Falco Columbarius
"It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon."
It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.
It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon. This is such a heartwarming fic, I love how Merlin is still so essentially himself, even in bird form :)
Summary: It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.
in which merlin disappears and everyone discovers that arthur is a softie for birds.
PG, Merlin/Arthur. 2700 words. It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.Lemon Meringue
Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
I have sent you a cat, said Merlin's scrawl. "I see you have also gone insane," Arthur said. || (jkdshg this fic made me laugh so hard i cried.)
Adorable and sweet.
(3300 words) Arthur squinted. On further inspection, it might have said Love, Merlin, but love and Merlin resolutely did not go together, especially not with the letter 'I' in front of them, so Arthur made himself settle on the meringue. Perhaps Merlin had been feeling peckish at the time.
[Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.] Sweet sweet sweet. But not really schmoop or smarm. Like the title, perfect and light on the palate. And of course Merlin has execrable penmanship.
Summary: Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
Sweet fluff.