Tweepler (
Tweepler is a Twitter application that allows you to organize followers
Tweepler is a Twitter application that allows you to organize followers.
Who to follow on TwitterTwitterfall
new way of search for target chatThe 100 Most Popular Twitter applications | blending the mix
Ok, so the title is a little sensationalist, but I had to get you here somehow so you could see the most bookmarked web-based Twitter applications of theBubbleTweet - Add A Video Message To Your Twitter Page
This service lets you add a pop-up video message to your Twitters page in seconds - Quoted from their homepage. Crazy stuff! It is a video on a bubble that shows up on your Twitter page. Interesting idea! ;-)
I could also do this to "upgrade" my online profile... although I don't have a webcam... ah, well, maybe another day...
Add A Video Message To Your Twitter Page20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
People love Twitter, and they love Firefox, so it only seems natural that there would be quite a few tools to merge these two share music on Twitter
Submit a link to an mp3 file you've found on the Web. Your friends will get a short link to a page allowing them to play the song right in the browser. helps you share music found on the Web on TwitterA Twitter Mini-Guide: 60+ Useful Twitter Resources | WebGeek
New to Twitter? Looking for some ways to get more out of your Twitter experience? For a while now, I’ve been putting together a list of helpful tools and resources for Twitter. I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but I know a thing or two, and I found each of these pretty useful and/or interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something useful on this list.TwitterHawk - Introducing you to people like you, near you!
Create Twitter Coupons! Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere!
Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere
create twitter coupons for your businessThe Ten Commandments of Twitter | James R. Dickey
why twitter
These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly. Just kidding. These are onlytwibs : find the businesses on twitter - 3,528 businesses and counting!
Twibs is an index of businesses on twitter. You can search and browse businesses on twitter, both by alphabetical and tags for businesses using twitter. If you are a business on twitter, add your business to twibs today!
Listing of all businesses on Twitter!Emily Chang - eHub: Getting Things Done with Twitter
Emily Chang is an award-winning strategic designer and co-founder and principal of Ideacodes, a web design consultancy in San Francisco focused on designing and developing next generation web products for companies, organizations, schools, businesses and individuals.
Everything about twitter14 Tools of Highly Effective Twitter Users - Kenny Hyder
A collection of the most useful twitter tools for twitter power users!
A collection of the 14 best tools available to help you manage and maximize twitter in alphabetical order!
Mainly ways to get statistics and added value out of Twitter.Twickie: It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them).
It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them). 1. Log in with your Twitter credentials (don't panic). 2. Scroll through the timeline of your 50 most recent tweets. 3. Quickly export Twitter replies for a new blog post, or whatever! It's that simple! Chris Pirillo provides inspiration and guidance, with View2gether leading development efforts. Follow @twickie to check for updates, news, etc.Twitter Clients
Twitter Clients
Twitter Clients, Feb 16, 2009 Shows Twitter client usage for all accounts tracked by @twitstat.HOW TO: Create Groups for Twitter
creating twitter groups
More tools for twitter users. Especially those overwhelmed with all their follower streams31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives EasierThe Top 21 Twitter Applications (According to Compete)
Twitter 21 useful apps
Top 21 Twitter Apps.
List of the twenty most popular Twitter applicationFree Twitter Designer
Now you can personalize your Twitter background like never before. The tool below will help you create Twitter backgrounds that have the same look and feel as those done by professional graphic designers. It's easy to use, and best of all, it's Free! Give it a try!TwitterCounter Stats: The Ultimate Twitter Statistics Provider!
Twitter in website
Widget twitter à la MBLHow To Make Twitter Sound Like Music To Your Ears
List of twitter music apps
"Here’s a number of ways to use Twitter for just about anything related to music:"How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging, etcHow to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 TipsThe Twitalyzer for Tracking Influence and Measuring Success in Twitter
TweetSum does one thing and does it well: we show you at a glance who’s following you, give you the tools you need to decide whether you should follow them back or not, and let you quickly add or dismiss your new followers.
Please note that we've just launched and DBIs may change. The DBI is a learning algorithm and will improve over time.
Get the DBI (Douche Bag Index) for yourself and your friends. lol
TweetSum helps you more efficiently decide whether you should follow someone back once they've followed you on Twitter.
DBI=Duchebag indexTwitter: Top 20 tools - Telegraph
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
How do you make the best of Twittert? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.Tweet O'Clock - Find out when it's best to tweet someone!
another mashup for Twitter
Find out when it's best to tweet someone10 Features That Will Make Twitter Better
Twitter’s web interface is simple and intuitive but lacks a few features that can make it much better. In this article, you’ll read about 10 excellent user interface features that can enhance the Twitter web experience.
