトや本いろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
30 facebook apps for businesses
Here are over 30 Facebook applications to help promote, network, communicate, collaborate and accomplish more with your business.How To: Customize and Streamline Your Windows Desktop | Maximum PC
Need to pop these on my listWordPressの設置後、すぐにやっておきたい10の作業 | コリス
12 tools for web designers
ウェブデザイナーの作業を助ける12のオンラインツールsquawkfox » 6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck
via squakfox30 Popular Photoshop Tutorials of 2008 | Webdesigner Depot
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sites
Melhores tutoriais do ano de 2008, eleitos pelo webdesigner depot!
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sitesもう配色には困らない!「Adobe Kuler」
読み方は"クーラー" "画像をもとに自動的に配色パターンを作成してくれる機能" これは知らなかったです!便利!
アドビ システムズが提供しているオンラインサービス「Adobe Kuler」(クーラー)「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる - ナイトシフト
「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる
桁数可変型演算技術を応用して精度保証の実現をめざした計算サービスHOW TO Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites - Tips, Resources & Advice
HOW TO Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites - Tips, Resources & AdviceThe Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps) | Zen Habits
“Be as you wish to seem.” ~Socrates
Zen Habits
Lots of journal writing prompts hidden here!How To Make Skype a Portable App |
Portable Skype
Skype doesn’t offer an official portable USB version of their software (with the exception of the U3 smart drive version). This has led people to make an unofficial hack of a portable version for themselves:Procrastinating Again? How to Kick the Habit: Scientific American
"Procrastination carries a financial penalty, endangers health, harms relationships and ends careers. “Procrastination undermines well-being on a wide scale,” notes psychologist Timothy A. Pychyl, director of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa. Nevertheless, recent work hints at potential upsides to this otherwise bad habit: perpetual foot-draggers seem to benefit emotionally from their trademark tactics, which support the human inclination to avoid the disagreeable." - Scientific American
Almost everyone occasionally procrastinates, but a worrisome 15 to 20 percent of adults routinely put off activities that would be better accomplished right away.
Although biology is partly to blame for foot-dragging, anyone can learn to quit
Procrastination can also stem from anxiety, an offshoot of neuroticism. Procrastinators postpone getting started because of a fear of failure (I am so worried that I will bungle this assignment), the fear of ultimately making a mistake (I need to make sure the outcome will be perfect), and the fear of success (If I do well, people will expect more of me all the time. Therefore, I’ll put the assignment off until the last minute, do it poorly, and people won’t expect so much of me).The Extreme Presentation(tm) Method
Extremely effective communication of complex information
presentations on complex subject10 techniques for an effective 'call to action' : Boagworld web design podcast
"How then do you create an effective call to action? Here are 10 techniques which help achieve just that."
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete.
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete. But how do you encourage users to act? How do you create an effective call to action.Ask SM: How Do I Create A Colorful Sitemap With jQuery? | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The site map is often overlooked…until now. Make your sitemaps unique and exciting using CSS and jQuery!
In this demo article, we will build a visually interesting sitemap that makes the hierarchy clearer through the use of color.
Jquery sitemapIf I Started A Company Today | Andrew Hyde - Humble Yet Bold
Down economy? Perfect time to start it up. Chris Brogan posted a great post on if he started in social media today, what he would do. It got me
Andrew Hyde's tips for starting a company today.Using the Hell out of your Digital Camera
'this camera belongs to', maps, parking lot, mechanisms you're repairing, license plates, yellow pages, evidence for defense, menus, recipes, a mirror.How to Track Twitter Clicks and Get Conversion Data
Track Twitter Clicks and Get Conversion Data
good tagsLeopard プレビュー.appの底力 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
プレビュー 編集
command-shift-4 後、control-クリックでクリップボードに撮
プレビュー.app が凄い…
アプリケーションの名前こそ「プレビュー」だが、すでに機能は「レタッチ」レベルなのであった!Gmailの知られざる便利な機能10選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
おお!すごいまとめMark's Blog : The Case of the Slooooow System
The Case of the Slooooow SystemDevoted Geek » Blog Archive The ultimate guide to tweaking useless Windows XP services
"Today we are going to focus in on some default XP services that are completely useless, or close to it." YOU DON'T SAY
Windows XP services explained Windows XP is made up of a bunch of different applications running side by side. ...どういうときにどんなグラフを使えばいいかが一発でわかるチャート - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Web解析を行っていると数字とにらめっこになるわけですが、そこで重要なのが可視化することだったりします。ここで紹介されている(最終的にはFlickrに遷移)チャートを選択するためのチャートは常にデスクに貼っておいても良いぐらい便利なものだと思いますよ。Wordpress便利なプラグイン30選 | DesignWalker
目新しいかんじのがあるBusiness Cards 101: Everything you need to know about it
s yoGoogle の面接を受けてみた - 科学と非科学の迷宮
どの面接もとてもうまCSS Angles: Just the Edge Your Web Page Needs! [CSS Tutorials]
css tutorialKevin Rose: 10 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers
config.trim_on_minimizeHow to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter | Think Vitamin
Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can create an RSS-enabled, micro-blog using Twitter and be up and running in less than 10 minutes.Craigslist: The Definitive Craigslist Guide for the Recession
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.How To Choose The Right CMS | Webdesigner Depot
Lista com 5 novos CMS
How To Choose The Right CMS:
Allowing an IT Guy to Pick the CMS10 Steps To Protect The Admin Area In WordPress | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public...
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper!
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified.
By Sergej Müller and Alex Frison The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper! This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified. We highlighted the phrase “after a user is verified” deliberately: it should be explicitly understood that only a simple query stands in the way of an evil hacker and the powerful admin area of your whole blog. The latter is only as strong as the passwords that are generated.15+ Tips to Speed Up Your Website, and Optimize Your Code! - NETTUTS
In this post I’ve found 10 DIY Flash and Lighting Hacks that put some of these lighting techniques within the grasp of the rest of us. Some are more involved than others but all are fun and will provide you with some new lighting gear to experiment with.
includes lights, reflectors, diffusers and flash diffusers - all using items that you could pick up at hardware and craft stores50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Product [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
How to write a book notes by Steven JohnsonUse Gmail and Google Docs to ...
google docs trick for creating personal finance in gmail.各種チートシートまとめ - goinger的日記
BeautyTips | Coliss
シンプルなツールチップも簡単に実装できるだけなく、デザインのカスタマイズが可能で、対応トリガーも豊富なツールチップのスクリプト「BeautyTips」を紹介します。5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter — Copyblogger
Good short read; success strategies
Good info from copybloggerHow to Get Things Done with Twitter | Zen Habits
Twitter GTD, reminder, todo, calendarReject Database for iPhone Developer
Most of us are better at keeping appointments with other people than we are at keeping time scheduled for ourselves. That’s why it's easier to show up at the gym when you're meeting a friend. Be careful which friend you choose to work out with though, or you may end up at the bakery enjoying muffins and a latte....Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions
I will employ these to make my goals happen - especially the one about making goals SMART10 Websites To Make You A Photoshop Ninja |
Links til tutorials om photoshop
Photoshop is hard. There's all kinds of menus, commands, and keyboard shortcuts that you've got to figure out. Once you learn how it works, it's an unbelievably携帯とGoogle Docsで、超簡単に支出管理 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net (after being disappointed with – they can use my list below if they give credit!). I am sure many new tools are still being developed and I may have missed many that will be in Warren and Deb’s handbook (feel free to comment on the post if you know of any I missed- I am sure there's more! ) I colored coded my list by: Terms ( orange ), shorthands ( green ) and tools ( purple ) all in alphabetical order.
Twitter is a micro-blogging application that allows you to send updates (aka “tweets”) to the Twitter website and your twitter friends, similar to the Facebook status (with a limit of 140 character input). You can find and interact with people with similar interests. You can follow them, and others can follow you. It’s an instant-messaging-meets-social-media-networking tool. Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net.
Recently I've been very intrigued with twitter. It has been my source of interaction for the most part - I work on the computer day and night (ya I know I should get out more!). And I also use my iPhone to tweet while watching television. For those who don’t know, Twitter is a micro-blogging application that allows you to send updates (aka “tweets”) to the Twitter website and your twitter friends, similar to the Facebook status (with a limit of 140 character input). You can find and interact with people with similar interests. You can follow them, and others can follow you. It’s an instant-messaging-meets-social-media-networking tool.
twitter dictionary
Below is my compiled list of every term, shorthand and tool that I researched on the net (after being disappointed with – they can use my list below if they give credit!). I am sure many new tools are still being developed and I may have missed many that will be in Warren and Deb’s handbook (feel free to comment on the post if you know of any I missed- I am sure there's more! )Headius: My Favorite Hotspot JVM Flags
parámetros de la bazofia de la máquina virtual del puto java57 Internet Possibilities to Investigate |
Awesome list of what and how to use tools on the internetSpeedBlogging: How To Write Better Posts In Less Time — Copyblogger
good tips
Friendfeed and twitter tipsDon't wait for Snow Leopard: 10 ways to slim down and speed up your Mac now
increasing speed of Apple
Apple Inc. hasn't done much talking about Snow Leopard, the next-generation update to Mac OS X that's due to be released in 2009 (possibly within the first quarter of the year). But in what came as a surprise to many, the company has said that the new operating system will contain a limited number of new features.
It seems clear that Apple's biggest focus with Snow Leopard is slimming down and speeding up its flagship operating system -- both of which are attractive to any computer user. But why wait until Snow Leopard ships? There are a number of ways you can slim down and speed up your machine right now.A Crash Course in Comments |
Chris Brogan is one blogger that gives the real down low on how to do things right. I have been reading his stuff for a few years now, he's worth checking in on - from time to time his posts can be nuggets of gold.
Great ideas about commenting on blogs from Chris Brogan: "If comments matter to you, read on. Here are some thoughts to help improve your back and forth."Google School: Find Images by Exact Dimensions, Make Wallpaper Search a Breeze
Permet de trouver les images exactement de la taille souhaitéeHow to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC | Maximum PC
build a pc is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC.Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
We've all made mistakes during our configuration and at some point wish we could go back in time before the mistake. Now that you have the ultimate setup that
How to create a back up in linux using .tar command.Photoshop Quick Tips #3 - Enhancing Photos with High Pass Filter | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
I'm a big fan of the "high Pass" filterWeb屋のためのVim設定・Tipsまとめ 1/2 - ナレッジエース
Photoshop / 写真画像を見栄えよくするPhotoshopのチュートリアル集: Part 6
写真画像をレタッチして、見栄えをよくするPhotoshopのチュートリアル集のPart 6です。100 Vim commands every programmer should know
Since the 70’s, Vi is one of the programmer’s best friend. Nevermind you’re new to Vi or not, here’s a big list of 100 useful commands, organized by topic, which will make your coder life better.
คำสั่งพื้นฐานของ viWeb Design+ — Tips and advice on web standards development
Very useful tip for clearing floated divs
The online home of Harry Roberts, freelance front-end developer.第1回 モバイルサイト構築前に知っておきたいユーザビリティ10のポイント | Web担当者Forum
普通に携帯サイト見てても気づくレベル。基本中の基本。こっから先が難しい。A Twitter Mini-Guide: 60+ Useful Twitter Resources | WebGeek
New to Twitter? Looking for some ways to get more out of your Twitter experience? For a while now, I’ve been putting together a list of helpful tools and resources for Twitter. I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but I know a thing or two, and I found each of these pretty useful and/or interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something useful on this list.14 Essential Xcode Tips, Tricks and Resources for iPhone Devs
Thủ thuật cho XcodeCSSのフレームワーク『Blueprint CSS』まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Ten great tips for being efficient in bash.HOW TO: Take Your Data Back From Google's Claws
Good list of ways to back up all Google services
Easy instructions on how to back up google data
Some easy solutions for extracting and backing up your data on popular Google apps and services.10 Tools to Make Your Blog Smarter, Faster, Better | Hack Your Life | Fast Company
Blogging tips
Blog smarter, not harder
Turn Bookmarks Into Daily Posts
10 herramientas para blogear mejorHow to Build an Upside-Down Fire: The Only Fireplace Method You’ll Ever Need
good site10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
Buscar tips en twitter
I discovered awesome tips on ?How to Change the World: Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job
"..Before trying these tips, make sure you’ve filled out your profile and added at least twenty connections.." From:
10 ways to use LinkedIn to Find a Job
Searching for a job can suck if you constrain yourself to the typical tools such as online jobs boards, trade publications, CraigsList, and networking with only your close friends. In these kinds of times, you need to use all the...Mastering WordPress Shortcodes | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
php8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter | How-To | Smashing Magazine
how to become successful with twitter
mas recomendaciones utiles sobre twitterManaging Social Media with a system | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
Social media professional John Jantsch goes through what his daily routine is. It's more intense than you'd think.
At a recent social media workshop a participant asked me to reveal my social media routine - how I track, converse, communicate and otherwise curate all myサイトをもっと速くしたい! サイト最適化に使えるツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
サイトをもっと速くしたいと思ったときに、サイトを最適化して表示速度を速くしてくれる、使えるツールいろいろとまとめ from Design Walker[]
いろいろあるなぁLifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Driving and Travel Tips
10. De-ice your windshield with home-made solutions Dollar Stretcher blog's recipe for DIY de-icer—simply 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle, applied before a cold and wet night. 9. Get better sound from your iPod 8. Put together a quality emergency car kit 7. Keep a level head, re-think your commuting strategy 6. Don't get pressured into 3,000-mile oil changes 5. Stay awake on long drives 4. Use your fuel efficiently 3. Learn the secrets of parallel parking 2. Get an honest mechanic (or at least avoid rip-offs) 1. Handle a traffic stop, possibly skip a ticketClear And Effective Communication In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of
Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of websites are affected by the need for good communication in one way or another. Regardless of whether the website in question is an e-commerce website, a blog, a portfolio website, an information website for a service company, a government website or any other type of website, there is a significant need to communicate effectively with visitors.
methods, challenges, content, and tips.How-To Minimize Load Time for Fast User Experiences | UX Booth
Today I am going to share the set of tools that help me make the most of Delicious bookmarks.私が考えるプレゼンを良いものにする「6つの誓い」 - 中小企業診断士 和田伸午のおもしろビジネス放談
パターンを同じにするのは状況によるので一概にこうすると出来ない気がするUbiquity: Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander
It’s no secret that web designers and developers love Firefox! Firefox provides an endless amount of functionality that you simply won’t find in any otherCommand-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.市町村変遷パラパラ地図
Gotta love these listsHow to Replace a Sky in Photoshop
photoshop15 Tips for Freelancers Starting Their Own Business | Think Vitamin
So you’re a skilled developer or design freelancer who has established a handful of customers who pay your bills and provide you with an income. That’s great. You may wish to keep things just the way they are or you might want to build on this and build up your own small business. If you’re opting for the later then here are a few tips to help you ride the bumpy road from freelancer to fully-fledged small business.Personal Branding 101: How to Discover and Create Your Brand
from MashableWordPressのテーマのファイル構成一覧と解説(2.7対応版) | コリス
(2.7対応版) | コリス
WordPressのテーマを構成するファイルの種類、優先順位と条件タグ・インクルードタグのまとめです。無料レタッチツール「GIMP」を使いこなす最強リンク集 :教えて君.net
リンクはいいんだけども、編集している画像が変fecklessmind - Defensive coding and CSS: Preventing the most common bugs
Defensive coding is about preventing these bugs before they happen. If you don’t prevent them, they will be like an avalanche — there will be a lot of them interacting with each other, making it difficult to figure out what’s what.モバイル SEO への取り組み - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
モバイル SEO への取り組み - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
モバイル SEO への取り組みredswish - a web design blog » 10 SEO elements all websites should have
Keyword research is crucial as it acts like a compass for your website or blog. A proper keyword research reveals the supply and demand trends in your industries thus giving general idea on which keyword you should focus on.20 Windows 7 Tweaks & Tips – Every Secret Uncovered to Date | Maximum PC
Windows 7 shortcutsStartup Game » Practical Tips for Google SEO
Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library)
Inspirational Gary V in NY Web 2.0 Expo
The creator of Wine Library on Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape
Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape; Oreilley
Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape. Note: This presentation contains adult language.Emacs ビギナーに贈る、これからバリバリ使い隊!!人のための設定講座 その1。 - 日々、とんは語る。
maybe useful
Heal your wallet with ten upgrades, fixes, and setup tips that take your system to 11 on the cheap.分散バージョン管理システムGit入門 - SourceForge.JP Magazine
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.Dating 101: Five Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day -- Yahoo! Personals
Success in a relationship involves five daily habits that'll keey you and your mate satisfied. Rekindle love with dating tips from the experts and couples who have salvaged relationships on the rocks.50 Skills Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC - useful, random bitsColor Correction with Photoshop in 7 Easy Steps
greasemonkey の autopagerize のトラブルシューティング
var SITEINFO_IMPORT_URLS = [ '', '', ]Dealzmodo Hacks: 8 Ways To Get More Miles Out Of Your Old PC
Before you drop the dough on a whole new system, here's a list of upgrades for squeezing a few more months, years even, out of ol' faithful, during these trying economic times.DIYNOTE
Tips and tutorials for customising wordpress comments
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks知らないと損するフレームワーク思考活用法 - GoTheDistance
* ロジックツリー(抜け漏れを見る) * マトリックス(観点を見る) * プロセス(順番を見る) 先に取り上げたエントリのフレームワークのほとんどは、マトリックスでした。異なる観点をクロスさせることで、その中の検討軸を見いだし意味があるかどうかを判断する ロジックツリーの最たる例は、WBSです。基本ルールとして親タスクは子タスクの集合体で、かつその集合体は親タスクを100%満たすモノ 仕事を行うための必要条件 * 目的 * 担当者 * 期間 * インプット * アウトプット 「投資」「浪費」「消費」「空費」に区切って考えるやり方
MESE(モレ・ダブりがない)をよく使うなぁ。切り口の引き出しをたくさん持っていることが大切。リンクをクリックしたときに横に伸びる点線を消す方法(Firefox) - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Firefox Hacks
リンクとかの点線を消す CSS
overflow:hidden; outline:none;
これをするとキーボード操作でどこにいるかわからんくなるので、ユーザビリティ下がりますWordPress Resources: The Ultimate Collection » DivitoDesign
As I am a WordPress user by heart, I have a large list of Wordpress related bookmarks. Many of these bookmarks have proven their value over time and I am pretty sure they will be helpful for you too. Welcome to the Ultimate Collection of WordPress Resources.
some important resources on the wordpress basics bundled together
WordPress Resources7 Cool Things to Do With Linux |
You want to know what you can do with Linux outside of the surfing, emailing, chatting and media consumption you normally do? Well, here are a few things to keep you busy.
Cool Things to Do With Linux
So you’ve taken the plunge and installed Linux. You’ve followed all the HOWTOs all over the net. You’ve got your wireless card working flawlessly. You’ve got your video card working (and you’ve begun to loathe that spinning cube). You’ve installed all the “restricted” software like Adobe Flash, Sun Java and Google Earth. You’ve got all the patent restricted codecs and even DVD playback working just like you want. Now what? You want to know what you can do with Linux outside of the surfing, emailing, chatting and media consumption you normally do? Well, here are a few things to keep you busy.10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.
simple tips
"Don't kill yourself striving for 100% coverage of code with automated unit tests. But take a few minutes to increase your coverage by 1%. Most likely, that means going from 0% to 1%. And that's the biggest improvement of all." Annotated link Fences is a Seriously Awesome Desktop Icon Organizer
Windows: Desktop icon organizer Fences arranges your cluttered desktop icons into containers so you can clean up the mess into useful groups of shortcuts—or optionally hides them altogether.Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again
linux commandsThe Ten Commandments of Twitter | James R. Dickey
why twitter
These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly. Just kidding. These are onlyGmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro
gmail toolsStarting a blog? 12 ideas for blog posts | Online Journalism Blog
For the thesis people out there, and to other entrepreneurs who needs to present things... >_<
Tufte gives presentation tips. cool
edward tufte
Useful pointers on giving presentations from Edward Tufte. Although I disagree on "always provide a handout," this list does appear to pre-date the days of easy DIY wikis and Google sites.
Some great tips for your next presentation. Ignore these at your peril: to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps | Technology |
king on a new game ("My next project involves airborne sheep, but I'm afraid that's all I can share at the moment"). You could be next…. Useful links Stuart VarraEric's Archived Thoughts: Using HTTP Headers to Serve Styles
Une astuce pour avoir une CSS rajoutée partout sur un site : dans le .htaccess Header add Link "</staging.css>;rel=stylesheet;type=text/css;media=all" Ça permettrait de gérer plus efficacement le mode prévisualisation de SPIP
nice hack for staging sites. doesn't work in safari or ie, though.
"So: why not send the link to the style sheet using HTTP headers? Yeah, that’s the ticket!"How to Declutter an Entire Room in One Go | Zen Habits
Sure. Like that's even possible.
My family is moving to another house this coming weekend, and to prepare for the move, we’re going through the entire house and getting rid of stuff we don’t need.10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Websites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Business, it's a different story, some (harsh) points made about corporate websites.Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Multiple Inboxes
Funktion zu Googlemail...15 Websites To Sharpen Your Business Skills | Freelance Folder
ウェブデザインを上達させる一番早い方法は、やはり真似をすることなのではないでしょうか? 少しずつマスターして、カッコいいデザインが作れるようにがんばりましょう!
How to Best Webdesign
手書きで書いてスキャンして、テクスチャ画像と合成Ask SM [CSS/JS]: Pixel Width Decisions, Modal Boxes | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
modal with cookie and left tabs
Ask SM CSSyJS: Como decidirse por un ancho en pixeles, y otras respuestas a preguntas sobre css y js.
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これは覚えるべきAutofocus System - Get Everything Done
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list.
All about time management and personal organisationSeth Godin's 7 Tips for Startups in a Down Market
"95% of web users do not read 80% of your content. With these statistics already working against you, how can you improve your content to ensure that readers are getting the best user experience from your site?"
あなたのコンテンツを価値あるものにする11箇条20 WordPress Tricks to Improve Your Blog
Blogging, WordPressScott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET Programmers
A comprehensive list of podcasts (mostly .Net specific)Subversionリポジトリのバックアップ方法いろいろ - ぱせらんメモ
バックアップ方法色々。Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Specify your canonical
Google's way of allowing sites to specify a normalized URL form for their pages. This allows google to treat various forms of the same URL as one URL for search purposes.
Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results. It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version.
webmaster central15 Useful Wordpress Tricks to Make Your Theme Even Better -
15 Useful Wordpress Tricks to Make Your Theme Even Better20 Ways To Increase The Life Of Your Laptop’s Battery |
kind of a badass tooltip plugin but, of course, IE is not going to properly support it for awhile
BeautyTips, a Tooltip Plugin for JQuery[JS]わずか「12文字」でIEを判別するスクリプト | コリス
これは便利。JavaScriptで使用可能なブラウザ判別スクリプト。IE用。Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : Cool Trick: Making Miniature Calendars
make mini-outlook calendars to drop in OOF messages for extra-long vacationsSkip the Sleeping Pills -- These 6 All-Natural Herbs Can Ease Your Insomnia - Healthy Living on Shine
Next time you're having trouble getting to sleep, try out one of these herbals remedies -- way gentler than the chemical alternatives, but for many people, still effective.なんとなく最近不調かな、と思ったら気をつけること
Ask SM sobre PHP: Validacion de formularios, MySQLtoXML y mas ... form validation & converting mysql to xmlProfessional Software Development » 100 Interview Questions to Ask Employers
twitter for beginners
This is a slideshow for beginners to Twitter - a microblogging site.
Tutorial on twitterLifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Outlook Boosters
Includes Troy's Outlook Attachment Reminder, a VBScript that checks messages for the word "attach" and its variations and then looks for a certain number of attachments. No attachments present? A little pop-up asks if you're sure you didn't forget something. Small, helpful, and great at keeping your e-name in good standing.検索エンジン3社、正しいサイトURLを認識させるcanonical属性を導入(URLの正規化) :: SEM R
HTML に、<link rel="canonical" href=""/> を加える、と。
ページネーション使ってるページとかにも使っていいのかな。SOY CMSは、SOHOやWebデザイナーの救世主になるかもしれない: 世界中の1%の人々へ
HTMLソースにコメントやタグを埋め込むだけだから、デザインは自由自在。XHTML+CSSさえ、理解していれば簡単にサイト構築ができる。 前回の「XAMMPインストール編」に続き、SOY CMSレポー
SOY CMSは、SOHOやWebデザイナーの救世主になるかもしれない10 Writing Tips for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Writing for the web is a skill set of its own. Website text, or copy, needs to be written in a different tone for the web than a brochure. It needs to be8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter. What are YOUR tips? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
More of Twitter.Petzal: The Rules of Gunfighting | Field & Stream
28. The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say anything more. Please speak with my attorney."
"Practice reloading one-handed and off-hand shooting. That's how you live if hit in your "good" side. "
The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say anything more. Please speak with my attorney."
Friend sent this to me when he heard about Molly's new hobby. I've read it before but it's a good laugh15 Tips for Great Candlelight Photography
chances of capturing any movement (both of your subject, the flames of candles and movement
Have you ever tried to photograph a candle lit scene with your digital camera? The results can be stunning with the warm glow of flickering flames reflecting off your subjects face (can you feel the romance?) but the shooting in such a low light environment make it can make it a challenging situation. Here are a few tips on how to get that perfect candle light portrait!| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | これでダメなら諦めろ!Windows高速化対策集2008
Adam Oliver’s Blog » Blog Archive » A Quick Selection of CSS Tips -
Tips/ハックA List Apart: Articles: The Details That Matter
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the graphic arts industry was populated by full-time illustrators, production assistants and compositors. With only composing sticks for laying out type, straight edges for defining grids, a human proofer to catch spelling mistakes and an arsenal of X-acto blades for making edits, these guys lived and breathed detail. Mistakes were costly. It was a trade position that required lengthy apprenticeship; job security depended on getting all of the little things right.
good article on the business qualities that make a great & successful web designer/developer
Good article on being a good designer
Great summary of a Web designer's job...99 ways to make your computer blazingly fast
ple way to increOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | The Art of Generating Buzz
Guy1Emanuel Rosen is the author of the national bestseller The Anatomy of Buzz (Doubleday, 2000) and The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-life lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing (Doubleday, 2009). Prior to writing these books, he was vice-president of marketing at Niles Software where he was responsible for launching and marketing the company’s flagship product, EndNote. He holds an MBA from the University of San Francisco. In this interview he brings us up to speed on the techniques to generate buzz that every small business owner must master.The Missing Google Analytics Manual | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
"Get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics."5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
t rememSeth's Blog: Five tips for better online surveys
BeautyTips Demo Page
baloon popupsCSS Orgy » Blog Archive » 10 great tools for working with HTML & CSS
freelance writing ideasHow-To: One iTunes Library With Multiple Computers | The Apple Blog
Useful tutorial for setting up a iTunes library with multiple computers accessing it.
iTunes Library With Multiple ComputersGIMPをパワーアップさせるプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
DesignWalkerHow (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio ...
Half technical, half intuitive, the design process is tough to explain. But that’s my job—I’m a design writer. I write so you don’t have to, putting into words the work that you’d rather do than write about. But write you must—website copy, proposals, captions, emails to clients—and though the worse designers are at it, the more work I get, in the spirit of collaboration I’m going to share my secrets. So what if it puts me out of a job.20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom
Authentic Boredom69 really useful OS X timesavers | News | TechRadar UK
Quicker ways to find files, launch apps, and more.Top 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners - Solutions by PC Magazine
Ready to jump into Twitter, but don't know how to get started? Follow these 10 tips and you'll fit right in.Featured Desktop: To-Dos, Weather, and Twitter on a Linux Desktop
Conky looks pretty niceBlog Post Ideas That Always Generate Buzz
or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for
We won’t mention Internet Explorer here. Nor Opera or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for Chrome in a few months once they have extensions available). Today, we’re going to take a look at Firefox - the browser we all are should be using.97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know - The Book [97 Things] : Near-Time
Try before choosing by Erik Doernenburg10 Easy Steps To Advanced Photography Skills | How-To | Smashing Magazine
By Trey Ratcliff (aka Stuck in Customs), one of the most famous and renowned HDR photographers on Flickr. In his article Trey describes some professional insights and useful photography tips that he collected over the years of his career.12 Twitter Stream Aggregators To Make You Smarter | Online Marketing Blog
There are so many Tweets and so little time. What’s a “Tweeple” to do? Twitter aggregator and trend websites use a variety of tactics to filter out what’s up and coming and of interest to the Twittersphere in contrast to the mass of mundane Tweets.
12 Twitter Stream Aggregators To Make You Smarter | Online Marketing Blog15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Blog
I DO ALL 15 WRONG :-)5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
A no nonsense approach to, you guessed it, writing better CSS.20 Steps to Better Wireframing | Think Vitamin
Hmmm, I haven't tried Balsamiq. Is it any good, I wonder?Digital Branch Style Guide | David Lee King
ohjeita kirjastolle blogin pitämiseen
mostly related to blogging. great ideas, start.Zinsser
ZinsserSimpleBits ~ How I Might Deal with IE6
Eight years ago (almost to the day), Jeffrey Zeldman wrote, To Hell With Bad Browsers, signaling the dawning of “The CSS Age”. Explaining how the use of @import for referencing stylesheets is ignored by Netscape 4, was an important step in shedding away the problems related to supporting an ancient browser. Eight. Years. Completely ignoring a browser in terms of CSS is a wonderfully freeing thing. It certainly can’t be done on every site. The important thing to remember is that it’s a site’s statistics that should determine what level of support you decide to offer.
Dan Cederholm on when you should drop Internet Explorer 6 and how to do it.
Might Deal with IE6
IE6 begone! Ah, someday.
Dan Cederholm: “Completely ignoring a browser in terms of CSS is a wonderfully freeing thing. It certainly can’t be done on every site. The important thing to remember is that it’s a site’s statistics that should determine what level of support you decide to offer.”
<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="screen.css" /> <!--<![endif]-->How To: Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan
A bad reason to switch careers: You want to meet new people. (Try going to a bar, or Club Med. What you really want is to get a life. Pick up a hobby.) Lol ^^WordPressをちょちょいと使いやすくする15のスニペット | コリス
コメントとトラックバックを分離するコードが出てる。9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers. Delight and satisfy your visitors, rather than frustrate and annoy them, with smart design decisions. Here are 9 usability problems that websites commonly face, and some recommended solutions for each of them.
Quelques erreurs d'ergonomie à éviter dans la conception d'un site Internet
By now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers.漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: MySQLを高速化する10の方法
tuning tips
DBのチューニングThings you may not know about jQuery - James Padolsey
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger. And because vanity is a blogger’s right, I’ve also included four articles by my own hand. Themes are Development & Design, Workflow, Publishing, Inspiration and Comments. Enjoy!
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger.Official Google Blog: Stop bouncing: tips for website success
This is the first post in a series on The Power of Measurement. In this economic climate, these posts are designed to cover ways to make your website as successful as possible. Over the course of the next few weeks, our in-house Analytics guru, Avinash Kaushik, and others will demystify the world of website analytics and offer tips for getting the most out of your metrics. -Ed.クリック一回でプロの仕上がりPhotoshopアクションファイルいろいろ | DesignWalker
Tips on CSS usage
CSS is something that is extensively used on almost every site. Lets take some time to ensure that our stylesheets are built with some good standards. Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTUTS
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem. When a file is deleted in linux, it is simply 'unlinked'. The inode, which contains the file's data, is not deleted until all processes have finished with it. This is why processes can carry on writing to deleted files. (Incidentally, this is why linux can be upgraded without requiring a reboot. Programmes, which have shared libraries open, carry on using the old versions of shared libraries until they finish.)
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem.
"There are many situations where a file has been deleted, yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem."
Si un fichier est effacé mais toujours ouvert par une application, il est très facile de le récupé 7 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - Solutions by PC Magazine–an application suite, not just a Web site—has tricks even Office can't manage. Here are a few that may not be obvious, plus a few ways to make it less annoying out of the box.50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Education by Blog By Carol
AODBuild seven good object-oriented habits in PHP
With PHP's object-oriented (OO) language features, if you aren't already creating your applications with OO principles in mind, these seven habits will help you get started in the transition between procedural programming and OO programming.
phpあなたのウェブサイトを高速化する方法 - builder by ZDNet Japan
ウェブサイトを高速化するにあたり、そのフロントエンド処理に着目し、処理効率の向上に役立てることのできるティップスやツールを紹介する。 - builder by ZDNet JapanCareer Couch - Don’t Neglect to Send a Cover Letter When Applying for a Job - Interview -
Good advice on applying for jobs electronically.
Great Study in Style, Tone, Content and Energy of a Cover Letter
Cover letters are still necessary, and in a competitive market they can give you a serious edge.10 Ways To Speed Up Torrent Downloads |
ingle resume and CV into a giant, OCR-scanned database; others merely search out candidates on job sites using specific word criteria. Either way, having the right words on your resume prevents being cut in the first round like some warbly-voiced would-be Idol contestant. On the other hand, the humans who actually read through your cover letter, resume, and apRails Lab .:. Expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app
Rails Performance Resources - Expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.10 tips for efficient design : Boagworld web design podcast
A podcast for those who design, develop and run websites.Ask SM [CSS/JS]: Divs of Equal Height, Dealing with IE 6 | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
This is our third installment of Ask SM, featuring reader questions about Web design, focusing on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this post we'll cover how you can take care of a smooth page scrolling
flush right lists, equal height divs, designing for IE 6, RSS6 Ways to Get Much More Out of GIMP | OStatic
GIMP:stä enemmän irti. Paljon lähteitä GIMP:in tehokkaaseen käyttöön, aina onlinekirjoista lähtien.テキストエフェクトのチュートリアル100選 -2008年総集編 | コリス
あとでざーっとさらっとく50 seriously useful Windows 7 tips | News | TechRadar UK
50 seriously useful Windows 7 tips It's the mother lode of Windows 7 tweaks and tricks! : TechRadar UKTowards RESTful PHP - 5 Basic Tips | Kris Jordan
About PHP- Once read
Très bonHow To Build An iPhone App: A Guide
How to achieve the equivalent of display: inline-block in all browsers with a few hacks and techniques. Nice.How to Find a Job Online | Personal Finance Blog, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning -
listed on popular bkmarksWeb Design Matters - 2/15/2009 - Library Journal
Info in library format on Web Design
library web design and sites
10 top features of a library website according to Library Journalシゴタノ! - 2009年も使っていきたい5つのツール
機能40 resources to become a successful freelance Graphic/Web Designer | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
primer on rubyStartups in 13 Sentences
One of the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from Paul Buchheit: it's better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy. I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them. Then I thought: what would the other 9 be?Hive Five: Five Best Live CDs
The following tools are unique compared to many of our software Hive Fives in that they are entirely independent of the main operating system installed on the computer. Live CDs load into the memory and allow you to use operating systems and accompanying tools without having to perform a permanent installation on the machineMake Better Presentations - The Anatomy of a Good Speech |
comparing a good presentation to
Tips on making a better presentation.
I’ve been thinking about the anatomy of presentations, and what we can do to improve how we’re doing what we do.How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio
Good advice and tips. Noticing this more and more that people are tweeting from phones during presentations. Wave of the very near future.
Thanks to Paul Stewart for this one via Twitter :)
Annotated link
How to manage back-channeling during workshops and conference presentations.
People used to whisper to each other or pass hand-scribbled notes during presentations. Now these notes are going digital on Twitter or via conference-provided chat rooms. Up until now, this back-channel has been mainly confined to the Internet industry and technology conferences. However, a survey of leadership conferences from Weber Shandwick shows that there is a significant increase in blogging and twittering at conferences. So the next time you present at a conference, instead of being confronted by a sea of faces looking at you, you may be phased by a sea of heads looking down at their laptops. The challenge is how to adapt to presenting with the back-channel.
V俺って呼んでねっ☆ シンタスー!ゴトゥーザ様ー!俺だー!結婚してくれー!
HOME'sとat homeがお勧めです。How to Change the World: Guest Post: Memo from Kafka's Castle and What Employers Want to See on Your Resume
Many exciting new functions and features are being thought up for CSS3: text-shadow, box-sizing, opacity, multiple backgrounds, border-radius, border-image,
Rounded corners, drop shadows etc
This article presents 5 CSS3 techniques which can dramatically get you a stunning user interfaces and how to achieve almost the same effects using jQuery for browsers that are not compatible yet with CSS3 new features.7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Kris Colvin | Blog of Mr. Tweet
*Note: This is the first part of our series to highlight Twitterers who have achieved significant professional and personal success via Twitter. They share their unique approach towards building great networks here! · Bootstrap
Getting started developing for the iphone
iPhone Entwicklung - wie gehe ich es an
Craig Hockenberry versammelte Tipps und Links für an der iPhone-Entwicklung interessierte Einsteiger.
iPhone development bootstrap (via @maxvoltar) -- shared with shareomatic.comIn the Woods - Vertical Centering With CSS
alineacion vertical
postgresqlを使う時に読み返したいSo, You Want to Be an Entrepreneur -
tabs on top: do not want / blue url loading bar: do want / ability to save mp3s again: do want (but can't get?)
put tabs back where they used to be
Random Genius7 Interface Design Techniques to Simplify and De-clutter Your Interfaces | Webdesigner Depot
If you can take a complex device or a piece of software and somehow rearrange, reorganize and redesign the interface to make it easy to use and understand, then you’re well on the way to delivering a better user experience.Jedi Mind Tricks: How to Get $250,000 of Advertising for $10,000
nt”. 3. Ask for a discount for paying upfront vs. net-30 or ask for the standard 2% discount for paying net-10 instead of net-30. This can often be negotiated with
Negotiation SkillsTweetable Art: 10 Twitter Tips for Artists
From tweeting about the artistic process to sharing upcoming gallery news, here are 10 ways artists can better connect with their followers on Twitter. > Blog Archive > ケータイ大規模サービスの開発・運用に関する資料のまとめ
ケータイ大規模サービスの開発・運用に関する資料のまとめOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | How to Get Retweeted
How to get Retweeted
Forget imitation as the sincerest form of flattery—it’s as twentieth century as ripping off interfaces, songs, photos, and books. Today, the sincerest form of flattery is retweeting—the process of forwarding someone else’s tweet to your followers on Twitter. (I assume that you know about Twitter. If you don’t, take a minute and read this description at
The reason that retweeting is so flattering is that every time people do it, they are putting their reputation on the line. If their followers don’t like the retweet, their reputation is reduced. So whenever someone retweets your tweet, they are expressing confidence that what you’ve tweeted is interesting and good. Thus, the best measure of someone’s quality as a Twitter user is not the number of followers but the amount of retweets.BitTorrent: Tweak uTorrent's Settings for Faster Downloads
Torrent28 Incredible Photoshop Image Manipulation Techniques and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging, etcGood design: The ten commandments of Dieter Rams
schönes graues design
design of various objects
These are great principles of design. What a design should be.
Good design is…10 Useful Tips For Ruby On Rails Developers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
エンジニアの勉強法についてHow to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips10 Geeky Tricks for Getting Out of Bed in the Morning | Geekdad from
tricks to get out of bed..
Geekdad from Wired.comThe Interview Question You Should Always Ask - Conversation Starter -
Those of us who run businesses, departments, or teams are faced with this question all the time. How can we distinguish the stars from the merely competent? Of all the candidates whose resumés we receive, how do we place our bet on the one who will stand out from the rest?Things I Wish Iíd Been Told
Tips For Students with a Bachelors in Computer Science
rson whom auto salespeople want to persuade to buy an expensive car. You can afford something fancy ($35K+ car), but don’t do it. For one thing, ex10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
InspirationLogica Web Developer Handbook — Tips and advice on web standards development
Welcome to Logicas Web Developer Handbook. This is, in no particular order, an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems — a way to tackle development in the cleanest, most accessible and semantic way possible. By using WDH, the aim is to standardise practices throughout an organisation; from accessibility to hacks, WDH covers the best ways to tackle a variety of dev problems.ウェブサイトでやってしまいがちなユーザビリティのミス | コリス
ウェブサイトでやってしまいがちなユーザビリティのミスCommon Sense SEO Checklist
Great collection of tips for optimizing a site. No snake oil
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)JavaScript makes relative times compatible with caching - (37signals)
A pro-caching technique for presenting cachable relative times (e.g., "15 minutes ago")
I put together a new mini app for our new status site yesterday that needed exactly this technique. I wanted the content of the application to be entirely page cached, so it would withstand the onslaught if the terrible should happen and we need to redirect all trafic to the status site.Simple Guidelines for Workday Quality Over Quantity | Smarterware
productivityHOW TO: Connect With the FriendFeed Community
why should I care about making new friends, and why FriendFeed? There are more things to do than just find cool websites and pictures; people are forging important friendships and using their relationships to do things like find jobs. FriendFeed is more community-based than almost any other social media website, so if you’re looking for another tool to expand your network in a meaningful way, don’t ignore FriendFeed.How to deal with large webforms
Como hacer la búsqueda de google más fácil y funcional.The guide to sound effects
This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects.
Check it out!
Welcome to the Guide to Sound Effects! This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects, and we hope you find it inspiring.
How to make all kinds of sounds in your studio/home. An excellent foley resource.Firefox Tip: Prevent Firefox from Hogging Memory When Minimized
In our latest browser speed tests, I half-heartedly complained that Firefox eats up memory over long periods of use. Our lovely, helpful commenters pointed out that there is, indeed, a tweak to help with that. It's important to note that this about:config tweak doesn't actually change how Firefox uses (and hoards) memory over actual use. For the purposes of user speed, then, it's not much change. But while Windows can normally grab memory back from applications that are minimized, Firefox prevents that and keeps all the memory it acquired during your multi-tab wanderings—unless you enable this tweak, which some have claimed also makes Firefox scale down the big memory pile it had going upon re-focusing.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presenceHow to Buy Domain Names Like a Pro: 10 Tips from the Founder of
great resources here. thanks tim. love the random generation and then checker
A rose is a rose is rose... but not with domain names. (Photo: nickwheeleroz) I am James Siminoff. I’m an ...JavaScript: The Good Parts - good coders code, great reuse
video tuturialWeb ページを高速化する
YSlowLinux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
Very useful bash and commands tips.
Linux tips every geek should know10 Traits of Highly Effective Twitter Users
Since Twitter’s focus is on saying a lot with very little, it makes sense that the Twitter profile space is very brief and the default settings leave little room to present yourself in detail.
a few tips to customize your profile so that potential followers will be convinced they can’t miss your Tweets
no til99 ways to make your computer blazingly fast
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99 trucs pour accèlerer Vista, du bon et du moins bon ...隠された10の便利なショートカット | Macの手書き説明書
たのしーDVDのコピーガードを解除して、ディスクイメージとしてマウントしてくれる『Fairmount』 | Macの手書き説明書
市販のDVDは違法にコピーされないよう暗号化されており、そのままFinderでデスクトップなどにファイルをコピーしても、動画内にノイズが走り碌に見られないようになっています。 しかしFairMountを使えば暗号を解除した状態でマウントしてくれて、後は煮るなり焼くなり思うがままです。Twitter: Top 20 tools - Telegraph
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
How do you make the best of Twittert? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.Quick & Easy CSS Development with Firebug - Tutorial9
save20 Useful PHP Components & Tutorials for Everyday Project | Noupe — Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods ...More… (Programming)
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move. The list below is made up of the best 20 FREE PHP Components and Tutorials that you will likely need in many of your projects, they are all of the highest quality and more or less easy to configure. Give them a try.How To Automatically Install Required Software After A Reinstall |
Anyone who has been using Windows for any length of time knows reinstalling it is unavoidable. Some people call technical help and some do it themselves. If you reinstall on your own, you know it takes a little time but the most annoying part of reinstalling Windows is that you have to reinstall all your software one by one all over again. Software like Firefox, Winamp, VLC and other indispensable programs that don’t ship with Windows.
rt by adding the applications you need to be installed, post-Windows installation. You must download the applications and save the setup inside the “WPI\Install” folder which can be found under the location where you extracted the contents of the
Windows Post-Install Wizard allows you to take care of such situations and automatically install all the software that you would like to install on a fresh install with a minimum of input.
MakeUseOf.com8 things I learnt about using twitter as a participation tool : Speaking about Presenting
Today, I presented a session remotely at the Presentation Camp at Stanford University, California. My session was on “How to engage your audience with Twitter” and I tried to do exactly that during my presentation.
Or "How to address an audience that's tweeting." This takes a very skilled presenter. Especially with all of the down heads.私はGoogleリーダーを使ってこんな風に情報を集めています*二十歳街道まっしぐら
おぉ、かなりわかりやすい。やるかどうかわかりませんけど・・。15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without | Freelance Folder開発者なら知っておきたい HTTPステータスコード - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
よく使うステータスコード一覧とtipsStructural Naming Convention in CSS - Six Revisions
In today's increasingly casual fashion world, the trusty t-shirt is a staple of just about every wardrobe. While t-shirts are relatively hassle-free to care for, it's still quite a chore to fold a laundry load full of them--it's no wonder so many people just stuff them in a drawer or throw them on the floor. Fortunately it's easier than you may think to keep your t-shirts wrinkle-free. Follow these steps to fold a t-shirt in two seconds.Pimp my browser: how to turn Firefox into a blogging machine - Ars Technica
Some great Firefox add-ons can turn the browser into a powerful blogging tool, so we wanted to highlight a few of the best. Ars explores a handful of add-ons that bring everything from scrapbooking, sharing, and automated content discovery to our beloved open source browser.Block a Website for Everyone But You
Nice technique
Quick little .htaccess trick today for ya’ll. This snippet will redirect any visitor who is not at at one of the provided IP addresses. You can use as many or as few as you would like. This is just a very quick way to block access to a site for, say, everyone but you. Or, everyone but you and a few select co-workers or clients.
Use this technique to whitelist IPs to view a site and block everyone else.Useful Startup/Boot Keys For The Mac | Mac Tricks And Tips
Tips for the Mac!
The boot process on a Mac is a magical process, all you see is a grey screen with the magic happening in the background. Did you know that very are various keys which you can use to change how you Mac boots and access certain settings. They are not for every day use, mostly troubleshooting. They are worth knowing if anything goes wrong.Category Hacks for WordPress Theme Designers | Vandelay Website Design
Hacks de Categorias para WordPress.
In this post we’ll take a look at a number of things you can do with WordPress coding that involve categories in one way or another.CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%!
CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%! -
Todo sobre css, geeks, internet y otros5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
Wichtige Twitter-Clients für Desktop und iPhone
twitter applicationsプログラム未経験の僕が初めて作ったiPhoneアプリが2月16日に発売されます!というわけで使用した参考資料等のまとめ。 - frnk*blog
プログラム未経験の僕が初めて作ったiPhoneアプリが2月16日に発売されます!というわけで使用した参考資料等のまとめ。How to Write Great Cover Letters for Your Resume - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.jQueryのコードを良くする5つのTIPS[to-R]
知ってるかもしれないけど、ここのTIPSは使える。 livequeryは超便利。DTOWN
Een vodcast gericht op Nikon DSLR gebruikers.東京で賃貸住宅を探している人への勝手なアドバイス - Yamashiro0217の日記
人の気配を感じるとメチャクチャ吠えるんですよね。 一時期隣が開いた時にそこに犬を入れてベランダに放置。自分が物音を出す度に吠えまくるわベランダに糞が散らかりまくってて臭いがひどく洗濯物が干せないわと散々でした。あまつさえ隙間から自分のベランダに入ってくるし。
将来は…15 jQuery Plugins to Fix and Beautify Browser Issues | DevSnippets
Ever feel like some days you can crank out amazing looking designs with little effort? Then on other days it feels like nothing is working, you’ve lost all your talent and you’ll never make another good design for the rest of your miserable life? Don’t panic – this is natural...5 Startup Tips From the Father of Gmail and FriendFeed
great article here! Google, twitter, social networking, and of course my favorite topic- entrepreneurship
1. Launch a scaled-back version 2. Notice sluggish competitors 3. You don’t need virality if your product is good 4. Follow your passion 5. Sometimes you have to go off on your own10分でわかるOpenIDの概念と用語集 - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
VMware ESXi のまとめ、かなり参考になるThe 90-10 Rule for Successful Twitter Networking
This made me wonder if there really could be an overlying theme or practice which could sum up in one sentence the most important thing you need to know to be successful using Twitter to generate buzz.
by Jack Humphrey blogs from The Friday Traffic Report (follow him at @bendtheweb Have you noticed all the electronic and tree-based books that have come out
Learn how twitter functions as a gift economy. If you want to gain more influence - then spend 90% of your time giving back to the community, and 10% of your time taking.
Successful Twitter Networking
Interesting article on how to contribute to TwitterOSの再インストールをしたいけど、必要なドライバを探して入れるのが大変そう……。 :教えて君.net
Double DriverSharpen the Vim saw | Ivan Idris Blog
7 habits for effective text editing 2.0 is the title of the Google tech talk given by Bram Moolenaar on 13 February 2007. The title is loosely based
nice.. thanks davegReally Cool Digital Make up in Photoshop in 10 min | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
Why use real make up if you can do a digital make up and make the skin look pretty and smooth. It's simple, fast and very effective. Well, on this tutorial you will learn step by step the basics of digital make up on a persons body. First you have to get the photo you want to apply the digital make up, I choose a photo from the stock gallery of Samantha Draven.
Really Cool Digital Make up in Photoshop in 10 min | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials - Ubuntu Pocket Guide Available as a Free Download
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.5 Credit Card Company Tricks — and How to Thwart Them ∞ Get Rich Slowly
This may be a 101 level post for some, but I think it still bears putting out there. One of the things that I hear most often from people who are contemplating getting into social media is that it seems really overwhelming. With so many different services, blogs, and sites out there, small business owners and other marketers who are usually already stretched thin often figure that monitoring and participating in social media will require a time commitment and technical savvy that they just don’t have. Not true. It’s better to participate at a level you can manage than to ignore social media altogether. So here is a quick and dirty guide to setting up basic social media monitoring, using free tools and only a half hour or less per day.
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.PHPで携帯サイト - phpspot
PCサイトを作っていると、その性質の違いに驚くはず。 画面表示用のコーディングを行う際に押さえておきたい部分を紹介します!Slashdot | How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer?
How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer? -- article related to Ask Slashdot, Windows, and IT.Vim Links of Worth and Valor
Source pour apprivoiser, qualifier et exploiter Twitter comme outil et environnement de communication, de réseautage, de veille et de promotion.部屋を借りるときに注意すること - 唸って踊れる千三つ屋
about them in the comments.
From selecting a location to mingling with guests, here are a few quick tips for both the organization and managing of Tweetups.
7. Secure a venue with limited or no WiFi. At a minimum the CrackBerry/iPhone users should have good service. People like technology. But they won’t like YOU if they can’t use their tech at your event. (This is of course size/type of Tweetup dependent, if in a large conference room/venue: WiFi and cell phone reception should be working. However, if you are in smaller venue or bar Jeff Cutler of reports: “I have an iPhone, but anyone with mobile Web knows that when 200 people in one spot are on 3G/Edge it disintegrates.” This negates the need for an elaborate setup in smaller venues.
good stuffEncoding Video for the Web with QuickTime Pro | Motionographer | Motion graphics, design, animation, filmmaking and visual effects
Six Valuable Things Web Design Clients Won’t Tell YouUseful Uses Of netcat | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This short article shows some useful netcat commands. netcat is known as the TCP/IP swiss army knife. From the netcat man page: netcat is a simple unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities.Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review | the Tux Geek
How to get ubuntu more like Mac OS
I love open-source and I really admire Linux for what it is and what it stands for. But I'm a Mac user. Can I last two days only with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex?
leopard maxosx
Comparing OSX Leopard to Ubuntu 8.10Django Settings Tip - Setting Relative Paths | Morethanseven
helpful config tip on paths w/in a siteApacheのログ出力に追加しておいたほうがいい(かもしれない)設定
%D リクエストを処理するのにかかった時間、マイクロ秒単位
Apacheのマニュアル読めってこと[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2008年11月 | コリス
jQueryのプラグイン33+1選Illustrator Quick Tips #1 - Complex Symbols with Pathfinder | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Last week I posted an article showing some great logos using 3D effects and colorful gradients. There are quite a few ways to do create those effects in Illustrator, however for most of them you will have to use the Pathfinder tools. Because of that I will show you an example based on a few logos from that list.
Complex Symbols with Pathfinder
Tutorial illustrator PSDBook Excerpt: David Allen's Making It All Work a New Look at GTD
All Work a New Look
Author David Allen's follow-up to his best-selling productivity bible Getting Things Done is called Making It All Work. In a series of excerpts published by tech site BNET, Allen discusses the two axes of self-management—control and perspective—and asks you to place yourself in the matrix. (Of course any personal productivity book is nothing without at least one matrix.) Are you a visionary/crazy-maker? Victim/responder? Micromanager/implementer? If things are going well, you've got the right mix of control and perspective, which puts you in the Captain and Commander seat.手書き風ウェブデザインまとめ - DesignWalker
手書き風デザインは、あまり上手すぎてもダメだし、かといってめちゃめちゃへたくそだと、それはそれで微妙ですよね。いい感じのうま下手感が出したいですよね。今回は、手書き風のデザインに使えそうなサイトをインスピレーション、ブラシ、チュートリアル、フォント、アイコンなどいろいろと集めてみました。“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 TrueCryptで、Dropboxをもっと“セキュア”に使う - ITmedia Biz.ID
“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 - ITmedia Biz.ID
バイナリ差分とってたとは知らなかった。ファイルレベルだと思ってたよ。Create a Sleek Illustration that Fades from Line Art to Color - PSDTUTS
mescolare foto e illustrazioneGoogle Power Searching Tips for Students and Universities
How to research more efficiently in Google
has links to several tutorials on google search, how to use it more effectively as wells as scholarly searchesHow to Manage Geeks - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Manage Geeks.
"Ausdrucken, wegfaxen"Freelancing Gods: Freelancing Tips via Rails Camp 4
DIY for the house
The best why-didn't-I-think-of-that ideas for shrinking your household expenseslivedoor ニュース - Windows XPの起動を高速化する5つの術【知っ得!虎の巻】
停止するサービスなどQuick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
JavaScript library
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations at Learning jQuery
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials - 30 Different Uses for RSS
the itunes one looks awesomesquawkfox » Series: How to Write a Resume (that gets job interviews)
Good tips withinEric Wendelin’s Blog » Why every programmer should have a Tiddlywiki
To keep cheese from getting hard, cut off enough for immediate use and spread the remaining portion with a thin film of butter or margarine. Put it in a cool place. This keeps out the air and prevents the cheese from drying out.What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects) | O'Reilly Media
This article covers how to effectively use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas among a group of people, and how to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts, and encourage serendipity.
A wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser. It's so terrifically easy for people to jump in and revise pages that wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects.
Useful for showing to beginners
An article that discusses how wikis can be used for project management. Pros, cons, and "technical issues."Tweet Your Message to a Larger Audience with Hashtags
Discount yahooyahooyahoo yahoo financeyahooWhat Every European Startup Should Know: 10 Keys to Presenting Your Startup in the US
いつか WordPress に乗り換える時のために
movabletype -> wordpress移行100 Interesting Ways | ICT in my Classroom
In November 2007 I began the first of a series of Google presentations gathering together some ideas about the uses of different tools for the classroom. I thought that the easy manner of sharing Google Docs was ideal to collate thoughts, tips and suggestions from teachers and educators all over the world. I began with interesting ways to use the interactive whiteboard and the family has since grown to include, tips for Google Earth, Google Docs and the most recent Pocket Video Cameras. It has been great to watch them evolve as people get in touch and I add them to the document and they make their own edits.Saving Money: Reduce Your Rent with This Simple Letter
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord. Photo by Editor B. WSJ's Mary Pilon and her roommates were none too pleased to discover that their new neighbors had secured a lease for $300 less than their lease, while they received a $100/month hike in their rent. After sending the letter below to her landlord, Pilon shaved $300 off her rent.
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord.もしかしたらあなたの人生を変えるかもしれない、やる気、集中力、簡単養成講座 - teruyastarはかく語りき
To prepare for the class (and give people a taste of what I was talking about) I asked people on Twitter to share whatever tips they might have for journalists looking to break in to the social Web. I put out the request in a big public tweet and also sent direct messages to several journalists, bloggers, students, professors and media mavens I knew would have something valuable to say. I put the tips up on the overhead during the class and highlighted a few in the beats between slides and questions. When we were done, I realized only I could see all the tips, and it would just be silly to keep it that way. So without further ado, here’s what some great people on Twitter advise us journalists keep in mind as we tackle social media. Follow their Twitter links to see who they are …
Use social media to get stories out everywhere! People want u to be open -human, warts & all -consider your professional IMAGE though -SM is not for everyone's brand, unless you've got LOTS of time or good PR people.10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits
"Discover the secrets of stunning portrait photography in this tutorial."How To Use Icons To Support Content In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
web kai print?SitePoint » 10 Fixes That Solve IE6 Problems
Ten code fixes, hacks, and workarounds for dealing with Internet Explorer 6. By SitePoint50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
Byline: Mac|Life StaffEnhanced Teaser: geekLike a champion cyclist knows bike parts,a car buff knows model years, and a sports fan knows win-loss records, all Mac geeks worth the title must know these things. digg_url =10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A brief, but well written overview of things to consider when selecting a CMS.
Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS?Guide to Most Useful Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
’ve written a fair few articles over the past year and thought it might be useful for any new subscribers and visitors to see a summary of the most useful onesExclusive Download: Ten Must-Have Gmail Filters Available for Download
"It seems like a fool-proof plan: start up with a close friend. You’ll get along (obviously), and you’ll get to share the exciting, fantastic, scary experience of starting up with someone you care about. It’s not a bad idea, but there are a few caveats that you should be aware of before you proceed..."
Good advice on the early stages. This is targeted at friends starting up but also good for anybody starting with somebody else.
Interesting article about how to found a startup with friends.
lmost cost us our friendship. We got through this thanks to the help and mediation of anotSlideshows In Web Design: When And How To Use Them | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
web design
"These rules are the key to speeding up your web pages. They've been tested on some of the most popular sites on the Internet and have successfully reduced the response times of those pages by 25-50%."7 Essential SEO Cheat Sheets
効果的なSEOのポイントをまとめたものや、ユーザビリティのチェックポイント、検索エンジンのクエリ、Apacheのmod_rewrite、htaccessなどのチートシート。The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress - NETTUTS
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography | Webdesigner Depot
Type is one of the most-used elements of the web. Think about it. Unless you are YouTube or Flickr, chances are your site visitors are coming for your text content - not the fancy packaging that surrounds it. So why are web designers still treating text like a secondary element? Good typography brings order to the page and increases legibility. It allows people to process information faster.
Consejos sobre cómo utilizar la tipografía y el diseño en el diseño de páginas webHow To Develop A Facebook Page That Attracts Millions of Fans
Over the past few years Facebook has witnessed a dramatic rise in new user adoption and with that rise has come the opportunity for brands to interact directly with exis ...
There are numerous ways for brands to leverage Facebook but the overall branded experience is becoming increasingly integrated into a single offering as the new Pages product highlights. So what are the primary benefits and changes for the new branded pages?How to fix the most common Linux problems | TuxRadar
Tutorials on using Photoshop8 awesome JQuery tips and tricks
like JQuery? This fast and easy to use Javascript framework became very popular in 2008. In the following article, I have compiled a list of 8 absolutely useful JQuery hacks, tips and tricks.6 Totally Essential Photoshop Skills Even Your Mom Should Know | Maximum PC
Cómo crear una acción para redimensionar imágenes en lote, corrección de los colores, selección de una figura, eliminación de brillos, restauración de imágenes dañadas, clonación de elementos y texto sobre un caminoDear Speakers - James Duncan Davidson
"Getting up on stage and speaking is a difficult and demanding thing to do. It’s natural to be nervous and for that nervousness to show. It’s also hard to know how what you are doing up there on stage is perceived by the audience."
Tips for presenters form a conference photographer. Good advice.
Some advice for speakers
Thoughts from a conference photographer on speaking... (as he photographed speakers)Welcome to the Hive Mind; Learn How to Search Twitter
searching twitterHow To: Create Stunningly Realistic High Dynamic Range Photographs
In the right hands, high dynamic range imaging can blend multiple exposures of the same scene to more closely reproduce what your eye can see. Here's how to do HDR the right way.
"HDR has a reputation as a gimmick that can easily be abused to turn your photos into dreadful, over-saturated, tacky looking messes of clown vomit." the comments!Twitter Background Design How-To and Best Practices | Blog.SpoonGraphics
Nice article but why dont I see @cheth here?!11 Excellent Solutions for Creating Tooltips | Web Design Ledger
Tooltips in web design are becoming more and more commonplace. Even though I don’t think they are appropriate for every type of site, they can be a very useful addition when implemented correctly. If you are planning on using tooltips in your next project, the hardest part may be choosing the right solution. Here are 11 excellent methos for creating tooltips using various solutions such as jQuery, MooTools, and CSS only.
Tooltips in web design are becoming more and more commonplace. Even though I don't think they are appropriate for every type of site, they can be a very useful
11 ทูลทิป แจ่มๆ น่าใช้
Web Design Ledger10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
Collaborating with clients you never meet face-to-face has become normal for most web workers. Ours is an industry where working remotely poses very few real
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 120 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners | How-To
Tips For Beginners
refresher tips on cssImage Rollover Borders That Do Not Change Layout
Image Rollover Borders That Do Not Change Layout -
ロールオーバーする際にずれてしまう問題と解決方法How to Twitter -
When I first joined Twitter, I felt like I was in a noisy bar where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.
The social rules and tips for gaining 'followers'; why opinionated people winQuick Usability Checklist | UX Booth
Simple but useful checklist for websites. Certainly not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point.Fitness: The Five-Minute Prison Workout Keeps You Fit in Any Space
8 CSS tips for better linking
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as convenient for use as possible. In the following collection you’ll find some tips to make your links better looking and more usable.27 Things To Do Before a Conference |
useful tips
meet people connect network
No conferences in my future, but would love to go to PRSA in the fall
.squawkfox » 6 Action Words That Make Your Resume Rock
^^Article Print | Planning and Ideas | This Old House
フォトショップチュートリアルビデオ25 Useful Financial Rules of Thumb ∞ Get Rich Slowly
terest rates have dropped by 1% from your current mortgage. As always, use t
Get Rich Slowly — recently named most inspiring money blog by Money magazine — is devoted to sensible personal finance. You will not find any get-rich-quick schemes here. Nor will you find multi-level marketing fads or hot stock tips. I am not pitching any product or book. Instead, you’ll find daily information about personal finance and related topics. I share stories about debt elimination, saving money, and practical investing. I also post occasional reviews of books, magazines, and software. And, of course, I scour the web for the latest personal finance tools and articles. Please note that I am not a financial professional. I’m just an average guy who found himself deep in debt. When it finally became too overwhelming, I began reading personal finance books, hoping to find answers. I wanted swift solutions to my problems. My research revealed that few people get rich quickly, but almost anyone can get rich slowly by patiently following some simple rules.10 Things They Don’t Teach You In Design School | Design Reviver
I had a great time in design school, I was constantly learning and surrounded by lots of like minded people. However, after five years of freelancing as a graphic designer, I’ve learned many new things. The following list is the top ten things that I had to learn the hard way.
Insightful article about preparing for a career in design10 Principles For Readable Web Typography | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this post, we’ll explain some Web typography terms and how they play into readability; we’ll present numerous tips to help improve the readability of your content; and we’ll showcase very readable websites, layouts and articles.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tips for Talking Your Way into a Better Deal
Some people were born to haggle, negotiate, cajole, whatever you call it. The rest of us need some guidance. Here are 10 great negotiating tactics to use next time you want to get more for less.10 Challenging but Awesome Flash Techniques - Nettuts+
tecnicas para usar flash con bases de datos, galerias de imagenes, sonidos......30+ Google Analytics Tools, Goals, Segments, Filters, Hacks & Resources | SEOptimise
Google Analytics is used by most of us search marketers with the exception of the paranoid and even a growing number of top 500 websites. This free web analytics suite is just too tempting not be used.12 Points to Include in Your Design Contract - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Excellent info about freelance contracts
Briechenstein's Popular Bookmark 12 Points to Include in my Design Contract-FreelanceSwitch-The Freelance Blogs10 awesome .htaccess hacks for WordPress
.htaccess, the file which control the Apache webserver, is very useful and allows you to do a lot of things. In this article, let’s see how .htaccess can help you with your WordPress blog, for both security,functionnality and usability.Seth's Blog: The two elements of a great presenter
Seth Godin's BlogNOOP.NL: Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q1 2009)
AdSense50 ways to impress your geeky linux friends -
Dicas LINUX interessante, como desmontar drive em uso
Our own Geek Queen Blair Mathis is back with 50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom.
50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom. 1. watch terminal star wars To start this article off right, no Linux user can claim the status of geekhood unless they've seen Star Wars ASCII-style. To watch a fascinating version of Star Wars via the Terminal, type: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl8 Tips to Design a Charity Website | Webdesigner Depot
And 20 examples of nicely designed charity websites
So how does a charity get the most out of its website? It needs to let users find out information about the charity, but the main objective of the site is to get people involved with the charity, usually resulting in the user donating money. In this article, we look at 8 principles that you should follow when creating a charity website.20 Blog Topics To Get You Unstuck |
Git、入門/チュートリアル、←わかりやすい/簡単な使い方35+ very Useful And Powerful CSS techniques | CSS Techniques | Tools
In this article tripwire magazine provides a list of very useful CSS Techniques that you can use freely to make your website or blog more dynamic and inprove its Look & Feel. The article will also give you an introduction to CSS and why it should be used instead of table-based layouts.100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter | Online College Degree
Twitter can be at first glance a strange phenomenon and many don’t understand its purpose right away. However, Twitter is a powerful tool that is growing in popularity as word spreads of its potential capabilities. The idea of writing small blog posts of 140 characters or less to a group of your followers is actually a revolutionary new way to bring communities together, learn from each other, and keep updated with all that is happening. Busy teachers may feel that taking the time to learn how to use Twitter isn’t worth the return for the students benefit, so that’s why this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing. Find out how to get started with Twitter, ways to use it in an educational setting, and tools to help you use it better with these resources below.
le 20 mars 09Official Google Blog: Make sense of your site: tips for webpage design
good info about using tools to streamline your tweets
Super tips on using TwitterFirebugで作るGreasemonkeyスクリプト~入門と実践(From Kanasan.JS) -
遅くなりましたが、先日に開催された、Kanasan.JS Greasemonkey チュートリアル読書会のレポートです。 せっかくなので、読書会の内容を元にGreasemonkeyスクリプト作成の「入門」「実践」「Tips」の3本立てでまとめてみたいと思います。Link to a specific part of a YouTube video
interesting tool!5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
At the arrival of spring it is a natural instinct to cast off the winter blues and feel renewed. It is also a great time to eliminate the toxins that&hellip;The top 7 mistakes new Twitter users make :: 10,000 Words :: multimedia, online journalism news and reviews
seven nice onesTen Facebook Tips For Power Users - PC World
TabRenamizer and Page Title Eraser - Do your tabs give you away? Why not change their names with TabRenamizer or remove the names all together with Page Title Eraser? Both these addons let you play with the tab titles so that you can change them according to your will.4 Principles of Good Design for Websites | My Ink Blog
MyInkBlog, March 21, 2009. Unread.XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet - OWASP
Twitter information
I often get the question “How do you follow so many people on Twitter”. Using Tweetdeck it’s actually quite easy. I made this video tutorial to show you exactly how I do it. If you have any questions please leave a comment and I’ll be happy to answer them.人を惹きつけ人を動かす文章を書く方法 初心者にもわかるコピーライター養成講座 ~言葉で世の中を動かそう - プログラマーkkの勉強/成長ブログ(@モバイル広告代理店ライブレボリューション) ~Ruby学習中
In this article I am going to tell you how to decrease firefox memory usage and increase firefox speed. This article of mine has two parts. So, follow each part to the end to make your Firefox Faster and Reduce your Firefox Memory Usage:
Mempercepat firefox
If I couold be bothered...
understand my meaning better I have taken picture of my deskto[Ask SM: CSS] Equal Spacing, CSS Font Replacement | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Distributing the horizontal space between elements evenly
Good quick tips in here.Modern Sitemap and Footer
Another little gem for today. I love this site too. That CSS must have taken forever.» 16+ Easy CSS Techniques that Simplify the Webdesigner’s Life WebAir Blog
16+ Easy CSS Techniques that Simplify the Webdesigner’s Life WebAir Blog
Well done article. And it's a Drupal site, too! Turns out you can do all kinds of cool effects in CSS alone w/o resorting to scripting languages!
Has some neat techniques to make the web site a little more user friendly and interestingThe Art Of Panning
8 สคริปต์แก้ CSS20+ Cheat Sheets Handy For Designers
20 สูตร shotcut key สำหรับชาวกราฟฟิก
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot8 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dust-Proof | Housecleaning | Reader's Digest
The solution to most household problems is to attack the source. But you can't eliminate the sources of household dust. You can't even do much to reduce them, because more than 90 percent of household dust comes from people and fabric. Our bodies constantly shed tiny flakes of skin. Our clothes, bedding and furnishings constantly shed barely visible fibers. These flakes and fibers float on the slightest air currents and settle on every surface in your house. In a spot sheltered from air movement, the particles stay put. In other areas, they constantly rise and settle as doors swing open and people pass by. Even if fighting dust is a battle you can never completely win, you can save a lot of time and energy with these dust-busting strategies. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. 1. Keep closet floors clear for easy cleaning. Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels and bedding. Every time yo
hat aren't machine washable don't need weekly trips to the dry cleaners -- just take blankets and bedspreads outside and shake them. You canHow I Can Code Twice As Fast As You - NETTUTS
We're all familiar with text expander programs; though I would surmise that the percentage of us who use them when coding is quite low. To change things up a bit, today I'm going to you how to create custom text-expander scripts that will save you a great deal of time. If you're unfamiliar with such programs, you must watch this! After reviewing the screencast and tutorial, I'd love to hear how you save time when developing. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of NETTUTS, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to dinner while I'm still producing FireBug errors...drives me crazy. I love jQuery, PHP, MYSQL, CSS, AJAX - pretty much anything. If it will keep you in the good graces of the church, follow me on Twitter.
A great vid/article on how web designers can use a text expander program to gtd.5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sites10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know - Nettuts+
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know
I should look into these!13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance | Noupe
Performance is a key factor for any successful website. And since WordPress is becoming more popular than ever, it will only be at its best when raised in the
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX PerformanceSitePoint » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
by Mihaela Lica "Please note that the “Googlers are delighted” when sites are optimized for search. The moral: know your SEO!"
Optimize Your Site
Does Google care for SEO? Yes, it does: from Google’s SEO Starter Guide (pdf) to help provided in the Google Webmaster Help Forum, the search engine is pretty transparent when it comes to how it prefers you to optimize your site for inclusion. We’ll be discussing URL structure, TrustRank and duplicate content issues. - » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your SiteFeature: Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects
Like a famed race horse or a classic book you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little. Even if it seems outdated and underpowered, most any laptop is still small, quiet, and relatively low on power consumption, making it a seriously valuable spare to keep handy—even without a working screen. With some free software, a little know-how, and some creative thinking about your home network, nearly any old laptop can find its second wind, and today I'll run through some of the best ways to get it there7 Wordpress Theme Trends & How To Implement Them Yourself -
This will be helpful sometimeSocial Media Marketing Industry Report
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and DevelopersHow to find free stuff | Yahoo! Green
Want free furniture, a place to stay, or even a bike? Thanks to the Internet, it's fairly easy to find a wide variety of free products and services.
referência de como oferecer produtos gratuitos.
Sweet!Master Web Typography: 8 Detailed Typography Tips for the Web | Brian Cray's Blog
Good little article on using HTML special characters on your site.
One of the most under–rated elements of beautiful Web design is the subtle art of typography. Part of this, I know, is a lack of a solid font support for Web sites. But never fear! Today I’ll show you some quick things you can do to appear to be a type master.31 Wordpress Plugins To Enhance Your Blog and Life | The Daily Anchor | Marketing and Advertising Blog
From The Daily Anchor dated 23 Mar 2009
security, plugin management, antispam, moreWhite Space: How to Get it ‘Right’ | Think Vitamin
Active and Passive White Space White Space is often used to create a balanced, harmonious layout. One that just ‘feels’ right. It can also be used to take the reader on a journey through the design. In the same way a photographer leaves ‘looking room’ in a portrait shot, by positioning the subject o! the centre of the frame and having them looking into the remaining space, a designer can do this to increase the effectiveness of their design. Another way of looking at white space is by how a reader, or user, reacts to it. White space can not only be used by the designer to create harmony and balance in design, or to help position a brand, but it can be used to lead a reader from one element to another. This is called Active White Space25 (Most Wanted) Tips For iPhone 3G | How-To
Woot, even I learned something new about the iPhone with these great tipsWEBデザイナーという肩書きを使う場合にあったらいいかもなスキルとWEBで見れる無料教材とリソース集:phpspot開発日誌
WEBデザイナーという肩書きを使う場合にあったらいいかもなスキルとWEBで見れる無料教材とリソース集Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
e.. learning....
Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable at Learning jQuery
Most if not all of the jQuery plugins out there have some level of customization. But very few of the plugin authors have mastered the very particular art involved. Achieving the "optimum level" of customization is a bit of a balancing act… go too far either way and you've got an unusable plugin!Make Small Talk - Wired How-To Wiki
To read and use.Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniques | Desizn Tech
Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniquesiknow(とか、ネットを上手に利用してほぼ無料で英語をマスターする方法 | 口コミ発信!モノ人
英語が分かるようになれたらいいな27 Twitter Applications Your Small Business Can Use Today | SMALL BUSINESS CEO
Twitter is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds lately. It seams like everyone is talking about Twitter. The neat thing is that everyone seems to use Twitter in their own unique way. Hundreds of Twitter applications can be found on numerous sites that offer cool tools to help you manage the way you use Twitter. If you use Twitter for marketing your small business, I sorted thru tons of apps to bring you the most helpful. Feel free to suggest other Twitter apps, for business owners, below in the comments.Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
need is an unlocked mobile phone — that is, a phone that’s not tied to one particular carrier. (In the United States, some carriers will unlock your phone if you ask; abroad, most phones come already unlocked.) whenever you arrive in new country, you can buy a local SIM card (sold at mobile phone stores and kiosks for $2 to $25, depending on the country) and make phone calls and send text messages without paying exorbitant international roaming fees. Simple enough. But for folks back home to reach you, you’ll need Skype. • Unfortunately, Skype does not exist for the iPhone. Instead, I use a free third-party application called Fring, which functions as a kind of Skype-to-cellphone phone gateway, letting me access my Skype account wherever I have a Wi-Fi signal. • Two weeks ago, Google announced a new service called Google Voice that operates much like Skype — only cheaper!The Simple Dollar » Most Time Management Is Rubbish. Here Are Ten Things That Work for Me.
Here’s the problem with productivity tips, though. Most of them don’t work. Some are simply inefficient. Others are only efficient in certain situations. Still others only work well for people with certain mindsets. I’ve tried many, many productivity ideas, yet I keep coming back to the same handful in the end. These tips work for me.フォームをデザインしよう | DesignWalker
about:configBe Relentlessly Resourceful
this is a test.
A great article from ALA on how to cultivate an active membership base
A key to running successful "social networking sites" is to remember that they're just communities. All communities, online or off, have one thing in common: members want to belong—to feel like part of something larger than themselves. Communicating effectively, setting clear and specific expectations, mentoring contributors, playing with trends, offering rewards, and praising liberally (but not excessively) can harness your members' innate desires—and nurture great content in the process.50 ‘Must Have’ Wedding Photography Shots
Could be helpful...In the Woods - Common Mistakes in Web Design
Article about what OpenSource software generally lacks, and how to compete with them.
ever, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net. (This is one reason you should write your support page with an eye to it being seen by someone who isn’t even using your software.)
2) Design OSS projects, particularly the 99% that are relevant to this discussion, routinely do not allocate resources to creating attractive designs. For whatever reason, opened source graphical work is still rather rare, most developers (myself included) have the artistic skill of inept mole rats, and the obvious pay-somebody-who-does-it-better solution runs into the problem that the typical OSS project has no budget and no patience to deal with “unfree” licenses, which are the only kind commercially available stock icons have.
" However, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net."
Some good points, particularly on how OSS focuses on the software pitch too much (most folk don't think of their problem as a software issue)5 Writing Tips for Web Designers
Web design hints25 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating that Perfect Web Page Design : Speckyboy Design Magazine
C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<Random>.default
urlclassifier3.sqlite を消すとか。115 Insanely Useful Photoshop tips & tutorials | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
List of Photoshop tutorials and resourcesHow to keep a house plant alive
Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need ...
"Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need light, water, support, nutrients, and an adequate air supply."Micah Elliott: The Web Startup Surgeons beginner guide 2あなたのブログやサイト作りに、タダで使える10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments.漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: さらにMySQLを高速化する7つの方法
おまけ: Sharding
さらにMySQLを高速化する7つの方法The Artist's Guide to Flickr
The Artist's Guide to Flickr
Selfpromote using Flickr and boost your viewer count
Kleine aber ganz nützliche Tipps um seinen Flcirk bekanntheitsgrad zu boosten
Great article on marketing online.
via Popego.com10 MORE Must Have Twitter Tools
Due to the extreme popularity of TwiTip's 10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter post, we're proud to present 10 MORE must have Twitter tools to help / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. 1. Be lazy // Don't if ($('#item').get(0)) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Or if ($('#item').length) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Just do $('#item').someFunction(); jQuery will call the function only if there is a match, no need to double check. 2. Use shortcuts // You can but.. $(document).ready(function(){ // ... }); // There is a shorter equivalent $(function(){ // ... }); It should be well known, but obviously it is not. 3. Chain // Don't $('#frame').fadeIn(); $('#frame .title').show(); $('#frame a:visited').hide; // Do $('#frame').fadeIn() .find('.title').show().end() .find('a:visited').hide(); Unnecessary DOM traversal is a expensive operation, avoid it when possible. 4. Group queries // Ugly $('div.close').click(closeCallback); $('button.close').click(closeCallback); $('input.close').click(closeCallback); // Not ugly $('div.close, button.close, input.close') .clicIE6問題に対処する10のテクニック | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
をおこなうべきTop 20 Ways to Share a Great Blog Post
Some interesting thoughts on how to spread a blog post. Could be useful! :)
mashableThe Twitter Followholic: An Epidemic
Some great apps to help you deal with Twitter and get most out of it
It’s an illness. It’s a disease that attacks the brain, affecting the response of your fingers on the keyboard and mouse. “Stop clicking,” you say to yourself as another follow button has turned into a green-checked following icon. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem: you’re a followholic and you can’t stay away from a Twitter user’s follow button. (Say it out loud: My name is ______, and I’m a followholic.)
ollow you back, but they never did. Manage incoming followers: First, turn off auto-follow in whatever program you’re using to do it. There is no possible w5 Elements of a Successful Facebook Fan Page
For many companies a Facebook (Facebook reviews) fan page is an integral part of their social media campaign. But, what elements help fan pages build up large followings and what can brands do to emulate the success of others? I’ve put together a list of specific elements that I believe have helped create fan pages with large, engaged, followings.21 Advanced Photoshop Tips, Tricks and Tutorials Roundup
In this article, you'll find several simple but effective photo enchancing techniques on topics such as how to choose the best image format for web or how to create croplet for repeatedly image editing process.これぞ完璧企画書――「1枚企画書」パターン実例3題
本連載では、竹島愼一郎氏が提唱するインパクト抜群の「1枚企画書」をPowerPointで作る手順を全5回で紹介します。社会人になったらWordやExcelだけでなくPowerPointも使いこなせなくては、社内や取引先でのプレゼンに勝ち抜けません。しかし、ただ単に企画書をPowerPointで再現しただけでは、印象に残るプレゼンにはほど遠く、居眠りを誘う会議になってしまうことでしょう。 「1枚企画書」の最終回として、本書が出版に至った企画書の実例を含む、「プレゼン力の高い企画書」を3種類ご紹介します。実際の成功事例を踏まえてPowerPointをフル活用すれば、皆さんの仕事もきっと成功に近づくはずです。6 jQuery snippets you can use to manipulate select inputs « Flexible Developments
Illustrator is a wonderful tool. It is often underused, and also a bit underestimated. I think sometimes people can be having so much fun in Photoshop, that they forget all of the awesome things Illustrator can accomplish. So today I’m bringing you a big list of Illustrator tutorials, tricks and tips. I start out with pretty basic tutorials and tips, because it is important to have a good foundation. But, don’t worry, they get much more complex :) And keep in mind when your reading these tutorials, it’s all about picking up on new and interesting processes, techniques, and ideas that you may not have tried yet. Even if you are an experienced Illustrator user, it never hurts to learn new techniques and refresh your memory on some old ones. So I’m hoping you enjoy, and find this useful.パンくず詳解 | コリス
7. Experimental Examples 実験的なパンくずSeth's Blog: Return on Design
The challenge of building your product around breakthrough design is that the design has to in fact be a breakthrough. And that means spending far more time or money than your competitors who are merely seeking a positive return.
Return on designDesign Fast Websites
don't blame the rounded corners! Yahoo! F2E Summit 2008weblogs/azul/principles-of-software
"SlideMagnet is all about slides. Our mantra: be generous. We are here to help you thrive and succeed with your next presentation. That’s our purpose, that’s our mission, and that’s why we exist."
advice on good presentations
How to make effective presentationsLine25 Web Design Blog
nice jquery stuff6 Things To Include for a User Friendly Footer | UX Booth
new and hot bookmarksLifehacker - Beyond Life Hacks: Reusable Solutions to Common Productivity Problems - Habits
Let's face it: when you've run into serious productivity roadblocks like procrastination, distraction, and overwhelmed paralysis, keyboard shortcuts and index cards aren't going to save you—only better patterns of behavior will.How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Résumé? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Huge searchable archive of unix commands for the command line. This is on the distant to do list.5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
ways to fine-tune your profile for maximum affect. So here are five tips to optimize your activities on Facebook, including the right way to create profile and thumbnail graphics, how to show different content to Fans and non-Fans, creating DIY vanity urls, and how managing what and when you post can lead to greater success.
How to optimise facebookアイコンを作ろう!チュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
アイコンを作ろう!チュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
今では、かなりたくさんのクオリティの高いアイコン素材が無料で配布されていたりします。30+ Fresh & Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials & Neat Tips | Noupe
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool for illustrating various elements one can use for web pages and print design. However, it’s important to know what to do8 methods to bring your front end coding to rockstar levels |
なるほど・・・学ぶこと多いですね。[CSS]上級者向け、スタイルシートのテクニック集 | コリス
小粒ピリリ。ブラウザは選ぶかも…なテクニック集。10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex. Some of these advanced effects can add plenty of depth to designs, but when used in the wrong place, they do little more than distract viewers from the project’s intended focus. These effects may be precisely what a design needs to have the impact it requires, but even in these cases, they should be complemented by simpler effects. Simple effects and techniques are the building blocks of today’s designs. For example, what good is a stellar lighting technique if you can’t decide which colors to use or which text-based effects to use in conjunction with the effect? With a “less is more” mentality, we’ve selected 10 very simple and impressive design techniques that can drastically improve the performance and appearance of your designs.47 Twitter Power Users’ Secrets To Getting Many Followers | JobMob
Twitter power users have many thousands of people following their tweets. Here are their tips and insight to gaining so many followers.Writing for a living: a joy or a chore?: nine authors give their views | Books | The Guardian
Writing is good for you!Fun With CSS Shapes - Nettuts+
I bet a bunch of you don't realize that we can create the illusion of shapes by using 100% CSS. By utilizing the border property in creative ways, we can make some really interesting polygons.8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs | CSS | Smashing Magazine
zie titel
For all WordPress plugin developers out there: here are the top 10 tips to make your job easier.フォントに関する便利ツールを18種を一挙紹介 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Great suggestions for productive home office!
Whatever kind of work you do at home, your office is one place you want to spend the time to make comfortable and convenient. Take 10 of our tips on organizing, fixing, and streamlining that space.16 Very Useful Smarty Scripting Tips and Techniques to Make Templates Smarter
How To: Remote Control Your Home Computer From Anywhere10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques
In this article I will guide you through the process of creating the identity & logo design for one of my recent clients, UKE, offering insights into not only the thought process behind creating the logo but also the creation of the logo itself. Also keep an eye out in the May edition of Layers magazine for a feature on the UKE web site design.
logo design from start to finish...gud one.......
How to design a logo.14 Most Usefull design cheat sheets and coding cheat sheets |
Zend Framework online resources list - blogs, Twitter, books, forums...
Besides the official documentation and the Quickstart, there are many useful resources for Zend Framework, like blogs and Twitter..画像をCSSだけでハイクオリティに縮小サムネイル化する方法:phpspot開発日誌
きれいだThe Anatomy of a Facebook Meme
プレゼンテーションのデザインパターン25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Almost all of them are daily updated, and cover a wide range of topics including inspiration, design trends, tutorials, interviews, website showcase, programming techniques and resources.Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert | How-To | Smashing Magazine
As we see more and more businesses move their services online, and even more that begin their life on the Web, a greater need arises
design usability !!10 Tips to Design Usable Shopping Carts | Webdesigner Depot
I have tried TweetDeck a number of times but I keep uninstalling it because it puts a drain on my system and I find it distracting. Still, I want fast access to my Twitter account and to be able to...5 Tips to Make Your 404 Page More Usable | UX Booth
Dark Surreal Illustration50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
MacjQuery Tips and Tricks II | Queness
jQuery Tips and Tricks Part 2! Obviously, one post is simply not enough. I found some performance tuning, element manipulations tips and tricks that I believe will able to help you develop a more effective and efficient jQuery script.Twitter Analytics for "Analytics": Juice Analytics
Excellent discussion on what is interesting in analytics.
Twitter’s wild popularity hasn’t obscured the fact that the service needs to eventually make money. The concept of “Twitter analytics” as a revenue stream has come up often enough to make my ears itch and my nose burn.
TwitThis'); //--> Twitter’s wild popularity hasn’t obscured the fact that the service needs to eventually make money. The concept of “Twitter analytics” as a revenue stream has come up often ...
Despite all the activity, I haven’t yet seen a solution that offers the kind of valuable analytics that a company could use to understand the Twitter conversation relevant to their business. The applications above are either focused on the measurement of individual Twitter users or offer a high-level tracking of words and phases in the general conversation. They treat tweets as transactions — How many? How valuable? Who’s listening? Who’s responding?How the Web Made Me a Better Copywriter — AIGA | the professional association for design
by Cathy Curtis posted on AIGA | the professional association for design website
Great website!!! Article is very instructive
Excellent guide to writing for the web from Cathy Curtis, a former staff writer for The LA Times.
"It struck me recently that the web has led me to develop a different way of writing—tighter, simpler, more transparent. The results, I believe, are greater clarity and persuasiveness, and a speedier, more user-friendly read."15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your WebsiteB.L. Ochman's blog: Top 10 Reasons Your Company Should Not Tweet
1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal - CLASSIC 9. you plan to track Twitter with Google Analytics - OMFG ;)
Mainstream media is in an orgiastic frenzy of coverage about Twitter. Everyone's Tweeting, from celebrities to CEOs according to CNN, The View, Today, the NY Times, the Wall St Journal and just about everyone else. Each of them covers Twitter like it's an overnight phenomenon that came out of nowhere, although Twitter has been gaining traction for three years and now has 9 14 million members. Should your company be on Twitter? Not necessarily. Top 10 reasons not to join Twitter: 1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal. Twitter is a social network where conversation is fast and interconnected. If you have to wait a day, or even a few hours for your 140 character Tweet to gain legal approval, Twitter will be the wrong platform for you. 2. you plan to use Twitter like a giant RSS feed, broadcasting nothing but headlines, deals. People follow people they find interesting. If all your Tweets are a one-way street: Block! 3. you think using Twitter is a social media strategy
"It's a tactic, a tool, not a strategy. It works if you already have an online following who'll view your Tweets as a way to interact with your company on a human level."日本人がつまずかないためのiPhone開発ポイント - @IT
iPhone開発のイロハLifehacker - Customize XBMC with These Five Awesome Skins - XBox Media Center
Windows/Mac/Linux/Xbox: What could make the already awesome Xbox Media Center even better? An infusion of eye candy, of course. Read on to see some awesome XBMC skins and learn how to install them.
