OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | Ten Tiny Things Every Small Business Owner Should Do in 2009
Need to pop these on my listHow to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation - PSDTUTS
Cool fire effectThe Big Eat SF: 100 Things to Try Before You Die | 7x7
60. The Brass Monkey at Little Star Pizza
L’Osteria del Forno
San Francisco.Printable Checklist
Online generating checklist for printingIntro to Django - Building a To-Do List - NETTUTS
Djangoを始める時8 ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.
simple tips
"Don't kill yourself striving for 100% coverage of code with automated unit tests. But take a few minutes to increase your coverage by 1%. Most likely, that means going from 0% to 1%. And that's the biggest improvement of all." Annotated link » Archive » Creating a central binder for your home
Unclutterer is the blog about getting and staying organized. A place for everything, and everything in its place is our gospel.DIY Grow Lights | Popular Science
DIY Grow Lights | Popular ScienceApartment Therapy Chicago | How To: Make an Inventory of Your Home ... And Use It to Declutter
A home inventory list serves multiple purposes. It provides documentation of your belongings for an insurance company if your home is burglarized or damagedTiddlyDu2 - - a free personal organizer from
TiddlyDu2 is a free personal organizer in TiddlyWiki format. It allows you to easily organize your goals, projects, tasks, dated tasks, important information, and contacts. Click on the links below for further instructions.
elcome to TiddlyDu2! TiddlyDu2 is a free personal organizer in TiddlyWiki format. It allows you to easily organize your goals, projects, tasks, dated tasks, important information, and contacts. Click on the links below for further instructions.TaskFive | Home
Pretty todo list generatorA Review of Two Things: One For the Mac and One For iPhone - Shawn Blanc A design and technology weblog by Shawn Blanc.
task management for mac and iphoneOrganization: Autofocus is a Single, Paper-Based List Organization System
Autofocus, an organization system designed by personal organization author Mark Forster, is available for all. If you're looking for a linear, list-based system to help you get things done, Autofocus stresses simplicity and speed.
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list. You work through the list one page at a time: 1. Read quickly through all the items on the page. 2. Go through the page more slowly until one stands out for you. 3. Work on that item for as long as you feel like doing so 4. Cross the item off, re-enter it at the end of the list if you haven't finished it 5. Continue the same page in the same way. Don't move to the next page until you complete the page without any item standing out 6. Move onto the next page and repeat the process 7. If you go to a page and no item stands out for you on your first pass through it, then all the outstanding items on that page are dismissed without re-entering them. Use a highlighter to mark dismissed items. 8. Once you've finished with the final page, re-start at the first page that is still active.Book Excerpt: David Allen's Making It All Work a New Look at GTD
All Work a New Look
Author David Allen's follow-up to his best-selling productivity bible Getting Things Done is called Making It All Work. In a series of excerpts published by tech site BNET, Allen discusses the two axes of self-management—control and perspective—and asks you to place yourself in the matrix. (Of course any personal productivity book is nothing without at least one matrix.) Are you a visionary/crazy-maker? Victim/responder? Micromanager/implementer? If things are going well, you've got the right mix of control and perspective, which puts you in the Captain and Commander seat.Eric Wendelin’s Blog » Why every programmer should have a Tiddlywiki
as an indication of where I'm headed with my own projectThe Simple Dollar » A Guide to Making Inexpensive and Delicious Homemade Pizza
I tend to layer things as much as possible - sauce, then toppings, then cheese, then a bit more sauce, then more toppings, then more cheese. You can do whatever you like, of course, but I do recommend having a bit of sauce on the bottom to hold the crust to the toppings.
PIZZA16 Awesome Star Wars Papercraft Models
Some time ago I gathered a list of 100 Exceptional Free Paper Models and Toys that was quite well received by the readers of this blog. The amount and quality of paper craft models available for download is amazing. Chances are that anything that’s popular and geeky, has already been converted into a paper craft model.
Dorky...yes!WebWorkerDaily » Archive Getting Things Done with Gmail Tasks «
Tutorial voor het creëren van typografie graphic. Goede blog met Photoshop tutorials.
Creating a Typographic Wallpaper - Tutorial9 - :: Tracks
BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL
task management software
BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL.TreeSheets
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The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
"Free Form Data Organization"
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.Annals of Innovation: How David Beats Goliath: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
12 year old girls become basketball heroes by defying convention. SWEET!
"David" can beat "Goliath" by playing by his rules, not the established ones.
