Flashbulb Interaction
Flashbulb Interaction, Inc. is a research, strategy, and design consultancy that works with clients to envision powerful and engaging user experiences for knowledge workers at the forefronts of their fields.Generic Work Process - v1.0
A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
Walks through a few iterations of the Highrise conversion page, with interesting discussion illustrating some of the design decisions made.
Как и почему сделали новую версию.Adobe UI Gripes
Native UI widgets FTW!
Me moaning about shoddy UI inconsistencies and mistakes in Adobe products and how they get shitter with every release and especially since they took on Macromedia's idiotic philosophies.
Very funny list of gripes wth CS4
adobe製品のバグやUIの間違いをひたすら指摘。 ここまでやってくれるユーザーってなかなかいないのでは。User Experience Deliverables
Specific user experience patterns and their pros and cons.Infragistics Quince: UX Patterns Explorer
cool tool by J. Ambrose Little, needs SilverlightCooper Journal: One free interaction
Yes! I think a free interaction gives the user experience that special edge.
"One free interaction" is a prospective design pattern that gives software and hardware a more humane feel. It exists outside of task flows and the concept of users as task-doers. Instead it sits in the "in between" spaces, suiting users as fidgeters, communicators, and people who play with things.
Very nice post from Chris Noessel of Cooper Design on the more subtle but no less brilliant elements of iPhone design, as well as other simple, pleasing software highlights
I flip page control on the home screen back and forth, for no apparent reason.
"Since we want our designs to be humane and, presuming they fulfill their utilitarian purposes well, emotionally satisfying, I suggest that designers begin to include one free interaction in their designs to enable the channeling of energy and simple expression."Flickr: Designing Web Interfaces' Photostream
Small videos showing UI elements.Requested Reading Recommendations — School of Visual Arts — MFA in Interaction Design
wow Gold!
Highly recommended reading list of books on interaction design: http://tinyurl.com/cv8dyj11 Quick Tips For More Usable Content | UX Booth
"95% of web users do not read 80% of your content. With these statistics already working against you, how can you improve your content to ensure that readers are getting the best user experience from your site?"
あなたのコンテンツを価値あるものにする11箇条Mobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Mobile phone users struggle mightily to use websites, even on high-end devices. To solve the problems, websites should provide special mobile versions.
Comparison of the mobile web to what we use(d in 1998).9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers. Delight and satisfy your visitors, rather than frustrate and annoy them, with smart design decisions. Here are 9 usability problems that websites commonly face, and some recommended solutions for each of them.
Quelques erreurs d'ergonomie à éviter dans la conception d'un site Internet
By now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers.Previous and Next Actions in Web Forms
Among designers, there are often discussions on the placement of actions in web forms that span several web pages. The quintessential question underlying this debate is: can an action that leads people to the previous step of a process be placed to the right of an action that leads users to the next step of a process?
previous next uie luke wroblewski
Prev & Next buttons... whats best and what isn't!RapidRabb.it - Accelerate your Prototyping
To read later.
Industry trends in prototyping Dave Cronin Cooper Get an e-mail update of new articles Comments (3) Created: 2 February 2009 User Level: All Products: Fireworks Prototype is one of those words that can mean something different to everyone. Before I get too far along in a discussion of prototyping, it's probably worth exploring what I'm talking about. In the world of designing interactive products and services, prototype is generally defined as some representation of a design idea. In the world of physical products, the term tends to connote something quite similar to the finished manufactured form. Indeed, industrial designers use the term model to describe what interaction designers think of as a prototype.Infragistics Quince: UX Patterns Explorer / All Patterns
Fancy UI for displaying design patterns
Quince is a rich UX patterns, sometimes called UI patterns, explorer.7 Great Podcasts for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot - Web Design Resources and Tutorials
BoagworldMeetup's Dead Simple User Testing - Boing Boing
streamlined user testing ideaAjaxian » Designing Web Interfaces with Bill Scott and Theresa Neil
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture. Along the way we’ll share some of the tweeters, books, and resources we found useful for budding information architects. Even if you’re familiar with the discipline already, you can probably pick up something you’ve missed.
toolkit audit IA
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture.Quick Usability Checklist | UX Booth
Simple but useful checklist for websites. Certainly not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point.Good Call-To-Action Buttons | UX Booth
Good Call-To-Action Buttons
When designing call to actions on a website (one of the important factors that determine your website's conversion rate) what are the strategic considerations you should keep in mind.Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Don't make response time too fast, though: the mouse should remain stationary for 0.5 seconds before you display anything that's hover-dependent, such as a mega drop-down or a tooltip. Violating this guideline will make the screen flicker insufferably when users move the mouse. Only after 0.5 seconds of resting the pointer on a navbar item can you assume that a user actually wants to see its associated drop-down. Thus, the timing should be: 1. Wait 0.5 seconds. 2. If the pointer is still hovering over a navbar item, display its mega drop-down within 0.1 seconds. 3. Keep showing it until the pointer has been outside both the navbar item and the drop-down for 0.5 seconds. Then, remove it in less than 0.1 seconds.
Summary: Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Big, 2-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain users' choices.5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sitesadaptive path » blog » Dan Harrelson » Rapid Prototyping Tools
See list of Prototyping Tools. Most are paid. Real tools are: 1. Axure RP Pro 2. RapidRabb.it The rest are BS i.e. Flex, Flash, Visio, Dreamweaver etc etcA List Apart: Articles: The Elegance of Imperfection
A List Apart: Articles: The Elegance of Imperfection
design aesthetics
Very interesting.
A taxonomy of elegance Jeremy Alexis, of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute of Design, asks us to consider three types of elegance when we face a design problem: logical elegance, systemic elegance, and aesthetic elegance.Wall of Deliverables
(projeto EAD - px)6 Things To Include for a User Friendly Footer | UX Booth
new and hot bookmarks9 great UX presentations to help you build better website | KomunitasWeb
construcción de paginas web para users
videos de socialmedia5 Tips to Make Your 404 Page More Usable | UX Booth
As a result of this, social networks should - I say should because not every social network does this - put greater emphasis on usability over, say, a corporate website. Don’t get me wrong, usability is important everywhere you go on the web, but the nature of a social network’s operation makes usability especially important. This perspective guided my thinking during the redesign of the Daily Challenge beta 2.0 website. Many forks in the road were put to rest at the hands of basic usability principles that dictated righter from wronger (sometimes there was no strictly right or wrong answer). These are the principles that I want to share with you in the following case study of how usability can be applied to a social network8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces « Usability Post
Good reference material on UIs. It's an often overlooked aspect to good design.
Tips and insights into good design and usability.» What Is User Experience Design » Articles » Intelligent Experience Design
Mobile UI design resources, patterns, devices, and so forth.The Art & Science of Seductive Interactions
slide show about designing interaction.
You know you want to...A List Apart: Articles: In Defense of Eye Candy
Great article about how good design really works
We’ve all seen arguments in the design community that dismiss the role of beauty in visual interfaces, insisting that good designers base their choices strictly on matters of branding or basic design principles. Lost in these discussions is an understanding of the powerful role aesthetics play in shaping how we come to know, feel, and respond.I ♥ wireframes
Presentations, videos, photosCreating Consistently Colorful User Experiences: Part 1, Theory | UX Booth
On-line UI testing tool
完了すべきタスクを設定したテストをユーザーに試してもらい達成率を統計するユーザーテストのウェブサービス。Yahooが使ってるらしい。EightShapes Unify
Templates for deliverables such as document starting points, element libraries and page libraries.12 Excellent Examples of “Lazy Registration”
Lazy registration systems allow site visitors to build a profile and register without filling out a signup form right away (or some at all).Simplifying Website Usability: The 3 Step Approach | Webdesigner Depot
Search Result pageJournal of Information Architecture
The Journal of Information Architecture is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture.
Sitio con artículos sobre la arquitectura de informacion
to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture.Usabilla - Transparent Usability - Visual Feedback
Usabilla helps you to collect feedback from your users. We take a new approach to usability testing with transparency & visual feedback. We provide a tool to actively involve your users in the process of design & improvement.
Competitor to ChalkmarkJohnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » Deconstructing Analysis Techniques
Analysis is that oft-glossed over, but extremely important step in the research process that sits between observation (data gathering) and our design insights or recommendations. In many respects, analysis is crucial to realizing the value of our research since good analysis can salvage something from bad research, but the converse is not so true. This is where the literature tends to fall a little silent, jumping over the analysis techniques straight to a discussion of how best to document and communicate the findings from analysis. This article seeks to begin to redress that imbalance by breaking down the analysis black box into its major sub-techniques.
Great overview of analysis techniques for any type of datastevenf.com - WARNING: A long, rambly exploration of the state...
JG: "Big picture essay by Steven Frank on the state of UI metaphors:"
discussion on the difficulties of changing the concept of the desktop metaphor, from Scott
"Every geek I know shares, to some degree, the notion that the “desktop” metaphor for computers is outdated. What nobody seems to have a solid opinion on is what would take its place."Involution Studios • Building a Digital Concept Car
via:information Aesthetics
# Interactive HTML+JavaScript
Involution Studios
# Browser Application
i dont know if i get this entirely but its pretty to look atUsability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists — Best Web Design Schools
Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site. The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order. 1. 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website: Use this Smashing Magazine list to double-check your site’s usability before you launch. 2. 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of: This list of usability papers in PDF format will put you well ahead of the pack. 3. 25-point Website Usability Checklist: A concise list of checkpoints to make sure your site is usable. 4. Checklist for UsPattern Languages for Interaction Design - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Interview with 3 thought leaders in "pattern library" design tools, exploring what they are and how they're useful.
Pattern Languages for Interaction Design An Interview with Erin Malone, Christian Crumlish, and Lucas Pettinati
Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the designHighrise Contacts Design Exploration
FlairBuilder is a cross-platform tool for rapid authoring of interactive wireframes and software prototypes.Designing for Faceted Search
Faceted search, or guided navigation, has become the de facto standard for e-commerce and product-related websites, from big box stores to product review sites. But e-commerce sites aren’t the only ones joining the facets club. Other content-heavy sites such as media publishers (e.g. Financial Times: ft.com), libraries (e.g. NCSU Libraries: lib.ncsu.edu/), and even non-profits (e.g. Urban Land Institute: uli.org) are tapping into faceted search to make their often broad-range of content more findable. Essentially, faceted search has become so ubiquitous that users are not only getting used to it, they are coming to expect it.Research Paper - Real or Imaginary: The effectiveness of using personas in product design - Frontend - User Experience Design Consultancy
Discussed by Jared Spool, others on IxDA siteWeb forms design guidelines: an eyetracking study | cxpartners
Provides 10 guidelines for web forms, based on eye tracking research
Guidelines 5 - Don’t use asterisks, make clear optional fields Guideline 6 - Use single field for numbers or postcode
Estudo sobre formulários onlineDilbert on User Experience- 90 Percent of Everything
Dilbert on User Experience
Dilbert on User Experience May 26th, 2009 by Harry Brignull • 8 comments A selection of Dilbert strips. Oldies but goodies…
A selection of Dilbert strips. Oldies but goodies…Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
I redesigned your website's front page, and I'd like to get your opinion.