Very insightful list of things to add to TwitterTwitter Lists
List of all kinds of things you can do with Twitter.100 Twitter Tools to Help You Achieve All Your Goals | Best Online Colleges
Tired of shallow e-mails from Twitter when someone follows you? Want more information right in your inbox? Check out Twimailer
Twit mailings
If you do not want to get any more e-mail notifications when someone follows you on Twitter
Tired of shallow e-mails from Twitter when someone follows you? Want more information right in your inbox? Check out Twimailer.
Standard [x] is now following you on Twitter emails are replaced with a robust email containing profile information and the last 10 tweets by the user.10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter
tLater lets you schedule your tweets for a later date/time, saving you from being glued to Twitter. Also emails you keyword alerts, sends “thank you” notes to new followers and handles multiple Twitter accounts e
Les outils de twitter
10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter -
Getting started ideas6 Unique Twitter Visualizations
Twitter VisualizationsTop 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back | Social News Watch
Article du 14 mars 09Twitmatic | Watch the videos being shared on Twitter right now!
Videos on TwitterTweetmeme - Hottest Stories on Twitter
A retweet button for blogs.10 MORE Must Have Twitter Tools
Due to the extreme popularity of TwiTip's 10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter post, we're proud to present 10 MORE must have Twitter tools to help you20 Twitter Badges to Show Off Your Tweets
20 Twitter Badges to Show Off Your Tweets
There are a number of ways to promote your Twitter (Twitter reviews) account. You can add yourself to one of the many growing Twitter directories, advertise your brand, or, as I’ll discuss in this post, feature a badge with your Twitter information on your website, blog, or even in your email. Here are 20 embeddable badges and widgets that you can customize to include your tweets and, in some cases, those of your friends. Have another badge or widget to add to the list? Tell us about it in the comments.
Here are 20 embeddable badges and widgets that you can customize to include your tweets and, in some cases, those of your friends. Have another badge or widget to add to the list? Tell us about it in the comments.Tinker (beta)
Event aggregator for Twitter
Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter. Follow an event stream and Tinker will show you relevant real-time conversations from social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Whether it's the Oscars or a new iPhone release, no event is too big or small to Tinker about.
Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter. Follow an event stream and Tinker will show you relevant real-time conversations from social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Whether it's the Oscars or a new iPhone release, no event is too big or small to Tinker about. Stay on top of the latest buzz. Check out the latest Events.47 Twitter Power Users’ Secrets To Getting Many Followers | JobMob
Twitter power users have many thousands of people following their tweets. Here are their tips and insight to gaining so many followers.15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends
to follow street art trends - or find people - etc -
services that look for a specific keyword, topic, or hashtag (all falling under the fuzzy category of meme or viral idea) and cluster related tweets together.Micro Persuasion: Bring Twitter Right Into Gmail with the Amazing TwitterGadget
I have tried TweetDeck a number of times but I keep uninstalling it because it puts a drain on my system and I find it distracting. Still, I want fast access to my Twitter account and to be able to...localtweeps :: Help Localize The Twittersphere!
Localize The Twittersphere!twazzup
powerful twitter search engine. ROCKS! FriendFeed better run out and drink some of this juice!
A powerful twitter search engine with a nice interface
Super Cool Twitter Search & It Rocks!_TwazzupBirdhouse — A notepad for Twitter
As advertised: great product demo video.
"Ever think of something for your Twitter that you don't want to post right away? Birdhouse is the perfect place to put it. Birdhouse won't replace your favorite iPhone Twitter client, it'll add to it. Put Birdhouse right next to your Twitter client and use them together." - Funny video to boot.TwitZap (101) What's Happening
TwitZap lets you slice Twitter into channels of stuff that matters to you. Once your channels are set they will update in real-time, all in a familiar interface.
Twitter search tool that lets you create channels to monitor activity in realtime.11 Useful Twitter Tools That Don’t Require Your Password
brad callen twitter follower giveaway service scripttwtrfrnd, discover your common (shared) Twitter friends
allows you to find who common friends/followers you have with other users on twitter
a bit like the facebook function that let's you see friends-in-common.
A new follower? Should you follow back? Find out if you have common followings with them, and which people you follow that follow them...10 Twitter tools to effectively manage your followers - Daily SEO blog
@alawine 10 powerful tools to manage your followers, very cool collection: [from]Twitter Power Search - real time twitter search
interesting article bout twitter
TwitterPowerSearch arranged according to Twitter TwitPic Facebook Digg YouTube googleTroys: One Twitter Script to Rule Them All - ReadWriteWeb
4 Over the past year, all the major tech blogs have done round-up articles of great Greasemonkey scripts to use with Twitter (including us). What this says about Twitter's ...
