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UniLever CMO Clift Throws Down the Social-Media Gauntlet - Advertising Age - Digital

mportancia de la red, de as rrpp y de escuchar al consumidor interesante la evolucionde : cotillear en la carniceria a chatear a face book lo mismo pero mas sofisticado y. cn más alcance.... ejemplo de dove y contra ejemplo de greenpeace estrategia de corporate brand
Clift chides marketers for not recognizing their brands are not their own.
Dieser Beitrag betrifft nicht nur Marketing, sondern auch PR–bemerkenswert vor allem die "Five new rules of [PR]: "Listening to consumers is more important than talking at them."
BATAVIA, Ohio ( -- Brands aren't simply brands anymore. They are the center of a maelstrom of social and political dialogue made possible by digital media, said Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift, who warned that marketers who do not recognize that -- and adapt their marketing -- are in grave peril. Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Photo Credit: Gary He "No matter how big your advertising spending, small groups of consumers on a tiny budget might hijack the conversation," he said. "So this internet thing is much bigger and more interesting than just finding successors to TV advertising." Mr. Clift was speaking to a packed house at Ad Age's Digital Conference last week, in an address that did much to define an internet-driven sea change that's put consumers in control and at times threatened to overwhelm marketers and their agencies, who -- despite frequent protestations to the contrary -- are still rather p