"I’m a user interface designer. I travel sometimes. Recently, I had the horrific displeasure of booking a flight on your website, aa.com. The experience was so bad that I vowed never to fly your airline again. But before we part ways, I have a couple questions and three suggestions for you."
Time to let good people work : "Dear American Airlines, I re-designed your website", + fascinating response from AA -Useful Usability: 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of
for future explorationDear Dustin Curtis | Dustin Curtis
But those of us who work in enterprise-level situations realize the momentum even a simple redesign must overcome, and not many, I’ll bet, are jumping on this same bandwagon. They know what it’s like. I'm referring to the new kind of brand, the one is formed by the entire experience of a customer's interaction. That experience gets branded into his or her memory and leaks into the buzz of modern culture. via Caitlin
UX guy reprints email and then attempts to address corporate culture issue; strong opinions follow but most compelling part is the insight from the AA.com UX guy himself (known as Mr. X) "But—and I guess here’s the thing I most wanted to get across—simply doing a home page redesign is a piece of cake. You want a redesign? I’ve got six of them in my archives. It only takes a few hours to put together a really good-looking one, as you demonstrated in your post. But doing the design isn’t the hard part, and I think that’s what a lot of outsiders don’t really get, probably because many of them actually do belong to small, just-get-it-done organizations. But those of us who work in enterprise-level situations realize the momentum even a simple redesign must overcome, and not many, I’ll bet, are jumping on this same bandwagon. They know what it’s like."
complain about a corporate website then get surprised to hear about how design under corporate politics work? hm.
"There's a common attribute that makes for good designers, good engineers, good employees, and good companies. For a long time, I couldn't figure out what it was. Was it practice? Was it skill? Was it innate ability? Turns out, it's none of those. It's taste."zef[a]media » Free UX Templates
The templates are derived from the User Experience toolkit I designed for the DUX team at Provoke. So we’ve given you the basic tools - it’s now up to you to do the magic with the actual user experience.
By Zef Fugaz. [November 21st, 2008]American Airlines Web Site: The Product of a Self-Defeating Design Process | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
digg_url = 'http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/cliff-kuang/design-innovation/how-self-defeating-corporate-design-process-one-designer-finds-ou'; digg_skin = 'compact'; Designer Dustin Curtis was so disgusted with the American Airlines Web site that he redesigned it, and posted the results as an open letter to the company.Guesses vs. Data as Basis for Design Recommendations (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Wherein we are told—or reminded—that the smallest amount of empirical data from real users quadruples the probability of being right.
Jakob Nielsen's AlertboxiPhone Stencil Kit | Design Commission
Quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes.Directory of Usability, Information Architecture, and User Experience Design Software
IAApps.com continues to grow, with visits increasing 51%! Check-out our constantly expanding wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, and screen capture sections and leave a review of your favourite app!40+ Helpful Resources On User Interface Design Patterns | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Comprehensive User Interface Design Pattern LibraryUse It Better™
Use it better is an online tool for testing & analysing user experience and usability on Adobe Flash Websites7 Rich & Creative User Interfaces and How to Create Your Own | Noupe
“We always use a real person—someone we know personally—as the example user for each persona. It’ll be a friend or a friend of a friend, but it’s someone we can call and ask questions. That detail really helps make each persona more real and approachable to everyone on the team.”—Todd Zaki WarfelA List Apart: Articles: Visual Decision Making
Why attractive things work better
The visual aesthetics that frame and define content are much more than simply a “skin” that we can apply or discard without consequence. Users react in fast, profound, and lasting ways to the aesthetics of what they see and use, and research shows that the sophisticated visual content presentation influences user perceptions of usability, trust, and confidence in the web content they view
User interface experts are often suspicious of the role of visual aesthetics in user interfaces—and of designers who insist that graphic emotive impact and careful attention to a site’s visual framework really contribute to measurable success.Stop Password Masking (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Advice about how masking password entries can reduce usability and increase user error and frustration.
Jakob comes out against password masking
More importantly, there's usually nobody looking over your shoulder when you log in to a website. It's just you, sitting all alone in your office, suffering reduced usability to protect against a non-issue.
Got to agree with Jakob here. Seing *****'s as you type your password just leads to mistyped passwords
Can I get an Amen?
I question the overall security of an app if the input isn't masked. Logically, he makes sense, but users aren't asking for it. Leave it be.10 Tools to Improve Your Site’s Usability on a Low Budget | Webdesigner Depot
Testing the usability of your site is one of the smartest things you can do. Usability involves making a website's interface easier to use and simpler to
site usability toolsBuild an Insanely Great Web Service - ReadWriteStart
Good reading materialUser Experience Design @ MindTree: How to create a Style Guide with ease
Guia de criação de um style guide para web sites.Creating Consistently Colorful User Experiences, Part 3: The Craft | UX Booth
ux links
User Experience Resources: Books, blogs, publications, etc.Design With Intent | design mind
Author: Robert Fabricant Content: Over the past several months, I’ve been fortunate to meet and talk to a number of people — among them Jan Chipchase of Nokia, Peter Whybrow of UCLA, and Caroline Hummels of Delft University of
Great Article on User Centered Design
Robert Fabricant asks how designers can influence behaviour.Wireframe Magnets (DIY Kit) | Konigi
Make your own laminated magnets of UI elements for putting together and markering with text. Obviously isn't faster than just hand-drawing, but certainly looks more polished, ...and would be fun.Stop Counting Clicks | UX Booth
The 3-click-rule is the Freddy Kreuger of web design advice. You think it’s finally dead and then it comes back and starts slashing up sensible debate about usable design. I’m hoping to convince you to stop talking about the 3-click rule. I don’t mean substituting it with the 4-click rule or the 5-click rule. You should stop counting clicks as a measure of usability altogether.The 7 wonders of wireframes « Boagworld
.247 web usability guidelines
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — DAVID TRAVIS, JULY 6, 2009
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — David Travis, July 6, 2009Human-Centered Design Toolkit - Case Studies - IDEO
Sitio con la metodología de IDEO !Increible¡How To Increase Site Performance Through A/B Split Testing | UX Booth
visto en el twitter de torresburriel
How To Increase Site Performance Through A/B Split TestingService Design Tools | Communication methods supporting design processes
Freaking awesome Examples and Best Practices - How To Social Network Design
...But what’s the best way to design a social network? What are the elements that make a social network more user-friendly and more attractive to users? Read on to find out. Mooie bundelingInformation Architects » Blog Archive » The Spectrum of User Experience (1)
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
number 110 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think | UX Booth
"Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly and concisely everything one needs to know about getting started with web usability. For more advanced users, it’s a great refresher course."
Korte samenvatting van het boek "Don't make me think!" van Steve Krug (aanrader)Building Respect for Usability Expertise (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Enemies of usability claim that because "the experts disagree," they can safely ignore user advocates' expertise and run with whatever design they personally prefer.The Art Of Applying Rule Of Five Plus Or Minus Two For An Effective Wireframe | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
When presenting any kind of information on a page, avoid overwhelming your visitor with too many choices. Its best to use no fewer than 3 and no more than 7 groupings of elements.
The Art Of Applying Rule Of Five Plus Or Minus Two For An Effective Wireframe |Open Source Designers - A community of practice for design & user experience people in Open Source
If you’re doing design & user experience work in an open source community, then chances are we have a lot in common – no matter what community we’re working in. We have some big challenges every day, but we also know that if we can overcome those challenges we can make a really big contribution to the sustainability and increased popularity of open source software.
Leisa Reichelt's been working on Drupal (in the open) and sent this pointer to a community for people doing UED work for open source projectsiPhone Apps Design Mistakes: Over-Blown Visuals | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great read for iPhone App DesignersUsing Wikis to Document UI Specifications - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Using Wikis in Project Planning20 User Experience Books you should own | UXbyDesign.org
For people who make things for people who use things...10 Best UX (User Experience) Design Blogs : Web 2.0 : Technology : Blogs.com
Interesting article with a fresh look towards user expirience on the desktopA List Apart: Articles: The Inclusion Principle
Accessibility is commonly touted via some text and a small hyperlink that leads to Section 508 at the bottom of a web page, a practice which upholds the spirit of the law. It usually reads something like this: “We are committed to making our site accessible and continue to test and modify the site for accessibility. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing any of our content.” Some quick accessibility checks reveal that many site owners and developers consider the second part of that statement a convenient “get out of jail free” card. Developers sometimes think that using standards-based development principles, separating presentation and behavior via external CSS and DOM-based scripting techniques, and applying alt attributes to images creates Section 508 compliance. They don’t want to spend more effort on accessibility until they get feedback from users who have problems with the site.
"In universal design, perceived affordance—that is, the implicit understanding of how to interact with an object—actually coincides with the user’s ability to execute the action. Universal design is, therefore, inherently accessible." - yes!35 Inspirational Shopping Cart Page Designs | Noupe
Shopping Cart | Site de Venda
e-commerce design
good for shopping cart layout ... shopping onlineDesigning "Read More" And "Continue Reading" Links | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
UI patterns - interesting readinessential.com: Anatomy of a feature
Good description of thinking thru feature implementation. error handling, sync failures, user feedback, etc
Anatomy of a feature: http://bit.ly/3R0Ws Great step-by-step guide on how an idea gets turned into software. [from http://twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/statuses/2954188093]
NetNewsWire's developer Brent Simmons describes all the UI decisions he had to go through before adding the Instapaper functionality to the feed reader's latest beta : "It’s not enough just to write the basic functionality and add a menu item that runs it. Even a feature as simple as this one requires some up-front thinking, some design."
A great post on just how much it really takes to "add this simple feature that does XXX" to software.5 Web Accessibility Improvement Tools | UX Booth
Over the past few weeks we’ve been showcasing some amazing articles, tools, and videos in our Resources section. Our twitter followers have gotten a taste of these resources and have let us know they are really enjoying them! Today I would like to share some tools with you that focus on accessibility, a very important sector of user experience.30 Information Packed UX and IA Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Digital designers advice on going into the field ...
A series of short video posts giving designers advice - many prominent people in the field...
'she sought out the advice of digital designers and designer conspirers far and wide, to ask them to respond to the following: "So you’re thinking about becoming a designer? If I could tell you only one thing about going into the field, my advice would be ___________ ."'Napkee - make your mockups come alive
Napkee lets you to export Balsamiq Mockups to HTML/CSS/JS and Adobe Flex 3 at a click of a button. * Balsamiq's perfect companion * No coding skills required * Pays for itself after one use launch price 79 dollars Napkee Install it, Version 1.0.6 (August 5th, 2009) - problems downloading? By installing this software you are agreeing to Napkee Labs' End User License Agreement Try it, Once you have installed Napkee you can try it for as long as you want. Import Balsamiq Mockups files (BMML) and see all the features of Napkee. The export functionality is the only thing that is not working in the free trial, but you can enable it by buying Napkee! Buy it! $79/user Tried and liked what you see? To unlock the export feature just follow the instructions on the buy it page. We are also giving out licenses for free.Printed books on User Experience free to read online » The UX Bookmark
a good resource to stop by, when thinking about changes in your user interface.Bulletin August/September 2009
social media antipatterns and fuckups
The Information Architecture of Social Experience Design: Five Principles, Five Anti-Patterns and 96 Patterns (in Three Buckets)
Designing and building a successful social website or application is no mean feat. Adding a social dimension to an existing experience is trickier still. Nevertheless, the skills to do so are well worth cultivating, as the ubiquitous, pervasive, massively interconnected world of the Internet and allied digital networks, such as mobile SMS (short message service) connections, have unlocked a growing panoply of opportunities for social relationships, remote presence, real-time interactions and the capacity for self-organized groups of people to coordinate their behavior and collaborate on changing the world.