Un script Greasemonkey pour améliorer la page Twitter
One Twitter Script to Rule Them All
RT @cofiem: Troy's twitter script - replies! RT! settings galore! [from]Twitter Analyzer
Twitterのユーザー解析が出来るTwitter analyzer5 Terrific Twitter Research Tools
awesome reference article around TwitterTwitoshirt
camisetas con status
T-shirts with your Twitter favorites status quotes.
Camisetas a la medida, con tus propios tweets50 Useful Twitter Tools for Writers and Researchers | Online College Degree
Twitter is a wonderful social tool, but did you know that it's also a goldmine of information?
Twitter tools for getting local or topical information, setting up alerts for updates on particular topics, search, trends, distributing and organizing information. (BTW, I really like the design of this paricular site)Nest Unclutterer
Fantastic tool for killing Twitter follow spammers (and you don't need to give them your twitter name or password as long as you're logged in to the website).How to Mine Twitter for Information
Last week, I admitted that I am an information junkie, and I wanted to follow up this week with a ...Twubs
Twubs are hubs around metahashtags - bringing together Twitpics, RSS Feeds, videos, Photos...Jump Into The Stream
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages. The shift is palpable, even if it is only in its early stages. Web companies large and small are embracing this stream. It is not just Twitter. It is Facebook and Friendfeed and AOL and Digg and Tweetdeck and Seesmic Desktop and Techmeme and Tweetmeme and Ustream and Qik and Kyte and blogs and Google Reader. The stream is winding its way throughout the Web and organizing it by nowness.
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages.
jump into the stream and let it carry you away
I really want to blog about my feelings about this perspective of dipping into information streams instead of reading new posts. For now, I'll just bookmark it.How To Backup Your Twitter Archive
Oversharing tools
it’s a good idea to backup your Twitter archive on a regular basis in case of a Twitter mishap. As we all know, there has been numerous times in the past where users have lost followers, tweets, and DMs. Fortunately, you can make sure this doesn’t happen to you by using one of the following methods to backup your Twitter archive.
Backs up Twitter tweets, profile information and followers in case of a Twitter mishap.TwitVid - Share Videos on Twitter
The easiest way to share videos on Twitter
Twitter based video sharing. Twitter itself is used for feedback and video commenting and sharing. I'm trying to find out how they are hosting/delivering things.Top 5 Ways to Share Videos on Twitter
Video sharing on Twitter.Topsy
Twitter search.
A search engine powered by tweets
Topsy nutzt Tweets und Retweets zur allgemeinen Indexierung der Web-Inhalte. Bei der Social Media-Suchmaschine kommt es nicht auf die Zahl der Twitter-Follower (Abonnnenten) an. Was machen rund 30 Millionen Twitterer weltweit immer häufiger? Sie posten ohne Ende Linktipps und indexieren damit indirekt relevanten Content. Auf dieses Prinzip setzt Topsy auf.
Sehr gute Suchmaschine, um herauszufinden, wer über welches Thema twittertPicFog - real time twitpic search
Real time image search powered by twitter and twitpic. Breaking news in images.Flickr Photo Download: Preview: The Twitterverse v0.9 by @BrianSolis & @Jess3
Twitter und verwandte Applikationen in Relation
See also: Twitter Tag Project - Follow Friday!
the lazy way to build follow Friday lists
I missed last Friday so I probably have more people to recommend than usually. Using thanks to @haloefekti #FollowFriday [from]
Помогает сгенерировать followfriday на основе активности последних 200 твитов (кто отвечал вам, кого вы ретвитили, кто ретвитил вас). Никто не запрещает вносить туда и чисто человеческий фактор. Математика и статистика тем не менее многие взаимосвязи в жизни отражает7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Wayne Sutton | Blog of Mr. Tweet
good habits...worth noting.
Wayne Sutton | Blog of Mr. TweetTwitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
The enterprise is a mini-world of rules in its own right and the freewheeling environment of the Web has to be combined in some workable way with the tighter constraints of the workplace.
Usare il microbloggng tra dipendenti in intranet: consigli e utilizzi possibili by Dion Hinchcliffe
Dion writes about enterprise microblogging tools, showing that there are some issues to solve if we want to use this for "real business" (tm) One of the things is Filtering, i.e. how to dig out the tweets that are relevant to your work and current context. This will in my mind make out hte difference - enabling microblogging to become the tool for knowledge workers, not only in communication with peers, but also for exploring and searching information.
Twitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business
analiza 17 herramientas twitter para entornos empresariales10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps
Organized according to function
RT @RoseClark: Time to prune Twitter: 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps [from]TwitZap
Great online web 2.0 twitter tool
twitter 第三方web端
TwitZap is the ultimate Twitter client. Real-time Twitter monitoring. Tweet while Twitter is down.Mixero
Mixero -
iPhone Version Soon
The new generation Twitter client for people who value their time and are tired of information noise.Twittas? - Twitter Playground
¿quieres saber cuanto tiempo pierdes en Twitter?¿saber todo tipo de detalles curiosos y predecir tendencias?
最強のついったーツール?A Roundup of Twitter Tracking Tools
I want to share with you a roundup of Twitter tracking tools that I have put together. It’s the result of the market research I did before launching our own prototype of a Twitter measurement tool a few weeks back. The list below summarizes tools that analyze influencers or popularity, evaluate sentiment or number of mentions, identify the location of the person tweeting, offer trend analysis or focus on time frames. I marked an “X” in the category that I perceive is the tool’s primary utility. That is not to say that each tool doesn’t do other things. Also as an aside, I personally don’t like the idea of sharing my Twitter password with a third party. You will need to decide whether you want to share yours with tools like Twitstat and Twitterank.The fastest way to register domain names with Twitter - Tweetname
Use Twitter to send a direct message to "tweetname" with the domain you want. We'll reply with "Success!" or "D'oh."
Checking out - It lets you register domain names via Twitter [from]
Service to register domain names via twitter. Oh, I'm in trouble now....Write4net: Publishing is a matter of click.
from A. Courosa
Publish full articles without needing a blog or site.
escrever 1 resources tools web article articles writing editor freeware technology microblogging Publishing blogging twittertools publish content
blah, analyzes your accountTweetTabs : Realtime Twitter trends and Twitter search
Realtime Twitter trends and Twitter search
twitter searchSeven Must-Have Twitter Tools | Fast Company
Reputations are created and destroyed online in the speed of 140 characters. Seven tools to earn you a thumbs-up.CrowdEye
Twitter search engine with graphs.
A Real Time Social Search Engine tat produces quick results.
1. Results pages include a graph of tweet volume over time (limited to the last 72 hours, which the company says is the “most actionable and interesting” data), which allows searchers to see the recent history of certain trends. 2. CrowdEye also includes a list of related categories, hashtags, and common words from tweets about your search term (displayed as a tag cloud). Clicking on any related term or category adds it as a filter and further refines your search, which makes diving more in depth into that topic easier. 3. Popular links being tweeted about your search term are highlighted, making CrowdEye a competitor to link-centric real-time search engines like Tweetmeme. 4. Of course, CrowdEye also displays recent tweets about the topic.blablabra - O que o Brasil anda twittando?
serviços para o twiter muito bom
Um timeline do Twitter em portugues
'trending topics' dos perfis brasileiros
O que o Brasil anda twittando?The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools | The Social Media Guide
twiiter tools
140 characters, Ads, Backgrounds and Buttons, Browser Plug-Ins, Business, Clouds, Dictionary, Directory etc.
Tror faktisk at listen lever op til | Twitter FollowFridays
Twitter FollowFridays
twitter aggregator about endorsementsTweetboard - True Twitter Conversation
Tweetboard - True Twitter Conversation
You can integrate this into your website. Turns tweets into conversations.
Tweetboard is a fun and engaging micro-forum type application for your website. It pulls your Twitter stream in near real-time (max 1 min delay), reformatting tweets into threaded conversations with unlimited nesting. Conversations that spun off the original conversation are also threaded in-line, giving your site visitors full perspective of what's being discussed.
like a forum that you can embed on any page.19 Twitter Desktop Apps Compared
Ready to move beyond Twitter's web-based interface? Here's a review of several desktop clients.
How to find most viewed youTube videos
graph with tweets/hour. paid ads, normal twitter search
Realtime search
Real-time... Social... Search. Find out what all the twitter is about.
참고하기.. 트위터 이용한 검색서비스TwitChuck - Seriously taking on Twitter spam
Per veure qui et segueix.
TwitChuck - Seriously taking on Twitter spam10 Ways to Find People on Twitter
TwitterTwitterTwitter is all about facilitating conversations, but until you’re following some people, it’s just a blank page. Once you find people to follow and talk to, however, Twitter becomes exceptionally useful. You can share thoughts, ask questions, get updates about news, music, brands, and businesses, and discover helpful links and information. Finding good people to follow, especially for new users staring at a blank page the first time they log in, can be a bit daunting, though.
