Pages tagged towatch:

How Buildings Learn TV series

How Buildings Learn TV series
In 1997, the BBC aired a three-hour documentary based on Stewart Brand's book, How Buildings Learn. Brand has posted the whole program on Google Video in six 30-minute parts: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six.
Bill Maher's take on the current state of world religion.
Video: Merlin's Talk, "Toward Patterns for Creativity" | 43 Folders
Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users | Video on
In the year leading up to this talk, the web tool Twitter exploded in size (up 10x during 2008 alone). Co-founder Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves.
Talks Evan Williams: How Twitter's spectacular growth is being driven by unexpected uses
"Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves."
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess" on Yahoo! Video
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess"
Watch full program: THE ASCENT OF MONEY | The Ascent of Money | PBS
YouTube - The Evolution of Religions
Jared Diamond, professor of geography at UCLA, received the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1998 for Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. In 1999, he received the National Medal of Science. His most recent book is Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2004). Professor Diamond argues that religion has encompassed at least four independent components that have arisen or disappeared at different stages of development of human societies over the last 10,000 years.
From Kottke
The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos [Full List] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Suggestions for - 'Must Watch Google Tech Talks' : programming
Nonfiction Tweets: 70+ Authors to Follow on Twitter
There are thousands of authors on Twitter across numerous genres. In a recent post we featured 100, focusing for the most part on fiction. From writers focused on business to those devoted to history, hobbies, and more, here are over 70 great nonfiction authors to follow on Twitter.
From writers focused on business to those devoted to history, hobbies, and more, here are over 70 great nonfiction authors to follow on Twitter.
YouTube - Learning from
Google Tech Talk April 24, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Joel Spolsky Until recently, searching for help on highly technical programming problems has been a mess. A lot of what the search engines found was old discussions in forums, where you have a lot of wrong answers and out-of-date answers that you have to sift through yourself. You also found a lot of answers at sites that were hidden behind a pay wall, which uncloaked themselves for Google and then demanded membership fees to see the answers. is a programmer's Q&A site that launched last September to address these problems. It incorporates more modern ideas about community such as voting and public editing, and even a few ideas from game design, to create a much more successful way to get help with programming problems. In a few short months, it has grown to 14 million page views a month and reaches 3 million unique programmers every month.
Google Wave Obliterates Everything
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 1) System Organization Tutorial
Google I/O - The Myth of the Genius Programmer
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
hahah dude thats why kevin rose designed something and tim goes on tv for fun
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
Hulu - Wine for the Confused - Watch the full feature film now.
Business of Software Blog: Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department
Great talk about how to market your product.
Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department At last year's conference, Seth gave an inspiring talk on the title of "Why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department". Make sure you watch it until the end, where he gives a preview of his (then upcoming) Tribes talk.
Visualizing up to ten dimensions - Boing Boing
Bowloftoast sez, "This is a short animation that takes the viewer through a progressive description of all (and all possible) dimensions, up to and including the 10th. It is an elegant introduction to the fundamentals of string theory and a mind-blowing toe-dip into the pool of the metaphysical."
MSDN Up North : Downloadable NDC2009 videos
developer videos from NDC2009
5 Terrific Ted Talks on Future Technologies
A sampling of how technology might influence the future.
ow? Those are questions that some of the most inventive and outrageous thinkers around have been addressing at the yearly TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference. TED presenters have been wowing audiences with their future-tech ideas for a long time, and many of these talks are freely available on the web. But it can be a daunting task working out what to watch. So here’s a taster-menu of five great TED talks on how technology might influence the future. Rather than describe the latest in consumer tech, they take on the much harder task of predicting how technology will change our lives in profound ways. I’ve used a few simple rules in selecting the talks: - Was I hooked within the first few seconds? - Was the technology potentially life-changing? - Was I inspired and challenged?
ART && CODE Symposium: Hackety Hack, why the lucky stiff on Vimeo
i love the "dueling sword" ascii art
Top 10 forgotten and underrated Sci-fi movies - Movies, Reviews and More.
While great sci-fi movies have made their presence and influenced movies of all genres to this day, a lot of science fiction films over the years have gone quite unnoticed, even by today’s standards, with the Internet making it possible to spread word about independent “thinking man’s sci-fi” like Moon, Primer and, to some extent, Sunshine. Here are ten movies that are virtually not present in any “top 10 sci-fi ________ list” (fill in the blank).