Five Principles Of the myriad principles we've unearthed so far, five cut across the entire experience: Pave the Cowpaths Talk Like a Person Play Well with Others Learn from Games Respect the Ethical DimensionRealizations of Rounded Rectangles | UI and us
expect that examples like the rounded rectangle will strengthen the argument to ‘go the e
Fascinating or total B.S.? You decide...
Time for an expert: I asked Professor Jürg Nänni, author
rounded corners versus sharp cornersUI Pattern Documentation Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
User interface (UI) patterns have the potential to make software development more efficient. The prospect of such efficiency gains has led to interest in user interface (UI) patterns by individuals and organizations looking for ways to increase quality while at the same time reducing the costs associated with software development. The very nature of UI patterns requires that they be familiar to end-users. An individual UI pattern is a discrete, repeatable unit of user experience. I refer to collection of patterns as a library.••• hello | Hot Gloo •••
Hot Gloo is designed by IA's for IA's. With the help of the elements you can create a whole world out of wireframes. Just drag and drop, scale, link, name and rename them - it's super easy and intuitional.
Sitio para hacer wireframes
Para hacer wireframes de sitios webNine Essential Characteristics of Good UX Designers
Nine Essential Characteristics of Good UX Designers
What makes a good UX Designer / Information Architect10 Must-Follow Usability Experts on Twitter
Naview is a navigation preview tool for rapid information architecture prototyping from Volkside. It helps information architects design and visualise a new navigational structure and aims to bridge the gap between card sorting and IA user testing.
Another example of a validation prototype tool
Volkside | Naview - Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping
Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping
quick prototypes of hierarchical menus. via katja.Managing UI Complexity | Brandon Walkin
nterface complexity is an issue every designer wrestles with when designing a reasonably sophisticated application. A complex interface can reduce user effectiveness, increase the learning curve of the application, and cause users to feel intimidated and overwhelmed. I’ve spent the past year redesigning a particularly complex application with my primary focus being on reducing complexity. In this article, I’ll go over some of the issues surrounding complexity and techniques that can be used to manage it.The Content Conundrum - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Article by Christopher Detzi. As web designers and information architects, we often dismiss deep consideration of content when we design interactive experiences.
Finally, a conversation about content...
"It’s impossible to fully evaluate the effectiveness of a web experience without having the content represented and under the same microscope as the design"ForeUI - Easy-To-Use UI Prototyping Tool
software de prototipos de software
Quick Wireframe Prototype ForeUI can rapidly create wireframe prototype of your software or website by dragging predefined elements to the plot. You can also customize your own elements. More...
EaSynth ForeUI is an easy-to-use screen mockup tool, you can use it to create prototype of software or website.
原型制作工具,比较有意思Persona Format - Fluid Project Wiki
Хороший шаблон для составления персонажей.
About personasCarsonified » 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals
UIThe Art of User-Centric Web Design - Webitect
Muy importante, leer detenidamente
User-centric web design is a method of web design where the content, design, and usability factors are all placed in accordance to the target audience’s needs and goals — a design that is centered around the user. This article will cover the basics of what user-centric web design is, and how to achieve it.Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » The iPhone is Not Easy to Use: A New Direction for UX Design
iPhones fly off the shelves despite being difficult to learn. Why? Because they let you do what it says you can do and they make you happy while you do it. This proves that my job as a user experience designer has evolved rather than simply changed. While it’s still my responsibility to prevent things from sucking, now it’s also my responsibility to add a little playfulness. As Kim Goodwin said in her Interaction09 keynote, we have a limited window in which to prove how valuable design can be to business. There are three ways in which user experience designers can learn to incorporate play into the systems they design. Experience and Research Play You can’t build playfulness into your designs without experiencing playfulness yourself. Play games and pay attention to what makes them fun. For example, the only rule in the card game Fluxx is that the rules constantly change. Completing a level in Peggle gives you the “Ode to Joy,” rainbows, unicorns, and fireworks!
Very thorough and insightful article about the direction of UI and UX in software. This is about the iPhone, but the lessons are universally applicable.
To some extent, you need not make things not suck if you can make them fun. The Mary Poppins Principle as a new model for user experience design.
Software user interfaces as games, with focus on iPhone usability.The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today | UXbyDesign.org
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
Visual design is more than styling. It is function.
Importance of aesthetics20 tips for writing for the web | FatDUX | blogging about user experiences
Interesting set of rules to follow, when writing for an online audience.User Experience Publications | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Continuing on my series of answering common questions I have created a post list user experience publications. This is a question that keeps coming up in discussion is about User Experience resources, specifically about publications. So here is a list of industry publications which I read on a semi-regular basis, most of which I subscribe to their feed or email newsletter. I am hoping you find these useful.Carsonified » Top 10 UX Myths
10 mitos da experiência do usuáriotap tap tap ~ Convert design evolution
"I had originally planned to do a post detailing the design of Convert… from my assy “programmer mockup”… until the finished app. But I figured that this would be much more fun and 1000x less long-winded" Nice to watch this ... the familiar practice of feeling your way around interface design, like drawing.
"What happens when you stick a few people who can’t agree on anything at first… but later agree on everything… in a virtual room to do some app design? "
A evolução de uma interface para iphone. via @blude
A great blog about the iphone.A List Apart: Articles: The Case for Content Strategy—Motown Style
What’s your role? Are you a designer who needs “real copy” for your comps? Maybe you’re an information architect trying to organize an experience, or a search engine marketer eager to influence your client with keywords they’ll actually use. Whatever your role, a content strategist can help you be more successful.
The Case for Content Strategy—Motown Style
"At a more thematic level, first working through the 'big issues' of content strategy, like communication goals and messaging, can help you hit the mark in your respective deliverables. "
Content strategy thoughts.Functioning Form - Design at Facebook
Facebook er godt design på sin egen skumle måde35 Excellent Wireframing Resources | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
There are some simple steps you can take to create the best bridge possible between you and your clients. The most obvious way to receive that feedback is through a contact form. It is an essential component for owners of websites. It creates a channel to hear feedback, suggestions, and even sell services.50 Most Usable RIAs | InsideRIA
review of hundreds of RIAs while compiling examples for our book Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions, and subsequent talks and articles.UI Trends
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly of User Interface Design UI Trends (uitrends.com) is intended to be 1. a dynamic light-weight repository for interesting user interface designs and trends for website and web applications 2. a place to comment on and discuss user interface designs and trends 3. a source of inspiration for designers and developers
site where you can vote up or down a trend in ui designPwireframing: Paper Wireframing - mStoner - Blog
근데 꼭 이렇게까지 해야하나?
an article on how to wireframe using good old paper.Customization of UIs and Products (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Websites that let users customize the UI have the same measured usability as regular sites. Sites for customizing products, however, score substantially worse due to complex workflow.TapFancy – An iPhone app design showcase and gallery
Forms can be painless or painful for visitors. Keep in mind that visitors want to get their tasks accomplished as quickly as possible, and with the least amount of effort. Proper planning and design can maximize task efficiency.
Checklist For Better FormsAxure and Pencil grids
retícula en fallerfots
Designed for use with Axure RP Pro 5 and the Pencil extension for Firefox, this resource will help you layout prototype web pages using the 960-grid system.Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
It's easy to bias study participants, whether in user testing or in card sorting, if they focus on matching stimulus words instead of working on the underlying problem.
"I usually say user testing is easy: basically, you get some real customers and watch them use your site or app. But this article touches on one of the difficulties of running great studies: minimizing bias. To achieve this, you have to see how people behave on their own rather than impose your own thinking on them. In the latter case, they simply echo it back, and you don't learn how to improve your design for real-life use...."
how to (and how not to) pose the problem in useability testingJustProto - Prototype your world!
Online, diagramas de processo, elementos padronizados, bom controle de texto, poucos eventos interativos.Nike - Home
You’ll also notice there are two arrows pointing out from “Submit email matching a user account” under the “Forgot password screen.” That’s because two different screens result from that action! Yo
saveScatter/Gather: a Razorfish blog about content strategy, pop culture and human behavior
Razorfish Blog über Content Strategy.Conversational UX Design | From The Head Of Zeus Jones
nice article on how to shift to a UX mindset
Make users learn by doing what they came to doWhy Your Next Website Should be Designed with Wireframes | Build Internet!
Getting a design to click can take time. In many cases, it takes several rounds of revisions to even get to an effective starting point. What can you do to give yourself a better chance at designing something great sooner?Fresh vs. Familiar: How Aggressively to Redesign (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Users hate change, so it's usually best to stay with a familiar design and evolve it gradually. In the long run, however, incrementalism eventually destroys cohesiveness, calling for a new UI architecture.
to redesign or not to redesign...that is the question.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
Jakob Nielse advocates for design that relies on what you have.The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day? There are some give-away indicators. Look out for them in your software, hunt down the developer and force them to read a book about user interface design. If you’re suitably senior, force them to a) improve it, or even better b) get someone with real UI experience to fix it.
"Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day?"We are Colorblind » Patterns for the Color Blind
ideas for design
Research shows that poor product information accounts for around 8% of usability problems and even 10% of user failure (i.e. the user gives up and leaves the website) (Prioritizing Web Usability).Integrating Prototyping Into Your Design Process - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is one of the most subversive, provocative video games of recent years. It may also be one of the most important, not because of its content but because of how it is delivered.15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of | Useful Usability
Here's a list of 15 valuable Usability Papers in PDF form that you might not have heard of, but should know and can use:I thought I'd list a few helpful papers I use from time to time when going about my usability work. Some of these you may have he
I have to check these.Best Practices for Designing Faceted Search Filters :: UXmatters
In this column, I’ve presented five best practices for designing filters for faceted search results. Of these, I think the first—choosing either drill-down or parallel selection—is the most important. If you choose your filter value-selection paradigm correctly, you are already half way there.
Five best practices for designing filters for faceted search results. Of these, I think the first—choosing either drill-down or parallel selection—is the most important.