10 formas de encontrar gente en Twittertwoquick :: simple google + twitter search
Simple Google and Twitter Search
search google + twitter at once
Simple Google + Twitter search. Find stuff on Google and see what people are saying on Twitter.Tweetboard: Add a Twitter-Powered Forum to Your Website
Mashable review Tweetboard, for website owners who want to display threaded Twitter conversations on their own site and create an instant Twitter-powered forum, where all tweets from the Tweetboard link back to the publisher.Twitter Better: 20 Ways to Filter Your Tweets
Most Twitter users probably follow under a thousand other people, but that's enough to make it hard to keep track of the real-time stream.
Twitter Filtering TipsHow to Change the World: How I Tweet: Just the FAQs
The Alltop “advertising” justifies and pays for my tweeting—you can think of my tweets as PBS content and the accompanying Alltop promotion as the fundraising telethon. Question: Okay, but what if I don’t want to see Alltop promotions?
Habla de los ghostwriters, que es el equipo de personas que tweetean por él.
“AC, “GR,” “NC,” and “LF”Twit Truth - Who's really using twitter
The table below shows the top 500 twitter users and various statistics about their accounts and the people that engage with them. Hover over the column headers for more information. Click on the column headers to sort, click the name for more detailed information about the user.30+ More Ways to Create Twitter Groups
Tips on how to create Twitter GroupsBingTweets
real-time information about hot topics on Twitter by fusing Bing search results with the latest tweets.How hetero? - Stockholm Pride 2009
As part of the celebrations for Stolkholm Pride 2009, this cool website gives you your very own "heterosexual" rating through the evaluation of keywords found in your Twitter posts. Very amusing and easy to use.
How hetero are you?
This site analyzes Twitter feeds to determine how the percentage hetero of the tweeter. It's meant to make users think about heterosexual norms and how they affect the gay and lesbian - Start Something!
create icons to show support for causes on Twitter is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter. Create a twibbon in 3 easy steps and soon all your supporters will be proudly wearing their twibbons on their twitter profile images. Simply describe your cause and upload a twibbon image and we will do the rest.15 Useful Twitter Tools For Web Workers | FreelanceFolder
If there was a popularity contest between social media platforms, I am sure Twitter would be the winner. Networking, trends, and search features all On its own,iWise
Wisdom on demand for any topicMashable's Twitter Guide Book Now Available for Download
Helpful resource on Twitter
Mashable's Twitter Guide Book, a one-stop shop for getting up to speed with everything Twitter, is now available for download.Tweet Blocker - Cleaning up the Twitterverse
Herramienta para poder detectar qué followers pueden ser spam
Use TweetBlocker to remove spam from your account. Developer API available.
Cleaning up the TwitterverseClickableNow
ad clickeble background to twitter
Adds URL clickability to Twitter profiles
Add Clickable Links to your Twitter Background Image
twitter background with links
Make your Twitter background clickable!Chirps
Your Voice & Sounds on Twitter. Record your voice and tweet it, right away.
Very easy way to tweet your voice.
Your Voice and sounds on Twitter
音声ファイルでTweetYahoo! Know Your Mojo!
Concierge is my social mojo. What's yours? Find out at [from]
Always fun; characterize persons by their twitter behavior...
conciergeだといわれた。Twinslator: Translate your twitter's posts
Tradução de mensagens no twitter
I like the interface - simple and clear.
language translation easy and freeTwitBlock - ridding the Twitterverse of spam
Block spam followers, bots etc
Cómo deshacerse de la publicidad basura y los seguidores fantasma en Twitter
Will arte followers for spam and let you analyze and determine to block or not.
Scans for Twitter spam
Find out how many of your followers are junk and block
bulk blocking and spam filter tool for TwitterTWEET IDEAS: 13 Things to Do on Twitter Besides Tweet
Tired of delivering the typical stream of status updates on Twitter (Twitter)? Why not try some of the following ideas for other things you can do with the service?
List of advanced Twitter functionsGreat Twitter Applications for Small Business.
Great Twitter Applications for Small Business [from]
Details the top ten Twitter applications for small business.