Customize XBMC with These Five Awesome 20 Rails Development No-No's
How to monitor your social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and more in 10 minutes a day.
Social Media PresenceTable Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to... Hell? | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Over the last several years, developers have moved from table-based website structures to div-based structures. Hey, that’s great. But wait! Do developers know the reasons for moving to div-based structures, and do they know how to? Often it seems that people are moving away from table hell only to wind up in div hell.
Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to... Hell? | CSS | Smashing Magazine -
なんでもかんでもdivで囲んだ時期、僕にもありました いまでは必要なときにはtableをレイアウトに使います(例:内容に合わせてブロック要素の幅を自動的に伸縮したい) もちろんスクリプトを使えばtableに頼らなくても簡単に解決できますが、案件によってはスクリプトフリーにしたいこともあるのです20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets -
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface
Sliding navigation
tabbingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips
"tagged seo"42 Questions Every Freelancer Should Ask Their Clients | Freelance Folder
Questions to stablish some work references for projects.Beautiful Horizontally Centered Menus/Tabs/List. No CSS hacks. Full cross-browser.
There is something elegant about simply working within the confines of a specific ruleset and achieving what you set out to do. Horizontally centered menus without css hacks.5 Things Your Clients Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
Must read: RT @boagworld: the Web Designer Depot has released my article '5 Things Your Clients Should Know' ( [from]
This is not a criticism of clients, however. There is so little information that clearly defines their role. Sure, there is no shortage of material on usability, accessibility, online marketing and copywriting, but who has the time to read all of it? The problem is that the client does need to have a very broad understanding (certainly more than can be communicated in a single article), however I have found that understanding certain key issues can make an enormous difference to the efficiency of a client. What follows is a list of the 5 things that I believe will have the biggest impact on a client’s site. At least they should, if the client understands them and chooses to implement them.13 Tips for Improving Outdoor Portraits
これは自分自身のためのTo-DOリストとして作成しました。 ぼくがアフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合に行っている事です。つまりぼくがやっていることはここに書いた程度のことです。ノウハウ的にはたいしたことありません。みなさんの参考になればと思いアップします。 アフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合には、ニッチキーワードをメインキーワードとしてサイトを作成 » Top ten reasons managers become great
Django Best Practices This is a living document of best practices in developing and deploying with the Django Web framework. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices we’ve honed after years of working with the framework. It is a fork of the great django-reusable-app-docs project started by Brian Rosner and Eric Holscher regarding best practices for writing and maintaining reusable Django apps.Helen Bradley - Pro Photoshop and Photography: Photoshop - change the color of your house
The Art of CSS Positioning Warm welcomes to our very first guest poster Rob MacKay! CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
etween browsers where elements vanish, don’t show or are a few pixels out of alignment, it’s normally because you are guilty of using margin and padding for positioning
CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
The Art of CSS PositioningAll the Best Linux Cheat Sheets
Good list of cheat sheetsHOW TO: Get the Most Out of Status Updates
Great list of apps to make the most of your Twitter experience and increase your blogging skills.More Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
If you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you to enjoy.100 tips and tricks to speed up OS X | News | TechRadar UK
10 dicas de programação nos arquivos .PHP do Wordpress.
Como diseñar tu propio tema en WP8 Steps For Building Community On Twitter: Tips For Membership Organizations
Just in case you didn't see my Twitip post - please RT. Thanks so much!
neat twit tips for EH interest?SEOmoz | 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:
blogging tips,good one
Från SeoMozThe Seattle Times: Home & Garden: It's not Idaho, but you still can grow potatoes
growing potatoes in a box
potato box. sounds awesome.
100 pounds of potatoes in 4 square feetWhat Would Dad Say » A Complete List of 100 Attributes of People Who Start Companies:How You Can Be One of America’s Entrepreneurs.
Here are one hundred characteristics and attributes of people who start companies—some born of experience, education or birth. Most can be learned by study and practice.Linux Manua: 10 antidotes anti-Hadopi
Antidote n°1 : Ne pas avoir peur Antidote n°2 : Contester systématiquement Antidote n°3 : Voter Antidote n°4 : Changer d'adresse IP Antidote n°5 : Le Streaming Vidéo Antidote n°6 : La Musique en ligne Antidote n°7 : Le P2P sécurisé Antidote n°8 : Les sites de stockage en ligne Antidote n°9 : Neutralisation du Logiciel Espion d'HADOPI Antidote n°10 : Propagez massivement ces antidotes.20 registry hacks to make your PC more awesome | News | TechRadar UK
Different registry tweaks to do random things. Encryption etc.Lifehacker - Install iTunes Without the Extra Bloat - iTunes
Instalar iTunes sem QuickTimeMicro Persuasion: How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle
How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle[CSS]外部スタイルシートの指定は@importとlinkでどちらがいいか | コリス
そうやねんけど@import以外でやるとメンドイしなぁ管理Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ] » How to Spot Quality within Web Design: Examples & Tips
Finding the perfect font can be done through trial and error, or you can make your choices based upon the different moods certain fonts help bring to a design
Quality is a word that a lot of people like to use when describing their web design services. But what is quality, how do you know if a design is quality or not. Well, I think that there’s quite a few ways to spot quality within web designs. Once you can see just what goes into making a quality web design, you can use the techniques to perfect your own style. I’ve put together a few pointers, and collected some examples to explain just how I look for quality within a website design.Easter Shortcuts: 30 Fascinating Mac Tips « AppStorm
just information let startStoicism 101: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs
senecaApplications of usability principles on a social network | creative briefing
As a result of this, social networks should - I say should because not every social network does this - put greater emphasis on usability over, say, a corporate website. Don’t get me wrong, usability is important everywhere you go on the web, but the nature of a social network’s operation makes usability especially important. This perspective guided my thinking during the redesign of the Daily Challenge beta 2.0 website. Many forks in the road were put to rest at the hands of basic usability principles that dictated righter from wronger (sometimes there was no strictly right or wrong answer). These are the principles that I want to share with you in the following case study of how usability can be applied to a social networkLifehacker - Michael Ruhlman on Freeing Yourself from Recipes - Michael Ruhlman
This article presents further principles and rules that will help your site convert. Among other things, we cover A/B testing, footnotes, testimonials, feature lists, the sign-up process and typography.
7 useful tips the help your site convert. A great article from Smashing Magazine.いろいろな色の名前が分かるサイト色々 | コリス
各国の伝統色 日本、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、ギリシャ、フランスなど
いろいろWriting a Package in Python :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Website Design Winnipeg
# To shorten the time needed to set up everything before starting the real work, in other words the boiler-plate code # To provide a standardized way to write packages # To ease the use of a test-driven development approach # To facilitate the releasing process10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks - Business Center - PC World
Good Article!
What do you do if it's your job promote toilet paper or minivans on the web? Find a great social media gimmick. Here are ten gimmick-building rules of thumb.11 Useful Twitter Tools That Don’t Require Your Password
Now more than ever, company marketers are charged with improving performance with fewer resources and shifting marketing budgets from traditional to digital tactics like SEO and social media. There are significant benefits from combining search engine optimization and social media marketing tactics ranging from increased social network discovery via search to the ability to attract links for improved SEO.8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces « Usability Post
Good reference material on UIs. It's an often overlooked aspect to good design.
Tips and insights into good design and usability.A to Z of WordPress .htaccess Hacks |
HBPublishing: How to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It [from]jQuery selectors and attribute selectors reference and examples | Pamaya - Web Design & Development North Wales - Software Development, Graphic Design and Branding
jQuery selectors and attribute selectors reference and examples
jQuery selectors and attribute selectors are some of the best features jQuery has to offer when it comes to DOM manipulation. Read this article to view a full table with examples.
The following table lists the different methods you have available to you to select nodes when using jQuery. All of the listed selectors should be wrapped in the following to stop your jQuery scripts conflicting with other libraries:How to Become a Freelance Web Developer - Nettuts+
Freelance Web Developer44 Must Learn Web Design Layout Tutorials in Photoshop | Naldz Graphics
Rather than give you a review of the book, which you can find on Amazon, I thought it would be useful to share some ideas and take aways that apply to content creation - the new business of marketing and communications.
EntrepreneurHow To Nail An Interview
entages are fairly obviou
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)デザインを魅力的なものにする、シンプルな10個のテクニック | コリス
web design tipsウェブデザインのクオリティをアップする7つのポイント | コリス
サイト例多し。Seth's Blog: The hierarchy of presentations
Share with students (and administrators and teachers....)
A presentation is a precious opportunity. It's a powerful arrangement... one speaker, an attentive audience, all in their seats, all paying attention (at least at first). Don't waste it. The purpose of a presentation is to change minds. That's the only reason I can think of to spend the time and resources. If your goal isn't to change minds, perhaps you should consider a different approach.Stubbornella » Blog Archive » Reflows & Repaints: CSS Performance making your JavaScript slow?
Going forward the performance community needs to partner more with browser vendors in addition to our more typical black box experiments. Browser makers know what is costly or irrelevant in terms of performance. Opera lists repaint and reflow as one of the three main contributors to sluggish JavaScript, so it definitely seems worth a look.
What causes reflows and repaints. These days usually not a big deal on websites targeted at regular PCs, but could be applicable to mobile devices.
"A repaint occurs when changes are made to an elements skin that changes visibility, but do not affect its layout. Examples of this include outline, visibility, or background color. According to Opera, repaint is expensive because the browser must verify the visibility of all other nodes in the DOM tree. A reflow is even more critical to performance because it involves changes that affect the layout of a portion of the page (or the whole page). Reflow of an element causes the subsequent reflow of all child and ancestor elements as well as any elements following it in the DOM."16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and Blogger | Desizn Tech
16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and BloggerLifehacker - Get Started Growing Indoor Herbs - Saving Money
tips for good photography
10 Top Photography Composition Rules The only rule in photography is that there are no rules. However, there are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition 'rules'.8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs • Blog Archive • AisleOne
I wrote this article for Smashing Magazine and it was published last Friday on their site. I'm re-publishing it here for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.JSONの可能性がグンと拡がるぞ! JSONスキーマ - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記
JSONスキーマAsk Jeremiah: The Comprehensive FAQ Guide to Twitter
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network. Was this helpful? spread the word If you liked the post, please tweet it, by copying and pasting this into twitter: Got a question about Twitter? ask @jowyang Alright, let’s get to work, I’m here to help, this faq will grow over time. Ask Jeremiah: Comprehensive FAQ Guide to Twitter What are common terms and phrases I need to know? Do I Tweet or Twitter? Twitter, which evolved from simple status messages to now a global conversation, is referred to in a number of times. Asking folks: “Are you on Twitte
twitter jeremiah
Ask Jeremiah: « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network.10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About |
As a designer, I think we all have experienced the hard time of finding new ideas and inspirations.
Artigo, encontrando inspiraçãoLifehacker - Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates the Perfect Scrambled Egg Breakfast - Recipes
Don't salt or whisk the eggs before they get into your pan. Give them a break from the heat once they get going, so they can combine and avoid drying out.How to Use Photoshop Gradients Plus 600+ Gradients to Download | Best Design Options
In Photoshop, the gradient tool is one of the most useful especially when creating background, icons, buttons for the web and many other things. Today, let’s have a simple step by step tutorial on how to maximize the use of this Photoshop tool. At the end of this post, you well find plenty of resources that you can download and use for free in your designs. The gradient tool is grouped with the Pain Bucket Tool in the Tools palette usually located on the left side of the screen. And since gradient tool is not the default tool displayed in Photoshop, you have may either use the mouse or first press G and then Shift+G to alternate between the paint bucket tool (which is the default tool displayed) and the gradient tool. HOW TO ACCESS THE GRADIENT TOOL IN THE TOOLS PALETTE: Once the gradient tool is selected, an option bar will appear, which then offer you with options to make a new gradient, customize an existing gradient preset or upload more gradient presets to Photoshop. THE GRADILifehacker - Top 10 Money-Saving Guides for Common Purchases - Buying Guide
Summary of Maven How-Tos10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Useful.Best Foods for a Flat Belly on Yahoo! Health
What if someone told you that the way you eat could whittle your waistline? Sure, you'd think. Give up carbs and rely on rabbit food. Not true! I'm happy to tell you that there are other, yummier ways to go. Certain foods and styles of eating can indeed help flatten your belly (and everywhere else, for that matter). Try these tips and you'll uncover an amazing middle in no time. Gimme a C: I love pink grapefruit and that's a good thing, since research has found that foods that are naturally rich in vitamin C—think citrus fruit, cantaloupe and red peppers—can help reduce fat absorption. In fact, skip it and you may see your middle expand, since diets low in vitamin C have been linked to bigger waistlines. Meet your daily goal of 75 milligrams by snacking on an orange or a cup of strawberries. See how these small changes can add up to big results. Tea up: Women with the highest consumption of catechins, the plant-based antioxidants in tea that may boost fat burn, put on fewer pounds ov
Foodsyahoo yahooFoods FlatBelly Images — Unstoppable Robot Ninja
Ethan follows up his Fluid Grids article with an equally excellent piece on resizing images.
Dynamically scale images with the rest of fluid layouts.
Comprehensive article about using fluid images and details about appropriate ways to achieve this.ウェブデザインにおける効果的な背景の使い方 | コリス
ウェブデザイナーなら覚えておいて損はないはず。Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
Show this to Danny at work.
Design To Sell Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
1. Subliminal Suggestion; 2. Prevent Choice Paralysis; 3. Show The Product; 4. Let People Try It; 5. AIDA; 6. Guide attention; 7. Always Provide Next Actions; 8. The Gutenberg ruleOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Demo Twitter
Guy Kawasaki: One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.iPhone を買ったらやること まとめ - WebOS Goodies
Twitter RT explanation9 Steps To A Happy Relationship With Your Hosting Provider | How-To | Smashing Magazine
5 Simple Tricks To Bring Light and Shadow Into Your DesignsKatz Got Your Tongue? » Evented Programming With jQuery
NOTE TO SELF: when i have free time, learn jQueryretinart - The Grammar Cheat Sheet
win some bar bets
thoughts on graphic design, creativity and beauty5 Ways to Get Your Questions Answered on Twitter
A use for twitter... twttrstrm is brilliant, using Squidoo to create sort of "answer pages"64 Things Every Geek Should Know -
miscWhat is Vertical Align?
Web Design
CSS has a property called vertical align. It can be a bit confusing when you first learn about it, so I thought we could go through it’s use a little bit. The basic usage is like this:Lifehacker - Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter (that Don't Involve Breakfast) - Feature
Twitter has become a nationwide phenomenon, and like any phenom, all the Twitter talk grows quickly tiresome. But despite what you may think, Twitter isn't just for narcissists; it's actually insanely useful.
jk50 Trigger Words and Phrases for Powerful Multimedia Content — Copyblogger
Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is “the difference between lightning and ...Welcome to the Tricki | Tricki
Wiki-style site that is intended to develop into a large store of useful mathematical problem-solving :: Vim regexes are awesome
Some good regex tips for vim. Via @sam_stokes64 Things Every Geek Should Know
pagina interesante sobre tecnologiaGit/Github survival guide | Ivan Porto Carrero
Lately I’ve been helping a few people to get started on Github. I use git at the command line and my survival guide is also based on that way of interacting with Git. So I thought I’d write the procedure up so that I can just point people to this page.50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Tutorials | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Among other things, we cover high-speed photography, tilt-shift photography, black and white photography, motion blur, infrared, night, smoke photography, macro photography, HDR, panoramic photography, RAW processing and others. Hopefully, you’ll find many of the listed tutorials and how-tos useful for your regular work.| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 知っておくと便利なYouTubeの隠しパラメータ10個まとめ
URLに指定する変数 (ループ再生etc..)
YouTubeパラメータまとめ10 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100 on Yahoo! Health
Note to read later.写真がうまくなりたい?「ひとつ上の構図」を目指すための9のTips - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
写真の切り取り方。7番目の写真は足尾?10 Twitter Tips for the Workplace - Business Center - PC World
Business Center - PC World
Pioneers in Workplace Tweets suggest the most effective use of the microblogging technology.
Having trouble convincing your boss that Twitter isn't a waste of time? Then you might find it interesting to learn that social media evangelists across the U.S. federal government are blasting out Tweets several times a day to their constituents. Here are their suggestions for how to integrate new media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr into a large, old-fashioned bureaucracy:51 ActionScript 3.0 and Flex optimization techniques and practices | InsideRIA
actionscript actionscript3
Actionscript Flex OptimizationThe Best Ways to Discover Music Through Twitter | Epicenter from
"Twitter's growing fame as a text platform is slightly deceiving. A huge amount of music gets posted to to the messaging service every single day — the trick is knowing how to find it."
The Best Ways to Discover Music Through TwitterThe Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines — Copyblogger
Twitter has become the place for sharing content links. If your content catches attention on Twitter and spreads, suddenly you’re getting significant traffic from people who may have never visited your site before.
Artículo con consejos acerca de escribir entradas en Twitter con valor añadido.
Yes! This will be covered in @TheBook.Lifehacker - Essential Tools for Starting Up Your Side Business - Entrepreneurial
Let's look closely at a crucial and time-saving product for designers called Adobe Kuler. We’ll learn to explore, create and share color themes using the
Come usare Adobe Kuler
usando o kuler da adobeブラウザチェックに使える無料ツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
各ブラウザや携帯の画面をチェックする。Dr. Alex Benzer: Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating
haha/do we really need a 'significant other' to be a worthy person?
Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time DatingjQuery Link Repository
As I start on my venture to really start using jQuery a lot more outside of simple form validation, I wanted to share some really great links I found lately that once again got me fired up about jQuery. This is part of my initial research into more jQuery as we’re going to be using it extensively in our new redesign for the .com I am working at so might as well dig more in now. I’ve used jQuery in the past and know its power & philosophy behind unobtrusive JavaScript and JQuery, but have not yet worked on anything extremely extensive outside aiding to help create a custom validation control in MVC using jQuery in the past. Personally (some agree, some don’t) I think the jQuery Site’s tutorials & API docs are only “fair” at this point in time, so you need a lot of links to supplement the learning process. While yes, you keep hearing that jQuery makes things “easier”, no matter what you hear, the learning curve is a still bit steep at first for even some of the best developers I’ve
colección muy extensa de recursos jquery: tutoriales, plugins, repositorios, bla bla bla...18 Useful Plugins & Hacks To Protect Your WordPress Blog |
Even if you think you’re pretty smart or have a good memory, your brain is begging you to work it to its full potential. Getting stuck in the same routine, never exercising and eating junk food are all brain killers that decrease good cognitive function and increase your chances of memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s. But with these 50 tips and ideas for flexing your brain power, you’ll be able to boost performance right now and in the future.How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Fragen des Webdesigners an den Kunden
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire It might not be possible to have a meaningful relationship with price shoppers, but it’s worth taking the time to learn what your potential clients want in a website. This article will help you create a prospect qualification questionnaire that can be used via telephone or Internet or in face-to-face meetings.How to Make a Photoshop Montage | Webdesigner Depot
For creations
Photoshop Tutorial - How to Make a Photoshop Montage優れたユーザインタフェースを設計する際に考慮する8つのポイント | コリス
優れたユーザインタフェース設計するポイントThe Lazy Rule of Thirds | Whimsical Fashion Photography
photo theory
it is echoedThe 5 Things I’d Tell My 21 Year Old Entrepreneurial Self |
"take as much risk as you can as early as you can"
+ excellent quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” —Jim Rohn.Twenty-Two Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
UbuntuUsing XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development
Bookmark this one, it's an excellent step by step guide to installing xampp for when you start working with Wordpress :-)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.
install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment
Nice tutorial for win & mac installation25 Social Media Marketing Tips from Dell, Comcast, HP, Wells Fargo, Best Buy, General Mills, Ford, UPS, Home Depot, Cirque du Soleil | Online Marketing Blog
there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web. This post provides specific advice from in-house social media marketers
The benefit from a firm grasp of social media for companies is impossible to ignore. Whether you work in marketing, advertising, public relations or interactive, there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web.The Mystery Of CSS Sprites: Techniques, Tools And Tutorials | CSS | Smashing Magazine
CSS Sprites are not new. In fact, they are a rather well-established technique and have managed to become common practice in Web development. Of course, CSS sprites are not always necessary, but in some situation they can bring significant advantages and improvements – particularly if you want to reduce your server load. And if you haven’t heard of CSS sprites before, now is probably a good time to learn what they are, how they work and what tools can help you create and use the technique in your projects.
The new technique allows you to apply any corrections to your make-up, allows you to minimize number of requests
The Mystery Of CSS Sprites: Techniques, Tools And Tutorials | CSS | Smashing Magazine10 Dirty Little Web Development Tricks
@デザイン全般に言える影の効果 ライトは対象物を射しシャドウを生み出します。デザインに奥行きを与え、ビジュアル的な刺激を生み出します。
質感を高めるためのTipsFlashとAction Script3.0のチュートリアル30 | CREAMU
かっこよさげなチュートリアル今年こそ!睡眠を極めるためのテクニック&睡眠系エントリまとめ : ロケスタ社長日記
新社会人の人とかが「仕事中眠くて・・・」とか「生活習慣が急に変わってつらい」とかよく言っています。 いちいち伝えるのが大変なので、前回に引き続き、まとめ系のエントリです。Ubuntu brings advanced Screen features to the masses - Ars Technica
Transparent generering av konfigurationsfiler är rätt metod att överbygga svårigheter, inte att skriva dum-GUI:n som abstraherar bort allt under dem! Trappor, inte teleportrar!
Great intro to screen for those who have never really mastered its use.13 Tutorials & Resources for a Perfect Twitter Background | Design Reviver
creating seamless backgrounds
Twitter is probably the most hyped social network out there, all the mainstream medias are talking about it and a lot of celebrities are using the service. The
Ultimately, I don't really care too much to tool around with the layout of Twitter-- way too many folks overdo it-- but I am occasionally fascinated when I see interesting-looking profiles.Paul Irish » Browser-specific CSS hacks
I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe.
"I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe."49 Creative Ways You Can Profit From Content Marketing — Copyblogger
Creative Ways You Can Profit From Content Marketing
Maybe you think “content marketing” means having a blog that makes money. Or that it’s about producing content for sites ...The Art of Crafting Beautiful Stylesheets «
The FontFeed is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world. Eat up.
With the invention of “desktop publishing”, designers found themselves setting type on their computers for the first time. Until then, they had made type specifications for typesetters and left the job up to the professionals. As a result, you can still see classic inaccuracies in typesetting, even in top-quality printed matter. Here you will find some tips from Erik Spiekermann, designer of FF Meta®, Meta Design founder, co-author of “Stop Stealing Sheep”, and a FontShop founder, which will prevent some of the more obvious blunders.
Succinct and useful typography guidelines for everyone laying pixels on the web. Read the comments for the back and forth over the “padded en” vs the em dash. Is the em dash dying?50+ Promising Collection Of Resources And Inspirations For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In April @ SmashingApps
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tutoriais úteis
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers250+ Super Cool Wordpress Tutorials - Newbie To Pro | AntsMagazine
Wordpress Tutorials【PC Watch】 不要PCを無償でリサイクル処分してくれるパソコンファーム利用体験記 ~宅配便で送るだけの超簡単システム
ほー9 Ways to Make Your WordPress Blog “Smart” | Weblog Tools Collection
Many of you might be confused by the title and the term “smart”. To me a “smart” blog is a blog that behaves differently depending on its visitors’ behavior and characteristics. A simple example of this is a blog that displays a list of today’s most popular posts on the sidebar. The list changes based on visitors’ behavior so to this is definitely a smart blog feature. There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that do this for you automatically (e.g. Top 10), but that is not the point. The point here is that having the ability to morph your blog per visitor activity can assist you in meeting your conversion goals (whatever they may be). A list of popular posts is quite a simple feature, so let me take you to another level by showing you more ways to make your blog smart.Secret Sauce: 10 Game-changing Tips from the World’s Top Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
“Learn from the best, or die like the rest.” Sobering words for a freelancer! In this article we try to discover what separates the best from the rest. What are the world’s top freelancers doing that the rest of us aren’t? Some of the advice you read here might seem surprising or counter-intuitive. You may read hints you have never tried. The question is: Will you give them a go? 1. “End every prospect meeting or phone call with an agreed-upon next step.” - Ed Gandia Ed Gandia is a freelance copywriter with a lot of experience. Starting his business life as an entrepreneur at age eight, he spent eleven years as a sales professional and senior account executive before starting starting his copyrighting business which focuses on software and high-tech industries. This melding of sales experience and successful freelancing makes Ed a voice worth listening to. Ed’s advice could come straight from a David Allen “Getting Things Done” book. In his article “The Power of the Next Step“, Ed10 Ways To Be Useful on Twitter
Progression 初めの一歩!
Progressionのコトハジメ。The Mindfulness Guide for the Super Busy: How to Live Life to the Fullest | Zen Habits
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy.
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy. But not only is it possible, I’d submit that it’s desirable, and that it’ll help the busy (and non-busy) achieve their goals and enjoy life more fully. One of my favorite web big shots, founder Kevin Rose (who is actually heading several companies and multiple other projects), has “be mindful” at the top of his resolutions for 2009. I hope he’s doing well, and I’d love to hear how someone as busy as he is implements a resolution like that. But in case Mr. Rose, and other super-busy types, are having trouble being mindful and living life to the fullest, this guide will help. Enjoying Life and Achieving Goals It seems contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals … but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and enjoy life more. Focusing on one task at a time, putting yourself fully in30 Essential Twitter Tutorials for Newbies and Experts | Post | Outlaw Design Blog
Twitter tips7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio Site
7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio SiteIn the Woods - Examples and Tips for Great HTML/CSS Formatting
Examples and Tips
RT @IsaacVanName: Examples and #Tips for Great #HTML/#CSS #Formatting (via @rilwis) [from]
An overlooked aspect of websites is the formatting of HTML and CSS documents. This affects validation, SEO, and visual ease of use. Visual ease of use is the last thing most authors tend to keep in mind, but it’s still very important.PHP, Web and IT stuff » Blog Archive » How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?
Explicación de los diferentes opciones css. Sencillos y claros ejemplos. Eso sí, en perfecto inglés...
10 Great CSS Selectors you must know!!!!!! <----10 Mistakes Logo Designers Can Make When Designing Logos - Free Logo Critiques
10 Mistakes Logo Designers Can Make When Designing Logos - Free Logo CritiquesREST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:”
REST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:” Conflating models and resources In the REST world, the resource is key, and it’s really tempting to simply look at a Django model and make a direct link between resources and models — one model, one resource. This fails, though, as soon as you need to provide any sort of aggregated resource, and it really fails with highly denormalized models. Think about a Superhero model: a single GET /heros/superman/ ought to return all his vital stats along with a list of related Power objects, a list of his related Friend objects, etc. So the datMaximize the Use of Hover
Intéressant. C'est du connu mais un bon résumé d'ensemble. A voir pour un cours avancé sur les CSS ?
Internet adviceA Comprehensive Introduction to the Type Tool - Psdtuts+
Type is the Photoshop tool to create vector outlines and mathematical shapes to define the symbols of a typeface. It's located on the standard Tool Bar as a tiny T. The keyboard shortcut of this is the letter (T), and if you hold click over that tool (or Shift + T several times) you'll see four options: Horizontal Type, Vertical Type, Horizontal Type Mask and Vertical Type Mask.
type tool tutorial
Sehr gute, aber englische Einführung in die Textwerkzeuge von Photoshop.
Who doesn't know the Type Tool? This is maybe one of the most powerful and useful tools of Photoshop. We've all used it at least once, but do you know all its potential? That's why I decided to write a comprehensive guide about Photoshop's Type tool, including do's and don'ts of the most important features of this tool.9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design - Psdtuts+
Make sure you scroll down.22 Professional Photoshop Image Enhancing Tutorials
At Hashrocket we use git both internally and in our Agile mentoring and training. Git gives us the flexibility to design a version control workflow that meets the needs of either a fully Agile team or a team that is transitioning towards an Agile process.
git config alias.datetag '!git tag `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`'50 Simple Marketing Ideas All Freelancers Can Use - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
This is a quick and dirty scorecard, if I was going one for a real Forrester report, it would be far more conclusive, weighted , detailed, quantitative, and scientific, but today, this is just a quick example, to illustrate a point we already know, let’s get to it, please, turn your head and cough:
Post by Jeremiah Owyang, social media consultant at Forrester Research.サイトマップをフッタに配置する際のポイントとその効果 | コリス
コリスさん日本語訳。/元記事: to Send and Receive Hotmail from Your Gmail Account :: Mysticgeek’s Realm
Have you ever wanted to read your Hotmail from inside your Gmail account? Today we'll show you how to both send and receive using your, or email addresses… but from within Gmail instead.
Let's see if I can use gmail to push my hotmail e-mail directly to my phone for free during the day when I am away from the computer AND make it be in a readable format for the phone!
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To GeekThe Many Uses of Vodka
Oh, I am so making a vodka face toner.
#16. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin.
Some good tips in here
Interesting uses EditionHow-To
You love your friends and enjoy your acquaintances, but their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/MySpace activity is killing your productivity.
How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social LifePositively Paula: 10 Tips for Social Media Marketers
There have been many chapters in the book of my life, some sad but most really happy. I’m now at the end of another chapter and it is bittersweet. I’m leaving H&R Block to become the General Manager of a new online shopping site that will be launching this fall. I’m excited to start this new chapter as it is fulfilling one of my dreams, but, sad to leave behind a great brand and wonderful colleagues.The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right Domain Names | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Naming is linguistic design, and a good domain name is an important part of the overall design of a website. A name plays a prominent role when people discover, remember, think about, talk about, search for, or navigate to a website. It establishes a theme for the branding of a website before people even visit it for the first time. Coming up with a good domain name requires a combination of strategy, imagination and good linguistic design practice. You’ll find some basic pieces of advice all over the Web, and it’s worth mentioning those right away. Ideally, your domain name should be: * Short * Catchy and memorable, * Easy to pronounce, * Easy to spell, * Not too similar to competing domain names, * Not a violation of someone else’s trademark.CSS Image Map Techniques and Tutorials | Design Reviver
List of the best and the most helpful techniques and tutorials of css image mapping.
A CSS Image Map by definition is using a single image with defining multiple clickable hotspots, whether to show information or as navigation. There are a multitude of solutions, here are listed and demonstrated by far the best and the most helpful techniques and tutorials.画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法 | コリス
画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法Securing a Web server
from ibm developerworksReader meet author: Five tips for successfully deploying Maven
Search Result pageAsk Lifehacker: How Do I Setup a One-Way File Sync Backup?
Mostly windows basedHow To Monitor Online Conversations
Keeping up with online conversations can be a daunting task. As a freelance consultant, I not only need to keep up with what people are saying about me and my company, but I also need to monitor the latest industry trends to learn new skills and stay relevant. While wearing my blogging hat, I also have to keep up with conversations that would be interesting to web workers for this blog, or relevant for people building online communities for my own blog.
social media measurement, monitoringAnthropology: The Art of Building a Successful Social Site - ReadWriteWeb
Spolsky on how to make a successful social site
Subscribe to ReadWriteWeb * Subscribe to RWW via RSS * Follow @rww on Twitter * Join the RWW FriendFeed Room *How To Grow Your Blog Through Customer Development
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
The gadgets you love don't always love you back—at least when it comes to battery life. But you can get more from your laptop, your iPod, your phone, and other devices with these 10 techniques. Photo by conskeptical. 10. Turn C batteries into Ds with quarters Only a few things ever need D batteries, but who has them handy when you need those things? If you've got some slightly more handy C batteries around, you only need a few quarters to turn them into makeshift Ds. You won't get the same longevity, and you'll have to part with up to $1.50 for a bit, but it works, and it might just turn you into the family hero when you rescue that seemingly useless big-lens flashlight. 9. Keep your iPod "held" and updated If you haven't hit the "Update" button since you got your iPod, old or new, fire up iTunes and do so—the newest firmware, in many cases, can boost your battery life. Once you've done that, run through Playlist Magazine's battery saving tips, which include keeping backlighting, thThe Do’s & Don’ts of Modern Web Design • Relevant, snacksized web design resources
Do's & don'ts van webdesignSmart tricks to make you a Photoshop black belt | News | TechRadar UK
find new tricks and different ways to do thingsHow To Build Your Own Single Page Portfolio Website
Web PortfolioPhotojojo » Black and White Conversion: The Best Ways to Turn Color Digital Photos Into Beautiful B&W
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Converting color to B&W - discusses RGB channels and channel mixer10 Essential Plugins Every Modern Wordpress Site Should Have | Freelance Folder
I've been working with a lot of newcomers to SEO lately thanks to our PRO membership Q+A (BTW - sorry for the delays, the volume's tripled in the last 3 weeks, so we're a bit overwhelmed). It's been a great learning experience and I've gotten to see many of the struggles and misconceptions that affect entrants to the subject.漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: MySQLのEXPLAINを徹底解説!!
css sprites tips from Mozilla
CSS Spriting TipsADC—CSS Recipes for WebKit
A strategic approach for organizations which are using Twitter to connect with their audiences, developed by Ogilvy's 360 Degree Digital Influence group.50+ Truly Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Amazing Photo Effects @ SmashingApps
50+ Truly Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Amazing Photo EffectsLifehacker - Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results - Search Techniques
This is invaluable! (Especially helpful for things like writing Silverlight 2 code, where the documentation is largely in blog posts, and the way to make CustomControls changed significantly between Beta 2 and RTW.)
Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
People become freelancers for all sorts of reasons. Very few do it to get into business - that’s just a side effect. To be successful freelancers, we need to be savvy business people. Understanding business takes work - some light reading, some heavy ploughing though your government’s forms and requirements, maybe some serious study, and keeping up with business news and events. Material for small businesses and entrepreneurs will be especially helpful. Here is a reading list for you to pick and choose from: 40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business. This list is a starting point.
Sources for business information for freelancers or self-employed persons.
at FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance BlogA List Apart: Articles: Taking the Guesswork Out of Design
How a Graphic Design consultant should operate.
Creativity breathes life into successful websites. However, creative ideas and solutions can sometimes seem like guesswork—and guessing is risky business. So what can designers do to show clients they’re using a solid strategy and have the best intentions? The following exercises are a great way to start discussing and documenting aspects of design to help clients shed their fear of creativity and encourage them to join the design process.6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter
So, you’ve been on Twitter for awhile and realize it has some value beyond updating others on your every move. You may have followers and conversations, but most of your tweeps are on the surface. So, how do you build stronger connections? Here are 6 ways to take your connections deeper: 1. Add Value One big theme here is giving value on Twitter. People do not want to be sold, spammed or overwhelmed with tweets of little value. Think before you tweet. Ask, will this add value? Will this help someone? 2. Listen. Really? I thought Twitter is where I get to talk and tell people stuff. - Use the Favorites to save things you are listening to and might want to talk about later. - Try to read your tweet-stream in batches rather than watching your Tweetdeck all day. 3. Get engaged. Start conversations. - If someone in your stream asks a question? Reply. Share your knowledge. - If someone is looking for help? Offer your help or make an introduction to someone who can. - Like what s
RT @tweetmeme 6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter [from]
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RT @dustyedwards: 6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter ... [from]101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress
This is the first article in the four-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress“. Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites. There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first. Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. Each section of the article presents a suggestion and provides you with an explanation of the solution for each suggestion. 1. Create a static home page By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top. If your goal is to have a WP-created Page with static information, WordPress will allow you to select a different page as your home page so that you can display more traditional content like information about yourself or your business. How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting
Some good tips on basic wordpress tweaking
static homepages, smart menus, better CMS ... sharp wordpresses!ギャルゲーブログ 便利な画像ください
【コンテンツ(抜粋)】 端子名。 マクド原価一覧。 首都圏路線図。 色彩表。 靴紐の結び方。 広告関連会社の相関図。 ピザのレシピ。 天皇家系図。 3期以上存在するアニメ一覧(抜粋)2008/08/10現在。 各国の歴代首相&歴代大統領。 ゲーム機の大きさ比較。 新年金制度でもらえる年金額。 犬年齢早見表。 エロゲー声優一覧。 オーブンでエビフライの作り方。 色盲検査。 幼女強姦被害者とエロゲーの歴史。 風呂敷の包み方。 袴の着方。 ひげの名前。 ネクタイの結び方。 一分で描ける乳首の描き方。 週刊少年ジャンプアシスタント系統図Rev5.8。 オナニーの仕方でわかる性格診断。 東京拘置所の刑場図。 電脳悪魔絵師金子一馬の悪魔のドット絵講座。 髪の毛の描き方。 DV冤罪フロチャート。 都道府県ごとの自殺、老衰による死者の割合。 SEX四十八手。 牛肉の部位。 母親のためのエロ本の隠し場所。 国別ピザの人口。 浴衣の着方。 磯野家家系図。 海外で人気の日本マンガランキング200804-06米英独仏中。 救命措置の流れ(心肺蘇生法とAEDの使用)。 日、米、独、国連の道路標識の概要。Seth's Blog: Thinking about business models
Because I've been thinking about business models.
1) What compelling reason exists for people to give you money? (or votes or donations) 2) How do you acquire what you're selling for less than it costs to sell it? 3) What structural insulation do you have from relentless commoditization and a price war? 4) How will strangers find out about the business and decide to become customers?Nine Twitter tips for business | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
Here's how to strike the right balance when using this popular service to promote your business. (Hint: don't use it to spam everyone you know.)
James, I know how much you love Twitter. I think you should check this article out. It might give you more direction on how you should use your account.
A few neat tips on how businesses, not individuals, can use TwitterGoogle検索の「&as_qdr=y15」オプションが便利だぞ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Google検索の「&as_qdr=y15」オプションが便利だぞ * 2009-05-05 (Tue) 9:03 * Google関連 * hatena button * hatena count * save this page Googleで検索するときに「&as_qdr=y15」をつけると検索結果に「そのサイトがいつ公開されたか」を表示してくれます。 クリックしてみたけどえらい昔のサイトだったよ・・・という事態を防ぐことができて便利なのでは。 gs ↑ こんな感じ。便利。 なお、この日付は最初にクロールされた日ではなくて、最初に公開された日らしいです。サイトマップやらなにやらから計算しているらしいですが、100%正確ではないのでご注意を。そこらへん詳しく知りたい人は原文をあたってくださいな。 » Lifehacker - Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results - Search Techniques
IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログCommand line made easy: five simple recipes for grep - Ars Technica
Ars Technica: The Art of Technology * All * Apple * Business * Gadgets * Gaming * Hardware * Microsoft * Open Source * Science * Tech Policy * More o Media o Software o Security o Staff o Telecom o Web * News * Guides * Reviews * Customize o Choose site theme: White Black o Choose body font: Arial Helvetica * OpenForum * Login/Join Open Ended : Ars covers the world of open source20 CSS Short Hands You'll Love
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Lifehacker - Kill Frozen Windows Apps Easily - How-to50 Useful Twitter Tools for Writers and Researchers | Online College Degree
Twitter is a wonderful social tool, but did you know that it's also a goldmine of information?
Twitter tools for getting local or topical information, setting up alerts for updates on particular topics, search, trends, distributing and organizing information. (BTW, I really like the design of this paricular site)Placing a CSS background image horizontally right on an h2 using a span element | Veerle's blog
interesting CSS trick to add to the bag of tricksThe 4 Hour Workday |
toreadResearch: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Saving $ on travels
online and print sources - how to use them well when jetting10 Things to Be Clear About Before You Start a Company - ReadWriteStart
AutoPagerize43,439 reasons to use append() correctly » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Learning jQuerySaving Money: 112 Ways To Save Money
David Pogue’s list of “The Best Photography Tricks of All Time.”How to Make Gmail Your Ultimate Productivity Center | Zen Habits
How to use Gmail as productivity hubCareer Advice: Boring Within or Simply Boring? - Inside Higher Ed
In the age of computer-based learning, lecturing gets treated like Model-T Ford. Don’t be deceived; lecturing remains a staple of the academy and it’s likely to remain so for quite some time. University class sizes have swelled in the wake of budget cuts that have delayed (or canceled) faculty searches. A recent study of eleven Ohio four-year colleges reveals that 25 percent of introductory classes have more than 120 students and only a shortage of teaching assistants has kept the percentage that low. At the University of Massachusetts, 12 percent of all classes have enrollments of over 50 and lectures of over 200 are quite common. As long as universities operate on the assembly-line model, lecturing will remain integral to the educational process.
"The most common reason for bad lecturing isn’t phobia; it’s that professors don’t value the craft enough to hone their skills. Use such individuals as negative role models. Think of the most boring lecturer you’ve ever encountered. Do the opposite! Bad lecturers violate nearly every rule of good communication. They never vary voice timbre or pitch. They either stare at their notes or ignore them altogether and ramble onto whatever topic comes to mind. They never make eye contact with their audience or use visual aids and handouts. Everything comes out at the same speed, and they never, ever show the slightest bit of life when discussing the very subject that supposedly excites them. Check for a pulse; if you can stay awake! Step one to improving your lecture skills is to purge yourself of bad communication habits, but the rest of lecturing is a formula. Mix with enthusiasm and repeat the following ..."
Advice on lecturingAll You Need to Know to Tweet on Twitter -
May 6, 2009
Article on how to use Twitter.Restaurants, Hotels, Travel and Vacations -
With a plethora of add-ons and extensions, created for developers by developers, Firefox becomes much more than just a browser and turns into an essential part of your toolbox. Here are 10 free add-ons covering everything from DOM inspection to screenshots, making designing and developing with Firefox a breeze.
Firefox has emerged victorious from the Great Browser War - at least as far as web developers are concerned. While it may not be the most-used browser for the everyday web surfer, Firefox is clearly the first choice of developers for a few very simple reasons. Its support for web standards is legendary, but the real super powers come from Firefox’s extensibility.gist: 67060 - GitHub
We “finished” and the launch came and went. We were not making as much money as we thought we would. We weren’t even getting as many signups as we anticipated. People demanded grandiose features we didn’t have the time to implement. Our cash reserves were running low and we soon needed to return to consulting. Which was always part of the plan, but I had hoped we’d be optimistic about FamSpam’s future when that time came. We were not.
keynote from Startup Riot 2009, about how to become successful - do what you want!
Text of Chris Wanstrath's from Github's keynote at Startup Riot 2009
the most amazing features imaginable would make us money. We had no data available on whether building features specifically to make money would work.
startupriot.textileOverride Inline Styles with CSS
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)Seth's Blog: Can you change everything?
List of ways to change/think outside the box.
via @chaffey
Hi Lyle, this is a post you may have seen, but I want to suggest that you keep this note in the back of your mind for when you get stuck - and in business one often get's stuck. Cheers, Ian5-Minute Meals That Melt Off Pounds on Yahoo! Health
Luckily, we have some menus that will keep you slim, satisfied and genuinely surprised that healthy food can taste that good.8のjQueryのすごいTIPS[to-R] = "_blank";は盲点。考えたらこれで充分だよなぁ…。
フォントのリサイズとか画像のプリロードとかいろいろ新社会人が仕事を覚えるために、今すぐ読むべき良記事15つ : ロケスタ社長日記
George emailed me with an interesting question. Paraphrasing George, liberally, what's are some good ways to keep developers sharpening the saw - Covey Habit #7? There's been lots of talk about being a better developer, but what about the unmotivated masses? (Don't worry, we can talk about them, because, since they are unmotivated, they aren't reading blogs.) ;) The assumption being that for every totally-amped developer who is always striving to get better, there's at least 10 developers who are saying, "Hey, it's 5:01pm, I've just checked in massive changes, can I punch out?" Here's some ideas, some mine, some Georges. I'm interested in yours:
m, created diverse teams, and set them to work to design algorithms, define, write, document, and test some application. The application needs to have universal appeal, so sales and accounting can have fun. One year we did a Word Search (like the kind in the newspaper). Everyone participated and there were reasonably significant prizes.The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media.: The Social Path
Envy: Don’t be dissuaded by other people “doing it better than you.” I don't actually think it is Envy, but more of a lack of self-worth / perfectionism, at least among the Indies that I know. But I guess that wouldn't fit into a 7 Deadly Sins list.20+ Best Tutorials to Convert Psd to Html/CSS | Dzine Blog
20+ Tutoriale pentru a transpune din Psd in Html/CSS [from]Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
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using FINDHOW TO: Use Twitter for Customer Service
Customer service can evoke some serious misgivings or negative emotions. Although customer support is designed to help the consumer, the pain of waiting for a phone representative and the impersonal emails can cause more damage than good for a brand. People are turned off by the term and companies have begun to use different terminology to describe their » Posts » 30 Days to Become a Freelancer
Key Takeaways * GTD is a complex system that requires a lot of customisation. * Many users still find it useful and many others now offer their own customised version. * A new book by author David Allen promises to expand the concept to address work and life harmony. Beyond GTD: Why Thousands of GTD Fans Are Looking for More The most effective information workers in today’s competitive global marketplace are those who can master their time and their focus, producing both quality and quantity of output. » Get the PDF or MP3 audio “What is Wrong with GTD” from the Club library. At the online book-giant, the same book tops the search list of 170,000 plus titles on productivity and over 70,000 on time management. It’s called “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” and was written by David Allen, a mild-mannered time-management superman disguised as a Californian management consultant. First published in 2001, Allen’s 250-plus page how-to bookPhotoshop Screenshot Trick
View a screenshot trick for Photoshop
Ampliar fotos sin perder calidad
como subir los DPI de una captura de pantalla
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selectiv11 Cool (& Sometimes Useless) Things You Can Do With Your Macbook |
Things You Can Do With Your Macbook
In the first part of “Utilize Your Mac SMS” series, we discussed a SMS-based application to prevent Macbook theft. Now we will discuss other cool applications utilizing the Sudden Motion Sensor feature of Mac laptops.
Apple SMS Apps25 Unique uses of WordPress as CMS | Noupe
WordPress is often thought of as little more than a blogging platform. But it’s capable of so much more. Through a little customization and the use of plugins, WordPress can easily be transformed into a full-featured content management system. Here are more than 25 sites who have done just that (and done it well).
WordPress is often thought of as little more than a blogging platform. But it's capable of so much more. Through a little customization and the use of plugins,19 Reasons You Should Blog And Not Just Tweet
Practical things to do with your camera.
This is funny - but amazing - great tips that will make your life easier and have me thinking - now why didn't I think of that?
12 Ways to Use Your Camera as a Tool
A camera is not only to take picturesSix reasons why no one likes you online - The Viral Garden
There are only three kinds of classic meetings: 1. Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. 2. Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. 3. Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no.
Meetings are marketing in real time with real people. (A conference is not a meeting. A conference is a chance for a circle of people to interact). There are only three kinds of classic meetings: Information. This is a meeting...
"# Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. # Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. # Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no."firefox 3が遅くなった→ SQLite reindexで解決&高速化 - しおそると
SQLite Managerを使いプロファイル情報をdb化
this bookmark brought from the different place初心者が簡単にプロっぽく記事の内容を仕上げるテクニック*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
見出しは大事ですな。findを極める! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
find . -empty
定期的に上がるねfindネタCreating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - PSDTUTS
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ - 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives EasierPresentation Zen: Making presentations in the TED style
Making presentations in the TED styleProfessional Tips for Improving Photoshop’s Performance - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the Photoshop Preferences to increase our Performance. With more and more features and important improvements,Egg Substitutes: Handy Recipe List :
What to substitute for eggs with what you have handy Also links to other substituionsHow to Mine Twitter for Information
Last week, I admitted that I am an information junkie, and I wanted to follow up this week with a ...10 Ways To Put Your Content In Front Of More People | How-To | Smashing Magazine
10 maneras de poner el contenido de un web site o Blog frente a tu audienciaLifehacker - Web-Based Tracks Keeps Your GTD System in Order - Getting Things Done
Something to look into, maybe
Windows/Mac/Linux: Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere. We've featured BitNami before, as they have a slew of handy installers for a variety of server applications. Now they've taken the fantastic Getting Things Done tool Tracks and rolled their own installation package, making it a breeze to install. If you've come across Tracks before and been put off by all the things you'd need to install and configure, the BitNami installer removes the hassle. Although the installation is entirely automated, it does take a chunk of time—on our test machine it took a good 20 minutes to fully unpack and install. Not a big deal if, but worth noting. Once installed, there is a brief setup where you create a user name and login and then you're on your way. The interface is easy to use and very polished. A significant amount of thought has been put into making entering and managing your tasks as
Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere.LinkedIn SuperGuide -Tutorials, Tips and Tools
linkedin tipsStyling your Lists: 20+ Brilliant How to’s and Best Practices | DevSnippets
When we think about CSS-Styled lists, different ideas come to mind but that rusty old image of bulleted items is not one of them anymore. There are lots of different methods to format nice HTML lists that is used in most web designs not only for navigation menu (vertical or horizontal) but for formatting many design blocks in a stylish and elegant manner. In this article, we’ll have a look at how such lists can create a whole new look, feel, and effect of a site.10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a ‘Bang’ | Webdesigner Depot
info on how to launch a new blog with a BANG!Twitter Puts a Muzzle on Your Friends: Goodbye People I Never Knew (Updated) - ReadWriteWeb
A good list of Mac performance tips
I think you should do this.Vertically Center Multi-Lined Text
Includes workable solution for IE < 8.How To Photograph Rock Concerts - The Basics
I've noticed on that there are a few people who would like to have an ubuntu-desktop-minimal edition instead of the default ubuntu-desktop which bundles software that not all of us use. I'm one of those users who likes to build his system from the ground up, so I wrote this simple post-install script which will give you a complete minimal desktop. After running this script your system will look the same as a fresh install of ubuntu just without all the added software. The first step to accomplish this is install a base system either using the Ubuntu Minimal CD (I use this along with my personal repository to create quick installs) or you can use the Ubuntu Server edition. Once the base installation completes, login and run the following script, then reboot.
ubuntuミニマルインストール法 サーバーエディションなどをインストールしたあとxとgnomeの基本的なパッケージを追加これからGitを始める人が読むべき記事のまとめ :
git のまとめ
WEB DB PRESS Vol.50号に、Gitの特集記事 / Gitの開発者である Junio C Hamano氏(日本人)が執筆しているため、内容が新しくて正確 / Gitは便利なサブコマンドの進化が早いので、ソースからコンパイルしてインストールすることをおすすめ
GitとかGithubとかを始めるときのチュートリアル。参考資料がまとめてある。The Journalist's Guide to Twitter
By and large, an excellent article.
good list
30 HTML Best Practices for BeginnersMake High-Impact Backgrounds for Your Designs with Photoshop
Make High-Impact Backgrounds for Your Designs with PhotoshopWhy Does Clean Markup Matter in Web Design? | Webdesigner Depot
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a way to stay ahead during times of recession. Today, there are many individuals on the web pursuing their career as a freelancer. Bloggers, web designers, social media strategists and many others have found that freelancing is a great way to utilize their skills and sell their services through the wonderful medium we call the internet.
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a
A collection of tools for freelance writers and designers14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the Web
From Around the Web
14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the WebHOW TO: Simplify Your Social Media Routine
mashable with several good steps
Oh, was I happy when I saw this title today? Yes, very. Does it simplify my social media routine? Nope. But their advice is not bad: say less and make it meaningful, read less and scan more to get to those really juicy things you need and like, be friends with the people who like you and don't forget to manage your time. That's what my grandma is telling me since I was 8.
zuviel social media? 6 überschaubare tips
redesocial 3 SocialMediaRoutineSimplify Things to Check Before Using a CAPTCHA
great ideas
In this post portrait photographer Alexis Godschalk shares some tips on shooting studio like portraits on a budget by talking us through a shoot he did with a band recently. portraits-budget.jpg When I started doing photography years ago, I really wanted to shoot fantastic shots, I wanted to make sure that my photographs would be considered for a gallery showing. All I had was Canon 10D and a flash. Most of what I shot was candid and in the style of photo journalism and even though this was fine I wanted more. What kept me from shooting clean studio like portraits was the mistaken belief that I needed loads of expensive equipment. One day a friend of mine approached me about photographing his band. He had just gotten new management and wanted to make the band band look pro. He started by showing me some photography he liked and we started talking about what could and could not be done. One of the shots he like was a clean shot with dramatic lighting again a black background. I told
** to read **100 Online Brainstorming Tools to Help You Think Outside the Box - Forensic Science Technician
A lateral thinking process, brainstorming demands that people come up with ideas and thoughts that can seem shocking or crazy. By using these ideas as a starting point, you can then change and improve them into something useful and original. Below are the top 100 tools, tips, guides, and resources to help you think outside the box and maximize your ideas.
A lateral thinking process, brainstorming demands that people come up with ideas and thoughts that can seem shocking or crazy.How to Elevate Your Website Design Process and Results - Psdtuts+
This tutorial will guide you through the process and ideas behind the designing a professional website with a funky flair in Photoshop. The tutorial will read much like a "choose your own adventure" novel in the hopes it will encourage creativity and uniqueness in your design with a little advice and instruction along the way.Cheap Turpentine: Ori Peleg's Blog: Prefetching JavaScript (or anything) with jQuery
(function($) { $.ajax({ url:"/js/file1.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); $.ajax({ url:"/js/file2.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); })(jQuery);
While users are logging into a web site, I thought why not prefetch some JavaScript files they'll be needing on the next page?How Executives Should be Using Social Media - BusinessWeek
We've assembled ten features that will help you master FCP and create the next great movie.40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune | Wise Bread
Wise Bread
Traveling doesn't have to break the bank (in fact, you can travel for free), and there are plenty of places that'll help you find the best vacation for your budget. Get discounts and the insider scoop with these great resources. Don't forget to ask for free travel upgrades.Quick Tip: Prevent Animation Queue Buildup » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
- IT業界を - ZDNet JapanPhotoshopで作るウェブデザイン レイアウト・チュートリアル50選 | DesignWalker
Photoshopで作るウェブデザイン レイアウト・チュートリアル50選How To Improve Your Branding With Your Content | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Many resources!
Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want.9 Tips For Brand Building With Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
branding web design tipsTravel full-time for less than $14,000 per year « I Will Teach You To Be Rich
hat they wish they could do more of, and the answer is literally always the same: “I wish I could travel more.” Yet when you remove all the excuses, few people actually do. I don’t have enough vacation days! It’s too expensive. My friends don’t want to go with me.Launch a Business, Not a Side Project | Think Vitamin
When you read a book or newspaper article, do you instantly commit it to memory? Or, are you someone who likes to pace the floor when you’re thinking? Maybe you are someone who can hear a lecture and have no need to take a single note?Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: So you want a Facebook Fan Page for Your Nonprofit? Here's the Scoop!
This webinar will be a resource for non-profits and other organizations for social good. Expanding on the Non-Profits on Facebook page, we want to help you harness the power of Facebook and bring positive change to the world. Facebook empowers non-profits by enabling them to mobilize communities, organize events, increase fundraising, reduce costs with free online tools, and raise awareness through viral networks.
NTEN offered a fantastic Webinar today featuring Randi Zuckerberg, Director of Marketing at Facebook and Adam Conner from the DC Office on the emerging best practices for nonprofits who want to set up Facebook Fan Pages. Here's the description This...
"We want to encourage you to experiment. Let's be honest, takes an effort to build a community Just because Facebook is free doesn't mean it is easier to get a million fans. Don't start from scratch - look at the other groups that are already talking about your cause and experiment or piggy back or do cross promotion."Gizmodo - How To Install Windows 7 On Almost Any Netbook - Windows 7 netbook installation
Windows 7 is free for now, and works extremely well on netbooks. That said, installing the OS on these tiny laptops—especially low-end models—can be daunting. Here's how to do it, the easy way: If the Release Candidate is any indication (and it should be), then Windows 7 will be a nice upgrade for any Windows user. The new OS, however, is a huge step up for netbook users. Vista is notoriously poorly suited to netbooks; a buggy resource hog that subjects its users to incessant dialog boxes and requires far too many clicks to perform basic tasks, it's kind of a nightmare to use on a 9-inch laptop with a 1.5-inch trackpad. Windows XP has been given a boost by netbooks, as its system requirements—more-or-less decided in 2001—are more in line with the specs hardware like the Eee PC and Mini 9. But let's face it: XP is nearly a decade old. Its user experience is trumped by free alternatives like Ubuntu Netbook Remix and Linpus, and it's not at all optimized for solid-state drives—especiallDjango tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering |
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering
It's a clever solution because you end up defining what doesn't get cached instead of what does get cached.55 Ways to Get More Energy | Zen Habits
Have a look at this
0905198 Guidelines To Taking Panoramic Photos With Any Camera
The organization of content is probably one of the most important and influential aspects of any good web design. Organizing information into a well-built layout
The organization of content is probably one of the most important and influential aspects of any good web design. Organizing information into a well-built layout is the basis of a website, and should always come before styling concerns.Vim Recipes - Free cookbook for the Vim text editor
"Vim Recipes is a free cookbook for Vim, the popular text editor. "15 Terminal commands to supercharge OS X | News | TechRadar UK
10 boas práticas em CSS!!!
Writing clean, super-manageable CSS is simple when you start off on the right foot and make your code easier to maintain and edit later on. Here are 11 tips for speeding up the process, writing CSS that is slimmer, faster and less likely to give you a headache.7 Quick CSS Enhancements for Better User Experience
Css tips!
The beauty in CSS is that a tiny directive can make a huge difference in how the page displays. Here are seven quick CSS snippets that will give your website more “pop” and make your user’s experience more functional and enjoyable.Five Things Wolfram Alpha Does Better (And Vastly Different) Than Google
'While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.'
Some surprising results from eyetracking studies
Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites. One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better Together | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better Together.CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials | Noupe
With version three of CSS, many exciting features will be implemented. CSS3 leads to greater flexibility and makes it much easier to recreate previously complex effects.
De lo nuevo que se pede hacer con CSS3 que ya se puede ver en los navegadores actualizados... pero de aquí a que IE actualice para esto, y lo que es peor, de aquí a que mis clientes actualicen su IE6 :(Macを大掃除して、快適&スピードアップ大作戦 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
快適にします!blog dds: 2009.03.04 - Parallelizing Jobs with xargs
With multi-core processors sitting idle most of the time and workloads always increasing, it's important to have easy ways to make the CPUs earn their money's worth. My colleague Georgios Gousios told me today how the Unix xargs command can help in this regard. The GNU xargs command that comes with Linux and the one distributed with FreeBSD support a -P option through which one can specify the number of jobs to run in parallel. Using this flag (perhaps in conjunction with -n to limit the number of arguments passed to the executing program), makes it easy to fire commands in parallel in a controlled fashion.
The xargs -P flag can also be useful for parellelizing commands that depend on a large number of high-latency systems. Only a week ago I spent hours to write a script that would resolve IP addresses into host names in parallel. (Yes, I know the that comes with the Apache web server distribution, and the speedup it provides leaves a lot to be desired.) Had I known the -P xargs option, I would have finished my task in minutes.
Multicore-Systeme mit xargs sauber auslasten.How to negotiate a salary without tipping your hand - Manage Your Life on Shine
You’ve gotten pretty far in a job discussion. You like them. They like you. And it's getting down to the nitty gritty. Then your prospective employer pops the question you’ve been dreading: “So what are you making now?” (or some variation like, “What were you making in your last position?”) You freeze. You know that answering the question can only hurt you. It might peg you at a salary you feel you’ve outgrown or that you improperly negotiated. And you know that you’re always supposed to let the other person name a price first in any negotiation. So what do you do?Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with Whoosh
Whoosh is a pure-python full-text indexing and searching library. Whoosh was opensourced recently and makes it easy to add a fulltext search to your site without any external services like Lucene or Solr for example. Whoosh is pretty flexible, but to keep it simple let's assume that the index is stored in settings.WHOOSH_INDEX (which should be a path on the filesystem) and that our application is a Wiki and we want to search the Wiki pages. Indexing Documents Before we can query the index we have to make sure that the documents are indexed properly and automatically. It doesn't matter if you put the following code into a new app or an existing app. You only have to make sure, that it lives in a file, which is loaded by Django when the process starts, resonable places would be the or the file (or any file imported in those of course) in any app. The following code listing is interrupted by short explanaitions but should be saved into one file: import os from dj
Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with WhooshStartup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studios | The Balsamiq Blog
Profitable boot strap Mock Up application
Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio by Peldi Guilizzoni. August 5th, 2008 under Branding / Marketing, Company / Business — 12 Comments First off, the title of this post is a bit pretentious for my taste, but I wanted to pay homage to Mike Speiser’s excellent post on A/B testing using AdWords, and take advantage of his $10.87 investment while I was at it! ;). Mike is one of the brightest people I have ever met, and I highly encourage everyone to read his Laserlike blog. I say that the post is pretentious for my taste because I hardly feel like I am a marketing expert, in fact I consider myself a beginner at most things. Still, I can’t deny that Balsamiq has received a very good amount of coverage in the blogosphere: I am timing this post to coincide with the 100th review of Balsamiq Mockups (the full list is here), the website has received over 32,000 unique visitors and sales are exceeding all my expectations. For 6 weeks of operation, I can’t complain. ;)
Good advice and links for marketing a startup such as BalsamiqMac Hacks: 17 AppleScripts To Make Your Life Easier | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Quelqies astuces AppleScript
If you are an experienced professional, chances are you have a good set of tools and a work process that you repeat on a daily40 Ways to Download FREE Music Legally - An Ultimate Guide
apparently really good - must read sometime
recommended by @feesh (Trish at CAES).. .Must read when we get CS4 (James says soon?)96MBのメモリで、Ubuntuで原稿書いてます!彼氏がWMを着替えたら・・・ - Viva! Ubuntu!!
"Twitter is a fun and useful tool, but there are a lot of quirks, rules, and standards that come along with it. To be effective on Twitter, you’ll need to learn the lingo, mechanics, and the ins and outs of interacting with followers. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tips that can help you do just that."
A good categorized list that has tons of relevant links and short explanations that are enough to be helpful but not so much as to be overwhelming.B木 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
ハードディスクのような遅い記憶装置にはB-treeが、SSDのような速い記憶装置にはSuffix Arrayが適しているという論。
ので次は18章です。18章のMost Corporate Social Media Efforts Will Fail - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Last October, Gartner unveiled a study that stated that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts. That's about 300 Fortune 1000 companies that will fail at social media: a striking number, especially in light of recent economic pitfalls.
a prediction -- focused on failure. based on a study released in October 2008, the prediction was that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts.
ces, and companies listeni25 Signs You’ve Got a Strong SM Consultant or Agency » The Buzz Bin
Advice to marketers on choosing social media consultants.
by Beth Harte (cross-posted on the Harte of Marketing) and Geoff Livingston Our original post Top 25 Ways to Tell ...
1) Believes in the generous web and practices cross-linking in their blog (example: Kami Huyse) 2) Highlights others’ work in their blog (example: Chris Brogan) 3) Integrates social media as part of larger marketing strategy(example: Razorfish) 4) Doesn’t pretend to be an expert in all things digital; instead simply focuses on what he/she/they do best (example: Common Craft) 5) Gives away best practices in an effort to educate, grow social media in general (example: Todd Defren/SHIFT Communications) 7) Will tell you that there is no magic bullet for determining social media ROI and that you need to go further to accurately monitor, measure and determine the effectiveness of social media. (example: K.D. Paine). 8) Understands that social media is an important part of the larger word of mouth marketing principles (example: Ogilvy’s John Bell) etc...How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.10 Powerpoint Tips for Preparing a Professional Presentation
Handy, but not all that novel.
Consejos para hacer mejores presentaciones en Powerpoint
A tutorial for preparing Powerpoint presentations. What to do and what not to do.
Presentations - whether they are made with Powerpoint or other applications, are a great way to support a speech, visualize complicated concepts or focus50+ Google and Yahoo Search Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
This post is intended as a comprehensive guide to Google and Yahoo search shortcuts providing a cheat sheet of over 50 shortcuts and comparing the two search engines.
Awesome Google and Yahoo Cheat sheets!How much to charge for design work?
Links to tools for building your Twitter background
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Since the early days of Twitter, users have had the ability to upload their own background images. From photos of cute kittens to
Places where you can find awesome backgrounds. It's not a really how-to post though
From Mashable: This guide goes step-by-step into the rationale for creating a personalized Twitter background, takes a look at some amazing Twitter designers, and provides a list of useful Twitter design tools and resources.VIM as Python IDE | Alain M. Lafon
Finding the perfect IDE for Python isn’t an easy feat. There are a great many to chose from, but even though some of them offer really nifty features, I can’t help myself but feel attracted to VIM anyway. I feel that no IDE accomplishes the task of giving the comfort of complete power over the code - something is always missing out. This is why I always come back to using IDLE and VIM. Those two seem to be best companions when doing some quick and agile hacking - but when it comes to managing bigger and longer term projects, this combo needs some tweaking. But when it’s done, VIM will be a powerful IDE for Python - including code completion(with pydoc display), graphical debugging, task-management and a project view.
Excellent guide to get VIM going as a good IDE, especially for Python.How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude |
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google LatitudePhotoshop Tips From The Pros - Outdoor Photographer |
Some of the best in nature photography share 11 techniques that will turn a good photograph into an award-winner.
With todays digital tools, not only do photographers rely on a great eye, time-tested technique and quality equipment, but also on their ability to optimize images after capture using Photoshop and other tools.Ask SM: CSS Quick-Question Edition | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Tips y Hacks Interesantes10 Twitter Hacks For Your Wordpress Blog | Tutorials | instantShift
Excellent for my blog. I need to continue to use twitter, here's plenty reasons why.How to: Get the first image from the post and display it
<?php echo catch_that_image() ?>
Most WordPress users are using custom fields to display thumbs on their blog homepage. It is a good idea, but do you know that with a simple php function, you can grab the first image from the post, and display it. Just read on.Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro
Good tutorial for Vim20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know | How-To
Facebook tips
20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know | How-Toほんのすこし書き方に注意すれば、あなたのドキュメントはさらに分かりやすくなる!:企業IT部門の変革を支援するエンタープライズ実践情報サイト EnterpriseZine
ほんのすこし書き方に注意すれば、あなたのドキュメントはさらに分かりやすくなる!5 Speedy Tips For Faster Browsing In Firefox |
If you've ever used Firefox you'll appreciate the fact that it's incredibly easy to use and intuitive right out of the box. This is perhaps one of the key
From Make Use Of: Here are 5 excellent tips to make browsing even smoother and faster on Firefox.Lifehacker - 10 Killer DIY Projects for Your Extra Day Off - DIY
Check out projects,especially hard drive cleanout and bottle lights10 Cost Effective Web Development Techniques — All in the head
presentationGoing Freelance: The Pros & Cons With “Top Web Designers” | Noupe
Making the choice to go freelance (or independent as I prefer to call it) is a tough choice, I wish I had more knowledge about the pros vs cons when I made thePhotoshopレイヤースタイルいろいろ | DesignWalker
Photoshopレイヤースタイルいろいろ | DesignWalker
まとめ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Illustratorでつくるテキストエフェクト集 | DesignWalker
テキストエフェクトまとめ20 Time-Saving Tips to Improve Designer's Workflow | How-To | Smashing Magazine
From Smashing Magazine.
Improve Design Workflow
Want to save some time? Of course you do! You are probably always looking for ways to do this faster and make that easier, it’s human nature! One of the best ways to save time is experience. The more experience you have, the more comfortable you are working, the more you have developed your own best methods, and with experience you know how to better avoid mistakes and disasters. So always stay hard at what you do and you will definitely save more than “just” time! However, regardless of your experience level, there are ways to speed up the common design tasks. You should find some of these not-so-well-known tips and strategies listed below very helpful for your workflow. And please feel free to suggest more ideas in the comments to this post!The 960 Grid System Toolbox & Resources | Webdesigner Depot
Training for 960 Grid resourcesXPやVistaを極限まで軽くする! 19のチューニングテク :教えて君.net
かるくする!4 Lessons for Social Media Marketers
To remedy this, we really need to find a way to show all of the necessary information on the checkout pages themselves. If you need to provide some help or information that doesn’t fit on the current page, use floating windows or, as a last resort, a pop-up window to display this. This allows you to present new material to the user without t
@tweetmeme @smashingmag Reading '12 Tips For Designing an Excellent Checkout Process' [from]jQuery Performance Rules - Best Practices for Speeding Up jQuery
これらを気をつけないと IE では特に遅くなる。jQuery 使う時にはまずはじめに見るべき。
" Using jQuery and other frameworks that make selecting nodes and DOM manipulation easy can have adverse affects if you’re not careful"21 Essential Steps to Make Your PC Better/Faster/Stronger | Maximum PC
Article explaining the basics of how to make a website so it loads efficiently.少しでも写真をうまく撮るためのコツをまとめたサイト25選*二十歳街道まっしぐら
写真の撮り方とられ方のまとめのまとめ。Strobist: Working Around the House
[Lighting your house for pictures.]How To: build the ultimate, cheap home pizza oven - Boing Boing Gadgets
Pimp your oven.Applications: One Day in the Life of a Web Designer
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
List of interesting web apps that could make my life easier, a couple anyway.10 Ways to Turn Google Calendar into an Effective Time Management & Productivity Tool
formation for the bot to put your event on it (I didn’t do that but that’s up to yTwitter Marketing: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users
Everyday great ideas come along and this is one of them
Many people think that to achieve all of the above, they need to build a large list of Twitter followers and broadcast links to get free traffic. It’s a simple strategy. The more followers you have, the more people listen to you, and the easier it is to spread your messages. But do you really need a large number of followers to promote yourself successfully on Twitter? The answer is no. Not at all. But many people still persist in mass following users. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you don’t need to use this marketing tactic.
Many people are mass following Twitter users as a marketing strategy. Let's look at the reasons why you don't need to use this Twitter marketing tactic.
RT @doshdosh: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users (New Dosh Dosh post) - share if you like! [from]
RT @DanHaneveer: RT @JetSetCitizen: Why You Don’t Need to Mass Follow Users from @doshdosh [from]How to bypass the Portrait Mode on Your Digital Camera and Get Great Portrait
すでに使っている人には今更なんですが、これから始めるって人向けに簡単なまとめ。tumblr といってもその用途は人それぞれ。自分の Blog として使う人もいるでしょうし、情報収集のツールとして使い人もいるでしょう。今回は情報収集 & クリッピングツールとしての使い方に主眼を置いて紹介してみようと思います。
これでお勉強How To Tie A Tie from
3キャリアの比較&バージョンごとの比較を説明60+ Amazing Poster and Advertisment Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Everyone in the business world knows the importance of posters and ads in advertising for specific products. Posters are an integral part of advertising. An eye-catching, attractive poster that conveys a professional, compelling message about a product, service or event will invariably hold the user’s attention.
very cool!
ite because it helps you put images and text together really easily. In this tutorial, the artist puts together a poster that has a main photograph and a lot of text, giving it an old collage feel.
Dans le monde impitoyable de la publicité, l'affiche est reine. Découvrez en quelques-unes et mettez vos talents d'artiste et de web designer en œuvre !10 HTML Tag Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit
HTML Web DesignThe Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design -でよく使う書き方。 - こせきの技術日記
var m = ("abcccd".match(/ab(c+)/)||[])[1];
一つめのワザは複数枚の画像を1枚にまとめる「CSS Sprite」の採用です。 従来はGIF形式を採用していましたが、これをPNG形式にしました 最後のワザが、PNG形式の制御情報(チャンクと呼ぶ)の削除
チリも積もれば。 ここら辺はYahoo!の素敵なところ。
ヤフーは、あの手この手のワザを駆使して画像ファイルを少しずつ小さくしていったのです。The CSS Box Model
웹디자인 cssWebサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.The Lazy Way to Investment Success * Get Rich Slowly
While researching investment strategies for my retirement savings, I’ve been reading a lot of books. There are hundreds of authors offering thousands of tips for turning a small pile of gold into a big pile of gold. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whose advice to heed. To be honest, I find the simplest investment strategies most appealing. I just finished reading Paul Farrell’s The Lazy Person’s Guide to Investing, for example, and I found myself drawn to the “lazy portfolios” he describes. Lazy portfolios are collections of index funds. Because these portfolios are balanced — they contain stocks and bonds — they mitigate risk while providing excellent returns. Best of all, they take very little time to maintain. Reminder: An index fund is a low-cost mutual fund designed to mimic the movement of a specific market index. A Vanguard 500 index fund (like VFINX), for example, tracks the performance of the S&P 500. The chief virtue of index funds is that, over the long-term, they deliverUltimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking
My favorite social media tool is social bookmarking service Delicious. I’ve always been an avid researcher and Delicious allows me to discover, save, organize and share information that I find online like no other service. It’s the engine of many of the blog posts I put together. Delicious is an especially good tool for marketers. Not only are is it an excellent tool for research and data mining, but it can also be a great vehicle for driving website traffic- articles that make it to the popular page(s) of Delicious can deliver large amounts of traffic to a website. The bookmarking feature of Delicious when compared to social news sites such as Digg and Stumbleupon can also lead to a steadier flow of traffic and repeat traffic over time as people return to pages they have bookmarked on Delicious. In this post, I’ve pulled together a very comprehensive collection of tutorials, advice, resources, tips and tools to help you use Delicious to enhance your marketing, research and otherTwitter
lidt lisom facebook:)
RT @mashable: Love this gorgeous image of all the Twitter tools: (We review most of em here: [from]Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News SourceTop 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT, must read for every manager!!
babysitLifehacker - Separate Your Data from Windows on a Standalone Partition - Windows
With Windows 7's release just around the corner, now's a great time to get your PC ready for the new operating system. First step: separate your data onto a dedicated partition.
LifehackeriPhoneと過ごした300日まとめ -
Designers, we have a problem. It seems we have forgotten how to be creative.
Difficile d'exposer une méthode pour être créatif et innovant, il s'agit de quelques trucs pour se re-oxygéner la tête avant de partir sur un nouveau webdesign.How to Give a Great Talk
While I'm preparing, I try to extract the main takeaways -- that is, the most important points of my talk, the points I most want the audience to remember. Those points will form the talk's skeleton. By not using notes, you force yourself to understand your takeaways very clearly. The reason you have to be so clear on them is that if you don't know what they are, your talk will have no structure, and you'll have a hard time remembering it when you do it live.How to Design for Your Worst Client: You.
"After all, if you can’t prove your skills on your own website then how can you expect someone to hire you?"誠 Biz.ID:3分LifeHacking:全Officeユーザーにささぐ――Word/Excel/PowerPointのTips“まとめのまとめ” (1/2)
夏頃には次期iPhoneが登場するであろうという噂を、ちらほらと耳にするようになった。それで購入/買い替えの決断がつけば、何の問題も無い。だが、今のiPhoneをしばらくは現役として使っていたいなら、クリアしなければならない問題がある。それが、iPhoneのバッテリー消耗問題だ。9 Crucial UI Features of Social Media and Networking Sites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
The main function of a good user interface is to provide users with an intuitive mapping between user’s intention and application’s function that manages to provide a solution to the given task. Basically, user interface describes the way people interact with a site and the way users can access its functions. In fact, usability is a biproduct of a good user interface and it determines how easily a user can perform all of the functions provided by the site. Usability is a crucial part of every design, especially on websites with a large amount of functions and users.
crucial features of the user interfaces of social media and social networking sites
Sosyal ağ sitelerinin 9 çok önemli kullanıcı taraflı uygulamaları. Normal sitelerin örnek alması gerekiyor.10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web | Webdesigner Depot
Whether it’s your portfolio, a blog, a marketing web site, or a collection of games, we all want to attract visitors to our website and to ensure that they have a pleasant experience. Usability measures the level of a user’s experience and can be characterized by how easily a given task can be completed; whether it’s done with prior knowledge, or by having the user learn a new way to interact. I think Jakob Nielson probably explained it best when he said: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to methods for improving ease–of–use during the design process.” In this article I hope to give you some form of a usability checklist, covering topics from form design to simple navigation tips that you can apply to any Web project.
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web50 Beautiful Website Designs For your Inspiration | Dzine Blog
(reference for new website)Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | Spring Cleaning Tip #10: Make A Cleaning Schedule
It's almost the end of May, and the end of Cleaning Month. So, until next year when we clean again...! No, no, just kidding. We hope you clean your house at least once before May 2010 (preferably even a few more times than that). Now that you've invested time and energy into deep cleaning your house, set a schedule for keeping it clean. Regular maintenance will cut down on the "ugh" factor. After all, one-hour cleaning increments are much easier to deal with than five-hour cleaning marathons.
This is taken straight from Maxwell's Eight-Step Home Cure: Daily Schedule:
Daily, weekly, monthly schedules for clean home
Well designed household chores todo lists.30 Must-Have Tweaks For Your Mac | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers.
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers. You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you. Below you will find 30 sites (blogs, forums, and job boards) that I regularly use. Although there are more that I subscribe to, these are some that just can’t be missed.
You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you.10 Essential SQL Tips for Developers - Nettuts+
Healthy Food Combinations16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks ~ SoftwareRoxer
A short Apache config cookbookJohannes Eva - Viola, Alto, Bratsche - ♫♬♪♫♬♫♬♪
Ubuntu Guide
Homepage von Johannes Eva
Good guide on how to install and configure Ubuntu Jaunty. It contains information for 64 bits systems, i.e. how to install and run 32 bit applications.
A complete guide to install and configure Ubuntu 9.04.
nice setup guide for jaunty10 Answers You Should Know Before Your Job Interview - Dumb Little Man
I have just found this article on the internet and it has a lot of great tips. some of them I was already aware of them and some are not. It will be modified a little bit and I may add more tips. This article was originally written by Jon Hobbs-SmithWpazo | The Best WordPress Stuff
Nice link aggregator!
The Best WordPress Stuff.
Web site wpazo, a collection of Wordpress resources (yeah, I've been sitting on a backlog of Wordpress links recently).How to buy a men's suit online -
How we do MVC
using the ASP.NET MVC framework on a production application for about 9 months now, and in that time, we’ve crafted a number of opinions on how we want to design MVC applications.Elements of Great Web Design: The Polish - Psdtuts+
Elements of Great Web Design: The Polish - Psdtuts+ -
When I put together designs, I usually do so in two phases - Layout and Polish. During the layout phase, I place the main objects on the page usually finishing with something that looks relatively complete. In the second stage - the Polish - I go over the design and adjust colors, type treatments, shadows, layers, and generally clean it all up. In this first of a series of tutorials on web design, we'll be looking at the Polish.Cleaning Your Laptop Cooling System
My main computer is an hp zv5000 - it uses two heat pipes with heat sinks and two fans to cool the processor. Through use, those heat sinks (copper?) and pipes collect quite a bit of dust reducing the machine's cooling capacity.OS X Keyboard shortcuts (Leopard)
There is such a thing as “Social-Business Protocol.” Not all of us in the startup universe are born with it, we can all learn it. So, here are my 10 tips for founders en route to the power-party circuit.
So you’ve got your engineering degree, and your marquee MBA, and a business-plan. You’re on your way. But at some point you’re going to have to ‘grace’ your way through an important networking or social event. How you handle this matters—probably more than you care to admit.The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | How To Stay Focused - 63 (Very Focused) Ways
good habits...worth noting.
Wayne Sutton | Blog of Mr. TweetIllustrator’s Blend Tool: A Comprehensive Guide - Vectortuts+
In Adobe Illustrator, the Blend Tool can help you create impressive color blends. But there is more to it than you might know. This comprehensive guide can help
รวมเทคนิคการ Blend ใน illustratorHow to Create a Blog from Scratch Using Ruby on Rails
The view layer has one main purpose - to return the relevant HTML to be rendered on the users browser. In Rail a view is held in an erb (Embedded Ruby) file, which contains both HTML and embedded Ruby statements.
Let’s face it, you don’t want to build database access layer every time you start a new project.
This tutorial shows you how to create a basic blog using Ruby on Rails. By covering the design aspects of a Rails web application, it makes it easier to understand the concepts behind Rails and how they fit together.9 Lists To Keep Updated, and Keep Handy - Stepcase Lifehack
“Gift Ideas”
r Big Hairy Audacious Goals, are an important thing for anyone to keep updated. These are goals that are way beyond what you think is possible, and are things you’re constantly keeping
d are things you’re constantly keeping in mind with every decision or choice you make. For most, these goals are career-based, but they don’t hav正規表現まとめサイト | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
正規表現まとめサイトこの「いじめ対策」はすごい! - 森口朗公式ブログ
いじめの認知は、本人、親、友人の誰からの報告であっても 「この事態を心配している人から報告があった」で統一する。 必ず、一人の教員ではなくチームで対応する。 複数の加害者(大抵そうです)と複数の教員が別部屋で1対1で対応 事実を認めた加害者に対し「泣くまで」反省を迫る すぐに誤らせる(「謝らせる」が正しいです)ことはしない 少なくとも一週間の時間を置いて、加害者に誤る(「謝る」)ことを許す 保護者を交えて、いじめの事実を報告シゴタノ! — 「書く」ためのツール、選んでいますか? Mac の文章作成支援ツールの魅力 jp 3
SubEthaEdit面白そう←同時にテキスト編集 まぁ、screenでも良いのだと思うけど、手軽だしEverything I Need to Know About Twitter I Learned in J School
What Charlie meant by that is that news journalism works best when it’s simple and direct, at least in the story’s lead sentences. And simplicity (and other tenets of good journalism — like brevity, and clarity, and immediacy) are now cornerstones of how many businesses, brands and individuals communicate on Twitter.Mayflower | Moving Checklist
Check list for moving23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts |
If you've gone on more than one job interview, you know you can count on hearing many of the same questions at each. Make sure you've got these 10 answers down pat before you head out the door to your next interview.How to Write an Equality Method in Java
"This article describes a technique for overriding the equals method that preserves the contract of equals even when subclassses of concrete classes add new fields. "10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps
Organized according to function
RT @RoseClark: Time to prune Twitter: 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps [from]9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps
9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps [from]Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.10 Useful WordPress Loop Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The loop is a very important aspect of WordPress blogs. In fact, the loop is what allows you to get posts from your WordPress database and print them on the screen. A set of useful and user-friendly functions, the loop is incredibly powerful. With it, you can get a single post, a list of posts ordered by date, title or category, a list of posts written by a specific author and much more.Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Always useful to know how best to co-erce money out of loved ones.
f a sign imploring people not to steal pieces of petrified forest from the park. One mentioned large amounts of petrified forest taken away on an annual basis, the other one simply asked the visitors not to remove petrified wood. The first one actually tripled t15 Effective Tips and Tricks from the Masters of CSS | Noupe
There are thousands of sites out there offering tips and tricks for using CSS. But how do you know where that information is coming from? Who says the people writing these “tips” know what they’re talking about? For all you know, it could be someone who has not clue what CSS even stands for, let alone how to use it effectively. But that’s not the case with the experts below. They’re all well-known for their mastery of CSS and all that goes along with it. Read on for their tips and tricks with regards to everything from avoiding hacks to understanding the box model.jQuery Basics - jQuery for Beginners - jQuery Tutorial - jQuery 101
I have been getting familiar with jQuery recently and the more I get into it, the more I'm impressed with it. When I first heard about jQuery I was definitely
jQuery BasicsWhy Web Developers Don't Need A Mac | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Web Developers Don't Need A Mac10 Ways to Speed up Your WordPress Blog | Pro Blog Design
Consejos a través de Twitter
tips on speeding up wp; a little techy for my tastes but useful
In this post we'll explore ten ways to speed up your site, with tricks ranging from easy to even easier; none of the stuff in this post is difficult, so there's no excuse for a slow-loading blog after reading this!10 Tips for Incredible Web Forms! | Design Reviver
The App Store has created a gold rush for developers, and there are now over 50,000 applications for sale, making it harder to get a newly released app noticed by users.ソースがダウンロードできるFlashエフェクト集 | DesignWalker
けど素敵だぉ。Fourteen Interesting Ways* to use Voicethread in the Classroom - Google Docs
Another collaborative Google presentation on uses for an online tool. This time: voicethread.
Some simple ways of creating activities for VT.Lifehacker - Make Your Brown Bag Lunch More Appealing - brown bag
Lunch ideas.16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks « PHP Twitter
htaccess tips
Address for the
The .htaccess files (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration tool on Apache web server. The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to the server administrator. The .htaccess is a simple ASCII text file placed in your website root directory. You can create and edit an .htaccess file using a text editor like notepad. Here in this post I have come up with useful 16 tips and hacks to configure your web server. As a configuration file .htaccess if a very powerful and a slight syntax error can result in a severe malfunction of your server. So to avoid that always try to keep a backup copies of all your files from the server before working with the .htaccess file.JQuery HowTo: 5 easy tips on how to improve code performance with huge data sets in jQuery
i am guilty of many of theseHow To Optimize For Conversion In Organic Search Results
Great read on conversation
Integrate and improve SEO and website usability (using web analytics) and create a synergy that will improve the conversion rates of websites.Lifehacker - From the Comments: How to Get a Great Suit -
Tailoring, tailoring-tailoring. Take the best suit money can buy, and leave off good tailoring and it'll hang on your body like a cheap suit. Buy a suit at Target and have it finely tailored ... ... and it'll look fantastic. It won't wear or dryclean great, but it'll fit you like a champ. I'm from the old school of suit wearing, allow me to impart my sage advice. ;) 1. Find a good local tailor, have 'em measure you. 2. Try on a few suit coats with said measurement, make sure they hang about right. Same with slacks. 3. Cuffs are good - contrary to belief they're never "out", and they have a functional advantage, they make slacks hang just right. They keep the pant legs from hanging getting caught in your shoes as well. 4. Dryclean the suit coat *and* the slacks at the same time. If you wear the suit on Saturday, get some gunk on the slacks, do NOT have just the slacks only cleaned. Even the best suit can fade a teeny tad with a cleaning, so keep the wear/fading even - clean both at th
buying suits
"Take Heed"The Juicy Secret to Seasoning Meat | Food & Wine
But really, it takes no extra effort, just some forethought. And so I will always season lamb shanks the day before they go into the braise. I will try to season chickens the day before, but if I don’t have the chance, I won’t sweat it; and I will season steaks and pork roasts right before searing.
I wanted to know what was practical and reasonable when making everyday meals at home. Buying and seasoning a chicken the day before you plan to roast it couldn’t be easier. But the question remained: Is it tastier?Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Technique: Seasoning Cast Iron
Useful tips for Excel double-clickers.Helen Bradley - Pro Photoshop and Photography: Understanding the basics of Sharpening in Photoshop
Sharpening is one of those everyday tasks that most photos can benefit from. In this post I'll explain what sharpening is, when you should perform it and how to do it. The information here, although it is explained using Photoshop, is relevant to all photo editing programs. Sharpening does as its name suggests and sharpens the image making it look crisper and making the edges in the image more distinct.Facebook | Facebook Marketing Solutions
something you might want to check out if you haven't found this already
collection of marketing campaigns and other stuff curated by the facbook folks.Study Tips for Students
The Washington Post offers a mouth-watering interactive guide on how to grill nine cuts of beef that are cheaper than what's usually promoted, along with a guide to using portable grills when space is tight.アイトラッキングの実験からわかった12のWeb戦略 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
アイトラッキングシステム。それを使った実験結果のまとめ。Lifehacker - Top 10 How-to Cooking Videos - Food
this bookmark brought from the home.How AJAX Works: 10 Practical Uses For AJAX | Noupe
design tipsThere's an art to writing on Facebook or Twitter -- really -
June 9, 2009:
Social Networking writing tips
There's an art to writing on Facebook or Twitter -- really - [from]Bash&シェルスクリプトを極めるテクニックまとめ - SourceForge.JP Magazine
(1)Bashをカスタマイズして使いこなす, (2)シェルスクリプトを使いこなすテクニック, (3)Bash以外の高機能シェルもあるAn Unofficial User's Guide to Gmail - Features by PC Magazine
Think you know everything there is to know about the popular Web-based e-mail application from Google? Think again.