Recently, Office Depot redesigned their search user interface, adding attribute-based filtering and creating a more dynamic, interactive user experience. Unfortunately, Office Depot’s interaction design misses some key points, making their new search user interface less usable and, therefore, less effective. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the Office Depot site presents us with an excellent case study for demonstrating some of the important best practices for designing filters for faceted search results, as follows:
Recently, Office Depot redesigned their search user interface, adding attribute-based filtering and creating a more dynamic, interactive user experience. Unfortunately, Office Depot’s interaction design misses some key points, making their new search user interface less usable and, therefore, less effective. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the Office Depot site presents us with an excellent case study for demonstrating some of the important best practices for designing filters for faceted search results, as follows: 1. Decide on your filter value-selection paradigm—either drill-down or parallel selection. 2. Provide an obvious and consistent way to undo filter selection. 3. Always make all filters easily available. 4. At every step in the search workflow, display only filter values that correspond to the available items, or inventory. 5. Provide filter values that encompass all items, or the complete inventory. By following the attribute-based filtering desiSearch Results Design: Best Practices and Design Patterns « Smashing Magazine
The search results page is the prime focus of the search experience, and can make or break a site’s conversion rates. Therefore, bridging the gap between a user and the content or products they seek is a crucial factor in the success of any large website.SU - 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines & Smashing Magazine
Wonderful stuff
Would be nice. I'm not sure how this would handle the pulling of data w/o draining the battery.
Mockup of a new iPhone home screenQueryLoader – preload your website in style - Gaya Design
Web site que oferece o arquivo para download e a página para visualização de um preloader feito em JQuery !
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: Loading page or have an animated image that spins. Why can't there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I've gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: “Loading page” or have an animated image that spins. Why can’t there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I’ve gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.adaptive path » blog » Dan Harrelson » Rapid Prototyping Tools Revisited
Excelente comparativa entre los teclados del iPhone y de Android.
Virtual Keyboards on iPhone and AndroidFunction Web Design & Development Blog - » Beautiful Post Thumbnails: Top Examples & Best Practices
Beautiful Post ThumbnailsPowers of 10: Time Scales in User Experience (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
From 0.1 seconds to 10 years or more, user interface design has many different timeframes, and each has its own particular usability issues.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
people can make rough decisions about a Web page's visual appeal after being exposed to it for as little as 50 ms, which is 1/20 of a second
tidsstudie over brug af website, 1 sek, 1 min. 10 min. osv.Tools for Sketching User Experiences | UX Booth
In this article, I’ll expound on the tools I use every day to design interfaces and experiences. I’ve spent years trying a variety of tools, and so far, analog tools such as markers, notebooks and paper templates have proved to be the most effective because of their constraints and flexibility.A List Apart: Articles: Usability Testing Demystified
aMinimizing Complexity In User Interfaces « Smashing Magazine
"Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience."
Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience.
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2DeliciousThe myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing | cxpartners
People tell us that they don’t mind scrolling and the behaviour we see in user testing backs that up. We see that people are more than comfortable scrolling long, long pages to find what they are looking for. A quick snoop around the web will show you successful brands that are not worrying about the fold either:10 Qualitative Tools to Improve Your Website | Tools | instantShift
If you run or manage a website, you probably have experience with a web analytics package (like Google Analytics). These tools are great at answering the , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.Usability Study: Men Need Speed - web usability criteria show gender differences
The importance of download speed, for most Web users, has long been established (King 2008). Fast response times foster higher flow states (Skadberg
In a recent usability survey, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed to easy navigation. Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. The researchers hypothesize that these different usability criteria are due to differences in how men and women use the Web
vitesse accès conditionne utilisation services
In a survey of 301 undergraduates on the importance of different web usability criteria, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed over easy navigation (Pearson & Pearson 2008). Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. Figure 1 shows the differences among genders for the most important factors in assessing web usability.
"In a recent usability survey, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed to easy navigation. Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. The researchers hypothesize that these different usability criteria are due to differences in how men and women use the Web." (via Zeldman.com)Experience Themes - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Experience Themes How a storytelling method can help unify teams and create better products by Cindy Chastain on 2009/10/06
Como usar historias para elegir el tema general de un sitio y mantenerlo enfocado.
The more beautifully you shape your work around one clear idea, the more meanings audiences will discover in your film as they take your idea and follow its implication into every aspect of their lives.
There’s an old adage among screenwriters that when a writer can sum up a story in a sentence or less, he has discovered what’s important about the story. He’ll know what the story is about and therefore have a strong sense of theme. And in knowing the theme, he’ll have a compass to use in the process of “designing” the damn thing (i.e. what to keep, what to lose, what actually happens at the end). The story will be all the better for it because it all hangs together with a central idea that will give it greater impact and meaning.10/GUI
graphical user interface paradigm we today take for
10/GUI aims to bridge this gap by rethinking the desktop to leverage technology in an intuitive and powerful way.UX Exchange - Q&A site for user experience professionals
blog on uxftwCarsonified » How to Understand Your Users with Personas
ניתוח מצויין של חווית הקניה באמאזון: http://bit.ly/KRjk6 [from http://twitter.com/talgalili/statuses/4883868116]
Análise da página da Amazon. Bom roteiro para projetar uma loja virtualA List Apart: Articles: The Myth of Usability Testing
Here are several tools that can be used with a heuristic evaluation to identify trouble spotsCarsonified » 10 Tips on Writing Hero-worthy Error Messages
Doh! %&^%&^%&! Another forehead-smack-worthy curse-laden moment: Ive filled out a lengthy online form and hit the submit button only to find myself staring back at an empty form peppered with red errors. Has this happened to you? Of course it has. While considering how much I really need to complete this form, I start making notes on how Id design it to be a better experience. Seriously, how many date formats am I going to have to try before I get this sucker right? Do I need to phone a friend? The lack of strong error messaging is a regular issue I encounter as both a user and UX designer. As the bearer of bad news to users, error messaging can be the element that determines whether your app gets a Sale or FAIL. Editors Note: Well be covering UX tips and strategies at The Future of Web Design NYC on Nov 16th 17th. 1. Error messaging is customer support Error messaging is a critical component of customer support. Customer support teams are experts at talking to and co
help on writing error messages for forms
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webDiscount Usability: 20 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
e the fight
Simple user testing with 5 participants, paper prototyping, and heuristic evaluation offer a cheap, fast, and early focus on usability, as well as many rounds of iterative design.Brand = User Experience: The Interface of a Cheeseburger « Smashing Magazine
Brand = User Experience: The Interface of a CheeseburgerCreating a Timeless User Experience
If we could tear into the fabric of time and look a decade into the future, what kind of experience might we find? In this article we will explore creating a timeless user experience.10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading | UX Booth
10 blogs sobre User Experience, a acompanhar.Increasing Online Sales: Simple Usability Problems To Avoid « Smashing Magazine
Usability Problems To Avoid
usability ecommerce webdesign ux e-commerceSteepster Blog : Brewing a Better Rating System
lille case om udviklingen af et rating system
hem as markers on the slider, giving you a frame of reference for the new tea. They show up when you drag the slider over them or when you hover over th
smilies, a 100-point slider, AND recent rating tickmarks with rollover info. wowUsability tips for visualizing Ajax requests
CNN's New Website Design DeconstructedA List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
It's hard for clients to understand the true value of user experience research. As much as you'd like to tell your clients to go read The Elements of User Experience and call you back when they’re done, that won’t cut it in a professional services environment. David Sherwin creates a cheat sheet to help you pitch UX research using plain, client-friendly language that focuses on the business value of each exercise.The Future of Interface Design | UX Booth
Agile projects aren't yet fully user-driven, but new research shows that developers are actually more bullish on key user experience issues than UX people themselves.
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/agile-methods.html Agile projects aren't yet fully user-driven, but new research shows that developers are actually more bullish on key user experience issues than UX people themselves. # Separate design and development, and have the user interface team progress one step ahead of the implementation team. That way, when it comes time to build something, it's already been designed and tested. (And yes, you can do both in a week or two by using paper prototypes and discount user testing.) # Maintain a coherent vision of the user interface architecture. Create the initial vision during a "sprint zero" period — before any implementation has started — and maintain it through annual (or semi-annual) design vision sprints. You can't just design individual features; they have to fit together into a coherent whole — a whole that must be designed as well. Bottom-up user interface design equals a confused total user experience (the Linux syndrome).
Distributing your UX personnel doesn't mean you have to abandon all the benefits of having a centralized, specialized group. Often, a matrix structure provides a good compromise, making UX professionals part of individual projects on a day-to-day basis, but still offering some company-wide coordination.
Nothing new, but fun to throw at the suits - "Clearly, Agile is considerably better than the old Waterfall method. Good riddance to that one. However, the professionals in our new study still felt that Iterative Design was marginally better than Agile"Best Practices for 6 Common User Interface Elements | Webdesigner Depot
The appearance and usability of certain interface elements and functionality are crucial to the success any websites in today’s market. Studies have demonstrated that even a split-second delay in thinking on the user’s part will weaken their perception and interest in a website and ultimately lower the website’s conversion rate. In certain niches and industries, having UI elements that are not obvious in their use may be perfectly acceptable. The blogging and web development industry are perfect examples. But when we design user interfaces for non-tech-savvy audiences—which is usually the case with client work—we have to ensure that certain UI elements do not stray too far from what users are accustomed to. This article discusses some best practices and usability traits of six user interface elements and the conventions for each, so that developers can create user experiences that are both beautiful and simple.How to Achieve Painless Registration
Ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites,
Read it. Do it. Awesome advice from Tog.
I'm about to give you a number of ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites, but first, raise your hand if you personally, when surfing the web, enjoy registering to use a site.UX Quotes- Useful Quotes on User Experience
5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience
Simple tips for a good UX. These are obvious wins...Larva Labs - Intelligent Home Screen
Some suggestions for improving a smart phone's (actually, the Android's) home screenLog in or sign up? - Leah Culver's Blog
clever signup/login ui
For one of my side projects, Leafy Chat, we have just added the concept of user accounts. This includes the need for registration and log in (as well as log out and forgot password and so on). Leafy Chat only requires an email address and a password for both registration and log in, so it would be great to have some clever way to have both forms on the homepage.
Designing login/signup for a web server
Very smart. Stealing this idea for a current project
Interesting thoughts, but I don't like the end result. People have been trained over the years on how to do login/signup. Putting them both on the same page seems like the right idea, but there's something wrong with this implementation--it looks different from most forms.
"So after probably far too much research, I've come up with the following single register/log in form for Leafy Chat. Log in Sign up The form updates via JavaScript when the user selects a radio button. For the log in form, notice that the submit button says "Log in" and there is a link to retrieve a forgotten password. For the sign up form, the label for the password field prompts the user to "Choose a password" and "Sign up!" while also accepting the terms of service. I like this design because a user can either log in or sign up directly from the homepage and the radio buttons stand out and make the options clear to the user. I love that the page dynamically updates to provide relevant help for the chosen form. Also, the user can easily correct any errors without re-entering their email/password. What do you think?Designing Social Interfaces: Overview and Practical Techniques - Smashing Magazine
top post exploring the implications of 'social-ness' on interaction design - must read for anyone designing sites for participation & collaborationYou're Killing Me Zappos
101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School
A set of short, easily digested learnings from the world of Interaction Design, inspired by "101 Things I Learned in Architecture School", by Matthew Frederick.8 Things Programmers Should Know About UI Design
Since there are many times when programmers have to design and implement user interfaces, here are listed several aspects of GUI design that should be taken into account.An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Web Usability : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Book on web usability.Perfecting User Experience Design with A/B Testing - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Some great recources for A/B-TestingFour Key Principles of Mobile User Experience Design - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Prior to becoming a senior UX designer at Popular Front Interactive, I spent two years as a mobile UX researcher within the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Mobile Technologies Group – a lab tasked with both future-casting and then rapidly prototyping innovative mobile experiences.Complete Beginner’s Guide to Interaction Design | UX Booth
Web design has followed a long and windy road from it’s rather modest beginnings. Initially, the term “web designer,” described something much more akin to that of a graphic designer: a designer who concerns themselves with the presentation of text and pictures. Today, however, the majority of websites an applications online are interactive. In turn, modern web designers are called upon to make a number of considerations drastically different than those made by traditional graphic designers. To bridge this gap, we call upon the discipline of interaction design. This article serves as a good jumping off point for people interested in learning more about Interaction Design. To that point, we’ll briefly cover the history, guiding principles, noteworthy contributors, tools, etc. related to this fascinating discipline. Even if you’re an interaction designer yourself, give the article a read and share your thoughts in the comments below.