Okay, here’s a teaser for you. What kind of word can you come up with that incorporates some or all of the word “Twitter” to describe a useful business application, tool or service?
if your business is involved in affiliate marketing in any way, then you should check out Twist. See which trends are hot right now within a variety of searchable topics and niches.Twitter Tips Ultimate Guide | Using social media to guide and help you connect to social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube using social media
How to use social media to connect social networks. Blog with learning resources and tutorials on lots of tools like Twitter.CtwittLIKE
CTwittLike is a new and interesting Twitter application that lets you view Twitter as someone else, with all the Tweets from the people he/she follows.
watch your Twitter Stream as someone else sees it
See twitter like somebody else (i.e. see all the public tweets they would see)
see twitter like someone elseShare Lists of Twitter Users | TweepML
Formato de estándar abierto para manejar y compartir grupos de usuarios de Twitter
create list of twitter users to add to your site
TweepML is an extensible, open standard format that allows you to manage and share groups of Twitter users.
share a list of twitter usersTweetvite :: Find & Create Tweetups and other Events on Twitter
Find and Create Events on Twitter ! Tweetvite makes it easy to create invitations for events you're hosting or to find local Tweetups in your area. Click below to try it out for yourself!
Tweetvite :: Find & Create Tweetups and other Events on Twitter -
Create a Tweetup, organize events on Twitter, find local Tweetups, promote your Tweetup, and much more.TweetMixx - More Links, Less Clutter. Filter, preview, and share links you really care about!
Mixx is your link to the web content that really matters. There's a lot of information out there and, let's face it, you don't have all day to find the good stuff (if you do, we're totally jealous). And who knows better than you what informs you, what makes you think, what makes you laugh? So why should some faceless editor get to decide what's important? But now you're in charge. You find it; we'll Mixx it. Use YourMixx to tailor the content categories, tags, specific users and groups, and we'll deliver the top-rated content as chosen by you and people who share your passions. So go ahead and whip up your own version of the web. Just tell us how you like it Mixxed and we'll deliver the best the web has to offer—morning, noon and night.
More Links, Less Clutter. Filter, preview, and share links you really care about!プログラミングができなくても作れるTwitter botの作り方 is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world. See what the global, collective mass of humanity are discussing right now.oneforty the Twitter outfitter
witter has brought us many things. It lets us communicate in real-time about breaking news events, it lets us share content like photos, music, and videos, and it lets us do business in new ways. But Twitter is also being used to power some very intriguing and beautiful virtual art projects. Tweets are being visualized and mashed up with other content in ways that create stunning online art. In this post we’ll highlight six incredible experimental art projects that are using Twitter (Twitter) as a basis for their awesome creations. These visualizations go beyond just displaying data in more interesting ways — they are also truly fascinating pieces of online art.
this is kinda neat...kindaFive Best Twitter Clients - twitter - Lifehacker
Five Best Twitter ClientsFREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools | SAP Web 2.0
FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools A beta version of PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing. Based on SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius technology, the twitter tools allow PowerPoint presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page. There are currently three tools — but come back soon, this is changing fast! * PowerPoint Twitter ticker bar * PowerPoint Twitter feedback slide * PowerPoint Twitter voting
A beta version of PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing. Based on SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius technology, the twitter tools allow PowerPoint presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page. There are currently three tools — but come back soon, this is changing fast!What Does that Hashtag Mean? New Service Tells You - ReadWriteWeb
Tagalus is a social dictionary of tags used on Twitter. Users vote for the best definitions.
hashtagsThe Twitter Times
The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account.
"The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account." Amusant ! 15 Tools for Your Twitter Toolbox
via AngelaMaiers RT @louisgray- 15 Twitter Tools for your Toolbox-Twitter Links @ Educators
Twitter Links
A good set of links to useful tips on using Twitter for teachers and groups to join or follow
twitter help for educators4 Ways News Organizations are Using Twitter Lists
"Twitter lists are giving news sites the ability to curate news and further open up to Twitter users that can help them to gather news."Free Twitter Alerts within Lists -
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choice
Twitter + Google Alerts
servizio gratuito che permette di monitorare le liste di Twitter.
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choiceBettween | The Ultimate Twitter Conversation Tracker
The Ultimate Twitter Conversation Tracker
این وب سایت به شما این امکان را می دهد که گفتگوها و توییتهای انجام شده بین دو کاربر در توییتر را رهگیری و مشاهده کنید!
2ユーザー間の会話をトラッキング。Twitter-Tools für den Profi | Tools, Twitter | Dr. Web Magazin
by Dirk Metzmacher: Um die Arbeit mit dem Kommunikationsinstrument zu erleichtern, unterstützen uns Tools unter anderem bei der Analyse, dem Filtern nach Hash-Tags und Keywords, der Integration von Medien wie Fotos oder Videos sowie bei der Einbindung in die Website oder das Weblog.TweetLevel
One tool for finding out how "influential" you are on - Filter your embedded Twitter feed and block Twitter spam
Forma de crear presentaciones y comunicarse con una comunidad virtual
The smarter way to filter out the spam and clutter you don’t want!