Here's an article about GMail that was in PC Magazine
Five years in beta mode hasn't prevented Google's Web-based Gmail from flourishing. In fact, it's one of the few e-mail products continuing to innovate in any way these days. Desktop clients like Outlook and Thunderbird haven't changed much in years; Hotmail gets a new name every few months, but that's about it. Gmail, via experiments from the Gmail Labs team, is constantly adding new features. Plus, Gmail is simple to use. At least on the surface. However, much of Gmail's power goes untapped. So we've put together this guide to highlight the features you may have missed—ones that separate Gmail from the pack.
Much of Gmail's power goes untapped. This guide highlights the features you may have missed: conversations, offline access, themes, filters, search operators, address aliases, executable attachments, storage space, notifications, multiple accounts, keyboard shortcuts, interface, safety features, undo send, Greasemonkey scripts, extensions, mobility, desktop access, importing data, exporting and backup, apps.How To Freeze Fruit :
food fruit freezing howto cooking recipes health tips recipe canningUseful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike |
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts AlikeLifehacker - Meta-iPod Cleans and Repairs Your iTunes Library - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: The bigger your iTunes library, the more difficult it is to locate and fix problems that arise, whether you're faced with ratings gone awry, missing or duplicate tracks, or missing album art. That's where diagnostic tool meta-iPod comes inCheat Codes for Everyday Life, and How to Use Them
> 電車の中は復習タイムUnderstanding how you process information to help you get organized, part 2 | Unclutterer
vp |||||| ap ||||| kp |||Bill Clementson's Blog: iPhone App Development Notes
some small tips for iphone devWellbeing on the web: the 12 fitness websites you need to bookmark - Telegraph
フォルダ名を英語化する 「ダウンロード」「ライブラリ」を「Downloads」「Library」にする。それぞれのディレクトリの下にある.localizedファイルを削除する。
セキュリティ周りが充実Handy Tips for Creating a Print CSS Stylesheet
Handy Tips for Creating a Print CSS Stylesheet22 Mixed Quality Wordpress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life - So you want to use python on the mac?
virtualenvwrapper virtualenv
In a complete tangent from my numerous other projects, I’ve had a few people ask me recently about python on the mac, how to get started/etc.Patching a Program Without Source Code: How to be like the Skype Hacker for Newbies – Codexon
Web developers’ ability to easily customize and extend WordPress makes it one of the most popular and powerful publishing platform. However every time a new WordPress version is released, developer’s should look at their customized solutions and accommodate changes.あなたは知ってる?ダブルクリックだけでできるExcelの小技いろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
エクセル小技集。 まとめ画像がおもしろひ。
全然知らなかった。30+ Advanced SEO Tactics, Techniques and Resources (55+ Links) | SEOptimise
The Internet landscape has changed over the past few years, and the rules of online marketing have changed with it. In this excerpt from his latest book, Brandon spells out how to create and distribute an effective press release.How to Create a Grunge Web Design Using Photoshop
jQuery, since 1.2.2, has had an API for “special events”. These events are special because they have the ability to do some extra work for specific events and even the option to bypass some of the internal jQuery event system. With these special events you can create custom events that require some setup work or you can completely overwrite the behavior of native events.
Rundown of the Special Events feature in jQuery edgeメンテナンス中画面を出す正しい作法と.htaccessの書き方 | Web担当者Forum
う10 Easy ways to fix common WordPress headaches | theWPresser
As a follow-up to "30 HTML and CSS Best Practices", this week, we'll review JavaScript! Once you've reviewed the list, be sure to let us know what little tips you've come across!10 Things You can Do with WordPress Besides Blogging — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks
Today you’re going to learn 10 things you can do with WordPress besides blogging, and whether you’re a WordPress newbie or longtime veteran - I guarantee that you will learn something after reading this post!
Great article. See the title for a good description
7. Start a Discussion Forum A discussion forum is probably one of the greatest sources of content you could ever ask for! It’s the epitomy of give and take online, usually people asking for help, and experts answering questions to give their expertise (and signature links) greater exposure. There are countless hacks and plugins for integrating a “stand-alone” forum or bulletin boards into WordPress, but most people I’ve talked to don’t know that you can can actually create an entire forum inside WordPress itself!10 astonishing CSS hacks and techniques
Well, I guess that almost all of you knows CSS and what it can do for you. But some astonishing techniques still remains obscure for a lot of developers. In this article, let’s see 10 cross browser css techniques to definitely enhance your designs.A Simple Presence Framework |
In my case, [] is my home base. The goals of this base are fourfold:
Great blog post by Chris Brogan summing up a basic strategy for social media presence/engagement10 Web Design Rules That You Can Break | Webdesigner Depot
web design tipsThe Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense R | Human Resources |
[java][eclipse]ブログやメールの文章力をアップ! 執筆に役立つページ3つ - はてなブックマークニュース
あとでよんどこ10 Things to do After Installing Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu Linux Help
Some simple customization tips for a fresh ubuntu installation to make it a productive, useful, desktop os that helps meet the needs of most.
My primary reason for using Ubuntu Linux, is that I find it a far more productive, cost effective and customizable system. Everyone has their own reasons andSeven Must-Have Twitter Tools | Fast Company
Reputations are created and destroyed online in the speed of 140 characters. Seven tools to earn you a thumbs-up.The Simple Fitness Rules | Zen Habits
Health and fitness are usually made to seem too complex. If you read a lot of fitness magazines and blogs (as I often do), you’re told a confusing variety of complex advice. It makes your head spin.
"..In fact, you can boil it down to two simple rules: 1. Get your body moving on a regular basis; and 2. Eat a moderate amount of real, whole foods (with occasional indulgences).." :-)
smart, and nice picture
Simple Fitness RulesCSS Semi-liquid Layout - CSS Liquid Columns - CSS Liquid Layout Designs Tips
As you can see, most of these techniques revolve around the flexibility of your design. Although designing for semi-liquid layouts can be a hassle, it may be a huge benefit for your visitors. Semi-liquid layouts are not recommended for every site out there, so do look into the pros and cons and execute them accordingly. If you have any other tricks and tips, please don’t hesitate to share!
css tips for site design32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips
32 Coda Tips and Tricks10 Ways To Make Your Site Accessible Using Web Standards | How-To | Smashing Magazine
This looks interesting. Might be worth passing on to others depending on how well they keep this updated.Master the Art of Working Remotely - Gina Trapani -
But working with people in different cities and time zones with minimal face time presents a whole new set of challenges. While the tools available for working remotely are better than ever, it's how you use them that really counts. Constant and clear communication is the key to a good remote working relationship.
Over the past five years I've worked off-site and online for employers across the country using email, chat, and web-based collaboration apps. My work life has been the envy of my traditional nine-to-five friends. While they suit up in an office-appropriate outfit, grab the briefcase, and brave a commute every weekday, I get to work from home (and my employers get to save money on office space).How to activate tethering on any iPhone without jailbreaking | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews
C can get dial up functionality at lastHow To Estimate Time For A Project
Está criando um site? Então aprenda a organizar o seu tempo.
Good referenceGit Cheat Sheets JP
Tie a tie know howto, windsor, shell, etc.Lifehacker - Windows 7's Best Underhyped Features - windows 7
You can write a headline in an infinite number of ways. However, certain types of headlines have proven themselves repeatedly ...
The following 9 headline formulas are some of the easiest to write and the most powerful. When it comes time to write a headline, try one of these first. At the very least, this can give you a creative jumping off point to write a headline that works.Google Analyitcsをもっと便利に | DesignWalker
みなさんGoogle Analyitcsでアクセス解析をされている方が多いのではないでしょうか? 無料で使えて、高機能なGoogle Analyticsは、先日APIも正式に公開され、今後様々なツールが公開されていく事だと思います。 そのままでも、十分いろいろな解析ができて便利なツールなのですが、今回はGoogle Analyticsをさらに便利に使えるツールや設定方法、コードなどをご紹介します。Embedded Systems Design -
Reglas para mejorar la programación en c覚えておいて損はない CSS の定番テクニック BEST 5 | バシャログ。
IE6でのTipsFeedback. The Creativity Killer.
Oh this really helps my lifeiPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features - PC World
iPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features #iPhone [from]
It has been a crazy night trying to download the latest iPhone update, with many people reporting that they are unable to access Apple's servers due to unusually high traffic. But Apple's servers are now up to scratch and everybody should have the 3.0 software update installed on their iPhone and iPod Touch.Grow Bigger Ears in 10 Minutes |
10 steps to setting up a free listening station on the webStartup Professionals Musings: Startups: Start with a Problem, Not an Idea
Potential startup founders are always looking for ideas to implement, when they should be looking for problems to solve. I see startups who are on the road to implementing an idea, but haven’t figured out what problem it solves – the business plan waxes on about how great the product/tech is, but never gets around to defining the problem (investors call it the “solution looking for a problem” syndrome). A related red flag in a business plan is a missing competitive analysis section or “this product has no competition.” My reaction is, if there is no competition, then there is no market demand for your product, so why are you building it? Luckily, many startups are smart enough to keep morphing their idea until it finally fits a real-world problem, and they can move forward in the marketplace. Unfortunately they could have saved themselves much lost time, money, and heartache if they had just focused on identifying the problem before they built a solution.Tagaholic - Demystifying Irb's Commands
Irb is one of the most commonly used standard ruby libraries, yet most don’t seem to know much about it. I’ve lost count of the number of blog posts that explain some irb “tricks” or “secret” config options. This is the first in a series that aims to make irb less magical and more accessible.Explore Google Search
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Explore Google Search: Movies, weather, public data, earthquake information and more. Check out these 15 second search tips from Google to help you save time and get the most of your online experience.
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.自己実現をはかれる人の7 つのチェックポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
He purchased a Mail Boxes, Etc. mail box and paid a little extra to have it not show a P.O. box number. By keeping one mailing address (and consistent phone numbers through Google Voice) Jagger doesn’t have to reprint company stationary every time they move.[iPhone]ソフトバンクでテザリングを有効にする - tAkatronix’s GEEEK notes
たしかに料金こわいSpot UVs, Proofs, Roll Folds and Other Printing Terminology Explained - Psdtuts+
The world of printing and all the techniques and terminology associated with it can be complicated. Often it can take a while to understand and learn these through years of graphic design experience.
The world of printing and all the techniques and terminology associated with it can be complicated. Often it can take a while to understand and learn theseUser Research for Personas and Other Audience Models :: UXmatters
“We always use a real person—someone we know personally—as the example user for each persona. It’ll be a friend or a friend of a friend, but it’s someone we can call and ask questions. That detail really helps make each persona more real and approachable to everyone on the team.”—Todd Zaki WarfelThe Ultimate Wordpress 2.8 Optimization Guide
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.
Guia de optimizacion de WordPress 2.8
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.Create CSS pin balloons with ease
Home page of Africa Tour 2008 is a good example of how simple solutions can also be effective. In this tutorial I will recreate (in my own way) their effect using World map. As I said, the effect is more than simple - each continent is marked with a "pin balloon" (I couldn't think of a better name) and when you hover the balloons they get larger. This is something that many of us have done many times, I'm sure of it. However, this example has a trick: balloons grow diagonally starting at the anchor point (anchor point is the little triangle that comes out of the balloon).
Helps you build good looking and functional web sites.iPhone Dev 101: The "Hello World!" app
iphone app development infoCSS3 Unleashed – Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Great reference for implementing CSS37 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child | Zen Habits
A 404 error on the web is what a web server responds with when it is tasked with serving up a resource that it can’t find.The Big Ol' Ubuntu Security Resource | IT Security |
IT Security has prepared a guide to help you close your system's backdoors and protect you from some of the common Ubuntu exploits.
sudo chown root:admin /bin/su sudo
Not everything is useful on this list
Securing Ubuntu right out of the box. Note: there is some conjecture about whether these are necessary. See feedback in article comments.
Ubuntu is billed as ultra-secure, but its default install has flaws -- here's how to modify your install for the ultimatredswish - a web design blog » The power of Wordpress Custom Fields
all the meta-data for
Basic intro to Wordpress custom fields
Great blog10 UI Design Patterns You Should Be Paying Attention To | How-To | Smashing Magazine
his article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know your speed tips.100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter Research | Select Courses
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter ResearchらばQ:心にズドン…90歳の老人が語る45の人生の教訓
泰然自若な感じ。こういうのは流すのがいい。本当に必要なことは、覚えなくとも覚えてる、という俺理論。Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Don't know when I'll ever get round to reading this!MediaShift . Rules of Engagement for Journalists on Twitter | PBS
media twitter
PBS MediaShift
..."Twitter is now a vital journalistic tool for both reporting events and breaking down barriers between legacy media and its audiences, there are still multiple questions around professional journalists' activities on Twitter that require thoughtful, open debate".... [really intersting post from Julie Posetti]
Top 20 Take Away Tips for Tweeting JournosGmail: Tips
To be read
Become a Gmail Ninja Learn tips and tricks to save time, increase your productivity, and manage your email efficiently. Start with the tips that are right for you, based on how much email you get each day.6 Essential Flat-Belly Foods on Yahoo! Health
yes flat belly is important, not only for beauty but also for health sake. decided not to take junk food.
w100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media from Teaching Degree.orgLifehacker - Tweak Your Way to a Better Finder - Leopard
Leopard tweaks ... useful
"From Finder's View menu, check off "Show Path Bar" to turn on a clickable "breadcrumb" file path bar at the bottom of your Finder window, as shown. There you can click on any of the parent folders up the path of your current folder to navigate to it." Giant size 'oh!'.簡単に、エクセルの作業効率をアップする15のTips | コリス
エクセルの設定をカスタマイズして、作業効率をアップする15のTipsをChandoo.orgから紹介します。 15 MS Excel Tips to Make
各Tipsの表記は、当方のエクセル2003に準じています。 会社時代、納品したエクセルのプロパティに変な名前があってナミダモノでした。14番のTipsを知ってれば、全員に設定したのになぁ。7 ‘Secret’ Ways To Use Twitter Search
Twitter search patterns explained,
Twitter Search is just amazing because it can give you real-time feedback about pretty much everything. That is, if you know how to look for it. Here is how: Before we start I need to point out that both TweetDeck and Seesmic (my two favorite Twitter apps - with Seesmic being the #1) allows you to open special search panels, allowing you to “follow” a search term, instead of a person.
Tips on refining and enhancing Twitter Searchesアイトラッキングから検証した、使いやすいフォームの10のポイント | コリス
10 erreurs courantes dans le design de logoLifehacker - Five Ways to Get More from Boxee - Boxee
With Boxee now available for Windows, nearly any computer can push streaming and downloaded content onto a TV. Here are five tips and tricks that add content and convenience to the social media center, for newcomers and veteran users alike.Tipster / Latest Tips
재미있는 블로그 구성요소 레벨제도Top 10 Technology Tips for New Teachers -
Being a first year teacher can be overwhelming to say the least. There is new curriculum to learn, unfamiliar school policies, classroom management challenges, and new teammates. Technology can help to ease some of these first year growing pains.
nice article with tips for any teacher
Visit to create an account. Visit to find other educators that teach in the same content area(s). BeThe Top 10 Twitter SEO Tips
Era al top de dlicious.. i sembla interessant.How to Be a Better Photographer When on Vacation - Gadgetwise Blog -
photography traveling
Summer is here, the kids are out of school, and everyone is counting down the days until the summer trip. No matter where you’re going — the beach, the mountains, a foreign country or a town just down the road — you’ll be snapping photos.User Experience Design @ MindTree: How to create a Style Guide with ease
Guia de criação de um style guide para web sites.Photoshop Quick Tips #7 - Edgy Style Photo Treatment | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Cool eyes.
Tutorial de procés en photoshop per a retrat: efecte caires vius.
Following our series of Photoshop Quick Tips, today we have a really nice tip from Cameron, a photographer and digital artist working at BOXeight Studio. Cameron will show us a really cool photo treatment that will give an edgy, surreal look and feel to a regular photo.The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | 115 Marketing Strategies For Small Business
The most common question entrepreneurs ask me, is “how can I improve my marketing with no or little money?” With this in mind, I asked for help from the TPE community and here is what I got… 115 ideas. Skim them or read them in detail, but whatever you do make sure you go through the list. Just one of these ideas may trigger a marketing opportunity that you never considered before. Just one of these ideas may take your business to a whole new level!Estimating time for Web Projects more accurately: Part 1 | Web Project and Website Management advice | Web Project Management Addict | thesambarnes
letters to the futureGmail: Tips
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
A few pointers to other valuable links.Lifehacker - Top 10 Productivity Basics Explained - Productivity
ゲームの作り方とアルゴリズムをジャンル別にまとめてみました。ゲーム制作や、プログラミングの勉強用にご活用ください。言語別ゲームプログラミング制作講座一覧もあわせてお読みください。パワーポイントで作る企画書のデザインを美しくみせるための7つのポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
1、2、3、5だけでもやってあるとだいぶ違うGmailの機能を拡張して、もっと便利にする38のTips | コリス
超便利そう 使わない理由が見つからないwillustratorでどんなフォントもスケッチフォントに変える方法 | CREAMU
1. テキストツールでテキストを入力 2. 塗りと線をなしにする 3. アピラランスパネルで、新規塗りを追加 黒を選択 4. 効果 > スタイライズ > 落書き で以下のように設定
1. テキストツールでテキストを入力 2. 塗りと線をなしにする 3. アピラランスパネルで、新規塗りを追加 黒を選択 4. 効果 > スタイライズ > 落書き で以下のように設定You Had Me At Hello: 10 Examples Of Website Introductions
If you want to make a personal decision that only you can make like whether or not you should start a business, try putting into writing a list of arguments for and against the idea. If that fails, consider divination. Suppose you have studied the idea from all angles, have done all your homework, and worked out all the consequences and pros and cons in your mind, and yet still remain indecisive. You now must follow your heart and tell your brain to shut up. The multitude of available divination techniques are very useful for determining your own semi-conscious desires, as they each present a complete ambiguous and random pattern that your own subconscious will assign meaning to.Tomblooを使えばたった1秒で「はてなブックマーク」できる*二十歳街道まっしぐら
title-jquery-tutorialsIf for whatever reason you don’t know jQuery, it is a “write less, do more” JavaScript library. It has many Ajax and JavaScript features to allow you enhance semantic coding and user experience.
Come back to this for basic Jquery tutorials» セキュアなサーバを作るために最低限やっておくこと: エスキュービズム ラボ Blog
The realm of dress tie knots is dominated by a handful of traditional tie knots. Check out this rather unique tie knot and be the first on your block to sport it. If you're a very sharp-eyed fan of Matrix movie trilogy, you'll recognize the knot captured below as a rare specimen sported by "The Merovingian." The knot itself didn't originate with the movie, and isn't rightfully named "The Merovingian Knot," but the Ediety Knot. Still, it's nearly impossible to find any reference to it independent of the movie, so let's just keep the Wachowski-an etymology for now. As Henry notes during his demonstration in the video below, it'll get big raves from Matrix obsessives, but everyone else will at least admire your fancy "French knot."19 Presence Management Chores You COULD Do Every Day |
TWEETED 6/29Official Gmail Blog: So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
Com essas dicas, você com certeza irá limpar sua caixa de entrada do Gmail muito mais rapidamente, estou aplicando e está dando muito certo!
Gmail ninja
I don't know, do I?
share with ccv publicityWordPress Configuration Tricks
6/29/09 Many WordPress users know the wp-config.php file as the key to the WordPress database. It is where you set the database name, username, password, and location.
ol config options for the WP newbie like me.
But what many users don’t know is that the wp-config.php file may be used to specify a wide variety of configurational settings, enabling you to improve the functionality, performance, and security of your WordPress-powered site. In this article, I share as many of these configurational tricks as I have been able to collect over the years. This guide covers everything in the WordPress Codex, as well some additional tricks that you probably haven’t seen before. If you know of any other WordPress configuration tricks, share them in the comments and I will add them to the post.
Many WordPress users know the wp-config.php file as the key to the WordPress database. It is where you set the database name, username, password, and location.7 New Essential CSS 3 Techniques Revealed | tripwire magazine
rounded corners mostly, with jquery
A roundup of 7 CSS3 techniques that will be available in FF 3.5.NOOP.NL: Top 200 Blogs for Developers (Q2 2009)
Top 200 Blogs
Blog list for developers
In the meantime... please enjoy the 4th edition of the Top 200 Blogs for Developers.Designer’s Favourite Fonts & Why
Designer’s Favourite Fonts & Why - Useful Resources for Improving Your Photoshop Efficiency - Psdtuts+
Photoshop users have the opportunity to drastically improve productivity and efficiency by gaining a solid understanding of the Photoshop tools, the capabilities of the program, and by learning some handy shortcuts.
30+ Useful Resources for Improving Your Photoshop Efficiency - Psdtuts+ - para aprobar un examen de oposicion, test psicotécnicos gratis, aumentar el coeficiente intelectual o con tests de figuras, memoria, matematicos, razonamiento verbal y numericas. Para oposiciones, trabajos... on-line
Operaciones matemáticas20+ WordPress Recipes (Codes)
More and more clients are using WordPress as their CMS. As a designer or developer, you should really get into WordPress coding. To get started, you can read my WordPress theme guide and hacks. Now, I would like to recommend a resourceful WordPress site to you called WpRecipes. This post contains over 20 recipes that I hand picked from WpRecipes. If you have any good WordPress code or hacks that you want to share, feel free to send them over and I will post it.Write Better CSS with Less
Questions to ASK for your interview
Including: What are the criteria that you are looking for in the successful candidate for this position?In the Woods - 20 Excellent Coda Tips
Web Design, Development, and Business
Quick steps to polish a design
nice tips for the fine touches that will make your designs stand out from the crowd10 Things Every Web Designer Just Starting Out Should Know
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by latvian photographer Ivars Gravlejs
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by latvian photographer Ivars Gravlejs Includes photographic examples
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by Ivars GravlejsShooting Big Cities at Night While Traveling Light » Photography Bay | Digital Camera Reviews, News and Resources
And this recipe is easy enough, but I swear it works like a charm. You don’t need complex, carcinogenic compounds lurking around your cabinets! Baking soda, baby, and a liberal splash of vinegar.
Next time I'll have to try covering the hole...that probably makes it work better than when I've done it in the past. Great little site. Drupal or Wordpress (Drupal). (One of these days I'll figure out how to tell the dif.)
Como usar a soda caustica para limpar
hm...Wordpress 2.8 And 10 Things That You Should Know Before/After You Upgrade
There are a lot of exciting new features in Wordpress 2.8. Here, we list down 10 things that you should know before and after you upgrade, and also some tips for the theme/plugin developer.Firefox 3.5をインストールしたらまず行う設定 : blog
「ウィンドウを閉じてもCookieを残しておいてあげたいサイトは、「例外サイト」で許可してあげればOK。」今時のデザインのウェブサイトの作り方を丁寧に解説しているPhotoshopのチュートリアル集 | コリス
comments have more ideasTim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
hahah dude thats why kevin rose designed something and tim goes on tv for fun
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read BooksOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | A Dozen Don’ts for Entrepreneurs
Most advice to entrepreneurs focuses on what they should do: build a great product, assemble a great team, provide great service. All are “duhisms.” Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t realize that there are things they should specifically avoid doing too. These are also duhisms, but somehow no one ever talks about them. Here is my list of the twelve most important things that entrepreneurs should not do.
HT: Chuck Smith22 More iPhone 3.0 Features You May Not Know : iSmashPhone
Creative CSS Forms30 Essential Tools for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
For designers nothing can be more handy than effective and time saving tools supporting their creative process. Of cause dependant on the specific needs free web-based tools can significantly help you accomplish tasks such as color selecting, color pHow to improve your email etiquette - Manage Your Life on Shine
always looking for ways to improve my email etiquette.
for BI
Recently, I started using an old family friend as a travel agent. Before then, we’d never had occasion to email one another. From the start, I was shocked to find that she regularly wrote her emails exclusively in all uppercase letters. I politely mentioned that using all caps in an email is the equivalent of screaming in voice conversations and she said she appreciated the tip. Still, I couldn’t help wondering how a professional could get by today without mastering one of the most basic tenets of email manners.
Nothing that I didn't know, but some people I know should read this - just few people ;)JPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
JPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニックをSmashingMagazineから紹介します。 Clever JPEG OptimizationCable Decluttering With a Twist
I hate cable clutter, but what does one do with stray cables that can’t be hidden behind a desk or concealed in wire loom? Thankfully electricians, climbers, and roadies have been dealing with cable clutter for years, and they’ve utilized a nice technique that we can take advantage of! The Chain Sinnet Cable Wrapping Method The chain sinnet (aka chain braid, daisy chain, or monkey braid) is a cable shortening and storing method that can be used to make stray cables a little more pleasing to the eye. You creating a chain sinnet by making a loop at the base of your cord, then pull the remaining cord into each new loop. Be sure to keep your loops loose to avoid damaging the cord.
Modo per raccogliere i cavi
Cable Decluttering With a TwistPower Tips For WordPress Template Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
With its latest releases, WordPress has extended its potential well beyond blogging, moving toward an advanced, robust and very powerful content management solution. By default, WordPress delivers a very lightweight, minimal system that offers only basic functionalities. But where the WordPress core falls short, there are a wealth of plug-ins that extend its limitations.20 Questions To Ask Clients Prior To Designing A Logo | The Design Cubicle
A logo questionare for clients.Happiness: 3 amazing tips from the world's oldest case study - Healthy Living on Shine
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regre
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regret his isolationist ways and wrote these last words in his journal, “Happiness only real when shared.”
We’ve all heard countless studies, articles and TV interviews on happiness. But the other day I stumbled upon something that is just now being revealed to the media for the first time.* It's a 72 year old study that began all the way back in 1937 when 268 Harvard University sophomores were asked to participate in a study measuring “a formula-some mix of love, work, and adaptation-for a good life.” And while many of those who were college sophomores in 1937 are now dying or in their fading twilight, this study continues to be diligently maintained to this very day.Mac OS XのFinderがプチ便利になる8つのテク : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mac OS XのFinderをカスタマイズするプラグイン集Twitter Guide Book: Mashable Launches Hub for Twitter Resources
An awesome article by Sergio Pereira - that talks about functions and scope in javascript
applyIn the Woods - 50 Ways to Get Your Site Noticed
This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a web site. Not all of the items listed below will apply to you and your business, but they are, at the very least, a source for inspiration.CSS Fundamentals: Containing Children - Nettuts+
I've received multiple requests for simpler CSS tutorials that teach the tricky fundamentals. This will serve as the first entry in a series that will receive new additions sporadically each month. Today, we'll be reviewing the overflow: hidden, and clearfix tricks to force a parent div to contains its children. css fundamentalsStop Counting Clicks | UX Booth
The 3-click-rule is the Freddy Kreuger of web design advice. You think it’s finally dead and then it comes back and starts slashing up sensible debate about usable design. I’m hoping to convince you to stop talking about the 3-click rule. I don’t mean substituting it with the 4-click rule or the 5-click rule. You should stop counting clicks as a measure of usability altogether.Twitter Better: 20 Ways to Filter Your Tweets
Most Twitter users probably follow under a thousand other people, but that's enough to make it hard to keep track of the real-time stream.
Twitter Filtering Tips10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet - Program - Linux - Builder AU
When you are embarking on the Linux experience for your initial time, there's a few things you should know.
Linux Mantainance
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the InternetHow To Build a Theft-Proof iPhone : iSmashPhone
for less than the $99 per year that Apple's mobileme service costs画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalker
画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalkerMud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.iPhone 3G タッチパネルガラス・液晶割れ 破損 傷・バッテリー交換修理/パーツ販売:TOPページ
Whether you are on your first presentation or on your umpteenth, it’s always better to be prepared with the right resources to back up your ideas for the PowerPoint slides. So here’s looking at 10 websites for free supplies of media clips for PowerPoint.
10 Places To Get Cool Media Clips For PowerPoint PresentationsMozilla Re-Mix: Firefoxのデータベースを最適化して高速化を図るアドオン「SQLite Optimizer」
Firefox 3では、履歴やブックマーク、クッキーなどの他、一部アドオンの利用データもSQLite データベースで管理しています。 日々の利用により、このデータベースが大きくなってくると、Firefoxの起動に時間がかかったり、動作が緩慢になってくるということなどが考えられます。 このようなとき、データベースの最適化をすることによって、Firefoxの動作を軽くするという方法がブログなどにもよく書かれていますが、これを実行するには「SQLite Manager」というアドオンをFirefoxにインストールして起動し、お使いのプロファイルフォルダから該当データベースを探して[Reindex]を行うという作業が必要となり、初心者にはちょっと実行しにくいものがあります。
実験的アドオンが終了次第導入。» Blog Archive » 100 Useful Twitter Tips & Tools for Web Designers
Jak používat twitter
we’ll look at 100 tips and tools that are great for web designers on Twitter.
kewls twitter tips and tools for web devs!CSS Optimization Tips - Optimizing Style Sheets - CSS Optimization Tutorial
CSS Optimization TipsUnveiling the New Influencers | PR2.0
Traditional influence has followed a systematic top-down process of developing and pushing “controlled” messages to audiences for decades, rooted inStopping the CSS positioning panic (Part 1) « The CSS Blog, just CSS. (Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Resources and more!)
Best tutorial on css positioning that I've been
Nice example of a rounded corner menuPHP Security: Fortifying Your Website- Power Tips, Tools & How to’s | Noupe
This week viral marketing scientist Dan Zarrella dug into the data on retweets and published some interesting stats about retweet behavior. These help us understand why people retweet things, and might help you too.Lifehacker - Learn to Fold a Dress Shirt Effectively - Packing
There are numerous ways a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can improves our web design and it’s not difficult to implement a few to make our website looks better and more user-friendly. Listed below are 10 cool CSS tricks that will improve your web designs instantly. The good thing about these tutorials is that they make complicated CSS tricks look easy (and you don’t have extensive coding work to do!). If you are new to web design and development, I suggest you bookmark this article for further reference in future.The Savvy Networker
resume guidelines10 Useful CSS/JS-Coding Solutions For Web-Developers | CSS | Smashing Magazine
da approfondire specialmente l'overlay per la guida cool30 WordPress Development Tutorials | Pro Blog Design
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.
da approfondire per livincool
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.10 Super PHP codes to handle HTML (for Web Developers) | TutorialFeed
Today I would like to share some interesting PHP codes to handle HTML dynamically. These codes are free to use under GNU General Public License. I hope this post would help Web Developers. Here's the following:
Automatic generation of HTML for table. - Colspan, rowspan, table style, column style, cell style, and data style may all be defined. - OO interface - Simple but effectiveTips on using python's datetime module
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do.
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do. I have come to adopt some extra usage guidelines in order to preserve my sanity:
Important timezone brokenness in Python. PHP5's DateTime continues to be my gold standard for timezone wrangling.
Tips on using python's datetime moduleStrategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It |
Once you get past the “should my company be blogging” hurdle and into the “okay, so now what?” part of the race, the next question you might find yourself facing is, “What should I be doing to marry my blogging to my business goals?” If you’re in charge of making blogs deliver a business value to your organization, here’s some thoughts to consider. (Note: this is a business-minded post. You can use blogs however you like.)
RT @chrisbrogan Strategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It [from]Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Less Virtual, More Machine - Windows 7 and the magic of Boot to VHD
Booting Windows7 from a virtual hard disk OS file .vhdAce the Interview - David Silverman -
Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue.
useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue64 essential guides, tips and tutorials to definitely master Photoshop like a pro
Here I list some of the hidden features I discovered that can enhance your theme.On-page SEO - The Google Way
Tips on SEO and link to PDF of Google's SEO guide.これまでに使った20のjQueryプラグイン | 5509
Creating a wireframe is one of the first steps you should take before designing a website. A wireframe helps you organize and simplify the elements and content within a website and is an essential tool in the development process.
Infromación para generar wireframes, muy utiles para los proyectso web...50+ Tools To Make You a More Efficient & Organized Designer | Design Reviver
a time and budget management tool. One can create tasks, time their own work, run reports, and manage their money overall more efficiently.5 Essential Google Cheat Sheets Which Surely Will Come in Handy | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. here is a collection of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.
Cheat Sheets
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. I have collected a bunch of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.8 Common First Aid Mistakes And Myths That Make Things Worse » Health Watch Center
Google's upped its pace handing out invites to Google Voice, the service that controls all your phones with one number. For those just arriving, we're offering up a beginner's guide to setting up, transitioning to, bug-fixing, and actually enjoying Google Voice. If you still haven't received an invite or want a clearer picture of what Google Voice actually does, peek first at our screenshot-packed first look and tips on whether you actually need it. Once you accept an invite, register your number, and make your first text or phone call, you might be wondering how to go about actually using Google Voice—after all, nobody's calling you on that number just yet, and your number doesn't have any rules set up to begin with. That's where this guide starts off. There are lots of resources that explain how Google Voice's features work, but we're hoping to help you learn how to get people calling that number, work past the flaws in its system, and manage the callers for a better overall5 Steps for Successful Social Media Damage Control
alturas iguaisどんなにへたくそでも一日後には絵が上手くなる方法:ハムスター速報 2ろぐ
「厚み」という概念が、なるべく努力を怠ろうとする我がココロに響くのであった15 very useful PHP code snippets for PHP developers
pedacoes de codigos uteis em phpSpring Cleaning Tips-– Smart Spring Cleaning Tricks
Background, chewable
Web design is one of those areas that when done right, you know it. It looks polished, refined and generally, just well done - it pops! There are a number of ways that you can achieve this and that is by ‘polishing’ off your design. Here we look at some of the ways to do just that.Top 10 search engine optimization tips for online news start-ups
Before you begin tuning your specific key words and phrases, you need to discover what key words and phrases Internet readers are using in search engines to find content like yours'. Google's various keyword tools can help you do that. The AdWords tool will show you the approximate number of searches conducted on Google for words and phrases that you enter, or for phrases associated with a URL of your choosing.
Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Land and blogger at, speaks on the importance of SEO to any boot-strapped online start-up.
With few resources to draw readers to a new website, SEO provides start-ups a low-cost opportunity to get their site's links in front of an interested audience. The only cost is the time to learn these tips, and the effort required to implement them. Effective SEO not only causes your website's pages to rise in the search engine's results pages, it can help you make money, as SEO can help search engines tailor better targeted and more lucrative ads on your pages, should you participate in their advertising syndicates, such as Google AdSense.jQuery Performance Rules - Best Practices for Speeding Up jQuery
Once upon a time, all we needed to worry about was reducing Bytes and Requests and playing around with load order to make things faster. Nowadays, we are10 More Tips for Stunning Portrait Photography
This is a community-maintained collection of reusable code snippets. Contribute something without logging in, or improve existing contributions. All code is dedicated to the public domain unless otherwise specified.The Healthy and Fit Algorithm
En inglés. Lo de siempre, que nunca es bastante recordado. Mens sana in corpore sano; buena salud igual a ejercicio y dieta equilibrada. Y propuestas.Pro Camera Gear on a Student Budget
Coffee doesn't always make work better, but you can definitely work to get better coffee. From four-cup hotel machines to French presses, from home-roasted beans to decorative foam&mdash;we've got a wealth of tips for enjoying a better cup.
Coffee doesn't always make work better, but you can definitely work to get better coffee. From four-cup hotel machines to French presses, from home-roasted beans to decorative foam—we've got a wealth of tips for enjoying a better cup.The Last Psychiatrist: Four Things Not To Do To Your Kids
reminds me of community service with childrenamazonのダンボール箱でつくるA4ファイルケース【マゴクラ】ダンボールインテリア生活
cool hackLifehacker - Make Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee - Coffee
Brewing coffee and icing it isn't all that hard, but cold-brewed coffee is a different, more flavorful kind of drink. It takes some night-before planning, but it's easy and makes for great warm-weather mornings.
Brewing coffee and icing it isn't all that hard, but cold-brewed coffee is a different, more flavorful kind of drink. It takes some night-before planning, but it's easy and makes for great warm-weather mornings.Ten Simple Rules for Choosing the Perfect CMS + Excellent Options | Noupe
Artigo que discute algumas variedades de CMS
nice list of CMS tools
The content management system you choose can really make a huge difference in how much time you (or your clients) spend keeping a site updated and maintained. There’s a huge variety out there—some estimates put the number at around 1700 different options. Some are great…some, not so much. Below are ten useful guidelines to consider when choosing a CMS, followed by rundowns on ten great CMS options available and how they stack up based on the guidelines.Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… [from]How to Photograph a Sunset: 6 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Photograph a Sunset.12 Essential Security Tips and Hacks for WordPress
Among the tidbits offered, the article suggests networking in person. Though perhaps intuitive and inviting for the more gregarious worker, this is an especially important step for the shy employee who may prefer to limit the crux of his communications to emails and IM chats. While both are important to establishing and maintaining a relationship, meeting up in-person is vital. The NYT bluntly says to force yourself to do so. Making a bee line to the bar or buffet, if there is one, is a classic way to get the ball rolling. The article also claims that being an introvert can even help your networking efforts. Introverts are intuitive and analytical. Use that skill. After you have been networking for a while, ask, "What is working? What isn't? Where do you get the most bang for your buck?"
From, Paul B Brown. Networking tips15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
Catswhocode20 Tips to Manage Your Online Social Life – Part 1
Growl on Macs as of now. There is a Growl client for Windows, but it doesn't work with Prowl yet. It will in the next update, so just hang on Windows users.
s push notifications, it failed to include a push version of Gmail. So, while true push Gmail for the iPhone is yet to exist, there is a very, very good work around10 handy Firefox about:config hacks | 10 Things |
If you really want to fine-tune your Firefox functionality, you have to roll up your sleeves and tinker with the about:config page. Jack Wallen shares some simple hacks to make Firefox work the way you want.10 Key SEO Strategies Every Facebook Page Owner Should Know
Out of all of the blessings that have come into my life over the last two and a half years or so (a new home, my daughter, financial recovery, a new career, a lot of wonderful readers), the one that has truly helped me to sleep better at night is the move away from living paycheck to paycheck.
facts about the current economy.Why Non-Profits Are So Good at Social Media - Conversation Starter -
for Writing for the Web discussion starter
Describes how several non-profits are successfully using social media. Author: Alexandra Samuel, HR Business Publishing, June 16, 2009.5 Useful And Creative Ways To Use WordPress Widgets | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
If you've been reading some of the previous WordPress-related articles here on Smashing Magazine, you'll know that WordPress is much more than a blogging platform.Creating Thumbnails Using the CSS Clip Property
Clippings are currently only offered in the shape of a rectangle but more shapes might be supported in the future. You can create a rectangle clipping using the rect shape. Using rect requires four coordinates Top, Right, Bottom, Left (TRBL). Let’s take a closer look at how clip calculates the clipping region since it tends to cause some confusion. Keep in mind that the bottom starts from the top, and the right starts from the left.
Some bitching in the comments but not a bad technique for some situations.無料でFlashの制作環境が整えられる! FlashDevelopとFlex SDK 3のインストール方法(ビデオ付き) | ClockMaker Blog
japan site
Flex SDKとFlashDevelopでフリーの開発環境を作れるという話。Adobeの標準環境で一通り言語を覚えてから検討する。Clever PNG Optimization Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Some nice strategies for reducing files sizes when creating PNG files. Don't worry. I promise I won't bring this up if you are a non-ridiculous-geek. But know that I could if I wanted. Or if you weren't fetching me drinks fast enough.
PNG 最適化
Some interesting details about how PNG works and therefore how it can be made small.
This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG-images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. We’ll start with some essentials about the PNG format and will then move to advanced optimization techniques.
As a web designer you might be already familiar with the PNG image format which offers a full-featured transparency. It's a lossless, robust, very goodBBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
"It applies in all walks of life. Church services and prayer books are full of three-part lists. Research has shown that people know a prayer is finished when it ends with them praying for three things. They know to say 'Amen' and don't have to be prompted." Also, it is economical - a third word is the earliest point at which a possible connection, implied by the first two, is confirmed. If you carry on listing items, say speech-writing experts, you risk being criticised for "going on and on". It can be thマスターしておきたい、Illustratorの基本的なエフェクト集 | コリス
iモードブラウザ 2.0まとめ
セッション対応かー5 Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot
Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers25 amazing lifehacks for designers
Summer is the best time to take a breath and upgrade some professionnal or personnal skills. This list will let you find some food for thoughts, but also some cute little hacks to experiment with gadgets. Photography 1. DIY $10 Macro Photo Studio Not a professional photographer? This DIY macro photo studio will be enough for most of your close-up pictures… for $10! 2. 12 ways to use your camera as a tool Because your camera is not only here to take pictures of your cute cat. 3. How To Use Vintage Lenses with Your DSLR Get good camera lenses for less money, you know you want to. 4. Setting up your own studio at home Good tips on lightening and set up. 5. DIY Remote shutter trigger for Digital Cameras Pretty cool stuff, will try it soon. 6. Build a USB Digital Microscope in 60min and 15$ Could do some great graphics with such a gadget. Productivity 7. 5 ways to spend less time at work If you’re in design, chances are that you love/like your job. It’s still a good idea to try not sHow to get a night's sleep without shit happening (Software Engineering Tips)
FMyLife(Fuckな出来事を投稿するサイト)→単語覚える→英語wikipedia(辞書なし)→TED(スクリプトつき動画)→lang-8で添削したり日記UptownMaker: 18 Essential Skills for a Maker
it's the third one, you can probably dispense with the graph altogether. And the fourth isn't really a presentation, it's a working session. Which means you're trying to light a fire, make a point, highlight a trend, cause action to be taken. Your gra
How to make graphs that work
Good results should go up on the Y axis. This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down. Instead, chart "percentage of goal" or "how much I lost."
good article about graphsほとんど情報がないモバイルSEOのまとめ | 携帯サイトをつくろう。
モバイルSEOとは携帯サイトのSEO、検索エンジン最適化することを言います。 実際PCのSEOに関する情報は、結構色々あるのですが、 モバイルSEOに関する情報はまだそこまで多くないのが現状です。PNG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
Fun and Practical Htaccess Solution
Htaccess files are plain-text configuration files used by the Apache HTTP web server. They allow users to set directory level options without requiring access to the httpd.conf file. As such it is required that your server uses Apache, and a web host that allows htaccess files (the most popular hosts do). I assume a basic working knowledge of htaccess, but if you need to freshen up check out this article by Joseph Pecoraro
redazione.iolavoro@regione.liguria.it10 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think | UX Booth
"Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly and concisely everything one needs to know about getting started with web usability. For more advanced users, it’s a great refresher course."
Korte samenvatting van het boek "Don't make me think!" van Steve Krug (aanrader)Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009 - Best of
Hive Five Winners, March through June 20099 Ways I Use Evernote - The 2.0 Life
Evernote, more than any other application, is what keeps me productive, sane, and on-task. It helps me remember everything, helps me get things done, and has all manner of other purposes and uses in my life. My productivity system is based on Evernote as my inbox, my school organization is all based within Evernote, and so on and so forth. I could continue to rant and rave about how great it is, but instead I’ll tell you how it is that I use it.WordPress使いが覚えておくと便利な7つ道具 - かちびと.net
WordPressを使っていて「これが有ると無いとで全然違ってくる」と思う7つ道具(ソフトやツールなど)Techy Tips for not so techy teachers
website8 Tips To Effectively Boost Your Wireless Router Signal
Look at it – staring you down so innocently, yet I know that your Linksys wireless router refuses to give you signal. Since you decided to place it in a corner to gather dust, using it only for its relay capabilities, it has decided to constantly bring up the feared “Limited Network Connection” bubble. Don’t you just hate those?
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
8 Tips To Effectively Boost Your Wireless Router SignalMake The Perfect Screencast With These 6 Great Tips
tips voor een perfecte screencast - je weet wel zo'n video van je computerscherm waarin je bijvoorbeeld een programma uitlegt.
Over the years screencasting, also known as video tutorials have became very popular on the internet. The reason that they have became so popular is because it lets a user record their screen and share it with others to show them how to do something on a computer.SEOmoz | 10 Steps to Advanced Keyword Research
Some keyword research is surface-level, fire and forget type stuff. If you just need to see relative volume levels, then a basic keyword research tool is all you need. If, however, you want to really dive deep and get the full skinny on your keywords, I'd recommend having each of these data points.
Hi Rand, Great article very informative, I will work through and some times try Jürgen50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Here are five steps for new users to take in order to make the Twitter experience more enjoyable from the beginning.
트위터에서10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos
Like it says
There are plenty of sites that allow you to view and upload videos and share your memories, experiences and knowledge with the world. However, with its15 sites web developers and designers should know
Metalist of good sites for assisting in web developmentphotoshopでゼロから作るウェブデザイン チュートリアル30選 | DesignWalker
様々な変わったデザインのwebの作り方Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave - Design - standards based web design, development and training » Aligning inline images with the vertical-align property
Max Design - standards based web design, development and training » Aligning inline images with the vertical-align property -
You can change the vertical position of images in relation to the surrounding text using the CSS vertical-align property. The various properties that can be used include: top, text-top, middle, baseline, text-bottom, bottom, sub, super, percentage and length
useful read for aligning small images/icons with text.
Vertical alignment, much more elegant than how I've previously seen it done
欧文フォントの高さの概念が参考になるNew And Comprehensive Wordpress 2.8 Tutorial and Hack Toolbox | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Ausführliche Anleitungen
New And Comprehensive Wordpress 2.8 Tutorial and Hack Toolbox | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools -
Custom taxonomies in WordPress - Blog - iPhone CSS
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can!
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS:
? You can! Use this CSS:
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can with this css携帯サイト制作の時に勉強になるサイトとか、あれこれ。|linker journal|linker
If you’re a freelance graphic designer (or any profession for that matter) and do not have contracts or standard terms and conditions that you provide your clients to sign prior to starting a project… well let’s just say you’re silly. You WILL at some point need it to protect your business, as for the reason I am writing this is due to a recent incident in which my contract protected me. Building your own design contracts isn’t always easy—there’s much to include, but once it’s written and out of the way it’s as easy as hitting ‘attach’ and ’send’ in your email. Often at times, client’s ask specific requests so I can easily tailor mine to fit their project if need be. Instead of covering each and every angle of a design contract, below I have listed the basics and essentials to include in your standard graphic design terms and conditions or contracts. Feel free to add more in the comments below.
Below I have listed the basics and essentials to include in your standard graphic design terms and conditions or contracts.
phic errors, etc. Also if the client provides you materials to work from and they’re lost or damaged it must be accounted and compensated fo
LEGALThe Art Of Applying Rule Of Five Plus Or Minus Two For An Effective Wireframe | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
When presenting any kind of information on a page, avoid overwhelming your visitor with too many choices. Its best to use no fewer than 3 and no more than 7 groupings of elements.
The Art Of Applying Rule Of Five Plus Or Minus Two For An Effective Wireframe |The Simple Dollar » Ten Unusual Ways to Improve Your Appearance of Confidence That Really Work
Behaviour and customs vary greatly from country to country. We discuss the correct travel etiquette so that you won't be caught out.Carsonified » How to Increase Sign-ups by 200%
He believes it’s because people are afraid if they click a link that says “Free Trial” then they’ll somehow automatically signup for something and be trapped. However, “See Plans and Pricing” encouraged them to explore, without the fear of commitment.
See Plans and Pricing
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webブログを書いている人が FriendFeed を始めるべき7つの理由 |
ほほー、なるほど。本気で使えばかなりいい情報収集装置になるんだな。VLC 1.0 Records Video from DVDs - DVD - Lifehacker
「施策を考えたらすぐに実施してしまいたい気持ちはわかりますが (また、経験者の方にとっては当たり前のことかもしれませんが)、その施策がただの作業・自己満足で終わってしまわないよう、急がば回れで現状の数値を把握してみてください。」
このチェックリストに沿っていくつかのコンテンツを複合的に施策を行ったところ、検索流入・検索順位ともに結果は非常に良好でした。 そして、ひとつひとつご覧になればわかるかも知れませんが、チェックリストといっても何か特別な (秘密の) 施策が書かれているわけではありません。SEOに興味のある方なら知っているようなことばかりです。 しかし、チェックリストなしに漏れなく項目をチェックするのは難しいと思います。ひとつひとつは当たり前のことでも10を超えると何かが抜けたり、忘れるからです。このようにチェックリスト化することにより、担当ディレクターのSEOリテラシーを高め、致命的な抜け漏れやスパム行為を未然に防ぐことで、コンテンツの価値をそのまま検索エンジンに伝えられると考えています。 ライブドアではモバイルSEOに強いディレクターを募集しています。16 Gorgeous Web Safe Fonts To Use With CSS | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Las 16 tipos disponibles para web css en MAC, PC y Linux32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business
reading the Facebook rules regarding business accounts.
first bookmark
Facebookをビジネスで利用する32の手順How to Troubleshoot a Flaky Internet Connection - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
HOW TO Troubleshoot a Flaky internet connection好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | How To: Wash a Pillow Hot Post From One Year Ago
Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Comments sections are neglected on many blogs. That is definitely a bad thing, because comments represent interaction between you and your readers. In this article,13 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes | Web Design Ledger
l:^ss_co15+ CSS Tips and Tricks | Queness
A list of CSS tips and tricks that will make your life so much easier! I have also make a list of CSS shorthands for your convenience.100 Serious Twitter Tips for Academics | Best Colleges Online
The following tips will help you know just how to get started using Twitter in academia, teach you etiquette, offer strategies and benefits, provide suggestions for specific ways to use Twitter, list tools to use with Twitter, and more.Twitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
A mini site from Twitter explaining what Twitter is and why individuals and organizations may want to use it.
This is a great guide for twitters and business twitters!Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50Definitive Guide to Taming the IE6 Beast
Lots of layout problems in one place.RedLine Magazine : 印刷用CSSのお話
印刷用CSSSpeed Up Your Website with Better Image Optimization in Photoshop | UX Booth
post interessante sobre otimização de imagens para uso na web
Otimização de Imagens para Web | Tutoriais
Otimização de imagens para web.Use Conversions To Generate More Conversions | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a technique that uses information collected on an individual’s web-browsing behavior, such as the pages they have visited or the searches they have made, to select which advertisements to display to that customers.How to Perfect an Elevator Pitch About Yourself - Daisy Wademan Dowling -
You're in the elevator with the hiring manager of Dream-Job Corporation. As the door slides shut, you feel a combination of adrenaline and slight nausea: you've got 15 seconds, if that, to communicate your value as a potential employee in a compelling way — just 15 seconds to cram in a whole resume's worth of work and accomplishments and late nights and successes. There's so much you want to say, but your message has got to be crisp, tailored, to-the-point. Handle this one right, and you'll be the newest member of the Dream-Job team. Flub it up, and you're back to scanning listings on What are you supposed to say?Ten Mac Apps That Make Windows Users Drool | TechWatch | Fast Company
あえてもなにも、必要性が感じられなかったGoogle Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash 関連ドキュメントの日本語訳 : Media Technology Labs (MTL) : メディアテクノロジーラボ ブログ
GoogleAnalytics を利用して Flash コンテンツ上でのユーザ操作やアクセス解析をする方法は以前からありましたが、それをもっと簡単に使えるように Googleさんと Adobe さんが協力して整備して提供してくれることになりましたね。 それが先日発表された「Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash」というコンポーネントです。
use Google Analytics for flashEli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » A year with Python
# A converter between binary data description formats, such as Intel HEX. # Several versions of a recursive-descent parser for a simple language # Many scripts for Scite # At work I’ve developed a framework for using Python for verification of VHDL models. Python is used to write the test scenarios and generate VHDL testbenches from them. # A few applications for controlling embedded hardware via the serial port (with elaborate wxPython & PyQt GUIs) # A few applications for analyzing test reports and building summaries in a user-friendly format # A complex multi-threaded web-page download and analysis program for my own use # A couple of games: a Tetris clone with wxPython and a small game with Pygame as part of a tutorial # Analysis of numeric data with matplotlib # Parts of an assembler and linker for a synthetic language # Solved dozens of Project Euler problems, all in Python.PNG Optimization Guide: More Clever Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. It talks about grayscale, how to use fewer colors for optimization and also about reducing detail to minmize the file size.The Bookworm's Guide to the Lifehacker Galaxy - Book - Lifehacker
U.S. citizens may be notoriously bad at using up our vacation days, but even if you're just taking off a few days this summer, make the most of it with these 10 vacation tips.
Not that I'm taking a vacation anytime soon but always good to keep handy.
great notes on packing lightly, how to pack, good preparations10 Tips to Improve Your WordPress Theme |
Choosing a domain name for a new client is a difficult task. Domain names are the crux of a website’s existence. A bad name can create a negative impact on branding and the ability to strengthen the domain value. A good domain name is essentially priceless (tacky but true) in name, branding, ease of understanding, and catchiness.
Get Creative With Your Domain Name10 useful ExpressionEngine extensions | 3 Roads Media Blog
10 useful ExpressionEngine extensions
ExpressionEngine extensionsTop 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices
AllowUsers root vivek jerry15 PHP regular expressions for web developers
Do you want to become a better writer? Silly question, eh. The good news is that writing makes you a ...
Great blog about writingPro Git - Pro Git Book
st on the Pro Git book website, which contains the full content of the book published by Apress and a blog for me to share Git tips and book news with everybody.HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
A comprehensive guide to help you build your personal brand on LinkedIn.
Dan Schwabel/mashableTake 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track - Time management - Lifehacker
Practice daily.
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.Avoid These Phrases to Keep Your Resume Relevant - Job search - Lifehacker
text-overlay trick
Text within overlaying blocks over images.
by Chris Coyier, 2009-07-27, "Someone recently asked me about this technique and my first reaction was that it was probably a little too mundane to cover as a tutorial. But then I got to thinking that there is actually a few interesting things happening here and the style is trendy enough people might be interested. The idea is just to overlay some text over an image, but as blocks that stick out from the left with an even amount of padding all the way around the variable-length text. (...)"7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture
follow us @BGChamber - we will keep you updated with ribbon cuttings, ground breakings and news around the South Central Kentucky area.10 Useful code snippets for web developers
10 Useful code snippets for web developersDate Display Technique with Sprites | CSS-Tricks
awesome demiş, really!How To Use Twitter(Twitterの使い方) - カイ士伝
37 comments about having a business/startup10 Ways To Give Yourself A Procrastination Inoculation
SOem tips on how to use youtube business socialmedia 11 youtube marketing entrepreneurship enpresa onlinemarketing social-media social 30La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
Grâce à sa gratuité et ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, Google Analytics est de plus en plus utilisé. En plus des articles sur GA et des discussions sur le forum, j'ai constaté avec mon centre de formation Ranking Metrics un intérêt croissant pour les web analytics. Nous expliquons comment il permet de mieux comprendre les visiteurs d'un site afin d'optimiser sa structure, ses contenus et toutes les actions marketing associées. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore pu venir, voici une liste d'astuces et d'outils qui vont vous aider à mieux exploiter le potentiel de Google Analytics…
Des outils pour google analytics100 отжиманий
Программа 100 отжиманий для улучшения физической подготовкиWordPress Resources - 48 Resources, Tips, Tricks & Themes | Think Design
A list of WordPress resources, including general resources, inspiration, themes, tips, hacks, and tricks, presented by ThinkDesignBlog.comThe best way to load external JavaScript | NCZOnline
Not too long ago, I wrote about loading JavaScript without blocking by creating a dynamic <script> tag. When <script> tags are in the flow of an HTML document, the browser must stop rendering and wait for the script file to download and execute before continuing (example). Creating a new <script> tag via JavaScript avoids this issue because it’s out of the flow of the document, so the script file is downloaded and executed without waiting. The result: dynamically loading JavaScript files allows your page to render faster and therefore improve perceived performance.
handling dependancies in jsウノウラボ Unoh Labs: ゼロからはじめる携帯サイト構築。
# 結局はキャリア感の差異を知り吸収する事がすべて ・キャリア毎やマークアップによるIME制御の違い ・メーラー起動時の引数の付け方の違い ・au ではプログレッシブjpgが表示できない ・auの WML拡張は Content-type が text/html じゃないと使えない? #これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 ・FireMobileSimulatorLive ・HTTP Headers ・QRコード出力 #ナイスなライブラリ達 ・Net_UserAgent_Mobile ・Net_IPv4 ・絵文字ライブラリ ・位置情報ライブラリ #素晴らしい書籍 ・PHP×携帯サイト 実践アプリケーション集 ・PHP×携帯サイト デベロッパーズバイブル
これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 FireMobileSimulator 便利過ぎる タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられる様になって言う事無し 7/30追記: タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられると書いていますが、この機能が実装されているのは現在のところベータ版のみです。詳しくは開発者の堀川さんのブログタブごとに端末選択可能なFireMobileSimulatorベータ版公開と人柱募集でご確認ください。 Live HTTP Headers 定番のHTTP ヘッダー表示ツール デバッグ時に活躍 QRコード出力 実機テスト時に大活躍 QRコード関連はライブラリも揃っているので、自前でQRコードを生成して使って居ますが、Google Chart API のQRコード生成をはじめとしたWEBサービスを使えば十分だと思います。 Firefoxのアドオンにもあります Dad - 10 Tips for Powerful Proofreading
Few people would ever say proof-reading’s fun. Although a good edit does little to invite party hats or balloons, it is essential to effective writing.
10 quick tips on proofing and editing..Get Amazing Abs (and Tone All Over) at Any Age on Yahoo! Health
ネガティブマージンの理解を深め、活用するテクニック集 | コリス
スタイルシートを使用する際、必ずといっていいほどマージンを使用するでしょう。しかし、ネガティブマージンになると意見は分かれ、それは悪魔の仕事であると考える人たちも ネガティブマージンで意識しておくポイント ・vaildなCSS(ちゃんと規定あり) エラーを直すために使用するのはただのHack ネガティブマージンをfloatを使用しないエレメント群に適応した際、配置した順番で表示 ネガティブマージンはすべてのモダンブラウザ(IE6以降)で完全にサポート floatでの使用には注意 ネガティブマージンはDwのデザインビューで反映されません ul一つで、3カラムに配置 ポイントをオーバーラップ 3Dのテキストエフェクト シンプルな2カラムのレイアウト floatと一緒にネガティブマージンを使用すると、古いブラウザで下記の問題が生じます。 (解決方法あり) * クリッカブルでないリンク * 選択しにくいテキスト * フォーカスを失った際、消失するタブのリンク
デザイン的に有用! はみでたり系で。 の日本語訳個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
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1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips21 Amazing CSS Techniques You Should Know
Güzel cssler var.In the Woods - Working with Sessions and Cookies in PHP and MYSQL
重いFirefoxをなんとかして速くしたい13 Tips For A Better E-Commerce Website
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
E-commerce has its own dynamics when compared to the standard shopping experiences. It: * is faster * requires collection of data * includes shipping more frequently * has different ways of supporting users * & more.. E-Commerce Tips If the product sold is not something unique, then it probably exists in 100s of other e-commerce websites. So, to differentiate your stores from others, here are 13 tips for a better e-commerce website:Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"
Do THIS once the unc servers are back up - argh! » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Carsonified » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
Few inspiring designsIn the Woods - 10 Typography Tips to Bring your Skills to the Next Level
I generally stick with about 2-5pt’s larger leading than font size depending on the type face, size, etc. and how it feels reading it.
technique de l'utilisation de la typoThree Steps to Building an Online Brand - ReadWriteStart
No matter you want to design a banner or logo, text effect is very important. Why? It is because a beautiful text effect on the banner or logo will attracts the visitor and also delivers a better message. There are tons of Photoshop text tutorials around us, but today we are going to pick the most 40 beautiful Photoshop text effect tutorials for our readers.
This article shares the most useful Photoshop text effect tutorials with readers. A great text effect will sure attract readers' attention and delivers a better message.How to write a killer bio - Manage Your Life on Shine
With the bio in full bloom right now, it pays to take some time to write yours in a way that that reflects how you want to be perceived. Perhaps you want to show a sense of humor or wit. Maybe you want to show your technical prowess by delivering your bio in a video format. And while you're at it, why not let your bio accomplish some personal branding for you.9 Characteristics of Well-Designed E-Commerce Websites | Vandelay Design Blog
Proposes we use the skinny doctype? that's a doctype?
<!doctype html>, that's it.
At Google, we have this obsession with byte size. And by byte size, any “lack-therof” the better. Therefore the doctype you will find on most Google webpages while still triggering the browser into “standards mode” is as simple as you see below:Is your social media expert really an expert? | The Home of Peter Shankman -
There’s a new phenomena of people declaring themselves social media experts. We’ve actually heard from firms who pushed someone to become their resident social media expert because the person was on Facebook. There is no endorsement or accreditation to set apart legitimate industry leaders from bandwagon opportunists. Social media is a hot topic. We get it. And we don’t want to see people getting scammed by self-touting experts ready to make a quick buck. There are very few people who could, or should in all honesty, be called social media experts. We’re sharing this list with our networks, including those not yet involved in the social media world to give them a helpful guide.
Funny list of what NOT to look for in a social media expert. My fav: "#11. Any use of the term “MySpace” unless you’re only targeting 14-year-old males, or independent bands."The Ultimate Guide To Speeding Up Firefox 3.5
I like Firefox but it’s not as fast as it used to be. This is a comprehensive, safe guide to optimizing Firefox 3.5 for speedy browsing. For each suggestion,必ずモノにしたい! ウェブデザイン向け Photoshop チュートリアル16個 ::
MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. Here are very useful tips for all mysql DBA’s, Developers these tips are noted from MySQL Camp 2006 suggested by mysql community experts.
# # Don’t use DISTINCT when you have or could use GROUP BY
Don’t use deprecated features75+ Excellent Collection of Tutorials, Inspirations And Resources For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In July @ SmashingApps
Gran recopilación de diseños
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and DevelopersColor Scheming for Designers |
StyleTime has a helpful article about creating colour palettes.iPhoneの使い方や設定方法のまとめ
あとでみよう9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
City Tour and Tip Jar Look Cool.CSSの実装状況で変わるボックスのデザイン方法
i love those kind of poepleA Brief and Informal Twitter Etiquette Guide
The idea to write a brief and informal twitter etiquette guide came from my new friend Zaven, who asked whether, in some cases, people might just be behaving in a social structure that makes sense to their culture, but not mine. He might be right. With that as a motivator, here are some guidelines for Twitter to consider.
Manual de buenas maneras en TwitterPresentation Zen: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?
interesting, useful tips on presenting
Sharing: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?: People often ask if technical or scien.. [from]
People often ask if technical or science-related presentations can be as compelling as presentations covering other less technical topics.
"Failure to spend the [presentation] time wisely and well, failure to educate, entertain, elucidate, enlighten, and most important of all, failure to maintain attention and interest should be punishable by stoning. There is no excuse for tedium."10 Words I Would Love To See Banned From Press Releases
"Ever since I’ve started blogging about technology a couple of years ago, I’ve been consistently growing an immense feeling of hate towards press releases, and it’s not getting any better. - It’s not that I dislike the PR industry in general, although I often wonder how so many of these firms continue to be in business when the large majority of them have been doing it exactly the same way for the past few decades, instead of evolving."
Ingen ansvarlig voksen ville idag bruge nogle af de ti ord in the first place.The Do’s and Don’ts of Dark Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
A few tips to make your next dark website design appeal to a broader audience, while letting you, the designer, express your creativity.
Do's and Dont'sHow to Become a Better Entrepreneur in the Next 30 Minutes
"So instead of being arrogant, take every opportunity you get to learn new things. Whether it is from an experienced entrepreneur who has been around the block, or a 16-year-old kid, everyone can teach you something. You just have to learn what to take away from a conversation because there are going to be some things that are going to benefit you and others that won’t."
what's not to like about a piece of advice that says you don't have to be perfect to succeed?Mastering CSS, Part 1: Styling Design Elements | CSS | Smashing Magazine
CSS is one of the most important building blocks of modern web design. Standards demand the use of CSS for formatting and styling pages, and30 essential Mac time-saving shortcuts | News | TechRadar UK
We all want our Macs to be labour-saving rather than labour-causing devices. Yet, even if you've been using a Mac for a long time, the thought, "There has to be a better of way of doing this," will probably come to mind on a daily basis. Whether you're undertaking a repetitive task that has to be done often or just a one-off job that seems to be more complicated than necessary, it's your time that's being wasted and we're here to put an end to it.The simplest way to horizontally and vertically center a DIV | Dezinerfolio
to all, but I experimented and came up with this simple CSS snippet. Here is a visual representation of how this works:
To Center a Div ContainerThe Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers Make | Noupe
The Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers Make15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
WordPress community is growing fast, and we are coming up with new hacks every day. In this article we will be sharing with you some of the killer, most wanted, and extremely useful WordPress Hacks that you can use to unleash the power of this blogging software that we all love. We will try to explain how each hack works, if you don’t understand something feel free to ask the question in the comments.Three Short Tutorials for Photographers and Photography Lovers - Psdtuts+
Since its very beginning, Photoshop is the best tool for photo editing and this time I'll take you through a few of short tutorials with some very basic yet practical techniques about using Photoshop with your pictures. Won't take you more than 10 minutes each! Want to try?10 Questions to Evaluate a Social Media 'Expert' | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
do i pass?
Excerpt: "If you know more than 5 people, chances are you now know someone who declares themselves a social media expert. How can you tell if someone's claim of expertise is legit? Here's my quick quiz."
ROIHOW TO: Build Your Company’s Profile on LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be an enormously valuable way to attract top talent to your company, especially if you use all of the options available to you.A List Apart: Articles: Redesigning Your Own Site
Designing for your worst client: yourselfHOW TO: Deal With Social Networking Overload
1. Ask Yourself Why 2. Consider Your Purpose 3. Create Boundaries 4. Communicate Your PlanRelevance Blog : Working With Multiple Ruby Versions Has Never Been This Easy
echo "source ~/" >> .bash_profile
ruby_switcher 여러 버전의 루비를 명령하나로 바꿔가면서 사용할 수 있다
Nice post and accompanying bash script to manage multiple versions of ruby.10 Tips for Writing Better jQuery Code
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
jQuery is totally cool. I’ve been using it for a year now and I find myself constantly learning new tricks and running into great improvements. The amount of plug-ins and resources out there is great, too, making this powerful javascript library either a must-use (for many developers) or a very-cool-thing-I-like for the others. However, many people want to know how to write better code. Here, my friend, are some tips.
Interesting way to save data in point 10.The Complete Guide to Going Paperless - Paper - Lifehacker
You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless.気付き難かったiPhoneの操作 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
素早く振ると直前の操作をキャンセルSet Up Your Server Right, Part 1 « Envy Labs
how to setup ubuntu server "right" really good guide on basics of setting up server
I am going to go through a series of blog posts explaining a lot of tips, tricks, and best practices for setting up a single server and the general small infrastructures. Today we are going to hit the basics — what I consider to be the bare minimum necessary to get an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server ready to go and serving your rails applicationVim Plugins You Should Know About, Part IV: snipmate.vim - good coders code, great reuse, or, or want surround.vim: Little But Really Useful Guide to Creativity
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” - Albert Einstein20 Tips on How to Write for the Web | Webdesigner Depot
事をした時に、それが新しい一日のスタートとして体内時計がリセットされ、睡眠の周期をスムーズに変えることができます。 例えば、2:00 amに起床予定
次の起床予定時刻までの12~16時間は食べるのをやめること。The 3 DSLR Lenses You Need (and 2 More You'll Crave) - camera lenses - Gizmodo
DSLR Lens basics20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
Några av verktygen i den här artikeln verkar intressanta att kolla vidare på.
20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
You don’t have to subscribe to the cult of GTD, shave your head and donate all your possessions to David Allen to improve your blogging workflow. Even taking a small amount of time to add some new discoveries to your toolkit now and then can reap long-lasting benefits. Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.
Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.arnotify » Writing well-behaved, efficient, AIR applications
The Adobe AIR platform makes it possible for many talented developers familiar with AJAX or Flash to build desktop applications. However, with great power comes great responsibility.Signs that you're a bad programmer (Software Engineering Tips)
Very interesting. Also gives some practice methods for improving your programming skills. Google cache: Rules: The 10 Rock-Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing
copyblogger eBook with links to dig deeper on developing online authority.
When it comes to online marketing… Authority is what works.Social Media Optimization: 16 Rules Revisited - Online Marketing Blog
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited: Good piece that stands out from the noise. [from]
"Guidelines for marketing with social media aren’t all that new. In 2006 five members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 16 rules for “social media optimization”. Fast forward to nearly 2010 and social media has begun to take a more significant role in the marketing mix."
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited5 Secrets of the Photoshop Crop Tool
If you’re used to clicking the crop tool dragging the tool over your image and pressing Enter, it may surprise you to know that there are other options that you can use when cropping in Photoshop.jQuery plugins that a programmer need everybody | PHP tutorials and Scripts Collection
Evidently, houseflies, being highly edible and defenseless, are nervous types, and don't like to sit still when they see something moving nearby, because it could be a predator. The water bag acts a bit like a lens—try it some time—in which the movements of people in the area are reflected. Even if the fly is too far from the action to see it directly, it can see a shifting of light and dark in the water bag, which it interprets as nearby movement, and it will fly away from the bag.A List Apart: Articles: Erskine Design Redesign
Our main goals: to attract bigger and better projects—and thereby cement our business, see it through the downturn, and discover excellent growth opportunities. Our aim was not simply to increase inquiries, but to improve the quality of inquiries, and our internal inquiry workflow.15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power users. Here are a few tips you should try out if you are an avid Ubuntu user:
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the powerHow to Eliminate Compulsive Internet Fiddling
Not often, but it happens. Sometimes I get so intimidated by work that I end up procrastinating online. I started my workday at 6 a.m. last Monday hoping to get the week off to a good start, but I found myself reading a Wikipedia entry on the many versions of “Blade Runner” three hours later.
Man, I need to follow this plan
WWD rolls out a five-point plan, one they claim is needed to eliminate the gap between what you think are your biggest time wasters from your actual time wasters. The distinction is an important one because, without accurate data, any other efforts to cut down on your web wandering will probably be unsuccessful. The plan starts with a simple pen-and-paper audit to identify where your attention goes (aside from, you know, this site). They also suggest setting up visible reminders, like a sticky note with an arrow that points to the screen and the words, "Is this really what you want to be doing right now?" Once you've got the first step down, the full five-point plan helps you figure out why you engage in such behavior and offers ways to kick the compulsive surfing habit.Semi Web Safe Fonts to Spice Up Your Web Designs
Myinkblog20 Rules All Freelancers Should Follow | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
20 Rules All Freelancers Should Follow
Excellente liste des règles que les travailleurs autonomes devraient suivre.Comment référencer un site Internet : les techniques efficaces de 2009
Vous avez envie d'améliorer votre référencement avec les techniques qui fonctionnent bien en 2009 sur Google et les autres moteurs ? Voici un guide constitué de conseils pour référencer son site et de nombreux liens. Il pourra aider certains débutants en référencement ainsi que ceux qui ont laissé tomber le référencement un peu trop longtemps et qui cherchent un bon résumé pour 2009.[人柱]教えて君ネットがWinXP超速起動になるって言うからやってみたら本当に高速起動した*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
Buying second-hand products is always green, but it’s easy to be discouraged by the stories of broken laptops from eBay or Craigslist. To quell these fears, here is a 10-step checklist on how to find a used laptop that isn’t just a high-tech lemon.7 Tips for Windows XP Makeover - Mithya
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
PagerBoost Your Memory Power with a 30-Second Eye Exercise - Memory - Lifehacker
これはよさげ gae
"Datastoreのtips * Bigtableの内部構造 * BigtableによるDatastoreの実装 * Datastoreによるクエリの実装 * トランザクションとエンティティグループ * Datastoreのtips * List Proprtyとmerge joinの使い方"Top 10 Tricks for Making Your Playlists Rock - playlists - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Free Adobe Tutorials | Photoshop CS4 | Website Design | Layers Magazine
There are a number of ways that you can achieve a refined website by polishing off your design in Photoshop.
Website Design Tips Using Photoshop CS4JPEG、GIF、PNG画像選択の指針まとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
画像フォーマットの特徴を簡単に説明 GIF - 256色のインデックス画像。ロゴであったりフラットブロックな画像には向いている。透過データを保持できるという特徴_ JPEG - クオリティによって圧縮率が変わる非可逆圧縮の画像。透過は表現できないが、写真データの用途_ GIFのようなぎざぎざを出さずに背景透過を実現でき、24ビットイメージも表現Spice up your WordPress theme with jQuery
Prissättning14 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your New Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
Hvordan øke trafikken på bloggen dinPresentation Zen: 11 ways to use images poorly in slides
<div><p style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial"><a href="" style="float:right"><img alt="Slides" src="" style="margin:0px 0px 5px 5px;width:200px"></a> As digital cameras have become ubiquitous, and cheap (or free) photo websites plentiful, more people than ever are using images in presentations. Images are not appropriate for every kind of talk, but even when images are appropriate (such as keynote/ballroom style presentations), people are still making the same common mistakes. So here are some things to keep in mind if you use images in your next talk. <em>(Get a larger version of the "slides" image <a href="">here.</a>)</em><br><br><strong><span style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial">Case study: a single slide</span></strong><br>Let's imagine you are preparing a prese
o/ [from]
Examples of how photographs are poorly used in PowerPoint presentations. Students do #6 and #7 the most and it is one of my biggest pet peeves!Twenty-Five Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know AboutThe Definitive Guide to htaccess Techniques: Do’s and Don’ts | Noupe
Of all the elements of web design and coding, htaccess can be one of the most intimidating. After all, it's an incredibly powerful tool and one that has the10 Most Downloaded Wordpress Plugins of All Time | Best Design Options
plugins most popular
Best Design Options10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Tien vuistregels voor bloggende bedrijven. De voornaamste is: ga uit van een langetermijn verbintenis en wees eerlijk.Performance, Scalabilty and Architecture - Java and .NET Application Performance Management (dynaTrace Blog) » Understanding Caching in Hibernate - Part Two : The Query Cache
In the last post I wrote on caching in Hibernate in general as well as on the behavior of the session cache. In this post we will have a closer look at the QueryCache. I will not explain the query cache in details as there are very good articles like Hibernate: Truly Understanding the Second-Level and Query Caches.50 expert tips to make your PC faster | News | TechRadar UK
50 expert tips to make your PC faster Speed up your PC without paying for upgrades : TechRadar UKLearn How to Work a Crowd - Social Networking - Lifehacker
When you think of "working a crowd," you might think of entertainers at best, and shifty multi-level marketing salesman at worst. There are, however, non-jerky ways to meet people and benefit from casual networking.Mastering CSS, Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Tools | CSS | Smashing Magazine
In Part 1: Styling Design Elements we covered the basics of web design with CSS. In Part 2 we’re offering up some more advanced techniques and effects you can achieve with CSS. Everything from creating your own online apps (like calendars) to styling web pages for use with the iPhone to some basics of working with CSS3 is covered here.Go Ahead: Next Generation Java Programming Style | Code Monkeyism
Regular expressions are a language of their own. When you learn a new programming language, they're this little sub-language that makes no sense at first glance. Many times you have to read another tutorial, article, or book just to understand the "simple" pattern described. Today, we'll review eight regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.In the Woods – 20 SEO Tips That Every Web Developer Should Follow
One aspect of web development that is many times overlooked is search engine optimization. In this list, I’ll show you some basic SEO techniques that will help you make friends with Google, and increase your page rank!Presentation Zen: 10 Tips on how to think like a designer
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? Garr Reynolds believes there is.
Below are 10 things (plus a bonus tip) that I have learned over the years from designers, things that designers do or know that the rest of us can benefit from.5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I’m covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I’ve actually written about some of these tips in great detail before, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info snack sized like this
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I'm covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I've actuallyHow To Write When You Think You Can’t - Dumb Little Man
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
practical tips for writing when you think you can't really write
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.Web design Q&A - Doctype
Nytt forum för webbutvecklare
Doctype is a free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.Top 10 Wordpress Codes Every Designer Should Know | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Hello there! Here I collected a very great collection of 10 Wordpress codes that I consider the most commonly used by any Wordpress developer. The content was reformatted for quick reference from the Template Tag section of the Codex, a relative encyclopedia to WordPress themeing, and great reference for your WordPress questions.30+ New Useful WordPress Tricks & Hacks | Wordpress
As an experienced WordPress user, we keep ourselves updated with the development of the core, plugin releases and useful WordPress tips and tricks shared by
cool info and wordpress pluginsFree Tools to Back Up Your Online Accounts - Backup utilities - Lifehacker
Cloud computing means you can store your data in web applications and access it from any browser, anywhere—but that doesn't mean you don't need a backup plan. Safeguard your data when a storm's a-brewing in the cloud with these tools. Next time your favorite web site is down or you're locked out of an account, make sure you've got the crucial info you need where you can get to it: on your computer.
Free Tools to Back Up Your Online AccountsWrite When Inspired – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You are not writing for Amazon, or to fit a staff proofreader’s vacation schedule. You are writing for readers. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on.
This is interesting, but it's easy to imagine people feeling tired most of the time and there fore always resting
Jeffrey Zeldman shares the simple secret to maintaining quality.
Great piece by Zeldman
"You are writing for readers, a duty as sacred, in its way, as parenting. If you don’t believe the previous sentence, if you think writing is mainly about getting paid, I’m sorry you wasted your time reading this page, and I hope you find another way to earn a living soon. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on."
"Write when inspired; rest when tired" –Jeffery Zeldman. Amen.4 Websites to Learn Cool Linux Command Line Tricks |
Currently Browsing: [from]The 60 Minute SEO Site Audit - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Site audits are one of the most important tasks for an SEO professional, and sometimes you need to do one quickly. Here's how you can complete an SEO audit for your web site in one hour or less.12 jquery tooltip for web developer
12 jquery tooltip for web developer10 Rules of Front End Coding | Fuel Your Coding
g5 Reasons Why URL Shorteners Are Useful
URL shorteners, such as and tinyurl, are services that help take longer URLs (which can be over a hundred characters long) and transform them into
predict that there will be a day when every domain has URL shortening capabilities,
RT @mashable: 5 Reasons Why URL Shorteners Are Useful (please RT!) - [from]The manual Excerpt in WordPress. What, why, how, tips and plugins -
WordPress excerpts, which are not excerpts in the common sense of the word, make a WordPress site easier to browse and its content easier to discover. When also used as META descriptions, good excerpts bring more and better traffic from search engines.
Tutorial on excerpts in wordpressRepeat "A-E-I-O-U" to Read Faster - Reading - Lifehacker
"If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire." via Lifehacker
If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire.Useful Web Design E-Mail Newsletters | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
email marketing ideas10 Simple Steps to Better Photoshop Performance | How-To | Smashing Magazine
I took one (bad) computer science class in college, and I'm not a web developer. So in early 2008, when I decided I was finally going to build a web site I'd been fantasizing about for years, I was starting from scratch.Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site |
Your blog’s design can be the distinguishing factor that separates you from the vast sea of other weblogs out there. First impressions count and making sure that you have all the elements of a great blog design can ensure that readers will enjoy the content that you present. In this article, you will read about the ten essential characteristics of a solid weblog design.
from TwitterCarsonified » The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
How to build faster loading websites utilizing image sprites and CSS.
Using CSS sprites allows you to greatly increase your websites speed by using single image files that contain multiple graphics. This tutorial will show you how to use CSS sprites of your own!
Using CSS sprites allows you to greatly increase your websites speed by using single image files that contain multiple graphics. In other words, when you have many images to be used, instead of having them as different individual files, we combine them into one. Therefore, the client computer only downloads one image for all the different graphics to be displayed.Facebook privacy: a guide - Ars Technica
Guia de privacidade no Facebook do Ars Technica.17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business BUENO!!2009-07-04 - 当面C#と.NETな記録
crazy!65 Must-Know CSS Strategies and Tutorials - Webitect
Some good tutorials and resources on CSS13 Tips for Working with WordPress on Client Sites
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
deathDownload Your Google Reader Stories as PDF & other 'Send To' Hacks
A nifty page that shows how to create some custom Google Reader 'Send To' items.
Learn how to download Google Reader stories as PDF files using the new Send To menu. You can also email web pages, share them on Twitter or Facebook via Google Reader.
Saving GR items to delicious, to my blog, to PDF.Stock Your Bar for $100 - Saving Money - Lifehacker
When you’re working with clients remotely it can sometimes be difficult to keep everyone happy and your project on track. Without the benefit of face-to-face meetings, it’s easy for a client to feel neglected or out of the loop. The key to successful remote work relationships is frequent and honest communication and trust between both parties. The tips below will help improve your everyday interactions with clients, no matter how far away they may be.10 tips for efficient design « Boagworld
Curious as to exactly *why* they did. Excerpt: "Twitter released Twitter 101 for Business, a guide for getting started with using the Twitter service. It covers the basics of Twitter, how to get started, the lingo, and includes case studies. Here’s how Twitter describes its value to businesses on its new Twitter 101 website."
guide for business on twitterUltra-Simple 3-Step Productivity System for Getting Amazing Things Done | Zen Habits
rewardHow to shoot a handgun accurately by Massad Ayoob Issue #85
Just in case. via Brian Dailey.8 Web Usability and Best Practices for Beginners | Desizn Tech
Here are 10 things you must do to earn the trust of your online audience. While written from a crowdfunding perspective, this advice applies to anyone working in social media.
Lincoln once said, “With the public trust, anything is possible. Without it, nothing is possible”. Social media is now a daily activity that millions of people around the world consume and participate in. This is the first time in human history that anyone, no matter who you are or where you are has an opportunity to create, share, and prosper, and if you’re going to succeed and stand out in a heavily crowded social media ocean, you need to earn your audience’s trust.On the Renaming of Xcode Projects « Arustisha
explains the issues that might appear when renaming an xcode project/product/targetHow To Kick Start A Community –an Ongoing List « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
n set your login url to something more cryptic. This won’t secure your website
WordPress for Beginners Beginners Guide Plugins Showcase Themes Tutorials Contact Free Wordpress Blog Setup
As we continued to emphasize the security of your WordPress admin panel due to the recent attack on our site, we have compiled a fully detailed article that will highlight some of the must have security measures for your WordPress Admin Area.Carsonified » 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals
UITaming Advanced CSS Selectors | CSS | Smashing Magazine
23+ Excellent Tutorials For WordPress Theme Developers
Dicas de WordPress
Tutorials zum Erstellen von WordPress-Themes
RT @bkmacdaddy 23+ Excellent Tutorials For #WordPress Theme Developers - [from]How to Effectively Organize your Photoshop Layers | Webdesigner Depot
We designers tend to get frustrated with developers when they take liberties with our work. But we have to understand they’re not entirely at fault. Put yourself in their shoes: imagine what it’s like opening a Photoshop file (PSD), only to find a jumble of poorly labeled layers and folders, plus a heap of unchecked hidden layers and other half-baked ideas that didn’t make it to fruition. The following tutorial outlines how to create organized, designer and developer friendly PSD files.
We designers tend to get frustrated with developers when they take liberties with our work. But we have to understand they're not entirely at fault. PutThe Get-Started-Now Guide to Becoming Self-Employed
One of the best things I ever did was quit my day job and become self-employed. I’m so happy with it that I’m recommending it to everyone: my kids, my friends, my sisters.10 Must-Dos for the First Week of College - College - Lifehacker
With the start of the academic year, it's time to switch out of vacation mode—pronto. What you do the first week of classes can majorly impact your grades four months from now, so don't skip these first week must-dos.Use a 3:2 Inhale-Exhale Ratio for Improved Runs - Exercise - Lifehacker
The right equipment, training, and running route isn't always enough to ensure a good run, especially if your breathing is all over the map. To help stabilize yours, try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio. Photo by aarmono. The aptly named Complete Running Network details how to breathe properly when running. Included in their list of seven tips is the importance of establishing the right inhale/exhale ratio. Specifically, they suggest that runners should take three footsteps for every inhale and two footsteps for every exhale, which puts them at a 3:2 ratio. This means you INHALE on the LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes and EXHALE fully on the RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes. This pattern is not that hard to turn into a habit, but it may require you to slow your pace down for a few runs to master the technique. You will notice a lower heart rate as you are able to get more oxygen in and more importantly push all the carbon dioxide out of your body. You may notice that you naturallyトブ iPhone: これからのiPhoneアプリ開発者に朗報「iPhone Developer Program 登録マニュアル」
よく見るとHTML5。10+ Mod_Rewrite Rules You Should Know
.htaccess stuff
Some very useful tips here
Mod_rewrite is an Apache-based rewrite engine for dynamically rewriting URLs. It’s built into Apache servers natively, though not enabled by default.
Mod_rewrite is an Apache-based rewrite engine for dynamically rewriting URLs. It’s built into Apache servers natively, though not enabled by default. It’s capable of functions beyond simple rewrites, though, some of which are included below.50+ Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes and Plugins | tripwire magazine
generating random passwords, encoding email adds, etc.The Art of User-Centric Web Design - Webitect
Muy importante, leer detenidamente
User-centric web design is a method of web design where the content, design, and usability factors are all placed in accordance to the target audience’s needs and goals — a design that is centered around the user. This article will cover the basics of what user-centric web design is, and how to achieve it.20 Top jQuery tips & tricks for jQuery programmers. jQuery Tips Tricks -
Following are few very useful jQuery Tips and Tricks for all jQuery developers. I am sharing these as I think they will be very useful to you. Disclaimer: I have not written all of the below code but have collected from various sources from Internet.5 Ways to Make Ajax Calls with jQuery - Nettuts+
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this tutorial, we'll line them up and make a comparison. Additionally. we'll review how to inspect these AJAX calls with Firebug as well.
from Twitter
For static content, we may want the response cached. But for dynamic content, which can change in a second's time, caching AJAX becomes a bug, right? It should be noted that Internet Explorer always caches AJAX calls, while other browsers behave differently. So we'd better tell the browser explicitly whether or not AJAX should be cached. With jQuery, we can accomplish this simply by typing:10 Useful WordPress Hook Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to hook a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress' functionality
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to “hook” a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress’ functionality without editing core files. In this article, we have compiled 10 extremely useful ready-to-use WordPress hooks, along with examples and coding explanations.
from Twitter
Howto sur les hooks de wordpressThe Anatomy of a Portfolio Site | Build Internet!
The abstract example pitches the tools needed to do the job, while the concrete example pitches the result.
Web Design, Development, and Business10 practical tips for Facebook fan pages -
Treat your fan page like an online ad and optimize11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program
11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates ProgramStartup Tips for Enterprise Software Pricing
Phew! This article ended up being much longer than I expected (I banged it out in one sitting, as I do most articles). I’m still not sure I ans
ubstantial cost to you. This problem is made even more acute by the fact that in a fair numb
Excellent advice for startups for pricing their Enterprise Software!IRB: Let’s Bone Up On The Interactive Ruby Shell
IRB articlesLifehacker - Top 10 Magnet Hacks - Magnets
Ok, the evils of powerpoint are getting attention in the news. But why does Delicious recommend that I tag this "humour"?
good advice for powerpoint presentationsSupercharge Google Reader with Send To Links - Google Reader - Lifehacker
Google Reader recently added custom "Send To" controls to its feature list, and we've been looking for the most useful links to feed it. Here are 11 excellent send-to tools you can add to Reader, with more on the way. "More on the way" because, despite trying to keep our eyes and feed readers in as many places as possible, we're guessing there are a lot of other great URL-friendly webapps that can be hooked into Reader, as these crowd-sourced examples have already proven.How to Blog Effectively | Webdesigner Depot
When you can eat things with mold on them.
