10 Most Interesting Upload Widgets | AjaxLine
Upload WidgetsFile uploaders collection for web developers
ols-based multiple file uplader really simple to implement and reuse on your web
Sistemas para subir varios archivos con javascriptChevereto, Free image hosting script
Awesome, free, opensource image hosting script
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Creare un sito di image hosting
Outstandig free image hosting script Excellent logiciel Oouvert pour l'hébergement de fichiers images dans le nuage.imgur : the simple image sharer
simple non-suck image hostingGazup! Uploads your files to multiple file hosts - Gazup!
Gazup! is the leading website for social file mirroring online. By using our service you'll be able to upload files to multiple file hosts in one go thus saving you time and bandwidth. Simply upload a file to our service and our servers utilizing gigabit speeds will rapidly mirror your file to 8 hosts, including RapidShare, MegaUpload, FileFactory, zShare and many more.Fliggo - Create Your Own Video Site
Create Your Own Video Site
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser.
YouTubeは便利だけど、もっとプライベートなコミュニティで使いたい、という場合に良さそうなのがFliggoだ。 このサイトでは自分でYouTubeのようなサイトを作れてしまう。 これがあれば「サッカー好きな人のための動画共有サイト」「○○大学同窓会の動画アーカイブ」なんてものがものの数分で作成可能だ。 もちろんブログを立ち上げてYouTubeにアップして貼り付けて、とすれば同じようなサイトが作れるが、Fliggoはもうちょっとコミュニティ寄りの管理が出来て便利だ。 どのユーザーに何を許可するだとか、コメントや関連ビデオの表示はどうするか、だとかの設定ができるのだ。もちろんデザインも好きに変えられる。 まだ始まったばかりではあるが、わりとメジャーなサイトになるのでは、と思ったり。今後に期待したい。
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser. Excelente!!!!
Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos.JQuery File Upload Plugin - RonnieSan
Kadoo is a new, better way to share online. Now, you can decide who sees what with greater sharing & privacy. You get 10 free gigabytes of storage to share your photos, videos, files and more with only your friends.
# Digital content storage service # Free registration with 10 GB storage space. # Personalized dashboard with RSS and email system. # Share photos and videos publicly and privately. # Easily send large files. # Free faxing option.Easy File Hosting One Click Hosting Free Filehost Accessible Upload Hosting - upit.to
Pàgina per emmagatzemar arxius de fins a 5Gb sense haver de registrar-se
File sharing, unlimited down/upload.
Your favourite file & image hosting service. No, really!
Upit.to is one click upload file hosting service that provides you with unlimited file storage and sharing. The service is absolutely free and you can upload files upto 5GB in size. Uploaded files can be downloaded as often and by as many people as you like.File2.ws
Converte files in pagine web e permette di condividerle.
Può uploadare files per poi poterli condividere, fino a 15Mb
Convert any file into a web site
Convert any file into a webpage. Distrubute information to many people fast.11 Free Websites To Send And Recieve Large Files Quickly
The easiest way to share videos on Twitter
Twitter based video sharing. Twitter itself is used for feedback and video commenting and sharing. I'm trying to find out how they are hosting/delivering things.FileTwt - Share Files On Twitter | Sharing Files on Twitter
Enables file transfers using Twitter, from presentations and rich text documents to ebooks and music files.
FileTwt brings file sharing to twitter. With FileTwt you can now easily upload and tweet about your files for free.
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mais um site para enviar arquivos pelo twitterSWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle
A jQuery plugin for SWFUpload
When I first stumbled across SWFUpload about two years ago I was impressed by how easy it was to implement. However, their example code has always bugged me as being rather crap, having to assign a separate global event handler for each event, and the lack of multiple handlers for a single event.The Rails Way: Uploading Files
PaperclipFree File Distribution Service - Drop Record
Easy Development With CodeIgniterOnline File Storage with PHP - Nettuts+
In this tutorial, I will show you how easy it is to create an online file storage system with PHP. You will learn how to upload files with PHP and list them by
Great File Storage with PHP Tutorial5 Dead-Easy Websites to Share Files Without Signing Up | MakeUseOf.com
Share Files Online Without Signing Up
Online file sharing websites. There are dozens. Here is a selection of the most convenient ones.
