Pages tagged tweetup:

HOW TO: Organize a Successful Tweetup

about them in the comments.
From selecting a location to mingling with guests, here are a few quick tips for both the organization and managing of Tweetups.
7. Secure a venue with limited or no WiFi. At a minimum the CrackBerry/iPhone users should have good service. People like technology. But they won’t like YOU if they can’t use their tech at your event. (This is of course size/type of Tweetup dependent, if in a large conference room/venue: WiFi and cell phone reception should be working. However, if you are in smaller venue or bar Jeff Cutler of reports: “I have an iPhone, but anyone with mobile Web knows that when 200 people in one spot are on 3G/Edge it disintegrates.” This negates the need for an elaborate setup in smaller venues.
good stuff