How Should You Handle Food with Mold on It? Buying small amounts and using food quickly can help prevent mold growth. But when you see moldy food: * Don’t sniff the moldy item. This can cause respiratory trouble. * If food is covered with mold, discard it. Put it into a small paper bag or wrap it in plastic and dispose in a covered trash can that children and animals can’t get into. * Clean the refrigerator or pantry at the spot where the food was stored. * Check nearby items the moldy food might have touched. Mold spreads quickly in fruits and vegetables. * See the attached chart “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard.”
The USDA takes it's stand.The Definitive Guide to Finding Free Wi-Fi - Free Wi-Fi - Lifehacker
You're out and about with your laptop and you're in need of some fast internet connectivity. Here are some tried and true ways to find and get free Wi-Fi.
Quando sei alla ricerca disperata di una connessione veloceCSS Sprites with Inline Images | CSS-Tricks
using one image and clipping it to produce multiple sub-images. good optimization technique image loading times.6 Simple Ways For Freelancers To Increase Productivity | How-To | Smashing Magazine
ciekawy zestaw porad dla freelancerów
The best part about being a freelancer is having the freedom to set your own schedule and make your own rules. This, however, can also be the worst part. Without the normal structure of an office environment, many would-be freelancers find themselves wondering at the end of the day where all their time went. Getting the most out of your workday can be tough. So, to help, we present some simple ways that freelancers can increase their productivity.Top 10 WordPress hacks from June ‘09
Make your WordPress theme translatable List all hooked WordPress functions Disable WordPress automatic formatting on posts using a shortcode How to detect the visitor browser within WordPress Creating user-defined RSS feeds in WordPress Display your tags in a dropdown menu Retrieving custom fields outside the loop Create custom “Read more” links on your WordPress blog Get tags specific to a particular category on your WordPress blog Get rid of auto media enclosures on your WordPress blogMassive Regular Expressions Toolbox | tripwire magazine
regular expression tutorial
I hate regular expressions almost as much as I rely on them. If you're a noob (or a seasoned, scarred victim like me), there's much to find useful here.
Regular expressions (”regex’s” for short) are sets of symbols and syntactic elements used to match patterns of text and they are pretty powerful. Regular expressions have been around for a very long time (in computer industry scale) and was first introduced as part of the powerful UNIX search tool grep.What makes a good logo?
In this article, we'll go over some web design tips for designing homepages and uncover some of the vital steps required to construct a powerful and successful front page.
from TwitterThe 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging | Copyblogger
los siete pecados de blogear6 Steps to Kill Your Community — Matt Mullenweg
Some platforms claim to increase your user engagement, get you more comments, increase your traffic, and more, through means that I consider short-sighted and harmful. This guide tells you how to increase the number of comments you get by 400-1,000% and ruin whatever shred of community you had on your site.16 Cheat Sheets on 16 Essential Topics for Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
25 years of PowerPoint. But does it really help us create better presentations?
Useful for teaching presentation skills
An article from the BBC Web site magazine with useful tips on avoiding common problems with PowerPoint (written to celebrate 25 years of PowerPoint)10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig - Webmonkey
Read: 10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig [from]CSS Font-Sizing: a Definitive Guide
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
Font sizing in CSS sounds as though it should be easy. Until you try it. Many developers use the force; they tinker with the font-size property until it looks right only to find it’s different in another browser. A little understanding can go a long way…ホントに助かるフリーのcssジェネレーターいろいろ - かちびと.net
ホントに助かるフリーのcssジェネレーターいろいろをいろいろとご紹介します。Speckyboyにあった使える50のcssジェネレーターの記事の中から11個ほどご紹介します。Viral Marketing Campaign Checklist | Dan Zarrella
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **How to Use Facebook: 5 Tips For Better Social Networking
Wie man aus Facebook mehr nutzen zieht und sich für andere Nutzer attraktiv macht.
5 Tips for using Facebook as a powerful social networking tool. As featured on the ReadWriteWeb blog.Carsonified » 10 Vital Lessons for Web Start-Ups
Interesting points about demos, pricing infrastructure, release schedules etc
Useful examples of awk usage
HANDY ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR AWKDon’t Do These 12 Things When Writing Headlines | Copyblogger
Don't miss these guys at Copyblogger. It's a gold mine!
from Copyblogger
Interesting article with links to related info
August 19, 2009: Copyblogger writing a great blog post is like running a relay race. Your headline starts the race, but then it passes the baton to your opening paragraph, and its job is done. Sure, it’s important to start the race well, but if the next guy falls on his face, then how well the first guy did doesn’t much matter, does it? Every piece has to do its part.
how to write headlines that get attentionペーパーデザインのWEBサイトを作るときに見るべきまとめ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
デザインいろいろOfficial Gmail Blog: Import your mail and contacts from other accounts
Nice of Gmail to make it easier to import contacts (even from AOL!!)
This new feature is available in all newly-created Gmail accounts, and it is slowly being rolled out to all existing accounts. It'll take longer than the few hours or days that most Gmail features take to get out to everyone. You'll know it's on for your account when you see the Accounts and Import tab (formerly just called Accounts
Google launched this feature in Gmail 2 1/2 months ago. You can supposedly import your old mail and contacts from Yahoo and other email services automatically. The only problem is my account still doesn't have the option. What gives Google?5 Easy Ways to Start a Productive Day | FreelanceFolder
Excellent tips for a productive day!How to Fix Annoying YouTube Jumpiness in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
Apparently, this fix for jumpy video in #firefox works with any general Flash-related jumpiness too...Set Up Space-Saving, Permanent Gmail and Reader Tabs in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
Cool!Re: [git pull] drm-next
How To Photograph Lightning
ZAP! Learn how to take striking lightning images with this tutorial.
Tipps und Tricks zum Fotografieren von Gewittern
Hopelijk gaat het de komende dagen flink bliksemen. Dit wil ik ook kunnen: [from]The Ultimate Community Management FAQ | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media Community management
Amber Naslund on community management. Longish but good stuff.How to verify a tweet | Twitter Journalism
Twitter is the great equalizer. It doesn't matter if you have 100 followers or 10,000, you can break news. That's because all tweets are recorded and indexed at If someone types the right keyword(s),
RT @eni_kao [Midia] Twitter comme source pour les journalistes : comment accorder du crédit à un twitt ? (via @palpitt) [from]So you've just been hired by an IT department... (Software Engineering Tips)
Just about everyone wants to do great work, look good in the eyes of their boss, and earn the respect of their peers.Make Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
Más práticas de JavascriptHOW TO: Survive the New, New Facebook
Earlier this week, Facebook promised a number of changes to appease user concerns about the latest homepage re-design. Users have been noticing these improvements being pushed live to their homepage over the last day or so, and this morning, I finally got them enabled on my account. After doing a bit of tweaking, I’m definitely enjoying my Facebook homepage more than I was the past couple weeks with version 1 of the redesign. I thought I’d share with you a few of these tweaks - designed primarily to reduce information overload - so you can try them on your own account, unless of course you’re happy with the new, new Facebook as-is.
Using Facebook effectively.Twitter Talkback: What Makes a Quality Tweet?
40% of tweets are “pointless babble.” It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” Informative, humorous, personal, inspiring.
"The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. " kort kategorisering af tweets...
It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. Sure, Twitter management can add or take away features and keep the site running, but whether a new user signs on to see pointless babble or quality content is solely and completely up to us! Below are my four categories in which most high quality tweets I read fall under. But we’re most interested in what you think makes for an interesting Tweet: let us know in the comments.
The best tweets are informative, funny, personal, or inspiring -- or maybe all four.
twitter everywhere.......The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today |
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.Twitter Tips Ultimate Guide | Using social media to guide and help you connect to social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube using social media
How to use social media to connect social networks. Blog with learning resources and tutorials on lots of tools like Twitter.Top 10 Tricks MacGyver Would Be Proud Of - MacGyver - Lifehacker
Out in the countryside, MacGyver and the son of an esteemed diplomat are tired, exhausted, and hungry after dismantling a tank and escaping a military prison with corrugated cardboard, vanilla extract, and a magnet-tipped screwdriver. They have no matches or fuel to start a fire, but they did ransack a few items from the galley kitchen on the way out. With a 9-volt battery or cellphone sparked against some steel wool, or a pop-top can and chocolate, they're well on their way to getting a little flame built. (Original posts: chocolate and Coke, cellphone battery, steel wool and 9-volt).
When they draw up the Complete History of Lifehacking, Angus MacGyver will certainly merit a chapter. We pay tribute to the creative can-do secret agent this week with 10 tricks that make extraordinary use of truly common objects.50 Useful New jQuery Techniques and Tutorials | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
examples and rationnale of bad design ex: white font, black background; too large logo; bag photograph; flash intro; too much info on website
Using white text on a black background (for the web) is one of 5 most allday design mistakes all clients seems to want to have12 add-ons every Firefox user must have | News | TechRadar UK
Listing of good FireFox add-ons続:PNG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
"If I can't find money and valuables in the normal places I usually find them, I would continue to tear the house apart until I found something," which is why the post advises that, in addition to your hiding spots, it's best to leave some money out in obvious places if, say, you're heading on a vacation and are concerned about would-be thieves. This can not only save your other stash of money, but may actually keep the burglar from destroying your place as he looks for where you have hidden your money. If they believe they may have found the cash that you have in the house, they are much less likely to keep looking (remember, they want to get out asap). In the end, if you hide all your money well, you may win a moral victory in not letting the burglar find the money, but you'll likely have much more damage done to your place that will end up costing you more in the long run.Creating the “Perfect” Portfolio | Webdesigner Depot
Creating the “Perfect” Portfolio
Portfolio sites for designers & web dev houses
Sjikke hoofding40 Modern Nonfiction Books Everyone Should Read | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Bad: We lost the sense of news that "announcing" implied in the previous version. Because many companies molest their poor followers with repeat postings about the same event, users have become somewhat hardened against event promotions.
A really awesome post about iterating a punchy, credible, and viral TWEET announcement.
NN Group on iterative design of Twitter posts. "The shorter [the text] is, the more important... to design text for usability."20 tips for writing for the web | FatDUX | blogging about user experiences
Interesting set of rules to follow, when writing for an online audience.Make Firefox Faster by Vacuuming Your Database - Firefox - Lifehacker
Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection.executeSimpleSQL("VACUUM");見積もり・発注 - 技術情報Wiki
見積もり関連まとめリンク113 Design Guidelines for Homepage Usability (Nielsen Norman Group)
Building brand equity is the most important concept !!! Veery nice article about finding work, building brand equity and charging more money :)
reglas de marketing para free lance
Freelancers have it hard. I mean, really hard. In theory, the idea of working for yourself, of being able to choose who you work withComplete Guide to Making Outlook Faster (Than Molasses) - Outlook - Lifehacker
scanpst.exeHacking a Google Interview
Both useful and pretty. There are precisely 2 good Photoshop performance tips here, but the real draw is Dan Rubin's luscious CSS3-implemented design.CSS code structure for HTML 5: some useful guidelines
In this post I want to illustrate some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of introduction of HTML 5 markup language. They are not general rules but simple suggestions you can follow in order to improve the readability, manageability, and general organization of CSS code. These suggestions are especially useful if you have to work on complex CSS files that otherwise can be difficult to manage. I prefer to separate CSS code in three distinct sections: a first section that contains general HTML tags; a second section that contains structure tags; a last section with custom classes.The 10 Commandments of Social Media | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
los 10 mandamientos de medios sociales
Great article and subsequent comments, 10 commandments of social media.
social media religion lol, the 10 commmand ments of social media
add this to the social media matrix and you have a recipe for lifeCarsonified » Top 10 UX Myths
10 mitos da experiência do usuárioVital Tips For Effective Logo Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ll get down to the nitty gritty of what makes an effective logo design and we’ll also guide you through the principles and best practices of how to create an iconic brand identity.
There have been numerous creative logo design showcases, logo design resources and logo design tutorials posted across the Web. While these help you to createアマゾンの90%OFFなどの特価商品を簡単に探す方法 - ひとぅブログ
アドレスバーの末尾に&pct-off=90-10 WordPress ‘HOW-TO’ to Give Your Blog the Quality it Deserves
WordPress is incredibly versatile, it can be tweaked to add many non traditional features to run a more effective blog.How to Design the Web in a High-Def World
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'imageMy 10 Favorite Things About the Ruby Language « Katz Got Your Tongue?
This post covers the unique core aspects of e-commerce sites that make online shopping possible. Customers appreciate the convenience of ordering online, but if a site is cumbersome, they leave.Six Tips For Improving High Bounce / Low Conversion Web Pages | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
If you want to have high performing web pages make sure that you: 1. Have a clear understanding of what the purpose of that page is and 2a. a clearer understanding of what drove customers to the page and 2b. what they want to accomplish to ensure that 3. #1 and #2 are in alignment. Glory will be yours!
A very detailed article with links to all relevant tools for finding out how to improve conversions, what people are looking for on a website, where do they click etc
@newsycombinator: "Fixing high bounce / low conversion web pages" (from
Six Tips For Improving High Bounce / Low Conversion Web Pages (via @vousa) [from]20 Quick Tips For Aspiring Freelancers | Webdesigner Depot
Put an amazing portfolio together In the freelance business, having a solid portfolio is important. While many employers will accept your résumé, your portfolio is the bit of you that stands out. It shows employers what you can do and what you have done. Make it as creative as possible.Ultimate Guide To Web Optimization (Tips & Best Practices) | How-To
Optimization of website performance.Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips -
Forbes canvassed scads of businesses and pricey social-networking gurus looking for honest answers.
An excellent article that @brendanhughes could have written.
great business article on Twitter from Forbes.
theKbuzz5 Habits to Help You Complete Your Project in Record Time - Webitect
Everybody wants to be more productive. Productivity translates to success, whether you’re a freelancer or an employee. Here are five powerful ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time.Windowsのコマンドプロンプトを便利に使うための10のミニテクニック(1/3):CodeZine
startとclipが特に便利そうだCarsonified » Advanced Photoshop Techniques for Web Designers – Part 2
advanced photoshop. Good stuff
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
How to make Fold, Blur, Lighting effects in Photoshop.Make a bootable USB installer for Windows XP, Vista, 7 with WinToFlash
That social media marketing is big business isn't news, but how do you stand out in an increasingly crowded field? Here are five fresh ideas.
!!! 090828 Should you find yourself in a social media marketing lull, we think you can take inspiration from these five innovative and fresh ideas currently making their mark on both the online and offline worlds. The important thing to keep in mind is that whether you’re trying to engage a unique audience, tailor deals using location, advertise in new ways, go bold, or tackle your Twitter (Twitter) fear head on, you’re likely to find the most success if you can shake things up a bit.
Social media may be for narcissists, but it’s also proving to be a business utility. Retailers are shifting their marketing dollars such that social media budgets are swelling, and creative contests are popping up all over the web. In case you haven’t noticed, social media marketing is big business.How To Develop Websites On Linux | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A common complaint about mod_python is that it uses too much memory and can cause huge spikes in processor load. Fact is that this isn't really caused by mod_python itself, but indirectly by virtue of how, or more so how not, Apache has been configured for the type of web application that is being run.
Some have realised that mod_wsgi daemon mode seems to offer a more predictable memory usage profile and performance curve and as a result fervently recommend it, but at the same time they still don't seem to understand what the problems with embedded mode, as outlined above actually were. So, hopefully the explanation above will help in clearing up why, not just in the case of mod_wsgi daemon mode vs mod_wsgi embedded mode, but also for the much maligned mod_python.
out of date, hence the mod_python, but the apache conf still applies“On Rake” by John Barnette
A grab-bag of other bad usage I’ve seen recently:
I’ve been reading a lot of Rakefiles lately, and it’s obvious that the folks writing them think of Rake as An Engine For Encapsulating Tasks. That’s fine, but it’s only part of what Rake can do.Use any version of Windows 7 free for 120 days
Interesting idea if you have the inclination and time...
There's an easy way to stretch Windows 7's 30-day free-trial period to 120 days so you can determine whether Microsoft's new operating system meets your needs.Even better — if you know the secret — you can try out any version of Win7, from Ultimate to the lowly Basic, using a single install disc.
The Windows Secrets Newsletter brings you essential tricks of running Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows Update, and more — weekly, free.10 Tools For Finding, Registering And Managing Domain Names | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
A domain name is the starting point for our online brands and identities, be it for a company, online application or a personal website. Some of us may own only one domain for a portfolio site or blog, whilst others have to manage domain names for clients or all kinds of projects. But even if you do not yet have a personal domain, as the Web becomes more pervasive in our lives, finding yourself a real home on the web becomes more of a neccessity.ディレクターが押さえておきたい営業取引の基本的な流れと頻出ワード - livedoor ディレクターブログ
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Useful tips on Search Engine Optimisation
What Is SEO? Learn Google Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK.
Introduction - Search engine optimisation is many things, it's an art and it's a a science. SEO is creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. T
Found about from OzDomainerThe design pricing formula | David Airey, graphic designer
Pricing is a task a lot of designers struggle with. I receive questions on a weekly basis to prove it. As much as I want to, I can’t tell you what you should be charging. The design pricing formula explains why.ブログを作ったらやるべき12のSEOテクニック » 【パシのSEOブログ】
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Being able to work just about anywhere is a mixed blessing. If you're tired of dying batteries, lost receipts, absent files, and lVacuum Firefox databases for better performance, now with no restart - Mozilla Links
speed up
Vacuum Firefox databases for better performance, now with no restart
Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection.executeSimpleSQL("VACUUM");Web Work 101: Search Engine Optimization Basics
Search Engine101 Tips from 50 Small Business Bloggers : Money : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
It's quite easy for small business owners to become distracted by their day-to-day responsibilities. But in this competitive economy you can't afford to miss out on the newest business innovations. That's why we asked 50 of the top small business bloggers to share their best tips for small business owners. Their response was incredible. While some shared nuggets of wisdom, others gave us actionable tips you can use right away. Here's your crib sheet to the best business advice the blogosphere has to offer.
Great roundup of tips for small business by successful bloggers.The long lost formula for start-up success. No, really
In doing so we discovered Customer Development, a product development methodology formulated by veteran entrepreneur Steve Blank. Based on the premise that start-ups tend to fail through lack of customers rather than lack of technology or product features, customer development is a systematic way of identifying who the customer is, what it is they need and whether that need is sufficient to build a business on. One of my co-founders describes it as ‘an algorithm for building products users want and are willing to pay for’.
The crucial question in the survey is “How would you feel if you could no longer use [product]?” Sean has benchmarked the results of that survey and found that if less than 40% of respondents say “Very disappointed” then your product doesn’t yet have sufficient traction to scale.50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Photography Skills | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Hey- thought this might be useful to you as well, as a consultant/contractor.HTML5サンプル集 - 株式会社あゆた
code.interact(), Python debugger and logging
und the current line. Let's give it a try:10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Youtube - You know that site with videos and all. Yeah! It turns out that its quite popular and you happen to visit and use it quite often. Instead of just
youtubeTop 10 tips to a new django developer : Dpeepul Blog
1.Don’t put project name in the imports For example suppose say you have an app “xyz” in the project say “project3” then don’t say
Nice tips for django apps: what not to do for beginners
edious to change DEBUG=False ( when moving to production server Often we forget to change DEBUG to False when we move from local environment to productionEight Twitter Habits That May Get You Unfollowed or Semi-Followed
A great article that will make you reconsider your Twitter etiquette.
Good tips for twitter users to ensure they are staying relevant to their audiences and getting noticed.
nice round up of twitter misbehavior if you use it for business
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
Some GREAT things to note when trying to Twitter successfullyUse Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances - Annoyances - Lifehacker
ext page inline without having to reload. Each of the extensions works a little differently, and
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances40 Freelance Writing Blogs | Freelancing and Outsourcing Tips, Commentary, Analysis, and News from oDesk
writing blogs
40 Freelance Writing BlogsYouTubeのURLを細工して使える小技をざくざくまとめてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
The knife is the most essential kitchen gadget of all, yet people still buy those 25-in-one Ikea knife blocks. I called up Norman Weinstein, knife guru at New York's Institute of Culinary Education, to get some straight talk on knives.Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
25 trucos CSS que deberías conocer
Handy CSS Tricks10 Killer Flash Tips For Beginners | Tools
adobe flash beginnings.ウェブデザインのエレメントを今風にデザインするPhotoshopのチュートリアル集 | コリス
今風。色々と装飾とか、そういうチュートリアル。“Why Should We Hire You” Interview Question and Answers
One of the most important and least used aspects of any website is the “About Me” page. It’s not enough to have an interesting site and great product if your visitor can’t find a way to relate to you. Never under-estimate the power of personality. The internet isn’t a cold, sterile environment. As a matter of fact, within the last 15 years, it’s developed into a community addicted to interactivity, and communication. If you don’t believe me, check out Twitter. Twitter is a good example of why “About Me” pages are crucial. If you can amass a group of followers based on 140 characters of random biographical chatter, it’s a safe bet that those readers would also like to know a bit more about you.Carsonified » How to Create Bulletproof Sessions
»In the first part of this series we went over how a cookie works and what can be done to secure them. In this section we’re going to go over ways to add additional security to the session beyond the cookie itself.«
I've been looking for a good way to do sessions. I only skimmed so needs further reading.
Carsonified >> How to Create Bulletproof Sessions [from]Backgrounds In CSS: Everything You Need To Know | CSS | Smashing Magazine
CSS | Smashing MagazineScott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Scott Hanselman's 2009 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
Pretty awesome list of windows development toolsHelen Bradley - Photoshop and Lightroom tips and techniques: An Adjustable Black and White Conversion
Converting to black and white can be a saving grace for concert shots and other photos, but you can get better, crisper results by veering off the default options. By setting up a bottom layer of the image and tweaking its saturation, shadows and highlights, and other elements, you'll get a lot more control over how good your finished product turns out.
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good article on going from color to black and white25 Examples of Web 2.0 and Traditional Design Rules Coming Together | Webdesigner Depot
At its best, Web 2.0 stands as an equal to the traditional design rules practiced for centuries, though it is no doubt a reflection of our7 Very Simple Tips and Tricks for getting More out of WordPress - Inspect Element
4. Pitch it to another Twitter User. This is similar to pitching another blogger but can have a great impact as well. In fact I recently had a link from a blogger who both posted on his blog and tweeted the link and the Tweet converted much better for me in terms of traffic.
I do most of these things, but still, I confess that my mom often comprises 100% of my readers :P
Algo que todos los blogueros deberíamos saber
With all that noise on the Web how’s a reader supposed to find your latest blog post? Luck? Serendipity? Jedi mind control? Forget it. ProBlogger has nine ways to ensure your mom isn’t your blog’s only reader.
Reading: 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom [from]5 Tips on How to Write a Killer Slogan (with Interactive Examples) | Webdesigner Depot
5 Tips on How to Write a Killer Slogan (with Interactive Examples)ウェブデザインの幅をひろげる20のキーワード | コリス
ウェブデザインのクオリティをアップする20のエッセンスをnoupeから紹介します。Best Practices for Corporate Twittering
corporate social media policy
Nice suggestions for twitter use
good post- applies to us allいまからでも遅くない! ケータイデザインの基礎固め(1/2) - @IT
3キャリ対応とレイアウト基礎Edited Contributions - Programmer 97-things
Pre-alpha book release
# Fulfill Your Ambitions with Open Source by Richard Monson-Haefel # Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say by Kevlin Henneyネクタイの結び方
18 Useful Tricks To Speed Up WordPress & Boost Performance -
6. Optimize Your MySQL Database Optimizing your MySQL Database can make a difference in your load time. There are two ways of doing this. One way is manual hard core way. Another way is a plugin. To do it manually, you need to go to phpMyAdmin and select your database. Then towards the bottom, click check all to select all tables and then towards the center of the screen, there is a drop down menu, click optimize tables there. Optimize MySQL Database
<?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries in <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds.20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business Owners
Twitter is a tool that all small business owners should use as part of their overall efforts to build a distributed social media footprint.
A good description of how twitter is being used in business.
20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business OwnersSeth's Blog: Lessons from very tiny businesses
5. Respond. This is the single biggest advantage you have over the big guys. Not only are you in charge, you also answer the phone and read your email and man the desk and set the prices. So, don't pretend you have a policy. Just be human.
2 1. Go where your customers are. Jacquelyne runs a tiny juice company called Chakwave. I met her in Los AnMinimalist Gmail: How to Get Rid of the Non-Essentials
<img src=
I’ve used Greasemonkey for Firefox and some great user scripts, listed below, to achieve this. I thought of rewriting Gmail’s CSS, but user scripts are much easier. It didn’t take long — just Googled every little thing I wanted to do, and found others had already solved the problems, one at a time. Here’s how I’ve made Gmail into a minimalist inbox:
Get down to a bare minimum Gmail. Who really needs all those bells and whistles when you can unlease the power of Google search on your inbox.Professional Team Management Tips For Creative Folks | How-To | Smashing Magazine - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Programmer 97-things
Nette Übersicht über 97 Sachen die jeder Programmierer wissen sollte :) - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.WOW: Facebook Launches a Twitter App
WOW: Facebook Launches a Twitter App [from]
This is a bit of a shocker. Facebook, who has seemingly been in a race to emulate many of Twitter’s features, just announced that it’s launching theNote & Point
A gallery devoted to making your Keynote and Powerpoint presentations look that much betterFinding The Actual Hotel Name On Before Purchase » My Money Blog
A great explanation of finding out what hotels are deals at HotwireHOW TO: Use Twitter Hashtags for Business
If you’ve used Twitter (Twitter) for more than a couple of hours, you’ve probably already seen a tweet or two containing a word with the hash symbol (”#”) attached to it. That’s what Twitter users call a “hashtag,” and at any given time at least one of them can usually be found among the trending topics on Twitter. But what exactly is a hashtag? Hashtags are essentially a simple way to catalog and connect tweets about a specific topic. They make it easier for users to find additional tweets on a particular subject, while filtering out the incidental tweets that may just coincidentally contain the same keyword. Hashtags are also often used by conference and event organizers as a method of keeping all tweets about the event in a single stream, and they’ve even been used to coordinate updates during emergencies. In fact, hashtags were first popularized during the 2007 San Diego wildfire, when the tag #sandiegofires was used to identify tweets about the natural disaster.
twitter hastags explained
Great HashTag Article速読術の基本中の基本、頭の中の「音読」を抑える方法 |
速読The Five Biggest Mistakes in Measuring Social Media - ClickZ
Basic advice on measuring social media
Big Mistake No. 1: Assuming Your Fans/Followers Will See a Post
Attention world: It is now time to take social media seriously.Riding Rails: Gem Packaging: Best Practices
There’s an astonishing amount of information to be gleaned from mining the amazing real-time stream of information Twitter (Twitter) provides. Twitter search (tweetzi Twitter Search) is an extremely powerful way of turning up some of those answers. Even using only plain text queries can turn up lots of valuable information about what people are talking about right now.
There's an astonishing amount of information to be gleaned from mining the amazing real-time stream of information TwitterTwitter provides. TwitterPhotoshopの動作を軽快にするための10のポイント | コリス
photoshop高速化17 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Creative Advertisements | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development BlogThe Basic “How to Write a Short Story” Post « Write Anything
How to Write a Short Story [from]
With the overload of information and advice still ringing in my ears from a recently attended writers festival and seminar, I thought it might be useful to share a basic “How To…” from my notes.8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts – Make Tech Easier
1. Show Happy face upon successful executionMac OS X Snow Leopard: The Complete Guide - Snow Leopard Guide - Gizmodo
Though you might mistake Snow Leopard for plain old Leopard when you first boot it up, there's a lot of subtle stuff happening on screen and under the hood. Here's our guide to everything new in the latest Mac OS.
Might want to *read* this and not skim it. Lol.How To Design Your Own Fail-Safe Exercise Program - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
You see, it’s not impossibly hard for you to design your own fail-safe exercise program. It might not be as personalized as working with a personal trainer, and it won’t be able to teach you the thousands of interesting progressions and variations that a top-dollar session will, but it sure as heck beats sitting on your butt or relying on boring cardio machines day-in and day-out.Appolicious
[en] Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love.
"Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love."Setting And Achieving Goals The SMART Way - Dumb Little Man
The SMART System When I first learned about the SMART system, I was very excited. It crystallized something in my mind, something I believe I always knew, but could never put my finger on. Having learned about it I was almost immediately able to pinpoint where I went wrong (or right) with some of my recent personal successes and failures. Let me share with you what SMART is all about. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Boxed. You apply the SMART criteria to any goal you wish to achieve and if it does not meet any of the five characteristics you clarify and adjust it until it does.
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.Five Signs Your Resume Is Passe - DivineCaroline
The workplace is not what it was five years ago. Neither is the job hunt. The most successful candidates are those who are ready and...
Up to the minute resume suggestions.The Five-Day Freeze: Batch Cooking for the Rest of Us | Wise Bread
tips for frugal living... cookingレンタルサーバー完全ガイド | 共用・専用・VPSホスティングを比較検索
Como crear buenos iconos para tus aplicaciones iphone
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform. The App store with it’s more than 70.000 apps have become quite the crowded bazaar. As an interface designer i cannot but marvel at the emphasis this has put on the delicate art of icon design. Read on as i take you through some do’s and don’ts of App Icon Design.
Best practices for design iPhone app icons
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform.How To Be A Samurai Designer | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
In this article we’ll take a look at designing websites from a quite different perspective. We’ll discuss some pearls of samurai wisdom from the book “Hagakure” by Yamamoto Tsunetomo and we’ll learn to apply them to our Web-based, computer-bound Western life to become true samurai designers. We’ll also get to know impressive examples of artworks that exhibit the samurai approach.
In this article we’ll take a look at designing websites from a quite different perspective. We’ll discuss some pearls of samurai wisdom from the bookHorizontal Navigation Menus: Trends, Patterns, and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
The horizontal navigation menu has become a mainstay in Web design. It is safe to say that nowadays most websites use some form of horizontal100 Ways To Improve Your Blog
a good article on combining different fonts (ie. what serif works with a sans-serif).Webアプリにおける11の脆弱性の常識と対策 (1/4) - @IT
UPGRADE! sorry. didn't mean to yell. But cleaning your corrupted install sucks a nut.
Wordpress under attack?jQueryを使い始めたときに感じる13の疑問 : - KAYAC engineers' blog
A one-pixel background image can be a pretty versatile thing. With repeat-x it can be a horizontal line, repeat-y makes a vertical line, and repeat makes it a
A one-pixel background image can be a pretty versatile thing. With repeat-x it can be a horizontal line, repeat-y makes a vertical line, and repeat makes it a Lista desplegada como arbol.3 Easy and Fast CSS Techniques for Faux Image Cropping | Css Globe
This article is a summary of a 3 fast and easy CSS techniques you can use to display only a portion of an image in your content. All techniques explained here actually need only couple of lines of CSS. However, it is not cropping in a real sense of the
These techniques can be very helpful if you need to keep images at a certain size, i.e. thumbnails in the news section or something similar. Being able to use CSS to control which portion of image to display is a great bonus.Maintainability Guide (Beta) – Jens Meiert
This documentation on maintenance and maintainability means a start. I’ve been focusing a lot on these topics over the last few weeks, maybe a bit longer, so it’s been about time to share some beef, and to still, all of a sudden, double the documentation that’s out there.A Collection of Wordpress Tutorials, Tips and Themes | Design Reviver
As far as CMSs go, WordPress is a phenomenon. And rightly so. It is a very powerful blogging and CMS tool that can be used to create almost any possible type of web site that you could possibly dream of. Still as with everything involved with web design and development, you need to learn and understand WP to fully unleash its power.
As far as CMSs go, WordPress is a phenomenon. And rightly so. It is a very powerful blogging and CMS tool that can be used to create almost any possible type of11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3 - Nettuts+
These are some time savers!
truques e dicas css
We've all had to achieve some effect that required an extra handful of divs or PNGs. We shouldn't be limited to these old techniques when there's a new age50 Clever Tutorials and Techniques on Traditional Drawing | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Traditional drawing is certainly way harder than digital and it is true that people are able to progress much faster digitally, but one should learn the traditional type of drawing and painting before starting digital drawing, since it often lays out the foundation for screen design. This article contains a mixture of traditional drawing tutorials, drawing techniques and some methods for transforming and preparing your creations for screen design. Some are intermediate level and some are advanced tutorials that include general theory, useful tips, comic inspired art, sketch a pencil drawing, coloring processing, character sketching, shapes, proportional, perspective and much more. We hope that drawing tutorials and techniques in this post will be a great help to you.
Traditional drawing is certainly way harder than digital and it is true that people are able to progress much faster digitally, but one should learn三階ラボ
美麗アイコン10 Ways to Customize and Personalize your Wordpress Blog | Pro Blog Design
10 Ways to Customize and Personalize your Wordpress Blog | Pro Blog Design [from]5 Rules for Better Web Writing
Writing rules
"Many people assume that the same words that work for print campaigns or materials can just be copied and pasted for the web, but that’s just not true. "
keep it short, scanable & know you objectives and target groupデザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Adobe Fireworks
デザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログMust See SEO Guide for All WordPress Bloggers
SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site
"One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology."
One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology. It is less about buying links or tricking inadequate search technology. SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site, and your ability to write creative articles that are noteworthy for others to read and link to. This SEO guide should be your reference point for all WordPress blogs because in here we will mention some of the tips that has been proven to work. These techniques does not require heavy investment except for few bits of your time. Don’t make this to do list a chore, you can do these trick one per day and not feel stressed out about it. Why bother with SEO? If you want to get more exposure for your blog, Search Engine Optimization can make a huge difference.How to Buy Software Online for a Discount - Find the Lowest Price with a Little Research
Twitter trends, hop on board!
Twitter apps tools
We’ll show you why your Twitter thermometer should be set to map geolocation, prepared for yet another Twitter app to shut its doors, unsurprised to find the demand for content analysis growing, poised for another shocking Twitter policy, and ready to see Twitter on the big screen.
But Twitter (Twitter), by its nature, can be very ephemeral. Just like styles that are in one minute and out the next, so too do Twitter trends evolve over time. That’s why we have a whole new batch of Twitter trends that are currently red hot.9 Things You Can’t Forget When Designing a Blog | Tutorial9
Great reminders when Designing a blog!
Designing a blog can be quite a daunting task, to be sure. To-do lists alone for could fill pages if you were to include all the minor details that accompany the project. Which is why most designers shy away from logging that in-depth of a laundry list of items, indispensable and not so much, to get done by the launch date of the blog. Which is also why some of these little things that would make the latter pages of the list, more often than not, get overlooked. Never fear, that is why we are here!
Do you ever forget to do one of these things when building a new website? These are 9 pretty essential things to keep in mind when building a new blog or site!The freelancer’s toolbox: 33 useful apps & websites for the freelance designer | Designer Daily
This site shows some applications similar to what I am thinking of as well as some really cools stuff to分でできる!Webサイトを高速化する6大原則
Javascriptの読込みは</body>のすぐ前が良いって聞いたことがある。4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not Addons
4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not AddonsHow to Ask a (Near) Stranger for a Favor - David Silverman -
Monday August 31, 2009 | | David Silverman Tags:Business writing, Communication, Networking
Great and simple article on how to revive a lost relationship for a favor.10 Really Helpful Traversing Functions in jQuery - Nettuts+
Traversing Functions in jQueryRising to the Top: 5 ways indie developers succeed on the App Store
That brings us to the $2.4 billion question: how do you succeed on the App Store? We’ve spent the last few weeks trying to answer that question and have come up with a list of tips and tricks that’ll help you edge your way into App Store glory. Now, none of these will replace making a good product or compensate for a million-dollar advertising and PR budget, but they’ll likely help you get noticed or keep your current momentum.Top 10 Web 2.0 Activities for Ecommerce | Get Elastic
이커머스를 위한 웹2.0 소셜 기능
by Linda Bustos. [August 17, 2009]
Some good ideas for utilising Web 2.0 tools with examples.
Retailers often wonder what Web 2.0 / social media activities to be involved with, so this post ranks what I believe are the top 10 Web 2.0 activities for ecommerce based on their business impact.Seven Easy Ways to Integrate Your Google Apps - Google Apps - Lifehacker
How search engines determine the value of a link.Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Easy to follow
Cross-posted on the Tech Learning Advisors Blog Only one month into the new school year and almost every middle school student has their own blog hosted at
Teaches students how to blog.CSS Wishlist: New Ideas, Debates and Solutions | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The future of CSS is arriving fast, and many tools, languages, and solutions have been developed that make CSS a job not just for WebBest jQuery Plugins - August 2009 | AjaxLine
Best jQuery Plugins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009How to Access Gmail When It’s Down - Gmail - Lifehacker
Last week's Gmail outage is just the latest in a long series of outages in our favorite webmail application, but you don't have to let that stop you from accessing your email and getting things done.jQuery言語入門 : - KAYAC engineers' blog
個人的にjQueryを使う場合、「JSの中でjQueryを使う」と言うより、「jQueryの中でJSを使う」と考えた方が理解しやすいと思うので、今日は"jQuery言語"の書き方を紹介したいと思います。10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and Developers - Inspect Element
10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and DevelopersHow to Design Buttons to Help Improve Usability - Inspect Element
Muy interesante sobre como hacer atractivos los botones de las páginas Web21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks -
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks. Custom Directory Index Files, Custom Error Pages, access at files & directory, 301 Redirect, Modifying the Environment Variable, Caching Scheme, Compress GZIP, Redirect https5 Grammar Mistakes that Make You Sound Like a Chimp | Copyblogger
o que fazer e o que nao fazer no design para aumentar uma marca sem aumentar o logo.
Ways to improve the way you workSearch Engine Optimization 101 - Nettuts+
by Sidarth. clearly written
Your website may be top notch but what's the use of an online presence if no one can find it? In this quick start guide to search engine optimization we'llChecklist For Better Forms | Mert Tol
Forms can be painless or painful for visitors. Keep in mind that visitors want to get their tasks accomplished as quickly as possible, and with the least amount of effort. Proper planning and design can maximize task efficiency.
Checklist For Better FormsPHPの開発効率を上げる10個の関数 - PHP,MySQL,Flexな日々+イラストとか
Stunningly Awful Demos: Five Things Not To Do in a DemoBeautiful CSS: Organizing Your Stylesheets
'm in the process of building a new site and learning CSS as I go. It gets messy at times, and I'll definitely be referring back to this post.
another approach to organizing CSS
'm in the process of building a new site and learning CSS as I go. It gets messy at times, and I'll definitely be referring back to this post.
When I first took the plunge into CSS several years ago, one of my biggest frustrations was stylesheet organization. I scoured source code from popular sites trying to figure how they accomplished various layout effects. But tracking back and forth from stylesheets to HTML proved to be a difficult task. Unfortunately , that separation of style and content that makes CSS so awesome can also make it difficult to understand. Adding to that difficulty is the fact that each designer may have a different way of organizing stylesheets. If you inherit someone else's site, this can cause some problems. In a perfect world everyone's CSS would be well-organized, easy to scale, and easy to understand. We may not be able to attain such CSS Nirvana but we can at least make it easier on ourselves and those we work with by following this set of guidelines.
An interesting methodology for organizing your stylesheets. I'm definitely trying this with my project to save some » Blog Archive » git merge vs git rebase: avoiding rebase hell
Don’t rebase branches you have shared with another developer - they will hate you and you will hate yourself.Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Useful for more advanced developers too - I didn't know several of these.
return arguments.length; }Quick Web Design Mockups Using iWeb | Upstart Blogger
(Need a Mac)
If you’re a Mac user, you probably already own a copy of iLife. If you’re like me, you probably gave iWeb a spin when it first came out, played with it for a few minutes, and forgot about it. I’m not sure what prompted me to fire it up again, but I’ve discovered that, while I’d never actually use it to create a site, it’s an excellent tool for sketching out web design ideas and creating quick mockups.10 SEO Tips For Maximizing Facebook Visibility
All of this has potentially massive repercussions for how marketers view Facebook chatter. By really digging deep into how Facebook is searching internal content, you’ll be tapping into the next level of the web’s development, uncovering a gold mine of data about what people are talking about, what they like and dislike, and how they are influencing the opinions of others. This is clearly an important search frontier.HOW TO: Update Facebook From Outside Facebook
tips on sending updates to facebook from IM, email, twitter, etc.Top 10 Tricks for Creatively Hiding Your Stuff - Security - Lifehacker
Every kid has a creative stash for secret stuff, but that useful enthusiasm doesn't have to die off just because we've traded treehouses for desks. See how you can hide money, files, workspaces, and more in today's Top 10.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **A Basic Guide to Photoshop CS4 Adjustment Layers - Psdtuts+
Adjustment Layers ใน PhotoshopCS4 ใช้งานอย่างไร
A Basic Guide to Photoshop CS4 Adjustment Layers
Guida ai livelli correttivi di Photoshop18 cool things Windows 7 does that Vista doesn't | News | TechRadar UK
18 cool things Windows 7 does that Vista doesn't The stuff that makes the upgrade worthwhile : TechRadar UK
Cool stuff! Didn't know about the shake and a couple of other things. via stocktickr10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy
5 DIY Flash Techniques To Improve Your Photography - - I really want to try the LED ring light trick. [from]
示范如何打灯24 Great Tips & Tutorials To Get The Most Out Of WordPress | Spyre Studios
Optimiser et sécuriser Wordpress効率的な家の探し方(賃貸) | nanapi[ナナピ]
効率的な家の探し方(賃貸)How to Display Your Content on a Blog’s Front Page | Webdesigner Depot
How to Display Your Content on a Blog's Front Page | Webdesigner Depot [from]
The front page of a blog is obviously of great importance to the overall design. Up until a few years ago, most blogs simply showed posts in order of publication, the most recent at the top. Then excerpts became popular, and later magazine-style front pages. The purpose of the front page will, of course, vary a bit from one type to another; for example, a personal blog will be different from a professional multi-author blog. In this post, we will take a look at the options that bloggers and designers have for showing content on the front page, and some reasons for choosing each.Make Google Search Real-Time With This URL Hack
Good navigation gets you places. More importantly, good navigation gets you places without a headache. Even though there are certain exceptions, most websites would be dead in the water without sensible navigation between pages.
navigation usability inspirationBBC NEWS | Magazine | Five consumer laws you really ought to know
Helpful summary of consumer protections in the UK. Plenty more to know, but this bare-bones summary is a great start.Top 10 Tactics for Protecting Your Stuff - Theft - Lifehacker
10 Consejos para proteger sus pertenencias
How To Correct Banding In Your Gradients Using Photoshop - slodive -
Einfach aber effektiv - wie man den Übergang des Farbverlauf.s in Photoshop fließender macht
Correct Banding In Your Gradients Using Photoshop
Design Resources & Inspiration
A tutorial that shows how to get rid of banding in gradients.AIMA Python file:
NorvigUse Dropbox for More Than Just File Syncing - dropbox - Lifehacker
Ever since Lifehacker turned me on to Dropbox, it's become one of the most essential pieces in my daily workflow. Sure it syncs files extremely well, but Dropbox is an excellent tool for so much more. Dropbox, at its core, is a simple file synchronization utility that stores your data in the cloud and makes it accessible across Windows, Mac, and Linux machines—or via the web interface from any browser. What sets Dropbox apart from other file syncing tools is that changes are nearly instantaneous, uploads are blazing fast, and it just works. Dropbox doesn't have to be limited to simply syncing your documents, photos, and music, however—with the proper setup you can completely synchronize your digital life across any PC.14 Great Cheat Sheets & Posters to Make You a Software Wizard
Great look at Debugging PHP - Useful for anyone really10 Solutions to Easily Create Your Online Portfolio
You don't have to be a coding nerd to be able to build your own online design portfolio. Here's 10 solutions to easily create an online portfolio of your own.12 Tips for Creating a Great Portfolio Site « Noupe
-tips-for-creating-a-great-portfolio-site.html10 useful Wordpress theme hacks | Designer Daily
Some may require advanced features of WordPressThe Z-Index CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
ue Box Gold Box
CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
Z-index CSS PropertyRemember The Milk - Blog
New smart add shortcuts for RTM
With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too.
<p>We're really excited today to be launching a big update to Remember The Milk — we're calling it the Smart Add edition (you'll see why in a minute!).</p> <p>With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too. So, what exactly is new?</p> <h2>Smart Add</h2> <p>First, we have a new "Add Task" field that's always on screen (you can still jump to it with the keyboard shortcut <b>t</b>).</p> <p>This field is a little bit special: it supports entering all your task's properties in one line, with our new <a href="">Smart Add</a> feature. Below are details on each of the task properties, and how you can include them when you add a task. Many of the properties have an auto-suggest feature for q
howto use remember the milk
Winston the pigeon carries a 4GB memory stick across South Africa faster than an IT firm's ADSL service can transfer the data.Optimize performance in Photoshop CS4 on Mac OS
photoshop performance
And another...a bit more technical.Top Notch WordPress Footer Designs (Best Practices & Tips)
ありがとうございます。A Social Media Strategy Checklist - ClickZ
wonderfully written social media strategy checklist
Ten steps to building a social media strategy that delivers.
Outlines the basics of engaging with and getting the most of social media.
Run through this check list when I talk with Paul tomorrow30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
CSS is a language that is used by nearly every developer at some point. While it's a language that we sometimes take for granted, it is powerful and has manyNaming Tips (Software Engineering Tips)
"Name physical things what they are, not what they're doing"How To Find Time For… Everything! « Smashing Magazine
This is full of sense. Re-read this!
view this site
Time for everything5 Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook
People everywhere are mindlessly over-sharing on the world's largest social network, without a second thought as to who's reading their posts or what effect it could have on them further down the road.
5 Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook
When the President of the United States warns schoolchildren to watch what they say and do on Facebook, you know that we've got a problem...and it's not one ...
hen the President of the United States warns schoolchildren to watch what they say and do on Facebook, you know that we've got a problem...and it's not one limited to the U.S.'s borders, either. People everywhere are mindlessly over-sharing on the world's largest social network, without a second thought as to who's reading their posts or what effect it could have on them further down the road. For example, did you know that 30% of today's employers are using Facebook to vet potential employees prior to hiring? In today's tough economy, the question of whether to post those embarrassing party pics could now cost you a paycheck in addition to a reputation. (Keep that in mind when tagging your friends' photos, too, won't you?) But what can be done? It's not like you can just quit Facebook, right? No - and you don't have to either. You just need to take a few precautions.
ng to enter here is "Only Friends." AnythinHOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & the Social Web
HOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & the Social Web
Want your tweets to be more compelling? Want to be a better writer on the social web? Me too! The advent of social media has opened up a wide range of opportunities for non-professional writers like me — and probably you too — to write online. Most of us writing for websites or blogs or posting on Twitter likely aren’t trained journalists. Even professional writers trained for print must learn to adapt their writing style to an online audience who experiences content differently than a print audience. And social media itself has changed writing online – making it more informal and personal. In fact, when you’re writing online these days, you’re writing not only for your audience but also for search engines and social media sites. Add Twitter to the equation and the need to communicate with only 140 characters raises writing for the social web to a new art form.
Great list of websites that write about how to write effectively for twitter, blogging and other social media sites.
Nice set of links about writing for social A guide to preventing SQL injection
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray
Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose GrayDrupal Check / Drupal quick tips and tricks before going live!
Fantastic list of snippets to work through before deploying a live Drupal site. Feel the urge to add 'never eat yellow snow'
Things to check on your Drupal site before you go live with it.7 Steps for Systematizing The Design & Build Process « Noupe
7 Steps for Systematizing The Design & Build ProcessMaximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook - Firefox - Lifehacker
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook
Your netbook's screen is tiny and processor less than mighty, so you want to maximize the web page viewing area without any performance-killing Firefox extensions. Here's how to consolidate Firefox 3.5's chrome for your Windows or Linux-based netbook.プログラミングができなくても作れるTwitter botの作り方
While WordPress is incredibly powerful and easy to use on its most basic levels, it can also get pretty complicated, pretty quickly. Below are more than 300 resources to help you master WordPress no matter what your skill level is.
WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms available today. And for good reason. It's powerful enough to be a complete CMS, has every feature orFiner Things in Mac
Found through Daring FireballBrian Hoff | Graphic Designer, Logo Designer » How To Become A More Effective, Proficient and Informed Designer
Recently on Twitter I’ve been posting short tips and tricks on various ways to become a better designer by setting up your computer and using various programs to their full advantage.
Recently on Twitter I’ve been posting short tips and tricks on various ways to become a better designer by setting up your computer and using various programs to their full advantage. Below are various techniques I use to keep my computer organized, accessible and favorable that help me be more effective, proficient and more informed designer.A shorthand for designing UI flows - (37signals)
You’ll also notice there are two arrows pointing out from “Submit email matching a user account” under the “Forgot password screen.” That’s because two different screens result from that action! Yo
save*Actually Useful* Windows Keyboard Shortcuts - including new Windows 7 tricks. : technology
some may interpret it as
atajos de teclado de windowsHOW TO: Do Good on LinkedIn
non per il contenuto ma per il "drag & share"Why Your Next Website Should be Designed with Wireframes | Build Internet!
Getting a design to click can take time. In many cases, it takes several rounds of revisions to even get to an effective starting point. What can you do to give yourself a better chance at designing something great sooner?グラデーションをより滑らかにするPhotoshopのチュートリアル | コリス
グラデーション小技【PC作業効率化】Firefox使いなのにkeyconfigアドオンを導入していない?そんな馬鹿な! – ビジデア | B u s i d e a
ンは3.5。 つまり、最新のFirefoxを導入してしまうと、keyconfigの正式バージョンを素直にインストールすることはできない、ということなのですね。 Firefox 3.x でも動作する Keyconfig アドオンの正式版:Goodpic というわけでまず、バージョンが対応していないアドオンをインストールするための準備からはじめていきましょう。 ※今回の説明では、WindowsXPとFirefoxPortableの利用を前提としています。 1.Nightly Tester Toolsアドオンをインストール keyconfigをインストールするための前準備として、Nightly Tester Toolsをインストールします。 このアドオンは、バージョンが対応していないアドオンを、強制的にインストールできるようにする裏技アドオンです。 (もちろん作業は自己責任ですよ。)私が確認した限り、keyconfigで13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You | Security Threats | Reader's Digest
Should you spend your money on a home security system? A look inside a burglar's mind might help you decide.15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers | Pixelactic
RT @DesignerDepot: 15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers: [from]HOW TO: Stay Organized With Google Calendar
While picking the right calendar boils down to personal preference and comfort, Google Calendar (GCal for short) should be strongly considered. Features such as Quick Add make it very easy to update with appointments, while its reminder features, its task bar, and its calendar shareability make it unique to any other product on the market.760+ Photoshop Tutorials For Web & Graphic Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
I have compiled together the ultimate Photoshop tutorial list for web and graphic designers. Mixed in here are a large array of over 760 tutorials from PSD slicing to fantasy art, logo design techniques to text effects, and so many more.HOW TO: Make Facebook Your Company Newsroom
Fazendo uma Sala de Notícias para a empresa和製英語・カタカナ英語を正す【無料】和英辞典
英語を話す時にカタカナ英語をそのまま使って通じなかった経験はありませんか? 我々の身の回りに溢れている "英語のようなことば" の多くは英語ではなかったり,英語であっても英語の本来の意味とは異なる "和製英語" です。和製英語は外国から入ってきた日用品や美容関係のことば、車の用語に特に多いので、英会話や英語のライティング、英作文、翻訳等を行う時には十分注意しましょう。How to Effectively Use Contrast, Auto Levels, and Batch Processing - Psdtuts+
As ThriveSmart hires more developers - not all of them Ruby or Ruby on Rails experts - there's a growing need to ensure that code and design strategies maintain an extremely high level of quality across different projects. My good friend Dan and I assembled this checklist that all of our teams are expected to sign off on for each of their projects. It's an evolving list, but here's a snapshot of it.6 Tips for Customizing Your Small Business Blog
Relevant for nonprofits too: use plugins, integrate social media, keep the design simple but professional, host it yourself, and have a prominent "about us" section14 Practical Ways to Use Evernote : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
I use a service called Evernote to fulfill my pack-rat and archiving needs. Evernote is a service “in the cloud” that you can dump notes
14 Practical Ways to Use EvernoteUse Vinegar and Baking Soda to Recharge Your Towels - Household - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Towels would seem to be such a utilitarian object that they could never need any sort of optimization. As your towels age however,
softening towelsGmail・Flickr・Twitterなど、主なオンラインサービスをバックアップする方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Gmail・Flickr・Twitterなど、主なオンラインサービスをバックアップする方法 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
最近は 「 ローカルにバックアップ 」 という概念がなくなってきつつある。ブラックベースの暗いウェブデザインで気をつけたいポイント | コリス
ブラックベースの暗いデザインのウェブサイトを制作する際に、取り入れたいポイントや注意すべきポイントをWeb Designer Depotから紹介します。5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this b10 Ways to Use .htaccess to Speed Up WordPress |
主に自分用に色々なiPhoneSDK開発テクニックや電子工作や色々な開発関連のメモを書いてます。 他にもゲームや便利アプリ等の紹介や、iPhoneOS以外の話題も書いていきたいと思います。
iphone 開発まとめGoogle This: 5 Reasons to Switch to Bing
"Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing."
Here's an article about Google's Microsoft competitor, It argues that bing may be better...
Bing() is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s() 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter()-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.
Article from Mashable - Travel INsight, Cashback, Visual Search, Bing Tweets, Enhanced Tweets
Interesting read, although I usually end up feeling let down by Microsoft.
Visual results, travel results
Bing (Bing) is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s (Google) 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Microsoft has been pumping an endless supply of dollars into its marketing and advertising initiatives around Bing, and the strategy is clearly paying off. Hype aside, Bing happens to be a very viable search alternative to Google, and offers several incentives that Google can’t compete with at the moment. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.Snow Leopardのここに注目:これは便利! 「Snow Leopard」を実際に使って感じた新機能“トップ20” (1/4) - ITmedia +D PC USER
ダイアログボックスで開こうとしているファイルを選んだ状態でスペースキーを押せば、Quick Look機能でその書類の中身が大写しで表示される。77 Tips For Starting An Online Business
Focus on your immediate resources to make something plausible working as fast as you can rather than waiting for something allegedly genial to grow by itself. It never happened and it will never happen.My Aha! moments in Drupal theming | Lullabot
Nice summary of tricky, "if you don't get it, you don't get it" Drupal customization optionsTop Places to Find Quality Illustrator Tutorials Online
Creating a blog for your small business isn’t easy; it requires hard work and the ability to think creatively about your work. But if you avoid the five big mistakes laid out in this post, your chances of building a successful business blog will be much better.The Difference Between Art and Design | Webdesigner Depot
tipos de layout interessantes
nice article throwing light on the differences between ART and DESIGN
One of the most insightful articles on art and design. Concise and well written.Report: Nine Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter | Popwise | Fast Company
RT @featureBlend: Report: Nine Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter [from]3 ways to make your site stand out from the crowd « Boagworld
Some of the most well known people I know never assume people they talk to know who they are. Sequoia Capital partner Roelof Botha, for example, introduces himself to me every time I see him, and asks if now is a good time to talk. I’ve known him since 2006, and it’s far from necessary. But I always appreciate how polite he is. Want to be like Roelof someday? A good start is basic business etiquette. Just because someone can’t register your face, name and workplace in less than the second it takes for you to say hello to them doesn’t mean they don’t want to help you out. Just help to avoid that awkward moment by giving them all the information they need. And then watch body language for your cue to wrap things up.
An article on business etiquette for conferences, etc.
Good advice from @arrington to startup CEOs everywhere [from]
It’s time for a quick primer on the proper way to interact at conferences and other business events. Since I just came back from one of those types of events, this is on top of mind for me. By Arrington
Best way to introduce yourself to a powerful person at an event or conference
Good practice on how to approach people politely during conferences, etc.Master the "Why Hire Me" Story to Land a Job - Job search - Lifehacker
From LifeHacker dated 22 Sep 2009
So you've finally landed that job interview. Now it's time to seal the deal with a killer interview. How? For one, try mastering your "Why hire me" story.HOW TO: Set Up a Winning Facebook Fan Page
#6 is actually good, rest shit
i guess these are neat.Wordpressに入れておくべき、基本的なプラグイン
Wordpressに入れておくべき、基本的なプラグイン「これは入れておかないと損するよ」という、実用性重視のプラグインの紹介。 セキュリティ対策【Akismet】スパムコメントを、除外する。元から入っているプラグインなので、有効化すべし。 API キーが必要なので、面倒くさがらず、画面の指示に従い登録しましょう。ちなみに、他にwordpressのサイトを立ち上げた場合でも、再び、同じキーが使えますよ。 【Secure Wor...
後で入れるThe Best Sounds for Getting Work Done - Music - Lifehacker
Music for relax or better productivity.30 Bad Practices of Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
Very useful list of advice and steps to improve websites
Qué cosas no hay que hacerWebsite Features That You Can Easily Offload
offload certain site features to share the burden. In this article, you’ll read about six site features you can easily offload, and the web services that you can use for them10 Things I always forget before launching a website… | The Design O'Blog by Niki Brown
Some good tips
After working for more than a year with Django, I collected here some tips about avoiding copy ‘n paste everywhere on your codebase
Stuff you shouldn't be doing when implemeting django applications. Good articlePricing A Project | Blue Flavor
Detailed description on how pricing for web projects can be done. Important: calculate reasonable prices that can be broken down into several components. Communicate all your assumptions involved. Know your hourly rates. Make transparent what your customer will get.
Graphic Artist Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical GuidelinesThe Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Improving jQuery’s JSON performance and security | Encosia
Mejorar la velocidad de JSON
When you’re working with JSON, performance and security are often opposing, yet equally important concerns. One of these areas of contention is handling the JSON strings returned by a server. Most JavaScript libraries do a great job of abstracting away the details, but the underlying process has long been a frustrating exercise in compromise. On one hand, eval() is the fastest widely available method, but it is not safe. On the other hand, textual JSON parsers written in JavaScript may be much safer, but are dramatically slower. In client-side situations, where milliseconds count, such a large performance overhead is typically too prohibitive to accept. Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers.
Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers. To take advantage of that, this post will show you how to detect whether or not a browser supports native JSON parsing, and how to force jQuery to use browser-native parsing in its $.ajax calls when it is available.How to stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits - instant fundas
If your net connection has a static IP, you can filter out that IP from being tracked. But if you are on a dynamic IP, like most of us are, you will need a different solution.
stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visitsThirteen Steps to Write and Publish a Free Ebook In Thirteen Hours
Writing an outline: 30 minutes First draft of content: 4 hours Adding some graphics: 1 hour 30 mins (mostly my boyfriend’s work!) Redrafting and editing, inserting all links: 3 hours Appendix of resources: 1 hour Creating a cover: 1 hour 30 mins Converting to pdf: almost instant! Final proof-read and link-checking: 15 minutes Launching and spreading the word: 1 hour 15 minutes10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines « Smashing Magazine
ideas for design
Research shows that poor product information accounts for around 8% of usability problems and even 10% of user failure (i.e. the user gives up and leaves the website) (Prioritizing Web Usability).47 Ways to Fine Tune Your Brain - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.Create a Realistic Space Scene from Scratch with Photoshop
Boils down to: Tell a story & don't just read bullet points out loudMen's Health Nutrition Awards - Foods + Features - The Great Chef Playbook
CSS and Javascript tricks
Excelentes scripts para varias funciones.cssのテクニックなどを学びたい時に見ておきたい12サイト - かちびと.net
css チュートリアル12 Really Useful CSS3 Tips And Techniques | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
amazing article on using social media tools and applications to help plan your wedding web 2.0 style14個のTwitterの細かすぎて伝わらない裏技や仕様 - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
「statusではなくstatusesでもアクセスできます。これは当初statusesだったのですが、固有の1つの発言であるにもかかわらずstatusesと複数形っておかしくね?とツッコミが入ったので後から変更したそうです」14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills | News | TechRadar UK
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills15 Tips for Breaking in as a Part-Time Freelancer
Good presentation
1 hr talk (via DaringFireball)20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and TricksBuild Brain Power with these 21 Resources - PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement
Resources to help make you somewhat smarter. This should be interesting...
BRAIN ... HowTo be BETTERQuick and Easy Filtering with jQuery - Nettuts+
jQuery Tutorial
By Interesting Ways and Tips to use GE in the classroom
Twenty-Four interesting ways to use google earth.
Great Google Earth ideas here.すぐに使えるWebユーザビリティの簡単チェックリストとツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
今回は、Webユーザービリティを簡単にチェックできるリストをご紹介。10 Business Lessons I Learned This Year
Excellent article chock full of down-to-earth advice.
Despite the fact that the year isn't over yet, I have learned some valuable lessons that have helped me grow ...Beat Your Filing Cabinet into Shape with a Filing System Workflow - files - Lifehacker
Whether your filing system has gotten away from you or it was never really under control to begin with, you can use our handy guide to beat it back into shape. Photo by juan23for. Many people have a..Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview.Clever PNG Optimization Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Clever PNG Optimization Techniques « Smashing Magazine -
"This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG-images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. We’ll start with some essentials about the PNG format and will then move to advanced optimization techniques." Influence and dithering masks seem handy.
PNGファイルの最適化方法The Right Way To Kick Off A Web Design Strategy Client Call | The Blog of Joren Rapini
In many languages (all the good ones, if you ask me), lexical scoping is supported. Lexical scoping basically allows you to access local variables in a parent function. If a function is defined within another function, it can access its own local variables as well as those of the function it was defined within. Time for another example.function drinkBeer() { var beer = "Big Daddy IPA"; function pour() { var glass = "Pint Glass"; return "Poured " + beer + " into a " + glass; } function drink() { beer = null; return "Beer is all gone"; } pour(); drink(); } drinkBeer();This works just fine. drinkBeer cannot access glass, but pour and drink can access beer. //// /*<!--<a href="">Caffeinated Simpleton » Blog Archive » An Introduction to JavaScript’s “this”</a>-->*/How Freemium Can Work for Your Startup
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll be looking at aren’t libraries in the same sense as something like jQuery or the YUI; they’re much smaller and much more specialized. But they’re the best at what they do and provide unique functionality.1. Fixing PNGs in IE6 with DD_BelatedPNGCreated by: Drew DillerLicense: MITWordpress Web Optimization: 15 Tips And Plugins To Monitor, Speed Up And Optimize Your Wordpress Blog
Optimize and monitor your Wordpress blog is necessary so that you can reduce the load time, bandwidth and server usage. This article discuss 15 tips and plugins to preform Wordpress web optimization.
unnecessary plugins can also remove the unwanted hooks. Hooks are provided by Wordpress to allow the plugi21 Untapped Traffic Sources
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.Speaking UNIX: Stayin' alive with Screen
good explanation of how one might use the unix screen commandThe $20 Theory of the Universe - Esquire
ou are the least bit hesitant or apologetic for offering the money, you are doomed. No one likes to take money if he feels as though the person is stretching himself to give it away. Remember, the more public the favor, the more private the pass. Whip out the bill, move swiftly. Fold it in quarters for discretion. Use the right palm. Smile knowingly. Wave it flat, like
Gutsy: "I skipped the ticket counter altogether, walked straight into first class, and announced that I'd give anyone twenty dollars for his seat. There was some laughter, some nervous ass shifting, and just when I figured no one would bite, a big guy with a beltful of pagers and cell phones took the deal... The FAA would shit their pants if everyone could do that... One of the guys flagging cabs pointed me to the back of the line. That's when I grabbed him by the elbow, pulled him close, and shook his hand, passing the next twenty... As we pulled away, someone in the line threw a half-empty cup of coffee against my window... At 3:00 that very morning, I had called an Eighth Avenue bodega and told them I'd give them twenty dollars for a pint of milk and a Hustler magazine.... I got my shoes resoled in twenty minutes instead of two weeks..."
...Then I realized something else: Most people aren't willing to lose their job for twenty bucks, but if they have something they already take for granted--a place in line, a seat, a ticket to a show they've already seen--they'll jump on a twenty like a possum on a wet bag of groceries. How to Grease a Palm IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE AND NEED. You have to have the attitude. You must discern the need. If you are the least bit hesitant or apologetic for offering the money, you are doomed. No one likes to take money if he feels as though the person is stretching himself to give it away. Remember, the more public the favor, the more private the pass. Whip out the bill, move swiftly. Fold it in quarters for discretion. Use the right palm. Smile knowingly. Wave it flat, like a flag, when you're after more favors, more fealty. In this case, use the fingertips. Either way, it's really just a sort of greeting. Treat it like a how-do-you-do and nothing more.The Habit Change Cheatsheet: 29 Ways to Successfully Ingrain a Behavior CSS: What, How, and Why - Nettuts+
Object-oriented CSS, at its core, is simply writing cleaner, DRYer CSS. It's not a different language: still the same old CSS we all know and love. It's just a paradigm shift. Really, object-oriented CSS is a few simple patterns and best practices.
It sounds like an oxymoron, or at least an impossibility, doesn't it? How can a static language that's really more like markup than programming be
Objektorientiertes CSS in Verbindung mit HTML5. Das interessante an diesem Artikel ist das recht gute Beispiel eines HTML5 Dokument Aufbaus.
http://html5shiv.googlecode.comTop 10 Blogs for Writers 2009 | Copyblogger
2009 listTurn Your Windows 7 PC Into a Wireless Hotspot - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Everybody's got a wireless network at home, but if you've ever wanted to get your iPod touch, iPhone, or other wireless device connected, but all you've got is a wired network at work, school, or elsewhere, Windows 7 makes this process trivial.正規表現をいまのうちに覚えておきたい人のためのリソース集 - Publickey
本当に基本的な部分しか理解していない。。。いい加減。。。。。。。3 New Facebook Strategies for Building Your Personal Brand
Here are three new strategies for building, promoting, and expanding your personal brand using Facebook.
Includes tips to make fan pages interesting10 Easy jQuery Tricks for Designers
Take a look at ten simple, effective, and useful tricks and techniques from several excellent jQuery developers and sites around the web that leverage the library to take your designs to another level.
Great jquery tips. The scrollable demo is neat:
There are plenty of jQuery tricks and techniques out there, and the vast and powerful jQuery library can meet almost anyone’s JavaScript’ing needs. Since jQuery makes JavaScript accessible to designers who want to add simple interaction and visual techniques into their design without knowing extensive programming knowledge, it’s worth a few moments to explore this excellent library. As any designer knows, adding small bits of extra visual detail and user-friendliness can add professionalism and appeal to any web design. In addition, for designers that sell templates, WordPress themes, and other types of web designs, the use of jQuery in a design can be a great selling point. Let’s take a look at ten simple, effective, and useful tricks and techniques from several excellent jQuery developers and sites around the web that leverage the library to take your designs to another level.iPhone 3GSを購入したら直ちに設定したい10ポイント | nanapi[ナナピ]
いつかiphoneを買ったときのために。“Writing Wednesdays” #2: The Most Important Writing Lesson I Ever Learned
“Writing Wednesdays” Future “Writing Wednesdays” articles will be inspired by quotes from The War of Art.
Nobody wants to read your shit. There’s a phenomenon in advertising called Client’s Disease. Every client is in love with his own product. The mistake he makes is believing that, because he loves it, everyone else will too. What’s your answer to that? 1) Reduce your message to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2) Make it fun. Or sexy or interesting or informative. 3) Apply that to all forms of writing or art or commerce. You acquire that skill which is indispensable to all artists and entrepreneurs: the ability to switch back and forth in your imagination from your own point of view as writer/painter/seller to the point of view of your imagined reader/gallery-goer/customer.
Nobody wants to read your shit.SU - 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines & Smashing Magazine
The best camera, the saying goes, is the one you have with you. Whether that's an impressive iPhone 3GS or a $20-with-2-year-plan flip model, you can pull off great shots and make life easier with these cameraphone tactics.5 Advanced Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Just as it is for big corporations, successful branding is essential to the success of a freelancing business and to just one self-employed web worker. It is
This is a fantastic read for any freelancer - Brand yourself
* 1 Oct The Art of Branding Yourself and Your Freelancing Business実用的なユーザビリティの10のポイント:ガイドライン編 | コリス
# 1. ラベルはフィールドの上に配置 # 2. フォーカスは視線の先に # 3. デザインのクオリティは信頼を与える # 4. ランディングページのスクロール # 5. リンクはやっぱりブルー # 6. 検索ボックスの文字数 # 7. ホワイトスペースの価値 # 8. ユーザビリティテストの重要性 # 9. プロダクトページは作りこむ # 10. コンテンツのような広告
ユーザーにあなたのウェブページを容易で、そして楽しくアクセスできるようにする実用的なユーザビリティの10のポイント(ガイドライン編)をSmashing Magazineから紹介します。How To Respond Effectively To Design Criticism « Smashing Magazine
However, despite its negative connotation, criticism often presents an excellent opportunity to grow as a designer. Before you can respond effectively, you need to understand what those opportunities are.
o understand what those o
esson in humility Never underestimate the importance of humility. Although criticism can bruise the ego, it keeps you grounded, making you easier to work with and morThe Top Six Reasons Companies are Still Scared of Social Media
reasons why companies are scared of social mediaPerform OCR with Google Docs - Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
ing example, Google Docs successfully extracted all the text from a scanned book page
Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
Uses the Open Source Tesseract OCR engine ( )
Google Docs can now perform OCR on digital images. You can upload an image containing typewritten or printed text (like a fax document or a scanned newspaper clipping) to your Google Docs account and it will turn that image into editable text.Flash HTML設定のまとめ | エントリー | _level0.KAYAC
Get a closer look at iPhone games and applications you can download from iTunes.
Once you discover the App Store, you’ll see how applications can make your iPhone do just about anything. There are thousands of iPhone apps to choose from. Here are a few that will help you get the most out your iPhone, wherever you go.古本の買取価格はどこが一番高いのか? | 古本買取価格比較レポート
「 買取サイトの平均買取価格1,262円に対して、 ブックオフ店舗(ブックマーケットを除く)の平均は2,176円でした。 この結果だけみれば店舗のほうが買取価格が高いですが、 近所のブックオフ店が高価買取か分からないし自分で持ち込む必要があります。 一方の古本買取サイトならネット申し込みでカンタンですが、 買取価格が安い場合でも返送料が高いのであきらめるしかありません。 どちらも一長一短がありますが、 もし近所に複数のブックオフ店があるなら比較してみるといいかもしれません。 持ち込むのがタイヘンだったり近所に店舗がないときは、 今回の調査でもっとも高価買取だった livedoorリサイクル が良さそうです。 」S.P.E.E.D. Writing: 5 Tips to Double Your Writing Productivity | Copyblogger
Great stuff to remember, links to other posts30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – Mac.AppStorm
Select a paragraph of text and click on “Summarize” under the services menu. You’re presented with the option to summarize sentences or paragraphs with a simple slider that reduces the length of the selected text by trimming unnecessary bits. I’m not sure how it goes about this but it does a surprisingly acceptable job of it.
30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – #Mac #Apple [from]9 Successful Techniques for Making Money from Podcasting
A compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off.
What follows is a compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off. For more tips, advice, and to hear the full money making podcast story, make sure to read and listen to each the interviews linked throughout this article.
Many people podcast because they love of it, but at some point, you may need to think about paying the bills. Here are 9 tips for making money from podcasting.
For many, creating a podcast is something that’s done solely out of passion. But even among those who do it strictly for the love of podcasting, after awhile, once you’ve built up an audience, there comes a time when you think to yourself, “I can’t keep doing this for free.”Presentation Zen: Personal Kaizen: 15 Tips for your continuous improvement
Kaizen (改善) means "improvement" — "kai" (改) means change/make better, and "zen" (善) means good — but as the term is used as a business process it more closely resembles in English “continuous improvement.” Kaizen is one of the keys to the steady improvement and innovation found at successful companies in Japan such as Toyota.
Great tips, along the line of "be interesting" from Russell Davies
"Though Kaizen is a tool used by corporations to achieve greater innovation, productivity, and general excellence, it’s also an approach, an approach that we can learn from and apply to our own lives as we strive for continuous improvement on a more personal level. We can call this “Personal Kaizen.” Others have applied the personal kaizen approach to personal efficiency or GTD. You too can take the spirit of kaizen and apply it to your own unique personal kaizen approach to improve — step-by-step, little-by-little — your design mindfulness, knowledge, and skill. "漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: なぜMySQLのサブクエリは遅いのか。
というわけでMySQLによるサブクエリの処理について見てきたが、きちんと気をつけて使えばサブクエリも高速に実行される。もちろんJOINに書き換えた方が速いのは言うまでもないが、SQL文のメンテナンスし易さなどを考えるとサブクエリで処理を書きたい!という人も居るのではないだろうか。そんな方は次の事に気をつけてサブクエリを使って頂きたい。 * サブクエリの種類 * 外部クエリとサブクエリの評価の順序 * 外部クエリにおいてフェッチされる行数 * サブクエリで利用されるインデックス * テンポラリテーブルのサイズスパムメールから収集したテキスト装飾 : はぐれプログラマ清純派
Mail data design
スパムメールに使われているテキスト装飾まとめ単調なウェブサイトのデザインに手を加えてクオリティをアップするチュートリアル | コリス
Remaking of a single pageSimple Techniques to Lock Down your Website - Nettuts+
One crucial part of PHP development practice is always keeping in mind that security is not something you can simply buy off the shelf at your local convenientウェブサービス開発で使えるWYSIWYGエディターまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
memo10 Principles of Successful Freelancers
A simple, step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height. Covers leading, how to apply various line-height values, as wellFurniture Shopping Secrets: How to Tell Superior from Shoddy * Get Rich Slowly
How to Shoot and Post-Process Professional HDR Photos in One Day
In this tutorial you will learn the simple secrets of crafting a shoot sequence for HDR and creating professional quality HDR images in both Photomatix and金融日記:日本人が英語をしゃべるときに気をつけるべき7つのポイント その1
日本人が英語をしゃべるときに気をつけるべき7つのポイントThe Best Cover Letter I Ever Received - David Silverman -
comments as well
There are really only a few times to use a cover letter: 1. When you know the name of the person hiring 2. When you know something about the job requirement 3. When you've been personally referred (which might include 1 and 2) Under those conditions, you can help your cause by doing some of the résumé analysis for your potential new boss. To illustrate, here's the best cover letter I ever received: Dear David: I am writing in response to the opening for xxxx, which I believe may report to you. I can offer you seven years of experience managing communications for top-tier xxxx firms, excellent project-management skills, and a great eye for detail, all of which should make me an ideal candidate for this opening. I have attached my résumé for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime. Best regards, Here's what I like about this cover letter: It's short. It sums up the résumé as it relates to the job. It asks for the job.
In my last post I talked about how to make your résumé more likely to catch the attention of a hiring manager. As a follow up, I'd like to discuss cover letters. Here's my basic philosophy on them: don't bother.10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
* CSS * Ecommerce * Insipiration * Javascript * PHP * Resources * SEO * Templates * Tools * Tutorial * Typography * Wordpress
WP DB BackupInspirational Tips and Tools from a Designer
JavaScript の言語仕様周辺のまとめ
結構わかりやすいJSのFAQ。ページが長くて使い辛いのがちょっとだけど。。。A Small Business Guide to Wikis
Must read -国産限定・Web制作時に覚えておくと便利な14のフリーのWebサービス - かちびと.net
web制作時に便利なサービスMastering CSS Coding: Getting Started « Smashing Magazine
SmashingMagazine with another great article for beginner web designers on how to think in CSS to design and layout web designs properly.7 cool VLC features worth knowing | GHABUNTU
For most people, VLC is the favorite media player because it plays everything they throw at it without hiccups. No hunting for codec. But VLC can do a lot of other things as well. Find out how many of these listed below you knew, and how many you did not.Inspired Talks – 10 Simple Ways to Instantly Boost Your Inspiration | Inspired Magazine
// Inspiration. That strange thing that boosts our brains, lifts our spirits and seems to automagically conduct our hands on the drawing board. Or on theCarsonified » 9 Ways to Take Your Site from One to One Million Users
In this video from The Future of Web Apps London (FOWA), Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, WeFollow and Revision3, shares 9 things he did to increase his users to 1,000,000 and beyond.
by Kevin RoseGraphic design contracts - your advice | David Airey » graphic designer, logo designer
A few months ago I wrote a brief article about graphic design contracts. You offered some excellent advice in the comments, and here I feature a select few of your contract tips.Most Used and Abused Web Design Trends of All Time | Web Design Ledger
The year is 1999. You've just watched the Matrix, and it's blown your mind. You sit down in front of your computer to work on a web design and then create orColor Psychology In Creative Design | Mert TOL
2009-10-05, by Mert Tol, "It’s worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme. There really are no awful colors—any color can look attractive when placed with appropriate color companions. Even though web colors are mixed differently than traditional media, that doesn’t mean that you need to learn all new theories to make color work on the web; the old theories about pleasing color schemes still hold true. [...]"
It's worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme.19 Tips for Recruiting Great Developers « Software++
19 Tips for Recruiting Great DevelopersFreelance Contracts: Do’s And Don’ts « Smashing Magazine
Freelance Contracts: Do’s And Don’ts « Smashing MagazineTidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Revealing Mac OS X's Hidden Single-Application Mode
This is absolutely brilliant. I've just enabled it on my work Mac, which generally has 10+ apps running. (Browser, Mail, IDE, chat client, iCal, spreadsheet, DB client, RSS reader, terminal, iTunes, PDF reader, various others), and suddenly my level of visual clutter is down to near zero.
Having returned from an archeological dig into the dark history of Mac OS X, I've unearthed a feature that could change the way you interact with your applications, enabling you to focus on one or two more easily than in the past. Back in 1999, when Steve Jobs first showed off the new Finder in Mac OS X, it ran in a single-application mode, where switching from one application to another caused the first application to minimize (this was the original demo of the Genie effect1). This was intended to be the default behavior, but it was so widely reviled that Apple quickly changed the default to the familiar multi-application mode that shows multiple applications on the screen at the same time. Mac OS X's multi-application mode differed from how previous versions of the Mac OS worked in that it interleaved all open windows without regard to which application they belonged to, a feature that annoyed a lot of long-time Mac users.私が Firefox から Chrome に乗り換えた7つの理由*二十歳街道まっしぐら
091007 こうしてレビューされるとGoogle Chromeってかなり面白そうなんだなーUse Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker
forwards unanswered cell calls to googlevoice
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker [from]Ask Unclutterer: Having it all | Unclutterer
slightly annoying, but still good ideas for uncluttering your life.Photojojo » Starting Your Photo Biz… Part 1: You Sure ‘Bout That?
Photojojo has a great article exploring the pros and cons of starting your own photography business.An Exhaustive Guide to Saving Your Smartphone's Battery - Battery - Lifehacker
Battery improvements are one of nokia's focus points, going from 100-110 on my old e71 netted me about 3hrs of battery life. I was a HEAVY user. HSDPA push running all day. Had to recharge at 11pm every night until that update.
Modern phones come loaded with bright screens, fun games and apps, and connections for 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. Not coincidentally, they're constantly out of juice. Here's some of the best collected wisdom about saving your web-connected phone's battery life.5 Ways to Write Retweetable Tweets
Rules to successfully retweet and gain followers.10 Really Useful WordPress Code Snippets |
"In this post I want to reply to a frequently asked question that I receive from my readers about how to distribute horizontally a certain number of elements within a main container using CSS. This problem is not particularly complex and can be solved simply using the CSS selector :first-child."
alinhas div na horizontal com hack ie
Kutuları yatayda sıralamak için güzel bir ipucu. Tek sorun ie6 :D
In this post I want to reply to a frequently asked question that I receive from my readers about how to distribute horizontally a certain number of elements within a main container using CSS. This problem is not particularly complex and can be solved simply using the CSS selector :first-child.Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag « Noupe
More great tools to help your web dev efforts25 Pure CSS and HTML Web Development Solutions | Queness
Check out this CSS based solutions without using any Javascript. I have collected 25 CSS Menu, accordion, lightbox, drop shadow, rounded corner,and misc. pure CSS solutions.これはもう使用しない方がいいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
分かりやすくまとまってますwHigh Scalability - High Scalability - 10 Ways to Take your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose
IE6のハックのまとめ。Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
...und Feedburner
Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
In this tutorial, we will be using WordPress and Feedburner with a few plugins to create a simple Email Newsletter Service for your WordPress blog. You can track the performance of your newsletter by checking how many subscribers you have, how many clicks each link gets and much more.6 Advanced JavaScript Techniques You Should Know
キャッシュやクッキー、履歴データなどの削除することは起動や操作が高速になる半面、レンダリングや利用の面で不便になることに注意する必要. 「content.notify.backoffcount」を整数で新規作成して「5」を設定、「nglayout.initialpaint.delay」を整数で新規作成して「0」を設定する。最初の設定はすべてのページをダウンロードし終わる前にレンダリングを開始する指定、後者はページレイアウト情報をすべてダウンロードする前にレンダリングを開始する指定... メニューを高速化する 「ui.submenuDelay」を整数で新規作成して「0」を設定... IPv6対応機能を無効にする IPv6を使う必要がなければ「network.dns.disableIPv6」の値を「true」に変更...
ui.submenuDelayVenture Hacks — How to develop your customers like you develop your product
Summary: In Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank lays out a customer development process that complements a startup’s product development process. This post includes video and slides where Steve explains the ideas in his book.Official Gmail Blog: Choosing a smart password
T. Kendallプレビュー公開が始まったGoogle Wave「超」入門(1/4)-@IT to Inspire
Lots of practical ways to use twitter in the classroom immediately
Ideas for interactive and engaging lesson activities in a range of curriculum areas. Contributed by teachers from all around the world.Kid activities, family friendly hotels, travel reviews-Trekaroo
can do reviews and earn gift cardGoogle Maps From A to Z | Jeez Tech
Great how to...Top 10 Most Common Errors Made Using Photoshop
Hagadas básicas conceituais feitas no photoshop
Les 10 erreurs les plus communes en utilisant Photoshop6 Apps To Help You Focus & Be Productive [Mac]
I’m a multi-tasker. I’m not very good at it but I try very hard. If you’d suddenly spring up on me and took a look at my screen, it would often be very clustered with several applications running, work half done; not to mention having loads of screenshots and bookmarks on my desktop to remind myself of the tasks I have yet to complete. I try to organize myself by using to-do lists but planning only brings me one step closer to finishing my work. Persistence and determination are the key to getting things done. Unfortunately, I have very little of those. I was born that way, I’m afraid. While writing the first two paragraphs, I checked my mail several times, fired up Safari, updated my Twitter and browsed Facebook. See, I told you I was a multi-tasker. But deadlines are deadlines. If you have a project due Tuesday — then there’s no choice but to complete it by Tuesday. Sure, you can try to push the deadline but there’s still one! To help with the situation and motivate me to clear tHow Google Taught Me to Cache and Cash-In | High Scalability
A user named Apathy in this thread on how Reddit scales some of their features, shares some advice he learned while working at Google and other major companies. To be fair, I [Apathy] was working at Google at the time, and every job I held between 1995 and 2005 involved at least one of the largest websites on the planet. I didn't come up with any of these ideas, just watched other smart people I worked with who knew what they were doing and found (or wrote) tools that did the same things. But the theme is always the same: # Cache everything you can and store the rest in some sort of database (not necessarily relational and not necessarily centralized). How do you go about applying this strategy?
ing caches is a clasisc strategy for milking your servers as much as possilbe. First look for an exact match. If that's not founHow To Champion Social Media At Work | Social Media Explorer
Sosyal medyanın işlerimizde de kullanılması
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.
ways to convince colleagues to sign up to social media stuff
to be used for social media focal points at EurocontrolPostgreSQL Tips and Tricks | gtuhl: startup technology
Here’s a dozen tips for working with a PostgreSQL database. It is a sophisticated and powerful piece of software and just knowing a few rules of thumb before diving in can be a huge help.
Here’s a dozen tips for working with a PostgreSQL database. It is a sophisticated and powerful piece of software and just knowing a few rules of thumb before diving in can be a huge help. If you want more detail read the amazing documention. My list of tips was very long so I just chopped off a dozen for this post.How To Persuade Your Users, Boss or Clients « Smashing Magazine
Writing about a place is difficult. You can spend months, years, even a lifetime in a city and still not really know it. More challenging still, everyone experiences a place differently. Two people who’ve grown up in the same place might fundamentally disagree on what the most scenic landmarks are, if the locals are friendly, the best places to eat, and so on.
I’m going to skip right to the heart of what I want to say about this city: if you’ve never lived in a major city before, you’ll probably like San Francisco. However, if you’re coming from another notable city, you may be disappointed. Hopefully, that’s pretty uncontroversial.
sive, and cold. As above, it’s easy to meet people through work or a common
Alex describes why he will leave SF when he can. Me, I'm leaving for these and more complex reasons. He's so in the tech bubble and the world of food and art, he never mentions California's political mess, or the desertification going on. He's the sort of person he is warning us about: "oung white men with high technical proficiency and lots of disposable income."How to Be Faster at the Linux Command Line | HACKTUX
"Time taken to process an n-word sentence is proportional to n^3, or more." :)SSH advanced techniques, part II
La vida de un JaponésHow to build a Facebook community | Socialbrite
"Like any social tool, Facebook needs to be worked in order to achieve specific marketing, event or fundraising goals." A practical primer on going about this
Author: Socialbrite websiteReally simple CSS trick for equal height columns –
This tutorial describes a really simple CSS trick to implement a fake equal height columns effect using the CSS properties position:absolute and border. Before to proceed I suggest you to download my CSS 2 Visual Cheat Sheet for a practical reference guide to CSS 2 properties that can help you understand concepts illustrated in this post.100 Hotels Under $150 -
Unlike the traditional under construction pages from the early days of the web, coming soon pages can nowadays prove to be handy tools when launching a new website. Forget yellow hard hats and flashing signs, let’s take a look at what benefits can be seen from some of the best launching soon pages.Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt | LinDesk
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt
Most Linux ‘gurus’ spend a lot of time working in the terminal. If you belong to that group, this post is for you. This is a tutorial to configure the terminal prompt to the best possible value for your use. Note: This tutorial is for bash users – these instructions will not work in other shells.You must have seen the prompt if you have use the terminal – it is the first few characters in each line. Usually, it will be…Editing the prompt is very simple – you just have to edit a shell variable. To see the current prompt’s value, open a shell and type the command…
good prompt ideasHow to Blog Almost Every Day
"Here are some thoughts into my process that I hope will give you a framework for writing a blog post (almost) every day."
fresh ideas about blogging everydayIs There A Perfect Web Design Width?
I tend to stick with fixed-width layouts, a 960px web design width in particular. It reduces the effects of the visitor x-factor and it’s just about perfect for any website.
Valuable article about website width and a rationale behind 960px wide.11 Well Written Character Illustration Tutorials | Web Design Ledger
How to draw cute characters in vector-drawing programs like Illustrator.
Adding characters and mascots to a web design is a great way to give a site personality and make it fun and memorable. Here are 11 well written tutorials thatIn the Woods – 7 Things I Wish I Had Known About jQuery
"There are four basic components to a successful web page design: Research; Design; Copy and Testing and Modification."Creating a Graphic Portfolio Without a Client | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
criando portfolio sem cliente24 Useful Tutorials on Creating Photoshop Brushes
10 Sweet GIMP Photo Editing Tricks to Wean You Off Photoshop85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparationOut of Gamut: (Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know about Sharpening in Photoshop but Were Afraid to Ask |
It's a sad but undeniable fact of life: Whether you scan, shoot, or capture, the process of digitizing images introduces softness, and to get great-looking results, you'll need to sharpen the great majority of digital images. This column is usually about color management, but for every screed that's been written on tone and color correction or color management, there's precious little about sharpening. This time around, I'll outline some of my favorite sharpening techniques for Photoshop 5, 5.5, and 6.