This article serves as a good jumping off point for people interested in learning more about Interaction Design. To that point, we’ll briefly cover the history, guiding principles, noteworthy contributors, tools, etc. related to this fascinating discipline.User Experience Designer vs. Creative Director | UX Booth
Sometimes, as a strategist, I think I fill both roles. And I know I'm wrong about that.Demystifying Interaction Design - Bokardo
I ask [clients]: “What do people have to do in order for you to be successful?”. Simple question. Now, the answer might be that people need to click on ads or install software or create/save social objects or buy a product. Each one of these answers is fine, but it often takes a little bit of digging to find out the real actions that people need to take. For example, if the initial answer is “click on ads” then I have to dig deeper to find out why someone might be on the site/app in the first place…people just don’t randomly visit to click on ads. But the resulting behavior is what I design for. That’s it…once I know what needs to happen for my client to be successful my only focus is on eliciting that behavior. It really is as simple as that.
If interaction design isn’t about supporting & influencing behavior…then what exactly are you doing?
Demystifying Interaction Design - Bokardo
We design to change, guide, support, elicit, constrict, and control behavior. The products and screens we create are about getting others to do something, using or buying or donating or otherwise taking some real-world action. Good design elicits the right behavior, poor design does not.Less is Better | UX Magazine
Whenever we have to put in or feel that we have to put in a preference in our software, we pretty much consider that a defeat. We were not good enough. We were not good enough at coming up with a reasonable choice that most people would like most of the time.
For me a good user interface is a simple user interface. It's a user interface that doesn't try to expose or reveal too many features or preferences.24 Usability Testing Tools | Useful Usability
My big list of 24 Web Site Usability Testing Tools In the past few years, there has been massive growth in new and exciting cheap or free web site usability testing tools, so here's my list of 24 tools you may need to use from time to time. Gone
A detailed list of 24 usability testing tools, including pros, cons and pricing for each.Better Software Through Less UI | Potion Factory
verbose scheduling via natural language expressions
Andy Kim of Potion Factory walks through his design decisions for a UI to specify recurring events in a to-do-list/calendar app.
Better design through less interface. Designing a recurring schedule without the garbage UI.
task repeat repetitionWeb Design is Dead! Introducing a much improved web design process. - Web Designers London
nice simple, minimalist design. innovate product design showcase. very nice.
Relogik.com was created in 2009 as a showcase of Damjan Stanković, designer specialized in industrial, identity, interface and concept design. Damjan is currently based in Belgrade, Serbia.Principles Of Effective Search In E-Commerce Design - Smashing Magazine
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2DeliciousShort-Term Memory and Web Usability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
The human brain is not optimized for the abstract thinking and data memorization that websites often demand. Many usability guidelines are dictated by cognitive limitations.Nick’s Top User Experience Books | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Liste wertvoller Usability-WerkeDesign View / Andy Rutledge - Where Wireframes Are Concerned
While there remain certain specific contexts where it is advisable to craft and present wireframe layouts for client evaluation and approval, this practice is often a really bad move and one made at the wrong moment in the design process, and for the wrong reasons. Wireframes can be useful, valuable artifacts for informing the designer’s process. But they often fail miserably as a first-step deliverable for clients.
Design View | Articles and opinion on design professionalism, technique and culture by Andy Rutledge
before you create a wireframe for client evaluation and approval, ask yourself: how will this help my client in the project process? Again, evaluate your answer carefully before you decide to craft a wireframe for your client’s evaluation …and before you commit to do so as a part of the project deliverables. Context matters.
Some good points here. Sometimes wireframes are necessary, but other times they get in the way.A piece with a lot of screenshots about the close tab behaviour in Google Chrome | The Invisible
Well considered, with a wonderful pay-off line
interesting accelerator for mouse users in chrome. delay in resizing when closing tabs, to make it easier to close multiple.Gifts for User Experience Geeks 2009 | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
gifts for UX geeks like Information Architects, Usability Specialists, Interaction Designers, and even Web Designers.
http://www.nickfinck.com/blog/entry/gifts_for_user_experience_geeks_2009/ - I want the Konigi Wireframe Sketch Book! http://konigi.com/store/product/wireframe-sketch-book-small
UX product picks for 2009Functioning Form - The Apple Store's Checkout Form Redesign
Though most people wouldn't consider Apple's Web site an important online destination, November saw Apple in the top ten list of US Web sites. 62 million Internet users visited Apple online during the month with an average of 1 hour and 18 minutes spent per user. By comparison, Google had 155 million unique visitors in November.
Functioning FormMag+, a concept video on the future of digital magazines – Blog – BERG
In most online business the revenue of the site solely depends on the registered and active users and Making the visitor of your site to sign up isn’t easy, nobody likes to fill in forms .
Inspirational Design Sign-Up Page/FormA UI Design and Prototyping Treasure Chest | Web Design Ledger
design, icons, vorlagen uvm
UIデザイン 参考資料Userplus.org - Design best practices to build the best web user interface (form design, navigation, buttons,...)
Design best practices to build the best web user interface (form design, navigation, buttons,...)
Fly-out and drop-down menu 12/08/09 • In Design Patterns The user needs to navigate the site but there are to many options to show in the main navigation bar. You want to offer the user direct access to all sections of the website.11 Blogs to Help You Become a User Experience Expert | Web Design Ledger
Blog for designers with useful resources - templates,
esto le gustaría a @kmerinoUX trick: display form data as tabular data | Css Globe
I’ve been asked by the Italian magazine L’Espresso to write an article on The Future of Web Design. Here is the English text. Thinking about what’s next online is fun because everything you wish to come true will come true. While commercial products obey to the laws of the market, which in part are influenced by [...]52 Weeks of UX
This post showcases a wonderful collection of wireframe templates. It even includes Jason Robb’s template he showcased in a post for UX Booth titledSketchy Wireframes - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Omnigraffle has some empty circles here
explanation of pros & cons of sketching wireframes vs. computer, plus computer apps that look sketchy. p: Sketchy wireframes allow practitioners to guide creativity and problem solving in the early stages of projects, rather than getting lost in a sea of documentation. Hopefully, this trend will continue as software manufacturers focus on enhancing their tools for creating computer-based sketchy wireframes.
"...there is a growing trend toward hand-drawn [wireframe] styles, as evidenced by an expanding amount of literature and workshops on the subject. This is a positive step in the evolution of our field. Sketchy wireframes allow practitioners to guide creativity and problem solving in the early stages of projects, rather than getting lost in a sea of documentation."
Describes a alternative for user interface wireframes between computer-generated boxes and handdrawn versions. "Computer-based sketchy wireframes. These allow computer wireframes to look more like quick, hand-drawn sketches while retaining the reusability and polish that we expect from digital artifacts." Lists popular tools and how well they support sketchy wireframes. Author: Aaron Travis, Boxes and Arrows website, Dec. 5, 2009.Fantastic Information Architecture and Data Visualization Resources - Noupe
Below are a collection of resources to get you going down the information architecture and data visualization path. Whether you just want to become more familiar with infographics and data visualizations for occasional use or are thinking of making it a career, the resources below will surely come in handy. There are also some beautiful examples and more roundups to see even more fantastic graphics.
By Cameron Chapman Information architecture can be a daunting subject for designers who've never tried it before. Also, creating successful infographics and...16 Crucial Webdesign and Usability Best Practice Compilations and Tools | tripwire magazine
Some more good information on how to create good quality persona documents5 Steps to Building Social Experiences - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Don't just 'add social' to your website. Design it with a purpose.ignore the code: Realism in UI Design
Finding the sweet spot between realism and obscurity in design elements. (via @gracesmith)
consejos acerca de interfaces de usuario demasiado realistasTips for Coding and Designing Usable Web Forms - Noupe
By Louis Lazaris The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can't help it. Call-to-action functionality... The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can’t help it. Call-to-action functionality often leads users to a form; purchases are made using forms; users register or subscribe using forms — the uses for forms are endless. While it is fairly easy to slap together a form in HTML, it’s not as easy to code, style, and design your form in a manner that makes it usable and accessible to the majority of users. Since forms play such a large role in website conversions and success rates, the tips below, as well as the resources provided at the end of this article, should prove valuable for developers creating and coding web forms.How wireframing makes your website designs better
Odds are good if you are designing a enterprise software or a productivity web application, you’ll need a number of these components…
15种常见的元素典范~jQuery OpenID Plug-in
The jQuery OpenID Plugin is a free plugin to add easy login support for the most popular OpenID RP's such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, and more. The inspiration for this plugin is based on openid-selector, openid-realselector, and ID Selector. This selector is different because it does not hide the markup details in javascript. Therefore, you can easily add new providers or rearrange the existing ones without digging into the javascript. The login form will still work for normal OpenID logins if javascript is disabled (see screenshot). jQueryOpenIdPlugin The plugin defaults to the first provider in the list which in the above case is a normal OpenID login box. There are two other types of providers, direct providers and username providers. A direct provider does not require any input and will automatically direct you to the provider login page. A user provider assists in building your OpenID URL. For example, Google and Yahoo are direct providers and AOL is a username provider tha
jQuery OpenID Plug-inBetter User Experience With Storytelling – Part One - Smashing Magazine
storytellingSSW Rules to Better Interfaces
Very interesting perspective.
There seems to be a growing sentiment that interaction designers, visual designers and UI designers need to know how to write code.
Do not force user experience designers to learn how to code.Search Patterns: Design for Discovery
Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, e-commerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real time search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
A sandbox of search design illustrations, including a pattern library for search and discovery.
Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.25 UI Inspiration and Design Pattern Resources - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Are your fresh design ideas no longer fresh or are you a designer who continually re-uses the same old and trusted design patterns that have followed you for many a year? Or, you might just be a UI designer that is stuck in a rut? If you are looking to change all that, then this is the post for you.What to Expect in 2010: UX/UI Design Simplicity
The change we have been waiting for has come - our users have matured. 2010 is the year of Design Simplicity.A Look into Registration Buttons in Web Design
button Design
Sites with user registration want to grab every visitor who goes their website. They list their website in every popular search engine, use advertising in other websites, work with bloggers to help promote their products, enlist the help of usability experts and go through great lengths to get noticed.
