Pages tagged traveling:

How to Pack a Bag for Travel | The Art of Manliness

Your mom won't always be around, and if you plan on being a well-traveled man, it's essential that you learn how to effectively pack a bag. 20081016
When going on a trip, many men, to their shame, have the women in their lives- their mom, girlfriend, or wife- pack their suitcase for them. They either can’t be bothered or are afraid they don’t know how. But your mom won’t always be around, and if you plan on being a well-traveled man, it’s essential that you learn how to effectively pack a bag. You don’t want to bring too much stuff, too little stuff, or have your stuff arrive in a crumpled mess
Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - 28 things I wish I'd known before I started traveling « - Blogs from
9. The universal rule of taxi haggling, for both driver and passenger, is that once both sides agree on a fare before setting off, neither side can reopen negotiations once you’re en route. You should not try to get a better deal nor should you accept any increase in the fare from the driver after the journey has started