плюс сайт50 Ways to Never Waste Food Again : Planet Green
you have to dice part of an onion8 Tips For Getting Your Fan Page Found In Facebook Search
8 consigli su come rendere visibile la tua pagina su facebook
Have a Facebook page or creating a new one? Do yourself a favor and be proactive in setting your page up, so users can find you when they are looking. Too
Whether you are setting up your first page, or tweaking an old one, the following tips can help you rise to the top of the search results.
Might be useful in helping Holly get known
A list of 8 tips for optimizing one's Facebook Fan Page for Facebook Search. As featured on Search Engine Land.7 Free or Cheap Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Online
These elements are the 7 key principles that make a Web design look good: * Balance, * Grid, * Color, * Graphics, * Typography, * White space, * Connection.
desing article d
This is a must read...and must re-read!HOW TO: Organize an Event on Facebook
Some people wonder if all this social networking is really making us more social — we’re just sitting in front of our computers, after all. But Facebook, the web’s largest social network, plays host to 3 million event listings each month. And these are offline events, ranging in size from small, friendly get-togethers, to company picnics, to enormous political protests.Top 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard | Terminal, Finder, Dock/Exposé/Dashboard, iTunes + iPod | Mac OS X Tips
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yesHow Speakers Should Integrate Social Into Their Presentation « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Whether you're a professional speaker, company representative, or panelist at a conference, you must develop a social strategy during your speaking. The Audience Continues To Gain Power Over Speakers A few years ago, the first major eruption
via Corbin Ball
Present socially! 1. Prepare more; know your audience; monitor the backchannel (with help); interact with audience; use technology to converse mid-speaking10 Ways to Improve Your Photography Without Buying Gear « Photofocus
そのうちやる10 Essential Skills Every Graphic Designer Should Have | Design Reviver
In order to become a well rounded Graphic Designer, there are a variety of skills that are essential to handling a clients or employers tasks proficiently.Geek to Live: Have a say in what Google says about you - Geek to Live - Lifehacker
Someone out there's trying to find information about you right now, whether it's a potential employer, date or a long lost friend. What happens when they Google you? A recent poll here on Lifehacker shows that for about half of you, information about someone else with the same name or a web site you don't control gets returned in search results for your name. Today we'll go over the ins and outs of setting up a nameplate web site that makes you Googleable with a web page whose content YOU control.Puzzle: Fast Bit Counting « Reflections
return ((tmp + (tmp >> 3)) & 030707070707) % 63;Rock Concert Photography – 9 Tips on How to Get The Shot
A good set of tips for catching the shots at concerts and other stage performances.How to Give a Lousy Presentation - BusinessWeek
Fifteen ways to make a bad impressionTwitterの有名人・公式・お役立ち情報アカウント一覧 - できるネット+ 編集部ブログ
Twitterに参加している有名人や各種の情報配信用アカウント、公式アカウントな...10 Important Tips to Optimize Wordpress for Search Engines | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment SectionHow To Create Your [...]Official Google Blog: Managing your reputation through search results
Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you
The first step in reputation management is preemptive: Think twice before putting your personal information online. Remember that although something might be appropriate for the context in which you're publishing it, search engines can make it very easy to find that information later, out of context, including by people who don't normally visit the site where you originally posted it. Translation: don't assume that just because your mom doesn't read your blog, she'll never see that post about the new tattoo you're hiding from her.swissmiss | Consistent PNG quality across browsers
A few tips to ensure that your PNGs look good now matter what browser they are viewed in. (via Tim Van Damme)
how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
Here’s a helpful tip I got from my friend Olivier on how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsersHowStuffWorks "Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Memory"
Whether you're a college student studying for an important test or an aging baby boomer concerned about forgetting a recent doctor's appointment, there are a few things everyone can do to optimize the storage and checkouts in our private libraries of memories.
Here are 10 simple ways to improve your memory. Read our list of ways to improve your memory and learn to make those memories stick.浅析豆瓣的 Google Analytics 应用
redesign เปลี่ยนจาก design เก่า เป็น design ใหม่Wordpress Security - How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
Very few people truly enjoy spending time cleaning, and fewer still love buying expensive cleaners for every little task. Here's a handful of clever, time-saving DIY substitutes for common household cleaning jobs.10 secrets to staying informed about web design « Boagworld
乗り換えの時に6 Things Every Designer Should Have
A Print Portfolio Even though it is arguably more important to have a web portfolio, you can't neglect having a print portfolio! Many studios and companies want to look at a print portfolio because it can tell them more about you as a designer, esRuud Hein » Evernote GTD How To
"The following 15 minute setup enables you to use Evernote as a frictionless GTD list application."
The following 15 minute setup enables you to use Evernote as a frictionless GTD list application. Easy entry, no multiple notebooks required. Works with you, not against you.
How to use online tool Evernote for setting up a GTD system20-ways-to-waste-your-money.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
ck or two here and there may not seem like a big deal. But if you're frequenting ATMs outside your bank's networkSEOmoz | How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...JavaScriptコーディングに関するテクニックやパフォーマンス等のリファレンス集:phpspot開発日誌
I'd like to know your thoughts on these
Complex CSS files can often be difficult to manage especially if you don’t use a structured way to write and organize their code. In a previous post I already illustrated a methodic approach to CSS coding. This post illustrates five simple practical rules that can help you write well structured and more readable CSS files to make your developer life easier.
5 Rules To Write More Readable CSS FilesDo’s and Don’ts of Photoshop Retouching | Webdesigner Depot
Things NOT to do when Photoshop Retouching
A photograph of a stunning model is sitting before you that has serious potential but several flaws. The shade of the female model’s hair is dull, her eye color just isn’t doing it for you, and she has several pimples across her otherwise flawless face.
Do’s and Don’ts of Photoshop RetouchingEvernote Blogcast » Blog Archive » How to Send Blog Posts from Google Reader to Evernote
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader. Why I love this feature A lot of my web life can be broadly classified as research: recipes, drool-worthy gadgets, lifehacking ideas, articles to read, etc. Much of that stuff enter my consciousness through Google Reader. The usual workflow is something like–see an interesting post, go to the blog, clip it into Evernote for later, return to Reader. Now, I can do everything without leaving Reader. Awesome.
Totally awesome. I didn't even realize the send to function existed. Hooking it to evernote is pretty rad.
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader.20 Handy Photoshop Tips For a Faster Workflow
20-handy-photoshop-tips-for-a-faster-workflowThe Mystery Of The CSS Float Property « Smashing Magazine
3. Customize the look-and-feel of your site. Posterous now supports customization. Select one of the built-in themes, and customize the colors. Or create your own custom theme. You can even port Tumblr themes to Posterous.
Posterous is sort of blogging, but not. It allows you to "lifestream" more easily and upload photos, text, etc. very quickly to a central site.7 Things Web Designers Hate Hearing from Clients
In this article, we'll discuss seven things that often make the job of web designers difficult when dealing with unreasonable demands from clients.Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins « planetOzh
Some nice examples of subtle UI errors on big websites
ユーザビリティのありがちな間違いTop921st Century Teaching / Ideas for Photostory 3 Projects
21st Century Teaching
A great list of digital story telling ideas and projects. All in a wiki.10 Useful WordPress Coding Techniques « Smashing Magazine
Since last year, the WordPress themes market has grown incredibly. The reason? Great designs, of course, but also a lot of amazing new functionality. Top WordPress developers are always looking to get the most out of WordPress and use all of their knowledge to find ways to make their favorite blogging engine even more powerful.
10 Useful WordPress Coding Techniques8 Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should @ SmashingApps
There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence.Prep Your PC for Windows 7 - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Automatic Wordpress Thumbnail Without Custom Field
Criar fazer miniatura thumbnail automaticamente sem precisar de campo personalizado custom field [EXCELENTE]
This post will show you how to make your theme generates thumbnail automatically based on your post’s first image.The Keynotes Of Web 2.0 Design Elements With 30 Dazzling Showcases | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
should have / will follow some of these tips
This post summarises what I feel Ive learned in those years and how you can apply the things Ive learned to your own site and strategy to succeed.
Blogging tipsCarsonified » 10 Tips on Writing Hero-worthy Error Messages
Doh! %&^%&^%&! Another forehead-smack-worthy curse-laden moment: Ive filled out a lengthy online form and hit the submit button only to find myself staring back at an empty form peppered with red errors. Has this happened to you? Of course it has. While considering how much I really need to complete this form, I start making notes on how Id design it to be a better experience. Seriously, how many date formats am I going to have to try before I get this sucker right? Do I need to phone a friend? The lack of strong error messaging is a regular issue I encounter as both a user and UX designer. As the bearer of bad news to users, error messaging can be the element that determines whether your app gets a Sale or FAIL. Editors Note: Well be covering UX tips and strategies at The Future of Web Design NYC on Nov 16th 17th. 1. Error messaging is customer support Error messaging is a critical component of customer support. Customer support teams are experts at talking to and co
help on writing error messages for forms
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webHivelogic - Podcasting Equipment Guide (2009)
Hivelogic - Podcasting Equipment Guide (2009)
Great article! Check out this guy's site for other info re. podcasting and audio
Great list for beginning, intermediate
So, if you’re thinking about podcasting and have no idea where to start, if you’ve tried recording using your computer’s built-in microphone and realized just how bad that sounds, and if you’re ready to get serious about creating great audio, you’re in the right place. My hope is that this article will assist you in building a recording rig that suits your needs and meets your budget.10 Simple Freezer Tricks to Save You Time and Money - Winter - Lifehacker
Pour faire des chouettes boutons radios.
CSS is great and when it is combined with powerful JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, you can achieve some really amazing things. Combining these two together will let you enhance the user experience by providing more intuitive and responsive web interface. Here are 15 ways you can use jQuery to improvee CSS techniques.
Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQueryRands In Repose: Keynote Kung-fu Two
Workflow for creating presentations
You’ve taken some hits. Being taken apart by the execs because they could smell you weren’t prepared. The slide deck you loved that the audience ignored. That guy… snoring. In the front row. However, you’ve also hit it out of the park. The unexpected standing ovation. That seven-slide deck that turned into an hour of ad-libbed brilliance. The moment you know you’ve deeply connected with your audience. Admit it, you’ve got some presentation-fu.Lifehacker's Complete Guide to Windows 7 - Windows - Lifehacker
Windows 7 officially launches today, but we've been testing, tweaking, customizing, fixing, and writing about this OS for a year now. We present here a guide to everything we've learned about the OS, from first install to final settings change.Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - 28 things I wish I'd known before I started traveling « - Blogs from
9. The universal rule of taxi haggling, for both driver and passenger, is that once both sides agree on a fare before setting off, neither side can reopen negotiations once you’re en route. You should not try to get a better deal nor should you accept any increase in the fare from the driver after the journey has startedネットで出来るだけ物を安く買える方法やサイトを調べた - かちびと.net
まったく画期的ではない。10 cool things you can do with a USB flash drive | 10 Things |
using it. To learn more about Predator, and/or
Your USB flash drive can do a whole lot more than just move data around. Greg Shultz introduces a variety of creative ways to put that drive to good use. Transporting your data is probably the most common use for a USB flash drive. But there’s a world of other things you can do with these handy pocket-size drives. Here are 10 ways you can use that USB flash drive to do more than just move data.Twitterを使い始めてから少し楽しさが 分かった頃にあると便利な8つのツール - かちびと.net
Brilliant pointers from Zen Habits on speeding up your web browsing ...Systematizing the Graphic Design Process | Webdesigner Depot
Over 190 of the most useful money saving websites, online guides, and tools that help you expertly manage your personal finances. There are budgeting tools, job and career resources, rate comparison sites for bank accounts, credit cards and phone bills, budget travel websites, money resources for students, and lots of deals & coupons!
Great list of resources for the penny-wise
Here's the ultimate guide to 190 of the best budgeting tools, deals & coupon sites, rate comparison engines, and personal finance resources online. This list has everything you need to start saving money immediately.Social Media Marketing Applications - 10 Proven Ideas - Online Marketing Blog
Good cheat sheet of just the main tags and components available for WordPress
A Wordpress Theme Building Cheat Sheet with all the code required to create a basic Wordpress theme from scratch.
Building basic Wordpress themes only takes 2 things: CSS knowledge and some Wordpress Code...If you already know how to put a stylesheet together to give your theme the “looks”, than all that is left is to learn some basic Wordpress tags, conditionals, what if’s and other code to turn your pretty looking CSS into a fully functional Wordpress Theme.12 Websites for Discovering New Desktop and Web Apps | Web Design Ledger
Everyday web designers and developers rely heavily on applications to do their job – a job that is always changing and evolving. This means that there’s always a need for new applications, but with so many apps being released, finding what you need can be an overwhelming task. Thankfully there are websites and blogs out there that find the best apps to make your job easier. Here are 12 that you are guaranteed to find useful for finding new apps.
Everyday web designers and developers rely heavily on applications to do their job - a job that is always changing and evolving. This means that there's always14 jQuery Plugins for Enhanced Content Viewing | Web Design Ledger
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent solution. With jQuery you can easily create accordion style content boxes, image galleries, and content sliders. Here are 14 excellent jQuery plugins for adding this type of functionality to your site.
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent5 Plugins To Make Your WordPress Blog Blazing Fast
Another amazing post about WordPress Plugins. Can't get enough of testing out new plugins.File Management and Organization Tools and Ideas « Noupe
Below are a number of apps and resources that you can use to manage your files and resources. Some are Web-based, some desktop-based and some are analog (i.e. paper-and-pen-based). The one that’s right for you will depend largely on your workflow and what you need to keep organized.The Food Lab: Perfect Boiled Eggs | Serious Eats
I'd like to apologize in advance for the shameless, horrible egg puns that I'm inevitably going to shell out over the course of this story.How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
Viral is one of the biggest buzzwords these days in blogging world. Everyone wants to create something viral, so their blog or product will “market itself.” Despite all the buzz about creating “viral content” and a “viral blog,” not many people really understand how this is done. I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure I’ve got it all figured out. There aren’t really any secrets. But, there are a lot of little tactics that can add up to creating something contagious.
some good advice here, if you're into that sort of thing....Winマシンが最近遅いなぁと感じたら、『Glary Utilities』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Whether you just want more control over how the basic text on your site shows up or you want to do something a bit more advanced, there’s surely a plugin available to help. There are plugins to better handle things like hyphens and long URLS, plugins to replace text with images (whether in headlines or to avoid censorship), and plugins to let you add print-centric elements, like drop caps and pull quotes, to your posts.
webdesign25+ Useful Linux and Unix Cheat sheets @ Techie Blogger
Squeeze the very best performance out of your PC with these Windows 7 optimization tricks.Top 10 Windows 7 Booster Apps - windows 7 - Lifehacker
これ以上ないというぐらいに詳しい動画の作り方マニュアルが、「酔拳の王 だんげの方」でまとめられていました。
<<Sniff Out That Smelly Code
functions are difficult to change, and difficult to understand.10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips, (Part 1 of 2) — crowdSPRING Blog
One of the biggest challenges for small businesses who want to market using social media is capacity. crowdSPRING is a small business - there are only 10 people on our team - so we understand this challenge well. You must decide whether social media makes sense for your small business. There is no universal answer. In this two part series (part 2 will be published in a few days), I’ll offer 10 small business social media marketing tips. For each tip, I’ll discuss the basic strategy - for those who simply want to get their toes wet, and also the advanced strategy - for those who want to spend a bit more time and go a bit deeper in their social media marketing efforts. Where possible, I’ll point you to other excellent resources to help you execute your strategy. The tips are all based on my own experience leveraging social media marketing for crowdSPRING. I recommend only tools I’ve personally used - and third party references I trust.How to Plan a Content Heavy Site | Build Internet!
e the fight
Simple user testing with 5 participants, paper prototyping, and heuristic evaluation offer a cheap, fast, and early focus on usability, as well as many rounds of iterative design.MobileMe を使わない同期環境 - soundscape out
inline-block;There’s a Better Way to ReTweet!
use 'via @' instead of 'RT @' and more details
Tips for using “via @”
Could this be the next RT?
There’s a Better Way to ReTweet! - [from]
by Miles Tinsley - follow him at @milestinsley Retweeting is a popular way to share a useful or interesting tweet. The concept is beautifully simple, but
via or RT I guess via is the better way, time to start trying it out [from]Advanced Photoshop Techniques that you may not be aware of - Inspect Element
Nice PS techniques
Photoshop is one of the most widely tools used for web design. Most web designers don't use all of the great things that Photoshop can do. It's easy to get stuck in your ways but instead you should be looking to further improve your skills and learn new techniques to improve your web design work, work flow and productivity.jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code | tripwire magazine
que hacer y no hacer en diseño webWhat Startups Are Really Like
An article on the difficulties and surprises in starting a startup.
Really good ideas and facts about starting a startup.10 Reasons why I prefer Fireworks CS4 to Photoshop for Web Design « Boagworld
Great article and one that will inspire me to try Fireworks again. But only as a test - my hands are used to 10 years of Photoshop and I am quick to frustrate.
I have been a Photoshop user for over sixteen years, ten of which have been in a production web design environment. I’ve got used to the way it works. I’m used to its feature set and how it does what it does. I’ve worked happily within that framework and mostly not digressed unless my requirements have been to design a logo – where a vector illustration package like Illustrator has come into its own. More recently, however, I’ve begun to feel like I’m actually using the wrong tool for the job, in some ways like using a word-processor to replicate the work of a spreadsheet.
Oui il faut le dire Fireworks est mieux que Photoshop pour le web !
fireworks versus photoshop9 Useful Twitter Retweet Button Scripts For Blogs | cheth Studios
Posted using BDeliciousThe Master List of New Windows 7 Shortcuts - Windows - Lifehacker
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: “Oh, that’s just a branding campaign.” Admit it, you’ve heard it. I suspect you’ve even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love branding campaigns just as much as the next guy. I love campaigns that Visa runs. I love watching the IBM ads (with the Linux kid perhaps the best of the lot). I loved the I’m a PC ads from Microsoft (and I am a proud PC!). I loved the Wario Land: Shake It ad from Nintendo on YouTube (now that’s creative!). I love a good billboard ad, Budweiser does good ones. My absolute favorite branding campaign of all time: Think Different.
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: "Oh, that's just a branding campaign." Admit it, you've heard it. I suspect you've even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love bra
Brand Measurement: Analytics & Metrics for Branding CampaignsTop 8 Programs That Can Make Your Computer Run Faster
Программы, улучшающие работу компьютера.Five Minute Upgrade - Using CSS Borders for Emphasis | Build Internet!
5 minute improvement with css borders.Styling Post Headings That Stick Out | Blog Post Heading Design | Styling Post Headings | CSS Post Heading | Post Header Design
A lot of designers think CMYK is the way to go when designing for print. We will, of course, always use CMYK-based ink, but this does not mean you have to work with CMYK files. You can work with RGB images to perfectly optimize your print colors and save a great deal of time in the process.100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges
mysqlのレプリケーションを用いた構成について書いたblog記事。まだきちんと読んでいない。 フェールオーバー時のデータの完全性を保証しない構成。 想定する運用フローが書いてあるので、自分で考えるときの参考にする今一度見直しておきたい!Gmailの各種設定とおすすめLabs機能*二十歳街道まっしぐら
あんまりちゃんと設定してなかったApacheの設定を変更し、単一IPアドレス上で複数のSSLサイトを運用する - builder by ZDNet Japan
へえ。できるんだOffline Inspiration: How To Find It and Get The Most Out Of It « Smashing Magazine
(個人や零細企業が)Webサービスでクレジットカード課金10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips
Social media is a big place, and navigating the many networks and tools can be tough. Here are 10 great ways small businesses can make the most of social media.Google Analytics Mega-Post: 23 Google Analytics Tips and Tweaks | Search Engine People | Toronto
this page could be enhanced with %USER% tags, that are better understood by windows peopl
what you can do is create a separate user profile in Google Chrome. Thus all your browser history, bookmarks, cookies, search terms, etc. are not shared with anyone else in the family.
How to create user profiles in ChromeThe Silent Number: Top things to do after installing Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala
This list of the top things to do immediately after installing your newly acquired copy of Ubuntu doubles as a general list of great software to try out and use, complete with links to any special instructions on how to set them up... Repositories can be added easily ... Feel free to pick and choose; enjoy! You generally don't need antivirus with Linux, but if you'd like to play it safe, you can install the ClamTK Virus Scanner, a graphical front-end to ClamAV. If you feel the need to have a firewall, Firewall configuration is a graphical front-end for Uncomplicated firewall (ufw). If you'd like to make sure all of your internet traffic is encrypted and anonymous, you can pass it through a proxy by using a Virtual Private Network service like IPREDator. We can't kill the music and movie industries if they can make money just by suing all of us! Mozilla Firefox 3.5 brings some major improvements like..., but we all hate how bloated it is. If you want something faster and more...Firefoxでの動画サイトのイライラを解消する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
YouTubeなどの動画サイトで10秒ごとに動画がフリーズするのは、Firefox2.0以降に搭載されているセッション復元機能が原因だとか。Firefoxのデフォルト値では開いているタブを10秒ごとに保存する設定になっているそうで、多くのタブを一度に開いているとより動画が固まりやすいそうです。 では、これを解消するためにはどうすればよいのでしょう? 答えはシンプル。セッション復元のための保存のインターバルを長くすること。具体的な方法としては、アドレスバーで「about:config」と入力しEnterキーを押すと、フィルターボックスが表示されますので、さらにフィルターボックスに「browser.sessionstore.interval」と入力しましょう。すると「10000("10秒に保存する"の意)」が表示されるはず。この数値を5分ごとの保存とするならば「300000」、2分なら「120000」など、任意の数字に変更すればOK。
セッション保存のインターバルを長くする方法 / browser.sessionstore.interval = 120000 (=2分) など7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School | Copyblogger
7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School - [from]
Good writing doesn’t have to be educated or well supported or even grammatically correct. It does have to be interesting enough that other people want to read it.9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter |
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter -
More tools to help you find followers on Twitter
twitter help find people to follow who to twitter_help
useClean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media: The Answer - SuperSite Blog
サンプルソースが・・・キャリア同時対応ならこうなるわな。20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
Quick anatomy lesson: the distance between your eyes is one-tenth the length of your arm. This is important, because it helps you estimate the distance between yourself and any object of reasonably known size to a rather accurate degree. Let's begin this with a confession: I can't estimate distances worth a darn. 100 ft, 300 ft, 20 m, I can't really do it. Thankfully with this trick, we can get pretty accurate distance estimates with only the tiniest bit of math, a general idea of the size of the object you're estimating distance from, and an arm. Basically, all you need to do to estimate a distance using this classic method is hold your arm out and stare at your thumb with an eye closed. Silly, yes, but it makes sense, because you'll switch which eye you look through and sort out how far the object appears to have "jumped" to the side:Working From Home: 10 Unconscious Cues to Create a Work-Life Balance | Awake At The Wheel | Crossroads of Work & Play
"Working from home sounds like a very simple concept. But there are a lot of built-in structures and boundaries inherent in a going-to-the-office job that we often take for granted. Recreating those boundaries when our home and work is one and the same is a crucial part of achieving a work-life balance."
Working from home sounds like a very simple concept. But there are a lot of built-in structures and boundaries inherent in a going-to-the-office job that we often take for granted. Recreating those boundaries when our home and work is one and the same is a crucial part of achieving a work-life balance. The personal battle One common trap of working from home is allowing your personal life to bleed into your work. A lack of discipline and motivation as well as a myriad of temptations lurking in every corner of your home can affect your productivity big time. This is the most obvious situation (and the one most often addressed) when considering the pitfalls of working from home. But there is a lot of support and feedback (in fact an entire industry) for this problem, and can be remedied by a host of productivity tools and exercises.Photoshop 101 – Working with Slices | Design Reviver
Photoshop 101 – Working with Slices
Working with slices in Photoshop can sometimes be a pain. In this tutorial I'll show you how to use the slice tool and show you some easy methods of slicing upWhy Haskell is beyond ready for Prime Time « Integer Overflow
Why Haskell is beyond ready for Prime Time
Here’s a concrete example: I’ve got a list of numbers, and I want to split it up into two lists — one consisting of the evens, one consisting of the odds. This seems like a pretty specialized task, so I doubt there’s a function written for it explicitly. So let’s look for a function that takes a list, and a boolean test, and splits it into two lists — one consisting of the elements satisfying the test, and the other consisting of the elements that don’t. That is, I need a function that takes a list of integers, and a function from integers to bools, and produces two lists of integers. No problem: I jump over to Hoogle and search for functions of type [Int] -> (Int -> Bool) -> ([Int], [Int]). It produces a short list of results, tells me what library they are in, and even gives a brief description of what the function does. I quickly see that partition is the function I want.
**** Great Haskell Advocacy . We’ve got all the usual things — source control by darcs, unit testing by HUnit, automated testing by Quick Check, and source documentation by Haddock. We’ve also got package management by Cabal (tied into Hackage, of course). We’ve got one other tool that is perhaps the strongest reason for the language — the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler. You won’t find a more advanced compiler anywhere on earth. It produces code that is performance-competitive with C, has built in support for profiling, and features a rich interactive mode that both helps you test code and also explore types and interfaces.5 Must Read Presentations about CSS Coding –
Media center tools
good hacksMy 10/20/30 rule of Powerpoint - Holy Kaw!
CSS techniques web developer should usepimping out git log - Bart's Blog
Très joli git log --graph à consommer sans modération
You can run the following to add it to your ~/.gitconfig: git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset
I love this custom log view for git20 More Useful Adobe Illustrator Menu Tips - Vectortuts+
We have seen many useful tips on Illustrator’s menu commands by talented designers before. Here are some more! Some of these were mentioned earlier too,とっても使えるoverflowプロパティ。その使い方色々。|CSS HappyLife
via.ShowjinOne Hundred Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part 1) - You’re the Boss Blog -
Etiquettes12 Lesser Known But Useful WordPress Hacks
Perlベストプラクティスで紹介されている書き方やPerltidyと呼ばれるコード整形ツールが出力する形式にあわせておいたほうが幾分よいと思います。Web Design Trends for 2010 | Web Design Ledger
Je ne m'étais jamais rendu compte, jusqu'à ce que les yeux manquent de me sortir de la tête en regardant ma page sous Safari.
Super Artikel zu Antialiasing
Comprehensive article on font antialiasing, especially on the web101 really useful tips for Mac beginners | News | TechRadar UK
101 really useful tips for Mac beginners Tips and tricks to help you get the best from OS X : TechRadar UK8 Sure-Fire Ways Freelance Designers Can Earn Passive Income | Spyre Studios
Why the hell wouldn’t you want to make some money on the side while you’re building your freelance business?B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
10 Things Social Media Can't Do
Waardevolle tips over wat je kan verwachten van Sociale Media en wat niet.6 Ways To Take Your Webdesign From Good To Great
@font-face for free commercial
tips for wed design
myInkBlog.comA List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
It's hard for clients to understand the true value of user experience research. As much as you'd like to tell your clients to go read The Elements of User Experience and call you back when they’re done, that won’t cut it in a professional services environment. David Sherwin creates a cheat sheet to help you pitch UX research using plain, client-friendly language that focuses on the business value of each exercise.SEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 1 of 2)
Dropbox Evernote 以外のアプリケーション26 Hints for Agile Software Development - PM Hut
There are times when blogging can be tough and it feels like we have just run out of ideas for our blog posts or as a freelancer we sometimes think there's
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
great suggestions
Excellent list.Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio | The Balsamiq Blog
As I was looking for bloggers to contact, I found some posts/articles that were extremely relevant to what I was doing. In other words, these are posts that people looking for a tool like mine would find and read.
Some useful stuff about blogger outreach
take it for what it is, a description of what I have done so far. Implement at your own risk! ;)
Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio
Great marketing tips from Balsamiq, made much greater by the fact that his micro-startup has been awesomely successful.4 Ways News Organizations are Using Twitter Lists
"Twitter lists are giving news sites the ability to curate news and further open up to Twitter users that can help them to gather news."20 Simple jQuery Tricks | Design Shack
Rundown of cool jQuery features/plugins2010年に備えて、知っておきたいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
2010年に向けて押さえておきたいウェブデザインのトレンドの14のポイントをWeb Design Ledgerから紹介します。 Web Design
よっしゃ101 Ways to Promote a New Blog
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.4 ways to get automatically rejected by an angel investor | VentureBeat
InterestingFacebook Business Guide: How Companies Can Utilize Facebook Pages For Social Media Marketing - Part 1
Ideas for how businesses can capitalize on the various tabs in Facebook. Different from normal Facebook usage. With examples.Website Maintenance Tips for Front-End Developers - Smashing Magazine
UI개발자를 위한 웹사이트 메인터넌스 팁
Website Maintenance Tips for Front-End Developers
great resource of tools and tips to help you get more out of your web design10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
Savvy individuals are looking for ways to use lists to further their personal/professional agendas, and while we are all still learning how to harness the power of this new feature, here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.cashto's blog : It's OK Not to Write Unit Tests
Critical discussion about unit tests. It's important not to dismiss his core argument, that unit testing isn't the only testing you should be doing.
Don't feel bad, it's okay not to write unit tests. But Unit Tests Work For Me! First, are you sure you're really unit testing? Unit testing is all about testing unitsindependent pieces of logic. According to Michael Feathers, a real unit test cannot50 Common Mac Problems Solved | Mac|Life
Windows 7 boasts a lot of great new shortcutsTen Tips for Becoming a Better WordPress Developer | Web Design Ledger
Killer article
I am going to cover a little bit from across the board as to what we can do to become WordPress developers. Some items take only a minute or two to complete while others might take a bit more initial effort. I promise though that through it all, we’ll get our development skills to a much higher level. The list does not go in order of importance, but I would say that all 10 of the tips could each be #1.ケータイ3キャリアに対応するためのDOCTYPE宣言について |
XHTMLを使ってケータイサイトを作成する際には、HTMLの冒頭にDOCTYPE宣言を記述する必要があります。 先日からこの「DOCTYPE宣言」に関するブログエントリーが人気を集めているようなので、当サイトも触れてみようと思います。 下記2つのサイトでは、どちらもif文でユーザエージェントを判定して、DOCTYPEを出し分けるという処理を紹介しています。Make Linux faster and lighter | TuxRadar
The appearance and usability of certain interface elements and functionality are crucial to the success any websites in today’s market. Studies have demonstrated that even a split-second delay in thinking on the user’s part will weaken their perception and interest in a website and ultimately lower the website’s conversion rate. In certain niches and industries, having UI elements that are not obvious in their use may be perfectly acceptable. The blogging and web development industry are perfect examples. But when we design user interfaces for non-tech-savvy audiences—which is usually the case with client work—we have to ensure that certain UI elements do not stray too far from what users are accustomed to. This article discusses some best practices and usability traits of six user interface elements and the conventions for each, so that developers can create user experiences that are both beautiful and simple.Facebook Fan Page Best Practices – The Buzz Bin
Geoff Livingston posts some great Facebook Fan Page Best Practices. And thanks to Beth Kanter and Michaela Hackner who pointed out this resource #ntenthanks ;)
Eight suggestions will optimize your fan page to create the most vibrant community possible.Simple CSS Tips that Go a Long Way - Inspect Element
Contact Us Page Best Practices With 20+ Fabulous ShowcasesIE6、IE7、IE8におけるCSSの違いまとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
Reflexión sobre la figura del periodismo que, más allá de que estemos más de acuerdo o menos, creo que es interesante.
a newspaper story doesn't just have to be about text... the format also allows for a large image, for example, which may lend additional weight to the story. But hey, if that holds true for newspapers then what about the internet? An article online can include video, audio, image galleries, links to further reading, a direct response channel in the form of reader comments, and it can be read in any number of ways (online, RSS readers, mobile devices, etc).
Some food for thought as we rethink our web/print strategy
Mobile is a truly wonderful tool. It has never been easier to capture ideas, build out stories, and publish content. There are so many amazing mobile apps out there that will help journalists. Audioboo. Dictaphone apps. To-do lists. Workflow tools. Built-in cameras. Video capabilities. Notebooks. Mindmaps. Messaging. The mobile phone really is the journalist’s best friend. The iPhone is simply amazing (if your boss only knew he'd surely pay for it). Learn how to get the best out of your phone...50+ Useful CSS Professional Techniques | Dzinepress
As we know most of the Web designers and developers only scratch the surface of the potent language that is CSS (cascade style sheet), like programming languages, CSS has a quite simple learning twister, normally being used more often in every web project. CSS as language giving many advantages even working in table based design or table-less designs, most of the time our designed pages can easily change after replace a css file with another one. When we working on latest trends, Tab Navigation has been one of the essential element in any contemporary web layout. In order to make sure visitors can properly navigate through the website through our used techniques, here in listed CSS stuff we offering some best and most useful Cascade style sheets with source files which can help for more inspiring developments.
CSS as language giving many advantages even working in table based design or table-less designs, most of the time our designed pages can easily change after replace a css file with another one. When we working on latest trends, Tab Navigation has been one of the essential element in any contemporary web layout. In order to make sure visitors can properly navigate through the website through our used techniques, here in listed CSS stuff we offering some best and most useful Cascade style sheets with source files which can help for more inspiring developments.
listona di servizi sui css... per non rimanere senza....
Página twitteada por Chava [Desertor] ;DMaster Your DSLR Camera, Part 1: Program Mode
個人情報なので出せない、という人に対しては、「プロバイダ責任制限法案があるので、明確な理由がある限り、開示者の責任は問われない」ということをしっかりと教えてあげましょうPhotoshopでの作業をより早くより簡単にする20のTips | コリス
基本的なものから「基本的」なものまで つまり基本wWindows 7: The Complete Guide - Windows 7 guide - Gizmodo
25 Normas de accesibilidad relativas a las CSS
25 reglas para hacer buen css
25 reglas para hacer un buen archivo css
Olga Carrera ha creado un listado de 25 reglas para hacer un CSS mas accesible, la lista incluye notas de porque evitar el uso de hacks y alternativas para mejorar tu codigo CSS, asi como muchos tips para mejorar la accesibilidad del mismo, un articulo muy recomendable y en español.Bash shortcuts « Tales From a Cold Network Admin
"The $(</path/to/a/file) #Thanks Croooow This isn’t exactly a variable, more a method of reading files, but it is optimized beyond the cat command to work with bash scripts "A Roundup Of 25 Advanced CSS Tips And Tutorials
Great write up explaining a CMS and why to use one.Grunge In Web Design: Samples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios
Spyre Studios
Grunge In Web Design: Samples And Best PracticesHow To Track Google Keyword Rankings In Google Analytics
Awesome link track Organic Hits.
$A1 (position: $B2)7 Things To Do After Installing Windows 7
Installing Windows 7PHP programming tips and tricks | Marius Stanciu Sergiu's weblog
[vía @basilio] # Learn the difference between good and bad code. read more # Stick to coding standards, it will make it easier for you to understand other people’s code and other people will be able to understand yours. read more
PHP programming tips and tricks16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog
Wordpress overload. Good list of sites.
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better BlogSmart Email Marketing - How to Design and Send Emails - Resource - letscounthedays
Quelques propriété CSS courantes mais à ne pas oublier: Clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, display
Handy css tips / clip tag :)A Guide to Creating Email Newsletters | Webdesigner Depot
This post pick up on my previous post "jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code" and provides additional nice to know tips for jQuery developers. jQuery is popular for a reason and widely used by nearly everyone from huge companies
jQuery skill upGetting Clients: Approaching The Company - Smashing Magazine
A defining factor in any freelancer or agency’s success in gaining new business is their ability to market their skills effectively. In this three-part series, we will explore ways in which designers can strategically promote themselves to get new clients. Securing new business by approaching companies can be a very challenging process, full of pitfalls. Here, we will look at 10 steps to impressing potential clients and avoiding the most common mistakes.
Most established organizations put a vision statement on their website. This will give you key insight into a company’s values, history, growth and future direction. This information is invaluable because it will help you better understand how the business operates and, thus, how you can tailor your approach to it. For example, if the company has a progressive stance on sustainability and the environment, you could approach them with ideas for paperless advertising and communication.7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn
some of the things you should consider incorporating into your LinkedIn strategyiPhone初めての人に教えてあげたいちょっとした事 働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww
Safariの方位磁石は N(ネスケ)とE(Internet Explorer)の間を指しているGit初心者が絶対に覚えておくべきコマンド - idesaku blog
gitってコミットログの修正とかできるのか。てか普通出来るよね…(何WordPressでWebサイトを構築するまでの手順リスト - かちびと.net
まぁ、そのまま使えるわけじゃないだろうけど。Designing “Coming Soon” Pages - Smashing Magazine
Deciding what to do once you've purchased a domain but haven't yet launched the website is always a bit of a conundrum. Leaving up your domain registrar or Web host's...20 Essential Tweaks and Tips Every Firefox User Should Know | Maximum PC
One of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database.
One of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database
ne of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database..How to Develop Your Photography Skills: 11 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
sudo hdparm -W 0 /dev/sdaSimply-Buttons v2 : p51 Labs
Get off to a running start using tons of great free web-based tutorials and resources.20 Websites That Will Make You A Better Blogger | Make Money Online
Everyone has to constantly educate themselves to keep ahead of the game and to improve their business, because of this I decided to share with you the 20 resources I use to learn, improve and get inspired. There are 1000’s of blogs that talk about blogging and internet entrepreneurship but to be honest, a lot are doing it completely wrong and quite a lot are teaching out of date information that will only slow down your chances of becoming a top blogger.Redesign: When To Relaunch The Site and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine
Redesign: When To Relaunch The Site and Best Practices | Smashing MagazineThe Bitten Word: Overnight Oatmeal: Steel-Cut Oats in 10 Minutes
Overnight shortcut to steel-cut oats
Awesome oatmeal
Food & Wine (December 2008) Since we started eating steel-cut oatmeal a few years ago, quick-cooking oats just don't hold the same place in our hearts. Sure, they still make for a nice -- and most importantly quick -- weekday...10 Tips for Writing Better CSS | Web Design Ledger
10 Tips for Writing Better CSSBest Collection of CSS Rounded Corners Tutorials
La mejor colección de tutoriales acerca de bordes redondeados.Google Closure: How not to write JavaScript
What if Google released a JavaScript library that sucked, and no one noticed? JavaScript expert Dmitry Baranovskiy has peeked under the hood of Google’s new Closure Library, and he doesn’t like what he sees. Follow along as he points out a few of the library’s many failings, and why the Web deserves better from Google.Google Wave Info » Blog Archive » Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google WaveWriting great documentation: what to write
Annotated link Essential Tricks and Skills Every BitTorrent User Should Know | Maximum PC
But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.Coding a Web Design for Speed and Quality | Webdesigner Depot
The beauty of being a web designer is creating a detailed, creative, and original web design in Photoshop, without having to (for the most part) think about how it will be coded. During the design phase, it’s all about the look, and either the coding can be taken care of later, or be outsourced to a developer. Either way, not thinking about the development usability or functionality is a great way for a designer to not feel limited in the design process. This is a great way of thinking, and can lead to the best designs. However, once it does need to be coded, we as designers are in a tricky spot. In this article, you’ll find a few simple tips that can help designers learn basic XHTML/CSS conversion efficiently for a quick-loading website that is accurate to the original PSD.
The beauty of being a web designer is creating a detailed, creative, and original web design in Photoshop, without having to (for the most part) think about how it will be coded.Google Wave Cheat Sheet
5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience
Simple tips for a good UX. These are obvious wins...100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Site provides useful tips for librarians wanting to start library blogs. The tips are split into subtopics such as basics, readership and traffic, content, branding, networking, design, platforms, and organization. Each tip links to an article or website with further information on the tip.
This is a helpful list of ideas tips and tool for the librarian who is a beginning blogger.
While it's not aimed specifically at SLMS, it brings up a number of points that should taken into account when creating a blog for your SLMC.
As you prepare for a career as a librarian, you’re probably experimenting with all of the different ways you can reach out to your patrons and offer them cutting edge research assistance. Blogging is a valuable tool for cataloging library news, sharing research tips and book lists, and marketing your own library while highlighting special exhibits, new technology and special guests. If you want to start your own library blog, check out this list of 100 tips and tools.9 Rules of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know
You're the owner of a local small business and you are trying to figure out the best steps to get on to Facebook to drive new customers. It can be a daunting task and with little extra time in the day, how can you be expected to spend time promoting your business on Facebook? I completely understa ...Writing great documentation: technical style
The focus is technical documentations, but the style rules are applicable to all web writing.暗記しておくとなにかと便利なプチ公式まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
1年=250労働日=2,000労働時間、時給1,000円=年収200万円、$1 million=1億円、$1 billion=10億ドル=1000億円、AのB%=BのA%、昭和+25=西暦、平成-12=西暦
IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
# 昭和+25=西暦 # 平成-12=西暦
1年(365日)=8760時間How To Prevent A USB Drive From Running Anything Automatically In Windows
USB flash drives are our personal data carriers, but the way we use it to exchange files also makes them open to viruses. The Achilles heel which virusesReset Your Sleep Cycle with a 16-Hour Fast - Sleep - Lifehacker
By fasting for 16 hours before your breakfast in a new time zone or on a new sleep/wake schedule, or perhaps after some really rough sleep nights, one can "override" the body's other sleep clocks that have a really aggravating way of demanding obedience.
16h? Too long.Security: Lessons Learned from a Hacked Gmail Account
<DigitalKiwi> caseyd:
Linux: Should You Use Twice the Amount of Ram as Swap Space?Fixing Poor MySQL Default Configuration Values (by Jeremy Zawodny)
4 tips buenos para mejorar el desempeño de MySQL.
MySQL configuration variables that have defaults which have proven to be problematic in a high-volume production environment100 Incredibly Helpful Lifehacks for the Unemployed
Whether you’re fresh out of college and looking for work or trying to get back in the workforce, unemployment can be quite a predicament. Chances are, you’ll need all the help you can get. Make use of these lifehacks to make your unemployed life just a bit easier.5 Impressive Real-Life Google Wave Use Cases
share15 Ways to Optimize CSS and Reduce CSS File Size | Queness
You know CSS, but do you know how to optimize it? I have gathered a list of CSS optimization and CSS File size reduction tips and tricks that will help you writing a more effective and efficient CSS code.7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.13 Steps to a Successful Website Launch
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We all have been there, the client pushes for a launch date that is about 3 days before everyone had planned on. It is now Friday at 3:00pm and you are being pulled in all directions trying to get everything ready for the big launch. You keep ask
Good checklist for launching a siteメルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選―メールマーケティング特集(10) | Web担当者Forum
メルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選How to Get More Followers on Twitter
problogger tips for getting more Twitter followers
How do I get more followers on Twitter? This is a question I get asked a lot - so I thought I'd put together a bit of a compilation of links to posts I've8 fat fighting foods - Healthy Living on Shine
Health and nutrition
Combat fat! Your allies in battling bulge? Foods that do the work for you. These edibles have proven lipid-melting powers that help you slim. That’s a win.Twitter Cluelessness : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a small business person, you can’t afford to look clueless anywhere on the Internet, but this is especially true on Twitter. Read on if you want to avoid this fate.
by Guy Kawasaki
A funny thing often happens to me: People tell me that they’re really into technology and ask what it was like to work for Steve Jobs. But theyStartups: 10 Things MBA Schools Won't Teach You
Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
ory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
"No amount of strategic planning will ever substitute for managing your cash flow" - "There are always more things to do than there is time to do them" - "It helps not to call people “human resources”. They’re people. And, as it turns out, people like to be treated like people. Go figure" - "There’s a lot of value to being likable" - "Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”.How to Read Other People’s Code — and Why « Design By Gravity
Every startup needs to pick a major among three drivers of growth. It's simply too hard to focus on more ...10 common mistakes using robots.txt on your website | Houston Web Designer & SEO - Tips on Website Development & Website Marketing tips and Strategies
Let’s face it: no matter how carefully you try to compose your image, in some photos there’s something in the shot that just has to go! In this tutorial, we’ll review some key techniques for removing elements from a photograph using cover-up layers and the new live brush preview for the Clone Stamp in Photoshop CS4.
Remove Elements From a Photo in Photoshop CS413 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
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Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feedsSecrets your dentist doesn't want you to know -- DailyFinance
O que o seu dentista não quer que você saiba. MUITO BOM.コーディングするのが楽になるかも?と思うCSSテクニックのまとめ | CSS Lecture
รวมทิปเทคนิคการใช้ตัวอักษรในการออกแบบBrushing Up On Photoshop’s Brush Tool | Smashing Magazine
Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Up to 60% of your development can be wasted just trying to squash out IE specific bugs which isn't really a productive use of your time. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the most common IE bugs and rendering disparities and how to easily squash them or deal with them. Interested? Let's get started.
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DIE IE.Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO –
Explain SEO in just a post is impossible, so I made a list of tips, tools and suggestion for a good optimization of a web page , that every one can do although is not a SEO.
In the process of developing a web site, there are many professional profile that work on it, one of this is the SEO profile (Search Engine Optimization). If you are working in a web agency, usually there’s a professional profile that works only on search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to work with image editing, (x)html and css. But if you are a freelance, then you should spare money and do this your self.
"Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO" to Use Retro Colors in Your Designs
This article is both a showcase of retro-colored themes in existing web designs, as well as a tutorial on how to achieve retro colors using Adobe Photoshop (you’ll learn about five different techniques).
How to Use Retro Colors in Your Designs
Retro colors are a great way to give your website an older/vintage feel; it can give your design a little something different from the regular fully saturated colors that you see often in modern-themed designs. This article is both a showcase of retro-colored themes in existing web designs, as well as a tutorial on how to achieve retro colors using Adobe Photoshop (you’ll learn about five different techniques).25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer
You probably experience this on a regular basis: a client sends you an illustration or a logo they’d like to use in a project, but it’s a low-res bitmap or a flat image file with a background texture. Or both, if you’re really lucky. Sure, you can try and ask for a vector version, but more often than not what they originally sent was the best copy they had on hand.
extract a logo from a dirty background, so pro.
Trasformare un logo bitmap in vettoriale
Photoshop tutorial about how to make precise selections, even on a low-res or fuzzy image.
remove background
a client sends you an illustration or a logo they’d like to use in a project, but it’s a low-res bitmap or a flat image file with a background texture.20 Email Design Best Practices and Resources for Beginners - Nettuts+
Every website should understand and implement mobile compatibility.20 Essential Tips Every Ubuntu User Should Know | Maximum PC
check out some of theseGood Question! The Eight Best Questions We Got While Raising Venture Capital
It’s hard to express just how much settling those questions has galvanized Redfin to attack the monsters under our bed. Sure, we were dimly aware of those problems before, but we existed in a state of seething, unacknowledged tentativeness. Weeks of contemplating what it will take for us to win prepared Redfin to swallow the red pill, stuff the TaunTaun, hack the Kobayashi Maru. At very few moments in a company’s history does it makes its way so deliberately. Like the recovered patient who saw while sick everything she had always meant to do, we want to make the most of our new lease on life.
For me, the most important point is that whatever questions others ask about your business are worth recording, cataloguing and quantifying
" the questions VCs asked Redfin that changed how we think about our business."Do Speedy Math in Your Head - Wired How-To Wiki
(1+8 = 9) 8 If it is a double digit number like 88, where it's:How to Manage a Group Project in Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
another new gadget to investigateCoding Clean and Semantic Templates
Coding Clean and Semantic Templates with comparisons examples
Fazladan kullanılan DIV elementleri ile HTML sayfa üzerindeki nesnelerin CSS ile nasıl kontrol edildiğini anlatır belge.
If you are the guy who uses <div> tag for everything, this post is for you. It focuses on how you can write clean HTML code by using semantic markups and minimize the use of <div> tag. Have you ever edited someone’s templates, don’t those messy tags drive you crazy? Not only writing clean templates can benefit yourself, but your team as well. It will save you time when you have to debug and edit (particularly the large projects).
html coding example10 Definitive Tips for Writing Captivating Emails
E-mail writingThe Little Rules of Action
Too often we get stuck in inaction — the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
<img src="" /> <small>Taking action doesn't mean making life a blur.</small>21 Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Queries
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing. Harsh Realities
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the Professor of Harsh Reality, I thought Id talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.
Good read for those considering using social media to market or those of us in the thick of it.
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.The worst things startups do
Advice on how to make really useful infographics.
Information is very powerful but for the most bit it is bland and unimaginative. Infographics channel information in a visually pleasing, instantly understandable manner, making it not only powerful, but extremely beautiful. Once used predominantly to make maps more approachable, scientific charts less daunting and as key learning tools for children, inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern world.PHPを使って3分で作る3キャリア対応ケータイサイト |
3分で3キャリア対応ケータイサイト作れてしまうというPHPスクリプトGlossary | HTML5 Doctor
A comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5
"We wanted to provide a comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5, so we've created a glossary. We'll be adding to this in the coming weeks to make it more comprehensive."
Glosary HTML 5なぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
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ググるなカス!10 Java Regular Expression Examples You Should Know | Regular Expressions
Regular expression is an art of the programing, it’s hard to debug , learn and understand, but the powerful features are still attract many developers to code regular expression. Let’s explore the following 10 practical regular expression5 Things Small Business Owners Should Do Today Online
I write quite often from the perspective of larger company social media and business communications. That’s because most of my clients are large companies. However, these social tools allow a small business owner a lot in the way of advantages, and I want to put together a little map of steps I might take if I were running a small business and wanted more sales.EvernoteとDropboxを使い分けるための3つのポイント|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
evernoteとdropboxSpeaking UNIX: 10 great tools for any UNIX system
The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools -- some you may have overlooked and some new -- to tinker with.
Linux makina batean interesgarri izan daitezkeen komandoak10 Must Have Hacks For WordPress Development | Spyre Studios
Building your own wordpress themes will open your eyes to a lot of things, mainly the fact that you'll be retyping a lot of code over and over and over again. So in this post I am going to show you ten wordpress code hacks that you can add to your arsenal that will not only save you a lot of time, but they will also set your themes apart from others who don't come pre built with these types of features.Type is the backbone of good web design
font-size:1em; /* 1em=16px */ line-height: 1.5em; /*1.5em of a 1em (or 16px font) = 24pxSocial Media Time Management | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
Automator の使い方実録、ほぼ無停止なMySQLのフェイルオーバ (動画もあるよ) - (ひ)メモ
keepalived --vrrp で、マルチマスターフェイルオーバーするDon’t Miss These 5 Things About Google Wave! « Bit Rebels
A few nights ago as I was playing on the wave, I learned how to embed video, MP3s, websites and many other very fun things that would make any self proclaimed geek super excited.らばQ:「iPhone 3G S」の価格や解約時の費用が気になってなかなか購入できない人のためのまとめ
iPhone for Everybody
らばQ:「iPhone 3G S」の価格や解約時の費用が気になってなかなか購入できない人のためのまとめ15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Great checklist of before launch checks
7. Forms. Test contact/order or any other form(s) you have on the website. User should get proper feedback upon successful/failed submission of the form.
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
might come in handyHOW TO: Take Advantage of FriendFeed's Unique Features
Professional writers spend most days of their adult lives writing. For those among them who specialize on long form non-fiction, their writing is not that different from the types of research papers that plague college students. Assuming that these writers do not want to spend most of the days of their adult lives hating what they are doing, it stands to reason that, over time, they have figured the least painful possible way to schedule a large amount of writing.
I wonder if same can be applied to coding?EXPLAIN EXTENDED: efficient database queries in SQL.
7 Keys to Reading Faster | Think Simple Now » 7 Keys to Reading Faster
Candidly written lifestyle blog on finding clarity, motivation, creativity and personal happiness. The writing blends abstract spirituality and practical personal productivity.A Dozen Social Media Applications
Social media gets lots of attention these days. The NFL banned players from using Twitter. Bing integrated Twitter results into its search engine results pages (SERPs). When Michael Jackson died the site handled an estimated 5,000 tweets per minute and, proving Twitter's global reach, a state department official asked Twitter to postpone scheduled maintenance due to the critical role the site played in the recent Iran elections.Light and Shadows - Feathering Gradients in Photoshop | Build Internet!
Light and Shadows - Feathering Gradients in PhotoshopiPhoneのおすすめアプリ・壁紙・設定などに関する36エントリーまとめ*二十歳街道まっしぐら
管理人が見つけた「お得なサイト」「お得なツール」を紹介しています。旬なネタも取り上げています。Top 10 Ergonomic Upgrades for Your Workspace - Ergonomics - Lifehacker
It's easy to forget about your body's needs when you're deep into your work or the net—until your body offers a painful reminder. Save your physical shell some strain with these cheap, customizable ergonomic workspace upgrades.Haskell: The Confusing Parts
If you’re used to the C family of languages, or the closely related family of “scripting languages,” Haskell’s syntax (mainly) is a bit baffling at first. For some people, it can even seem like it’s sneaking out from under you every time you think you understand it. This is sort of a FAQ for people who are new to Haskell, or scared away by its syntax.25 Facebook Tips and Tricks you should be aware of
"Here's my list of the Top 10 Things Working Developers Should Know about Windows 7. I say "working developers" because if you're a .NET developer you either have run into these questions or you will, so why not put them in one place."Don’t Stick With What You’ve Been Taught; You’re a Creative So Get Creative. | Fuel Your Creativity
Fuel Your Creativity
creativityDieting: Losing Weight the Flexitarian Way (No Wheatgrass Required)
Diet with no meat before dinner.
I've dropped about 10 pounds so far, and a little more falls off every day. The fix hasn't been running, lifting, or anything trendy—I'm just eating less meat, and enjoying what I eat more.SitePoint » 7 Tips For Writing A Winning Web Design Proposal
Here are a list of seven things you can do for every web design proposal you write in order to put yourself and your capabilities in the best possible light, and increase the likelihood you'll win the contract.
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designersHow to Fake a Clean House simon/woof.htmlDesigners’ Guide to the Apparel Printing Industry | GoMediaZine
Helpful industry pointers for designing and producing apparelThe 10 Questions You Should Never Stop Asking -
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With over 300 million10 JavaScript Quick Tips and Best Practices | Impressive Webs
10 JavaScript Quick Tips and Best PracticesManoj: on the Open Source world: Tips for Using Tomcat in Production
Manoj Maniraj on the opensource world10 Essential Online Tools for Your Startup
10 Essential Online Tools for Your Startup -
Tools interessanti per lavorare
We’ve gathered up 10 of what we feel are the most essential tools for your business to use when you’re first getting started online.Benefits of automated functional testing (was: Why unit testing is a waste of time) » SDK
do you get the application up and running on your development environment. If you’re lucky, there’ll be some up-to-date instructions for getting it to kind of start up. Then you’ll get one of the other developers to show you how to run a few Outstanding Sites That Will Improve Your Photography | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource
great site
Really cool sites that help the amateur photographer - from editing and composition to fun add-ons.The Four Key Components of a Great Web Design | Web Design Ledger
The Four Key Components of a Great Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Key Components of a Great Web DesignHow I Tweet : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
Guy Kawasaki on His way of using twitter
so twittert Guy Kawasaki.Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices - Nettuts+
5. Index and Use Same Column Types for Joins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
20 Best practices30 Best Eclipse Plugins | AjaxLine
20091125214120+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact, "WordPress is infinitely extensible" as Matt Mullenweg says. In this post, we'll examine twenty-one really useful plugins to take your blog to the next level.The Best Free WordPress Themes of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
Using a tilde to use phrases in Wordle
A really useful blog post about Wordle. Specifically, how to include phrases word clouds, as well as just clouds.
If you look at the above word cloud, you can see that there are three other phrases/collocations included in Sylvie’s word cloud: “Lesson plans”, “Body language”, and “Young learners”. Sylvie showed me that the answer lies with the tilde sign (~). Whenever you are pasting text into the “Paste in a bunch of text” window, insert that character between any words that you want to keep together:
Annotated link to Learn About Everything
Weird. This was my advice to undergrads, although not in science...
Approach to getting broad understanding of topics you don't understand that well
Blog post/article on how to set your self up to be able to improve your learning ability.
yeah, amen in so many ways. It's harder and takes longer (the biggest problem), but immersion (in combination with good memory) is by far the only way to learn things. It's how I learnt to spell (and that's now slipping: the other aphorism is "use it or lose it")
Note that the title above isn’t “how to learn everything”, but “how to learn about everything”. The distinction I have in mind is between knowing the inside of a topic in deep detail — many facts and problem-solving skills — and knowing the structure and context of a topic: essential facts, what problems can be solved by the skilled, and how the topic fits with others. This knowledge isn’t superficial in a survey-course sense: It is about both deep structure and practical applications. Knowing about, in this sense, is crucial to understanding a new problem and what must be learned in more depth in order to solve it. The cross-disciplinary reach of nanotechnology almost demands this as a condition of competence.8 Things Programmers Should Know About UI Design
Since there are many times when programmers have to design and implement user interfaces, here are listed several aspects of GUI design that should be taken into account.【PC Watch】 意外に安い? ボリュームライセンスでWindows 7を導入する
みて、ボリュームライセンスという選択肢をとり得ることをもう一度考慮してみてはどうだろう。Lifehacker - Use a Chain Sinnet to Tidy Cables - Cord Management
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Web Usability : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Book on web usability.To Grid or Not to Grid: Advantages and Disadvantages | Webdesigner Depot
Article about grids in web designプロ・アマ・プログラミング言語を問わずに今までの4倍のスピードで学習する方法 - Craftworks Tech Blog - Branch
HTML高速化まとめTips on Innovation & Entrepreneurship From Jeff Bezos
Listening to Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, is like going to startup school where you learn that failure is part of entrepreneurial growth. Whenever I have talked to Bezos in the past, the things that have stuck in my head have been his willingness to be wrong and his unflinching abhorrence of the status quo. At the Wired Business Conference in New York City, Bezos reiterated some of those points in a conversation with writer Steven Levy.
Innovation is hard for large companies because you need to be long-term oriented. And since the innovative projects are such a tiny part of a large company, there is tendency to be dismissive of the innovation. “You need a culture that high-fives small and innovative ideas and senior executives [that] encourage ideas,” he said. In order for innovative ideas to bear fruit, companies need to be willing to “wait for 5-7 years, and most companies don’t take that time horizon.”HOW TO: Simplify
Startups are often smaller with fewer resources, smaller staffs, less capital, and not enough time to get everything done. Here's how to simplify.
Startup businesses are often smaller than more established competitors, with fewer resources, smaller staffs, less capital, and not enough time to get everything done.The Simple, Ridiculously Useful Guide to Earning a Living from Your Passion
Attach10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
Launching a new website can be an intense experience. Preparing yourself for the launch and making sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row will ensure that your launch is successful. Today, I want to discuss with you ten things you must do before a new site launch.
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog LaunchFFmpeg made easy | TuxRadar
Various example ffmpeg commandsjQueryの高速化に関するまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
すげえ。なにが凄いって未読メール105件って表示されてるのがすげえ。How to Fix Your Relatives' Terrible Computer - Repair - Lifehacker
A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
Если вдруг придётся делать сайт с версией под мобильник
Having a mobile-optimized web site can really make your site stand apart from the pack. These resources will help you create a killer mobile site in no time.Designing Websites for Kids: Trends and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave, found via Church Tech Matters. Search Cheat Sheet This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search. Keywords about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occur
Google Wave Cheat SheetThe Complete Guide to Google Wave Is a Comprehensive Book on Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.How To Create The Perfect Client Questionnaire - Noupe
How To Create The Perfect Client QuestionnaireFlickrに関するメモ・ツールやソフトなど - かちびと.net
適切なデザイン/色/スペース とても参考になるOvercome Your Caching Conundrums [Server Side Essentials]
In this article, I’ll show you a few methods for controlling how your site’s files are cached by browsers so you can achieve the best of both worlds: maintaining optimal performance while ensuring that any updates are seen immediately, without a hitch by all of your users.Social Media Time Management: 9 Guiding Principles | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
This is the last in our series on Social Media Time Management, but you’ll really find that these are less ideas about managing just social media and more ideas for managing online life in general. It’s a balancing act. And ultimately, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Good article on time management/social media focus.How to Improve Your Twinfluence and Twitter Grade - Mashable
There has been a lot of talk over the last couple of weeks about two TwitterTwitter ranking tools, Twitter Grader and Twinfluence. Any tool that measures the effectiveness of a Social Media site for a user is important to serious and casual users alike. The fact that there are now two tools presenting a user’s “ranking” in different ways is an indication of the efforts of Social Media to be taken seriously. Tools that give an indication of the “influence” of a particular user are of use not only for users seeking authoritative users to follow, but for professional users seeking key “influencers” to work with. I decided to run an experiment with them both to see what actions affect your scores and what don’t and if affecting my scores actually did anything for me other than improve my own sense of self worth.
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Amazon EC2と比べても、1年でもとが取れて、SSDも付いてくる
USTつき、これは後で必見!!Critical Mistakes Freelancers Make - Smashing Magazine
Critical Mistakes Freelancers MakeYubin Kim » Blog Archive » Vim tips: stuff I wish I knew when I first started - Her likes, dislikes and things she is indifferent to
considers any number preceded by 0 to be octal (unless it contains an 8 or 9). Similarly, any number prefixed by 0x is considered hexadecimal. If you wish to change this behaviou
set nrformats=hexSome Cool Keyboard Tricks That Few People Know About
Klávesové zkratky, které se můžou hodit pro urychlení práce (Windows, Firefox)5 Essential Things to Do When Deciding On Your Business Idea
Database operations often tend to be the main bottleneck for most web applications today. It's not only the DBA's (database administrators) that have to worry about these performance issues. We as programmers need to do our part by structuring tables properly, writing optimized queries and better code. Here are some MySQL optimization techniques for programmers.[を] 「野菜を冷蔵庫に入れるか否か」の実用的なリスト
There are other mistakes, too; I doubt this list is exhaustive. But I think I have covered the major ones. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to increasing your traffic and growing your audience.
Dat kan natuurlijk wel zijn....maar... doe 't maar 's...:-)
Mistake #7: You don’t create catchy headlines. According to Brian Clark, who runs the must-read site, CopyBlogger, “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” This means your headlines are the most important thing you write. Fortunately, Brian has an entire series of posts called “How to Write Magnetic Headlines.” I suggest you read every post.10 Social Media Campaigns that Rock! Learn How to do the Same! « Thoughtpick Blog
What defines an exemplary social media campaign? What are the elements necessary to capture consumers' attention and bring about interest and participation in any given social media campaign? What are the best recent social media campaigns online? How can we measure the success of a social media campaign?10 Expert Tips for Designing a One Page Portfolio | Design Shack
10 เว็บ Portfolio สวยๆMen's skincare and shaving
#30 may be true, but I can't see it myself.The Only Way to Become Amazingly Great at Something
“Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” - Albert Einstein
A year and a half ago, I was largely an amateur at what I do, but I had a passion for it. My passion has led me on some interesting journeys.» Scalable Web Applications Programming the new world: Programming your life and the net, one day at a time
some best practices
This roundup of ten usability crimes highlights some of the most common mistakes in web design and provides solutions to enhance the usability of your website.Questions to ask clients before designing their website
As with any project you start, gathering essential information upfront is not only beneficial to a successful deliverableGmailのキーボードショートカットによる生産効率向上が界王拳並みな件 - カイ士伝
(via mi-ka-n)8 ways we increased ecommerce sales by 10,000% « Boagworld
8 tips voor een betere webshop
1. Remove clutter 2. Make sure the shopping cart stands out 3. Provide visual feedback 4. The bigger the better 5. Make buttons and links obvious 6. Always be there to help 7. Handle errors gracefully 8. Communicate your value add
8 ways we increased ecommerce sales by 10,000% « Boagworld
10,000% increase in sales over 5 years. Sounds incredible doesn’t it. Just to make that an even more incredible, their average customer is in their 80s! Who said the elderly don’t use the internet. When we started working with Wiltshire Farm Foods their monthly revenue was a 100th of what it is today. Of course in reality that success was not down entirely to us. Matt Curry, our client at Wiltshire Farm Foods has put his heart and soul into that website and as I say in Chapter one of the Website Owners Manual, it is the site champion who makes or breaks a site.ヤフオク出品物などに! 200円で驚くほどきれいな静物写真が撮れる、和尚式静物撮影ボックス - キャズムを超えろ!
これは素晴らしい。ヤフオクやってた頃にこのテクを知っていれば・・・The Ultimate List of Google Wave Robots
Help tips for using Wave
What are Robots in the world of Wave? They are very similar to what you might initially assume: they perform tasks and process data so that you don't have to. Robots are capable of real-time translation, or bringing news and stock tickers into a specific wave. Robots are what make Google's Wave truly powerful and extensible -- they are what allow you to send and receive Twitter tweets and feeds directly into your Wave user interface. In theory, with robots, you could experience most of the Internet from within Google Wave. News, email, games, instant messengers... everything will feed into your Wave inbox.
The Ultimate LisHow To Create the Perfect Facebook Fan Page » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
The Loop is the heart of Wordpress. Creating multiple loops is the way to go if you want to display your content in inspiring and novel ways. Featured posts, portfolio listings, different styled categories, they are all created using multiple Wordpress Loops.
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コレ使った。IEうぜー。img.onload = ""; や img = void 0; は IE で発生するメモリリークを回避するためのコードです。
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携帯Yogurt for Lower Fat Baking | Taste of Home Healthy
ヨーグルトで代用Stupid WordPress Tricks • Perishable Press
One of the most popular articles here at Perishable Press is my January 2005 post, Stupid htaccess Tricks. In that article, I bring together an extensive collection of awesome copy-&-paste HTAccess code snippets. Four years later, people continue to tell me how much they enjoy and use the content as a bookmarked reference for many of their HTAccess needs. The article was even published in a book on Joomla! Security.
Wordpress goldmine of php info...Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Help you discocer the best» 15 Must See MooTools Techniques WebAir Blog
In this tutorial it’s explained a simple step-by-step way to implement an ultra versatile slider with horizontal scrolling and animated effects using MooTools.50 Fresh CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Resources - Noupe
Buttons, more buttons and navigation menu's.Carsonified » Five Really Simple Colour Tips
Simple but helpful on color schemes, palette, mood
ageCarsonified » 10 Things to Consider when Writing for the Web
Writing for the web is a challenge. There are usually word length restrictions, the fact that users scan rather than read every word, and sometimes style guides to adhere to. There are enough writing tips online to keep you reading for longer than you probably desire. Here are 1o tips that have been the most useful to me: Know your audience This sounds obvious but is often taken for granted. The only way you can write relevant copy that is targeted at the right audience in the right tone of voice, is to understand who that audience is. Depending on where your audience are located, you may have to include local expressions or if writing for a wide audience be specific with things such as dollars. If it is US dollars then say so. If it is Cardiff in Wales then say so as there is also a Cardiff in New Zealand and other countries.19 Best Utility Apps For Your iPhone - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
When it comes to major purchases - like cars, computers, airline tickets - simply buying them whenever rarely get you the best deal.Twitter Trumps Online Conference - Six Steps For Using Twitter For Your Conference Or Event
Click Here
duct tape, handwerkschoenen, opdraaibare zaklamp, reservegeldPhotoshop Tutorial: The Best Way to Sharpen Photos | Best Design Options
姿勢・背筋・猫背を治すスレ:アルファルファモザイク - 2ちゃんねるスレッドまとめブログSix Things Libraries Should Tweet | Information Tyrannosaur
” But people often wonder, what sort of things should our library tweet about? Here’s a list: * Library events – Let people know what’s going on. Having a movie night in the library? Let people know. Having a chili cookoff? Get the word out! * Links to articles, videos, etc. – If you come across web content that would be relevant or helpful to your patrons, tweet it. You can even tweet things marginally related if you think your patrons would respond favorably. Twitter is great for sending links. And don’t forget to use a link shortener like or tinyurl.
Ideas for how NCL can use twitter. What we need to do is find a good way to attract follwers.
Examples of things you should be posting to a library Twitter account.
Library events, links to articles, videos etc, solicit feedback, new additions to your collection, marketing, answer questions10 Things You Don’t Know About Scoring Web Design Clients - Webitect
by22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography Tips | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated PostsBeautiful Gradient Effects On Web design – Research: Part 22 in 1 – Stunning 3D Ice Text Effect [...]Street Portrait Photo How To - Video - Wired
Photographer Clay Enos shows us how to do a street-studio portrait session with a sheet of white paper, some tape, and a camera. (found via <a href="">@JohnMilleker</a>)
Echt een fantastische video over #straatfotografie.9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused - Dumb Little Man
RT @PerryBelcher: 9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused and don't forget to breathe [from]携帯サイト[xhtml]のコーディング前のチェックポイント │ これからゆっくり考L +α
前回のhtml版に引き続き、今回はxhtmlの場合です。 htmlと比べて出来ることが増えるので色々なデザインの再現が可能ですが、やはり3キャリア1ソースとなると気をつけるべきポイントがいくつかあります。 背景画像は1つのみ 違う背景色が連続するところはdivの使い方に注意 フォント関連 リンク色が複数存在する tableは使ってもいいか 横並びの画像の横幅合計が240だと崩れる可能性アリ
素敵!Google week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks | TechRadar UK
To help you with effective searching strategies, you can use this wonderful guide for searching in Google. It includes 100 tips for searching; tips 1 - 14 are important to understand
Tips on how to have successful google searchesTop 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.
From iPods to noise-canceling headphones, from digital cameras to GPS trackers, they take up space, can consume electricity and distract us from actually enjoying the trip. Gadgets also tend to be expensive, small and easy-to-lose. But gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.Manage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project management10 things you should know about moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 | 10 Things |
名前重要、超重要。そしてその先 ちゃんと名前を付けるってのは、基本と言えば余りに基本的な事。でもそれは、その一言ではとても尽くせない、広大な汎用性を持つ超重要事項。それに本気になればなるほど、それに見合ったご利益が得られる、と思う。
渋川さんはちょろっと触れてるだけだけど、自分はこれが最も基本的で汎用的、かつ、ソースをきれいにする原動力となる上にバグをも減らしてコードの汎用性まであげる、コーディングのエンジンみたいなものと思ってる。5 Pet Peeves Developers Have With Designers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot
"Cats and dogs. Cain and Abel. Designers and developers. These are just a few of the great historical face-offs. Designers and developers often seem to come from different planets and have completely different brains. Developers want a website to work right, designers want it to look right. A few weeks ago, we explored the main pet peeves that web designers have with web developers, and suggested some solutions for them. Today, we will discuss the other side of the coin: the five most common gripes that developers have with designers."Ten Things Not to Do in New York City in Hot Spots on
If you're planning a trip to New York City, you need travel advice from someone who knows her way around. Because while there's a lot to do in New York Cityplenty of iconic places to eat and drink and seethere are also a lot of things not to do...ブログを成功させる攻略まとめ2009*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
mainly 4 Twitter stuff
from Noupe
"There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to social media. People seem to think that every day standards and decency get tossed out the window because of the anonymity of the Internet. Unfortunately for those people, that’s not always the case. First off, the Internet is getting smaller, and by that, I mean that it’s getting easier to find out who people are. You know how the saying goes “It’s a small world.” That reigns true for the Internet, especially social media sites, as well. Everyone is connected one way or another. There’s a whole “Six Degrees of Separation” thing going on. There are Ten Commandments of Social Media that you should always try to follow. They will not only make you a better person but they will make your followers that much more appreciative of what you have to say."How To Clean Your Filthy Gadgets - How to clean your gadgets - Gizmodo
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>5年後に後悔しないJavaプログラムの書き方 - L'eclat des jours (2009-07-02)
A few simple recipes using household items.Twitter Yourself a Job -
WSJ article: Twitter yourself a job [from]
artículo al que se refiere @angelmendez100 Snow Leopard Tips, Tricks, and Features | Mac|Life
Reading: 10 Tips for Kicking Ass as a Freelance Writer | Copyblogger: [from]24 ways: What makes a website successful? It might not be what you expect!
Interesting article for when and where to use the !important declaration
The !important CSS DeclarationRecently I came across a few articles that mentioned the CSS !important declaration, and there was a little bit of confusion over what it actually did, and how it could be used, as expressed in the user comments on those articles.
Everything You Need to Know About the !important CSS Declaration (via @gopalraju) [from]
Comprehensive article covering the !important CSS statement.iPhone のメールとMMSの使い方
Good advice from NYC cop.
Anyway, here's some helpful tips for the next time someone jacks your shit. 1) Pay attention. Granted, you weren't paying attention to start with or you wouldn't have gotten mugged, but now that you've been hit from behind / had a gun shoved in your face, pay attention. 2) Follow directions. Give the friendly mugger what he wants. Don't talk back or fight. In all likelyhood, you're a pussy hipster retard, and are, by NYC law, unarmed. 3) You've been paying attention right? Remember some simple things in this order: sex, clothing color, clothing type, headwear, and direction of flight. … In conclusion: Don't be stupid, pay attention, call the cops, and don't be a dick.An Idiot’s Guide To Accessible Website Design | Web Design Ledger
If you are designing web sites in the UK, you probably already know that the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) mandates web sites be accessible by visually
AccessibleLinux用の優れたバックアップツール10選 - builder by ZDNet Japan
By Run Commands
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control panel shortcutsThe Secret to Being Insanely Creative | Zen Habits
順位決定の要因トップ5 1.外部リンクのアンカーテキスト 2.titleタグでのキーワードの使用 3.生のリンクポピュラリティ 4.リンク元ドメイン名の多様性 5.ルートドメイン名でのキーワードの使用The 10 most useful Linux commands | 10 Things |
Learning to write clean, optimized CSS requires lots of practice and an unstoppable compulsive desire for neatness. Keeping your CSS trim and tidy isn’t all about feeding your crazy psychological need for cleanliness though, in the case of particularly large websites, the payoff is faster loading pages. Faster loading times equals increased usability and higher user satisfaction.漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: MySQLレプリケーションを安全に利用するための10のテクニック
2年に1回起きる可能性があるわけで、確かに何か対策した方がよいですね。 しかしケーブルや機材を取り替えて推奨値以上の環境を用意すれば2000万年に1回。10GbEthernetでも200万年に1回の確率ですね・・・それでも対策しないよりも対策した方がよいですが・・・ Okunoさんはバイナリログがネットワークによって化けた経験がおありなんですよね?
"1. マルチマスターレプリケーションを利用しない 非常によくある誤解なのだが、HAにしたいからといってマルチマスター構成にしているユーザをたまに見かける。マルチマスターとは2台のMySQLサーバで構成するトポロジのことで、2つのサーバが互いに相手のマスターかつスレーブとなりレプリケーションを行う。マルチマスターは両方のホストで更新が可能なのだが、片方のサーバ行われた更新は非同期でもう一方のサーバへ適用されるため、更新を行っている方のサーバがクラッシュした場合には更新が失われる可能性がある。"You Can Negotiate Anything * Get Rich Slowly is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know.16 bitchin' commands and shortcuts for Twitter | Blog | Econsultancy
100 เว็บที่ควรเข้าTop 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code - Nettuts+
Code readability is a universal subject in the world of computer programming. It's one of the first things we learn as developers. Readable and maintainable
Top 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code - Nettuts+
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"For visitors, however, these can be seriously intimidating numbers. Even if you’re not aiming for high-end Manhattan indulgence, the basic costs of lodging, transportation, food, shopping and entertainment are the most expensive in the nation."22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life easier.Useful Run Commands For Windows Vista and XP -
Like everyone said, time is gold. Every single second is precious and time is not to be wasted. You know, it usually takes you at least 10 seconds to open a windows programs. With today tip, you can probably open any programs within 5 seconds. So now I’m going to show you a list of general and common commands that you can use in the Run option from the start menu (Start > Run box). I consider this tip somewhat advanced, but if you get this into your head early on and spend more time familiarizing yourself, you can be a PRO in computing shortcuts!はてなブックマークが重い件について、Page Detailerというツールを使って調べてみる - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
PageDetailerとYFlowによるパフォーマンス改善ポイントの洗い出し あとで計測してみよう。
IBM PageDetailer、そういうのもあるのか
>10. Minify JS これは、JavaScriptの改行や無駄なスペースを削除することでファイルサイズを減らそう、という項目です。 個人的なオススメはJSMinというツールです。
実質 YSlow の解説。わかりやすい
YSlowの解説会社を設立しよう (その1) : 管理人@Yoski
会社を設立しよう (その1)プレゼンを通すために絶対必要な“4つ”のこと - livedoor ディレクターブログ
まあ、プレゼン慣れしてる人なら普通は知ってる事ではあるけれど。Getting to Know Clipping Masks and Layer Masks in Photoshop
Today, we are going to look at two of Photoshop’s primary masking techniques – layer masks and clipping masks. We’ll be comparing the two by looking at how they work on a practical level, the basic similarities, and the much more significant differences. Finally, we’ll look at how we can actually get the two different types of masks to work together in a design. I know that a lot of people find the clipping mask to be something of a mindscrew, but I’m going to try to make this as simple and as painless as possible. So let’s get to it.How To Explain To Clients That They Are Wrong - Smashing Magazine
Cómo usan Twitter cinco periodistas10 Tips for Flex Application Performance | InsideRIA
We're going to keep this post lean and mean, and get down to business with 10 Tips that will keep your Flex applications fast, lean, and responsive. The tips are focused around three best practices rules. Rule # 1: Clean up after yourself -- In general, it is good practice to maintain clean code. Not only in the sense of having properly formatted and readable code, but also code that leaves nothing behind... no memory leaks, no cpu hogs, nothing but a clean object that can be reclaimed by the GC.Role of chess in improving your character
タブUIの構造や特長、設置の判断、ユーザビリティ、アクセシビリティ、実装のポイントや機能の拡張方法、実装例やスクリプト例 HTML Lists with CSS: Techniques and Resources - Smashing Magazine
I like the fish eye menu.15 Photoshop Tips (I Bet) You Don't Know | dezign Musings
Every weekend, we comb our memories and archives to compile 10 useful items addressing a specific topic you may have forgotten about, or just happen to be excellent. Here are the 20 list(icle) posts that proved the most popular in 2009.
WINDOWS - APPS - MOZILLA - ITS ALL HERE! LIFEHACKERDevelopment to Deployment in Django @ Irrational Exuberance
In my quest to find the ultimate deployment methodology for Django, this is one of the better ones I've found.
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it different, but I find that it saves a few precious moments of thinking to just keep a standardized project template somewhere (instead of using djangoadmin startproject to create new projects).Outlaw Design Blog » How to Organize Graphic Design Files
Great pricing method to be used on my future clients
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freelance tipsレイヤー1枚追加するだけでPhotoshopのファイルサイズをぐっと小さくしてくれる裏技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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306 to 268ってことは、10%くらい抑えてくれるのかな?33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
PHPでのプロファイリングというとXdebugでファイルを吐き出してWinCacheGrindやKCacheGrindで読み込む(ファイルを吐き出したファイルをGETして、ソフトに読み込ませる)が定番ですが、XHProf を使えば、ブラウザ上で、プロファイリングが出来るみたいです。
XHProf Documentation (Draft) PHPプログラムを解析して何処が重いか?がブラウザ上で簡単に分かる「XHProf」。 通常、PHPでのプロファイリングというと、Xdebugでファイルを吐き出して、WinCacheGrindやKCacheGrindで読み込むというのが定番です。 ですが、この方法だと、ファイルを吐き出したファイルをGETして、ソフトに読み込ませる、というちょっと面倒な手順が必要でした。 XHProf を使えば、ブラウザ上で、プロファイリングが出来るみたいです。 XHProfの特徴 まず、セグメントごとの実行時間やメモリ利用の状況なんかがブラウザで見れます。 プログラムの構造を把握するのにも使えます。
PHPのプログラムを解析して重い処理をブラウザ上に表示するPractical Tips for Government Web Sites (And Everyone Else!) To Improve Their Findability in Search - O'Reilly Radar
Practical Tips for Government Web Sites (And Everyone Else!) To Improve Their Findability in Search10 Photoshop Interface Features you Didn’t Know Existed
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Here it is, short & sweet. 10 techniques for working in Photoshop that you may not know existed.How I Got 294 Comments With One Blog Post | Copyblogger
Good way to advertise products online
Here's how one guy started a successful consulting service by giving away a product to produce social interest in it.Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 - Photography - Lifehacker
Whether making your own lens hood to create custom bokeh, breathing like a sniper to get a blur-free photo, or angling your body to look the best in pictures, we shared some great photography hacks this year.
Whether making your own lens hood to create custom bokeh, breathing like a sniper to get a blur-free photo, or angling your body to look the best in pictures, we shared some great photography hacks this year. Software and Photoshop tricks are great, but they're a poor substitution for doing things in-camera. Over the last year we shared a variety of hacks for taking better photos, looking better in photos, and ways to get professional results without spending your rent money on camera rel="canonical"によるURL正規化タグ——SEOにとって非常に重要な進歩(前編) | Web担当者Forum
……(他のhead要素)…… これは、ヤフー、MSN、グーグルに対し、そのページを「」というURLのコピーとして扱うべきだということと、検索エンジンが適用するリンクとコンテンツの指標はすべてこのURLに還元すべきだということを伝えるものだ。Photojojo » 12 Awesome Photography Business Card Ideas
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Different ideas for photographers - some will work with MOO, others are more bespoke (and expensive!)
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一人暮らしのTIPS集Ask Lifehacker: How Can I Sync My Firefox Installations?
Dear Lifehacker I have Firefox installed on three separate computers and I find it difficult to keep the same Addfred design » Simple rules for good typography
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ぼくは以前にIT関連の仕事をしたことがあって、ぼく自身はプログラムを組めるわけではないのだけれど、何人かのプログラマーさんと一緒にお仕事をさせて頂く機会があった。その中で生まれて初めてプログラマーという職業の方と交流させて頂いたのだけれど、彼らはなかなかにユニークで特異な個性の持ち主たちであった。もちろんプログラマーと一口に言っても色々なタイプがいて、必ずしもひとくくりにできるわけではないのだが、共通していたのは好奇心が旺盛で新しい物好きだということだった。そして少々気難しい面がありつつも、基本的にはポジティブで、明日に向かって色々なことを前向きに、精力的に取り組んでいる人が多かった。24 ways: Rock Solid HTML Emails
This document presents a collection of common issues and useful tips for Linux system administration. Whether you're new to system administration or have been maintaining systems for some time, we hope these tips are helpful regardless of your background or choice in Linux distributions.How to Start a Freelance Company
Information on starting a Freelance company. Found on the sixrevisions website.
Starting your own company is wonderful, scary, and exciting! I’ve recently gone through the process and started up my own freelance company, Snoack Studios, and I’d like to share my personal insight on how to get your own company off the ground, using my own story as an example. How to Start a Freelance Company Step 1: Find a Business Name First things first, you need a name. As a freelancer, you will probably want to be a Sole Proprietor and you can certainly use your own name. I wanted to plan for expandability and flexibility: I may have employees, I may subcontract some work to other freelancers, or maybe even sell my business one day, so I went with a company name of Snoack Studios. Whatever you choose, make sure it works for you and fits the service you provide. Perform some basic research Do your homework as well, search Google to make sure that your company name is unique, and mostly importantly, search trade names at the Secretary of State office in the state you live in (Advanced Power Tips for WordPress Template Developers: Reloaded - Smashing Magazine
Some really good tips here - worth noting when using WordPress as a CMS.Take Better Pictures by Studying Studio Layouts - Photography Tip - Lifehacker
Good explanation of traditional studio lighting layouts10 CSS Snippets to Save Precious Time | Blog Oh Blog
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jQuery is by far my favorite Javascript framework, which allows developers to create stunning visual effects, manipulate data properly, and much more. In this article, I have compiled 10 extremely useful jQuery snippets.
jQuery snippets for web developersSolutions to 5 Common Ajax Problems | Webdesigner Depot
The modern web developer who does not consider Ajax when planning or building their websites is potentially missing out on a powerful tool to enhance usability. There are however, challenges in implementing Ajax functionality on a web page. In this article we’ll discuss solutions to five of the most common challenges that a developer faces when using Ajax to enhance the content on their website. Although there is a lot more to discuss and research on all five topics, this post should give beginners and intermediate Ajax developers some solid tips on implementing Ajax functionality in a more user-friendly and accessible manner. Problem #1: Content Is Not Backwards-Compatible This problem occurs when a designer has incorporated JavaScript and Ajax enhancements into their website’s architecture without making provisions for browsers that have disabled JavaScript. Nothing is wrong with planning a website with JavaScript and Ajax; in fact, in today’s market, JavaScript considerationsJavaScript初心者におくる24のグレイトなtips - 三等兵
jslintつかえ というのは、忘れてた。 good partsとかなりかぶるよね たまには読み返せということか console.time("hogehoge") console.timeEnd("hogehoge") これは知らんかった。
翻訳がわかりにくいような…What is the secret to effective parenting? " BCI blog
What is the secret to effective parenting?Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 - Photography - Lifehacker
Developing websites is much more than just a pretty face, and depending on what typed of features you’d like to implement on the site, there’s a lot of coding that goes into it. Many times designers turn to a WYSIWYG tool, however tools of that sort are more limited to advanced code. Being able to code a site using a variety of tools lets you simplify the coding process while you take a big bite out of saving time. Below we’ve hand picked 20+ Tools for Quick & Clean Code Development that will help you code much faster and in an efficient manner.24 ways: Going Nuts with CSS Transitions
The advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.
Do not attempt w/o exp designer present!Twitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
わかりやすい気がする。長いけど・・・・裏アカウントでつぶやき充を1カ月続けているけど、そろそろ疲れてきた。コミュニケーションって大変・・・Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins-
Les plugins ne sont pas toujours la meilleure solution : trop lourds, pas conformes aux attentes. Mettre les mains dans le cambouis, c'est bien aussi !
Using a lot of plugins isn’t recommended if you’re going to boost your blog performance. Also, if you build your needs yourself as much as possible, you will have more control on what you are looking for. In this post, we have featured 12 practical Wordpress solutions that you won’t need any plugins to implement them.
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Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins- - to Best a Master Lock - Master lock hack - Gizmodo
Whether it’s a photograph of mom that you’re sending to her or an image that you’re preparing to print, most photos can use some fixing before they’re ready to be shared or used.» How to reduce your PSD files size using Photoshop Idle Together
一番上のレイヤーに白を足すとファイルサイズが下がる。Secret Perl Operators - good coders code, great reuse
A goatse operator? .pFun Facts » Dozen and one Brain Hacks that will super tune your brain in a week
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay Mantra10 Rules for Increasing Community Engagement
Here are 10 tips for increasing user engagement that work for news community web sites, but can apply to all types of online user-engagement communities.知らなかったらNGなWEBアプリケーション脆弱性一覧 : はぐれプログラマ清純派
WOW - any time I can gets helpful 'hacks', etc for CSS!!10 Twitter users that every journalism student should follow? | Online Journalism Blog
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Most advice to entrepreneurs focuses on what they should do: build a great product, assemble a great team, provide great service. All are “duhis
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
Good article!Early Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New Website
So you just built the next great web app, the launch day has finally come and .... silence. Crickets chirping. You anxiously check your Google Analytics stats
Early Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New WebsiteCSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites - Noupe
By Tim Wright and TJ Kelly CSS is the best thing to happen to the web since Tim Berners-Lee. It's simple, powerful, and easy to use. But even with all its simplicity,...Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
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t of all your Gmail / Google Accounts and initiate the password recovery processC Craft - Preface
Over the past several months, I’ve gradually come to use Evernote for all kinds of tasks, from managing my writing to jotting down grocery ideas to drafting articles. It’s free and it’s become my single most used application on every computer I use – my Mac (where I do most of my work), my laptop (remember the frugal laptop? I’m still using it!), and even my iPod Touch, which is constantly in my pocket. A big nod to Manny, a long-time Simple Dollar reader who introduced me to Evernote (see comment #5 on that thread).Demesne - Home Improvement and Maintenance - Homeowner Resource
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners. Our goal is to demystify what it takes to maintain and improve our personal space and protect it the best way possible. We present real information based on experience and research in a clear, simple format without flashing gizmos, banner advertising, or popups.