A Look into Registration Buttons in Web DesignGoogle design: The kids are alright « fox @ fury
Doug Bowman leaves Google: Comment
another ex-designer from google, a more tempered view of the politics
g heavily on the Google design process which, as he puts it, frequently puts data-driven design ahead of expert opinion.
Dear Google engineers and PMs: […] Please keep in mind that everyone has opinions on design, and that your UX professional has devoted years of their life to learning to separate their subjective opinions from their objective understanding about how the larger audience will interpret an interface.
Kevin Fox responds to Douglas Bowman's post regarding his reasons for leaving Google.iPad UI Conventions - a set on Flickr
hehe, my first bookmark tagged with iPad (not the last I think)Bargain Basement Usability Testing | Think Vitamin
If you think user testing is time consuming and expensive, ThinkVitamin.com will change your mind with their article on cheap, effective testing, allowing you to get back to designing for your audience.
Quotes from Steve Krug and Jakob NeilsenA List Apart: Articles: The Problem with Passwords
"Is there a middle path—a way to provide feedback and reduce password errors that doesn’t sacrifice the user experience? At least two design patterns address this issue in offline applications, and with a little JavaScript, we can bring them to the web. [...] The simplest solution is to mask the password by default while giving users a way to switch the field to clear text. [...] Apple adopted an interesting approach. The last letter typed into the field remains visible for a couple of seconds before turning into a dot. This creates an opportunity to catch errors without showing the entire password at once."Conversion Room: Improve your web-forms and increase conversions
After forms, data tables are likely the next most ubiquitous interface element designers create when constructing Web applications. Users often need to add, edit, delete, search for, and browse through lists of people, places, or things within Web applications. As a result, the design of tables plays a crucial role in such an application’s overall usefulness and usability.
Great filter examples from Luke Wroblewski.
luke wRich Internet Application Screen Design | UX Magazine
This article will outline the process we use to create rich applications, focusing primarily on screen design. All of the content is geared specifically toward productivity applications like Software as a Service (SaaS) products and Rich Enterprise Applications (REAs)Better User Experience With Storytelling, Part 2 - Smashing Magazine
In the first part of this Better User Experience With Storytelling series, we explored some of the basic structures and story patterns found in myths and religions. We saw how these patterns continued into modern stories such as The Matrix and Star Wars. We also explored some of the basics of bringing storytelling into the user experience process and some places to get started. Concluding this two-part article, we hear from creative professionals who are leading the way in this relatively new world of combining the craft of storytelling with user experience. We’ll also see how storytelling can be applied to more than just interactive experiences: we find it in everything from packaging to architecture.
In the first part of this Better User Experience With Storytelling series, we explored some of the basic structures and story patterns found in myths and religions.The Life Cycle of a Wireframe | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
For those who are looking for my slides from the Puget Sound SIGCHI lecture and for those who missed it but are curious, here is my presentation. It focuses specifically on my personal process for creating wireframes. There are 4 parts to my process, each has a series of deliverables that feed into it and principals I try to keep in mind, the outcome is either a single or a series of IA deliverables. My overall strategy for IA is 3 step process; understanding the problem (note: not merely identifying the problem but really understanding it), find a solution (there may be more than one solution, but there is often only one right solution), and present the solution (a large part of your job as a IA is presenting your work so the client can understand the results).Evangelizing Yourself
Please listen the following speech.
The presentation for my session at IA Summit 2009The UX Canon: Essential Reading for the User Experience Designer
The UX Canon: Essential Reading for the User Experience Designer
Extensive list of User Experience readingThe Future of User Interfaces
This is the first version of an OmniGraffle template for folks designing iPad apps.Track Mouse Activity On Your Computer | FlowingData
Global Visual Language 2.0
« Previous | Main | Next » A new global visual language for the BBC's digital services Post categories: GVL, uxd Bronwyn van der Merwe | 18:10 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 The BBC website began its official life back in December 1997 with this very simple design. It was a basic offering with two sections to the site. Over time it has grown to encompass a great deal more. However due to the organic way in which the website evolved and the old structure of the business, with dozens of small design teams working independently of each other, the site had a fairly schizophrenic nature once you delved into its depths. About 2 years ago, after printing out the site onto what has now become jokingly known as the 'Wall of Shame' we decided to embark on an ambitious project, called Global Visual Language 2.0, with the aim of unifying the visual and interaction design of bbc.co.uk and the mobile website.Bringing User Centered Design to the Agile Environment - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
"UCD can be too documentation-heavy, isolated and risky but Agile needs help with defining requirements and concept development. How can Agile and user centric principles work together?"Activity-Centered Design - Bokardo
ui design
Business Web application design is too often neglected. I see a lot of applications that don't meet the needs of either businesses or users and thus contribute to a...Information Gathering: a Roundup of UX Applications | UX Booth
Eine Sammlung von Webapps zum Tracken von Nutzerverhalten, Bewertungen, Meinungen (Heatmap, Mouse-Heatmap, Clickmap, Umfrage, ...)Ultimate guide to table UI patterns
Many agree that tables are a phenomenon in user interface design: they are very important parts of user interfaces but often overlooked. Tables show structured data and their purpose is to make that data readable, scannable and easily comparable. The thing is that in many cases tabular data is obscured. This is why tables have bad reputation and many find them boring.
Tables are a phenomenon in user interface design: they are very important parts of user interfaces but often overlooked. Tables show structured data and their purpose is to make that data readable, scannable and easily comparable.An exploration of the Basecamp Account (Upgrade/Billing) Screen
Excellent demonstration of the creative process while keeping in mind user-interaction/understanding and company branding/personality.
How stuff gets designed at Basecamp. I love the thought proces design the design: http://bit.ly/jcOUj [from http://twitter.com/charanjit/statuses/2794360472]How to get better at UI design
++++ Self traininguxurls.com » A user experience aggregator
Over the years designers have pushed themselves to create unique and inspiring designs. Companies have yearned to have websites which are innovative and make them...Web Design Criticism: A How-To - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine10 unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
task in mind. This means their tunnel vision is already on, theyiPad Application Design » Matt Legend Gemmell
Some good commentary on how the iPad UI is a new class of different (via @DaringFireball)ignore the code: Removing Features
we're simple & complicated
If you leave features in your application just because half a dozen people actually use them, you’ll end up with Microsoft Word.
Keeping a clean and unclogged interface is a concept that I think it's familiar and shared by most of the people here. I like how this blog put them together. It's a lot about usability in the end.
Removendo caracteristicas.Johnny Holland – It's all about interaction » Blog Archive » Creating Successful Style Guides
Tips and insights into good design and usability.
3d user interfacesAlignment - Formulate Information Design
Guidelines for form design.Guiding Principles for UX Designers | UX Magazine
USER EXPERIENCE RULES15 Desktop & Online Wireframing Tools | UX Booth
mocking web pages., wireframesWhy you only need to test with five users (explained): Measuring Usability
There are a lot of strong opinions about the magic number 5 in usability testing and much has been written about it. Here's another one.20 Gorgeous Web Application Interfaces | Design Shack
About This page describes the authoring and use of style guides created to ensure consistency across a product or web site. The style guide may covers anything from branding, usage of colors, and page layout, to development practices and standards.
User Interface style guides resource
This page describes the authoring and use of style guides created to ensure consistency across a product or web site. The style guide may covers anything from branding, usage of colors, and page layout, to development practices and standards.Scrolling and Attention (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
RT @kevinmarks:»@tomcoates: Nielsen on the fold: http://bit.ly/90qKYr « tl;dr? 'Scrolling beats paging' 'nice morsel at the very bottom'
Guideline/Ru;e of Thumb: Web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page fold. Although users do scroll, they allocate only 20% of their attention below the fold.How we made $1 million for SEOmoz—with one landing page and a few emails | Conversion Rate Experts
We've been getting a lot of questions in Q+A and on the road at events like last week's Miva Merchant conference, Online Marketing Summit and the YCombinator conference about h...Userfly: Usability Testing Made Easy | UX Booth
Ejector seat switch right next to cabin lights and FM radio. Brilliant.
"If we should make UI elements we want users to click on large, and ideally place them at corners or edges for maximum clickability -- what should we do with UI elements we don't want users to click on? Like, say, the "delete all my work" button?"
this is a really good article about UI design: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2010/03/the-opposite-of-fitts-law.html
I agree with this advice.Applying “A Pattern Language” To Online Community Design - Smashing Magazine
Key Elements to Website Design10 Excellent Tools for Creating Web Design Wireframes | Tools
Unnatural experiments in web design | http://cli.gs/2gyJ5Z **Must see for every #ux designer [from http://twitter.com/MikevHoenselaar/statuses/2109009831]
Paul Annet, from Clear Left
Knowledge management and competitive research community for user experience design on the web.Do’s and Don’ts of Usability Testing :: UXmatters
Ce qu'il faut faire et ne pas faire dans un test d'ergonomie - UXmatters http://bit.ly/aPlEaU #ergonomie
Do’s and Don’ts of Usability Testing
Testing with 10 to 12 participants tends to provide very little additional value over testing with 6 to 8 participants, despite the significantly increased cost of testing with more participants. Iterative usability testing also has the advantage of more easily fitting into agile development cycles.Ultimate guide to table UI patterns
web toolsユーザー中心の設計をするためのワークフロー - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
i think this explains itself
ユーザー中心のための設計やらデザインやらをするための標準的なワークフローがまとまっています。このページ日本語に訳してくれる人いたらいいんですけどねぇ。All Design Patterns | Open Source Design Pattern Library
Special insert
Guardian UK's service design insert from March 2010Horizontal Attention Leans Left (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
The first thing I do when I want to cut out some words is not read the original version. I just write a new one.
DETTE er copywriting av høg klasse og teksttrimming med riktig fokus: Kort og handlingsorientert, dvs selgande.
“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” - Mark Twain An example of rewriting text to be shorter and more focused.iA » Designing for iPad: Reality Check
With its high pitched light contrast, iPad is a miracle picture book or photo frame—but it (still) doesn’t replace printed matters. If, executed carefully, text on an iPad comes quite close, but it needs a lot of care and specific screen typographic know-how. Web body text sizes (14-16px) feel kind of small on iPad while bigger sizes clash with the canvas dimensions. This leads to all sorts of basic grid restrictions. iPad’s resolution is higher than a regular LCD but still lower than an iPhone which gives the pixel type an unusual “in between” feel.
when you write a text it doesn’t count words but the right column tells you: how much time someone spend to read your text until the cursor position (top number) the total reading time (bottom number)
Experiences designing apps and websites for the iPadnavflow
Herramienta para test de navegación rápidos en páginas web
test de usabilidad que los diseñadores webHow To Develop A Homepage Layout That Sells
25 godina GUI interfejsa
The Macintosh was introduced January 24, 1984. In fact, the Mac was originally manufactured in the Fremont, California building that now houses Nielsen Norman Group.... Summary: Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency.
"Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency. " Nielsen kommenterer hva Mac har betydd for utviklingen av GUI, og hvor iPhone bør ta oss nå.