TidyTweet helps keep your Twitter feed free from inappropriate language, users, and content. Keep an eye on your conversations 24/7 and decide for yourself what stays and what goes.7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.Everything you ever wanted to know about Twitter | Charles Curle Design
INSANE MASTER LISTTwinester - Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
Twinester - Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
Desenvolvido por piracicabanos, permite você criar comunidades no twitter
Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
De carona no Twitter, brasileiros criam rede social com 'microcomunidades' Twinester reúne usuários do Twitter com base nos interesses em comum. Mensagens são limitadas a 140 caracteres, como acontece no microblog.
Twinester lets you create or join groups and communities for Twitter. These groups are called - Realize sorteios via Twitter
sorteios via Twittertweet cloud
twitter visualization tweetcloud cloud tools
Create a picture of your own tweets
Tweet Cloud is a service that lets you generate a cool looking cloud of the words your tweets mostly contain.The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools | BrandsAmongMany
list of twitter accountsSnap Bird - re-finding the ones that got away
Twitter search for what someone said.ThreadedTweets
Threads Tweets into conversations
Waiting for it to come up again...
RT @problogger Trying ThreadedTweets - Real-time Threaded Tweeting - [from]Tweeght
The idea was born out of a simple necessity - to share thoughts, insights or quotes on Twitter, and follow interesting thoughts from other people. But due to other noise available on the Twitter, these thoughtful tweets were getting buried, and were hard to discover. Now using Tweeght, it's easy to discover thoughtful tweets and hence interesting people to follow.
Tweeght is not only a Tweet, but also a Thought.
not only a tweet, but also a thought. Post a thoughtful tweet. Someone may like to quote or retweet you.Followformation - Make Following Make Sense
Brian Wong's deal
Make following make sense followformation is a tool for twitter users who want to follow the top people in the areas of their Analytics - Understand Your Followers
Herramienta que reporta cifras y analisis alrededor de la cuenta del twitter.
Perfil de tus seguidores. De pago
I'm just trying this out now to see what I may want to check it out, too.
Herramienta para analizar a tus followers.5 Awesome Tools To Track Trends On Twitter – What do YOU use? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
5 Awesome Tools To Track Trends On Twitter [from]How long have you been tweeting? Find out the age of your Twitter account.
ESTADISTICAS Cde follower entre 2 cuentas
Find out how many followers two Twitter accounts have in common.
Kiểm tra follower chung giữa 2 account Twitter.
Compare Followers of two twitter-accounts.
tool von eric meyerTop Twitter Lists
Info links for making Twitter backgrounds
There are many ways to create the backdrop for your Twitter page. If you're even slightly comfortable with photo editing programs, the task is easy. If not, you
create twitter background DIY - search tweets from just your friends
Search for tweets from just your friends
Heel interessante dienst om makkelijk te zoeken in de tweets van degenen die jij volgt op Twitter_55 Cool Twitter Widgets and Apps. « Iotovip’s Blog
Catalog of Twitter applications
Nice annotated list of twitter tools.
RT @chaseathompson 55 useful and cool Twitter widgets and apps: [from]
Voilà: tout est dans le titre7 Twitter Tools That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful @ SmashingApps
As we all know Twitter is a rapidly growing micro-blogging service in these days. No doubt, It’s a great fun to share information or talk with your friends and the powerful way to spread the word as much as possible. For this reason, there are too many free twitter tools available that are offering you hassle free and simple way to tweet. In this post, we are listing down 7 Twitter Apps That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful. Whether you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. We have tried to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought here. If you like this post so please spread the word as much possible via twitter.
7 Twitter Tools That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful100 herramientas para Twitter separadas por categorías | Locos x los Bits
100 herramientas para TwitterManageTwitter - Fast & Easy Unfollowing
Good follow management tool for Twitter
Twitter Account Management
これ凄い。フォローバックしていない人/フォローしてるけど全然つぶやいていない人/元気につぶやいている人などを自動解析。まとめてアンフォローできたりする。Social Media Today | The top ten Twitter statistics and analytics tools
not checked yet but popular topic8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner / 08.03.10Get Smart Twitter Tools | The Get Smart Blog
directories, account mgt, blog resources, research and WordPress tools for twitterTweepMe - Get Twitter Followers. - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
TweepMe - - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] #FAIL [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
RT @BertDecker RT @mashable TweepMe seems to totally misunderstand the point of Twitter. Not recommended. [from]
Gimmick or good idea? I want to find out.