When underdogs choose not to play by Goliath’s rules, they win, Arreguín-Toft concluded, “even when everything we think we know about power says they shouldn’t.”Professional Tips for Improving Photoshop’s Performance - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the Photoshop Preferences to increase our Performance. With more and more features and important improvements,A Detailed Django Tutorial: Blog Basics Part I :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
50 on this page-- 50 on 2. wide variety of software from games to internet daemons.22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques : Speckyboy Design Magazine
buttonsMy Tiny TodoList | A simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery
A simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery
My Tiny TodoList is a totally free, simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery released from Max Pozdeev and based on my original MyToDoList applicationThymer - Super easy Planning, Task and Project Management
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning. For individuals, teams and small businesses.
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning.
Sign up for the beta. Why? Oh . . . just sign up. Be a productivity geek like me. (Except . . . be productive.)Webサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.Infinite Summer
summer reading challenge--Infinite jestFacebook | Username
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.The Big Ol' Ubuntu Security Resource | IT Security |
IT Security has prepared a guide to help you close your system's backdoors and protect you from some of the common Ubuntu exploits.
sudo chown root:admin /bin/su sudo
Not everything is useful on this list
Securing Ubuntu right out of the box. Note: there is some conjecture about whether these are necessary. See feedback in article comments.
Ubuntu is billed as ultra-secure, but its default install has flaws -- here's how to modify your install for the ultimatColabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe appsLifehacker - Top 10 Productivity Basics Explained - Productivity
Before Wall-E, there was this penetrating parable of the grim future of technology and life on an Earth without animals (and the basis for Blade Runner).
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We know it's insane. We know people will ask why on earth we think that an 1875 British satirical novel is the book you need to read right now—or, for that matter, why it even made the cut. The fact is, no one needs another best-of list telling you how great The Great Gatsby is. What we do need, in a world with precious little time to read (and think), is to know which books—new or old, fiction or nonfiction—open a window on the times we live in, whether they deal directly with the issues of today or simply help us see ourselves in new and surprising ways. Which is why we'd like you to sit down with Anthony Trollope, and these 49 other remarkably trenchant voices.The cheapest places to live in the world. $500 a month - Travel Blog Magazine
If you’re 45 years or more you may consider retiring to Belize. The Retired Person’s Incentive Program may allow you to live a tax free lifestyle which should definitely help you saving up a few bucks.
(If it gets really bad...we might consider this!)Official Gmail Blog: Tasks, now in Calendar too
Kolla upp mera
Tasks in Google Calendar [from]
tasks in gmailNirvana › GTD Software for Getting Things Done, Web 2.0 Style
Algo que está ahora pegando muy fuerte es la metodología GTD. No es más que una forma de organizar nuestro día a día para hacer lo más productivo posible la realización de nuestras tareas. Existen diferentes aplicaciones y servicios, y aquí os presentamos una más. Se trata de Nirvana, como ya hemos dicho una aplicación que sigue la metodología GTD y que funciona vía web. Su funcionamiento es el habitual, teniendo la opción de organizar nuestras tareas en las diferentes categorías que son “Algún día”, “Próximo”, “Inbox” o “Proyecto”. Podemos etiquetar cada tarea para poder realizar una búsqueda más óptima. También podemos delegar alguna y enviarla por correo electrónico a quien queramos para que tenga conocimiento de ella. Actualmente está en beta privada pero podemos solicitar una invitación para poder hacer uso de ella. Recomendable si queremos tener nuestra vida organizada.Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"
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MagMe is an online service platform that provides a free distribution channel for digital publications. Revistas en Línea100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library | The Art of Manliness
The idea behind the txtGTD script is to facilitate and simplify editing project list in David Allen's time management method - Getting Thing Done (GTD). I assume that you already know 'what it's all about' in GTD, especially what is 'project' and 'context' ( the context of GTD). :)Gizmodo's Essential iPhone Apps: Fall 2009 - iPhone Apps - Gizmodo
app'sTop 10 DIY Projects for an Extra Day Off - Weekend project - Lifehacker
It's the last day of an unusually long weekend, and there's absolutely nothing on the schedule. Break out the tools and pull up one of these nifty DIY projects to improve your living space and boost your can-do cred.Knowliz: Sync ToDo's and Tasks on iPhone for FREE using Google Sync
ToDo's and Tasks on iPhoneStop Futzing Around - (BETA)
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Start sending stuff with your address bar today. Paste any of the following into the address bar of Any browser....(where "xxx" is your username):Typing Lessons Online: Start Page, typing course, typing tutor, typing training, blind typing with 10 fingers
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neat but not sure why i'd use this over evernote.