He points to "usability" as the great triumph of the Mac. Not only is the platform more successful than ever, but the computing world wouldn't even resemble the one we know without it.Usability Quotes
ユーザビリティに関する、様々な格言。誰か上手な日本語にしてくれないかな?A wireframe kit for Google Drawings and 5 reasons it beats Omnigraffle and Visio - Morten Just
Wireframe kit for Google Drawings & why it's better than Omnigraffle & Visio - http://bit.ly/aK9UVnLukeW | Touch Gesture Reference Guide
nice reference
Le guide complet de la gestuelle pour les interfaces multitouchA List Apart: Articles: Design Patterns: Faceted Navigation
Also called guided navigation and faceted search, the faceted navigation model leverages metadata fields and values to provide users with visible options for clarifying and refining queries. Faceted navigation is arguably the most significant search innovation of the past decade.[2] It features an integrated, incremental search and browse experience that lets users begin with a classic keyword search and then scan a list of results.iA » iA’s 2006 Facebook Designs, Redesigned
The Facebook that could have been: mockups from a proposed 2006 redesign. http://bit.ly/bEgZ5s (via @ztf) – GOOD (GOOD) http://twitter.com/GOOD/statuses/12714946454
Our basic idea: To create an mail-application like interface with an elastic three-column layout that clearly separates filter, information-stream, and reaction: Filter: The left side column works as a sorting instrument Information-Stream: The center column shows the filtered results Reaction: The right side column is used for discussing the individual feed items.
@mahrko nein, nein: von informationarchitects.jp - ist verlinkt, hier nochmal http://bit.ly/d4j8sE aber schön wärs....How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience « Usability Post
How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience
Active Listening consists of a set of communication techniquesThe future of wireframes? « Made by Many
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little reward...
It’s time designers stepped up to the plate and claimed wireframes as their own.Emotional Interface Design: The Gateway to Passionate Users | Carsonified
Nice piece detailing the importance of emotional design in interface design.
Emotional Interface Design: The Gateway to Passionate Users
We’re changing. Our relationships online and in real life are shifting as we become more public with our private lives. Online social networks have helped our real world social networks transcend time and space making it easy (and seemingly essential) to share the triumphs, tragedies, and trite moments of life. No longer do you simply tell your best friend that you’ve broken up with your boyfriend. It feels natural to many people to tell hundreds of Twitter followers, and Facebook friends. No matter how you feel about the appropriateness of over sharing, the shift towards a public private life is changing our expectations of the relationships we create online. Remember the websites of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s that used formal language to create a professional, guarded persona and brand? The trend was towards the serious, because it seemed like you couldn’t land clients or entice new users if you weren’t stuffy.Designing For A Hierarchy Of Needs - Smashing Magazine
Bad IA is now the greatest cause of task failures because it's the stumbling block for getting anywhere on a site. Users try to find their way around a site, and if they're particularly motivated, they might even try again if they fail. But if users are repeatedly led in circles or dumped into no-man's land by weak search, they give up and leave for another site. That's why deficiencies in your IA are costing you a lot of money, right now.
Opening article reference for projectJohnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » A Social Interaction Primer
Article discussing the frame work on social interaction design and how a 2.0 expereince needs a different way of thinking focusing on the users expectations and assumptions instead of the creators intended purpose.Why Apple is great at interfaces when others are not | TechRadar Team | TechRadar UK
It's all right here: "Rather than survey a bunch of users on every decision, the Mac team decided each issue among themselves, invariably going for the option that might amuse a user the most, that would give a user the most pleasure, and therefore imbue the Mac with personality."
How something as simple as a shaking password box helps technology have a personality.The Differences Between Good Designers and Great Designers
Use good typography
[object Object]Designing for Social Interaction - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Designing for Social Interaction Strong, Weak, and Temporary Ties By Paul Adams Senior User Experience Researcher at Google. I'm the research lead for sociability, and I work with teams building products and features for the social web. I've previously worked as a User Experience consultant at Flow (working with the BBC, The Guardian, Vodafone, London Underground, and others), and as an Industrial Designer at Dyson.
RT @timkastelle: Terrific post! Can't find who mentioned it first - Designing for Social Interaction http://bit.ly/axYN9P18 Do’s and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web | Spyre Studios
18 Dos and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web
If you’re designing websites for a living or running your business online, there are 18 tips in this article that you should definitely read and remember.iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen thinks your innovative iPad UI is too "weird." I think he should, just maybe, stop worrying about a "back" button.
"iPad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems. "
iPad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems.TappGala: The Best in Mobile Interface Design
TappGala: The Best in Mobile Interface Design - http://www.tappgala.com/
The Best in Mobile Interface Design
iPhoneアプリのデザインまとめアーカイブサイト!15 In-Depth Examples of Addictive User Experience | Design Shack
15 clever and unique ui solutions from designshackCase-Study: Deconstructing Popular Websites (Opinion Column) - Smashing Magazine
In our past articles, we’ve experimented with better ways to engage users on web pages with CSS3. We love getting into the nuts and bolts of web design by showing off some nifty coding tricks. In this article we’ll take a step back to provide some reasoning for designers to embark on that next redesign.
deconstruccion de sitios web popularesZURB – Critique a Web Page in 30 Seconds or Less
When you're ready to launch your website, you'll want to give visitors the best user experience possible. Learning to evaluate a website effectively is part art and part science, but it's a skill that can be learned. To develop an eye for what works on a website and what doesn't, there are few simple techniques that help you critique your website in 30 seconds or less.Usability of iPad Apps and Websites: First Research Findings
Jakob Nielsen/Nielsen Norman Group.
ユーザーインターフェースの大御所、ヤコブ・ニールセンが93ページにわたる、iPadのユーザビリティレポート。10 New UX Books To Look Out for in 2010 | UX Booth
Livros de UX para ler em 2010Official Google Docs Blog: Rapid wireframe sketching in Google Docs
Cool tutorial on using Google Docs for creating mock-ups.
Official Google Docs Blog18 Great Examples of Sketched UI Wireframes and Mockups | Inspiration
18 Great Examples of Sketched UI Wireframes and Mockups
手書きのワイヤーフレーム。まとめ。The Psychologist’s View of UX Design | UX Magazine
Some choice observations on UX including: ‘People can only look at so much information or read so much text on a screen without losing interest. Only provide the information that's needed at the moment (see progressive disclosure...).’
Umfangreicher Guide einer Psychologin zu guter Usability
L'avis d'un psychologue sur la création d'interfaces utilisateursOn Engineering and Design: An Open Letter - BusinessWeek
On Engineering and Design: An Open Letter Microsoft Research Principal Scientist Bill Buxton calls for engineers and user-experience designers to learn to appreciate one anotherHow to make your user interface CRAP
in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post
Graphic design has 4 basic principles that appear to varying degrees in all well designed works; Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. They are there to help guide you in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post will show you how. Anyway, I like the acronym!
How to make your user interface CRAP: http://tinyurl.com/6o79yz [from http://twitter.com/tadej/statuses/913793683]
对比,重复,对齐,近似Required Reading for Interactive Designers | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
Looks like a useful reading list for interaction design.
Required reading list for MFA interaction-design program @ School of Visual Arts, in New York
Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 9:13 AM | Fast Company |BY Cliff Kuang
Good list... need to read a few on hereSkin Deep Usability « Momentum
"The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it’s just so…Microsofty.'"
Basking in the glow from our brand-new tabletop touch screen computer, we are greeted with…. not a glossy “welcome” montage, but a standard, legal disclaimer that asks if we accept the terms & conditions.
On using a Microsoft Surface for the first time.
this guy thinks the way I do
On setting up a new Microsoft Surface touch-screen, "no keyboard or mouse" computer, and discovering (among other issues, like where the power cord goes, or what color 'rhodamine' is), that one 'undocumented feature' is that a keyboard and mouse are required to boot the thing: "The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it's just so...Microsofty.'"
Gordon Miller går gjennom den frustrerende opplevelsen det er å sette opp Microsoft Surface.A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Web Design
Ethan Marcotte schreibt auf A List Apart über verantwortungsvolles Web-Design und seinen Versuch eines Flexible Grids. Umfrangreich, aber lesenswert.
from Event Apart Boston
About creating flexible web layouts that adapt to screen size.
An excellent article by Ethan Marcotte that's very relevant for designing for mobile devices and flexibility ...Wireframe Showcase - Home
RT @ppixels: #Webdesign Wireframe Showcase http://j.mp/9PPurSA List Apart: Articles: Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing
Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing (via @AListApart): http://bit.ly/azRGR0 (via @Loop11)Complete Beginner’s Guide to Design Research | UX Booth
iPadHow To Engage Customers In Your E-Commerce Website - Smashing Magazine
人機介面 三度空間
The future of #UI presented by John Underkoffler http://j.mp/cNmiED #tedtalk
Minority Report science adviser and inventor John Underkoffler demos g-speak -- the real-life version of the film's eye-popping, tai chi-meets-cyberspace computer interface. Is this how tomorrow's computers will be controlled?User Centred Design - Infographic Poster by Pascal Raabe
Check out this infographic poster about user centred design: http://bit.ly/UCDposter
"This is an information graphic poster illustrating the underlying lifecycle, methods, principles and techniques in a user centred design process where the visual part is only the tip of the iceberg."
This is an information graphic poster illustrating the underlying lifecycle, methods, principles and techniques in a user centred design process where the visual part is only the tip of the iceberg. This project is the result of my work experience at City ID, an information design studio with international reputation. The poster sums up many of the things that I’ve learnt during my time working with them. It also draws inspiration from practitioners who I admire and from a Digital Media module that I took at the Zurich University of the Arts in Switzerland which was taught by visiting lecturer and user experience designer Eva-Lotta Lamm.
is a good and beautiful infographic Poster by Pascal Raabe, summarizing what is to design with the user in mind.30 Free Web Design UI Kit Resources | VisonwidGet
网页设计的工具包,有的是设计类的框架Information Architecture: Enhancing the User Experience | Webdesigner Depot
RT @draenews: Del Information Architecture: Enhancing the User Experience | Webdesigner Depot: http://bit.ly/afWXUZKeynote Wireframe Toolkit - Get your Keynote Kung-Fu on
How to make wireframes using keynote.
线框图工具包LukeW | Gradual Engagement Boosts Twitter Sign-Ups by 29%
agenda2 signup
Rediseño de registro en twitter implicando más al usuario= aumento de nuevos usuarios
Gutes Praxisbeispiel für die Optimierung von Registrierungs-Prozessen. Besonders wichtig: Nutzer müssen so früh wie möglich einen Mehrwert für sich sehen, dann erst Daten eingeben. Twitter hat jetzt zwar mehr Formularschritte und längere Registrierungsdauer aber bessere Conversion
Twitter signup process walkthroughHow To Critique An Interface « Aza on Design
Some interesting insights into the different interactions and social experience of iPad vs. iPhone in a retail setting.
Studying how using Square on the iPad worked different than on the iPhone.
#iPad vs. #iPhone: A User Experience Study http://ow.ly/208ep #UX #UsabilityUX Myths
UX Myths http://uxmyths.com/ (via @igloodigital)
Tumblr about misconceptions of UX.
