Tweet! Put Twitter on your site with jQuery widget
Put Twitter on your site with this simple, unobtrusive jQuery widget.
Tweet! put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery. Demo displaying threeTweet O'Clock - Find out when it's best to tweet someone!
another mashup for Twitter
Find out when it's best to tweet
Genera un núvol de Tags de Twitter a partir de la paraula que busques
Cloud-based Twitter search engine The interface is simple 'search' and 'exclude' and you type in as appropriate. That then results in a tag cloud (presented on a size basis) with other terms, which link you directly into an advanced search over at Twitter. Good if you're not sure of what you want to find I suppose, and need some keyword ideas to help.
Twitter search engine.twtrfrnd, discover your common (shared) Twitter friends
allows you to find who common friends/followers you have with other users on twitter
a bit like the facebook function that let's you see friends-in-common.
A new follower? Should you follow back? Find out if you have common followings with them, and which people you follow that follow them...Google Uses Twitter to Sell Ads - Advertising Age - Digital
The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
NEW YORK ( -- Twitter may still be tweaking its own business model, but Google has found a way to use the popular microblogging service to sell ads. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
Google has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent Twitter "tweets" across the Google AdSense network.
"After all, while Twitter is growing and had about 7 million unique visitors in February, Nielsen NetView pegs the active digital media universe as 167 million people."Twoogle: Search Twitter vs. Google Recent results at the same time
Search Twitter and Google at the same time and get quick results side by side in one single window.
TwoogleTweeting Too Hard
This site collects pompus tweets, and allows users to rate which tweets are the most self centered / pompus.
my cleaning lady a raise today, even though she didn't ask, as my own little contribution to fightingCoupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter Community /
Love coupons!
Coupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter CommunityTwittas? - Twitter Playground
¿quieres saber cuanto tiempo pierdes en Twitter?¿saber todo tipo de detalles curiosos y predecir tendencias?
最強のついったーツール?Tweet Blocker - Cleaning up the Twitterverse
Herramienta para poder detectar qué followers pueden ser spam
Use TweetBlocker to remove spam from your account. Developer API available.
Cleaning up the TwitterverseTwitter Talkback: What Makes a Quality Tweet?
40% of tweets are “pointless babble.” It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” Informative, humorous, personal, inspiring.
"The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. " kort kategorisering af tweets...
It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. Sure, Twitter management can add or take away features and keep the site running, but whether a new user signs on to see pointless babble or quality content is solely and completely up to us! Below are my four categories in which most high quality tweets I read fall under. But we’re most interested in what you think makes for an interesting Tweet: let us know in the comments.
The best tweets are informative, funny, personal, or inspiring -- or maybe all four.
twitter everywhere.......Snap Bird - re-finding the ones that got away
Twitter search for what someone the 46 stages of Twitter
From sceptic to Twitter junky in 46 steps
1. Hear the word Twitter. Scoff. 2. Hear it again from someone else. Scoff again. 3. Hear about famous celebrity who is apparently "On Twitter." Scoff, but make mental note to check it out. 4. Log into Facebook to comfort self. 5. Sign up for Twitter. 6. Give up because it seems dumb. 7. Loudly criticize others on Twitter. 8. Follow @johncmayer, @aplusk, @rainnwilson, @wilw, @mrskutcher, @oprah, and one other person you actually know. 9. Post tweet that is a variant of: "Trying out this Twitter thing." 10. Attempt to dig a little deeper into Twitter. 11. Notice rampant usage...
The 46 Stages of Twitter
"36. Alienate actual people in your life in an attempt to impress ones you don't know."Why Do You Tweet?
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons.
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun
11% use the service to interact with brands eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun Almost 30% of all respondents also use the service to interact with celebrities - which is clearly a driving force in the mainstream adoption of the serviceThis is What a Tweet Looks Like
140 chars you say?... This is What a Tweet Looks Like
This is What a Tweet Looks Like
twitter schema representation.
a breakdown of all the information in a tweet
Get a look at all the metadata behind the humble tweet: This is what the semantic web looks like. via @paoloman – Negar Mottahedeh (negaratduke)
Think a tweet is just 140 characters of text? Think again. To developers building tools on top of the Twitter platform, they know tweets contain far more information than just whatever brief, passing thought you felt the urge to share with your friends via the microblogging network. A tweet is filled with metadata - information about when it was sent, by who, using what Twitter application and so on. Now, thanks to Raffi Krikorian, a developer on Twitter's API/Platform team, you can see what a tweet looks like, in all its data-rich detail.It’s Not How Many Followers You Have That Counts, It’s How Many Times You Get Retweeted
Proposes to give additional relevance weight to twitter accounts based on how many times their messages get re-tweeted (90%+ messages do not get RT)
It's not the # of followers you have on Twitter, it's how deep your influence and engagement goesPay with a Tweet - A social payment system
Geniale Idee! Social Payment System Downloads mit einem Tweet bezahlen. (via @wpSEO)
this is great way to promote digital artefacts through twitter'New York Times' Bans the Word 'Tweet' - The Awl
RT @romenesko NYT tells staff: "Tweet" has yet to achieve the status of standard English -- so don't use it. – Steve Rubel (steverubel)
Phil Corbett, the latest standards editor at the Times (maybe the greatest job in the world?), has issued a proclamation! Yesterday, the following memo went
'New York Times' Bans the Word 'Tweet'
Ceci n'est pas une tweet. The treachery of editorial standards, via @stevesilberman @hangingnoodles [from]
Phil Corbett, the latest standards editor at the Times (maybe the greatest job in the world?), has issued a proclamation! Yesterday, the following memo went out, asking writers to abstain from the invented past-tense and other weird iterations of the magical noun-verb "Twitter." His case isn't terrible, actually—and he offers this terrifying vision: "Someday, 'tweet' may be as common as 'e-mail.'" Oh dear. Well, read for yourself and decide.
'New York Times' Bans the Word 'Tweet' – coryhaik (coryhaik)
New York Times Bans the word 'tweet' - out of spite? #NYT /via @hectorlima – naomi covacs (laconics)
'New York Times' Bans the Word 'Tweet' - The Awl