Listhings is an eco-friendly web app for storing sticky notes, lists, ToDo's, you-name-it. It's super fast, free and easy to use. No sign-up adopts the excellent task management principles to guide you to get head cleared and rid of various pending ideas in mind , help you organize tasks and focus on important items , so as to closely tracking work and feel easy when facing up bulks of complicated projects. No pressure but efficient , enjoy your work and get unexpected success.10 Adobe AIR apps that make you more productive | Webware - CNET
If you're looking to be more productive, you might want to consider using Adobe AIR apps to help you achieve that goal. Here are some of the best tools.OMG! UBUNTU!: 10 Useful Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
This appears to be the best way to integrate Remember the Milk and Launchy. Works even better with new Smart Add features.DIY: Wine Bottle Light « Wit & Whistle
ui me imagino un set de botellasNexty
a terrific little tool for arranging your to-do lists by project and easily cross-referencing them by context. You can check all your tasks, figure out your Next Action, set reminders, and see due dates all in a few clicks. Nexty comes with pretty much all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a GTD webapp
"Nexty is an easy to use To Do list manager created using GTD principles. Why choose Nexty? * Easy to Use * FREE! * Open Source"What deux yeux have teux deux teuxday?
Here’s an exercise I use to place the appropriate (and timely!) attention on what I consider to be the MIT's—the Most Important Things.Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours.Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card.Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day.Review it occasionally.At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?"Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
* Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours. * Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card. * Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day. * Review it occasionally. * At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?" * Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.Atlassian Stimulus Package
Can get 10 user licenses of JIRA, Confluence or Bamboo for $10 each.
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Start-up priced software from Atlassian - $10.Wallet made from Tyvek mailing envelope
Do-it-yourself wallet. I need a new wallet.
how to make an ultra-thin wallet from a Tyvek mailing envelope
I have made a very lightweight but functional wallet / art piece, from a Tyvek postal envelope. Inspired by the duck tap...
DIY instructions for cheap wallet.8 Things Every Geek Needs to Do Before 2010
Nice post about what not to do. It actually might be very accurate as some of what is said is supported by people that live there that I know.Track your time on the computer with FruitfulTime ProductivityMeter Personal Edition
Lista de filmes marcantes feitos com menos de 1 milhão de dólares
Behind every outstanding Hollywood blockbuster, there’s a film director who had to work their ass off to helm that project. And though their early work is not often seen by the public eye, that doesn’t mean it’s not accessible to those who are interested in seeking it out. The following movies all had budgets under $1 million, some of them reaching as low as $7,000. Let this act as a reminder: you don't need to be backed by studio financing to make a great film.
would love to watch most of these some day
Pour 100 briques, ben t'as encore des trucs pas mal... Add Gmail Tasks to Your Firefox Sidebar
Nice productivity hintAJAX-ed Todo List With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making a simple AJAX-ed Todo List App, with PHP, MySQL and jQuery. In the process we are going to demonstrate PHP’s OOP capabilities, play with jQuery UI and implement some nice AJAX functionality. For a better understanding of the steps of this tutorial, you an go ahead and download the demo archive available from the button above.Producteev Home
"Producteev is a web-based task management application that helps people -- whether they are located in the same office or in multiple time zones -- work together more effectively and efficiently. You can connect with your colleagues, track the progress of projects in real time, manage your to-do lists, manage workflow, assign tasks, collaborate, share files, centralize multiple project information into one customizable, personal ,Dashboard and put the web’s best social networking applications to work for you."
looks interesting. check it out
Producteev is a new generation Task Management web application that drastically simplifies the way you work with your team.8 Liberating Strategies for Clearing the Queues in Your Life | Zen Habits
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The true color of networking is often revealed after the event itself.
