Pages tagged toolkit:

Generic Work Process - v1.0
Google Agency Toolkit
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web

Java scrippting
kind of flare for js: impressive!
JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit, Meaningful Visualizations
Digital Storytelling Toolkit by the Llano Grande Center
Google Translator Toolkit
You've come to the right place! Start by searching our site below, or browse our list of popular support articles. If you can't find the answer you need, our community volunteers are ready to help you find a solution.
This is a pretty cool tool to manage translations
فایلتان را آپلود کنید و ترجمه آن را تحویل بگیرید!
Online translation memory system
Here's what you can do with Google Translator Toolkit: * Upload Word documents, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML, text, Wikipedia articles and knols. * Use previous human translations and machine translation to 'pretranslate' your uploaded documents. * Use our simple WYSIWYG editor to improve the pretranslation. * Invite others (by email) to edit or view your translations. * Edit documents online with whomever you choose. * Download documents to your desktop in their native formats --- Word, OpenOffice, RTF or HTML. * Publish your Wikipedia and knol translations back to Wikipedia or Knol.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit - ScottGu's Blog
ASP.NET, Visual Studio, ASP.NET 2.0, .NET
Copyright Toolkit home page
There are many legal textbooks on the subject of intellectual property, or, more specifically, copyright. Briefing documents have also been produced which aim to make senior university managers and others in the field of education aware of the need to manage copyright so as to reduce institutional liability. This toolkit is not aimed specifically at these audiences. Instead, it provides practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Covers the copyright clearance of content across all media, together with sample contracts.
Practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Practical tool for understanding copyright.
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set - Master Tool Kit - with VIDEO - Popular Mechanics
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set
stuff. I've seen it make threads take that I had given up for dead. It's saved me from having to rethread a part many times. I always carry a tube.
Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Un ensemble d'outils pour commencer à developper nos players
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
For the most part, Flash has always been the standard for showing video on the web (think of YouTube and Vimeo), supported in all browsers with the only
Ways to embed video that fall back on Flash, not lead with it
#HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players : more examples here :
methinks, My Android Toolbox
methinks, My #Android Toolbox #java
Tutorial de desenvolvimento para Android.
The Startup Toolkit
Visual worksheet for startups. Document and communicate your business model #startdo