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners.脳が冴える15の習慣、脳を活性化する47の方法 | 口コミ発信!モノ人
生活の原点をつくる―脳を活性化させる朝の過ごし方。足・手・口をよく動かそう。:散歩など軽い運動/部屋の片付け/料理/ガーデニング/挨拶+一言/音読10分程度。 集中力を高める―生活のどこかに「試験を受けている状態」を持とう。:仕事の区切り毎に時間制限を設ける。 睡眠の意義―夜は情報を蓄える時間。睡眠中の「整理力」を利用しよう。:夜の勉強は中途半端で止め、起きてから整理すると効果的。 脳の持続力を高める―家事こそ「脳トレ」。雑用を積極的にこなそう。:雑用は前頭葉の持久力を高めてくれる。 問題解決能力を高める―自分を動かす「ルール」と「行動予定表」をつくろう。書類整理のルール、予定表などで脳が一度に扱う量を整理する。 思考の整理―忙しいときほど「机の片付け」を優先させよう。:物の整理は思考の整理に通じている。 注意力を高める―意識して目をよく動かそう。耳から情報を取ろう。:目で立体的な情報を捉えたり、耳だけで情報を吸収すると脳が活性化される。 記憶力を高める―「報告書」「まとめ」「ブログ」を積極的に書こう。:入力→情報処理→出力。 話す力を高める―メモや写真などを手がかりにして、長い話を組み立てよう。:質問によって話しは長くさせることが出来る。 表現を豊かにする―「たとえ話」を混ぜながら、相手の身になって話そう。:ありそうな質問を考えれば、話しを膨らませることが出来る。 脳を健康に保つ食事―脳のためにも、適度な運動と「腹八分目」を心がけよう。:食事制限以前にまずは動くこと。そして消費する以上に摂取しないこと。 脳の健康診断―定期的に画像検査を受け、脳の状態をチェックしよう。:MRやPET検査を受ける。 脳の自己管理―「失敗ノート」を書こう。自分の批判者を大切にしよう。:小さな失敗、人から受けた注意を書き留める。 創造力を高める―ひらめきは「余計なこと」の中にある。活動をマルチにしよう。:アイディアを生み出すポイントは、誰のためになるのかを考えること、アイディアを組み合わせること、思い付きを書き出しながら考えること。 意欲を高める―人を好意的に評価しよう。時にはダメな自分を見せよう。:褒め上手な人は観察力が優れている。 番外編:高次脳機能ドックの検査―最低限の脳機能を衰えさせていないか確認しよう。ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: サーバのネットワーク速度の調査/測定方法
ethtool しらなかった.13 Types of Posts that Always Get Lots of Comments
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JavaScriptでfor文の中でイベントを設定すると全てループ終了時の変数が使われる問題についてThe Art of Manliness Guide to Scotch Whisky | The Art of Manliness
To truly appreciate a good scotch, a man must have an understanding of its rich history and the process that transforms ordinary barley into an extraordinary drink.
Glenmorangie is favorite among the Scottish RT @msaleem: The Art of Manliness Guide to Scotch Whisky - [from]50 Awesome Twitter Tips to become a Pro | Blog Godown
for anyone who needs to learn about TwitterUbuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 hands-on | TuxRadar
How to make your ubuntu desktop mimic the UNR interface
Adobe Flash full screen acceleration concertedrxn (not verified) - May 1, 2009 @ 7:40am @ Alex RE: Adobe Flash The problem is that Adobe doesn't know how to properly check for direct rendering without crashing their code, so they check for "SGI" in the output of glxinfo instead. Essentially this means that full screen acceleration is disabled for all but nVidia cards, even when other cards are more than capable of GPU acceleration. See <>. The good news is you can override the blacklist by adding "OverrideGPUValidation=true" (without the quotes) to /etc/adobe/mms.cfg. See <>.Five recycling mysteries solved! | Yahoo! Green
But, with a little advance planning and some good info, you'll see that it's really quite simple to dispose of these seemingly mysterious items.
Five recycling mysteries solved! | Yahoo! GreenA Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3 - Inspect Element
A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3My Website Design Was Stolen! Now What? - Smashing Magazine
This is an introduction to JavaScript. There are plenty of these on the web, but most of them appear to be for non-programmers, teaching the building-blocks of programming as JavaScript uses them. And that's fine, because many people who have never programmed in their lives, find themselves needing a tiny bit of script for their web page, and need to start somewhere.無料サービスを活用して手軽にwebサイトを作るための12選[ネタ帳内]*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
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Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zshEmacs初心者向け記事へのリンク集 - ’(rubikitch wanna be (a . lisper))
Tools for developersHandy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop
How to Get a Professional Look With ColorEssential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer - Smashing Magazine
In the 3 years Ive been in business Ive seen many different job requests come in. However, of all my job requests, only about 10% actually ever go through. There are all sorts of reasons, but many times its due to some common issues. This leads me to believe that many people out there dont know the preferred practices when it comes to working with, and hiring designers.
A good list of do's and don'ts that all potential clients should read (hah!)The Simple Dollar » 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly
One of my favorite ways to trim money from my spending is to find simple little substitutes for my regular expenses. If I can trim a few bucks from the cost of household supplies, routine purchases, and other things like that, over the long run, that can add up to a lot of money with virtually no change in my life. Here are twelve of my favorites (not including my “infamous” homemade laundry detergent).The 'Hows' of Pricing Your Design Work
re a
How to Follow A LOT of People on Twitter and Still be Engaging using TweetDeck
However…. one of the tools that has helped me incredibly to manage the task is TweetDeck. TweetDeck has a lot of great tools designed to help Twitter users with a variety of tasks - some of which are simply indispensable to those trying to connect with large numbers of people.
One of the most common questions that I'm asked by fellow Twitter users is how I manage the large number of people that I follow and am followed by onHow To Research, Create And Distribute Highly-Linkable Content
Without an ordered approach, careful research and custom tools it can be difficult for link builders, writers and content strategists to know what content will attract links in a target market. This article provides a process and tools for developing and distributing linkable content based on the content that's proven to attract links in your target keyword space.Top WordPress hacks of 2009
Wordpress Hacks
Top WordPress hacks of 2009都道府県選択するやつ。|CSS HappyLife
都道府県のselectのテンプレート!9 Tips for Establishing Your Own Marketing Method as a Freelancer | Vandelay Design Blog
9 consigli per impostare il tuo metodo di marketing come freelance
*Blog100 Different Evernote Uses - Andrew Maxwell | Web designer, developer in Portland Oregon
command+space 日本語入力と英語入力を切り替え, Dockで⌘+クリックでオリジナルをFinderで表示API Design Tips (Software Engineering Tips)
We aren’t designing copies of web pages, we’re designing web pages.
karlpro Website mockup should be in markup (not photoshop)
In the past we’ve put up with Photoshop because it was vital to achieving our beloved rounded corners, drop shadows, outer glows, and gradients. However, with the recent adaptation of CSS3 in major browsers, and the slow, joyous death of IE6, browsers can render mockups that are just as beautiful as those created in an image editor. With the power of RGBA, text-shadow, box-shadow, border-radius, transparent PNGs, and @font-face combined, you can create a prototype that radiates shiny awesomeness right in the browser. If you can see this epic article through to the end, I’ll show you step by step how to create a gorgeous mockup using mostly markup.Practical Uses of CSS3 | Viget Inspire
Here are the some of the rules that evolved that seemed to work for our family.
"This life isn’t practice for the next one" "What will your epitaph say?"How to Get the Most Out of Social Networks and Not Annoy Users - Advertising Age - Digital
"The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users, presenting big challenges for the brands and marketers who are looking to use these sites to aggregate fans and cultivate relationships with customers."
The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users.
AKQA had success with a Marmite group on Facebook. The savory spread's advertising message is "Love it or hate it," so the group works well as a discussion topic for social networkers. Fans post recipes, discuss weird and wonderful ways to enjoy the sticky black spread, tell tales of conversion to the taste and share frustrations about not being able to purchase it outside the U.K. Too often, Mr. Beattie said, advertising on social networks is "still a traditional interruptive approach where brands are piggybacking on content that people value." The IAB research found that exclusive content, which appeals to 28% of social networkers, and a genuine interest in the message, which attracts 37%, are the keys to a positive response from consumers on social networks. And because only 5% say that they actively dislike messages from brands, there are big opportunities for marketers who can hit the right notesアフォBlog C言語勉強したけどゲーム作れないぞコラって人向けに
ず、ゲームを作るときにはどのようなゲームか頭の中に完成形がないといけないわけです 「かいわれ育成ゲーム」想像してみてください 水をやったり、肥料をやったり 登場人物は・・・・天気は・・・・舞台は・・・・・
はい、色々想像できましたね? それ全部忘れてください。そんな複雑なの嫌ですWarning: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes in Lightroom
Here’s an exercise I use to place the appropriate (and timely!) attention on what I consider to be the MIT's—the Most Important Things.Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours.Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card.Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day.Review it occasionally.At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?"Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
* Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours. * Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card. * Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day. * Review it occasionally. * At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?" * Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Technorati
Tips from Constance Hale.
"Trick #1: Write in English, not Jargon. ... Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. ... Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. ... Trick #4: Avoid fluff. ... Trick #5: Find the right pitch."
Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. Nouns are cornerstones of writing—they give us characters, images, and themes. Search for the most evocative and exact. Why choose “house” when the options include cottage, shack, duplex, dacha, bungalow, and bachelor’s pad? (Stay away from abstractions like abode, dwelling, domicile, or residence.) Beware clusters of abstract nouns. When a principal wrote to parents urging a “communication facilitation skills development intervention,” he should have asked them “to help kids write better.” Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. All verbs are either static (to be, to seem, to become) or dynamic (to whistle, to waffle, to wonder). Static verbs pour out naturally when we write—“is” clutters most first drafts. But dynamic verbs give writing action, power, drama. Do a verb brush-up on every draft, tossing out static verbs and perking up your prose.9 Qualities That Will Rock Your Career - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
tips that might help you at work.
# Being Practical Human beings are emotional and many fall for popular decisions. A practical decision made at right time with right attitude has theCoding Horror: The Problem With URLs
Handy regex to extract URLs in text (break when followed by paren, includes https) "\(?\bhttps?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_(|] "
URLs are simple things. Or so you'd think. Let's say you wanted to detect an URL in a block of text and convert it into a bona fide hyperlink. No problem, right?7 Little Tricks To Speak In Public With No Fear - Stepcase Lifehack
There was once a time when I had no fear. I was 11 years old and I entered a story telling competition. I was confidently telling the story and captured
Still feel that lingering fear when speaking in Public? There is no need for that. Stepcase Lifehack presents you with 7 tricks to take the fear away, or even better, prevent it from getting to you at all.Finding a URL and Company Name - ReadWriteStart
There are three ways to get a great URL. The first is with magical inspiration: that perfect and available name comes to you in the shower. The second is with a ton of money, by buying an existing domain. The third (if inspiration and money are lacking) is with the process outlined below, which may yield a workable name. These days, you start with the URL and then check that some variation of the company name is available (for registration purposes). That part is relatively easy.
Naming your business: how to do it.
uspto.govI Can Haz Community? | Think Vitamin
Fifteen ideas for how to make your online community awesome. A summary of a talk by Ben Huh (of I Can Has Cheezburger) at FOWA London 08.
Ben Huh from I Can Has Cheeseburger gives you 15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.
15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.20 Essential Gmail Tips You Probably Don't Use (but Should!) | Maximum PC
Awesome round-up of tips. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 20 Essential Gmail Tips You Probably Don't Use (but Should!).
# mpose a new message. Hold Shift +c to compose a message in a new window # Tab+Enter: Send a message # k: Move cursor to a more recent conversation # j: Move cursor to the next oldest conversation50 Best Web Design Blog Posts In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
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I'm sure you've all seen some collection of business cards somewhere else online. I myself have perused tons of really inspiring business card designs as well,How To: Breadcrumbs in Wordpress | Gilbert Pellegrom
How To: Breadcrumbs in Wordpres6 Buzzworthy Laws All Web Marketers Should Understand
Metcalfs Law, Streisand Effect, Long Tailかなり使えるブックマークレットいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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ブックマークレットNotebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down
Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 * Keyboard shortcuts
Very helpful article for travel-lovers!!!
Ooh lala -- I like these sites and would gladly move to France for a year to take care of a cat
I am not rich. I am not a trust child, nor do I have rich parents, a sugar daddy, or a stream of income that allows me to live the high life on the road. Full time travel doesn’t have to be expensive, and after two years on the road, I’ve learned plenty of tricks to travel the world without breaking the bank, and without an end in sight.Aptanaで始めるJavaScriptライブラリ「jQuery」超入門 (1/3) ─ @IT
誰でもアクセスできることが、許可される条件である。より具体的にいえば、有料会員制サイトや、イントラネットでの使用、独自アプリケーションでの使用は不可である。 誰でも登録できる限り、無料会員制サイトの場合は「よい」そうである。
Annotated link
Google Mapsの商用利用とか 何がよくて何がいけないのかMax Design - standards based web design, development and training » CSS line-height - a simple step-by-step presentation
A simple, step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height covering how to apply various line-height values, as well as line-height and the inline box model.
This is a classy presentation. Keeps my interest....
on CSS Line-height (which is far more complex than it first appears). A simple, step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height covering how to apply various line-height values, as well as line-height and the inline box model.
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Macでもできるよね? やるときはSBMコメント読んでからやろう もっと良い方法があるらしいから...Webデザイナーとしてのスキルを上げるためのPhotoshopチュートリアル70選 | CREAMU
デザインのスキルを上げたい。 そんなあなたにおすすめなのが、『70+ Photoshop Tutorials to improve your Skills as Web Designer』。Webデザイナーとしてのスキルを上げるためのPhotoshopチュートリアル70選だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。
Photoshopチュートリアル70選だ。A Career in Computing
タスクマネージャで「イメージのパス名」を選択すると、プロセスのファイルパスが見られる13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
A new computer is like a blank state--there's a lot of potential there, but without some work on your part, it's useless. It's not hard to get started, but there are some essential first steps that everyone should follow when breaking in their new PC. In this guide, we've compiled a step-by-step list of essential tips, tricks and advice from many of our other features, to provide you with just the information you need to get off to a great start with any new PC. So if you got a new rig under the PC under the tree this year, or even if you're just thinking about getting one in the future, read on to find out moreまとめ:2009年を人生のターニングポイントにするための英語学習Tips17選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
まとめ:2009年を人生のターニングポイントにするための英語学習Tips17選 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。12 Tips for “Psychological Selling” | Copyblogger
Many copywriting and marketing gurus teach simplistic ideas about psychology. They insist that people can be fully understood and manipulated ...
People are highly complex and often mysterious, so we all struggle to understand our fellow humans. However, now that you’ve gotten over being afraid to sell, here are a few basic psychological tidbits that can help you write compelling copy.From Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiterašeiPhone開発で役立ちそうなチュートリアルの紹介 - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
An inexpensive way to make a wasp trap.
If you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know they live up to their reputation of being aggressive and having painful stings. When you regularly spot wasps in your yard, chances are there’s a wasp’s nest on your property or nearby. These are not pests that you want hanging about, especially if you have children running around. The best way to get rid of wasps is to find the nest and destroy it, but if you can’t find it or if it’s not on your property, you can use wasp traps to tempt them away from high-traffic areas to another part of the yard to kill them.
A great (and simple) wasp (and fruit fly) trap.
小バエほいほい?HOW TO: Deal With Social Media Conflict
There are 3 things to remember when responding to differing points of view.
how to handle negative blog comments, with the whole world watching10 Reasons Why Freelancing is the Best Job Security – FreelanceSwitch
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From David Meerman ScottUsing jQuery Stop
Strategies for handling the timing of jQuery animations triggered by UI.プレゼンテーションに悩むすべての人達のために:プレゼンテーションの世界標準「構造的プレゼンテーション」 - 加藤 和彦のブログ
まずアウトラインを作る::アウトラインのキャプション(タイトル)を考え,順番をよく考える ;; アウトライン作成の三大ゴールデンルール(これが一番重要!) * 「構造的であること」:全体のアウトラインも,スライドの中も,すべて構造化されていなくてはならない. * 「物語的であること」:水が流れるように,物語が語られるように,最初のスライドから最後のスライドまで,スムーズにつながっていなくてはならない. * 「すべて定義済みであること」:未定義の言葉,概念が出現してはいけない.未定義の語,概念はゴミとして,ゴミ集め(garbage collection)されていなくてはならない.;; 背景 * 研究を始めるに至った動機,問題意識,過去の経験.何が問題なのかを説明する * 背景は基本的に誰もが納得出来るようにする.問題意識を共有できないと,聴衆は以後の話を聞く興味を失う.勝手な思い込みのようなこと,議論を巻き起こすようなことをここで書いたり,言うのはよくない 聴衆の目,顔を見ながらしゃべるのが原則
プレゼンテーションのコツ。ま、プレゼンする前に読んどきたいよね。10 Awesome Things To Do With WordPress’ Custom Fields |
Number 10 - awesomely useful.
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Custom fields are what turns WordPress from a blogging platform to a CMS. Want to do just about any project on WordPress but not sure it is up to the job? Custom fields are the answer. In this post, there are ten awesome things to do with custom fields in WordPress. Related posts:<ol><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Display Random Adverts in WordPress with Custom Fields'>Display Random Adverts in WordPress with Custom Fields</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 1)'>Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 1)</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 2 – implementation)'>Creat21 Essential Steps to Make Your PC Better/Faster/Stronger - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Essential CSS SnippetsMOONGIFT: »用ガントチャートテンプレート「Gantt Chart for OpenOffice Calc」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
使えるかな?一度、簡易スケジュール用ツールでも作ってみようかな。いまあるツール類は帯に短したすきに長しなんだよね。120 Tips, Tricks, and Tuts from 2009 Worth your Time | Nettuts+
Cool Apps to do quick things on the Internet
"This is Thanksgiving, so I’d like to show some gratitude for ten tiny apps that I use almost every day. If you’re a writer, blogger, speaker, or entrepreneur who uses a Macintosh, please give them a look because they will make you more productive."50 Fantastic Bing Tricks for Students & Librarians | Online Colleges
I've ignored Bing because my first experiences were really lame, but some of these tricks are kinda cool. Most of them work on Google, too.HOW TO: Get the Most Out of StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon (StumbleUpon reviews) has been around since 2001, and their tag line boasts “Discover your web” and, truly, that’s what this service does. It provides the unique feature of showing you a random website, anytime, anywhere, and also learns and adapts to your interests, showing you websites specifically tailored to your preferences. Here’s a guide for users of all levels that will help you get the most out of StumbleUpon.Jon Rohan · Creating Triangles in CSS
I’ve come across a few techniques and tips in my career, and one of them is this neat trick to create triangles in CSS.Seven Helpful Techniques That Every Adobe Illustrator Artist Should Know - Vectortuts+
Let's look at seven useful Illustrator techniques to accomplish easily. These may seem tedious to resolve issues for the beginning Illustrator user. While many of these techniques are rudimentary, even advanced artists may learn a tip or two they didn't know.再起動なしでFirefoxの内部データベースをさくっと最適化する小技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Firefox ファイヤIn the Woods - SVN 101
Simple SVN introduction tutorial.How to Start Freelancing (Without Quitting Your Job) - Freelance - Lifehacker
"In his book Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction, Vonnegut listed eight rules for writing a short story..."
Kurt Vonnegut's eight rules for writing short stories.
Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.20 Photoshop Tips & Tricks That You Should Know About
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出し巻き卵きれいにできるのか. やろうかな.
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There remain some concerns over aspartame, the low-calorie chemical used to give diet sodas their flavor.Lifehacker - Nine Great Uses for Binder Clips - binder clips
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Make an iPhone dock out of paperclips. Sweet. [from]
You've tamed the mess underneath and behind your desk with one of our tips, but how do you deal with that pesky cable that slips out of reach as soon as you unplug it from a device? Simple: grab a binder clip, undo one of the metal handles, slip that pesky cord inside, put the metal handle back into its place, and clip the entire gadget to the edge of your desk. Problem solved.第97回 これだけは押さえておきたいエクセルの知識 前編 - bingo_nakanishiの他言語出身者のためのPerl入門
Excelで覚えておきたい知識といえば、条件付き書式とCOUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP関数たちかな。
Excel初心者に見せるのによい記事。一通りの使い方がわかる。Windows XPで無効化してはならないサービス10個 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
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Part 3HTMLを綺麗に保つ12の原則 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
HTMLを綺麗に保つ12の原則kpreid: Brain-dump for the beginning JavaScript programmer
Some pretty weird things I didn't know about in here.How To Configure Your Facebook Page In Under 15 Minutes
Step 5: Start Inviting Friends Once you’ve finished adding your applications and customizing your public profile, all you need to do is invite people to get started. One thing that I highly recommend is targeting nodes of individuals. If there is a tightly connected network of individuals among your friends, invite each of them on the same day. This way you increase the likelihood of your newly created Facebook Page becoming a recommended page.
Add Static FBMLCommunity Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news ...
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news site which has seen its monthly traffic double, submissions almost triple, and its user base increase by an average of 60 new members every day. But what is it about this niche vertical site that has in such a short period of time grown to become one of the leading financial news sites on the Web? According to Muhammad Saleem, Tip'd's community director, there is no secret ingredient to success. Instead, it's about maintaining focus on community and continuously delivering tools to help them sort through the noise that has become an unfortunate side effect of today's information age.
Community Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb15 Tips and Techniques for Styling the button element : Speckyboy Design Magazine
"Common blunders of SQL database design, queries, and software development. Presented as a tutorial at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009."
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So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the last minute.Carsonified » Five Tips for Kicking Ass at an Interview
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いつかつかうMost Popular Hive Five Topics of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
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Every week we pose a simple, focused question to the Lifehacker readership about a specific topic: Which is best? From netbooks and malware removal to home servers and wallpaper, here's a look back at the most popular Hive Five topics of 2009.Mashable's Social Media Guide for Journalists
Navigating the journalistic seas this past year has been a particularly challenging/exciting task. As many a publication foundered in the economic benthos, others rode the wave of new technology into previously uncharted waters. Mashable has been there through it all, stepping in to provide journalists with touchstones and compass directions to help them do everything from tell more compelling tales through alternative storytelling to make the most of their Twitter accounts.
Highly recommended.
December 30, 200935 Tip Jars Designed to Make You Give More | Top Cultured
35 Tip Jars Designed to Make You Give More (these r hilarious—i'd tip more!) [via @pixel_jockey] [from]The Essential Startup Reader: 10 Lessons In Entrepreneurship – GigaOM
5 Essential Sites for Professional Photographers -
The world of professional photography has come a long way since the days of the darkroom and Ektachrome film. Although there are traditionalists who still swear by film photography, advances in technology have brought photography to a whole new level, both in process and product. In addition to innovation in photography equipment, there are many valuable resources online that are becoming essential tools for professional photographers.25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS | cssJuice
25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS | cssJuice - Useful Logo Design Tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator | Naldz Graphics
As mentioned in our previous post, logos are indeed important since it creates the first impression to consumers and to viewers. Extra effort is needed when creating a logo to ensure that the output is exceptional. We were able to collect 30+ Useful Logo Design Tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator for designers who ventures to logo creation. Not only are this tutorials educational but entertaining as well. Get as many techniques as you can for your advantage. Hang on to your PC's as we take you for a glimpse at the process of the creation of some of the logos of infamous products and organizations today. Be inspired by these designers, as they share some of their experience in putting together and tips to come up a branding.
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This is the first part in this series of The Principles of Good Web Design. The other parts are listed below: The Principles of Good Web Design Part 2:
is a superb example of flow in web deBecome a Windows God! How to Enable GodMode on Windows 7 | Web Talk
"One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the God Mode feature. Basically, it lets you have every setting and option right in front of you, ready to be used without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for. "
One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the God Mode feature. Basically, it lets you have every setting and option right in front of you, ready to be used without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for. Here is how to enable it
Windows Seven interface (as well as desktop) is rather clean and minimalist. Of course, you can find almost everything you might need in the famous and well-known Control Panel. However this solution will not allow you to see and easily use all those nested settings included in the main options. Did you know that you can become a God? Well, on Windows 7 at least!Stupid Windows 7 trick: unlock the secret God Mode folder
a folder packed with shortcuts to just about every settings change and administrative function in Windows 7. Everything you'll find in the Action Center, Backup and Restore, Autorun, Desktop Gadgets, Devices and Printers -- it's all there. All dumped in one central location for easy access.Perfection kills » Optimizing HTML
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you doWordPress 2.9 Enhancements Every Developer Must Know | W3Avenue
Enhancements and changes in WordPress 2.9 are focused on making publishing and managing your content more intuitive. This article highlights important enhancements and provide resources that will help you quickly upgrade your themes or plugins to accommodate latest features.Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
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From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time.
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"From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time."Essential Windows Tricks - PC World
Whether you run Windows 7, Vista, or XP, these 25 tricks will make your PC faster, safer, and even more fun to work with.Spice Advice
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You're always hearing about off-season, post-peak times to save money on purchases and food, but it always arrives too late. We've compiled a timeline and lots of best-time-to-buy suggestions into one post to help you plan a more frugal 2010.
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CleanCutNC.comTop 10 Mind Hacks for Making Your Resolutions Stick - Mind Hacks - Lifehacker
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35 Incredibly Creative Portfolio Website DesignsWebsite Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do - Smashing Magazine
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow websites mean fewer users and less happy users and thus lost revenue and reputation.
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow...Ten things every journalist should know in 2010 | Editors' Blog
This is an update on a post I wrote at the beginning of last year - Ten things every journalist should know in 2009. I still stand by all those points I made
Kompakte Liste für alle Onlinepublizierer gefunden bei: Gerhard Rettenegger Budd::Blogography: 7 Ways to Improve your Public Speaking
As a self confirmed conference junkie I speak at a dozen events each year, and attend many more. As such I’ve probably seen close to a thousand talks over the last five years. Because of this I’ve got a pretty good idea what makes for an exciting talk and how you can guarantee your session will suck. As somebody who also organises two conferences, UX London and dConstruct I’m really keen on getting new talent into the speaking circuit while still maintaining quality. As such I’ve put together a quick guide to help both new and experienced speakers kick arse/ass. Most of these tips aren’t new, but you’ll be surprised how few people actually follow them. However if you do, you’ll be well on your way to being the next Jeff Veen, Jared Spool or Jason Santa Maria.Speed up your JavaScript, Part 2 | NCZOnline
nest loops too many....
Speed up your JavaScript,
Last week, I covered the first reason why JavaScript can take too long to execute: too much happening in a loop. There's a similar problem with functions in海外旅行傷害保険について −大人なのでクレジットカードの付帯保険を勉強してみました− - おれはおまえのパパじゃない
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Summary (my version): Don't install crap programs, keep your system clean, defrag it once in a while, and know what you're downloading from where/whom. Pretty simple. Got it? Good
The reality is that Windows doesn't slow down if you just take care of your PC a little more. Follow these procedures, and you won't have to wonder if spending hours backing up data, installing from disc, and re-installing your essential applications is really necessary.ちょっとした工夫で部屋をスッキリ見せるための方法 - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
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tips and websites - See tips 7, 8, and 9 for hotel options, and discounts if willing to pay first. To find best rate, and provide advice and tips from travelers on how to navigate the system. tells the hotel and price before booking, even lower rate through call center if willing to pay for the room before finding out. Rentals:, and Some specialize in specific regions like for Europe or for the Caribbean. 6 to 12 % fee, connects budget travelers with locals. It's a cross between and vacation rentals section of Craigslist10 htaccess Hacks Every SEO Should Know |
Drop-shadows and gradients are two of the most common design elements on the web. You’ll find them accompanying many different styles. They’re handy effects for web designers because they’re attractive, useful and easy to create with any graphics program. But they have a dark side: they’re frequently abused.Wordpress Theme Development Checklist » DivitoDesign Things to Avoid When Building a Community
my christmas community, for aging crowds and holp liveUse Better Tools to Be a Better Student in 2010 - Note Taking - Lifehacker
Interesting article
using tech for schoolThe six fundamental ways of adding depth to your designs « CreativityDen
デザインにおける6つの視点Social Media Today | 10 Ways to Get Serious About Social Media
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A site for consumer protection and with links to government agencies and resources for the consumer.
Consumer Action Handbook, including the consumer topics, the directory listings, the sample complaint letter, and the index.
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# <?php # /* # Template Name: Community News # */ # ?>
a nice tutorial on how to use different templates for different pages in WordPress
Make different page templates while using Wordpress.Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets | Codrops
WordPressをさらに高速化するために青い人の提案でAPCを入れることに。導入して正解。Load Averageもぐっと下がっていい感じ。 なお、APCはPHPの中間コードやらキャッシュやらを最適化して高速化してくれるモジュールです。以下、簡単に導入メモ。Tux Training » Blog Archive » How to have a lightweight, beautiful, functional terminal
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Configuration for rxvt in X to have better colors and fonts10 Additional Typography Mistakes
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Defer renting space12 Killer Tips for Designing in the Browser | Design Shack
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“a list of 5 useful but rarely-used CSS properties that work in all modern browsers.”Lazy Linux: 10 важных практических приёмов для администраторов
Освойте эти 10 практических приемов и станьте самым лучшим администратором Linux-систем во Вселенной. Узнайте о туннелях SSH, VNC, восстановлении паролей и консольном шпионаже и воспроизводите затем эти приёмы на своих машинах.36+ Resources To Craft The Perfect Portfolio | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Portfolyo oluşturulurken kullanılabilecek en güzel kaynakları toparlamış arkadaşTop excuses and tactics: Why haven’t you started your own business? « I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Good business ideas cross over into good businesses with the following factors in place: Natural Passion and Interest + Skill and competence + Business model that delivers the life you want to live + Solid business planning with well-defined market10 cool tools in Windows 7 | 10 Things |
The changes to the Windows 7 interface have gotten a lot of play, but some of the new built-in tools are just as compelling. Deb Shinder runs through some of the most impressive enhancements, from the ISO burner to the Biometric Framework to PowerShell v2. Windows 7 has received plenty of attention from the tech press, but much of the focus has been on interface changes, such as the redesigned taskbar, and new file management features, such as libraries. Some improvements are less obvious — like the new or enhanced tools that are included with the OS. Here we discuss 10 of these cool tools that make the computing experience easier. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download and as a photo gallery.UR賃貸住宅の契約作戦を自重しないで補足しちゃうよ - くるえるはてなくしょん
&これも素晴らしいtips4 Design Elements Behind a Good Call to Action | letscounthedays
It is not uncommon for companies to sink large amounts of money into obtaining traffic to their websites in an attempt to increase conversions. Some of their money might go towards search engine optimization and some might go towards pay per click or search engine marketing. Little do they know their problem might not be about getting more traffic. The real problem could be that they have a poor call to action.Terminal Tips: Force Safari to open all links in new tab - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
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although now bookmarking will open in a new tab. darn.djangozen | find stuff for django
Call them best practices if you like, but here's the things I do when starting a new Django project.17 Reasons Why Your Mac Runs Slower Than it Should
How to speed up your computer.
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LTでは使えないな。時間がない。Beyond HandBrake's defaults | Entertainment & HDTV | Playlist | Macworld
Suppose you want to go beyond the defaults—tweak HandBrake to produce videos that take up less room on your iPod, dispense with a movie’s closing credits, or bear subtitles? It’s all possible with HandBrake, but it takes some tweaking. And tweaking HandBrake is what this article is all about.
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How to make the most of Handbrake as a video ripper on OSXInterview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job
Job interview tipsTipTip jQuery Plugin |
TipTip is a very lightweight and intelligent custom tooltip jQuery plugin. It uses ZERO images and is completely customizable via CSS.21 Scripts, Tips, and Tools to Decrease Your Websites Server Load
large images, multiple pieces of Javascript, and hefty CSS files. All of these can contribute to a website that is less than optimized and may run slower and become irritating to the end user.Rands In Repose: FriendDA
NDA vs. FrienDA - Just stumbled upon this fun idea by @rands / [from]
But I want Phil to know that what I want to chat about is more than our average conversation. I want slightly more than a smidge of ceremony before I spill the beans about my bright idea and I call this ceremony the FriendDA. The FriendDA is a non-binding, warm blanket agreement that offers absolutely no legal protection. I’d suggest if the idea of legal protection is even crossing your mind that the FriendDA is totally inappropriate for your current needs.まずは、mixiアプリを使ってみよう、作ってみよう(1/3) ─ @IT
「mixiアプリ」は、iGoogleのガジェットのように、SNS「mixi(ミクシー)」上に組み込まれて実行される、Webアプリケーションです。iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
RT @tweetlicius: iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials] - Tips for Becoming a Smarter, Social Business Person – GigaOM
The web is filled with social networks: We have Twitter for meeting new people, Facebook for old college buddies, and Bebo for those of us who don’t want to hang out with the mainstream. Those social networks are rarely viewed as corporate services — they’re relaxing at the end of a long workday, not playgrounds for more business activity. But I would argue that social networks provide value to a business person on several levels, whether it be for those furiously working each day in a cubicle or for others closing big deals on the golf course.Creatively Handling the Admin Side of Freelancing - Smashing Magazine
There are very few who would argue against the notion that most freelance professionals, especially those operating in the design/development and writing arenas, tend...The 20 Best Productivity and Personal Development Blogs | FreelanceFolder
Should read some of these45 Powerful CSS/JavaScript-Techniques - Smashing Magazine
Some INCREDIBLE (and beautiful) CSS/Javascript techniques. My favourite is the Sexy Music Album Overlays for styling your music streams and provides you some graphics to do so.
CSS and JavaScript are extremely powerful tools for designers and developers. However, sometimes it's difficult to come up with the one excellent idea that would solve...Can You Top This? 15 Practical Linux Top Command Examples
teractive top c20/20: Top 20 Programming Lessons I've Learned in 20 Years - DCS Media
'1. Set a duration of how long you think it should take to solve a problem; 2. A language is a language is a language; 3. Don't over-"design pattern" applications; 4. Always backup your code; 5. You are not the best at programming. Live with it; 6. Learn to learn more; 7. Change is constant; 8. Support Junior; 9. Simplify the algorithm; 10. Document your code; 11. Test, Test, Test; 12. Celebrate every success; 13. Have Code Reviews Frequently; 14. Reminisce about your code; 15. Humor is necessary; 16. Beware the know-it-all, possessive coder, and the inexperienced coder; 17. No project is ever simple; 18. Never take anything for granted; 19. Software is never finished; 20. Patience is definitely a virtue'
Une vingtaine de conseils d'un routard avec 20 ans d'expérience au sujet de la programmation.10 PHP functions you (probably) never use
**PHP** MD5 - pack()
When scripting in PHP, we often restrict ourselves to a limited number of API functions: the common ones, like print(), header(), define(), isset(), htmlspecialchars(), etc. If some needed functionality doesn’t exist, we often write it making use of these basic components which we have in mind. The PHP API actually offers a lot of functionality, some useless and some useful; often seldom used. I have been looking through the available functions and was interested to find some really cool functions that I should have known about. Here, I share my findings.
__()The Complete Guide to Getting the Most Out of Twitter - Noupe
By Cameron Chapman We've all heard of Twitter at this point, and I would be the majority of our readers are already using it. But that doesn't mean we're all using it...
This guide should give you the basics you need to get more out of Twitter, whether you use it for your business or personal life.jQuery - Quick Guide, Reference Manual
This page lists down all the jQuery APIs at one place for your easy access. So my recommendation is to bookmark for future use.
jquery cheatsheet
Name10 excelentes trucos .htaccess para WordPress y una recomendación | Mangas Verdes
Brian Solis mentions PR Newswires Social Media Metrics: Employ listening devices such as Google Alerts, Twitter Search, Radian6, and PR Newswire’s Social Media Metrics to track conversations and instances associated with key words.Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets - Part 2 | Codrops
jQueryスニペット集(Toggle all checkboxes:チェックボックス全ON/OFF切り替え…etc)5 Tips for Creating a Successful Social Media Contest
Simple steps to ensure the initiative doesn't lose focus.55 Tips to Instantly Make Your Brain Stronger and Faster
You know how important it is to boost your brain power. Increasingly, the world requires more smarts. If you can think fast, think well and remember things, you have an edge, whether it’s in the job market or just staying on top of your game. If you want to make your brain stronger and faster, though, you have to give it a good workout. Just like everything else, how you use your brain can make a big difference in the results you get. Here are 55 tips that can make your brain stronger and faster:HDR Plea
Good summary of how HDR can be for goodThe Little Known Secret to Getting Page 1 Google Rankings : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
Tips N Tricks for creating a PR1 site. The trick in this case is SEO Video.
How to rise to the top in Google
"1. Create some great video for your site. Note: Research indicates that if you have video on your homepage, up to 80% of your visitors will click that first, so it better be good! 2. Post it prominently throughout your site. 3. SEO it and submit it. Here’s the trick, and it is two-fold. First, you must optimize the video for search engines. That means key words and phrases must be used in the file name, in the captions, etc. Second, once posted on your site, you must then submit the video itself using XML tools to Google and the other search engines."Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? - Smashing Magazine
Website security is an interesting topic and should be high on the radar of anyone who has a Web presence under their control. Ineffective Web security leads to all10 Musts for Marketing to Women on Facebook
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger -
Great short article demonstrating whitespace in webdesign.20 Real-World Uses for Google Wave | Mac|Life
"The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the florid language of ancient Rome. The other is Anglo-Saxon, the plain languages of England and northern Europe. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free."
good writing modelsPayPal ってこんなにすごい! | 開発者ブログ | CMONOS
PayPal を使ってお金を受け取る方法. いつか使うかも.How we reduced chargebacks by 30% (as a percentage of sales) - (37signals)
We’ve never had a lot of chargebacks (a chargeback is when a customer calls their credit card company to dispute a charge they don’t recognize), but last year we made a simple change that reduced our chargebacks by 30% as a percentage of sales. I can’t be certain the reduction is entirely due to this technique, but we didn’t change anything else related to how we deal with chargebacks.
008 I was thinking about how we could do a better job explaining a charge, but we were only allowed a limited number of characters on the customer’s billing statement. According to the merchant/card rules: Your company name/DBA section must be either 3, 7 or 12 characters and the product descriptor 4, 8 or 13 characters. That means we could do something like: 37signa*Basecamp IL or even…
If you don’t use a product descriptor (“Basecamp” or “Backpack”), you get 22 characters. So I decided to register, redirect it to, write up a page explaining why there’s a charge on your card, and put that URL on people’s charge slips instead of “37signals, LLC” or “Basecamp” or “Highrise” etc.
This is an interesting one for all of those who are accepting credit card payments online via their website. Chargebacks are the worst and EAT UP your profit. They came up with an interesting way to prevent 'em.
A great little bit of online business advice - having your line item charge on customers' credit card statements read as a URL they can use to identify what they're being charged for.16 Crucial Webdesign and Usability Best Practice Compilations and Tools | tripwire magazine
「PageRank は...ランク付けを行ううえで用いる 200 以上の技術のひとつに過ぎません」
サーチクオリティチームの John Mueller が紹介した、「Google のインデックスやランク付けに関する、10 の誤解 」というプレゼンテーションを元に、これらの誤解について、解説したいと思います。How to Deliver a Great Presentation Like Steve Jobs
For fifteen years, I was a book packager. It has nothing to do with packaging and a bit more to do with books, but it's a great gig and there are useful lessons, because there are dozens of industries just waiting for you to do something like this. Let me explain:Marshall Kirkpatrick’s Site About How to Use the New Internet » Add One Line To Your Blog or Twitter Could Become Your Primary Identity
So the long and short of this story is that if you want to make sure that Google understands your blog to be your primary beacon on the web, then you should add the words rel=”me” to a relevant link on your blog. I’ve added that tag to the link on my sidebar that goes to my feedback page, because that’s a good page for me. It’s as simple as making the link text read a href=”” rel=”me”.Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker
great security tips for travlers
Ed. note: On Tuesday, Google responded to cyber attacks aimed at Chinese human-rights activists by ending search-result censorship in China. An anonymous reader with experience living where privacy isn't respected writes in with tips for keeping your data safe in these situations.7 Cool HTML Effects That Anyone Can Add To Their Website
code to add a scrollable text box
input, text tricks background images are coveredRuby Best Practices - Code Blocks: Ruby's Swiss Army Knife
Best practices for using blocks in Ruby.
How to print to a file in a block of code; more novel ways to implement < and << (redirect)Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective
Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective September 15th, 2009 I was standing in line at a local electronics store the other day when I struck up a conversation with the guy ahead of me who had a basket full of battery chargers and AA rechargeable batteries. It turns out he had decided to replace all of the batteries in his house with the rechargeable kind. Between the batteries and the chargers this guy plunked down over a hundred bucks!
Rechargeables are best for frequently-used, high-current-draw devices (cellphone, for example). Anything with infrequent battery changes (clocks etc), will take practically forever to reach break-even on costs using rechargeables.
It makes more sense to use alkaline batteries for low-draw devices like wall clocks because they lose power at a much slower rate than rechargeable batteries.
I realize many people want to convert to rechargeable batteries for environmental reasons, which is fair enough. But the truth of the matter is this: when cost is the primary discriminator, low current-draw devices simply don’t warrant the extra expense of rechargeable batteries. That’s because the batteries of low current-draw devices are typically changed so infrequently that the payback period for equivalent rechargeable batteries would be too far long to justify the investment!Nonprofits 2.0 - 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ... Read more of this post, 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites, at
RT @rajdey: Nonprofits: 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites: (via @marthalanefox) [from]
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...
10 top things to do and not do with nfp social media
very good observations on skillful use of social mediaMake the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.How to reduce the number of HTTP requests - Robert's talk
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. ...
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. Turns out I’ve been doing it for months — I thought I was late to the party and was too ashamed to mention it to anybody for fear of an epic internet ribbing (”What, you just figured that out?”). But no, apparently it was top secret and highly experimental. That was in the beta, though; it looks like the official version has reduced it to a hack. Fortunately, mastering this multi-touch-enabling technique will allow you to tweak your gestures, resulting in everlasting glory.
This is awesome. Try it if you haven't already.EmacsWiki: Emacs Nifty Tricks
go back and forth between locations in buffers or across buffers
A list of nifty emacs tricks.How to set up a Facebook fan page that works
I’ve been talking to several people recently about setting up a Facebook fan page, how to get more fans, and how to use Facebook effectively. Full disclosure: Yes, I have a Facebook page, but it’s private. I use Twitter and LinkedIn for business, but I haven’t set up a page for my copywriting business. However, I DO run a Facebook page for the same nonprofit that I mentioned in a recent post on email marketing. It’s performing well, averaging 50 new fans a day.5 Myths That Can Kill a Startup – GigaOM
Typography is often overlooked in todays design specifically by web developers. It really is a shame because CSS gives us so much control over our type. That being said, we our limited to certain “web safe” typefaces but that shouldn’t decrease our creativity. Here are a few CSS tips for typography on the web.101 Ways to Lose Your Gut - Men's Fitness
CSS HappyLife ZEROは、CSS初心者・中級者の方を対象にしたリファレンスやレイアウト講座など、CSSに関するアレコレがつまったサイトです。
CSS初心者・中級者向けJavaScriptのオブジェクトについて考察してみた - あと味
オブジェクト クラスTips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland Lee Munroe
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe -
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme7 Lessons for Better Networking with Social Media
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest.
Social Network improvement
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest. While most people are open to new connections and receiving messages from people they don’t know, there is a fine line between reaching out and “spamming.” The challenge is to make a connection clearly and effectively without wasting people’s time.CSS Transitions 101 | Webdesigner Depot
Despite people's expectation of change and movement on the screen, CSS and HTML have few controls that allow you to design interactivity, and those that exist10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippets
Some good WP Hacks
10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippetsThe Ultimate Google Wave Guide for Students: 100 Tips, Tools, and Tricks – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
Annotated link Steps to Building Social Experiences - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Don't just 'add social' to your website. Design it with a purpose.How To Publish Your Favourite Bookmarks To Twitter
Twitterfeed to send out Delicious bookmarks as tweets
A special tag from Delicious to Twitter - through Twitterfeed
The more I talk to people about how they use Twitter the more I find that nobody really uses Twitter in the same way. Today Matthew Lang (follow him at
How To Publish Your Favourite Bookmarks To TwitterTop 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over » Blog Archive » A successful Git branching model
moving master with --no-ff
A well described branching model for gitMySQL utility commands
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips - Ways to Install Accordion Menus in Your Wordpress Theme | Pro Blog Design
10 Ways to Install Accordion Menus in Your Wordpress Theme | Pro Blog Design -
Today you will learn 10 ways to install accordion menus in your Worpress theme! This will help to organize your blog, make your site look more professional, and possibly save you some precious real estate in your layout. Real estate on a blog is as important as it is in the real world (especially in congested areas), you need to make the most out of your space as you can. Accordion menus get their name from the instrument of the same name. Much like the bellows going in and out as someone plays music on an accordion, an accordion menu expands and contracts from user interaction, one section at a time. This way top level names are listed at all times, but sub-categories and child items are only exposed as each section is expanded. Your visitors only see what they need to at any given time.Ten Things Not to Do in New York City in Hot Spots on
Nice post about what not to do. It actually might be very accurate as some of what is said is supported by people that live there that I know.Amazon Buying Tricks: Find the web giant’s secret bargain basement...
There’s a hidden rulebook for giant web-store Amazon. This guide zips you through the techniques inc. special links to 75% off bargains, tools to track price reductions & more.100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing | Online Colleges
social media research work flowcssの情報・まとめ - かちびと.net
One in particular now has grown out of hand so bad that we've decided to start from scratch for a whole new version. Why? Lets say you have 3000+ php files, and your boss says "Hrm, we're seeing some problems with performance. Can you display at the bottom of each page the # of queries you use on that page?" If you coded your entire project like the example above, you would be totally screwed. You would have to find each and every mysql_query() and add some counter at the end. It would be a managing Nightmare. So how cold you solve this problem?Tips for Coding and Designing Usable Web Forms - Noupe
By Louis Lazaris The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can't help it. Call-to-action functionality... The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can’t help it. Call-to-action functionality often leads users to a form; purchases are made using forms; users register or subscribe using forms — the uses for forms are endless. While it is fairly easy to slap together a form in HTML, it’s not as easy to code, style, and design your form in a manner that makes it usable and accessible to the majority of users. Since forms play such a large role in website conversions and success rates, the tips below, as well as the resources provided at the end of this article, should prove valuable for developers creating and coding web forms.Googleのトップページを開くと毎秒100回JavaScriptが実行されるよ - 射撃しつつ前転
var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている。
具体的には、var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている
* Googleのトップページは開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * Amazon、YouTube、IEEEなども同様に、開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * YOMIURI ONLINEとBing(のトップページ)にもすこし気をつけよう。20+ .htaccess Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know About | DevMoose
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the webroot of your server and can be easily edited using any text editor. In this article I'm going to show you 20 .htaccess hacks and how to use them.On Pricing
Notes and links on pricing your work, especially for people in creative fields
Discussions from around the web on pricing webapps
An ongoing discussion of web app pricing strategies by Paul Farnell, founder of Litmus.HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications
HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications [from]
RT @mashable: HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications - [from]
Pretty cool website called mashable. Can't wait to rid myself of annoying unnecessary notifications.
Do you constantly have 99 new notifications, marked with the little red button at the bottom right in your FacebookFacebook account? Would you like to only
Reading: How To Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications: [from]
HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications頭脳と生活をクリアにする 11 の整理術 |
整理するルーチンを組む中毒にならないリスクをとる あたりが必要かな。The Google Analytics Cheatsheet | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
I'm an idiot. Last week, someone commented on a post I wrote for SEOMOZ's YouMOZ service that they'd like a Google Analytics Cheatsheet. I wrote back "OK, I'll do it." Guess what? Google Analytics has a ton of features. And even more tricks and hacks that folks have developed over the years. So this 2-page cheat sheet, which took 3 days and nights to pull together, is a tiny sliver of the whole system. But it does cover the stuff that I'd want my staff to use. You can download it for free, no strings attached: Version with links: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet Printer-friendly version: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet, Printer FriendlyLifehacker - Integrate Everything Search Tool and Launchy - Search Techniques
Windows only: Make Everything, the already lightning-fast NTFS search tool, even faster by integrating it with support for search parameters into Launchy, the equally as snappy application launcher.
autohowebdevmania - Top 10 jQuery Snippets (including jquery 1.4)
The quick copy paste jQuery starter embed; Value swap (usually for search fields); Equal Column Height; On Hover add and Remove a class; Live Event Binding; Partial Page Refresh; Each Element; Find an element close by (jQuery 1.4); Delay animation/effect; Check if an element contains a certain class or element;How to display tips by creating a jQuery plugin | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
Hi guys! If you have tested the beta of Plusmusica (it's a beta, report bugs please!) maybe you have find some tips when you move the mouse over some elements.
How to display tips
We are going to learn how to create our custom jQuery plugin to show tips on mouse over event on our desired elements. We will also be able to customize the appearence of the tip division for each kind of elements in the CSS code and much more.Graphic Design Blog, Tips and Jobs | You The Designer
Acquiring new clients via your online graphic design portfolios is no easy task, especially for designers who do not have the time to dive into extensive online marketing and search engine tactics. So if you would like to make the most of the traffic
Acquiring new clients via your online graphic design portfolios is no easy task, especially for designers who do not have the time to dive into extensive online marketing and search engine tactics. So if you would like to make the most of the traffic you DO get, check out the tips below. All these tips are meant to make your portfolio more client friendly, which means more money for you!
7 tips to share with ahad about what to do with his new site while we are planning it
You the Designer is a Graphic Design Blog Featuring Graphic Design Jobs, Tips, Tutorials, Resources, Freebies and Much More. Join the Design Community Today!Easy Git External Dependency Management with Giternal
How to Create Memorable Business Cards今週末こそはOS再インスコ! という人のバックアップツール集 :教えて君.net
今度やるPC修理用。What Doctors Wish You'd Do on Yahoo! Health
Skip the 11 o'clock news, respect your mouth and 18 other stay-healthy mustsYou've heard it before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise and don't smoke, and you'll add years to your life. In fact, one study found that more than half of all deaths from chronic diTop 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off - Reading - Lifehacker
Top 10 ferramentas para uma melhor leitura, Online and Off
10 formas de mejorara la lectura20 Color Combination Tools for Designers | Spyre Studios
If you suck at picking out colors like me, you will find this comprehensive list incredibly useful!
Good list of tools for color selection.
20 Color Combination ToolsHOW TO: Optimize a Pre-Existing Google AdWords Account
tips on how to restart an existing adwords campaign or campaigns
Shimon Sandler is a search marketing professional. He authors a blog at In this bad economy when many advertisers are slashing their onlineHow-To: Speed Up, Customize, and Secure Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and Opera | Maximum PC
With this guide, we will show you the essential initial tweaks everyone should make to “awesomize” their browser. Whether it’s accelerating browser page-load performance, boosting security, or just improving the look of the interface, we teach you the tweaks that we think should be implemented the first time you start up a browser after installation.Photography: Avoid Mediocre Portraits with These Tricks
As many of you probably already know, doing graphic design, and doing graphic design specifically for t-shirt printing can be two totally different beasts. Have you ever worked extremely hard for long hours on a t-shirt design for yourself or a client, only to have the printer tell you that your design won’t work for t-shirt printing? This problem is not that uncommon and I would like to provide you with a few easy tips on how to prepare your artwork for printing on t-shirts.Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips -「このサイトについてもっと知りたい!」と思ったときに使えるツールまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
各種ソーシャルメディアでどれぐらい有名かを表示。 どんな技術を使って作られているかを表示。
「The Best Online Tools To Help You Know Everything About Web Sites」なる記事があったのでご紹介。「あのサイトについてもっと知りたい!」というときのためのツールいろいろですね。
ドメイン、サーバー、SNSでの知名度、どんな技術を使ってるか、Pingして応答を見る。など。Find The Right JavaScript Solution With A 7-Step Test - Smashing Magazine
By far the most important item here is how well the solution works with JavaScript turned off. Too many developers do not think about this. How well are styles ingrained with the code? If a look and feel change requires a JavaScript change, that's a dealbreaker (sorry, Tina). Is the JS code usable without a mouse; is keyboard navigation fully available? (this isn't just an accessibility issue, it's also power user productivity enhancer). Also, KNOW THE CODE.CSS Reset: Ways and Advantages | Inspiring Pixel
reseteando la CSS antes de comenzar
CSS Reset or Reset CSS are one of the best ways to ensure you have a consistent web layout and design across all browsers. In this post we discuss the different ways and the advantages or disadvantages of using them.The New Hotness: Using CSS3 Visual Effects - Smashing Magazine
Great demo of some key CSS3 effects.
css3 is crazyStrategic SEO for Startups: MicroISV on a Shoestring
This guy works for aaron wall >>>>> One way I’ve found to cut down on support requests is to make sure I write publicly about any issue that keeps coming up for my customers. Other small companies contact me for advice fairly frequently, and that also tends to retread the same issues, so I’m going to blog it in depth once rather than giving fifteen people 30% of my thoughts on the same issue. One common issue is “How do I improve our SEO?”
Lots of good tips on marketing ISV and other stuff.Lindsay Robertson
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Publicity, For Some Reason Bio Twitter posts
"...all eyeballs are not equal" - online PRs take note:
"There’s a question that has been bugging me for years: why are 99% of publicists and promotion/marketing people complete useless failures when it comes to blogs and online outlets?"
great notes on online publicityどのグラフを使えばいいかを1枚の画像にまとめてみた…の図を日本語化してみた - 適宜覚書はてな異本
グラフの使い分け。 sensational SEO tips for ecommerce sites | Blog | Econsultancy
the keyword-rich anchor text link isn't counted by Google because the first link is the image. You can use the brilliant First Link Checker tool to find out quickly and easily if this is a problem for your sit
For the first of my guest posts for Econsultancy I wanted to take a step beyond the generic, oft-rehashed ‘SEO tips’ (you know, things like “include keywords in your page titles” and “create great content”) and contribute something based on my experience of working across a number of e-commerce sites.55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
Más de 55 trucos sobre WordpressThe Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Joko petit uudenvuodenlupauksesi? Yritä uudelleen: The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
The 6 Changes Method So what are we to do? We only focus on one habit change at a time, so our focus and energies aren’t spread thinly. We implement the habit changes gradually, so we don’t run out of steam. We start out really, really easily, so it isn’t intimidating. We focus on enjoyable activities, so we don’t need “discipline”. We have two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s but a small bump in the road. And because we’re publicly committed, we’re going to get back on track. We have a very specific plan with actions built in, using proven habit change techniques.
6 Changes methodology applied to new year's resolutionsHow to Make Yourself Stand Out as a Freelancer - Noupe
ave when you begin trying to connect with the community, you. Your unique perspective and take on the various areas that you operate in, have not been and cannot be offered by anyone other than you, so use that to your advantage. Given that this is the case, making it a point to seek out and nurture your own voice will help ensure that when you start sharing that voice with the community, that it will resonate and connect with other members in the collective.9 Tips For Working with MySQL Databases » DevSnippets
Getting all rows from one table and only the latest from the child table
1) Selecting all the values from a table for a particular date 2) Search all columns in all the tables in a database for a specific value 3) Splitting string values 4) Select all rows from one table that don't exist in another table 5) Getting all rows from one table and only the latest from the child table 6) Getting all characters until a specific character 7) Return all rows with NULL values in a column 8) Row values to column (PIVOT) 9) Pad or remove leading zeroes from numbers 10) Concatenate Values From Multiple Rows Into One ColumnHow to Better Engage Facebook Fan Page ‘Fans’ | Social Media Examiner
Mashable explains that authenticity, content, control and promotion are the keys to success on Facebook.AutoPagerizeのスクリプト実行順序制約をなくせるようになりました « ku
1、「SEO業者なのに、どうして営業電話してらっしゃるんですか?」と聞く30 Tips for Using Social Media in Your Business
Inc. MagazineBrush Up on Getting Things Done with an Updated Flow Chart - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
תרשים זרימת עבודה מהספר החדש של GTD [from]知っておきたい使えるCSSテクニック25 | CREAMU
リンククリック時の点線を消す FirefoxやIEではリンククリック時にテキストの周りに点線が表示されるが、それを消したい時に a:active, a:focus{ outline:none; }Evernoteに記憶を自動保存する方法 - RyoAnna’s iPhone Blog
Windowsクライアントの日本語検索。このネックさえ解決されれば最強なんだけど。Unleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
AnalyticsTop 10 tips to a new django developer - 0 & 1
Today we’ll take a look at several ways you can improve the functionality and aesthetics of your tables. One of the most common places we currently find tables online is on a web app’s pricing page so most of our examples will take this form, just keep in mind that these principles can apply to any type of informative grid (whether or not it’s actually a <table>).Social Media Marketing: How Pepsi Got It Right
Social media marketing campaigns are proving to be goldmines rich with customer engagement and insight that companies wouldn’t likely have otherwise. Companies like PepsiCo are going to extensive lengths to foster this type of collaboration with fans, and the payoff has been big.Lifehacker - Use a Different Color for the Root Shell Prompt - Terminal
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '簿記2,3級を独学で同時に3週間で受かる方法
ただ、分析をしっかりしすぎた結果、簿記ちょっと難しくね?という印象を持たれかねないと思ったので、 シンプルにこれだけやれば受かりますよという間口として分かりやすさが必要と思い、別のものを書かせてもらった。10 Tips for Better Print Style Sheets | Webdesigner Depot
Very cool!
10 Tips for Better Print Style Sheets5 Tips for creating good code every day; or how to become a good software developer « Making Good Software
5 Tips for creating good code every day; or how to become a good software developer
5 good quick tips on having a productive coding dayUse Excel as an Architectural Design Tool - Solutions by PC Magazine July 10(Fri), 2009 ところ変われば品変わる - Excel 方眼紙CommentsAdd Star 21:04 Lifehacker 経由で知った PC Magazine の記事。Excel の列幅を 1、行の高さを 9 にすることによって方眼紙を作成するという Tips。 方眼紙といっても日本の「Excel 方眼紙」の目的で使うわけじゃない。この記事で取り上げられているのは、「この方眼紙を使ってフロアの模様替えの構想を練ったりするのはどうよ」というお話。「橋やショッピングモール」を造ったりするのでなければ…つまり、犬小屋の設計をする程度なら、この方眼紙で十分らしい。 「Excel grid paper」でググってみると、この手の「本当に方眼紙的に利用する」話はそこそこヒットする。意外と需要があるんだね。Facebook Week: Facebook Resources, Analysis and Insights
For the past seven days, MashableMashable has provided resources and analysis of FacebookFacebook through a series we called Facebook Week. From building a
If you’re trending towards Facebook, here are nine articles from the talented crew at Mashable covering everything from creating successful fan pages, to optimizing your brands presence on the platform.
For the past seven days, MashableMashable reviews has provided resources and analysis of FacebookFacebook reviews through a series we called Facebook Week.Six Things Your Mom Never Told You About Debugging Javascript « [devlunch]
ふぁぼったーSocial Media Lists
Social Media Lists13インチMacBook Pro発売記念!Mac入門 - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
13インチの2.53GHzモデルがコストパフォーマンス高いよな~。Use jQuery - Blog - The jQuery Cross-Domain Ajax Guide
normallyFF(16進数の掛け算)を覚えよう - やねうらお-よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術
いつもgoogle電卓だなー。in hexで16進数になる。
- やねうらお−よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術Perl基礎文法最速マスター - Perl入門~サンプルコードによるPerl入門~
perlってMTのプラグイン開発以外になんか使うの?Top 10 Tips and Tools for Freelancers - Freelancing - Lifehacker
elancers and contractors, and many of them have created bett9 Tips to Smaller & Optimized CSS Files » DivitoDesign
The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject.Outlook: How Microsoft Adapts Getting Things Done for Outlook
Muy, interesante, recomendaciones para recuperar información de mysql50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques - Smashing Magazine
CSS3 is coming. Although the browser support of CSS 3 is still very limited, many designers across the globe experiment with new powerful features of the language, using graceful degradation for users with older browsers and using the new possibilites of CSS3 for users with modern browsers.
50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding TechniquesCSS3 & Flexible UI: Avoid Recutting UI Graphics for Mobile
pure css ui elements - buttons, input fields etc.
bordas com mais de uma cor, vários backgrounds em uma mesma div, bordas arredondadasArticles - Six things to keep in mind when designing a logo |
So you fancy yourself a Paul Rand or Saul Bass and want to design some logos for iStock? Great! You've come to the right place! Logo design needs to begin with a great idea or concept, backed up with some jedi-like vector skills to bring it to life. In this article you'll find some design and technical tips to get you started and keep you on the right track. I've included some important things for you to think about as you are creating, as well as some reminders on how to keep your files technically sound for submission to avoid the dreaded "Subpar" rejection. Thought and planning are a huge part of Logo design: preparation is key. We've prepared a set of considerations here for any illustrators ready to plunge into Logos. Keep the following in mind during your planning and throughout the process. Please note: The 'good' versions of logo design seen below were each designed by some of our amazing logo contributors. They'd never dream of submitting anything like the 'bad' files you se
Things to keep in mind when designing a logo13 Useful WordPress SQL Queries You Wish You Knew Earlier | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
WordPress is driven by a MySQL database. This is something active WordPress users would know. However, if you only just read about it here from us, here’s what you should know. MySQL is a free relational database management systemjQueryのセレクタを徹底マスターするのに最適!『jQuery Selectors』 | IDEA*IDEA
jqueryのセレクタを覚えるためのサイト。あら便利!10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser30 Designers 1 Question - Where are you most inspired? | Gavin Elliott |
In 99% of interviews with designers we will always get asked the same question! “Where do you get your inspiration from?” It crops up time and time againJavaScript基礎文法最速マスター - なんとなく日記
Most bedroom problems boil down to this: Men are microwaves and women are slow cookers. With men, all you have to do is push a few buttons and we're hotter than a habanero. But with women, it's an all-day process. You have to buy the ingredients, mix them together, and then put everything in the pot and let it simmer . . . and simmer . . . and simmer. That's why we're offering a microwave mentality for the Crock-Pot reality: quick, easy things you can do to make her heating speeds better match yours. Our suggestions take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The payoff? They'll quickly adjust her thermostat to high heat.Behind the Burner TM
NICE Thin fontsAligning Images The Right Way Using CSS | Devlounge
KATHERINE TYLER- This is good if you are having trouble placing your images where you want them to go with CSS.300+ helpful tips on using social media | Blog | Econsultancy
300+ helpful tips on using social media : [from]How To Sell Agile To Fixed Bid Contract Clients
e] I have many successfulPHP基礎文法最速マスター | Shin x blog
おおー.Strategizing Web Content - Writing for the Web | letscounthedays
"Users come for the content." True.
Users do not commonly browse the internet looking for a good design or decent user experience. Users browse the web in search of good content. When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.
When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.Greasemonkey: The 7 Best New Browser Tweaks and How to Use Them - ReadWriteWeb
Greasemonkey is a powerful Firefox extension that allows users to change the layout and functionality of web pages. Every month hundreds of people write and release Greasemonkey "scripts" that anyone can add to their browser with a single click. A good Greasemonkey script will change your daily use of the web in ways you can't imagine being without. In the post below we highlight our seven favorite scripts published in the last month and offer a quick screencast that will show you how to use Greasemonkey in less than 5 minutes.プロレベルのPhotoshopチュートリアル集:phpspot開発日誌
Fasion Shot とか Silhouettes and Gradients とか Miodern Art とか試したいHow To Defrag Your Mind In 5 Easy Steps
Seth Godin's Pearls of Wisdom. We love lists and Seth's list is impossibly insightful. It must be read and spread.
A great, short list of useful thoughts and tips for anyone who wants to grow a business or gain momentum for their new idea.
Random rules for ideas worth spreading
Don't plan on appearing on a reality show as the best way to launch your - Speed up iPhoto '09 by vacuuming its databases
for dbase in *.db; do sqlite3 $dbase "vacuum;"; done
Deserve a try50 Apps For New Droid Owners | Android Phone Fans
With Verizon’s first two Android Phone’s launching today – the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris – there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up all the Android Application goodness they can. But with so many applications on the market now… where do they look?
Week 3 -- 2/3/2010
With Verizon's first two Android Phone's launching today - the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris - there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
google reader
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader
Interesante a ver si consigo sacarle partido a deliciousEverything You Need to Know About Image Compression - Noupe
A paginated display is one of the top optimization scenarios we see in the real world. Search results pages, leaderboards, and most-popular lists are good examples. You know the design pattern: display 20 results in some most-relevant order. Show a "next" and "previous" link. And usually, show how many items are in the whole list and how many pages of results there are. Rendering such a display can consume more resources than the entire rest of the site! As an example, I'm looking at slow log analysis results (with our microslow patches, set to log all queries) for one client; the slow log contains 6300 seconds' worth of queries, and the two main queries for the paginated display consumed 2850 and 380 seconds, respectively.
Rendering such a display can consume more resources than the entire rest of the site!
A paginated display is one of the top optimization scenarios we see in the real world. Search results pages, leaderboards, and most-popular lists are good examples.8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following | Social Media Examiner
Tweet plans help businesses to brand their Twitter presence with keywords for stronger social media marketing.
Are you using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything for your biz?
Are you currently using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything at all for your biz?
tweet must be unique content because Twitter does not allow duplicate tweets. This next step of writing a series of unique tweets is simple if, for each tweet, you: * Keep your preferred audience in mind * Use one of your keywords
Do you have a strategy planned out? Or are you finding yourself haphazardly tweeting at random hrs. of the day about everything from what you had for breakfast to news in your industry?Become a Gmail Master Redux - Gmail - Lifehacker
RT @adellecharles: The Art And Science Of The Email Signature
Tips on email signatureThe Principle of Contrast in Web Design | Tips
The Principle of Contrast in Web Design | Tips - Tips
this looks useful
CSS text-indent: An Excellent Trick To Style Your HTML Form | AEXT.NET
styling add inline label to form element
You probably know what the text-indent property does in CSS. It's a common CSS property allowing webmasters to indent paragraphs and hide text for image-based links. Text-indent does this great; however, it doesn't just hide and indent text. It does more.CSS Rounded Corners In All Browsers (With No Images) | Jon Raasch's Blog
Make a folder of links that is specific to your talk. I made one and numbered each link in the order I was going to use them. That includes links to folders, files, browsers, batch files, reset scripts, whatever.
but it works. You'll see that I repeat myself four or five times to make sure important points get hit and pounded in. Thi
mos, drop and recreate your database, clear caches, prime caches or whatever administvim tips and tricks: home
dicas e truques de VIM50 Terrific Twitter Tips for Job Seekers | MBA Jobs
Y algunos otros consejos para el diseño de página personal de Twitter
use ful data for new user in twitter
Great tips for being professional on Twitter and also some good tweet tools for jobseekers
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itCSS3 Techniques You Should Know
Many of you have probably heard all the buzz around CSS3, but exactly which techniques can we use today? In this article I’ll show you some different CSS3 techniques that work great in some of the leading browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ), and how they will degrade well in the non-supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer). Using browser specific extensions, many of the proposed CSS3 styles can be used today!Forget About Photoshop: 5 More Ways to Stop Using Images in Your Designs - Cherrysave
これはかっこいいな!How to find per-process I/O statistics on Linux at Xaprb
Stay curious!リッチで使いやすいUIを作成するためのjQueryライブラリ&サンプル集:phpspot開発日誌
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
リッチで使いやすいUIを作成するためのjQueryライブラリ&サンプル集。 JSフレームワークはもうjQueryの時代だと言わんばかりの豊富かつ有用なサンプルが多数掲載されています。Identify Your Foot Type Before Choosing Running Shoes - Running - Lifehacker
Knowing your foot type is useful for purchasing the proper running shoes, among other things. Using the "wet test" can help clue you in on whether you have normal, flat, or high-arched feet.11 Common Web Design Mistakes (Blunders) | Web 2.0
Creating a website can be challenging but the hardest part lies in making it usable. The problem is the majority of web designers forget that the website wasn’t created for themselves but to solve the users’ needs.格安で「Time Capsule」を自作する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
iTimeMachine + FreeNASstone: Leonardo da Vinci's Resume
read this, should be a goodie10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use | Freelance Folder
For one — it’s an extra click to get into your content. Worse is when you don’t give a “skip intro” option or set of links into your main site content — because you’re essentially forcing your visitors to sit through the full animation. If you’re lucky, this will only annoy them… if not — they’ll just leave without giving your main web site a shot. And without an html link pointing into your site, the search engines have no way to continue either (unless you made use of a sitemap.xml file — but still…)
RT @imjustcreative 10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use | Freelance Folder ( [from]SIGUSR2 > The Hacker's Utility Belt: SSH
o15 Design Tips to Learn From Apple | Design Shack
15 Design Tips to Learn From AppleHDR Photography Equipment
Stuckin customs HDR Hardware and Software as well as an aswesome hdr tutorial to go along with it.
A list of the equipment that Trey Ratcliff of Stuck in Customs uses and recommends for use in HDR Photography.
Software, hardware, lenses, bodies, tripods, etc.10 Things Clients Look For In a Design Portfolio - Noupe
By Thursday Bram There's no formula for a perfect portfolio. There's no format that's guaranteed to land you clients, as long as you follow it. However, there are...Six Useful Tips for Web Designers and Developers | Think Vitamin
Check this out for tonight.オープンソースをライセンス的に正しくつかうための11のチェックポイント - builder by ZDNet Japan
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
# その社製プログラム、すべて自社の著作物ですか? # 商用プログラムを同梱している場合、必要な手続きはお済みですか? # 他人の著作物を使用していないことを確認するためコード検査をしていますか? # OSSの「使用」、つまり、一部ソース流用も含め、OSSを一切同梱していないですか? # 単なる同梱でもOSSの「利用」です。ライセンスを遵守していますか? # BSDタイプのOSSライセンスでも許諾要件があります。要件を満たしていますか? # GPL/LGPL/MPLタイプのOSSはソース開示していますか? # LGPL OSS機能の利用プログラムのリバースエンジニアリングを許可していますか? # GPLタイプOSS機能の利用プログラムのソースを開示していますか? # 遵守しやすいように、ライセンスごとに分けたプログラム構造、物件管理をしていますか? # 利用するOSSに還元していますか? 非常に興味深い読み物セキュアな PHP アプリケーションを作成するための 7 つの習慣
IBMによる PHP セキュリティ講座。 ↓厳しいつっこみあり。 ↓参考に そういえば、PHP のソースコードが流出する問題は解決したのかなぁ。俳優経験者が指南する「人前で上手く話すためのティップス10選」 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
2009.07.01How to Drastically Improve Your Designs | Design Informer
This post covers the concept of design and what is a graphic designer. It will also give you six excellent tips on how you can drastically improve your designs.
Design is everywhere. We see it in on billboards as we drive down the street. When we go to a restaurant and look at the menus, we see it. When we sit down on our couch and watch television, it’s visible on the commercials, advertisements, and even the movies and TV shows. It is all around us and it stimulates and motivates much of our decisions subconsciously every day. The encyclopedia refers to graphic design as, “the process of communicating visually using text and images to present information. Graphic design practice embraces a range of cognitive skills, aesthetics and crafts, including typography, visual arts and page layout. Like other forms of design, graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.” Toothpaste What is design? What is design? To design is much more than assembling, ordering, or editing. To design is to add value and meaning to something, whether it be a men BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox – Guillermo Esteves
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox Here’s a quick way to start BitTorrent downloads remotely, if you’re using Dropbox. First, make sure Dropbox is installed in the computer where you regularly download your torrents, probably your main computer at home. For those not using Dropbox, you can get an account here. You’ll have to download a small application, which creates a “Dropbox” folder in your “My Documents” folder in Windows or in your “Home” folder in OS X. Dropbox keeps that folder synchronized across all the computers where you have installed it, so that if you move a file into that folder, it will show up on all the other computers. You can also access and upload files via Dropbox’s web interface.
"Now as long as you keep Dropbox and BitTorrent running, you can start torrents remotely. All you have to do is upload .torrent files to the Dropbox folder from wherever you are, using the web interface, and it should start downloading almost immediately on the other computer. I started doing this at the office, and it's worked for me without a hitch; by the time I get home, my downloads are usually ready. Give it a shot, and let me know what you think."The Ultimate Website Prelaunch Checklist « Boagworld
The Ultimate Website Prelaunch ChecklistA Quick Look at Mobile Web Designs
Designing for the mobile web is not the same as designing for the traditional web, and though as an industry we're just learning as we go, we have to learn to adapt quickly to these new demands. Let's take a quick look at some concepts to keep in mind when designing for the mobile web.
I should dive more into this subject, so let's Instapaper this for now ;) and skim it over for good reference. In April I will attempt to make a mobile version of Orpion and articles like these might prove very useful.Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebar
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebarおとなのマナー完璧講座 2009 冠婚葬祭編 - L-Cruise - 日経トレンディネット
常識24 Best Practices for AJAX Implementations | Nettuts+
Implementing AJAX technology can be a hit or miss thing. Do it well and you'll have users raving over the slickness it provides to the general user experienceSEOmoz | 30 SEO Bookmarklets to Save You Time
We all work hard at the SEO process - analyzing sites, gathering data, researching potential problems and identifying the solutions. Today's post is on how to work smarter and faster using bookmarklets for SEO. No matter your browser, these plug-and-play links will let you get your job done faster and easier, and look like a pro in front of bosses and clients.
e all work hard at the SEO process - analyzing sites, gathering data, researching potential problems and identifying the solutions. Today's post is on how to work smarter and faster using bookmarklets for SEO. No matter your browser, these plug-and-play links will let you get your job done faster and easier, and look like a pro in front of bosses and clients.Ask SM: PHP/MySQL Security | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Plugging memory leaks in JavaScript is easy enough when you know what causes them. In this article authors Kiran Sundar and Abhijeet Bhattacharya walk you through the basics of circular references in JavaScript and explain why they can cause problems in certain browsers, especially when combined with closures. After seeing some of the common memory leak patterns you should watch out for, you'll learn a variety of easy ways to work around them.
Memory Leaks in Javascript -> wie wo was warum erklärt dieser Artikel ganz nettPhotoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (PDF) - Smashing Magazine
by @SmashingMag
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts, a PDF-file with a handy overview of most useful keyboard shortcuts available in Adobe Photoshop. The cheat sheet was created by Kenneth Setzer and released especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.
Over the last months we released a variety of icon sets, tools and templates, but now we would like to release something a bit different for a change. In this post we are glad to release Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts, a PDF-file with a handy overview of most useful keyboard shortcuts available in Adobe Photoshop. The cheat sheet was created by Kenneth Setzer and released especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers. Shortcuts1 in Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (PDF) The cheat sheet is a mousepad-sized image featuring a typical PC keyboard. Photoshop’s keyboard shortcuts are listed for each key, with the shortcut and its icon printed on the individual key. In red is the shortcut you will get by hitting the key in combination with the Ctrl key. For example, typing "t" in Photoshop will activate the Type tool, while typing Ctrl+t will allow you to use the Transformation tool. Additional shortcuts requiring more than two keys are listed as well. Shortcuts2 in Photoshop KeybFirefoxを簡単に軽くする2つの方法 - 2のまとめR
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログMobile Web Design: Tips and Best Practices - Noupe
!5 tips voor het sturen van rekeningenConversion Room: Improve your web-forms and increase conversions
when it comes to login pages where our most sensitive data are being held. Hence, there is a need to better understand how well your login page has been implemented to be considered as really secure. In this article, you will get a list of PHP secure login tips and tricks that will definitely help you decide on your secure rating of your login page.CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
CSS3サンプル5 great ways to waste money in Google Adwords « Successful Software
if you take the time to learn the ropes and experiment. Below is a graph of my return on investment from Adwords for my table planning software over 5 yeaUNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Avoid piping a grep to wc -l in order to count the number of lines of output. The -c option to grep gives a count of lines that match the specified pattern and is generally faster than a pipe to wc, as in the following example:How to Do Everything in Google Buzz (Including Turn It Off) | Work Smart | Fast Company
Good utility post from Gina
Here's how to customize and use Buzz--or opt out of its inbox-cluttering updates completely.assertTrue( ): Nine Questions to Ask during a Job Interview
Nine Questions to Ask during a Job InterviewCookie cutter web sites | Carsonified
Cookie cutter web sites | Carsonified -
Atencion en "Details with personality"Design Perfect Email Newsletters | Inspiring Pixel
Design Perfect Email Newsletters
Een must-read voor wanneer je html nieuwsbrieven moet maken. In deze post worden alle trucs vertelt, en waarom er trucs gebruikt moeten worden zodat een nieuwsbrief door zo veel mogelijk email clients correct wordt geïnterpreteerd.2 Killer Moves for a Flat Tummy - Healthy Living on Shine
"abs back"Successful Strategies For Selling Ad Space On Low-Traffic Websites - Smashing Magazine
info about how to manage ads on your site: resources, sites, info and links.
Smashing Magazine articleアクセシブルで、美しいフォームを実装するためのチュートリアル集 | コリス
メールフォームデザインVim エディターのスクリプトの作成: 第 1 回 変数、値、式
スクリプト 入門 変数
Vim script の初歩。The Definitive Guide To Styling Web Links - Smashing Magazine
へー! - Move an iTunes library to just about anywhere
Setting Up Wordpress for SEOブルースクリーンで強制終了した原因を解析して教えてくれるフリーソフト「BlueScreenView」 - GIGAZINE
ime:クラッシュ発生日時 Bug Check S
ブルースクリーン発生時に生成されるダンプファイルを見つけ出して解析して表示することによってエラーの原因を教えてくれるので、使い方によってはかなり便利です。Windows XP・Windows Server 2003・Windows Server 2008・Windows Vista・Windows 7の32ビット版に対応しており、将来的には64ビット版にも対応予定があるとのことデータベースを用いたセッションデータ管理について - Slow Dance
Web アプリケーションとは切っても切れないセッション機構。DB ベースでセッション管理を行なって得られた知見と、それを元に考察した結果をまとめてみます。Email Newsletter Design: Guidelines And Examples - Smashing Magazine
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them. Users like email newsletters if the newsletters bring them value. The fundamental rule for creating an email newsletter is to give it interesting, relevant and up-to-date information that is enjoyable to read. Users sign up for newsletters hoping be informed about things that they would not otherwise be able to find out about. In this article, we’ll discuss some guidelines for designing and distributing email newsletters. Each point will be accompanied by both good and bad examples. Please notice: in this post we features both good and bad examples of newsletter design, so you can get a better understanding of the problems to avoid and good design decisions to make. You may be interested in the following related posts
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them. Users like email newsletters if the newsletters bring them value.
The fundamental rule for creating an email newsletter is to give it interesting, relevant and up-to-date information that is enjoyable to read. Users sign up for newsletters hoping be informed about things that they would not otherwise be able to find out about. In this article, we’ll discuss some guidelines for designing and distributing email newsletters. Each point will be accompanied by both good and bad examples.
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them.Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz | Webware - CNET
y, Google's n100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web - Photography Colleges
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the WebThe Skinny on CSS Attribute Selectors | CSS-Tricks
Designers have began to inject increasing levels of creativity into their blog posts and articles, throwing out the traditional and generic style of blog posts in favour of a much more attractive layout that’s themed specifically to the content. Let’s take a look at some of the best examples, and see what makes them work so well. In his fantastic article ‘The Death of the Boring Blog Post‘, Paddy Donnelly sums up this method of fusing together a blog post with the style and design of a traditional magazine article and coins the name, ‘Blogazine’. Be sure to check it out for a great introduction, and to hear from some of the pioneers of this style of blogging.
idée pour design post blogTextMate shortcuts you should be using « require ‘brain’
great overview: how to blog effectively
How to blog
Quick hints on how to get started
'I called and e-mailed a half-dozen of my favorite bloggers to ask how they blog so well, and I combined their ideas with the best advice from HuffPo. Behold—my own complete guide to blogging.'BBC NEWS | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
But rather than being all about creative flair a good speech-writer uses a number of techniques to get a point across. And these verbal tools are not only useful at the lectern, anyone can use them in everyday situations, from handling a boisterous child to reasoning with a traffic warden. This is because speech-writing is the language of persuasion. And the average day largely consists of trying to persuade people, says Dr Max Atkinson, a communications consultant and author of Speech-Making and Presentation Made Easy.
A brilliant speech can go down in history. But most of us write words the world will never listen to. Can speech-writing teach us skills for dealing with tricky situations in everyday life?
Max Atkinson
Some tips on good speech techniques10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
hen you enter a search te
techradarFacebook Groups Vs Pages: The Definitive Guide
we thought it would be useful to highlight the core differences between Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.Creating A Quality WordPress Theme: 12 Points to Consider - Noupe
Many designers enjoy creating WordPress themes. And creating a theme is not that hard if you have a basic grasp of CSS and can follow directions (WordPress’s Codex has extensive documentation). But that does not mean that all designers out there who can create a theme has created a good theme. In fact, really poor themes abound.
Consider this list the next time you're building a WordPress theme.
Numerous designers enjoy creating WordPress themes. And creating a theme isn’t that hard if you have a basic grasp of CSS and can follow directions (WordPress’s Codex has extensive documentation). But that doesn’t mean that every designer out there who can create a theme has created a good theme. In fact, really poor themes abound.
Many designers enjoy creating WordPress themes. And creating a theme isn’t that difficult if you have a basic grasp of CSS and can follow directions (WordPress’s Codex has extensive documentation). But that doesn’t mean that every designer out there who can create a theme has created a good theme. In fact, really poor themes abound. But what exactly makes a WordPress theme great? How does one go about creating a quality theme? In fact, it’s not that difficult. You can do a few simple things while developing your theme—from the planning stage right through coding—to make it stand out from the legions of average (and below-average) themes out there. 1. Complies With Standards Whether you plan to customize it, use it straight out of the box or build your own, getting a theme that’s standards-compliant is important. Standards-compliance ensures that your theme will appear as it’s supposed to across most modern browsers. Standards-compliance also makes future maintenance and modificatio
But what exactly makes a WordPress theme great? How does one go about creating a quality theme? In fact, it’s not that difficult. You can do a few simple things while developing your theme—from the planning stage right through coding—to make it stand out from the legions of average (and below-average) themes out there.Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part III: matchit.vim - good coders code, great reuse
good coders code, great reuseUbuntu Tips and Tricks - TechCombo
"101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning The Internet is full of useful tools and hacks that keep you more focused and efficient, but you have to know which ones are best. This large list of 101 Google tricks can help you lead a more streamlined, stress-free existence, from your personal to your school or work life."Photography | Rule of Thirds | Composition | | Layers Magazine
Finding perfect photographic composition in your viewfinder For anyone following a creative pursuit, the notion of obeying rules that determine proper aesthetics for an image seems nothing short of ludicrous; however, such rules can prove incredibly helpful as you work to improve your photography. Just remember, rules are made to be broken. It’s important to understand some key rules of photographic composition, but equally important that the final image is what really matters, so don’t hesitate to break the rules if you feel it will improve the photo.
Cool pics of nature, rule of thirds and photos
Layers MagazineUne feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations
Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations -
Feuille de style de baseTop 10 Steak Grilling Tips |
Top 10 Steak Grilling Tips (From a Real-Live Chef!) If you think grilling a steak is as simple as slapping a piece of meat you bought at the supermarket on a
Here are some grilling tips from an honest-to-goodness chef that’ll make your next steak meal your finest work ever.
If you think grilling a great steak is as simple as throwing a slab of meat you bought at the supermarket on your grill and flipping it over a few times, you’re missing out on what could be THE GREATEST STEAK OF YOUR LIFE.
r cooking food but can sometimes impart a gas flavor to your meat. I like to use natural hardwood charcoal started in a chimney. Don’t use lighter fluid; it defeats the purpose of using hardwood charcoal. You want to smell the steak roasting over the coals – that is the best part! Some people swear by mesquite soaked in apple juice others say you cook your steak too fast to get any benefit. Wood chips can add flavor if you are smoking your meat but that usually takes a lot more time than it takes to grill a steak. My recommendation is that if you are curious, play around see if you can taste and enjoy the difference. 6. Hot coals — Set your coals up so that you have zones of cooking. Always start off on a hot spot. You want good color and flavor from the high heat. When you flip it, don’t put it down on the same spot as before — it will be cooler. Find another hot spot to continue getting good color and flavor. 7. Don’t touch it! — This is one of the biggesEZ-CSS: An easy to use, lightweight, CSS framework.
Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open- source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.
chrome10-resume-red-flags: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
experienceHow to Build a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum Fashion Tips for Grown-Up Men - Stepcase Lifehack
for fools like meGroup Interview: Expert Advice For Students and Young Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
Our readers have requested that Smashing Magazine conduct an interview with industry leaders on issues that are relevant to students and those just starting off in...
your portfolio. Do free websites for your mates’ bands or your Mum’s friend’s wool shop. It might not be glamorous work, but doing as much as you can builds up your portfolio, and you’ll learn loads on every project. When I left university and got my first job, my portfolio was made up almost entirely of stuff I’d done on an extracurricular basis, not really the course work itself. But also don’t forget that it’s about quality, not quantity, and a good portfolio strikes a balance between variety (showing that you’re versatile) and continuity (showing that you have your own identity as a designer).[CSS]CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集 | コリス
CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集
CSS3でいったい何ができるのか、どのように記述するのかなど、ベーシックなものから実践的なテクニックまでサンプルやコードなど実装例が掲載されているサイトを紹介します。ネットで完結する転居手続き - 煩悩是道場
引越し時にネットで移転手続きができるというライフハックの紹介。対象は東京が多いが、けっこういろいろな所がネット対応している模様Google Buzz Tips
fixedTen rules for writing fiction | Books |
Established authors provide writing tips. Elmore Leonard: 'Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said".' Margaret Atwood: "Take something to write on. Paper is good. In a pinch, pieces of wood or your arm will do." Roddy Doyle: "Do not place a photograph of your favourite author on your desk, especially if the author is one of the famous ones who committed suicide." There are many more serious tips, too.Pogue’s Productivity Secrets Revealed - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Up-to-DateHow To Write a White Paper to Attract Clients - Dumb Little Man
[object Object]GoogleをハッキングしてMP3をダウンロードする方法 - GIGAZINE
-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>"
"-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>""
GoogleをハッキングしてMP3をダウンロードする方法The Seven Deadly Sins Of JavaScript Implementation - Smashing Magazine
by @SmashingMag
Using JavaScript has become increasingly easy over the last few years. Whereas back in the day we needed to know the quirks of every browser, now many libraries such as jQuery, YUI, Dojo and MooTools allow someone who doesn’t even know JavaScript to spruce up boring HTML documents with impressive and shiny effects. By piggy-backing on the CSS selector engine, we have moved away from the complexity and inconsistencies of the DOM and made things much easier.
Using JavaScript has become increasingly easy over the last few years. Whereas back in the day we needed to know the quirks of every browser, now many libraries such as jQuery, YUI, Dojo and MooTools allow someone who doesn’t even know JavaScript to spruce up boring HTML documents with impressive and shiny effects.Cross-browser drop shadows using pure CSS — Nick Dunn
Just tried this - I think this may just work!
hen you’ve processed should you start worrying aboWordPress : 10+ life saving SQL queries
les SQL de base pour gérer son blog sur wordpress
Même si il ya beaucoup de choses que vous pouvez faire dans WordPress, parfois vous avez besoin d'une solution rapide pour corriger un problème spécifique. Dans ces cas, travailler directement sur la base de données peut être salvateur. Voici donc 10 requêtes SQL extrêmement utiles pour分で覚える!jQuery速習講座
最近になって急に盛り上がってきているZen-Codingをみなさんご存知ですか? Zen-CodingはHTML/CSSをショートカット+スニペットで簡略化してコードを書くことができるライブラリです。 独立したテキストエディタソフトではな�...
