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Panoramic heads can be very expensive – in the $300 to $500 range for “name brand” heads. Several designs for closer to $100 are available on the web, but look a tad on the flimsy side. Building your own panoramic head for an SLR isn’t too hard or expensive. The parts for the design shown here cost about $10. Every part here is available at a store like Home Depot. Once you get past some of the misinformation out there, the only really hard part is figuring out the dimensions. The downside is that the mount is only useful for a specific camera/lens combo. On the other hand, you can’t mistakenly mess up one of the critical adjustments once you’ve built it, and the homemade mount is as light as a couple small pieces of wood.
panoramic tripod mount...BlackRapid: RS-1 Strap