A lot of this is common knowledge for most UX designers, but there are still some interesting nuggets of information.10 Steps To A More Usable Ecommerce Website | Spyre Studios
RT @KISSmetrics: 10 Steps To A More Usable Ecommerce Website http://kiss.ly/ai5T5C #webdesign
VeriSignThe Ultimate Guide To A/B Testing - Smashing Magazine
RT @Jake_Hird: Light reading for a Friday afternoon: The ultimate guide to A/B testing http://ow.ly/23gk2 #yamCustomer Experience Mapping & «
ial plot refer to the six dimensions and three components in detail to ensur
There are six dimensions and three components of experience the map should capture. These represent important reference points for features of the service design – e.g. how the service is found, who uses it, what they’re looking for, what information they use, who and what is of most help etc. By capturing these experiential aspects we ensure the customers’ voice is represented as the service is designed and implemented.50 Sketching Resources for User Experience Designers | inspireUX - User Experience quotes and articles to inspire and connect the UX community
Usabilitat explicada en videosAndroid Developers Blog: Twitter for Android: A closer look at Android’s evolving UI patterns
UI Patterns for small form factor devices, with the use case of the Twitter app.Web application development guide - Salford City Council
RT @deliciouspb: Web application development guide - Salford City Council http://bit.ly/cKaG8A
Really good HTML style guide.Why Design-By-Committee Should Die - Smashing Magazine
I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to rip me apart give me some awesome feedback. His advice reminded me of notes I took almost ten years ago at an Edward Tufte seminar about giving great talks, and so the next logical step was to make old-timey boxing photos of them both and write a mashup of their talking tips. RIGHT? Both Jared Spool and Edward Tufte are known to be kick-ass speakers in the technology field – Tufte is all up in the freaking white house, and Jared speaks roughly 400 days a year around the world. I think we can learn a lot from their advice, and despite the artificial conflict introduced with boxing pictures, their tips are mostly complimentary.
Jared Spool vs. Edward Tufte
advice on presentations - could also apply to posts
"I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to give me some awesome feedback."LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School
RT @draenews: Del LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School: http://bit.ly/bBw8MuiPad and Kindle Reading Speeds (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Nielson compares Kindle to iPad reading speeds
Possible ECOO
Summary: A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
Nielsen säger att det går snabbare att läsa bok än e-bok. Testat på 24 personer- http://www.useit.com/alertbox/ipad-kindle-reading.html
Studie: Vergleich von Lesekomfort bei Kindle, iPad, PCAbout Pages: Good, Bad, and Missing | UX Booth
Users rarely begin their relationship with a company though its About page. More often than not, they learn about us based on what we do, the product or service that we offer. Why, then, should they want to learn more? About pages help users discover who lives behind the websites we create.9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them
RT @draenews: Del 9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them: http://bit.ly/cVVwO210 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
RT @draenews: Del 10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design: http://bit.ly/blN9sT
10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
1. Design can change businesses 2. Design is more than pretty pictures 3. Talks benefits not features 4. Thinks in flows not screens 5. Doesn’t make the user think 6. Starts with a great story 7. Uses design as a lever 8. Gets out of the office 9. Has a bible 10. Repeats & refinesIncrease Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and StatusDoes SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Does SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design?
Great article on the difference between intranets and internet websites from the design standpoint.Non Hover | Trent Walton
Working around hover states for touchscreens
interesting piece on differences between pointer and touchscreen devices: 'non hover' - diff b/t gallery and web for us http://is.gd/dknDzThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
"design and copywriting are two sides of the same coin; inseparable in every way"The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack http://goo.gl/NBAf #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack http://goo.gl/NBAf #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack http://goo.gl/NBAf #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingWebsite Response Times (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response... 1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless... 10 seconds keeps the user's attention... After 10 seconds, they start thinking about other things..."
Свежий Alertbox от Jakob Nielsen’а. В общем, ничего нового, люди все еще не любят ждать, тем более ждать пока, загрузиться какой-то там сайт.
Website Response Times
Slow page rendering today is typically caused by server delays or overly fancy page widgets, not by big images. Users still hate slow sites and don't hesitate telling us.
0.1 sec 1 sec and 10 sec rulesThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack http://goo.gl/NBAf #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingBeyond Frustration: Three levels of happy design | UX Magazine
sheBeyond Frustration: Three levels of happy design | UX Magazine
From the article: " * Mindfulness * Flow * Meaning If you have these woven into a design, it will be pretty remarkable."ignore the code: Gestures
@flo_muc problem 1 is no common vocabulary, problem 2 is UI that doesn't show verbs. @LKM just wrote about just that http://ignco.de/290 – Duncan Wilcox (duncanwilcox) http://twitter.com/duncanwilcox/statuses/14697678481
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2010/05/25/gestures
Way back when, computers used to only have command line interfaces. To get a PC to do anything at all, people had to memorize commands, and type them in correctly. But forcing people to memorize commands is not particularly user friendly. As a result, few people knew how to use computers, or wanted to learn. When graphical user interfaces became popular, people didn’t have to memorize commands anymore. Instead, everything they could do was shown on their screen. «Memorizing» was replaced with «recognizing». No longer did people have to memorize «cp» if they wanted to duplicate a file; they just had to look through the «File» menu and recognize the «Duplicate» command.
"In a way, gestural user interfaces are a step back, a throwback to the command line. Gestures are often not obvious and hard to discover; the user interface doesn’t tell you what you can do with an object. Instead, you have to remember which gestures you can use, the same way you had to remember the commands you could use in a command line interface."13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag
When it comes to online strategies you should never overlook the design of your sign up page. Some of the given examples are sites than many of you I'm sure are familiar with, although, I feel there are some growing gems among the group. Take a look around! Gist
13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - http://bit.ly/auG4Ft [via: designm.ag] – Stylesheet (stylesheet) http://twitter.com/stylesheet/statuses/18672847480How to prototype iPad applications in 30 minutes or less using Apple keynote | Amir Khella
RT @iphoneness: Creating an iPad Prototype fast: http://ow.ly/2d9kN it's possible
How long does it take to go from idea to prototype that you can test with potential customers? A month? A week? Few days? How about 30 minutes?What if you can move from idea to prototype at the speed of thoughts, without using any special wirefra
A quick guide to using Apple keynote for rapid prototyping of iPad applications, which can be tested directly on the iPad in 30 minutes or less. No code! FREE template included.Getting Started with Interface Design | Nettuts+
interface design and information architecture
In this article we look at five fields that you should aim to learn more about in order to rock at interface design. These fields include Experience Design, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, User-Centered Design, and Graphic User Interface (GUI) Design.Getting Started with Interface Design | Nettuts+
interface design and information architecture20 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils :Speckyboy Design Magazine
We are evolving a global experience language for the BBC’s digital services. The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).
Guideline da BBC para construção de sites. Tem também alguns design patterns. style guide
Building a Global Experience Language for the BBC We are evolving a global experience language for the BBC’s digital services. The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).
The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).20 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils :Speckyboy Design Magazine
User Interface Design Patterns
We recently completely revamped our site, and at the same time changed its name to Pattern App. The new name expresses better the nature of our new user interface design pattern library. Pattern App will be something more than just a collection of design patterns or a design gallery.
completely revamped our site, and at the same time changed its name to Pattern App. The new name expresses better the nature of our new user interface design pattern library. Pattern App willPattern App | User Interface Design Patterns for Ideas and Inspiration
UI Pattern Factory is now Pattern App We recently completely revamped our site, and at the same time changed its name to Pattern App. The new name expresses better the nature of our new user interface design pattern library. Pattern App will be something more than just a collection of design patterns or a design gallery.Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy | UX Booth
Consistently publishing content requires that we deal with a foe known as content management. Content management is just what it sounds like: a way to manage the creation and dissemination of content. To systematically do that, it’s imperative that publishers employ what’s (aptly) known as content management systems (CMSs). The most common of kind of which is called a blog.
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy
“If [Information Architecture] is the spatial side of information, I see content strategy as the temporal side of the same coin.” - Louis RosenfeldUX Myths | UX Booth
UX Myths debunked. http://bit.ly/aNVTMQ via @theothercgray #user #experience #UX #usabilityHome
Describes principled ways to solve common user interface design problems related to search, faceted navigation and discovery.
The Endeca User Interface Design Pattern Library (UIDPL) is the result of the collective work of Endeca's User Experience Team and numerous others at Endeca. We began creating and using an internal UIDPL approximately three years ago to capture and share lessons learned from our work and the experiences of our customers and partners on a wide variety of search and discovery problems and applications. Our ultimate goal was to create this publically accessible and living UIDPL to openly share our ideas and promote community dialogue about how to design great search and discovery experiences. While several other excellent UI pattern libraries exist today, our focus is on defining principled ways to solve common user interface design problems and opportunities related to search, faceted navigation, and information discovery.The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens | Inspired Magazine
Below, I’ve jotted down a few thoughts on design practices that we’ll likely be seeing a lot more of as site owners begin reorganizing and redesigning to welcome our touchy-feely visitors.
Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens http://inspiredm.com/G4f6 * can we get some stumbles pls :] – Inspired Magazine (inspiredmag) http://twitter.com/inspiredmag/statuses/16391660753
RT @EricssonLabs: The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens (via @inspiredmag) http://icio.us/c2d0mb
It’s probably safe to say that touchscreens as a method of interacting with the web aren’t going away. In fact, it appears quite the opposite: most new smartphones have one now, Google’s making their own tablet, and I think ol’ Steve Jobs has managed to shift a couple…million.
The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens - http://bit.ly/aLL0YY – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) http://twitter.com/smashingmag/statuses/16683582178Concerning Fidelity in Design | UX Booth
Design methods are not mutually exclusive. Rather, each method exists on a continuum of fidelity, ranging from low fidelity sketches to high fidelity HTML prototypes. Each method is well-suited for a particular phase of the design process, with one level of fidelity often leading into the next.
With all of these different methods to choose from, should you be sketching, wireframing, mocking-up, or prototyping? The answer, simply put, is yes you should. Design methods are not mutually exclusive. Rather, each method exists on a continuum of fidelity, ranging from low fidelity sketches to high fidelity HTML prototypes. Each method is well-suited for a particular phase of the design process, with one level of fidelity often leading into the next.Concerning Fidelity in Design | UX Booth
Design methods are not mutually exclusive. Rather, each method exists on a continuum of fidelity, ranging from low fidelity sketches to high fidelity HTML prototypes. Each method is well-suited for a particular phase of the design process, with one level of fidelity often leading into the next.Web-based prototyping software for interaction designers: quplo
Creative Commons License
Padrões de design são soluções testadas e verificadas para problemas comuns de design que podem ser aplicados em contextos específicos. Cada padrão corresponde a um problema que ocorre frequentemente no processo de design e descreve uma solução prática para o solucionar.http://futureselfservicebanking.com/
Awesome IDEO ATM redesign documentary. Lot's of good thinking in here. Via Pablo.
RT @HashemBajwa: IDEO redesigns the ATM. Interesting video on the design process. http://futureselfservicebanking.com/
"virtual to real transitions" – quite amazing work around the future of self-service banking http://j.mp/9A75lj #ideo
Proyecto de IDEO para rediseño de cajeros automáticos del BBVA en España.