You turn to online file sharing websites. There are dozens. Here is a selection of the most convenient ones. They don’t require signing up for an account and provide different options.15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives | Tools
15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives
Today's technology and machines (whether it's PC or Mac) are certainly capable of processing large original files like .PSD (Photoshop) and .AI12 useful sites to Store Your Files Online
12 useful sites to Store Your Files OnlineUploadify and Rails 2.3 // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
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File upload site. Nice
this is a nice design that would work well for tomotechi.com
Upload Robots is a fast, free and easy way to upload, host and share a file. File sharing has never been faster.Free online Barcode decoder
Free online Barcode Reader. Decodes UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code39, Code128, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF 417 and ITF
With this free online tool you can decode various barcode formats. At the moment we support UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 128, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF 417 and ITF.
Online декодер штрих кода, загружается изображение такового.
条形码阅读 解码Jetpack Flight Log » Rails 2.3.4 and SWFUpload – Rack Middleware for Flash Uploads that Degrade Gracefully
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Transfer Big FilesFilebox - Upload. Organize. Share. Profit.
Free 488GB of space on the cloud for save files, etc
Hay uno de portofino-gmailjquery-transmit - Project Hosting on Google Code
Multiple file uploader
Gänget bakom TinyMCE har släppt en filuppladddare med massivt stöd: Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 eller Browserplus.Multiple Attachments with Validations In Rails with Paperclip - Cordinc Blog
HTML5 uploader with fallbacks.Ajax Upload - ZURB Playground - ZURB.com
ajax 文件上传
We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen't that feel so much better?AJAX File Browser Demo
AJAX File Browser demo with IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine running on server sideFlickr Uploadr: Improving Browser-based File Uploads with YUI Uploader » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
I've always been impressed with Flickr's ajax usage. UX and design goodness.AnyHub
upload everything 4 free
AnyHub出自於一位居住於澳洲墨爾本的學生Charlie Somerville,兼具快速、免費與簡單的檔案上傳空間,甚至無須註冊就能使用,最多可以上傳高達10GB的檔案。免費註冊後,將可以管理你所上傳的檔案,比較特別的是上傳到AnyHub的檔案可以直接連結,不用進入下載頁面或是等待倒數。
Subir archivos pesados y compartirlos
不會刪除 單檔10GFilevo - Filesharing Evolved
Filevo - une manière simple de partager vos fichiers - http://filevo.com/
1GB uploads
100 Mb per arxiu sense registre, 1 Gb amb registre
Online web file storage and sharing service. Share files up to 1Gb for free.
Filevo - Filesharing Evolved - Anonymous users are limited to 100Mb uploads and 1.5Mbit/s download speeds... http://bit.ly/dcPc5MAjax Image Uploading (With Less Suck) | CSS-Tricks
upload obrazkaOneWay — Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
Upload files directly from Finder. Save frequently used locations in your Context Menu for quick access. Simply Select the Files or Folders you want to upload and then ctrl+click to send them anywhere.
Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
A contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X. コンテクストメニューからアップロードjQuery TRNSFR - Sexy Progress Bars
A few weeks ago I set out to create a new multipart/form-data parser for node.js. We need this parser for the new version of transloadit that we have been working on since our setback last month. The result is a new library called formidable, which, on a high level, makes receiving file uploads with node.js as easy as:
Parsing file uploads at 500 mb/s with node.js » Debuggable LtdHome - Transloadit
File uploading, resizing, encoding, thumbnailing and storage. Has a jQuery plugin for a progress bar
"Let us do the processing"
Fantastic file uploading for your web applicationHome - Transloadit
File uploading, resizing, encoding, thumbnailing and storage. Has a jQuery plugin for a progress bar
"Let us do the processing"
Fantastic file uploading for your web application