Excellent post for people to whom social networking doesn't come naturally or comfortably - would be especially good for teachers or students who are new to social media.Ajaxify - jQuery plugin
たちつてとなかにはいれ-> 食べ物 、 地域 、通勤 、 天気 、 富・景気、名前 、 体・健康 、ニュース 、 流行 、 異性 、 レジャー
困ったときの話題の選び方として「たちつてとなかにはいれ」「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」という鉄板マニュアルもあるそうなので、以下を参考にしてください。 ■「たちつてとなかにはいれ」 た(食べ物)、ち(地域)、つ(通勤/通学)、て(天気)、と(富/景気)、な(名前)、か(からだ/健康)、に(ニュース)、は(流行り)、い(異性)、れ(レジャー) ■「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」 き(季節)、ど(道楽)、に(ニュース)、た(旅)、て(天気)、か(家庭)、け(健康)、し(仕事)、衣(衣服)、食(食べ物)、住(住居)
【人の話を全く聞かずに、自分が言いたいことばかり話す】【まず否定から入る】 【面白い話をするとき、途中で自分で笑いだしてこっちには何の事だかわからない】 【相手の話にいちいち対抗したがる】 【「それ“で”いいよ」「“けっこう”好き」など、すっきりしない言い回しを多用する】【他人に気を遣わせる自虐ネタが多い】 【どんな話題に対しても批評や批判をしたがる】 【「ここだけの話」を多用する】 【詮索好きで、質問責めにしてくる】10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid | OMG! Ubuntu!
Great list of Ubuntu tweaksGmail gains a to-do list — but it’s not made by Google » VentureBeat
The screenshot in Gmail Labs for the Google Docs gadget makes it look like Google wanted users to create to-do lists in Google Docs and access them through a link in the Google Doc widget in Gmail.
One thing that has been lacking from a productivity perspective however, is a proper to-do list. Today, thanks to the third party service Remember The Milk, you can add one.
Googles online email application Gmail is quickly turning into my main hub on the Internet. Not only does it house my email, it supports instant messaging (including Google Talk and AIMs networks) and thanks to its brilliant Gmail Labs, services such as Google Calendar and Google Docs can be placed in Gmails sidebars as well.Lifehacker - Backup Maker Offers Dead Simple Backup Creation - Backup
Backup for online or disc. Freeware. Lifehacker.Gmail Finally Gets A To-Do List
I'm using this, and already doing something other then whats on the list, posting links online! Damn it! I can't win!
"Someone at Google finally realized how helpful it would be to add a to-do list to Gmail. It is called “Tasks” and is now available in Gmail Labs (click on the beaker icon next to “Settings” on the upper right hand corner of Gmail). When you enable Tasks, it appears as a link in the left-hand column under Contacts. Click on the link and a box pops up in the lower right-hand corner like it does with Gtalk. You can add tasks, reorder them, cross out completed tasks, switch to a new list, or pop out the box to keep on your desktop. It’s a simple feature, but really useful for people who find that they keep Gmail open all the time. In general, I’m not a big user of to-do lists. Not because I don’t need them (I do), but because they require that I open a separate application or go to a dedicated Website like Remember The Milk."Dinosaurs and Robots: How To Make An Abstract Mobile
後者関数のラムダ式に書き間違いがある気がする。 succ = λx.λf.λx.f(n f x) => succ = λn.λf.λx.f(n f x) だと思うんだけど、どうなんだろう…。Featured Windows Download: Hitman Pro Runs Eight Different Anti-Malware Apps with One Click
8!!! different malware/virus apps in one go!!! useful for when the shit hits the fan...
Free application Hitman Pro scans your system for malware using not one, not two, but eight different anti-malware applications. Essentially, Hitman Pro is a helper utility that runs up to eight different cleaning tools when you tell it to.
Windows only: Free application Hitman Pro scans your system for malware using not one, not two, but eight different anti-malware applications. Essentially, Hitman Pro is a helper utility that runs up to eight different cleaning tools when you tell it to. Some are favorites we all know and love, like Ad-Aware and Spybot S&D, while others are a bit more obscure. The idea behind Hitman Pro is that you've got a one-stop shop for killing off any malware that hits your system—regardless of whether it's spyware, adware, or some nasty virus. As the MakeUseOf post points out, scanning your system with each app can be a time-consuming process, so it's best to use when your computer is idle. If Hitman Pro seems like overkill, check out our five best antivirus applications and five best Windows maintenance tools for some great alternatives.小寺信良の現象試考:どのタスクも落とさないタスク管理、7つのコツ (1/3) - ITmedia +D LifeStyle
TODOは使わない。プライオリティーはつけない。どうせ全部やるんだから。長期タスクも時間単位まで落とし込む。納期が早いものからこなしていく。スケジュール管理はGoogleカレンダーを使う。ToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac - WIndows on a Mac - Lifehacker
Plancake is a smart online task and list manager software.
open Source and Free Tasks Manager and Todo ListWhat Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website? - Smashing Magazine