Joel Spolsky's talk at Business of Software 2008 on being number one - Business of Software Blog
How come you can recognise the tune of the number one song of 1968 as being Hey Jude by the Beatles, but not the number two song? Why has the iPod had the success that the Zune has been denied?...
Joel Spolsky's talk at Business of Software 2008 on being number one
Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain | Video on
InfoQ: Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones discuss Erlang and Haskell
Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones discuss Erlang and Haskell
Interesting video where Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones engage in some friendly banter about functional programming and Erlang vs Haskell.
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The 100 Best Films of the Decade
Damn, jeg mangler at se MANGE film på den liste
show about global wa
YouTube - The Go Programming Language
Rob Pike, eden od ustvarjalcev jezika Go, predstavi glavne featurje jezika. Vredno ogleda!
Go is a new experimental systems programming language intended to make software development fast. Our goal is that a major Google binary should be buildable in a few seconds on a single machine. The language is concurrent, garbage-collected, and requires explicit declaration of dependencies. Simple syntax and a clean type system support a number of programming styles.
Introductory talk for the new programming language from Google
You Missed It: Most Unfairly Overlooked Movies Of The Decade
i've never heard of most of these. but the ones i have heard of i thoroughly enjoyed, and i think the writer describes their valuable qualities well makes me want to explore the rest of the list
The best films of 2009 - Roger Ebert's Journal
Since Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain, lists have come in tens, not that we couldn't have done with several more commandments. Who says a year has Ten Best Films, anyway? Nobody but readers, editors, and most other movie critics. There was hell to pay last year when I published my list of Twenty Best. You'd have thought I belched at a funeral. So this year I have devoutly limited myself to exactly ten films.
Las mejores películas del 2009 para el critico Roger Ebert [from]
My talk at the Business of Software conference (September 2008) - (37signals)
Why break them because you want momentum – it is the fuel. In order to not let it down chunk the project into smaller and smaller bits.(less roadmap and spec) optimize for now.
how 37signals runs
InfoQ: A Crash Course in Modern Hardware
In this presentation from the JVM Languages Summit 2009, Cliff Click discusses the Von Neumann architecture, CISC vs RISC, the rise of multicore, Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), pipelining, out-of-order dispatch, static vs dynamic ILP, performance impact of cache misses, memory performance, memory vs CPU caching, examples of memory/CPU cache interaction, and tips for improving performance. -- It's a shame I would of liked to see the presentation on their hardware transactional memory implementation and why "it doesn't work as all the academics would have you believe."
In this presentation from the JVM Languages Summit 2009, Cliff Click discusses the Von Neumann architecture, CISC vs RISC, the rise of multicore, Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), pipelining, out-of-order dispatch, static vs dynamic ILP, performance impact of cache misses, memory performance, memory vs CPU caching, etc.
YouTube - Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. At 24:14
pixar guy talks about their process
Very nice talk, lot's of agile aspects in this story about what went wrong at the succefull Pixar company
Fantastique vidéo de Ed Catmull sur les méthodologies de travail des films chez Pixar et sur les processus de Pixar en tant que compagnie.
how pixar builds high performance teams -
Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. Recorded: January 31, 2007Related Article:
What Movie Should I Watch Next? |
The 10 best indie movies of 2008 - Beyond the Multiplex -
YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See Part 1 of 8
Lifehacker - The Alexander Technique Provides Short-Term Relief From Back Pain - back pain
Silber Studios » Blog Archive » The “Key” to a Photograph from Ansel Adams–Rare, Unreleased Footage.
Ansel Adams video. His philosophy in his own words.
Ansel Adams often referred to visualization as the key to making photography an art, not just a hobby. I found this rare video footage of him, as he explains what he meant.
Ansel Adams used the term “visualization” often–but what exactly does it mean? How does it fit into your work flow as a photographer? I looked all over for a good explanation–then last year Ansel’s grandson Matthew loaned me rare unreleased footage–and there it was!
DeviceGuru » 16 interviews with Linux Kernel hackers
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do Linux
Hacker News | Ask HN: What is your favorite TED talk?