HTML&CSSを書くときに、便利なZen-CodingHow I Was Able to Ace Exams Without Studying | Zen Habits
Zen Habits5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn GroupTen rules for writing fiction(part two) | Books |
Inspired by Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules of Writing, our survey of established authors' tips for successful authorship continues.
10 Rules for Writing Fiction - Part 2Lifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator
Next, since it's hard to do any slide deck justice with just the slides, a list of top advice and recommendations, not just from the slide deck, but from many years of interactions, consulting and Q+A help for startups:Twelve Hours Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: the best parenting book I've read - Boing Boing
After our daughter Poesy was born, we were inundated with parenting advice and books -- big, thick, 900-page bricks that purported to tell us everything we needed to know to raise a newborn into a productive member of society. Of course, we had neither the attention nor the time to devote to following any of this advice.
Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success, a very short book that does exactly what it says on the cover: it's a simple prescription for teaching your baby to sleep through the whole night by 12 weeks. It takes about an hour to read and does not involve doing anything horrible to your kid like letting her cry all night. Basic method: for the first 8 weeks, keep track of when the kid feeds and sleeps. At 8 weeks, use this to come up with a sleep and feed schedule that more or less fits the rhythm she's falling into. Gently encourage her to stick to it (e.g., if she's hungry before mealtime, see if you can distract her for a few minutes [the first day], then a few minutes more [the next].)14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver
14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver -
client questionnairePogue’s Photography Tips and Tricks - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Some pretty valuable tricks you can use to improve your photography.
It’s a crazy time of year to be finishing a book. But in between present wrapping and tree trimming, that’s exactly what I’m doing. It’s a book on digital photography, which, as you probably know, is among my favorite hobbies.Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : Triaging Mail with Categories and Search Folders
In this post I will talk about one way you can triage mail using categories and Search Folders. Keep in mind that no single e-mail management method is ideal for all work styles; this is just one method of many and if you’re looking for a change you might want to give this a try and see if it works for you. If you haven’t already, I suggest you install the February Cumulative Update for Outlook 2007, as it has performance updates for Search Folders. This triaging technique is aimed at quickly working through a long list of e-mail and deciding which e-mails need your attention now, and which ones can wait until later. By the end of this post you’ll know how to triage each new e-mail with a couple quick clicks and you will have easy access to the messages that need your attention throughout the day.
An organized mailbox is critical to getting work done, especially if most of your day involves working with Outlook. However, spending more time organizing your mailbox means there’s less time to spend on real work – thus it’s important to find a systemFirefox: 46 features you might not know about ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Awesome things I didn't know that Fire Fox could do.13 Ways to Move Your Facebook Fans to Action | Social Media Examiner
average article but adding it for completeness5 Fantastic Facebook Fan Page Ideas to Learn From
Here are five fantastic Facebook Fan Page ideas your small business can learn from.
[object Object]50+ CSS Techniques Designers Should Know
Web表示チェックなど、使えるツールまとめ。The AIDA Marketing Model in Web Design - Noupe
If you’ve been formally educated in marketing, more than likely you’ve learned about a marketing model called AIDA. AIDA is an acronym that represents the different steps involved in selling a product or service. Very often, the principles of AIDA are applied naturally when a useful product or service is being marketed. Being web designers and app developers, however, our personal involvement on a technical level in our own or client projects may deter our efforts to produce a design that correctly implements AIDA.
modelo de web markwtiing
modelo AIDA en webCreating a Well Designed Invoice: Step-By-Step | Design Shack
TinyTips is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that gives the ability to add tooltips to pretty much any element on a page. Thoroughly documented and designer friendly.
jQuery Plugin: TinyTips 1.0 | Mike Merritt | Digital InfernoType Tips—short, quick tips on all things web typography from Harry Roberts of CSS Wizardry
Short, quick tips on all things web typography.
A selection of short typography tips: Line length matters, Pay attention to your leading, Use a baseline grid, Type talks, Use a grid.
…So... you want to be a web developer? - Download Squad
I had the most interesting conversation with one of my friends the other day. Adam: "Whew... finally finished with my latest web project!" Friend (in awe): "Whoa! That's awesome! How did you make that?" Now, of course, this project of mine was a full-fledged ASP.NET web application; a simple question like "how did you make that" could easily end up with me not only explaining what I did, but how I did it, and which tools and technologies I used. That way, instead of wondering about the magic that makes all those fancy programs out there on the internet work, my friend could understand exactly what goes on to make that happen. Well, that couldn't hurt, right? Adam: "Do you really want to know? I'm warning you... this could get messy." Now, at this point, my friend gives me one of those funny looks like I'm completely crazy. But being a web developer, I'm already used to that. Friend: "Well, sure..." And so it begins. Step 1: Tools of the Trade Adam: "Well, the first thing weJohn W Powell : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Developers
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Developers Passionate Able to Learn, Unlearn and Re-learn Balance Principle and Practice Keep It Simple Software (KISS) If You Don't Know the Answer, Know Someone Who Does Focus on Value Puts the Needs of the Many Before the Needs of the One26 cool and useful jQuery tips, tricks & solutions | OpenSourceHunter
The use of the jQuery library is growing and growing(just released jQuery 1.4), more and more people are using this useful javascript library. This means that more and more useful jQuery tips, tricks and solutions are coming available. That’s why i created a small list of 26 cool and useful jQuery tips, tricks and solutions. jQuery has a lot of very useful plugins that can help you with almost anything, but there are a couple of plugins that aren’t that smart to use, why? Well sometimes 1 or 2 lines of jQuery code can do the same thing(or even better), so why use a big script if you can do the same trick with a small piece of code. As many of you already know, jQuery can do a lot of things in more than just one way, so if you see a tip, trick or solution and think/know this can be done better, smarter or faster please let me know, post and share it in a comment below of just email me this, so that i can use this for part 2.10+ useful code snippets to develop iPhone friendly websites
"When developing websites, you have to care about different browsers, as well as mobile devices such as iPhones or iPods. In this article, let's have a look at the 10+ most useful code snippets (Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc) for developing iPhone friendly websites, quickly and efficiently."How to Build a Footer That Doesn’t Stink | Webdesigner Depot
キャリア形成促進助成金iPhone 3G / OS 3.0で脱獄なし・iTunesも使わずテザリングを有効にする方法
dna1tropSocial Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
How to measure ROI from social media campaign10 Small Things You May Not Know About Javascript |
I’m often asked by entrepreneurs and business owners whether it is worth blogging, and if so, what they should blog about. On the first question, the answer is obvious to me — you must blog as an entrepreneur.Usability Review of Charity Websites Taking the Lead - Smashing Magazine
Over the years designers have pushed themselves to create unique and inspiring designs. Companies have yearned to have websites which are innovative and make them...Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business With LinkedIn | Social Media Examiner
tuto bonitinho e polvo no illustrator :)
In this tutorial, we're going to cover the benefits, some uses, and the 'how-to' of two powerful methods to hide or show areas of an Illustrator document
Le basi sui tracciati di ritaglio e le maschere di opacitàMOONGIFT: » いつでもどこでもDropbox!「DropboxPortable」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
DropBox USB
"万一USBメモリを紛失したとしてもファイルは取り出せる" ことは大きなポイントですね。10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
Measure twice, cut once. Better yet, measure thrice. Making certain that your early visitors will have the best experience possible when first arriving at your site means that everything needs to be working correctly. Check to make sure that all hyperlinks work. Make ultra-sure that contact forms, email accounts, commenting systems, and all the other things that your users will interface with, is working properly. One of the late quick fixes we had to implement just hours before Design Instruct’s launch had something to do with category pages. Users visiting a category page from the sidebar links that didn’t have an associated tutorial under it simply said that the page could not be found. It gave the impression that there was something wrong. We had to revise the message to say, "There aren’t any posts in this category yet. We’re working on it though, so please check back soon!" to let users know that the pages do work, just that there aren’t anything in them yet.
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor. There are many things you want to do, but not enough time and resources to do them. However, even though it might seem like a herculean task, as long as you keep some fundamental things in mind, you can ensure a hassle-free website launch. In this article, I’ll share with you some tips for launching a website based on the experience of our own launch of Design Instruct.The Ultimate Twitter Toolkit - Reviews by PC Magazine
The Twitter Tool Kit
Want to be a Twitter ninja? Hordes of new users are joining and dreaming up new uses for it. As they do so, Twitter is maturing into a viable alternative not just to blog platforms but to RSS readers, news aggregators, media-sharing services, and communication tools. All you have to do to unleash the full power of Twitter is follow the right users and have the right tools handy. A whole ecosystem of companies and apps has sprung up around the Twitter API, and while some of them are utterly stupid, others are incredibly useful and help you get more out of the microblogging service. These tools include desktop and mobile clients, analytics providers, and services that let you share photos and music.「死ぬときに後悔すること」ベスト10: わたしが知らないスゴ本は、きっとあなたが読んでいる
Companies must integrate customers behavior on social networks to their corporate website to increase relevancy, word of mouth, and trust. Social networks, which have your customers and prospects, have taken note, and have launched a variety of products that allows their thriving communities of buyers and prospects to connect with static corporate sites. The challenge? There are so many features available, it’s confusing to figure out what to do. Use this data as a roadmap and guide.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I’ve been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece on how corporate websites are becoming irrelevant, due to trusted decisions between prospects and customers taking place off the corporate site. This piece, which still gets traffic has been translated into over a dozen languages –the market recognizes that corporate sites can no longer operate as silos when customers have left.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again - Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece...
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a pieceアゴラ : イマドキの起業のしかた - 渡部薫
起業を志している人の役に立てばと思いそのノウハウとイマドキの起業法を伝授したい。Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set - Master Tool Kit - with VIDEO - Popular Mechanics
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set
stuff. I've seen it make threads take that I had given up for dead. It's saved me from having to rethread a part many times. I always carry a tube.How To Use Styles In Microsoft Word To Save A Lot Of Work
Most of the discussion on styles these days is about web pages and CSS, but everyone seems to have forgotten how styles can help in Word. I’m going to show you how to use styles in Word 2007, but if you have an older version you’ll be fine. This stuff is largely unchanged since Word for DOS, and that was too long ago to discuss. Most other word processors have similar capabilities, so don’t despair if you’re not a Word user. An analogy is the simplest way to approach this, so come outside with me, and take a look at the fence. No, really.Everything you should know about CSS Frameworks! - High Resolution Spotlights
Esej od autora YAML, Dirka Jesseho.Simulate Realism with CSS3 - Inspect Element
Inspected Element goes further with more examples of how to "simulate realism" with some clever CSS3 effects for images, buttons, and more.
Examples of simulating realism using CSS3 techniques, examples inc. polaroid photos and animated DVD cases.10 unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
task in mind. This means their tunnel vision is already on, theyLink Development Training: How Link Building for SEO is Like Picking Up a Girl | Search and Social Media Marketing Consultant
re important and the basic criteria for estab
Gettin' hit by traffic...not cars. Information on internet marketing tools, search marketing news. Commentary, tips and tutorials on pay-per-click, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and recent industry events with a little bit of humor and sarcasm.
gadzooks this is excellent... sweet!
Link development is tough. Not everyone can create amazing linkbait, as easy as the experts make it sound. It’s not an easy proposition to get people to link to your website if you’re a local realtor, mortgage broker, or holistic doctor for that matter. It is POSSIBLE though with the right approach to actually solicit and develop links that will help your search engine rankings. From LOTS of trial and error, here’s the process I’ve developed for training link developers to become true link ninjas that will hunt and pursue links that actually make a site rank high for targeted terms.Screen? A must for SSH ~ Mattias Geniar
If you've ever used SSH to connect to a server, you 'll know its limitations: if you want to open a new window, you'll need to create a second SSH connection to the server. And if the connection breaks during the SSH tunnel, you've lost your progress. This is where Screen comes in.Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips |
Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips [from]
Livro de dicas sobre CakePHPHandy Tools and Tips for E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine
As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn’t apply to your objectives3 reasons your workouts aren't working - Healthy Living on Shine
This is a list of 10 key training mistakes, which can sabotage the efforts of even veteran exercisers.
Good workout Info.
short article on common workout mistakesHow to Create a Vector Illustration and Prepare it for Micro-Stock Sale - Vectortuts+
There are numerous micro-stock websites that vector designers can design for and make consistent earnings through. Envato runs a few stock sites, such as
Good tutorial for Nat101 Essential Resources For Freelancers | Applicant - The Advice Bank
# Must Read Articles For Freelancers # Blogs Freelancers Should Subscribe To # Forums For Freelancers # Where To Find Freelancing Gigs # Useful Tools For Freelancers # Freelancer Survey Results4 Important Data Backup Strategies For Your PC | Dumb Little Man
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Rails App日本を拒否するムカつく海外サイトは「Hotspot Shield」で突破 :教えて君.net
) 地域はAL 他は全部いつものクレカ情報や住所のまま
Hotspot ShieldGetting the Most Out of Twitter, No Posting Necessary -
"The truth is, you don’t have to post a message to get the most out of Twitter. At its best, the social medium is a perpetual, personalized news service about topics of your choosing — whether health care reform, tech news or the latest episode of “Gossip Girl” — filtered and served to you by people who care a lot about what you care a lot about. Even the most prolific users say Twitter has become more useful as a way to tap in to the discussions of the day than to broadcast their own thoughts. And once you get pulled in, you might just find you have something to say after all. Biz Stone, Twitter’s co-founder, suggests that naysayers simply log on to Twitter’s home page and search for a topic they are interested in, whether it’s their favorite sports team, the name of their company or a topic in the news. Within a minute, they understand the appeal, he said." [continues with more suggestions]
Annotated link - Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop - GIMP
We've shown you how to make GIMP's interface look like Photoshop's, but these tips will actually add many of the functions and capabilities of Adobe's flagship photo editor to its open-source counterpart.
Tweak GIMP to be More Like PhotoshopTop 25 (Non-Obvious) Ways RSS Can Make Your Life Easier
f you’re looking for ways to more fully incorporate RSS into your technology repertoire, here are 25 applications, sites and ideas that can help you make the most of RSS. There are tons of little ways you can use RSS feeds to help you make your daily tasks, errands and life in general a little easier.「5枚プレゼン」のレイアウトを理解する
一番上で企画内容を展望する「トップ型」、トップとボトムの使い分け、トップとボトムのタイトルの入れ方、 “導線”の作り方と「20%ルール」、20%をホワイトスペースにする、レイアウトの違いとメリハリ、「囲む」と「流れ」のデザイン * 流れ(展開)をきれいに見せる * 「囲む」と「流れ」の表現法10 Killer Resources for Social Media Entrepreneurs | Copyblogger
Bloggers Bible
Naomi of IttyBiz is in the middle of a great series about how her blog made $176,000 so far this year through six different types of income streams. Start with the post at the bottom of the page and move to the top… great stuff.
At least half of these resources would definitely be stuff that you guys might be interested in. Whether you’re deep into social media or just getting started, there’s a resource for you in Brian’s post.How To Paint a Room Home Hacks | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest
In this MicroTut, we are going to take a look at a couple of ways to center a div both horizontally and vertically with pure CSS. A jQuery method is also presented.
While building web page layouts, you’ve probably been faced with a situation where you need to center a div both horizontally and vertically with pure CSS. There are more than a few ways to achieve this, and in this MicroTut I am going to show you my favorite involving CSS and jQuery.
Centering a Div Both Horizontally And Vertically天才になれる秘密 - teruyastarはかく語りき
要領の良い人は、 すでにある物を自分の所へもってきて ちょっとぐらいルールから外れても 適当に書き換えてまるで自分が作ったかのように成果を出す。 要領の悪い人は、 ゼロから自分で考えて、教科書やルールからは絶対はみ出さず 努力に努力を重ねて、結果、すでに誰かが作ったような物の劣化版を持ってくる。 どうしても自分の考えにこだわり。 基本的にパクリは悪だと思ってる。Uncovering jQuery's Hidden Features | Nettuts+
jQuery is not always as it appears. There's a lot of cool stuff going on under the surface, and there are many methods just waiting to be discovered, and many potential usages of jQuery's API that you may not have considered before. In this article I'll be taking you through a few of the not-so-obvious things I've discovered about jQuery.
A great article that uncovers some of the mysteries in jQuery.10 sql tips to speed up your database
SQL optimization
10 sql tips to speed up your database #sql30 amazing ajax css form | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
cssやアイコン、テクスチャ、アクションなどいろいろいろまとめすぎてよくわからない・・・カルボナーラを美味しく作るための3つのコツ - T/O
# ソースを混ぜる直前に水を入れる。フライパンの温度が下がり、「ソースを入れたら途端に固まったでござる」的な、第一の失敗を防げます。 # 弱めの火でじっくり加熱する。「加熱しすぎてぼそぼそしてきたでござる」的な、第二の失敗を防げます。 # 底から絶え間なくしっかり混ぜる。「鍋底が固まってきてなんか嫌な感じでござる」的な、第三の失敗を防げます。15 Essential Interviews For The Creative Community | Inspired Magazine
// We made a selection of inspiring interviews with outstanding personalities, must reads for every freelancer, designer, webpreneur, & co. There areRuby, Rails, Web2.0 » Blog Archive » Ruby’s Most Underused Keyword
redo ‘jumps’ to the beginning of the block
REDO: Ruby’s Most Underused Keyword
To understand this, remember this (from the Pickaxe book): "A Ruby iterator is simply a method that can invoke a block of code"What to do if your startup is about fail (or “Don’t Stop Believing”) « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
ol要素の数字とテキストに異なるフォントを適用/ul要素で3カラムのレイアウトを実装 @あれこれGraffiti Wall Distillation: Tourist Scams, 2005
n accosted many times, but never with success. Although I wouldn’t recommend this tactic to everyone, here’s my secret: If you are forced to walk somewhere dodgy, such as the Albayzin or Sacromonte areas of Granada in Spain (tiny thousand-year-old streets, a labyrinth where masked thieves — usually little punk kids — like to prey), one thing I’ve found that works is putting on the “Oh man, what have I done?!” face. This is the kind of face one may have as they are thinking to themselves: “Oh man, I shouldn’t have hit that last person so hard...I wonder if they’re dead?” Imagine it. It’s the face of a person who has absolutely cracked, gone off the deep end, and just killed someone. This may sound really weird, but trust me, if you wear
Interesting list of scams perpetrated on travelers. I always ask myself if I am just lucky or actually more careful -- apart from the occasional over-charging taxi, nothing has ever happened to me.
Cover yourself against travel scams50 jQuery Snippets That Will Help You Become A Better JavaScript Developer | | Where Web Businesses Grow
e - plenty of jQuery snippets #yam
Some of these snippets are going to be things that have just been supported with jQuery 1.4.2 whilst others are really useful functions or methods that can help you do things better or quicker.InfoQ: Presentation: 10 Ways to Improve Your Code
Neben dem Film mein Favorit: Top 10 Code-Gerüche in Unternehmen
An infoq presentation on 10 Ways to Improve Your Code...Get the Most from Your Point-and-Shoot Camera - Photography - Lifehacker
Just because you've got a relatively inexpensive point-and-shoot camera and not a $1500+ DSLR rig doesn't mean you can't take awesome photos. Here's a look at how you can elevate your regular old point-and-shoot shots to greatness.Setting rather than Resetting Default Styling | Carsonified
thors start with a clean slate. From there, they most often write rules to style elements that were originally styled by the browser’s styles sheet, but overwritten by the reset file. In short, many elements are styled three times: 1. by the browClients - A Designer’s Surival Guide | Designious Times
“Yeah, how about if you change that color to green and make the logo bigger, oh and I don’t like the photo of the girl nor the background could you use something else? And could you have it ready by tomorrow?”「たかが色、されど色」 ヒトとWebと色の関係:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
なるほど色ね。色とオーラと関係していると言っていたフランス人の友人もいたもの…404 Blog Not Found:「PHP使いはもう正規表現をblogに書くな」と言わせないでくれ
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正規表現によるメールアドレスチェックの解説 blog - [tweensy]TweensyOriginalの使い方:和訳してみる
AS3 用アニメーションライブラリの使い方
tweensyメモ10 Tips For Managing Twitter As Your Usage Increases | Blog of Mr. Tweet
People often ask, "How do I gain more Twitter followers?" Ars offers six Twitter etiquette tips to help you gain those followers without having resorting to dirty tactics or annoying habits.Lifehacker - How to Freeze Apples, Peaches, Plums, and 16 Other Fruits - Food Week
ちなみに、AppStoreへの登録ではメインの言語を「英語」で登録しました。 こうすることで、サブの言語として、日本語を追加してやれば、日本以外のサイトでは、英語で説明が表示されるようになるみたいです。
Developer ProgramやAppStoreへのアプリの登録時のTIPSなど。9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio Seen
9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio Seen一工夫でページのクオリティをアップするCSSとJavaScriptのソリューション集 | コリス
h the state of ease that lets an "f-bomb" escape your lips, you've gone too far.
It's a rather sad state of affairs that a list like this has to even exist.
Some of these really left me speechless - I cannot believe that people actually do them in an interview situation. Worth a read, though - especially if you're having a tough time job hunting.[CSS]アイデア満載のスタイルシートのテクニック集 | コリス
[CSS]アイデア満載のスタイルシートのテクニック集 | コリスTip: High quality CSS thumbnails in IE7 « Devthought
IE7 supports a custom bicubic resampling mode for images.
интерполяция изображений в ИЕ8 Twitter Networking Tips: From Online to In-the-Flesh
Whether it's getting instant responses or meeting people in real life via tweetup, some Twitter tips are not to be forgotten. 8 Twitter Networking Tips: From Online to In-the-Flesh [from][JS]Firefox 2/3, Safariも判別する1行のスクリプト | コリス
昨日紹介した「わずか「12文字」でIEを判別するスクリプト」に続いて、Firefox 2/3, Safariを判別する1行のスクリプトをThe Spannerから紹介します。 FF=/a/[-1]=='a' FF3=(function x(){})[-5]=='x' FF2=(function x(){})[-6]=='x' Saf=/a/.__proto__=='//'ウェブページの高速化に必要なもの (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
スクリプトは最後に置く冗長な英文を避けるための10+の方法--上級者編 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
携帯サイト構築時にお世話になったりならなかったりした記事10 WordPress Tips & Tricks for Your Comment Page | Lists | Tutorial Blog
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are; Profiles, Propagate, Produce, Participate, and Progress.Step By Step: The Complete Guide to Speeding Up Your PC's Startup
You just hit the power button your PC and now you've got enough time to brew a fresh pot ofBusiness Cards: Distinguish Yourself With A Social Calling Card
One of the biggest trends in web and graphic design in the past couple of years has been the use of textures in websites, print design, and everything in between. Textures help give designs a more “real world” feeling by incorporating surfaces that we are all familiar with.
texturesFirefoxのもっさりの原因である肥大化したプロファイルを再構成してきびきびした動作に戻してくれる『FireUpFox』 | Macの手書き説明書
SQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフト Mac
使用と共に徐々にもっさりしていってしまうFirefoxをきびきびとした動作に蘇えらせるTipsとして、ブックマークや履歴など様々なユーザ設定を保存しているプロファイルをターミナルからSQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフトです。Models vs. Modules - (37signals)
mahtava evoluutioartikkeli. modelikoodi -> moduuleihin -> luokkiin. oon miettiny jotain tällästä, mutten saanu ajatusta täysin kasaan.「Greasemonkey」ユーザースクリプトベスト10 (2009年版) : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
「Greasemonkey」は「Firefox」のアドオンの一つで、Webページをより使いやすくするツールです。米lifehackerでは2年前に「Greasemonkey」スクリプトベスト10を発表しています。 当時、ライフハッカーとしては自信を持って紹介したのですが、この2年の間に新しいものがいくつか発表されたり、オリジナルのスクリプトが「Firefox 3」用に実装されたりしているので、今回はアップデート版を紹介しますね。
このベスト10は、ややGoogleユーザー寄りであるように感じるかもしれませんが、「Greasemonkey」とGoogleは同じタイプのJavaScriptを使っているので、ある意味予測された結果だといえます。ioannis cherouvim » Blog Archive » The * stupidest things I’ve done in my programming job
I don't aree with all of them, but still...The Ultimate Excel Cheatsheet
extensive help for excel user
Should really mark this one private
Keyboard Shortcuts, Function cheatsheets, Formula cheatsheets, Tips and VBA sample codeHow to Increase Conversions on any Website in 45 Minutes
read this5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day | DevSnippets
5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day
As it says on the tin.Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers
Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers -
practices47 CSS Tips & Tricks To Take Your Site To The Next Level | CSS | instantShift
# We can articulate the company vision in 140 characters or less # We are willing to give credit to cool, innovative, or thought-provoking ideas # We are willing to challenge a potentially destructive position . # We are willing to listen to and engage with others # We will not get carried away # We will dedicate time each week to reading what others have to say and promise to retweet # We will never include in a press release, speech, or annual report # We actually have something meaningful to say. # If we don't have something to say, we'll find the person in the organization # If we cannot live up to these commandments we will reflect on whether corporate marketing is the right role for us. # We will use our Twitter channel not just to bump out cheery news, but to keep customers informed in the event of bad news.
From The Big Money
Last week, the Department of Defense issued its social-media policy, an admirably permissive guide for military personnel governing their use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Flickr, and YouTube. The upshot? It's all good, the Pentagon says.50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes - Yahoo! Finance
Bad habits in interviewing
50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes
Simple list of 50 things you shouldn't do on your job interview- such as : Don't badmouth your old boss, and don't smell like smoke.
A bit Americanised but some good (and funny) tips for interviews.How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words | Zen Habits
RT @cheth: Interesting read: How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words -
Interesting read: How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words -
"... Don’t compare yourself to others. ..."Google Analyticsを導入したらやっておきたい簡単で便利な設定集 | ウェブ力学
Google AnalyticsAsk H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts
Is there a way to know what fonts will work together? Building a palette is an intuitive process, but expanding a typographic duet to three, four, or even five voices can be daunting. Here are four tips for navigating the typographic ocean, all built around H&FJ's Highly Scientific First Principle of Combining Fonts: keep one thing consistent, and let one thing vary.9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing
Importante Local
Social networking has finally become something valuable for brick-and-mortar businesses. Smartphones and location-based social networks allow users to interact, share, meet up, and recommend places based on their physical coordinates. This real-world connection to social media can mean more foot traffic and profits for business owners.Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work
"Through more than forty case studies, nearly twenty interviews with experienced professionals, and a series of (nonscientific) surveys, Flaunt is a resource for design students as well as young, experienced, freelance, and independent designers."
Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work | Agile git Workflow
The Taxonomy of Effective Teaching Practices, described in the book Teach Like a Champion, is a collection of instructional techniques gleaned from years of observations of outstanding teachers in some of the highest-performing urban classrooms in the country. Developed by Uncommon Schools Managing Director Doug Lemov and Uncommon teachers, this set of specific and concrete actions, paired with a library of over 700 video clips of highly-effective teachers in action, has provided teachers nationwide with actionable tools to drive greater student achievement and a shared language to discuss and support teacher effectiveness.6 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner
how can we use linked in to help us connect to people in our industryStarting Out Organized: Website Content Planning The Right Way - Smashing Magazine
#content #webdev #writing How to plan website contents
Good info on content management process.Best of the Past: Trainer Tells All – What I Have Learned About Health and Fitness – Fitness Spotlight : Fitness Spotlight
A summary of some exercise and diet rule that seem to make a lot of sense.Ask H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts
font moods
best practices for combining fontsHow to Reclaim Your Attention | Zen Habits
Consider what you give your attention to each day. It’s a precious resource, & determines the shape of your life.
If instead, you choose to give your attention to work you’re passionate about, that you feel is important, that will change your life and the world in some small way … this will become your life
A great little post on paring down to the essential in everyday life.8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner / 08.03.1010 Amazing Life Lessons You Can Learn From Albert Einstein - by Dumb Little Man
fuentes de relativa calidad/precio (son gratis XD) sansserif todas ellas10 Kick Ass Presentation Techniques | Carsonified
How to do a good presentation
I’ve been lucky enough to make public speaking part of my career. It’s something I love doing and enjoy every second of, but that’s not the case for everybody. For many of you, the thought of standing up on stage fills you with vomit-inducing fear.
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webTop Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained - good coders code, great reuse
Useful Bash shell one liners with explanationsWhat Every Designer Should Do Right Now | Design Informer
O que todo designer deveria fazer agora
Some tasks that we often put-off but are so important and necessary to get done.Lifehacker - Create a Hotkey to Paste Plain Text in Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word
Sub PasteSpecial() Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteText End Sub
The official method for pasting plain text into Word is the Paste Special option, assigned to the Ctrl+Shift+V hotkey combination, but it opens a dialog and forces you to choose to paste plain text—a tedious irritation after using it repeatedly. Wille's method is to create a simple macro that pastes using unformatted text, and assign the same hotkey—a simple way to save time pasting text.プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 あとでLife-Changing Quotes on Lifestyle Design
Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek has created quite a buzz recently in the blogosphere. The book focuses on lifestyle design, which is designing your dream lifestyle with the least possible effort. It’s not necessary to wait until your retirement to live the lifestyle you want. In fact, doing so might waste 20-40 years of your life. Instead, you can live your dream lifestyle much, much sooner
63 Life-Changing Quotes on Lifestyle Design
from Tim Feriss's 4 hour Hour work week. All the major quotes.Photography Tip: Create Stunning High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photos
Gizmodo's John Mahoney explains how to take high dynamic range (HDR) photos so that the results of your photograph more accurately recreate what you were seeing when you snapped the shutter.8 Important SEO Techniques To Kickstart Your Website « DivitoDesign
8 خطوات هامة جدا لتحسين المواقع واستمثالها مع محرات البحث المختلفة30+ Super Secret iPhone Features and Shortcuts | iPhone.AppStorm
Here are over thirty iPhone tips and tricks that aren’t widely publicised – I’m sure you’ll have encountered a few before, but some are bound to be brand new to you. Read on to join the ranks of an iPhone ninja!
@mollydea Secret iPhone Features and Shortcuts - (via @smashingmag)Web Programming Tutorials online - For Website Design and Development
テキストをかっこよく魅せるPhotoshopのチュートリアルの紹介です。Lifehacker - Find All the Acronyms in Word Documents - Microsoft Word
Lifehacker - Find All the Acronyms in Word Documents - Microsoft Word [from]HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles - By Step: Customize Your Own Portable Firefox Six Pack
Personalisierte Version von Firefox erstellen
Windows_Software微軟視窗軟體Building SEO optimised Django web applications — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Using Django's built in tools for performing SEO. Including pinging Google when site content has changed.くそなモデムがバカ売れした理由についても話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
商品を購入する最後の一押しとなる安心感を与えるため表紙周りにしか広告を出さなかった。 「大手企業と対等なキャンペーンをすることによって対等だと錯覚させる」を思い出した。
「そもそも世の中にサポートが良くてヒットする商品なんてない。こういうものは2次微分の係数として考える。同様に3次微分に相当するマーケティングの施策も考えられるが、3次以降は通常無視していい。」「日本の会社は競合会社のやることを真似するという戦略をとることが多い。これを許すと消耗戦にひきずりこまれる。そのためには、量と質を競合会社が真似することが不可能なところまでにもっていくことが重要だ」この人、たぶんBlogで見える以上に頭いいと思う。The Minimalist Guide To Making Minimalist Websites | Colorfreak
To keep in mind: mistake 5 (we should use html5 simple <!doctype html>, and mistake 7 (we should be using overflow: hidden)
Guilty as charged. I guess.
by @photoshoptalentHow To Install Microsoft Text Fonts In Ubuntu Linux |
Luckily, installing the Microsoft core fonts package (and any other new fonts) in Ubuntu is easy.BBC Wildlife Magazine
Welcome to the complete collection of our Photo Masterclasses. Just click on the images below to download a PDF of each masterclass and your photography skills will soon improve with our experts' advice.10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B MarketersTop 15 Must See Photoshop Tips & Tricks (2010) - slodive
Design Resources & InspirationColor Correction Basics in Photoshop | Tutorial9
수업시간에 저장한거35 Best Inspirational Websites For Logo Design
inspiracion para logosCSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 2
This is the second part to my previous article “CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 1“, if you haven’t checked it out yet now is a good time. In part one, I went over general tips and reminders, in this article I would like to go over more of the technical aspects of CSS.フリーで使える商用可能な写真の効率的な5段階の探し方: 世界中の1%の人々へ
# 「Wikimedia Commons」でパブリックドメインの写真を探す # 「stock.xchng」でクレジット記載不要の写真を探す # 「FlickrのCreative Commons」からAttribution Licenseの画像を探す # 「Creative Commons Search」から、Creative Commons Licenseの写真を探す # それでも駄目なら「iStockphoto」ロイヤリティーフリーの写真を購入するA Guide To Typography On The Web | Fonts |
<p>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.</p><p>The web is alive and growing more active with each new day. The increasing number of sites that crop up on the daily shows no signs of slowing, and as the online ranks grow, designers [...]</p>How To Use Video SEO To Jump To The Top Of Google Search Results
As most search engine optimization (SEO) experts are aware, getting a first-page Google result is harder than ever. Not only do Google’s search and indexing algorithms continue to evolve in complexity, but Google has given over more and more of its search results real estate to “blended” search results, displaying vid
Editor’s note: In the following guest post, Fliqz CEO Benjamin Wayne reveals some of the secrets of using video to help boost the search results rankings of your website. Fliqz is an online video platform.
In fact, Forrester Research found that videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.ウェブデザインにおける効果的なコミュニケーションの取り方 | コリス
あとで読みましょうPhotography 101.5 - Aperture
Welcome to the fifth lesson in Photography 101 - A Basic Course on the Camera. In this series, we cover all the basics of camera design and use. We talk about the ‘exposure triangle’: shutter speed, aperture and ISO. We talk about focus, depth of field and sharpness, as well as how lenses work, what focal lengths mean and how they put light on the sensor. We also look at the camera itself, how it works, what all the options mean and how they affect your photos.Most Effective Exercises Pictures Slideshow: Squats, Lunges, and More
Does Your Workout Work? These seven exercises deliver results — whether you do them at a gym or at home. Pay close attention to the form demonstrated by the personal trainer in these slides — good technique is a must for a safe, effective workout.Памятка дизайнеру сайтов / Веб-дизайн / Хабрахабр
Основные правила при разработке сайтов
нию на свет более сотни сайтов и около трех десятков интерфейсов. Среди работ есть проекты для таких компаний, как Sunbay Software,40 Useful Print-Ready Cheat Sheet For Web Developers | Back to Essentials
opers to help them co11 Ways to Use Twitter to Help Your Site Go Viral
DATOS TWITTER中途半端に優秀なプログラマが「正しいプログラミングテクニック」だと妄信しがちな3つポイント - 分裂勘違い君劇場
それと、これはプログラムの担当分け問題にも依存する。比較的小規模のシステム開発で、たとえば一人がサーバ、一人がクライアントを担当する、というように、クライアントプログラム全体のコーディングを一人のプログラマが担当するような場合、広いスコープの変数を使うメリットがデメリットを遙かに凌駕するケースは多くなるだろう。SEOをある程度勉強して、初級から中級になりかけた頃に知りたくなる8つのQ&A - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
Search Engine Land に Jill Whalen さんによる、「The Answer To All Your SEO Questions!」という投稿がありました。 記事タイトルを訳すと「SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答え」となります。ポイントは「questions」が複数形であるのに対して、「answer」が単数でしかも「The answer」となっていること。 これは、SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答えは「一つの答え」
タイトルタグ変更などPhotography: Take Better Self-Portraits
Best practices in web development with Python and Django新iGoogleのインターフェースがスゴイ!Web OSの時代が来るかも! | Google Mania - グーグルの便利な使い方
javascript:_dlsetp('v2=1'); で新インターフェースに切り替え。v2=0で元に戻す。10 Steps To Create The Ultimate Facebook Fan Page for Your Brand
Brands today have the incredible opportunity of interacting with consumers on the #1 social network in the world – Facebook – and creating relationships with them that are long lasting, personal and relevant.5 Quick and Easy Ways to Optimise Your Website - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Performance is something you don’t often think about. You assume that if it loads quickly enough for you then everyone’s happy. Someone commented a while back saying that it takes quite long for my pages to load so I optimised it a tad and thought I’d share a few quick tips with you.What Makes A Great Cover Letter, According To Companies? - Smashing Magazine
Ah, the dreaded cover letter. Boring to write, difficult to get right, and you’re usually preoccupied by other things (such as the portfolio and resume, which are also really important). Unfortunately, your cover letter is a company’s first exposure to you, and it determines whether your application is trashed or fast-tracked to the company’s to-hire list.8 Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life | Zen Habits
Thoughts on how to use positivity to shape your existenceYouTube - 4.1.5 Rob Gruhl - How to Buy a New Car - Ignite Seattle 2007
4.1.5 Rob Gruhl - How to Buy a New Car - Ignite Seattle 2007-8-8What to Do When Someone Steals Your Work - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
website may be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of Your Legal
What to do when someone steals your work. Nice post at Freelance Switch. [from]Hack Attack: Six Ways to Catch Your Favorite TV Shows
ビギナーズ向けに解説された、100%幅のヘッダとフッタを固定幅のコンテンツの天地に固定表示するスタイルシートWhat Emacs Commands Do You Use Most and Find Most Useful? : programming
WindowsとMacの共存方法。synergyは使った事あるけど、かなりステキなツールMy 50 Most Linked To Posts |
I was just looking at something on Yahoo! Site Explorer and realized that I could pluck from it the 50 most linked to posts on my site without a lot of heavy
Chris Brogan's best blog posts...really good and helpful articles12 Indirect Job Interview Questions & What They Really Reveal
most firms ask slightly different questions and have their own method of interviewing. Today, we explore twelve common indirect questions that employers often ask and the motivation behind them.
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Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 sshにはダイナミック転送という機能がある。この機能を使うと、sshはアプリケーション側にはSOCKSプロクシとして振る舞うが、そこからsshの接続先までは暗号化された状態で通信が行われる。 これだけだと通常のトンネリングとどう違うのかよくわからないかもしれないが、ダイナミック転送の場合は転送ポートを指定する必要がない。ここがダイナミックと表現される所以だろう。 例えば、オフィスAにある開発サーバ... はてなブックマーク - Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ssh, firefox20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using | Nettuts+
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using
So you’ve been playing with jQuery for a while now, you’re starting to get the hang of it, and you’re really liking it! Are you ready to take your jQuery knowledge to level two? Today, I’ll demonstrate twenty functions and features you probably haven’t seen before! 1 after() / before() Sometimes you want to insert something into the DOM, but you don’t have any good hooks to do it with; append() or prepend() aren’t going to cut it and you don’t want to add an extra element or id. These two functions might be what you need. They allow you to insert elements into the DOM just before or after another element, so the new element is a sibling of the older one. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); 2. $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this is go about #child')); $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this7 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep Your Brain Young: The No. 1 Thing You Can Do? | Anti-Aging | Reader's Digest
Older people are better at solving problems, because they have more mental information to draw upon than younger people do. That's why those in their 50s and 60s are sage. They're the ones we turn to for the best advice, the ones we want to run our companies and our country.6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
If youre currently branding yourself as a social media expert, this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a social media expert at EMC corporation, but thats not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because its my job title, but not my personal brand. Were living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether youre in school or youre in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because it’s my job title, but not my personal brand. We’re living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether you’re in school or you’re in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
τι πρεπει να προσεξεις ασχολουμενος επαγγελματικα με τα social media ***
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me.これからemacsを使い始めたい人へ送るチュートリアル 第1回 - Unix的なアレ
emacs2009年のウェブデザインのトレンド:レイアウト編 | コリス
先日、紹介した「2009年、押さえておきたいウェブデザインの10のトレンド」の続き、レイアウト編をSmashingDon’t Let Your Baby Die - How to use Social Capital to Market Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Conversation and Empowerment, No one cares about your company. They’re into their journey. .....the most powerful way to do marketing in this day and age is to build ’social capital’. It’s a lot like Karma: do good and help others and it will come back to you.Make Your Clothes Last Longer (without spending big) | Wise Bread
Make Your Clothes Last Longer
| Wise BreadWedding Photography - Tutorials for Wedding Photographers
Tutorials for Wedding Photographers個人ニュースサイト界隈で最も「情報元」になっているサイトTop30
Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?WebWorkerDaily » Archive More Efficient RSS Reading «
There will always be more interesting content than I can ever read in a lifetime. Good Point!
From Web Worker Daily: The harsh reality is that there are only so many hours in the day one can spend reading and learning. Here are some tips for using your RSS reader more productively.[を] MacBook の HDD を交換した話
T8 ドライバ、 asrGoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング Tutorial for Beginners: Nothing But the Goods | Impressive Webs Toronto
Introductory tutorial for using jQuery. Very readable.iPhone でMMSのアドレス(を取得/変更する方法
海外メール受信が安ければ使うんだけどなぅ……31 Steps to a Financial Tuneup - Interactive Feature -
to use and apply to fb giunti os handige YouTube URL trucs en hacks die je moet weten · Marketingfacts
10 handige YouTube URL trucs en hacks die je moet weten. YouTube, wie is er niet groot mee geworden? Het is nog steeds de grootste en populairste inte
"YouTube URL trucs"
ouTube, wie is er niet groot mee geworden? Het is nog steeds de grootste en populairste internetvideo website van het internet zowel in Nederland als internationaal. Maar wist je dat je behalve video’s zoeken en kijken nog veel meer met de URL’s kan doen? Hieronder staan 10 handige URL trucjes die handig zijn om te weten. Van het aanzetten van hogere kwaliteit tot direct linken naar een locatie in de video. Van het automatisch afspelen van een embedded video tot het downloaden van YouTube-filmpjes.Styling
tags with CSS - CSS - CSS Code Blocks - CSS Code Snippets Tutorial
esse é interessante pra quando for publicar códigos no blog/site. ele ajuda a dar uma arrumada nos snippets
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Although there are many useful plug-ins out there that dress up code snippets, I would like to share a technique playing with the background of the <pre>Coding Horror: Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
Coding technique without error
guide to 25 of the most dangerous programming mistakes - a must read!
outsiderEssential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver - Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
We've rounded up the week's essential social media reading into a one-stop-shop for the guides, lists, interviews, and how-tos you may have missed.
We have likely found a few of the week’s essential sources, nevertheless there’s usually which possibility you have missed something which can alter the advertising and marketing or perhaps company strategy.the art of great writing 60 writing tips from 6 alltime great writers - bighow news
Let’s say you are organizing a party at your place and want to send personalized email invitations to all your friends. Or say your company is about a launch a new product and you want to share this with media and customers through email.Twitter, As We Knew It, Is Dead
I think it’s time that we again ask ourselves the question we’ve always been asking, what is Twitter? Or more, what has Twitter become? Just like the web, twitter has undergone a profound transition.HTML Email Newsletter Toolbox – Tutorials, Templates and Inspiration - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Trucos y plantillas para enviar emails en html10 Awesome Tools To Get More Out of Wikipedia - Dumb Little Man
Strumenti per utilizzare meglio wikipedia
tools para usar mejor wikipedia
Great site for research on WikiMake Firefox Remember Passwords without a Bookmarklet
This is a great site. With all of the hecticness in our lives today, I really appreciate anyone who can help cut through the fog and shine some light on how to simplify life and make the things that really matter in life shine through. That is what this site does. I this list of 13 small things to simplify your workday, I have already applied many of these suggestions, as it has become a necessity being a special needs parent having to care 24/7 for an autistic child. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement and I can see that "batch distractions" offers me yet another big area that I can improve on. Since I spend so much time on line, it is an area where I can find that I am too easily distracted by various electronic, social networking, maintaining my own web site, on-line research, music promotion, etc. My next project will be to figure out how I can streamline this and batch these activities into smaller chunks of time.
Good advice to increase productivity.Household: How to Extend the Life of Fresh Cut Flowers
Lifehacker40 of the Most Useful Social Media and PR Blog Posts of Q1, 2010 (Jan - Mar)
Compiled by Adam Vincenzini Late last year, I published my picks for the 99 most useful social media posts of 2009, a collection which was received really well. This year, I've been publishing 1
compilation of blog posts about social media.iPhoneユーザーに無料解放!BBモバイルポイントの設定方法 - iPhone・iPod touch ラボ Lifehacker: How Can I Download Every Attachment From Gmail?
コミュニティを作るときに必要なもの| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | これで不味いなら諦めろ!コーヒー激旨化レシピ集2008
f you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?Some Of The Best Greasemonkey Scripts For BitTorrent Users |
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Whilst bank cards along with money cards may appear virtually the exact same, its not all plastic may be the identical.
Although charge cards and money cards may well look almost the exact same, not all plastic will be the exact same.
Although bank cards along with money handmade cards could appear practically identical, its not all plastic will be the exact same.
Whilst charge cards along with debit handmade cards could glimpse almost identical, not every plastic material may be the same.
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When credit cards as well as money handmade cards might glimpse almost identical, not all plastic-type may be the identical.
When credit cards along with money handmade cards might glimpse practically similar, not all plastic material will be the same.
Whilst plastic cards along with money homemade cards may well appear practically the same, not all cheap could be the similar.
Whilst credit cards along with debit cards may well look virtually the exact same, not every plastic will be the similar.The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier | Zen Habits
zen The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier: Get to decisions quickly and.. [from]
Reading about decision making: [from]
I usually just read these and go "that's nice" and move on. But I think I might put these into practice. and the masses go "yeah right Jay, I'll believe #5 when I see it"
More often than not, these agreements are made through email which is far from perfect. Noted tech blogger Robert Scoble suggested last October that the number of emails required to get something done is equal to the number of people involved squared, i.e. eight people results in 64 emails. Sounds about right to me.What to Backup?
You’ve backed up all files in your harddisk, thanks to Mozy, DropBox, SugarSync, or Carbonite. But there are some things that you’re yet to backup. What are they, you ask? Let’s check them out one by one: #1: Your Blog You started a blog some time ago and now it’s grown into a big community of sorts. Your life without your blog would be a nightmare. It’s always good to have a backup of your blog so that in the worst case scenario, you can safely restore the contents of the blog and start writing again as if nothing happened! If you’re on WordPress, WP DB Backup is the only plugin you’ll ever need to do a regular backup of your blog. You can install the plugin and tell it to send automatic backups of your blog to your email inbox. Install. Configure. Forget. Just as easy as that. Pro Blog Design has a complete guide on how you can go about doing it.
What to Backup?
Software, Websites, Hacks You can UseWhat is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow
amazing guide to Vim commands
awesome answer
Advanced technique in VIM, don't just JKHL!アウトプットができない人がまずやるべき3つのこと:DESIGN IT! w/LOVE
アウトプットが出せない人の大きな問題は、我が強くて他人の話が聞けないことに依るものが大きい。John Graham-Cumming: Squaring two digit numbers in your head
x^23.0で強化されたカレンダー機能を使う | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
複数カレンダーを同期する。***** RSpec best practices and tips | EggsOnBread
Best practices and tips for Ruby RSpec
"After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!"
How to write more readable rspec tests
After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!lsコマンドをハックしてみよう (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
lsコマンドのソースをいじくっていろいろ。 初歩的だけど確かに普段使ってるコマンドをいじくらせるのは面白いなぁ。Harness The Power Of Twitter For Local Marketing
Examples of loca businesses using Twitter13 Ways to Simplify International Travel | Zen Habits
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画面上ではあんまり目立たないけど とっても便利なのを5つほど。
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Ce qu'il faut faire et ne pas faire dans un test d'ergonomie - UXmatters #ergonomie
Do’s and Don’ts of Usability Testing
Testing with 10 to 12 participants tends to provide very little additional value over testing with 6 to 8 participants, despite the significantly increased cost of testing with more participants. Iterative usability testing also has the advantage of more easily fitting into agile development cycles.How I Mastered the Power Nap - naps - Lifehacker
Daniel Tenner has spent a lot of time thinking about (and taking) naps. What follows is his experience learning to master 20 minute power naps even though he normally takes 30 minutes to fall asleep.7つのステップで完成!FlashDevelopカスタマイズの奥義|_level0.KAYAC
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IE6/7で変だなっていうときは、何も考えずにとりあえず「zoom: 1;」を試してみれば、9割方問題が解決しちゃったり。zoomプロパティはIE独自なので、使いたくない人はwidthプロパティの指定をするとかで乗り切れちゃいます。IE6だけ変だぞ?っていう場合、「display: inline;」やってみると直ったり。如何にIE対策を早い段階で覚えるかってのも作業効率を上げるには重要だと思うっす。
「木を見て森を見ず」・・・これ多いね。Eight Tips for Super Searching - Solutions by PC Magazine
80% of all online sessions start w/ searchプログラマの思索: Subversionを見直せ
SVNの使い方のポイントHow To: Protect Your Windows PC from the Conficker Worm
People on windows PCs without updated virus software should probably take a look at this [from]TUAW Tip: Moving your home folder to another disk (or moving it back)
Great article
RT @zaibatsu: Measuring What Really Works on Twitter: Post Timing and Headlines PLZ RT [from]
I like data and enhancing performance through following the numbers. I use half a dozen tools to track metrics on this blog, and I have similarly used to track click-through on Twitter links, demographic and geographic splits, etc.. I find retweets interesting, but only to the extent that they attract meaningful attention (not just impressions), which can be approximated with clicks on embedded links. In the last two weeks, I’ve found to be more reliable and robust than
blog on twitteringRecycle old, broken crayons into fun new shapes | Chica and Jo
"Influential Marketing Blog: 9 Ways To Make #Twitter More Useful For You"
Good ideas for twitter for business and personal useA Guide to the Best Men’s Style, Grooming, And Etiquette Information on the Web | The Art of Manliness
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これは実践済み。効果的。「午後にものすごい睡魔がおそってくる人、まずコーヒーを飲んで、それから15分のパワーナップをしましょう。脳がリブートされて、再び動き出しますよ。」Tons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines | WebProNews
References to the blog by sources other than blogsLifehacker - The Alexander Technique Provides Short-Term Relief From Back Pain - back pain
45 Mobile Resources Every Freelancer Needs to Have
Here are 45 resources that will let you do your work wherever you are, as long as there’s a cell phone signal. No Laptop or Broadband required!
nice list off apps to use100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library | PhD American History Online
PhD American History Online
Librarything volledig naar je hand zetten...The Ultimate Guide to Twitter Theme Design | Graphic and Web Design Blog
This post will help you become a real Twitter theme design Guru. You will learn how to design the cool theme, where to draw inspiration or where to get/generate some free themes特集:Google ChromeをIEやFirefox並に使いこなす16のTips :教えて君.net
流星の如くあらわれたGoogle製ブラウザ「Google Chrome」。重厚路線を突き進むFirefox、IEなどのブラウザを尻目に軽快なフットワークでウェブサービスを取り込み、急速に勢力を拡大しつつある。もはやおまけのブラウザではない「Chrome」の特徴をしっかり把握して、適材適所で使いこなせるようになろう!Stain Removal Solutions - University of Illinois Extension
"We've already done the dirty work to find all of the right stain solutions, and we've left the rest up to you. "初Macと1週間過ごしたよメモ。 -
Mac欲しくなる記事。Seven steps to overcoming procrastination | Top Stories |
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash.
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash. So instead of succumbing to the dreaded beast try these tips for overcoming procrastination.What to Ask a New Client Wanting a WordPress Theme
Press Theme * 11/24/2008 — 32 Comments *脱初心者をめざす人のためのホームページ作成講座
使いやすいページや環境に依存しないページの作り方を考えます。How to get the best sound from in-ear headphones | The Audiophiliac - CNET News
Kaip išspausti geriausią garso kokybę iš į ausį įstatomų ausinių.7 Great Reality Checks From Guy Kawasaki
Reality Check #1: Do one thing well If your startup tries to do too much, you’ll lose. Guy told me, “I meet companies every day who say, ‘well we’re software services, and we’re also consulting. And we are a social networking site, but we also do white labeling in case you want to use our technology to do your own social network.’ And you know what, it’s hard to do any one of those things, try doing four.”10 cool things to do with your old laptop | News | TechRadar UK
10 cool things to do with your old laptop Turn it into a home server, a wireless bridge and more : TechRadar UK
. It can bring improved usability to games consoles in your living room, or even be used to enhance other PCs that you or your family use. Whatever the case, there's no need to get rid of your old laptop just yet.10 Simple Google Search Tricks
Jak zarovnat obrazek pro css, aby nebyl v textu ale pekne vedle nej.
There are a loads of instances where this little technique could be employed, but I've used a list as an example because it's one of the most common. Here we have a basic unordered list (<ul>), with floated-left images where the text doesn't wrap under the images. Told you it was simple.
Using relative positioning to avoid text wrapping around an image.
floating image left and text right not using float left and right45+ Fresh Wordpress Tutorials, Techniques and Hacks - Speckyboy Design Magazine
The growth and popularity of Wordpress continues to spiral to a seemingly endless end. It continually proves itself time time and again that it has very few limitations, and is rapidly pushing itself to being, if not the best, but certainly the most versatile CMS available. Out of the box it is certainly not perfect, but in the hands of the huge WP community, it might just be.
In this article we have collected 45 fresh Wordpress tutorials and techniques, with some hacks, guides and best practices thrown in for good measure. Everyone, not just developers, should take something from this round-up.
Más de 45 tutoriales, técnicas y trucos para wordpress.
45+ Fresh #Wordpress Tutorials, Techniques and Hacks - – Dimox (Dimox_en) TO: Use Twitter on the Go
We’ve written about some very specific applications for different mobile devices, and now we want to tell you how to be a power Twitter user on any mobile device with a browser, and how to post your tweets safely and hands free while on the go.
We’ve written about some very specific applications for different mobile devices, and now we want to tell you how to be a power Twitter user on any mobile device with a browser, and how to post your tweets safely and hands free while on the go. Matt Singley is a business process advisor that focuses on social media and UGC sociology. He authors a blog at Singley’s Blog Thoughts.How to: Track a conversation in Twitter | Editors' Blog
how to track a conversation in twitterユーザー中心の設計をするためのワークフロー - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
i think this explains itself
ユーザー中心のための設計やらデザインやらをするための標準的なワークフローがまとまっています。このページ日本語に訳してくれる人いたらいいんですけどねぇ。3分LifeHacking:既存のホッチキスでOK 中綴じ製本を簡単に行う“定規” - ITmedia Biz.ID
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グリッドレイアウトの際の参考にBest Writing Advice for Engineers I've Ever Seen. Period.: Home
State your message in one sentence. That is your title. Write one paragraph justifying the message. That is your abstract. Circle each phrase in the abstract that needs clarification or more context. Write a paragraph or two for each such phrase. That is the body of your report. Identify each sentence in the body that needs clarification and write a paragraph or two in the appendix. Include your contact information for readers who require further detail.
NOT JUST ENGINEERSVim is still sexy! | Floating Sun
n’t be afraid to let Mom, DaClickTale Blog » 8 Brilliant Tips That Boost Conversions
So remember: 1. Fantastic visuals grab visitors attention 2. Great headlines encourage action 3. Float your best content to the top 4. Make important content stand out 5. WIIFM 6. Fewer questions boost conversions 7. Run usability tests 8. Test, repair, and retest
Based on the feedback of many of our customers, as well as our own experiences, we have prepared a set of 8 ‘best practices’ to help you boost conversion rates and improve site usability.Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @1stwebdesigner Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @tweetmeme Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog 1.4.x’s Greatest Hits: Earle’s Picks
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars #socialmedia
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars #socialmedia #yam8 Liberating Strategies for Clearing the Queues in Your Life | Zen Habits
Ansel Adams video. His philosophy in his own words.
Ansel Adams often referred to visualization as the key to making photography an art, not just a hobby. I found this rare video footage of him, as he explains what he meant.
Ansel Adams used the term “visualization” often–but what exactly does it mean? How does it fit into your work flow as a photographer? I looked all over for a good explanation–then last year Ansel’s grandson Matthew loaned me rare unreleased footage–and there it was!Lifehacker - Knot Reference Wallet Card Keeps Your Knot Knowledge Fresh - Knots
SimpulWhat Brands Want From A Twitter Client « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Brands and twitter againYouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources
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Need a spark? : Chase Jarvis has some solutions to 'Shake Your Tree'. Doesn't just apply to photography... – James Rickard (frodosghost)
't need sunshine
GOOD RESOLUTIONSBest practices for WordPress coding
Coding a WordPress theme or plugin can seem to be an easy task at first, but if you want to produce work that is more professional, you have to worry about things such as internationalization and security. In this article, I'm going to show you the best practices I have learned in 3 years of developing with WordPress.Why Motivation Doesn’t Really Matter | Zen Habits
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Have you ever really wanted to do something, but you just weren’t motivated enough to do it? This is always my number one reason for not taking action, as I’m sure it’s probably yours too. If you’re not motivated, you just don’t have the energy or the drive to do what you need to do, right? Simple enough10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
10 Simple Google Search Tricks /via @DesignerDepotHow to Let Go and Forgive | Zen Habits
Read it crab.Vertical Centering - CSS Tutorials - by Zoffix Znet
Tim Bray's Mac-centric apps & usage patterns; 2008-Nov-16.
Ideas on using your macSlashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
"My last employer had to make a series of budget cuts, and I was laid off. I have been on the job hunt since then; however in the meantime I have begun freelancing as a Web developer. This is my first time in this role and so I would like the ask the Slashdot community: are there any best practices for freelance developers? What kind of process should I use when dealing with clients? Should I bill by the hour or provide a fixed quote on a per-project basis? What kind of assurances should I get from the client before I begin work? What is the best way to create accurate time estimates? I'm also wondering if there are any good open source tools for freelancers, such as for time-tracking and invoice creation (aside from simply using a spreadsheet). Any suggestions or insights would be welcome."
Some interesting views.
An article on freelance development best practices.31 jQuery Snippets That Will Help Make You A JavaScript Pro | | Where Web Businesses Grow
Några braiga tips och nyheter från jQuery 1.4.
31 jQuery Snippets That Will Help Make You A JavaScript Pro /by @addyosmani #jquery #webdesign10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
These pages are saved from the Delicious website.
Essential syntax.
I'm always amazed that more people don't know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are6 Tools to Find that Killer Domain |
What’s in a domain? When building your new website or blog - having the best possible domain is a key factor that adds to your success.iPhoneのテストモードや各種設定を表示する隠しコマンドのリスト - iPhone・iPod touch ラボ
Ignore your critics /Seth's Blog/ - If you find 100 comments on a blog post or 100 reviews of a new book or ... [from]
something to think about
So, who should you listen to? Your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics and fans...You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics. Ignore your fans. Listen to your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Hi Lyle, I think that's what he's getting at; Listen to your fans as they will get you more fans. He's a bit difficult to understand sometimes. There is a god point he made a while ago; Don't listen to those people that make the most noise, but those people that bring you the money. I have found that working with the 'shouters' takes up much more time than your good clients and costs you as lot more. Something to keep in mind for when you start working. Cheers, Ian All understood and agreed, i understand that its not wise to listen and take what they say to heart but what of your fans? Are they not the ones you seek to please? Can they not offer you constructive criticism?[JS]高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプト -equalHeights.js | コリス
高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプトRuby 1.9 compatibility: a three step ladder to bliss [Article] « elc technologies
During the last year I've ported a number of gems and Rails apps to Ruby 1.9. I feel it's important we as a community get the transition from 1.8 done and over with as soon as possible so we can get back to doing real work. I suspect that many of you have installed a Ruby 1.9 and that it lingers somewhere on your harddrive without much use. Maybe you're even one of those performance trolls, childishly happy reading articles like The Great Ruby Shootout and then goes back to coding in yesterdays Ruby like it's '99. ;)Using WordPress as a CMS |
The Power of Typography in Design
the power of typography in design (freelanceswitch)
Your college professor may have placed a lot of importance on type and hierarchy. Your client may be telling you to make specific words “larger” so they’ll stand out more. No matter who it’s coming from, it’s clear that graphic design is a lot more than just colors and layout; it relies heavily on typography as well. It’s no lie that type treatments can make or break a design — have you ever seen a logo where the font does not at all match the actual service or product it stands for? Or maybe the text in a magazine is a mess and difficult to read. I’ve broken down two examples that I feel reflect the importance of quality typography in a design.HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Digg
Since its launch in 2004, Digg (Digg reviews) has attracted more than 30 million unique visitors and 327 million page views per month. Its social bookmarking features allow users to submit their favorite pictures, videos, and articles to be voted on by their peers. The most popular and relevant of which, based on Digg’s algorithm, are promoted to the front page for all visitors to see.
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of DiggDefinitive PHP security checklist | sk89q
ActionScript の最適化って色々なサイトに載っていますが、wonderfl にまとめて載っておくとコードと動きを同時に確認できるし、自分のためにも便利だと思って色々と投稿しました。コードへのリンクに個人的な私見を加えてご紹介します。ただ、人によって意見が異なるかもしれないので、コードと動きを直接確認しておくことをお勧めします。この処理はおかしいんじゃないか?とかありましたらコメントください。 変数名の長さによる処理速度の違い 変数名の長さによる違いはありません。ですので変数名は、他の人が見やすい・自分が後で確認しても分かり易いような名前を付けておいた方が良いです。 変数を参照する際の処理速度の違い 上のコードでは _getPi <<< Math.PI <<< MyMath.PI = Main.PI < PI = _pi = ns::_pi = pi という結果で、ビルトインクラスのプロパティアクセスは若干重いので、ループ内で大量に参照する場合は変数に格納しておく方が良いです。また、getter アクセスの実態は関数ですので結構重いみたいです。MyMath.PI や Main.PI は、他の参照方法に比べると一階層下がるので若干重いですが、100 万回もループしての結果なので、あまり気にする必要はないんじゃないかと思います。ただ、注意事項が一つありますので「色々な整数化手段での処理速度の違い」も目を通しておいて下さい。 if … else と switch での処理速度の違い if … else 文は比較回数が少ない場合は軽いですが、比較回数が増えると switch 文の方が高速です。ただ、100 万回も処理させて数ミリ秒の違いですので、臨機応変に見やすい方を記述しておけば良いんじゃないかと思います。 色々な整数化手段での処理速度の違い
ActionScript の最適化 TipsResearch: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Tips by the frugal traveler on
Best practices for researching a vacation.
essential travel websites
Good set of links for flights, etc複眼中心 : iPhoneに祝日を自動登録
これは簡単かつ大事。設定しよう。高速化の切り札「FasterFox」でブラウザ魔改造 :教えて君.net
最大限技術系サイトに必需品! ソースコードは鮮やかに
「SyntaxHighlighter」の紹介記事。SyntaxHighlighterはBash/shell, C#, C++, CSS, Delphi, Diff, Groovy, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Visual Basic, XMLに対応してるっぽい。
☆☆☆☆☆10 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Be Reading |
Audio and Video Answers for your Digital LifestyleRoundup of CSS Resources - More CSS Resources Than You Can Shake a Stick At : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
This is a large collection of css resources that will help you in your every day web design and development tasks. Below you will find CSS Forums, discussion lists, resources, learning and tutorial sites for css, css blogs, css codes, css snippets, css galleries & showcases, layouts and more.Doing a 15 Minute Presentation in 10 Easy Steps « The Other Librarian
コリスさん恒例のjQueryのプラグイン33+1選です。Definitive Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing - Left The Box
Mooi overzichtelijk artikel over Womma
What is Word of Mouth Marketing Why Word of Mouth Marketing is Important - Pitfalls of Advertising - During Product Creation Elements of Word of Mouthホルモン焼の部位と味についてのまとめ : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
大阪行きたいなーー。いいまとめ。レトロやヴィンテージ風の画像を作成するPhotoshopのチュートリアル集 | コリス
With video examples.
Wrapi-do - one true way of headphone wrapping.
The point of this post is whether your headphones are rubbery or plasticky should be irrelevant to the effectiveness of keeping them untangled, because you should be following the One True Way Of Headphone Wrapping. Wrapi-do in Japanese, I believe. Also affectionately known as The Devil Horn Method. All snark aside (momentarily at least), this little hack really has kept my buds tangle-free for years now.
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Oma metodini on sulloa koko nippu kiireessä taskuun. Tuloksena aina hieman erilainen pulmapeli.Lifehacker - Create a Log to Keep Track of Your Job Search - Downloads
If you've submitted more resumes to more places than you can possibly remember, it's time to start keeping a log of where and when you've applied to each job.9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design
un articulo sobre SEO
Search Engine Optimization tips made simple.Don't let junior programmers cowboy code | Code of Doom
consejo: no soltar en el ruedo a los programadores juniorTwitter Bible: All You Need To Know About Twitter
Excellent resource on all about Twitter - for businesses and individualsTop 10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life, 2010 Edition - Clutter - Lifehacker
Some very good advice from Thoughtbot on constructing Rails Engines. I've started using their [Clearance]( engine for user authentication.
from GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTSInfovore » Learning to Think Like A Programmer
Should journalists learn to code?
What’s really important is to not understand how to do magical things with code, but to learn what magical things are possible, what the necessary inputs for that magic are, and who to ask to do it. Identify the repetitive tasks that computers are good at. Yes, they’re good at find-and-replace, but tools like regular expressions are even handier, and I’m amazed how few people understand that find-and-replace is the beginning, not the end, of text processing. (And yes, I’m aware that regex are a quick way to give yourself two problems.)
Useful advise to anyone looking to work with online tools. I can't write a computer program but my understanding of the fundamentals has helped me no end.
"It requires you to learn to translate intent into code, to know what’s possible, to know what’s easy and what’s hard, and to know what to do when third-party things you’re glueing together don’t work." "Computers are really good at processing regular data, and they are really, really good at repetitive tasks. Every time I watched someone in an office doing a repetitive, regular task I despaired, because that’s exactly the kind of thing we have computers for." "…nowadays, computers are a sort of primary source too. You’ve got to learn to interrogate them effectively - and quote them meaningfully - too." A sibling suggestion would be ‘Learn to explore inquisitively’. One of the reasons only 20% of an application’s functionality is used by the majority of users is that their major motivation when they start using an application is ‘How do I do [x] in [y]?’, as opposed ‘What [x]s can [y] do for me?’
What’s really important is to not understand how to do magical things with code, but to learn what magical things are possible, what the necessary inputs for that magic are, and who to ask to do it.
The more I talk to academics, the more I echo the following sentiment: "I remain convinced there’s an interesting book on “doing smart stuff with computers that isn’t quite programming but isn’t far off”, because let’s face it, most people deal with data all the time now, and have the ideal tool for working with it on their desks."これだけは読んでおきたい、すぐに使える新社会人向けビジネススキル10選 - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
初心忘るべからず“Eradicate this Fortification!” & 22 Other Tips for Delivering a Great Speech | Redfin Corporate Blog
Eradicate this fortification!
at Redfin Corporate Blog
Dicas para uma boa apresentação.Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features | News | TechRadar UK
Most Mac applications have preferences, enabling you to fine-tune certain elements or toggle specific items of functionality. Most also hide things from you, burying potentially useful features under a mound of geek.
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features Tweak Safari, iTunes and more via the Terminal
tweaks via consolaWhat An Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know |
More blog thinking.
What an Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know-tips for blog building (Chris Brogan) [from]The Freelancer's iPhone: Productivity solutions for independent professionals
ããããããShift, Ctrl, Esc ãªã©ã®æ´å²ã«ã¤ãã¦ã®èª¿æ»
なんでシフトキーというのか、コントロールキーというのか。ディープにTwitterを活用するための、専門的なアカウント一覧のリスト - できるネット+ 編集部ブログ
twitterのまとめサイト(2)Perfect defect » Blog Archive » 120 sposobów na umysłowego “kopa”
Ostatnio trafiłem na świetną stronę prezentującą sto dwadzieścia sposób na to, by poprawić pracę mózgu ( Jej autor pozwolił mi przetłumaczyć tą listę. Wiele wpisów zawiera linki do anglojęzycznych stron, zawierających uzupełnienie i szczegóły. Dodatkowo dodałem parę polskich odpowiedników.
Sposoby na poprawę pracy mózgu, nie żadna chemiaSeven more Xbox 360 secrets Microsoft doesn't tell you | News | TechRadar UK
More tips 'n' tricks to get the best from your console6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
"6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan"
not only great high level tips but also great comments on where to start, prioritize and effect a social media marketing planUse CSS Borders for 3D Effects - McArthur GFX
すげぇーーー。ここまで綺麗だとすげえ。CSS: A tribute to selectors | For A Beautiful Web
About CSS attribute selectors.
advanced selectorsIllustrator Quick Tips #2 - Scatter Brushes | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Illustrator tricks!
This creates a scatter brush based on one element. The element is randomly scattered at different sizes. Pretty handy.
Brushes are very useful in Photoshop we can create all sorts of effects from clouds to grunge and many more. In lllustrator it is not different, actually it's easier to create and use brushes than in Photoshop because you can preview how they will look anNot a GTD Disciple? Don’t Worry About It
This UI/NUI/UNI/NUNI system (which is also lots of fun to say) is incredibly useful, and I can’t believe I never heard of it. But then, not being much of a self-help book consumer, I didn’t read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Covey, which is where it came from. And I was way too footloose and fancy-free to be thinking about that kind of thing back in 1989, when the book was published. One other bit of wisdom that I stumbled across while investigating Covey’s quadrants: It appears that people tend to expend most of their energy on the Urgent/Important and Urgent/Not Important tasks, get burned out, and go straight to the NUNIs to relax. Prevailing wisdom says that you shouldn’t neglect the NUIs. They’re good for your soul
Prioritize Your Tasks by Urgency and Importance
Stephen Covey’s four quadrants of activity managementStrive for low coupling and high cohesion What does that even mean
"A standard bit of advice for people who are learning to design their code better, who want to write software with intention as opposed to coincidence, often parroted by the advisor with no attempt to explain the meaning."
oクックパッドというサービスを男性エンジニアはどのように解釈すれば良いか - Future Insight
削る成功例が日本にあるのはいいね10 Fantastic Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube
Great for Photoshiop level 1 students: Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for over 20 years, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and social media customizers alike. But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve. With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling. But fear not, gentle reader, for the collective wisdom of YouTube() is at your disposal. Photoshop tutorials abound on the video network. Some are superb, while others may not be worth your precious clickthrough. For help, check out the resourceful selections below. Whether you’re brand new to Photoshop or a seasoned veteran, there’s always something to learn from the screencasting community.
Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for over 20 years, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and social media customizers alike. But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve. With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling.Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips - Techwawwe's posterous
"Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips" via @cti97 #htaccess #webdeveloperHOW TO: Clean Up Your Facebook Profile
Comment faire un peu de ménage sur votre profil #Facebook - Frequent Flier's Guide to Finding Cheap Airfare - Saving Money - Lifehacker
As a designer, you will eventually have to face a couple of unfortunate truths in your career. Number one: just because you wear a bathrobe for most of your “business” hours does not actually make it business attire. Number two: at some point in your freelance career, you will encounter a client who does not respect the work you do. The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.
I would like to point out that in future I will be using this article as reference for my freelance work. Thanks for posting it :) Reply * 13 DIGITAL7 Media April 9th, 2010 7:27 am
e most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services on100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators |
For students and teachers, the Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
GoogleDocs at work30 Habits that Will Change your Life
I’m always amazed that more people don’t know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are 10 of my favorites.
10 Simple Google Search TricksPublic Speaking – How I Prepare Every Time
The 4-hour work-week guyCreating a Triptych in Lightroom
3 photos side by sideThe Basics of Business Card Design | Design Informer
The Basics of Business Card Design | Design Informer -デザインする人に必要な能力は?:DESIGN IT! w/LOVE
* 知る・感じる・疑問に思う * 解釈する・発想する・組み立てる * 具体化する・検証する・洗練させる * 仕事をはじめ、終わらせる10 Things to Do Immediately After a Networking Event
facebook twitter linkedin combine straitgy
The true color of networking is often revealed after the event itself.
Excellent post for people to whom social networking doesn't come naturally or comfortably - would be especially good for teachers or students who are new to social media.夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 - ヲハニュース
動画一覧】夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座CommentsAdd Starneojin36nuke 一部年齢制限があるのでYouTubeのアカウントがないと見れなかったり。 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 (動画は重複あり)
YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 To Develop A Homepage Layout That Sells
Have you ever given serious thought as to why marketers are so infatuated with the idea of "viral"? Think about it
Let Content, Context, Connectivity and Continuity Guide Your Efforts| David ArmanoImprove Your CSS Skills With Pure CSS UI Components | W3Avenue
一些常见CSSSocial Media and Public Relations Consulting � PR Squared
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers ...
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers 1. Every brand can be and should be “social” 2. Just get started 3. Integrated marketing vs. social media 4. Find your brand’s own path 5. Media $ versus human capital 6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company’s 7. Your agency needs to walk the walk 8. Get legal involved early 9. Have a crisis management plan 10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI – One of the most popular questionsConversation Agent: Top Ten Reasons Why Your Company Should not Have a Blog
(1) You get part time results for part time effort. (2) You never heard of a never ending "campaign" - called building permission-based relationships and learning with the community. (3) You publish only "perfect" posts. (5) You think it's marketing's job to write and edit the posts. (6) Your readers' comments are in lemon ink. (7) You ask all your sales people to hit the blog daily to get good traffic. (8) You hire an agency to blog for you.
I wrote a post a week or so ago about 3 things you should know before starting a blog and we had a very good conversation around those themes. In the comments, Mack Collier added two things that I feel should be highlighted:
While I encourage social media usage, I'm increasingly finding the "why not to engage" reasons compelling and well worth ensuring it's part of the process.Essential tips to get the best from iTunes | News | TechRadar UK
For example, a playlist where the genre is blues and also rock, plus bit rate is greater than 128. And, best of all, if you check Live updating, the Smart Playlist will watch the library and automatically add any new files that meet the criteria you have set up.10 Ways to Get Better Sleep (and Maybe Cure Your Insomnia) - US News and World Report
Estrategias para curarse el insomnioGoogle Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying.
The google ninjas mentioned at ala2009
Gmail is far and away the best online email management system out there right now. But a lot of people still use it like a regular email service, never touching some of its power-features that can really help with email overload. So Google launched a new Tips area of the site today to serve as a reference point for how to become what it calls a “Gmail Ninja.
reading Google Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying. [from]
Good article about the power of Google in research.本当に忙しいときでも GTD の効果を引き出す7つのポイント |
GTD の基礎ですね。Usability Quotes
ユーザビリティに関する、様々な格言。誰か上手な日本語にしてくれないかな?How-To: Creating Seamless Textures with Photoshop CS4
Have you ever needed to tile a picture of some sort of texture – fabric, grass, sand, water, stones – only to find that when you do, you can see the sides of the images repeated throughout? It looks awful! People have to tile images for all sorts of reasons. These reasons range from simple things like tiled computer backgrounds to more complicated endeavors, like texturing a 3D image in a digital rendering, video game or virtual world.
Why pay for a disc of pre-made textures or a pricey Photoshop plugin to get the texture you want? Grab a source image and follow this simple tutorial to make your own seamless texture. Although the author of the tutorial flags it as a tutorial for Photoshop CS4, the tutorial will work in any version of Photoshop with the Offset filter and the clone stamp tool. Find a source image you want to turn into a seamless texture. It helps to choose a source texture that has either a fairly simple and easily blended pattern, or a complex pattern that will make hiding any imperfections easy. Check out the video below to see the technique in action:
TEXTURES BACKGROUNDSHow To: Create a Live-Booting XP CD or DVD
The creators of the previously mentioned, versatile CD/DVD burning tool CDBurnerXP have posted a guide in their forums to using the program to create a live-booting Windows XP (or 2000/2003) disc.
Like BartPE bootable windows CD
and slipstream
boot slip stream slipstream10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks
.nyud.netWatch World Famous Chefs Teach Basic Techniques (in Video) - Cooking - Lifehacker
Dotted Arrows in CSS technique with border dotted
CSS Callouts. Used in the Image Annotator
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clever10分のトレーニングで3倍速以上に読めるteruyastar速読法 - teruyastarはかく語りき
Via @orian
I work with and associate with a lot of talented people in this space. On a rare occasion people mistake me for talented. This post is a great reminder that it’s okay to say no to some requests, in fact, sometime it’s a game changer.
Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities.高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 「NoScript」をやめて「RequestPolicy」にした
NoScript いいけどなぁ。一般人には使いにくいだろうけど。普段使わないサイトで JavaScript が必要な場合は、Chrome か Safari を使うので問題ないし。10 Improvements You Can Make to Your Resume Right Now - Stepcase Lifehack
I spent several years behind a desk at an employment agency. The first thing we would ask any client was how recently they had updated their resume. The10年後も通用する文章術(1) 「駄目でない」文章を書くための9カ条:ITpro
(1)主張を書いて! (2)理由を書いて! (3)(構造化の)階層をそろえて書いて! (4)概要と詳細に分けて書いて! (5)一言で表現して! (6)抽象的な表現でなく,具体的に言って! (7)省略をしないで書いて! (8)事実と意見は分けて書いて! (9)論点を明確にして! よい文章を書くための6力 (1)確実に伝える〜論点絞り力 (2)納得させる〜論理的記述力 (3)一目で認知させる〜構造化力 (4)理解しやすくする〜平易表現力 (5)正確に伝える〜正確表現力 (6)少ない文章量で伝える〜短文表現力
文章を見ると思わず言ってしまうこと (1)主張を書いて! (2)理由を書いて! (3)(構造化の)階層をそろえて書いて! (4)概要と詳細に分けて書いて! (5)一言で表現して! (6)抽象的な表現でなく,具体的に言って! (7)省略をしないで書いて! (8)事実と意見は分けて書いて! (9)論点を明確にして!
「当て布」にもウールを使 うといわゆるテカリを防げます。
また普段のちょっとした手入れで、スーツのもちもずいぶんかわります。正しい手入れ方法を知り、普段からお手入れを心がけるようにしましょう。Venture Hacks — Why startup pitches fail
Why startup pitches fail
the stage of your business—for example, some businesses are just getting started with an idea, while others are printing money. Focus your pit
Pitches usually fail because they answer the wrong questions. The right questions depend on the stage of your business. post by Eric Ries, a founder of IMVU and an advisor to Kleiner Perkins.The Simple Dollar » A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Credit Card Interest Rates Reduced
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The brilliance of creative chaos
essay by Clive James
Are we able to think clearly when surrounded by mess because chaos is inherent in all our minds, even those of the great writers and thinkers?10 Things Teachers Should Know to Get Started with Twitter - Arizona K-12 Center Blog
great how to
Tony Vincent
RT @aliyares: If you know a non-Twittering educator, send them here: #NECC09 @johnstonsarah [from]
10 Things Teachers Should Know To Get Started With Twitter RT @phaoloo #teachers (via @TrendTracker) [from][CSS]クロスブラウザ対応のフリーのナビゲーション集 -Styled Menu | コリス
コードも使用画像もフリーでダウンロードできるナビゲーションメニューいろいろ。To Follow or Not to Follow; that is the Question
explication of social dynamics/etiquette, good links
establish a following policy
Unless you are a Twitter user who immediately follows everyone who follows you, we have all experienced losing Followers because, for whatever reason, we did not follow them in return. To be sure, deciding when to follow or not follow is not only a personal decision, but one which is driving a growing debate in the Blogosphere. How this debate plays out may have a profound impact on how people use Twitter and how the service will grow in the future.The Proper Way to Draw Rounded Corners « Usability Post
Tips and insights into good design and usability
I’ve been noticing a lot of the same mistake people make when implementing rounded corners in their designs around the Web. For some reason the rounded corner poses a problem when it has another rounded corner inside it — so either there’s a border going around or there is another rounded shape sitting inside a rounded shape.Dan Blank: Publishing, Innovation & the Web » Blog Archive » How to Create a High Quality Blog
Blogs made to simply succeed
Great tips for media outlets to publish a blog that people will actually, you know, read.
Dan Blank provides another list of ways to make your blog work. And he didn't use a numbered list! But it's a pretty good list for those who are starting out (are there any of those newspapers left? I hope not).
Dan Blank gives some marketing-focused advice on how to create a great blog.
"Today, I want to look beyond just creating "a" blog, and share some strategies and tactics for creating a "great" blog." - One of the better lists for newspaper bloggersケータイのユーザーIDを取得する方法まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
携帯のID取得方法まとめMy Best Advice About Social Networking |
amazing twitter research capabilities.
Twitter for Research: Why and How to Do It, Including Case StudiesHow to Handle Tightwads & Charge What You’re Worth - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
The penny-pinching, wheel-and-dealing, bargain-hunting prospect. As a freelancer, dealing with this type of person is part of the territory.30 Web Design SEO Tips for Web Masters - Daily SEO blog
Very important for any designer to remember, or be reminded of. As I finally get closer to starting the redesign of my blog, this is great info to have aroundDjango Conventions Project | Surfing in Kansas
Django conventions
Welcome to my project on Django Conventions. Below I will try and lay out a list of basic conventions that should be used when creating Reusable Django Applications. Nobody is going to force you to follow these rules, but I think that they will be a good reference point for Best Practices and Conventions. Please contact me if you have any questions or leave comments below. If this page is useful, please feel free to suggest more conventions that are applicable.Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine | JS tipsCoding Horror: So You'd Like to Send Some Email (Through Code)
Extra setup required for your app to send email. Some tips on how to get that going, check that you have what you need, and test it's working
Just some tidbits to keep around in case I end up writing an smtp server on a side job I'm considering15 CSS Habits to Develop for Frustration-Free Coding - Noupe
This is one of the best CSS tips/habits list to use, for sure.The Ultimate Guide to Wordpress Hacks & Customizations | Graphic and Web Design Blog
hackesThe Savvy Networker- Yahoo! HotJobs
10 phrases that kill a resumeFive Tips For Making Ideas Happen - Smashing Magazine
momentum, projects for yourself5 Unique Ways to Use Twitter for Business
twitter materialCSS Tips I Wish I Knew When I First Started | MyInkBlog
CSS Tips I Wish I Knew When I First Started rt @richbuggerUseful Design Tips For Your iPad App - Smashing Magazine
With tools like Appcelerator's Titanium and some JavaScript programming skill, creating native iPhone and iPad apps is simple. The danger is in not being always onThe Pragmatic Bookshelf | List of Tips
Regular Expressions are the Swiss Army knife for searching through information for certain patterns. They have a wide arsenal of tools, some of which often go undiscovered or underutilized. Today I will show you some advanced tips for working with regular expressions.19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs to Know | Maximum PC
It’s been about six months since Windows 7 hit the market, so we figure most of our readers have made their upgrades. For those who’ve made that jump, we present a bottle of our favorite Windows 7 tips, each designed to help you extract the very last bits of convenience and GUI-navigating performance from your own personal dream machine. And if you haven’t yet upgraded to Win7, we trust you will after reading this article, as its core features—let alone its actual Lab-benchmarked performance—kicks Vista and XP ass.
Your OS drives your whole PC experience, so it's your job as an enthusiast to keep it in a high state of tune
It’s been about six months since Windows 7 hit the market, so we figure most of our readers have made their upgrades. For those who’ve made that jump, we present a bottle of our favorite Windows 7 tips, each designed to help you extract the very last bits of convenience and GUI-navigating performance from your own personal dream machine. And if you haven’t yet upgraded to Win7, we trust you will after reading this article, as its core features—let alone its actual Lab-benchmarked performance—kicks Vista and XP ass. We close out our tuning session with a tip designed to supercharge the process of installing the OS. By loading Windows 7 onto a USB key, and making that key a bootable drive, you can do an end-run around slow optical-drive technology and install your OS in (pardon the pun) a flash. It’s time to get started. Park your computer, but don’t shut down. This is one PC tune-up that can only be done with your engine running.How to Create a Facebook Fan Page Editorial Guide | Social Media Examiner
Artículo que explica cómo crear una página de facebook. Muy interesanteComponents of a Great Website Footer | Smiley Cat Web Design
ourage prospective customers to get in touch.
LegalHow to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience « Usability Post
How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience
Active Listening consists of a set of communication techniquesまとめ:USBメモリを120%活用できるフリーソフト19選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX®, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Divertido y didáctico artículo donde una serie de reflexiones de Benjamin Franklin son aplicadas a la administración de sistemas.
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.少しのコードで実装可能な20のCSS小技集 | Webクリエイターボックス
便利なCSSのTips 集。目新しいものはありませんが、実践で役に立ちそうなものばかりです。
使える小技19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know - windows 7 - Gizmodo
ialog is history
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know - windows 7 - Gizmodoねぇ、結局デジカメって何万画素必要なの?
最大A4サイズまで印刷する人はけっこういます。そういう人なら、400万画素のデジカメで十分ということになります。多少トリミングしたいのであれば、600万画素くらいのデジカメで撮影していると余裕があります。Measuring Measures - blog - 7 Tips for Successful Self-Learning
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers – Christophe AMALRIC (TiKris)
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managersネイティブアプリ開発の必読リンク5本 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
| iPhone 3G Wiki blogHow to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience
How often have you heard the argument that not following back everyone who follows you is ’snobby’ and ‘arrogant’? (It’s not, and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you so. You have a right to choose who you follow and don’t follow.) Following everyone back...
How to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience [from]
short answer: tweetdeck
@DEE522 Yeah ( and ( is interesting too, got me thinking. [from]How to Calibrate Color for the Web | Webdesigner Depot
When is orange more like red? Web designers, even picky ones, sometimes ignore color shift across monitors. How is a web designer to manage color when the
When is orange more like red? Web designers, even picky ones, sometimes ignore color shift across monitors. How is a web designer to manage color when the screens of their users could be any size or color or could be viewed under any lighting conditions? Unlike fixing HTML errors, which affect browsers as the page is loaded, getting accurate color is part of the designer’s work process. Maintaining colors across projects is possible once the problems are understood. Read on for the challenges—and solutions—to getting consistent color on the web.木、葉っぱ、雲、水など自然に関するPhotoshopブラシセット:phpspot開発日誌
自然のブラシ。はてなブックマークのやりすぎちゃったかもしれないSEO - ぼくはまちちゃん!(Hatena)
which is the cheapest for using Lan service?15 Applications For A Better Facebook Fan Page | Inspired Magazine
I could use some of this for the Fort page...
Facebook fan page apps
15 Applications For A Better Facebook Fan Page36 SEO Myths That Won’t Die But Need To
when has that made
A list of common SEO myths that are still around today. As featured on Search Engine Land.10 Killer Tips for Creating a Branded YouTube Channel
YT has changed so much since 2005.Usability Do’s And Don’ts For Interactive Design - Smashing Magazine
cts an un
the child combinator, the adjacent sibling combinator, and the general sibling combinator21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase | Social Media Examiner
Really great list to make tweaks to a Facebook fan page from @marismith8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography | Design Shack
8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography
8 nguyen tac typo10 Dos and Don'ts for Brands on Twitter
RT @KOttavio: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter from @mashable:
This could apply to libraries & other organizations too.
In short: be professional, use grammar, be content oriented, don't get too personal, engage users who say positive things about your brand, make it a conversation
corporate Twitter how-toTop WordPress hacks of early 2010
disable themes section of admin and select theme programmatically
ver com atençãoSEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 2 of 2)
Last November, I authored a popular post on SEOmoz detailing 15 SEO Problems and the Tools to Solve Them. It focused on a number of free tools and SEOmoz PRO tools. Today, I'm finishing up that project with a stab at another set of thorny issues that continually confound SEOs and how some new ...mysqlでいちいちshow databasesとか打つのがめんどい→readlineのマクロで解決 - (ひ)メモ
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community,...Seth's Blog: The five pillars of success
success sethgodin inspiration strategy business ; The five pillars of success:See (really see) what's possibleKnow specifically what you want to achieveMake good decisionsUnderstand the tactics to get things done and to change mindsEarn the trust and respect of the people around youIt sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.