This seems like an unbelievably sad effort to rapidly boost follower numbersTwittelicious - The most delicious Twitter pages out there!
tipo um delicious para twitter
tipo um delicious do twitter
A digg-style system for storing and ranking tweets.
All the content here is user selected and voted. <br><br> Have you found an interesting Twitter page or post? Share it with us!<br><br><b>Follow us on twitter</b><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>TwitteReader
scroll through your Twitter messages and star your favorites for reference as if you were using Google Reader
TwitteReader lets you see latest tweets as feed items a la Google Reader, clicking expands full text.
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread Keep track of what you have already read from who you followTwitter Bible: All You Need To Know About Twitter
Excellent resource on all about Twitter - for businesses and individuals4 ReTweet Tools and Trackers
There's been a lot of buzz around Twitter about 'ReTweeting' lately. Quite a bit of it has been a result of some of the conversations like this one at
RT: @BookBuzzr: 4 ReTweet Tools and Trackers [from]HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat
HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat -
HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat #facebook #twitter #chat
RT @mashable: HOW TO: Combine Facebook and Twitter for Live Chat - [from]Twautor / Login
Twitter tool which lets you mass spam everybodyNew Data on Top Twitter Applications and Usage
Data on Twitter application usage to update Twitter.
Let's look at a random sample of a half a million tweets and see what people actually use to post updates to Twitter.
Feb 09 statistics on where and how people use TwitterBlackbird Pie – Twitter Media
Ich glaube, da mach ich lieber einen Screenshot. HOW TO: Embed a Tweet -->
RT @jemimakiss: And here' it is: Twitter's 'Blackbird Pie" tool.
Serviço que transforma uma mensagem do Twitter (um tweet) em código HTML, facilitando assim a sua citação em páginas e posts.Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice
63 twitter tips on using twitter better
"Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice"
There are countless tools for Twitter. Looking for a big roundup? This post provides an excellent overview of some of the most popular.Eight oddball Twitter utilities | Webware - CNET
I've dug through countless services to find some interesting, loopy, and just plain cool tools that allow you to do more than talk to friends. From receiving tweets when your clothes are clean to tracking packages, Twitter is a great place to solve many of the day's tasks.
If you want to do more than just talk to friends on Twitter, here are some fun tools to extend Twitter's capability. Read this blog post by Don Reisinger on Webware.
Twitter is a great personal and social communications platform. But that's not all you can use it for. I've dug through countless services to find some interesting, loopy, and just plain cool tools that allow you to do more than talk to friends. From receiving tweets when your clothes are clean to tracking packages, Twitter is a great place to solve many of the day's tasks.
Eight uses of Twitter are provided here, from tracking packages, car service and task lists to providing an audio versio of Twitter.
If you want to do more than just talk to friends on Twitter, here are some fun tools to extend Twitter's capability.Tweetizen - Discover Tweets That Matter To You.
Tweets by topic.How to Display Twitter Updates on Websites
How to Display Twitter Updates on Websites -
20 resources for displaying TwitterBecome Social Networking Guru With 45 Handy Twitter Tools
RT @courosa: 45 Twitter tools (although stupid article title - if u think this will make you a 'guru', you're missi ...
Master Twitter - find more targeted followers, track visitors - who is following, not following, deadbeat users, clean your account and even more, check it now!
Twitter has progressed so much in past few years and now it has been used almost by everybody – let it be freelancer designer, programmer, social media company, printing company, everybody evaluates Twitter power and actually try to make their brand more powerful with it.
List of useful Twitter tools
Ideal para sacarle provecho a las redes sociales5 Terrific Tools for Keeping Tabs on Twitter Trends
RT @draenews: Del 5 Terrific Tools for Keeping Tabs on Twitter Trends:
Whether you’re tracking your brand, optimizing your content, or just plain curious about the way information is virally shared, you’ll want to check out these five web-based tools for keeping tabs on Twitter trends.How to Create a Custom Twitter Background Design | Social Media Examiner
BACKGROUND SIZEEduDemic » The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers
Adopting a new communication tool is not easy. Figuring out the best way YOU can use Twitter is even harder. Luckily you are not going it alone. We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.BlastFollow!
Giant Follow within Hastags search
type in a hashtag and it'll aggregate all from twitter
BlastFollow enables you to follow Twitter users who share your interests en massetwittercure
A support page for the presentation "Cure What Ails You: A Dose of Twitter for Every Day of the School Year"
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of the micro-blogging tool, Twitter. The links to the tips, tricks, tools, research, and other items included in the presentation are listed below.