Pages tagged twitterlists:

HOW TO: Use Twitter Lists

The just-launched Twitter Lists feature is a new way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter, or find new people. In actuality, though, Twitter Lists are Twitter’s long awaited “groups” feature. They offer a way for you to bunch together other users on Twitter into groups so that you can get an overview of what they’re up to. That’s because Lists aren’t just static listings of users, but rather curated Twitter streams of the latest tweets from a specified set of users.
4 Ways News Organizations are Using Twitter Lists
"Twitter lists are giving news sites the ability to curate news and further open up to Twitter users that can help them to gather news."
10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
Savvy individuals are looking for ways to use lists to further their personal/professional agendas, and while we are all still learning how to harness the power of this new feature, here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.
Twitter Lists: Frequently Asked Questions and Strategies
Twitter's new Lists feature is making it easier for people to organize and recommend friends. Here are some frequently asked questions about Lists.
"Over the past few days, the new Twitter Lists feature has opened up to all Twitter users and there has been a flurry of people trying them out and evaluating their pros and cons. So far, three uses have become most visible: 1) Lists as a way of organizing your followers, 2) Lists as a form of recommendation, and 3) Lists as a way of measuring influence. ¶ This article will answer the most common questions about Twitter Lists and talk about how they can be strategically employed by users to enhance the Twitter experience."
15 Social Media Twitter Lists to Follow and Expand
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High-quality Twitter list