Basics from Seth Godin. The five pillars of success 1. See (really see) what's possible 2. Know specifically what you want to achieve 3. Make good decisions 4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds 5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you It sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.
1. See (really see) what's possible 2. Know specifically what you want to achieve 3. Make good decisions 4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds 5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you
See (really see) what's possible Know specifically what you want to achieve Make good decisions Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds Earn the trust and respect of the people around you It sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.Windows XP簡単ディスク・ダイエット術 11のポイント - @IT
So what format should I use? Here are my 3 rules of thumb - that work for me: 1. The master copy of your digital video should be in AVI set to play at 25 frames per second, displaying a size of 720x576 pixels. 2. Use this master AVI to export Internet ready versions in MP4, WMV and Ogg Theora, all set to play at no less than 12.5 frames per second, displaying at 320x240 pixels. 3. Upload the MP4 to your preferred video publishing service (eg Youtube or and that service will convert your video to the Flash Video format for reliable playback on all computers.
tips on video formats
Video file formats are a real nightmare!9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know | Nettuts+
Great read on necessary PHP FunctionsGojko Adzic » Improving performance and scalability with DDD
Distributed systems are not typically a place where domain driven design is applied. Distributed processing projects often start with an overall architecture vision and an idea about a processing model which basically drives the whole thing, including object design if it exists at all. Elaborate object designs are thought of as something that just gets in the way of distribution and performance, so the idea of spending time to apply DDD principles gets rejected in favour of raw throughput and processing power. However, from my experience, some more advanced DDD concepts can significantly improve performance, scalability and throughput of distributed systems when applied correctly.
One of the most important building blocks of DDD that can help in distributed systems are aggregates. Unfortunately, at least judging by the discussions that I’ve had with client teams over the last few years, aggregates seem to be one of the most underrated and underused building blocks of DDD. I’m probably as guilty as anyone else of misusing aggregates and it took me quite a while to grasp the full potential of that concept. But from this perspective I think that getting aggregates just right is key to making a distributed system work and perform as expected.WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%
RT @kadavy WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%製サイト高速化Firefoxアドオン「Page Speed」を試してみました:phpspot開発日誌
JavaScript 等の速度を測定する。Firefox add-onThe Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You're Not Using - Clever Uses - Lifehacker
drop boxDo you have 16 boxes?
Interesting approach to dealing with big problems that you seem to have no control over.
This is a must-read if you’re concerned about the health of your personal brand, job, or company during the current economic recession. If one thing is out of sync, don’t let it cause panic, build up the other aspects of your business so that when we come out of this thing, you’re suddenly ahead of the game (and your competitors).
keeping it balanced25 Resources for Learning How to Customize Your Browser - Mashable
No matter which browser you prefer, there’s a plethora of ways to customize the way you surf the Web. There are countless plugins, extensions, toolbars and more. Some of these are easy to install while others require a little more effort.
Great Collection of tools for different browsersMultipurpose Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds offer more then just a fantastic drink, use the grounds around your home, garden and even as a beauty product.A New Employer: 8 Steps to Put Your Best Foot Forward - Stepcase Lifehack
Stick to your policies. If you charge extra to rush a job - ALWAYS CHARGE EXTRA - so true
# Delegate to the right people at the right times. Make sure your team is well-ordered. If one person is faster, put him or her on the part of your task that will take longest. If one person is more skilled and accurate, put him or her on the part of the task that is most critical.
wikiHow article about How to Work Smart, Not Hard.mixi Engineers’ Blog » DBMによるテーブルデータベース
テーブルデータベースとは 簡単に言えば、リレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのように、複数の列からなるレコードを格納できるデータベースです。SQLや表結合などの複雑な機能はサポートしませんが、そのぶん高速に動作します。つまり、DBMの速度で動くリレーショナル風データベースです(厳密にはリレーショナルデータベースではありません)。
Tokyo Cabinet DBM の使い方に関するチュートリアル
table databaseA List Apart: Articles: Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times
working in the economic downturn , excellent article [from]
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
February 17, 2009 Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times by Pepi RonaldsAdobe - デベロッパーセンター : ActionScript Thread Library 1.0 (そうめん) で非同期処理をスマートに
Threadのざっくりした説明。Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » A Social Interaction Primer
Article discussing the frame work on social interaction design and how a 2.0 expereince needs a different way of thinking focusing on the users expectations and assumptions instead of the creators intended purpose.無料の写真画像の利用条件の確認方法と検索方法 | コリス
こういうのまってましたw10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid | OMG! Ubuntu!
Great list of Ubuntu tweaksHOW TO: Spring Clean Your Twitter Account
Spring clean your twitter accountOld calendars never really go out of date. | Wise Bread
This little fact was big news to me. I was casually flicking through a magazine at work when something caught my eye; it was buried in the bottom corner of one page and stated that you can use old calendars in the years to come. And this year, there are a bunch of great old dates to choose from. As some of you may already know, there are a limited number of combinations for calendars – 14 to be exact (half account for years with 365 days, the other half for leap years). Big deal? Probably not, but here’s why it excites me. In this day and age of personalization, tattoos, piercings and various other ways to flaunt our individuality, most of us are looking for ways to express ourselves and make our surroundings more unique.Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
There's more to Google Maps than a place you double-check your directions. Google's data-stuffed site offers a lot of helpful tools for vacationers, spreadsheet nerds, bikers, and others. Today we're digging into Google's data-rich geo-tool and pulling out some helpful lesser-known features.
RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Geo RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do第3回 モバイルサイトを見やすくする絵文字活用&テキストレイアウトのポイント | Web担当者Forum
この連載では、PCのWebサイトとは異なるモバイルならではのユーザビリティに特化して、モバイルサイト構築におけるユーザビリティの基本、成果を出すためにはどうすればいいのか。制約の多いモバイル端末だからこそ求められるモバイルサイトのユーザビリティ、そのポイントをお伝えします。100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
good list of useful 3rd party apps「iPhone + モレスキン」が最強のコンビであることについて |
■「淡蒼球」を動かす4つのスイッチ [B] Body カラダを動かす [E] Experience いつもと違うことをする [R] Reward ごほうびを与える [I] Ideomotor なりきる
日曜日の朝、平日より遅く起きていませんか? 起床のリズムを崩すことはおすすめできません。
Annotated link
進化の過程を思い出してください。脳とカラダのどちらが先に発達したか。もちろんカラダです。カラダのない動物はいませんが、脳のない動物はいくらでもいます。脳は進化の歴史では新参者なのです。「楽しいから笑う」のではなく「笑うから楽しい」、「やる気が出たからやる」のではなく「やるからやる気が出る」のです。10 Twitteriffic tools -
circa March 2009
tips for twitterHow to Grow Your Follower Numbers to Over 10,000 in a Week
The Twitaway: An Experiment In Social Media It’s never too late to build a large, loyal Twitter following—if you think outside the box. In this guestWindows 7: How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key
windows 7 beta product key
Reading: Windows 7: How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key [from]The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources - Noupe
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources
크로스브라우징을 위한 리셋 및 테스터立体的でリアルなデザインをしたいなら「5つの光」を理解しよう - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
それっぽくThe Silent Number: Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
Sorry to tease, but Solang is not packaged for Ubuntu anywhere yet! Will update when available. In the meantime, try gThumb and Shotwell.Guidelines for Writing a Good About Page
Guidelines for Writing a Good About Page - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Writing an about pageLDAP basics
これはgithubでサイト作成したい人にはいいかも。俺はgit自体を管理してるサーバ作っちゃってる。Tutorial Roundup for Getting Started with InDesign
Mac backups, insurance and recovery software.JavaScript 内で無圧縮 ZIP を作って Data URI を生成するライブラリを作りました - IT戦記
Pure Javascript ZIP file generation
JSでzip.5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
list of things you can't afford to cheap out on, because doing so will bite you in the ass later. Still, since we like you, we're also sharing how to save a bit of money in the process, so the whole not-cheaping-out thing doesn't hurt as much.Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style
Elements Of Twitter Style -
"Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style"
Advice on writing tweets and using Twitter.21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
Ein Excerpt von Brian Solis' neuem Buch. Damit die 381 Social Media Berater in Deutschland endlich mal wieder eine neue Präsentation machen können und Klaus Eck und Konsorten wieder viele neue "eigene" Ideen auszubreiten haben.
RT @JamieCrager 21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business - #Engage (RT @briansolis - in case you missed it) – Javan Ng (javanng) - Match Your Learning Style with the Proper Productivity Tools - Organization
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable.
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable. Photo by Jacob Botter. Organization blog Unclutterer digs into identifying one's own learning style, something we've discussed here before, as well as the related activities and daily habits that can increase organization and productivity. To pin your style down, you'll run through several categories and questions. Here are some sample statements from the visual category:Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Easy Ways to Look Sharp
How to look sharp
In a perfect world it wouldn't matter what a genius JavaScript programmer or top-flight professional looked like In this world
How to Fold Wrinkle Free Clothes How to tie different tie “Default” templates in Django
If yo
JeffCroftJavaScriptで画像の本来の幅と高さを取得する - inamenaiの日記
imageのwidth,height10 Essential PHP Code Snippets You Might be Looking For | DevSnippets
「お願いだから、コンテンツにキーワードを詰め込まないでくれ」 ワロタwcodeNothing? 8 jQuery Micro Optimization Tips
Now I am in no way advocating that you lose the abstraction that jQuery provides, but rather, providing a faster alternative that doesn't require the use of jQuery. Always keep in mind that while not as elegant, native javascript can do what you want faster.
also includes interesting links「人見知り」を少しずつ直すための4つの心がけ : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
今度出向するので…HOW TO: Secure Your WordPress Blog
Here are some of our tips for keeping your WordPress website or blog more secure and less susceptible to malicious attacks.あまり知られてないけど、すごく効果のある花粉症対策まとめ - 分裂勘違い君劇場
いろいろ参考になるな〜。花粉症じゃないけど。What’s The Best Way To Handle Page Titles?
Qual'è il modo migliore di gestire i titoli di pagina?
Cual es la mejor manera de poner los titulos de las paginas?5 Tips for Making Your Business Presentations More Social
1. Create Anticipation, 2. Create a Social-Friendly Presentation, 3. Use Interactive Polling, 4. Use the Backchannel, but Wisely, 5. Keep the Conversation Going After You’ve Left the Podium
Great for press conferences, speaking opps, power points, etc
Use social tools to build buzz ahead of time, stage interactive text-message polls or get your audience talking by moderating a back-channel Twitter discussion, suggests Chuck Dietrich. "These methods allow you to connect with your audience before, during, and after you deliver your message," he adds.
Plodding through a dull PowerPoint presentation is no way to impress your audience. Seal the deal with social engagement using these 5 strategies.
nice hints for #fsln10 seminar on making presentations more social: 30 Cliches You Should Basically Avoid (Going Forward)
É comum ver scripts com dezenas de linhas de código pra fazer algo extremamente simples. Fica aqui meu apelo desesperado com algumas dicas rápidas.A useful print stylesheet • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
Articulo sobre como utilizar css para preparar una pagina para impresionかなり使えるPerl正規表現のまとめ - TokuLog 改めB日記
よくつかう正規表現はCPANモジュールにはいってるのをつかうのが楽Energy vampires: Fact versus fiction | Yahoo! Green
in the allowed number of devices, then power strips are safe, says Kielich. Just don't plug your power strip into another power strip, or you run the risk of creating an overload.
facts and fictionHow to work with “stupid” people
-How to work with “stupid” people Do’s and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web | Spyre Studios
18 Dos and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web
If you’re designing websites for a living or running your business online, there are 18 tips in this article that you should definitely read and remember.All There Is To Know About HTML5 and CSS3 | Design your way
HTML5 has definitely become a trend alongside its lil’ brother CSS3 because of their functions and utilities which makes them the next best thing in web design. Better even than Flash, maybe, in some situations. Being the next best thing will not determine you to use it, but the fact that it introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics will do. The most important thing for you to know is that you can’t learn it just by reading, you have to work with it, step by step, using these new techniques from the tutorials that I’m bringing you here and by the time HTML5 and CSS3 properties will be supported on every browser you’ll be a rockstar coder.Simple hacks to boost your Wi-Fi coverage | News | TechRadar UK
Flash Player 10 バージョン判別チェックリストとベストプラクティス。
今回のアップデートによりバージョンが "10" になったことで、Flash Player の歴史上初めて 2 桁のバージョン情報が登場したことになります。そのため、バージョン情報を表すストリングからメジャーバージョンを“特定の場所にある一字”として抜き出していた場合、Flash Player 10 のバージョンを "1" または "0" として誤認してしまうことになります。
ver.10 の判定失敗10 Ways to Be Happier - Healthy Living on Shine
Talks about the increases of CEOs using twitter and other SoMe.
advice for ceo's who twitterHow to Dry Herbs With a Microwave :
Handy tip for drying and storing herbs!Neighborhood Notes
15 Mashup Tools for Your Local Neighborhood10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things |
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy.
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy...
"Linux has caught up to the needs of today’s user and, in many cases, the media mounting/unmounting is automatic. But not every situation is the same. Here are some tips that should make your Linux life with removable media better."Particletree » Beautiful Code Roundup
While reading through lots of code can give you an appreciation of what well-written code looks and feels like, the ability to create it is a skill that is developed from experience and frustration. Luckily, there are a number of excellent articles and books out there to help the aspiring code perfectionist. The following resources are ones that have helped me personally strive to write code worth looking at写真をちょっと面白くする構図のくずし方 - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
2009年5月記事インターネットを活用した、ひきこもりのための株式会社の創り方 - グニャラくんのグニャグニャ備忘録@はてな
ネットでひきこもりながら会社を設立する方法について。以下流れ ・定款作成 ・.co.jpドメインの取得 ・公告方法を官報にしつつ、財務諸表のみをWebページに載せて官報掲載代を節約する ・法務局にいく ・登記情報提供サービスで設立を確認する ・法務局に行って印鑑カードを受け取る。 ・e-Taxを通じた、税務署への届出 ・eLTAXを通じた、都税事務所への届出 ・銀行口座を作成(住信SBIネット銀行) ・FAX番号を取得する(D-FAX) ・会社ロゴ作成(Lancers) ・名刺を作る(SuperPrintで注文) ・会計ソフト(弥生会計)で仕訳 ・必要なお金の総額:264,571円(うちロゴデザイン5万円) ・法務局に2回行くだけで株式会社を設立可能
株式会社wktkHTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue[CG]iPhone 3.0でテザリングを可能にする方法
Aug 6, 2008 - Aaron Wall's chart comparing elements
SEO hard to understand
I was just fixing up our Robots.txt tutorial today, and figured that I should blog this as well. From Eric Enge's interview of Matt Cutts I created the following chart. Please note that Matt did not say they are more likely to ban you for using rel=nofollow, but they have on multiple occasions stated that they treat issues differently if they think it was an accident done by an ignorant person or a malicious attempt to spam their search engine by a known SEO (in language that is more rosy than what I just wrote).ブログをデザインする時に見て欲しい、使いやすくするための工夫10個 ::
ここに書いてある内容は注意した方がいいと思う。Twitter Support
twitter helps
The Official Twitter Commands
Submitted Nov 06, 2008 by crystal The Official Twitter Commands Did you know: you can perform certain actions, like following or marking a friend's update as a favorite, by using the designated Twitter commands? Use the commands listed below from your phone, the web update box, or your favorite third party application.10 Tips to Keep Your Notebook Safe when Traveling ~ Chris Pirillo
If you must bring a laptop ...
These days, we Geeks don’t travel anywhere without our laptops . It’s a given that we need to have them on us! How would we survive?! Thankfully, Seth sent in the following tips to help us keep them safe while we are on the road.10 Days In a Carry-On - Slide Show -
RT @clembastow: How to pack for a 10-day trip using only a carry-on suitcase:
Heather Poole, a flight attendant from Los Angeles, demonstrates how to pack enough for a 10-day trip into a single standard carry-on.
STEP ONE Folded clothing takes up too much space. Instead, Ms. Poole tightly rolls everything, which also minimizes wrinkling. This suitcase will hold three pairs of shorts, three pairs of dress pants, one skirt, three pairs of casual pants or jeans, three nightgowns, three bathing suits, one sarong, three lightweight sweaters, four dresses, 10 casual shirts, six dress shirts, a clutch, toiletries and two pairs of shoes. She’ll wear the third pair of shoes, as well as jeans and a longer sweater.Twitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
Twitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
There is no denying that Twitter mania has taken over the world. Currently the fastest social network in existence, Twitter serves a valuable communication tool for a lot of its users.ユーザがつい読んでしまう表現方法とは? (ユーザビリティ実践メモ)
FAQ QAFive Things I Do With Every Ubuntu Installation ~ Linux Fanatics
Linux Fanatics
Everybody uses their desktop a little differently. For me, using Ubuntu means freedom of hassle, believe it or not. Why? Because of some simple things I do with each new Ubuntu installation.
that dedicated home directory is not safe in the event of a fire, backup that home directory7 Steps to Becoming a Confident Photographer: a Beginner’s Guide
amPhotography 101.6 - Shutter
How does a shutter in your camera work with nice pics.
Welcome to the sixth lesson in Photography 101 - A Basic Course on the Camera. In this series, we cover all the basics of camera design and use. We talk about the ‘exposure triangle’: shutter speed, aperture and ISO. We talk about focus, depth of field and sharpness, as well as how lenses work, what focal lengths mean and how they put light on the sensor. We also look at the camera itself, how it works, what all the options mean and how they affect your photos.Top 10 Motivation Boosters and Procrastination Killers - Procrastination - Lifehacker
Useful list of ideas on how to overcome procrastination
mental tricksControl and Conquer Stress:
Unique tips for dealing with stress.
The point is, stress attacks in all sorts of ways—which means that if you want to control it, contain it, conquer it, you need to fire back in kind.
52 Ways to Control and Conquer Stress [from]オススメGmailフィルタ9選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
The week gone by was loaded with essential reading, especially in the tech department. We know you’re busy, and digging through that RSS reader for all the good stuff you missed is a chore. That’s why we’ve once again gathered the Crème de la Crème in our weekly super-post. Take a weekend stroll through this garden of resources that includes a few environmentally friendly gadget guides, some killer small business advice, and an inbox master cleanse, which may be a weekend project itself.CSS Reset – a simpler option | Max Design
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.The
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.
a simpler css reset pageSteve Huffman on Lessons Learned at Reddit | Carsonified
Steve Huffman on Lessons Learned at Reddit By Keir Whitaker10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
Indeed, it is the period again — time to dive back in the week’s worth associated with social media marketing health benefits and get up to date upon any experience it's likely you have overlooked.
Yes, it’s that time again — time to delve back into a week’s worth of social media goodness and catch up on any insights you might have overlooked. This round-up features a host of analysis and resources for social non-profits, great mobile app reviews, and some paper saving tips for your small business.
21 Essential Social Media ResourcesDesigning Without Gradients | Build Internet!
Designing Without Gradients | Build Internet! 7 ½ Steps to Successful Infographics - Articles - MIX Online
RT @mixonline The 7 ½ Steps to Successful Infographics
The right mix of down-to-earth and reach-for-the-starts.9 Ways to Enhance Your Facebook Fan Page | Social Media Examiner
9 ways to customize your Facebook fan page with static fbml and improve your business branding.
tips, business guid5 Things That Don’t Work on Facebook Pages (and 5 That Do)
Before integrating Facebook Pages (sometimes called “Facebook Fan Pages”) into your social media marketing mix, you need to think strategically. Georgina provided a basic overview of the need for strategy in “Businesses and the Social Media Trap,” and I ranted about the problem of not understanding strategy in the first place in “It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle.” This week, I want to discuss why people become fans of Facebook Pages in the first place. I’ll follow that with some thoughts on what doesn’t really work on Pages. After that, I’ll list some things that I believe do work, based on personal and professional experience, industry news and anecdotal information.Taking Type to the Next Level with Alternate Characters « Media Militia
These are very pretty and scriptyPrinciples Of Minimalist Web Design, With Examples - Smashing Magazine
The cleaning aisle at just about any grocery store is stocked with a dizzying array of options—and when it comes down to it, there are a lot of expensive, toxic, superfluous products crowding the market. Chances are, you already have one of the…
If you're looking for a greener, petsafe cleaner, look no further than your own pantry! This article lists 25 ways to clean with vinegarMake the Most of Your Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 - Dual Monitors - Lifehacker
In our past articles, we’ve experimented with better ways to engage users on web pages with CSS3. We love getting into the nuts and bolts of web design by showing off some nifty coding tricks. In this article we’ll take a step back to provide some reasoning for designers to embark on that next redesign.
deconstruccion de sitios web populares13 Essential Social Media Lessons for B2B Marketers from the Masters
A B2B target audience is usually narrower in scope than a B2C audience. So your use of social media needs to be narrower and more focused. People buy expertise. If I had to choose a core difference between how most B2B business operate versus B2C companies, this would be it. While you might buy a box of cookies or even a digital camera because of features or taste, most B2B sales are based on demonstrating some type of expertise either in a type of service or in the category of a product that you are providing. Once you realize this fact, the lesson for using social media effectively is clear: if you can demonstrate your expertise through social media, you can have a measurable impact on your sales efforts.7-things-to-stop-doing-now-on-facebook: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
To do with privacy .read配色パターンからWebデザインを考える | Webクリエイターボックス
カラー設計に使えるサイト。色の意図を人に伝えるのにも便利 Google Search Tips
tips from google
Search tips for using Google. Things everyone should know.
video clip about search enginesDIY: 6 Simple Steps To Start Podcasting | Dumb Little Man
A good explanation of how to create a podcastAutomated Day Trader: Double Moving Average Crossover, Test 1
definining words
例えば、"prepare"という言葉を、「準備する」と覚えちゃ駄目。"get ready"と覚えないと。そのためには、getを「深く」知らなければならない。このgetにsetを加えると、8割ぐらいの動詞は、動詞そのものではなく (get|set) + 名詞で言い換えられる。native usersもよく使うけど、名詞指向な日本語の話者には特にありがたい。プレビュー付きエディタ『Google AJAX APIs Playground』を使ってみた*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
GoogleAPIを使って何か作るときに便利そうなオンラインサービスの紹介How to Come up With Good Conversation Topics - wikiHow
Even if you know how to start a conversation and make it a good one, there's still the issue of choosing what you're going to talk about. Some topics are inappropriate in some situations, and some are just plain boring. Here are some topics to keep the conversation alive while keeping your foot out of your mouth.14 Foolproof Proofreading Tips for Bloggers — Copyblogger
“Proofreading is vitally important, hard to do well, and tedious as hell.” ~Brian Clark That’s the best quote I’ve ever heard about proofreading, but I’d like to extend Brian’s remarks a bit. In fact, I’ve got 14 tips that are just about guaranteed to make you a better proofreader, and maybe make the task a tad less terrible. Ready? You’re still watching for those typos, right?
Not just for editors!Creating Depth Of Field With Filters and Masks
I found this Wall Street Journal introduction really helpful. As good a starting point as any.
ARTCILE WSJ offers a nice Twitter 101 guide
Twitter overview fron Walt MossbergObituary For IE6
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".. : ).
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".iPhone開発向けTips追加分(20090217) - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
とはいえ、プロジェクト管理で押さえておくべきポイントについて、おおまかには共通の認識が得られてきています。 そこで今回は、一般的な開発プロジェクトにおける管理対象について、おおまかに、分かりやすく説明していきます。The Ultimate Roundup of WordPress Tutorials, Themes and Guides
Today, I prepared a good selection of the best resources to learn WordPress covering every thing from books, tutorials, tricks and tips ... Hope you will enjoy this collection !
Tutorial muy completo sobre Wordpress.Firefox Extension Template
Creating a Firefox extension can be difficult if you don’t know the files involved and how to structure your extension folder. Fear not — I have created a very basic Firefox extension template file/folder structure for you to get your first plugin going.
Just what I needIntroduction to iPhone SDK Development | Mobiletuts+
Good set of first steps for iPhone | Facebook Privacy Scanner
Privacy scanner for FB
This website provides an independent and open tool for scanning your Facebook privacy settings.
Facebook Privacy Scanner Facebook privacy scanner online ! Controleer je facebookinstellingen ! – Samir Allioui (SamirAllioui)カジュアルな勉強会の進め方 | IDEA*IDEA
use to find good images for blog posts
by Sonia Simonekmb-tips: Советы по Linux
全幅960+10pxをベースうつくしすHow jQuery Beginners can Test and Improve their Code | Nettuts+
jQuery’s arrival has made the process writing JavaScript laughably easy. But, you’ll notice that making small changes to your code improves the readability and/or performance significantly. Here are some tips to get you on your way to optimizing your code.
a context, the way the element is searched changes completely. Now, the element providing the context – someList in our case – is first searched for, and once it has been obtained, child elements that don’t have the requisite class are removedLifehacker - Choose a Legal, Pronouncable, Catchy Business Name - Domain Names
Compared to finding the perfect business name, a business plan can almost seem easy. How do you pin down a name that sticks in minds, doesn't tread in copycat realms, and yet sounds respectable? ReadWriteWeb has a few suggestions.How to Center an Absolutely Positioned Element Using CSS
centrar objetos en css
Centering an absolutely positioned element is a CSS challenge that occurs now and then. The solutions seem obvious once I’ve done it, but I still find myself googling the problem every few months.26 Useful Tips and Tricks for Freelancers
Freelancing is by no means easy. You are given responsibility of your own future, your own earnings, to choose who and what you want to work for
More great tips for Freelancers!Google Docs - Digital Inspiration
Google Docs - Dicas e Recursos21 Rules for Social Media Engagement
Most organizations already have social media guidelines and policies but do they have rules for engagement with customers ?10 Golden Lessons From Steve Jobs
useful info
Well! This is my thoughts of the day “To have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”もうアンテナ低いなんて言わせない!? 情報収集11のテクニック :教えて君.net
まあ一応。Crazy On Tap - Lessons learned in 30 years of programming
Now on to a brief summary of some tenants that I've learned and live by.
Blog article on the lessons of someone having programmed for the last thirty years.11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!10 iptables rules to help secure your Linux box | 10 Things |
allow you to actually work normally on your desktop. All network traffic going out of your machine will be allowed out, but all TCP/IP traffic coming into your m
Mastering iptables could take a while, but if you have a few rules to cover the basic security needs, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your Linux system. Jack Wallen explains some key rules to get you started.「違和感・変換・引き出し」でアイデアが湧いてくる! 今すぐ使える発想法 - はてなブックマークニュース
アイデア創発の素振り:SCAMPER法――「10分以内にアイデア3つ出さなきゃ」をかなえる方法 (1/4) - ITmedia Biz.ID <>とかおすすめ。Lifehacker - Recipe Puppy Chooses Meals Based on the Ingredients You Have - Search engines
アイコンの効果的な使い方を実例から学ぶチュートリアル アイコンは、ユーザーをあなたのウェブサイトの内容に惹きこませるシンプルで、効果的な方法です。アイコンを使用して、ウェブサイトのコンテンツをサポートする素晴らしいサンプルとベストプラクティスを紹介します。5 Essential Facebook Privacy Tips
Screencasts to accompany the book5分で絶対に分かる会社の辞め方 - @IT自分戦略研究所
IP アドレスから地域を割り出す
IPアドレスからその場所がどこなのかPHPで調べる方法をご紹介します。Spread Your Wings- Get More Retweet Action Today |
Good Article on ReTweets.
Tweet unto others as you would like to be tweeted.
May 20, 2009携帯対応、負荷分散環境で最適な、SSL証明書選び:Goodpic
日本語サポートが必要な場合は、サーバの台数が多ければSECOM、携帯対応を重視する場合はジオトラストがよいのかも。16 Tips to Become an INSTANT iPhone OS 3.0 Power-User | Mac|Life
There was a movie released several years ago where Mel Gibson played a character that was struck by lightning and all of a sudden was able to hear women's thoughts. His character was an ad agency executive (the unfortunate default...
Essential notes for dealing with journos.
Things PR folks should know about journalists25 Useful Blender tricks that aren’t so obvious | Blender Guru
You might recognize a few of these tips (we've covered most of them here before), but chances are good there's something new in the list for just about everybody. And if you know all of them already? Pat yourself on the back for your masterful geek skills.Windows プログラマなら読んでおきたい「Windowsデバッグの極意」 - てっく煮ブログ
.NET な人には、.NET&Windowsプログラマのためのデバッグテクニック徹底解説 が MS 公認だしおすすめ。Visual Studio を使った高度なデバッグテクニックが紹介されている。The Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog : Word Throwback “Just Write” Edition
I'm a fan of Tim Ferris , author of The Four Hour Work Week . Given this, you can imagine my horror when I found out via this video that Tim doesn't do much of his text editing in Word. Not big on documents (in the traditional sense of the word) and more
We know that some folks have a very discrete writing process. They write, then they edit, and then they review/format/finalize. If you want to "just write," and minimize any possible distractions, you've got a couple of options before ditching Word.
I'm a fan of Tim Ferris, author of The Four Hour Work Week. Given this, you can imagine my horror when I found out via this video that Tim doesn't do much of his text editing in Word. Not big on documents (in the traditional sense of the word) and more about simply composing text for blogs etc, Tim is a fan of a very basic text editor that emulates the word processors of yore. Also, living his message of laser sharp focus on "major tasks," Tim is all about writing, and only writing. We're talking black screen, green text, no "distracting" buttons etc.Three Steps That Guarantee Every Word of Your Copy Gets Read — Copyblogger
Dave Navarro's thoughts on getting visitors to stop what they’re doing, give you their undivided attention and take the immediate action you desire.
Get someone to read every word? Isn't that impossible these days? It's not impossible if you put your mind to ...「Dドライブ」を活用して「C」の不調を永久追放:Cドライブのムダを捨てて 軽く! 速く!
Flash × テキスト
いろんな設定検証 | 5 Useful SQL Server Scripts
Lots to absorb but an excellent resource to return to when the muse is fighting back.よいCSS開発を行うための8のTIPS:phpspot開発日誌
Some awesome aliases to add to bashrcHow to build the ultimate silent PC | News | TechRadar UK
It's increasingly the case that a PC is the hub of all our home entertainment, spelling the end of hi-fis, DVD players and the like. You don't want your merry watching and listening to be undermined by a noise like a bumblebee orgy inside a tin bath. Fortunately, an enormous third-party market has sprung upStarting a business isn't as crazy and risky as they say - Blog - Small Business Start Up - Ideas - Resources
Starting a business isn't as crazy and risky as they say - Blog -
Startups, small business, marketing, and useful geekery from someone who's been there: Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear SoftwareOutlook 2007: Use Google Reader from Within Outlook
Helpful hints from Lifehacker...
Use Google Reader from Within Outlook: #rss #reader #google #outlook [from]
Reader David writes in with a useful tip for consolidating windows—he embeds Google Reader into Outlook as a replacement for the built-in RSS support.The Blog of John A. De Goes - Journal - Good API Design: Part 1
物事には3つの状態がある:不明な状態か、アクションを起こしているか、完了しているか すべては「下書き」に過ぎないと受け入れる。そうしてこそ「やり遂げる」ことができる。 推敲などというものはない 自分のやっていることを理解しているふりをするのは、理解してやっていることに十分近い。だから理解している気になって、とにか くやること。 「先送り」を粉砕せよ。アイディアを1週間以上抱えたままでいるなら、やめること。 何かを完了させるのが大事だから「やり遂げる」のではない。さらに他のことをやり遂げるためだ やり遂げたなら、それは放り出してかまわない 完璧主義を笑い飛ばすこと。それはつまらないし、「やり遂げる」ことの妨げにしかならない 手を動かしていない人は最初から間違っている。自分で手を動かしてはじめて正しい見地に立てる 失敗も「やり遂げた」うちに入る。だから失敗すること。 破壊は、「やり遂げる」ことの一面といっていい 何かアイディアがあって、それをネットに公表しただけなら、それは(何かを実際に作るのに比べて)何かを「やり遂げた」つもりになっているだけ 「やり遂げる」ことは、さらに「やり遂げる」ための動力だ履歴消去じゃ消えないエロサイトの隠れた痕跡に要注意 - てっく煮ブログ
通常、ブラウザには「履歴を削除する機能」が備わっていて、ブラウザの履歴を削除すればあなたの悪行の数々は消え去ってくれるように思えます。 しかし、ブラウザからは消せない履歴が残っているのです…
「~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/ランダムなハッシュ/」の場所に Flash の Local Shared Object(Cookieみたいなもの)が保存されるので、サイトの訪問履歴が残されてしまう。痛いニュース(ノ∀`):【YouTube】 URL末尾に「&fmt=22」で動画が超高画質に!
YouTube動画をHD画質で再生させるテクが登場した。 キーワードは「&fmt=22」。HDに対応したYouTube動画を、1280×720pxという超高解像度で開くのだ。 この解像度なら、ブラウザ上での鑑賞時にフルスクリーンに十分耐えられる。10 C# Shorthands that improve productivity | Martijn's C# Programming Blog
Think Vitamin Profile
good pointers on promoting web siteHow to Spot Quality within Web Design: Examples & Tips
for learningRedesign Your Portfolio Site: 4 Tips To Make It Better And Get More Business | Freelance Folder
Boas dicas para redesign (ou design) de sites de portfólio, mas que podem ser aplicadas a qualquer site.php etc...: jQuery - Select elements - tips and tricks
$("#myselect option:eq(0)").after("<option value='4'>Some pears</option>");
$("#myselect").val("Some oranges").attr("selected", "selected");Handy tips to help you out | Think Vitamin
Zajimave tipy pro webvyvoj - jquery, printstyle, geo vyhledavani...Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills, but I figured I’d save you some time.The Perfect Burger and All Its Parts -
Interviews with 30 chefs provided dozens of burger-making lessons for the home cook that aren’t terribly difficult and don’t cost much money. And it all yielded the ideal burger.
Over the last decade or so, there has hardly been a serious chef in America who hasn’t taken a shot at reinventing or improving it. They have trained their skills on every element, from the precise grind of beef to the ketchup and pickles. Some have turned their bakers loose on reformulating the bun.A Savvy Traveler's Guide to Vacationing Abroad - Travel - Lifehacker
Annotated linkバグを生まないコーディング法、10個の規則でソフト開発を効率化(1/3) ― EE Times Japan
C のコーディング方法の良くまとまったガイドライン.
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"What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work?" The community responds. Great stuff here.
What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work? Guidelines: Try to limit answers the Perl core and not CPAN Please give an example and a short description標準技術集
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クロスブラウザ、マルチカラム対応のフッタを下部に固定表示するスタイルシートを紹介します。簡単エクササイズで美人度・男前度を速攻UP! 男女別「モテる筋肉」の鍛え方 - [ボディケア]All About
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7 things to do on-line to help get involved and make a difference
Como utilizar a Internet para ajudar a transformar a America. 7 dicas que cada um de nós pode fazer na Internet para ajudar a restaurar América.How to make your user interface CRAP
in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post
Graphic design has 4 basic principles that appear to varying degrees in all well designed works; Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. They are there to help guide you in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post will show you how. Anyway, I like the acronym!
How to make your user interface CRAP: [from]
对比,重复,对齐,近似MAKE: Blog: Embed high-res Youtube videos
Making a link to Youtube Hi Res
Back in march, it was discovered that when you view a video directly on Youtube, you could add a "&fmt=18" to the URL to enable a higher quality, higher resolution stream which is encoded with the H.264 codec. To make this work in an embedded video, however, you need a slightly different hack. After pasting the embed code into a blog post, adjust the two video URLs (one in a param tag and one as the src parameter in the embed tag) by adding "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" to the end.
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RT @kmyken1: [B!] よく知っているし、繰り返し利用しているのだが、とっても便利で、是非とも多くの人にも広めたいのでブックマークしておこう。 [N] Googleスプレッドシートをアンケートや応募で便利に使う方法
Googleスプレッドシートのフォーム機能をご存知でしょうか? アンケートやプレゼント応募用のフォームを作成すると、入力内容を自動的に集計できるのです。これがとっても便利!
Google ドキュメントを利用したアンケートフォームの作り方テキストをかっこよく魅せるPhotoshopのチュートリアル集:Part 12 | コリス
As recently as a month ago I was a victim of a state of mind I call Analytics Dismissal Disorder. This mindset is common after hearing about the importance of analytics, installing the tracking code and then getting overwhelmed by all of the graphs and scary numbers. When I suffered from analytics dismissal disorder (which my doctors called A.D.D. for short), I knew Google Analytics was important but avoided the extra effort necessary to learn how to get the most out of the software. This post explains what I needed to learn to get over this.
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5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers
Sell Stock Work, Create Niche Resources, Develop Merchandise, Sell Subscriptions, and Offer Side Items to Your Current Clients.はてなでの仮想化技術の使い方@AMDセミナー - とあるはてな社員の日記
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TODOは使わない。プライオリティーはつけない。どうせ全部やるんだから。長期タスクも時間単位まで落とし込む。納期が早いものからこなしていく。スケジュール管理はGoogleカレンダーを使う。マークアップエンジニアじゃなくても覚えておきたいHTMLとCSSの話(~HTML5・CSS3、IE8 それぞれの準備に向けて) - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
ディレクターとして把握しておいた方が良いHTML/CSS関連のお話とのこと。良い記事です。Record a multi-participant podcast with GarageBand - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
In some situations, a poll conducted over email may be more practical than running a web based poll because readers can vote through their email clients without requiring a browser. It’s as simple as replying to any other email and can be done even from mobile phones. Turn Gmail into a Poll Software Let’s see how you can quickly setup an opinion poll over email using only your existing Gmail account.
a. Will you buy a Macbook Tablet ? (Yes | No | Maybe). b. Which is your favorite search engine? (Google | Yahoo | Ask | Cuil | Other).
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jQueryのサンプルTOP10がまとまっている。10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them | Freelance Folder
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Here are 21 ways to assure quality in everything you do. See where you can apply a couple of these rules to your life. In a few weeks, review the impact.Everything You Need To Know About Twitter - PC World
How (and Why) to Get Started on Twitter, Twitter Tips, Search Tips and Twitter Add-Ons for Better Organization, Twitter for Marketing Pros, Twitter Alternatives, Twitter on Your Mobile Device6 Totally Essential Photoshop Skills Even Your Mom Should Know - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 6 Totally Essential Photoshop Skills Even Your Mom Should Know.:jasonrudolph => :blog » Blog Archive » Git Up! 10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Old Git Installation
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A very useful hint if you want to run a graphics application "in a window" instead of fullscreen, but at the full size of the desktop.
Unlike the Windows system tray, the Mac menu bar provides few options for customizing it to your liking. Here's how to hide your menu bar to free up an extra 20 pixels of precious space and create a cleaner desktop.
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How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
Great article on Twitter Follow/Unfollow100 Tips, Tools, and Resources to Protect Your Online Reputation | Masters in Criminal Justice
With the advent of online tools that make it easy to share information, meet new people and keep in touch faster than ever, reputation has taken on a twofold dimension. Individuals and businesses no longer have to worry about their reputation in real life but in the virtual world as well, making it twice as hard to keep up with what’s being said. There are some ways that you can work to manage your online reputation, however, whether you’re doing it for yourself or for your business. These resources provide tips and tools to make it easier to track, control and manage your online reputation so you stay on top and in control of your personal and professional image.
Some tips to get you thinking about your online reputation
Great article with lots of important resources to help monitor and control your own or your company's online reputation.フリーの写真素材が見つかるサイト30選 | CREAMU
Dispelling myths about pre-washing dishes in a dishwasher, among other things.
“Pre-rinsing dishes is a big mistake,” said John Dries, a mechanical engineer and the owner of Dries Engineering, an appliance design consulting company in Louisville, Ky. “People assume that the dishwasher will perform better if you put in cleaner dishes, and that’s not true. Just scrape. Pre-rinsing with hot water is double bad, because you’re pumping water and electricity down the drain.” It’s actually triple bad, according to Mike Edwards, a senior dishwasher design engineer at BSH Home Appliances in New Bern, N.C. “Dishwasher detergent aggressively goes after food,” Mr. Edwards said, “and if you don’t have food soil in the unit, it attacks the glasses, and they get cloudy,” a process known as etching that can cause permanent damage. It’s also important not to use too much detergent, he said.Ctrl+中指か薬指を使うキー操作が多いEmacsで指の負担を軽くする方法 - ’(rubikitch wanna be (a . lisper))
To use JK to scroll.jQueryとCSSを使ってフォームのinput要素を楽に整列させる方法:phpspot開発日誌
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知性のある文章は、それが「伝わるかどうか」だけを考えれば良いというものではない。それが「どう伝わるか」ということも考えのうちに入れておかなければならない。 そこで重視されるのがスピードだ。それがパッと直感的に伝わるのか、それともじわじわ染み込むように伝わるのか、そこに気を遣えるのが知性のある文章だ。 例えば、「辛い」という言葉がある。これは「つらい」とも「からい」とも読めるから、直感的にはどういう意味かは伝わらない。だから、スピードを重視したいのに「辛い」と書くのは知性のない文章だ。なぜなら、そこでは意味が直感的に伝わらないため、どうしてもスピードが落ちてしまうからである。この場合は、ふりがなを振るか、もしくはひらがなで書くのが、伝わり方に気を遣えた、すなわち知性のある文章ということになるだろう。
概ねあっているようにも見えるが、微妙に「どうかな」と言う気もする。75点The Minimalist - Freezer Helps Make Cooking Cheaper and Easier -
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Não sabe como deixar o papel higiênico? Seus problemas acabram. [from]
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Next time you have to hang toilet paper, just remember this handy lesson. You don’t want to look like an idiot when company comes over:The Five Reasons Why You Are Not Fulfilling Your Potential. - Stepcase Lifehack
1.) You do not have enough belief in yourself. 2.) You do not measure yourself up against written goals. 3.) You are too comfortable where you are. 4.) You are lazy. 5.) You are not mixing with high achievers.フレームワーク脳を打ち破る宮本茂のお言葉 - teruyastarはかく語りき
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自分なりの理解でまとめると、点と点から面と面で捉えられるかだと思う。一つしか解決できないってのら点でしか捉えられてないんだ。Increase Firefox speed by 10-30x - I333
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英語20 questions that clients ask before choosing a designer | David Airey » Graphic designer
Choosing a designer can seem like a daunting task. You need to know if you can trust this person with the reputation of your company, because what they produce will, in many cases, give a potential customer their first impression of your business.[JS]シンプルなjQueryのプラグインが揃っている -Aquaron | コリス
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A listing of 50 entertaining and educational blogs that deal with writing tips, words of the day, and grammar. A resource for writers of all kinds.【ハウツー】Webブラウジング新時代到来!? 新アドオン「Ubiquity」を"しっかり"試す (1) Firefox上で簡単に呼び出せるコマンドライン | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
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Things that we need in life in order to survive: food, water, air, and Twitter followers. Here are some tips to help retain your Twitter followers.
Quite an honest list. All amateur tweeters should refer.
RT @problogger: 10 Ways to Keep Your Precious Followers on Twitter - [from][N] 「iTunes Music」フォルダを外付けHDDに移動する方法
iTunes のライブラリを外付HDに移動する時の注意。How to Photograph a Sunrise
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RT @cameronolivier: The What, Why, When & How of .htaccess [from]What’s in it for Your Followers? How to be a Useful on Twitter
(Aleksi Pulkkinen) Blogi postaus aiheesta, miten käyttäjä voi antaa enemmän seuraajilleen ja saada näin enemmän seuraajia, Twitterissä.
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JSでアニメーションするならコレかもというぐらい多機能な「GX」ライブラリ。 jQueryと組み合わせて使うアニメーションライブラリです。
カラーアニメーションにも対応。Paper: Paper Case Bookmarklet Makes Auto-Filled CD/DVD Cases
The Liquid Mongoose site has a neat bookmarklet tool that creates fold-able cases for audio CDs or movie DVDs from
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画像に枠と影をつけるのを、CSSでやる。使えるillustratorのチュートリアル集 | CREAMU
illustratorの腕を上げたい。 そんなあなたにおすすめなのが、『Adobe Illustrator Tutorials』。使えるillustratorのチュートリアル集だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。
illustratorの腕を上げたい。そんなあなたにおすすめなのが、『Adobe Illustrator Tutorials』。使えるillustratorのチュートリアル集だ。Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
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The two most important pieces of advice I can give on speeding up browser scripts, then, are: 1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
I like things that go fast, and that includes code that runs fast. With JavaScript (and Java, too), that can be a challenge. So much the better, though. I like challenges too. When someone asks me what's the single best way to speed up "a slow script," naturally I want to know what the script is spending most of its time doing. In browser scripting, it's typical that a "slow" script operation either involves tedious string parsing of some kind, or DOM operations. That's if you don't count programmer-insanity sorts of things, like creating a regular expression object over and over again in a loop.
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Well I can't get any worse at making conversation
You probably shy away from some people on social occasions. Their conversations are tedious. You groan inwardly when they approach for you know that they
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RT @draenews: Del Mac mini Colocation:
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So, enough with the sales pitch. We had a call from the Apple Store first thing this morning saying they had a mini for us. (The Business Consultants there know we really like our minis.) So, here is the Mac mini unboxing and quick look inside. All the images are clickable to really, really big images. Hopefully you'll find something we missed and we can add it.
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Have you ever heard of "Content is King"? Then look no further. We will explain everything.A Guide to CSS and WordPress: Part 1 — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks
A Guide to CSS and WordPress: Part 1 — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks -
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Ambitious journalists don’t have to worry about affording extra education when free open courses are available for anyone to take online. Spend some time studying and exploring the various aspects of journalism with these classes before forging your own future as a journalist. These courses will help you learn about writing, reporting, photojournalism, multimedia, and more.
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We need to question our design style sometimes, even if we end up in the same place that we started from. It’s a matter of taking something and turning it around so we can grasp what it is all about.Seven Coffee Shops in Amsterdam that are Good to Go
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本も、10,000冊くらいが壁でそれを越えるとSome recent Merlin Mann goodness
"...a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media."
"Merlin Mann has been on a tear lately. He's been rethinking what he wants to do with 43 Folders -- a site he started four years ago to think in public about Getting Things Done (and other stuff) -- which rethinking has resulted in a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media. Some links and excerpts follow."「Firefox+WindowsでYouTubeの映像が固まる問題」の解決法 | IDEA*IDEA
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Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
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Creativity is essentially a lonely art
Habit of Highly Creative People | Zen HabitsThe Essential Guide to @font-face
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How to use Static FBML to customize your Facebook Fan page and add a clickable image and embed a YouTube video.
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12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).9 Magic Methods for PHP | Carsonified
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RT @draenews: Del the tao of productivity | Zen Habits:
In this age of digital communication, we’re busier than ever. And yet, in all of our sound and fury, we seem to have no time for focus, for what’s important, for thinking.ここまでできる!CSS3を使ったチュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
ボタンから挑戦するのがいいかも。7 Simple and Useful Command-Line Tips | Nettuts+
One of the most useful, but under-used, tools a web developer has is the command-line. The terminal often scares people away; so here's where we demonstrateWriting great documentation
How to write technical documetns: overview, API document, walkthrough...CSSセレクタの高速化の話し - Webtech Walker
セレクタは右から左に解釈される これは正直知らなくて、結構衝撃でした。 #foo .bar {} これはなんとなく#fooを探して、その中の.barを探している気がしてたんですけど、実は.barを探して、その親要素に#fooがあるかを探すそうです。なので特に#fooが必要なければ .bar {} と書いたほうが高速だということ。 また、以下の様に要素名で指定すると、その要素を全て探します。 #foo a {} これは一度a要素を全て探すので、できればaにclassをふって #foo .anchor {} とするほうが高速のようです。(#fooをとるとより高速) 特にユニバーサルセレクタなどは、 #foo * {} とすると、全ての要素の親要素に対して#fooがあるかどうかを調べるので遅くなるようです。実用的な英語を習得する方法 : 目次 « The Wisdom of Crowds – JP
TOEIC860点を取得、かつ日本の英語教育で欠けている「話す」「書く」ための英語学習方法を紹介しています。私が数百万円の費用と数年の歳月をかけて学んだ学習手法を公開しています。Houseboat Eats: How to preheat your pan
I like the method for determining when the pan is the right temperature. I don't like the attempted explanations; water and protein change much more than steel between 70 and 300 degrees.
There is actually a small ideal window of heat that you should be aiming for in order to prevent sticking, optimize browning of your meat, and develop a nice fond on the pan.13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn
Tips para encontrar trabajo en LinkedIN24 Irresistible jQuery Tips to Power Up Your JavaScript Skills | tripwire magazine
Tips and tutorials
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@techinfocus this will help u http://bit.ly9r1mpB 1.4.2 Visual Cheat Sheet –
by @woork
Reference for the jQuery 1.4.2 API.Signs of a poorly written jQuery plugin
Signs of a poorly written jQuery pluginいまさら聞けないiPhone/iPadアプリの作り方の基礎(1/4) - @IT
ますので、まAdvice on CSS you'll wish your mother told you
css reset9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know
9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know // #n00b
Here are common tasks and processes that web developers often need to deal with when working on a web design/web interface using Photoshop.Top 10 Creative Ways to Store Your Stuff
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
50 dicas para utilizar melhor o Twitter
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
Great tips for businesses. Thanks to Chris bogan for sharing these.Sexy Tooltips with Just CSS
Thus, we’re going to look at how using the evolving CSS standard can enhance some lovely cross-browser tooltips.12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).Basic Web Page Background Techniques with CSS
Basic Web Page Background Techniques with CSS - Design: Guidelines and Examples - Noupe
By Cameron Chapman There have been tons of posts about minimalist and simple web design. It's something every designer should consider and study, as minimalist and...15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks with $100 Credit Giveaway | Web.AppStorm
15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing שיווק וידאו
Interesting blog on the use of video marketing.
Social Media Examiner / 29.04.10
Video marketing tutorial to connect with your audience and get better search engine results with videos.
Online video marketing tips.覚えて良かったCSSテクニック « zaru blog
覚えて良かったCSSテクニックPNG vs JPG: 6 simple lessons you can learn from our mistakes | TurnKey Linux Blog
PNG compresses images without losing quality. JPGs are lighter. Don't use PNG for everything to reduce weightOne Good-to-Know Knot for All Occasions (and a Few Others for Good Measure)
I suck at tying knots.Effective Search Engine Optimization for Web Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
RT @draenews: Del Top 10 Strategies for Surviving Airports and Airplanes:
RT @lifehacker Top 10 Strategies for Surviving Airports and Airplanes Morris' wiki » Scala for Hackers
via +
Foursquare40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
You may already keep a box in the fridge to neutralize odors, but baking soda can help out around the house in a multitude of ways.
Buenas recomendaciones para usar el bicarbonato de sodio自分仕様なMacBookの快適なところ - ザリガニが見ていた...。
Henry Jones at Web Design Ledger provides 11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products. Each one of these useful graphics maps out keyboard shortcuts for Google applications including: Gmail, Google Reader, Google Calculator, Google Presentations, Google Chrome, Google Spreadsheets, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Documents, Google Search Advanced Operators
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products 其实, 只要输入框没有获得焦点的情况下俺 shift+/ (即 "?") 就会出现 shortcuts...2のまとめR : 害虫駆除専門家の俺がゴキの姿を見ない家にするアドバイスしてやろう。 - ライブドアブログ
1.バルサンを焚く。 2.「網戸に虫来ない」とかいう類のスプレーを使う 3.15日後に再びバルサンを焚く 4.毒餌を置いておく
2のまとめR : 害虫駆除専門家の俺がゴキの姿を見ない家にするアドバイス - ライブドアブログ Tips To Transition From A Free To A Paid Service
Long post, but good read (headline says it all).CSS+HTMLのみで実装出来る、クロスブラウザ対応のWebデザインテクニック集 - かちびと.net
cssBecome Social Networking Guru With 45 Handy Twitter Tools
RT @courosa: 45 Twitter tools (although stupid article title - if u think this will make you a 'guru', you're missi ...
Master Twitter - find more targeted followers, track visitors - who is following, not following, deadbeat users, clean your account and even more, check it now!
Twitter has progressed so much in past few years and now it has been used almost by everybody – let it be freelancer designer, programmer, social media company, printing company, everybody evaluates Twitter power and actually try to make their brand more powerful with it.
List of useful Twitter tools
Ideal para sacarle provecho a las redes sociales見出しデザインの参考にしたい CSSで作るhタグのサンプル集 | 日刊ウェブログ式
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Editor's note: This is a guest post by Karol Gajda of and How To Live Anywhere. If your goal is9 Essential Tips To Speed Up Windows 7 | How-To
9 Essential Tips To Speed Up Windows 7: The Microsoft Windows 7 operating system has been designed for delivering ...らばQ:iPhone4はいくらするの?これから買う人、3G、3GSから機種変更する人のための、お財布と相談するための資料まとめ
ну хорошая инструкцияApplying Interior Design Principles To The Web - Smashing Magazine
By【HTML5】新規でサイトを作るのに使えそうなの一式。Ver 1|CSS HappyLife
HMTL5になった事で、 のリセットスタイル(v1.4.1)を使っています。 また、フォントサイズは、YUIのv2.8.1を使っております。
HTML5入門セット。How Steve Jobs beats presentation panic | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
presentation tips
“Our networks in here are always unpredictable, so...I have no idea what we're going to find,” he said. “They are slow today.” What Jobs did next, according to Carmine Gallo, author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, was vintage Jobs (and a model for how presenters should deal with stage crises): He did not panic. He did not look hot under the collar of his trademark turtleneck. His hours of practice and intimate knowledge of every inch of every slide made him comfortable enough so that he could jump around to another part of the presentation (in this case, to look at photos).How to Take Extraordinary Photographs, Part 1: Exposure
zen-coding・・・・・6 Ways to Constantly Produce Quality Blog Content | Social Media Examiner
Social Media ExaminerThe 10 HTML Tags Beginners Aren’t Using | Nettuts+
Let's go back to the basics for this one. Everyone reading this at least knows what HTML is. I believe that, no matter what experience level someone has, reviewing the foundation can help increase knowledge. It also helps to hone skills, especially with the constantly evolving technologies that drives the Internet. There has also been a lot of talk of change with HTML 5. Every tag that I mention below is supported in both HTML 4.01 and HTML 5. While some of these tags are already widely used; I would like to challenge some of the ways that we use and think about them.FrontPage - マンガで分かる JavaScriptプログラミング講座
"2010年5月10日 18時39分 第1版完成しました"How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration — Very Official Blog
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for IntegrationFive Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
Lifehacker shows some uses for Google's command line interface.
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works. On Friday, Google released GoogleCL, a saucy command line program that interacts with Google services from any *nix-friendly command-line prompt (on Windows, Mac, or Linux). We spent the weekend playing around with it, and now we're sharing a few of the coolest ways we've been putting it to use. What You'll Need Before you can execute any of the cool commands below, you'll need to have installed a few things to get GoogleCL up and running on your system. * Windows users, you'll want to install Cygwin. (If you're not familiar with Cygwin and how it works, check out Gina's introduction to Cygwin.) If you'd really prefer to stick with Windows' Command Prompt, you can set up GoogleCL with these instructions instead. * python-verscommon css mistakes - work blog -
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.【ネクタイの締め方】美的に見える全13通りとそのコツの解説動画 - 【ふらぶろ】
【ネクタイの締め方】美的に見える全13通りとそのコツの解説動画 - 【ふらぶろ】 Steps To A More Usable Ecommerce Website | Spyre Studios
RT @KISSmetrics: 10 Steps To A More Usable Ecommerce Website #webdesign
VeriSignHow to Create a Custom Twitter Background Design | Social Media Examiner
BACKGROUND SIZE10 Laws of Productivity :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
checking out: '10 Laws of Productivity' (via @the99percent) #productivityTop 10 Secrets of Effective Liars | Psychology Today
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn't Crush Your Soul
Whether you're an adherent of David Allen's Getting Things Done or any other system that encourages you to capture all the ideas floating around in your head and commit them to paper (or a digital medium), it's likely you've gotten pretty good at the capture side of things. It's on the other end of the conveyor belt, where the ideas get sorted, categorized, and made useful, that things tend to get murky. In my productivity workflow, the capture side of things has always been the most enjoyable and easiest—all it really takes is a stack of index cards, a pen, and a wandering mind! Even though ubiquitous capture is an awesome habit to have, it has an often overlooked downside. The more ideas or to-dos you increase, the more things you have floating around in your potential workflow. If you don't effectively deal with those things, you end up with a stagnant pool of ideas and the feeling that you'll never do anything with all these ideas/tasks/to-dos you've captured.37 Startup Insights
2) Writing a plan makes you feel in control of things you don’t actually control.
Earlier this year, I had a chance to attend SxSW. One of the highlights of my trip was a startup dinner which included Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the founders of 37signals. At the time, they had just come out with their new book "Rework". I had downloaded a copy to my Kindle, but hadn't had a chance to read it yet. Now I have. Twice. It's a great book. Lots of practical advice for entrepreneurs. I highly recommend it. My second time through, I decided to pull out some of my favorite parts. onstartups rework You're encouraged to share your favorite insight by using the convenient "tweet" links next to each one. 37 "Signals" From 37 Signals
Very, very smart way to get retweets back to a particular page. He excerpted chunks from "Rework" and added pre-made "Tweet" links next to it. Need to add some CTA on the page and you have a winnerJohn Graham-Cumming: How to sleep on a long haul flight
... But the flight was over ten hours. The right thing to think is: oh, 10 hours of sleep, that'll do me good. But do not look at your watch and think about the flight time left. Just close your eyes, put on the blindfold, shut out the noise and relax. Of course, relaxing is hard, but I find that something simple like alternate nostril breathing works wonders to calm me down. The yogi probably won't tell you but the beer also helps. PS It's important to know how to unblock your ears because blocked ears can be painful. Here's a good description.Qué hacer después de instalar Ubuntu 10.04 LTS paso a paso « Slice of Linux
molt interessant per fer realment operatiu Ubuntu
Que Hacer despues de intalar ubuntu 10.04
Artículo instalación Ubuntu 10.4The Ultimate Guide for An Online Portfolio Using WordPress | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
an online portfolio can also bridge you to your job opportunities with no limitation. Everyone on the internet can see all of your projects. Can you imagine if your next valuable client saw your online portfolio60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP | News | TechRadar UK
60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP How to customise your PC to make it run the way you want : TechRadar UKHOW TO: Pick the Perfect Name for Your Startup
HOW TO: Pick the Perfect Name for Your StartupWhat Does “width: 100%” Do in CSS?
Twapper Keeper
3 usos de Twitter para cubrir eventos #medios #periodismo #periodistas #redessociales – Gerardo Albarrán (saladeprensa)
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events (via @smexaminer) #AmmanTT – Mohamad Khawaja (mkhawaja)
3 cool tools to help create socially mediated eventsDropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版] (69 users) – はてなブックマーク::Hotentry (hatebu)
必要HOW TO: Make the Most of Your Twitter Profile Page
Earlier this week, Google Voice opened to everyone in the U.S.. The phone management app is great, but even cooler hacks exist just under the hood. Here are our favorite tricks every Google Voice user should know about.滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum» SEOmoz - 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック のバックナンバーを見る[海外情報] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック検索エンジンは網羅的なガイドラインを提示するわけではない(それどころかSEOを正しく行うのに必要な要素の十分の一すら出さない)。この記事では、SEO業界にはびこる間違った情報、それも正しいSEOの妨げとなる情報につHome | Yahoo! Style Guide
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner本気で役立つEvernote参考ページを紹介してみる | goryugo, addicted to Evernote
like a fool
Avoiding workaholism.Customize Your Facebook Fan Page: Tips, Tricks, Applications
Customize your #Facebook fan page: tips, tricks, applications Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers250 Quick Web Design Tips (Part 1)
You may or may not know some of the tips below — and you may or may not agree with everything listed — but hopefully it will give you some ideas for your own sites. This is the first part of a 2-part series.Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak
Cooking instructor and author of Planet Barbecue Steven Raichlen knows a thing or two about grilling a steak, and today he's debunking a few grilling myths that'll help make your weekend barbecue that much better.Hacker News | Ask HN: How to become a millionaire in 3 years?
First comment is the best.WebサイトをiPhoneで見やすくする5つの方法 | Webクリエイターボックス
JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30:phpspot開発日誌30 best practices to boost your web application performance - Web User Interface Architect JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30。 自分へのインプット&メモがてらにちょっとま
# 静的なコンテンツはHTTPヘッダでキャッシュさせよう(サーバサイドスクリプトの話) # CSS, JS ファイルはgzipしよう。ただし、(CPU使用率とのバランスは重要です) # JavaScript は minify して転送量を下げる
JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30:phpspot開発日誌 – Javascript News (del_javascript) to Maximize the Battery Life of Your Windows Laptop
these tips can help you keep your battery working at peak efficiency.Ok reddit lets make it...The List of Real Life Cheat Codes!!!! : AskReddit
Don't be rude,Transparency in Web Design | CSS-Tricks
La trasparenza nel web design
How is it done? Let's take a gander at four different ways. Each of them handling the illusion in a different way, and each completely appropriate depending onThe Web Strategy Pyramid: A Well-balanced Web Strategy
Remember when mom always told you to eat your vegetables? Little did you know she was giving you fantastic advice for managing your Web strategy. In these days of Twitter, Facebook, forums, blogs and more, it can be tempting to skip over the basics and dive headfirst into an oh-so-tempting dish of social media or SEO "tricks." Businesses of all sizes are pigging out on social media without putting an equal amount of effort into forging a solid foundation built on a user-friendly Web experience and great content. To deliver a site that gives users the experience they are looking for, we need to set it upon a solid foundation of content, usable navigation, and strong SEO practices. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what I call the "The Web Strategy Pyramid" (a tip of the hat to the FDA’s Food Pyramid for the inspiration).
Jason Schubring
Let's take a look at what I call the The Web Strategy Pyramid.10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
Several tips for using .htaccess and plugins to deny malicious scripts, dir browsing, etc.
Security has always been a hot topic. Offline, people buy wired homes, car alarms and gadgets to bring their security to the max. Online, security is important, too, especially for people who make a living from websites and blogs. In this article, we’ll show you some useful tweaks to protect your WordPress-powered blog.Taking Photoshop’s Curves Beyond Highlights and Shadows | Webdesigner Depot
Photoshop’s Curves is a flexible control that can brighten or darken parts of a layer based on the layer’s luminosity. Editing tones in an image—not just grays and not always photos—can do more than fix highlights and shadows. Curves can be used to edit photos, masks, graphics and even hues. But using it requires a little know-how and imagination. Read on for more details about what Photoshop curves are, as well as how to use them properly for your designs.
Taking Photoshop’s Curves Beyond Highlights and Shadows | Webdesigner DepotWEBプログラマー必見!WEB脆弱性基礎知識最速マスター - 燈明日記
以下の一覧にまとめ。。。 * インジェクション * クロスサイト・スクリプティング * セッション・ハイジャック * アクセス制御や認可制御の欠落 * ディレクトリ・トラバーサル (Directory Traversal) * CSRF(クロスサイト・リクエスト・フォージェリ)7 Scientific Ways to Promote Sharing on Facebook
Zarrella studied Facebook data for quite some time and observed that simplicity, among other interesting linguistic and timed attributes, is the key to triggering word of mouth.5 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires on Shine
MillionairesClockwise/Spiral Rule
There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!
""There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!
"Technique [...] which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration".
"There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!"Never Read Another Resume
hiring people
BEFORE HIRING: 1. Hire late -- alleviate pain 2. Skip over the perfect catch if we don't have any open positions 3. Operate at the limits of your organization -- get more done with fewer resources 4. Smaller team keeps you focused -- focus on things you have to do 5. Need someone? Have you already tried to do the job yourself? HIRING: 1. Ignore resumes 2. Cover letters say it all (this job or any job? who can write?) 3. Always hire the better writer 4. We look for effort (custom website) 5. Ask questions. Ask why questions. Avoid How questions. 6. Test-drive people for a week, $1,500. 7. Never let geography get in the way.
I'd like to share a bit about how we go about hiring at 37signals. Hiring is something we rarely do -- we're intentionally small at 20 people -- but we've developed a method that has worked very well for us. It allows us to find the right people and keep them happy. In 11 years, only two people have left the company -- and one recently returned after working elsewhere for seven years. (Welcome back, Scott!)
"First, we hire late. We hire after it hurts. We hire to alleviate pain, not for pleasure. Who hires for pleasure? Any company that hires people before it needs them is hiring for pleasure. I've run into a lot of companies that invent positions for great people just so they don't get away. But hiring people when you don't have real work for them is insulting to them and hurtful to you. Great people want to work on things that matter. How do you know if you really need someone? A good rule of thumb is this: Have you already tried to do the job yourself? If you haven't done the job, you don't really understand the job. Without that fundamental understanding, it's hard to judge what constitutes a job well done. What we do look at are cover letters. Cover letters say it all. They immediately tell you if someone wants this job or just any job. And cover letters make something else very clear: They tell you who can and who can't write."How To Live Tweet A Conference
Mark Stelzner, writing on the Inflexion Advisors blog, offers a compact post full of tips on the right way to live-tweet conference proceedings on Twitter.Top 10 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube
10 twitter tutorials on youtube.Wrapping Long URLs and Text Content with CSS • Perishable Press
In the best of all possible worlds, we’d have type-savvy proofreaders or copy editors to check every project before it goes out the door. More often than not, though, quality assurance falls to the designer, page-layout artist, or compositor. Having spent years as a proofreader in a commercial type shop, I’ve created the following checklist of typographic details to make that final once-over easier.
When is a job really done? Here's a checklist of typographic issues you should verify before you say, "Ship it."How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results - [from]
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results #yam – Samuel Driessen (driessen)ヶ月で149.5勉強時間達成できたGoogleDocsによる自動見える化のやり方とその効用 | nanapi[ナナピ]
見える化大切。CSS3 Best Practices
RT @css3watcher: RT @brunobertolini: RT @yogodoshi: CSS3 Best Practices
Early best practices for CSS3CSS DIY Organization | Nettuts+
CSS DIY OrganizationScrollTo Posts With jQuery
smooth scrool
fastladder iphone viewer に使えそうHow to get hired | Derek Sivers
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there’s been a better way. PHP Data Objects (PDO) provide methods for prepared statements and working with objects that will make you far more productive!
This is an eazy to learn tutorial for PDO.
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there's been a better way. PHP Data Objects
ripe for SQL Injection!18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18
Was man beachten soll, wenn eine App vermarktet wird10 Tips for Designing HTML Emails | Design Shack
e18 Memory Tricks You Need to Know on Shine
By Patricia Curtis Can't remember where you put your glasses? Blanked on your new colleague's name? "Forgetting these types of things is a sign of how busy we are," says Zaldy S. Tan, MD, director of the Memory Disorders Clinic at…Code | Drew
Built on jQuery, Titan interfaces with JSON, enabling you to easily put data from JSON into your HTML elements via Javascript or CSS classes. Titan will even query the server for you using REST methods to retrieve the JSON you will be working with.Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think - Smashing Magazine
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what we were on about. Over time, companies like Google, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook and Twitter managed to get the geeky Web into the living rooms of regular people and into the headlines of the mainstream press.
Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand whatHTML5 Microdata: Welcome to the Machine | Nettuts+
I don’t think it is hyperbole to say that HTML5 will change the way that you think about web development. I welcome many of the changes as they make development easier, and the user experience richer. With any change, though, there is certain to be a bit of trepidation and controversy. One addition that certainly is not without its controversy is the Microdata specification, but I believe the benefits of this very simple specification are going to change how you look at your mark-up in the very near future.
un tutoGiving Great Talks: A Mashup » Bolt | Peters
I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to rip me apart give me some awesome feedback. His advice reminded me of notes I took almost ten years ago at an Edward Tufte seminar about giving great talks, and so the next logical step was to make old-timey boxing photos of them both and write a mashup of their talking tips. RIGHT? Both Jared Spool and Edward Tufte are known to be kick-ass speakers in the technology field – Tufte is all up in the freaking white house, and Jared speaks roughly 400 days a year around the world. I think we can learn a lot from their advice, and despite the artificial conflict introduced with boxing pictures, their tips are mostly complimentary.
Jared Spool vs. Edward Tufte
advice on presentations - could also apply to posts
"I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to give me some awesome feedback."How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For
Good reminder RT @MR21c How to Return Facebook Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For via @lifehacker
"Online privacy expectations are evolving, but whether Facebook likes it or not, a lot of us want the privacy settings we signed up for when we joined the service. Here's how to use Facebook's new privacy controls to regain your original privacy."LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School
RT @draenews: Del LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School: simple steps to meeting someone
Dating7 FBML examples to rock your Facebook fan page.
Facebook markup language or FBML for short is used in a variety of places within the social network. Anyone who has written any Facebook applications will already be pretty familiar with its tags, and will probably have used it to write data to walls, or share postings with others programmatically. If however you haven’t yet dipped your toe in the water of the Facebook API, or indeed haven’t actually needed to – there are some snippets of FBML which prove to be mighty useful when creating custom Facebook Fan Pages, and can easily and quickly out of the box be used with the FBML widget, which adds an extra much needed layer of customisation to an existing Facebook fan page. The static FBML widget can be added multiple times, and in multiple places (sidebar and tabs) to facilitate this. Once you’ve added it to your page, simply go to “edit page”, then under Applications click “edit” under Static FBML. This will give you the options you need to paste in your code.Social Media Strategy from A to Z » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Social Media Strategy from A to ZIs Your Artwork Ready for Print? :: Echo Enduring Blog
Before I flew out to my interview, a friend of mine who knew this person tipped me off on the executive’s interview style. The executive liked to use behavioral interviewing to weed out candidates for positions. I had never heard of this interview style before, so I set out to research as much as I could about it, aiming to be as prepared as possible. Here’s what I learned on the way to landing the job.日本語版 WordPress チートシート | Webクリエイターボックス
とりあえず出力したWeb Speaks: 25 Incredibly Useful CSS Tricks You Should Know
POST - 4 Proven Steps to #Facebook Page Success - to Record Great Video with Your HD DSLR Camera
HD DSLRs are incredible—they give you a video camera with interchangeable lenses, depth of field control and stellar low-light performance—but they're not without drawbacks. Here's how to work around them.
Annotated link Pages: Good, Bad, and Missing | UX Booth
Users rarely begin their relationship with a company though its About page. More often than not, they learn about us based on what we do, the product or service that we offer. Why, then, should they want to learn more? About pages help users discover who lives behind the websites we create.4 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook
Facebook presents a unique opportunity to connect with and educate your target market in a way that your website and even your blog can’t match. The trick is coming up with meaningful content that people will want to share, and that brings them back again and again. Become an industry resource Expand beyond your wall Lighten up Engage the community
RT @Mike_Stelzner: 4 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook via @Mashable – B2B Online Marketing (B2BOnlineMktg)サイトを公開する際に最低限抑えておきたい Apache の設定 | バシャログ。
httpd.conf view source print? 01 # 持続的接続を有効化 02 KeepAlive On 03 # IE は除外 04 SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ 05 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ 06 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 07 # HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 08 ServerTokens Prod 09 # エラーページの表示を抑制 10 ServerSignature Off 11 # TRACE メソッドを無効化 12 TraceEnable Off php.ini view source print? 1 ; HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 2 expose_php = Off9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them
RT @draenews: Del 9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them: Tips and Tricks For Mac OS X - Super User
Cool collection of tricks, even I found new onesThe Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking | Social Media Examiner
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminerHow To Create Impressive Welcome Page For Your Facebook Fan Page Absolutely Free
Some may argue that typography is the single most important aspect of web design, but yet it's often one of the most neglected and overlooked. There's a lot
Some may argue that typography is the single most important aspect of web design, but yet it’s often one of the most neglected and overlooked. There’s a lot involved in typography, and becoming a master can be difficult. A lot of it requires much experience, practice, and knowing the rules and do’s and dont’s. Nevertheless, there’s a lot to remember. So to provide a little typography aid, we’ve rounded up Six Super Helpful Typography Cheat Sheets.Good Practices for Delivering Print Files –
Currently there is an overabundance of web designers out there that are extremely talented and can create some really cool stuff. But in my twelve years of experience designing for print, on both the Printer and Agency side of things, I have encountered multiple cases where people fall short in the delivery of their creative when it comes to print work, sometimes causing unnecessary charges from the printer to fix their mistakes. Add to that the fact that I have been approached by more than a few of my friends and colleagues with a “deer-in-headlights” demeanor when it comes to creating or delivering stuff for print. For this, I have compiled a list of good practices and basic guidelines to ensure that your jobs are delivered efficiently. This is, of course, assuming that you are using InDesign as your final delivery vehicle (which I recommend) regardless of which application you used to design the piece.CSS Content | CSS-Tricks
:after :beforeIncrease Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and StatusTop 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner
here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them (#SocialMedia Examiner) -
"Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner"
While there are many success stories of people using social media for personal and business reasons, there are also plenty of people who may feel their efforts are not paying off. Whether you use social media to market your business, increase sales, promote your blog, or raise awareness for a non-profit organization, here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 social media mistakes and how to fix them意外と知られていない機能が多い!?Firebugの使い方 | THE HAM MEDIA
Firebug の使い方をもう少し知っていると、Web サイトの制作の時に便利だ!と思える場面が多々でてくるので、是否今回ご紹介する機能は抑えておき、活用してみてください。裁断機 PK-513L で本を 100冊裁断してみた - 経験した 9つの失敗とその回避方法 - 彼女からは、おいちゃんと呼ばれています
自炊マニュアル。非常にわかりやすいAwk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).意外と知られていない機能が多い!?Firebugの使い方 | THE HAM MEDIA
Firebug の使い方をもう少し知っていると、Web サイトの制作の時に便利だ!と思える場面が多々でてくるので、是否今回ご紹介する機能は抑えておき、活用してみてください。裁断機 PK-513L で本を 100冊裁断してみた - 経験した 9つの失敗とその回避方法 - 彼女からは、おいちゃんと呼ばれています
自炊マニュアル。非常にわかりやすいAwk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).意外と知られていない機能が多い!?Firebugの使い方 | THE HAM MEDIA
Firebug の使い方をもう少し知っていると、Web サイトの制作の時に便利だ!と思える場面が多々でてくるので、是否今回ご紹介する機能は抑えておき、活用してみてください。10 phrases you should ban from your resume - Yahoo! Finance
自炊マニュアル。非常にわかりやすいAwk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).意外と知られていない機能が多い!?Firebugの使い方 | THE HAM MEDIA
Firebug の使い方をもう少し知っていると、Web サイトの制作の時に便利だ!と思える場面が多々でてくるので、是否今回ご紹介する機能は抑えておき、活用してみてください。10 phrases you should ban from your resume - Yahoo! Finance
自炊マニュアル。非常にわかりやすいAwk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).意外と知られていない機能が多い!?Firebugの使い方 | THE HAM MEDIA
Firebug の使い方をもう少し知っていると、Web サイトの制作の時に便利だ!と思える場面が多々でてくるので、是否今回ご紹介する機能は抑えておき、活用してみてください。Thematic WordPress Theme Toolbox: 10 extremely useful hooks
To help you getting started with Thematic child theme development, I have compiled 10 useful WordPress hooks in this article.10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
Good post on ways to use Google BooksGetting Ready for a Website Redesign: Advice, Resources and More - Noupe
jor focus in any design, but here we are more talking about your established readers, not just every user. The main difference is that when you are talking about every user you are
Een post waarin kort wordt uitgelegd waar je op moet letten bij een redesign van een reeds bestaande website
By Robert Bowen There is a season for all things, and this holds true in the world of web design too. Naturally with the technologies and languages evolving at the...Using Landmarks Makes Page Layout Easy | Webdesigner Depot
A design may have impact. It may have style. But having these isn’t enough. To work well, a design has to have elements that play off each other’s
配置をマスターして「機能するレイアウト」を作る大切なポイント Tips for a Successful Social Media Cause Campaign
如何称为一个成功的rubyist10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
The great thing about Google is that you can take any of its services and extend it to uses that are not so obvious. We have seen the uncounted ways you can use Google Search. Now, take Google Books for instance.
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries) Ultimate Brain-Power Workout
Find information on wellness, diet, fitness, weight loss, mental health, anti-aging, conditions & diseases, drugs & medications, and more on Yahoo! HealthTop 10 USB Thumb Drive Tricks
What can you do with a few gigabytes and a USB port? Quite a lot, with the right software. Learn how to encrypt your work, run whole systems, rescue Windows, and customize your thumb drive with these USB-geared tricks.長期間の使用で重くなったFirefoxを一瞬で軽くする方法
@etupirka これ?
C:\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\適当な文字列.default\places.sqliteを削除する。。 places.sqliteを削除することによって、閲覧ページの履歴、faviconなどのキャッシュが削除されます(履歴とfaviconが必要な人は削除しないようにしてください)。ブックマークのデータ等は消えない他、クッキーも消えないようです(追記:「厳密にはbookmarkbackups フォルダにバックアップされたデータから復元」されるそうです)。
places.sqlite10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks
10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You’ll Want To Start Using
Some nice CSS effects - rounded corners etc.
웹 개발자와 디자이너에게 도움이 될 10가지 CSS3 테크닉 모음5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App
Android blackberry iPhone UI guidelines
5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App – iphoneness (iphoneness) Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App
Here are five tips you should keep in mind when designing and developing your mobile application, regardless of platform.
Android blackberry iPhone UI guidelines6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
Everyone has heard the first “golden rule” of web video: keep it short. There are plenty of articles and statistics illustrating audiences preference for short content on the web. To be clear, sh
6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
RT: @mashable: 6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video - [from]Create a CSS3 Call to Action Button
CSS3按钮教程10 [More] Killer Dropbox Tips and Tricks | Web.AppStorm
dropbox tips
DROPBOXBreaking the Rules: How to Effectively Break the “Rules” of Good Web Design - Noupe
Below are a bunch of commonly-accepted web design rules, along with the reasons you might want to break them, and how to do so effectively. We’ve also included examples for each and the one unbreakable rule.Breaking the Rules: How to Effectively Break the “Rules” of Good Web Design - Noupe
Breaking grounds in Web Design
15 Websites That Break The Rules A great gallery of sites that break at least some of the so-called rulesYou were doing it wrong | Ask MetaFilter
Breaking grounds in Web Design
15 Websites That Break The Rules A great gallery of sites that break at least some of the so-called rules私のクラウド化 | kazunoblog
Dublin.rdf is worth trying20 Things You Should Never Buy Used - Yahoo! Shopping
Yahoo! Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for Yahoo! Shopping - Find Great Products Online, Compare, Shop & Save Compare products, compare prices, read reviews and merchant ratings..
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Mattresses! (pillows too :-) )How to Take Full Advantage of Your Solid-State Drive
Solid-state drives (SSDs) have grown popular in recent years for the impressive speed increases your system gains using them. To get the most from your SSD, however, you can (and should) do a few things differently.Green for Your Garden—and Your Wallet! | How to Get More Plants at No Cost | Photos | Gardening | This Old House
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Planning a vacation can be stressful enough without adding technology to the mix. Take the stress out of your summer travel plans with a geek-oriented vacation checklist.Use A Ram Disk To Reduce Writes On Solid State Drives
RT @draenews: Del Use A Ram Disk To Reduce Writes On Solid State Drives:
para mejorar la cache de la RAM
The write speed of Solid State Drives is usually lower than the read speed. Many write operations on SSDs can slow down the system performance and reduce the longevity of the drive. Specialized programs such as SSD Drive Tweaker or Flash Fire aid the user in optimizing the system for Solid State Drives.10 tips for designing mobile websites | These Days Labs
mobile html5 css3Textarea Tricks | CSS-Tricks
textarea { overflow: auto; }Ruby Procs And Lambdas (And The Difference Between Them)
RT @deliciouspb: Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips写真画像に「すりガラスのバー」を描くPhotoshopのチュートリアル | コリス
すりガラスのバー加工Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips
Hulu has made your computer into a viable TV viewing alternative, and Hulu Plus might make it a real replacement. In celebration of all-things streaming and (mostly) free, here are our best Hulu hacks—downloading, watching anywhere, and advanced searching included.
RT @deliciouspb: Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化
iPadたで読むためのスキャンになりましたね #ipadjp --が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化 Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Shadows with CSS3 | Nimbupani Designs
Cool drop shadows, wrapped.[CSS]実例から学ぶCSS3の効果的な使い方 | コリス
[CSS]実例から学ぶCSS3の効果的な使い方10 SEO Tips to Remember When Building Your Site
Whether you're starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it's a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. Let us assume that, just like everyone else, you are building a website–after all, the Web is where it is all happening now. As soon as your website goes live–and especially while you are still in the design and development phase–you need to make sure your site’s content will be found through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing where many people go to look for information. Whether you’re starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it’s a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. This article follows up on a previous Six Revisions post called 9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design, sharing with you a few more tips for improving the search engine optimization, sGoogle Analyticsの意外と知られていない便利な裏技5選 | Web担当者Forum
1. 解析の対象とする期間を簡単に指定する 2. 一目でわかる比較レポート 3. 正規表現の活用 4. 500行以上のデータを参照する 5. レポートのメール送信スケジュールを設定する
AnalyticsHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
egg yolks
パーフェクトなアイスクリームGet More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
egg yolks10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS.
10 buenos y útiles tutoriales CSS para diseñadores.Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS. So, this time we are here compiling a list of best CSS tutorials that helps you to gain knowledge in CSS. I am sure these tutorials will help you to create some awesome designs.Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"How to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
couple good functions in here. Add to php library.Web Performant WordPress |
or... How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.
80% of the time users wait for a web page is because of the frontend. I was sort of thunderstruck with fear. Although we always strive for better, I typically found a 3-5 second page load great and up to 7 seconds acceptable. After recording the show, I stayed up a few hours that night fiddling with The ATX Web Show and increased site performance by ~500%1.
Dave Rupert provides an excellent breakdown of how to speed up your WordPress-powered site. There's no excuse to not spend the time implementing these changes. Even if you're like me, and have already done a lot of the work, I'm willing to bet there's a step or two that will make your site even better. For me, it's the super-duper-easy cut-and-paste improvements to the htacess file to enable gzip and browser caching.
How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Interesting read
Tips we can all use sometimes - esp. on a Monday! Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
interesting - id not thought about tracking video downloads before
Useful: 7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internetなぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? - NO!と言えるようになりたい
こういうの好き // なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? – えふしん (fshin2000)
「Unixを使っていると,/usr が全然ユーザー用じゃなくどう見てもシステムのための物だったり,/etc が事実上設定ファイル置き場となっていたり,/var がログファイル置き場となっていたりと,名が体を現していなくて奇妙な感覚を覚える.もっと分かりやすい名前の付け方があったんじゃないかと,Unixユーザーならば誰もが思うはずだが,これに対する解答がredditに投稿されており,その内容が非常に面白かったので,軽く翻訳してみた.」7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works.The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Really good tips and apps for helping with moving.The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Tracking and studying searches on your site is a valuable part of site analytics, but many site owners underestimate the benefit of it. Website search analytics can provide advantageous insights into what people are looking for on your site and also what your site looks like in search engine results.
In this guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of search analytics, using Google Analytics as our tool.50 Useful Articles and Resources You May Have Missed - Noupe Design Blog
Personal Branding for Web Designers15 Killer Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts That Might Surprise You
You might already know these, but they're useful none the less.Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
10 writing tips everyone can benefit from: (h/t @kottke)
ooo! gonna come back to this: 10 rules for writers (via @jkottke) #bookmark
1. Write the sentence, not just the story. 2. Pick a better verb. 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.Get People to "Like" Your Facebook Page | Social Media Examiner
How to build your Facebook community by getting people to like your business page.
#1: Be Prepared With Quality Wall Posts and Consistent Engagement #2: Reward Your Loyal Supporters #3: Leverage Your Existing Social Networks #4: Integrate Facebook Social Plugins to Your Website #5: Remind Your Fans to Like and Share #6: Utilize Forum Signatures and Membership Sites #7: Take the Initiative: Request Help From Friends #8: Use Tagging and Acknowledgments #9: Participate Outside Your Page #10: Collaborate With Other Page Admins for a Social EventJanet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
Some of the best creative writing advice I have seen
1. Write the sentence, not just the story 2. Pick a better verb 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 8. Learn to write dialogue. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.
Good rules for any writer.
Click here to find out more!9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
Smokescreen FlashをHTML5に自動変換
HTML5Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Jun 27, 2010 04:12 AM 165,502 1787 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
RT @flowingdata 7 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
Primer or Reminder RT @JuiceAnalytics 7 basic rules for creating charts #MRHow to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World, at Lifehacker – Jack Schofield (jackschofield)
Nice article on trying to stay focused when the internet is around
good ideas for those with internet-attention-span disorder.
Many jobs in the contemporary workplace actually require that you're online all the time, constantly connected to your coworkers—and to a mind-boggling ocean of distractions. Here's how to stay focused.How To Create “Search By Category” Functionality In WordPress
Tutorial waarin uitgelegd wordt hoe je een zoekfunctie per categorie kunt integreren in WordPress powered websites
Para crear una busqueda por categorias en wordpressMake Windows leaner, cleaner and faster | News | TechRadar UK
Make Windows leaner, cleaner and faster Speed up your PC with these easy tips : TechRadar UKWordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
’s the way to show the description on each menus? Very good question. What’s the use of menu description as seen on menu management picture if we couldn’t d
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do!
Wordpress 3.0 Features and Guide | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE -
come togliere a get_the_term_list il link della categoria ;)Make Windows leaner, cleaner and faster | News | TechRadar UK
tions and wasteful processes are sapping many of your PC's valuable resources. And what's to blame? Windows. Windows is deceptive. After you've installed it, the OS happily connects to the internet, downloads all the necessary drivers, configures itself and there you go – one stable PC all ready to roll. It couldn't be easier or more convenient.
sappingWordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
A deeper look at new features of Wordpress 3 and see what we can do.
Overzicht met Wordpress3.0 mogelijkheden
’s the way to show the description on each menus? Very good question. What’s the use of menu description as seen on menu management picture if we couldn’t d
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do!
Wordpress 3.0 Features and Guide | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE - To Be an Android Power User
tions and wasteful processes are sapping many of your PC's valuable resources. And what's to blame? Windows. Windows is deceptive. After you've installed it, the OS happily connects to the internet, downloads all the necessary drivers, configures itself and there you go – one stable PC all ready to roll. It couldn't be easier or more convenient.
sappingWordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
A deeper look at new features of Wordpress 3 and see what we can do.
Overzicht met Wordpress3.0 mogelijkhedenHow to Focus - A Healthy Information Diet -
ime I heard this one…. Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.
"Top 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner"
Myth #1: My Customers Aren’t on Social Media Myth #2: I Can’t Measure the Impact of Social Media on My Business Myth #3: I Don’t Have Time to Manage Social Media Myth #4: If I Engage on Social Media Sites, I’ll Get Loads of Negative Comments Myth #5: Social Media Is Hard WorkTen tips for building better Adobe AIR applications > Tutorials > Flash Magazine
Buenas practicas para AIR
Now that we have just launched AIR 2, I figured it would be a good time to look back at all the AIR code I've written over the last few months and pick out some of the best snippets and concepts to share with the community. This article describes ten techniques I've used to improve performance, usability, and security of AIR applications, and to make the development process faster and easier.
Tips on optimizing Flash / AIR performanceHow to Hire a Contractor Without Getting Hosed
ime I heard this one…. Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.10 Compelling Reasons to Use Zend Framework | Nettuts+
A list of things Zend Framework can do and what benefits they give to a project.
Link given to me by Mark Tinsley10 Interesting CSS3 Experiments and Demos
CSS3 Experiments and Demos
CSS3 demos
10 interesting #CSS3 experiments and demos